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tv   KRON 4 News at 630pm  KRON  April 11, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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>> fact, one of our big stories tonight after a battle with cancer. oj simpson passed away at the age of 76. he was certainly a polarizing figure from superstar athlete to popular actor. but he's largely terms life was ultimately clips by what became known as the trial of the century. with months of cameras in the courtroom, millions of people tuning in live to hear the verdict of whether or not he was found guilty of killing his ex-wife, nicole brown. simpson and her friend ron goldman. here talk more on that infamous trial or kron. 4 legal analysts. michael cardoza, you are involved in this case, right?
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well, that i did commentary on the part of the case. i wasn't directly involved with as well. let me tell you a quick story about oj, you know, you're up in the city right? >> galileo, high school. but before he went to high school, used to play touch football out of funston and you know, you picked teams out, take him. you take him. they hid oj behind buildings. go come hide. and the last kind of pick a oh, there he is. we was that great and napoli back well, it's it's, you know, the younger generation only knows the trial and and doesn't know what he was like before rise accusations came out. >> he was so popular. he's such a phenomenal football player. mean, i remember watching play for the buffalo bills, even usc. just an amazing athlete. and he was just a charismatic personality and he's very popular in movies and so on. so in this case hit, it was a huge that he was accused of this crime and then ultimately that was the statement that he had to
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live with the rest of his life. sadly, that's how he's going to be remembered because some say he was the best running back in the nfl ever. you so. >> yeah, but tell me about your thoughts on the outcome of that trial because a lot of people, particularly people who are not black it was a slam dunk that he was guilty the knife. i mean, there's so much evidence you can point to, right, right? the black community had a whole different perception. it was right after the rodney king case which inflame tensions even more talk about that dynamic of right? well here, here's what happened down la. the first mistake that was made. >> the district attorney was approached by the sheriff of la county said, it happened out in brownwood. that's going to be a santa monica trial. and you can imagine the composure of the jury's who they'd much more white than black. and the sheriff said to the da, look, we can't do security. do you mind moving
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and down the hill street downtown and the da agreed with that. when i heard that at the time i went oh, and i wasn't da in la. i just left there to come back to the bay area. and i thought, that's a big mistake. so they change sons has states called venue. but from santa monica to downtown that completely changed the dynamic of it. and then you get to the district attorney is involved. i don't know if a lot of people remember, but there was marcia clark and i don't remember the older district attorneys name, but he was caucasian and he had a heart attack. and the da's office said, well, we need to bring someone else side and they brought christopher darden who happens to gridlock and black? yeah. and i thought wait a minute, christopher. if i remember correctly and never tried a murder case before. so they were bringing him on for
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obvious reasons. and i'm sure that put down potential jurors saw right through that. and then you got to the trial. what remember, judge ito lands? you know, he really didn't control that trial very well. and you've got always high powered attorneys on the other side led by johnnie cochran. now, tell your story a member of the glove don't fit. got much to quit. the people that were involved in the trial told me the way that went down. ashley bailey came up to darden city. chris. you know, we've got his glove just given a heads up, we're going to o j tried it on. now. if you want go ahead. and when i heard that, i thought all. do not agree to that because you give the imprimatur of the da's office. but darden took the bait. okay. how what will we'll do it right? not you.
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well, you see are the folks that one time right? and since the da have him do it, people that couldn't be put up. now, if the defense did it, people would obviously go come you know, it's obviously states. and then i'm talking to the attorneys that defense team met every night and had discussions about what they were doing, where they were going. house told the da's didn't do that. they were like, this as you said, this a slam dunk case. why do we need to meet? they didn't. they're basically out workouts, killed. and you saw the result of this trial. >> it's a certainly something be talked about and debated for many, years to come. all right. let's move a closer to home this sideshow crackdown sideshows last weekend over on the peninsula. the east bay on the bay bridge. a chp is trying to crack down, but they're saying. it's almost impossible task. you can't send chp officers into the
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middle of a sideshow. potentially violent situation there. outmanned may be outgunned. is there a? is there a solution that is your solution? send more police officers send a better arm. mean, i don't know what else to do. >> i've been the victim of 2 sideshows. thank god. that i was leaving oakland airport to go home both times but is inconvenienced myself. my partner. what, 10, 15, 20 minutes while a side shows going on. >> they said that they they are tracking down the vehicles after the fact and and making arrests and seizing vehicles. when they're with the technology of drones and lasers and all these things with their money away to to mark vehicles that are in the act for own or something like that but then what have they found? >> a lot of these cars are stolen, right? so all we've got the car, we've got the license plate. let's go. and then show up at your house and
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going and my car was stolen. when you're talking about, i don't do sideshows. so you can do that. but to what end? i think you've got to catch the men. they somehow maybe do a dragon. i don't know. that's up to the highway patrol, but i do know it has to stop because i keep thinking what if someone is on the way to the hospital and that's life or death? i and i don't know the answer to this, but if there is a sideshow going on and you catch the people, could you charge them with a homicide, a murder? so a minute, you stop that ambulance. that person's life could have been saved or a baby woman's pregnant. there are all sorts of what f but the selfishness of it and non responsibility. is it shocking to me? but what goes on today and our cities different level, it doesn't shock me. no consequences. you could make the same argument over the protests that shut down the bay bridge also on absolutely. i thought they should around at all them up. >> and put him in jail. but here's the problem with that. when i was a da and alameda
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county when things like that happen, if you prosecute them. all right. and don't don't just say, well, that's spent 2 days in jail. let that be enough. if you prosecute them, you give them another forum to protest. now you've got protesters in front of the courthouse for weeks disrupting their jury. so those are tough decisions for district attorneys. now you've got away, right? do we want to keep this political diatribe out? do we want to give them a forum? so that another our final topic today. is this bizarre story of an exorcism? >> in san jose, 3 people now accused of killing this. a 3 year-old girl who they said was possessed. yeah. now. from a criminal legal standpoint, it seems like that case. easy pursue. but i'm wondering about. potential religious defense and all of that. if they believe that this little child is possessed. yeah. and
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that's their religious belief child from is that a free the - legitimate argument that does a legitimate argument might be? >> a psychiatric defense that they believed in something that obviously maybe not people's will not true. >> but they ended up killing their that's family collective insanity. grandfather, father, mother and the little girls tried to escape and she's telling mom, mom, i love you. why did not wake mom up to go well here, not on this leap has asked. so these people are real. there's no question about about a jury have ask jurors or religious beliefs. and if they believe the devils, yeah, i don't think you're going to find many of those. i'm told i was in court today down in santa clara. >> and i happened to be involved in a preliminary hearing that's in front of the same judge that heard the
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preliminary hearing is going to come back early. may with a decision. us weather is going to send it to trial or not. is a good judge. well measured very bright. he's going to hold that answer and send it to a trial. yeah, it's a type of trial that jurors are going to sit there and listen and say you did what you believe, they're all going to be found guilty. >> and and put away unless they get some sort of good psychiatric defense that brings down that first-degree murder because they're facing 25 to life. it's they did. they charged and assault of killing child under 8 years of age and that carries 25 to life. so i wouldn't be surprise. jury hears this and i mean, that's going bring you to tears to listen to this trial. i would think once the judges through with your instruction, some of those years just might raise their hand and go. judge, we don't to go back there with everybody. good with this. they let's go. i mean, it's so
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shocking. and so for it's so out of the ordinary, but it's yes all the way around question. all right, michael cardoza, always appreciate you coming on. thank you. >> vicki, well, thank you both. always so much to talk when it comes to legal matters. and speaking of that at the man who stole a private plane in palo alto and landed. >> on half moon bay beach will not be standing trial. a judge has ruled that luis, gustavo aires is not competent to stand trial and suspended all criminal proceedings prosecutors say the 50 year-old was a no show in court has refused to leave his jail cell. according to court documents, aires previously told investigators he stole the plane to, quote, show the government that airports lack proper security is defense attorney raise doubts about the homeless man's competency to understand court proceedings. a court-appointed psychiatrist evaluated aires, mental state and the judge sided with the defense. -e remains in custody. that all 4
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zone forecast as we get a live look outside at san francisco bay. a beautiful day, but enjoy it while it lasts, right, lawrence? yeah, big things changing here. and boy, if you're traveling in the high country. >> as we get into the weekend, you got to be careful. carry those chains with you. a nice look up toward half dome right now. beautiful shot. the snow capped mountains out there. but some of that snow been melting with some warmer temperatures this week. but we'll see some much colder air beginning to move in over the weekend. right now it is dry as you make your way across the sierra nevada. still see some of that snow will over the mountain tops there as well. more that on the way in a couple thunderstorms popping up a little further south toward the man. there is also into a part of 70 valley. and that's really the place that you have to worry about. i think most of the storm gets a little bit closer, but this is unusually cold storm this late in the season. it is dropping down. cla speckle clouds on the backside of it. that's going to roll in spin right off the coastline by tomorrow afternoon as we get into saturday. here comes more snow may be a lot of it, too. in fact, we could be talking as
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much as 6, maybe 6 inches, maybe a foot of snow in the high country looking out for some a gusty winds, too. if you're traveling toward the tahoe area, watch out for that snow advisory a little further south toward the mammoth lake city, 70 and the southern parts of the sierra nevada that go into effect, starting 11 o'clock in the morning on saturday to 11:00pm on saturday night. expect 6 to 12 inches of snow in the high country. so it traveled up there again. you've got to be ready for just about everything. tomorrow should be a nice drive to get up there. little breezy in the afternoon. but watch out by saturday and sunday. make sure snow and rain on saturday. more snow showers likely continuing into sunday. thank you. or some man who police say vandalized to san francisco mosque has been arrested. >> police identified him as 35 year-old robert gray member of the mosque says last thursday you saw a man parked his car in front of the mosque in the city, smashed the windows with a skateboard shouted hate speech ran into the mosque for a drink of water and then went back to his car. police say
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the suspect went back to the map the mosque last night and that's when officers arrested him. >> there's a tiger woods sighting at augusta national today in the first round of the 88th masters. next up in sports, we will tell you how the 5 time champ did back in the 5 time champ did back in georgia. .
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> what a time of year. if you're into this kind of stuff. the start of the 88th masters said to be pushed back a couple hours because of some whether that threaten pristine
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grounds there at augusta national. but this video here shows what they had to deal with after the rain blew by gusty winds, president everybody out there. they teed off a couple hours later than expected. and here we go. tiger woods, he is somehow doing it with a half a lego infused back played in his 26 masters flipping through his notes, heavy knock in a 12 foot birdie putt. well, he could write the book on how to play augusta. rolls it in and tiger woods one under through 13 holes when darkness suspended play help pick up the first are 2 familiar names at the top of the leaderboard. we're able to finish up. scottie scheffler there. the current number one player in the world knocks in the birdie at 16. he finished at 6 under one and everybody is chasing the man from modesto bryson dechambeau at this 30 footer that just had enough to get in there at the par 4 17th. he
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birdies it a sham vote. who plays on the live is at 7 under par. has a one shot lead over scheffler after the first round they were able to finish. he talked about his move to the new league. the live tour following his round today. >> pretty quickly that not everybody is going agree with, you know, like what you're doing you know, my mom always told me to respect those 2 others. we want to be treated in. i tried to do as much as possible and when somebody doesn't agree with me. respectfully say, okay, appreciate that. but i think it's this way >> last year, essentially lot has happened my life and you realize going frailty of life and how precious it is. expecting father time understanding that. happen enjoy their enjoy the ride, smell the roses. >> all right. let's see champeau. but again, tiger woods is in the mix here. he's
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got to finish first round tomorrow fans relaxing chilling kicking up before their game with the rangers in arlington hope and starting pitcher jp sears could do his second start of the getting a series win against the champs their home yard. and sears had himself a day looking for something. get some help here from seth brown who got the a's going offensively in the 3rd. hit one down the line and right. will it stay stays fair? >> it's barely does wraps around the cold air solo shot brown's first of the season and the a's are up. one, nothing level. sears had the rangers just off ballots all swing and a miss their corey seager goes down and the 6th 5 strikeouts on the day and he's got a no hitter calling into the 7th. how about that? but on the '02 pitch, the oldest garcia. it's a clean single to left ends. the no-hit bid and sears outing. but hey, heck of a game young man and the a's
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bullpen holds up. so did brown's homer a's win it one? nothing. it take 2 of 3 from the champs fierce years after his gem of the games. >> it's definitely something that, you know, it's hard to but 5 pitch, you know, you don't think about when you're out there. know they're trying that's my job. yeah, it was one of those days where occasion was a big factor. >> all right. with the plot thickens in the shohei ohtani gambling scandal. according to an fbi affidavit, pate mizuhara the former interpreter for ohtani. still more than 16 million dollars over 2 years from the dodgers superstar to pay off gambling debts to any legal sportsbook. those are the allegations. federal authorities filed a complaint accusing is a har of bank fraud which can carry a maximum fine of up to a million dollars and or 30 years in prison, according to the u.s. attorney ohtani is considered a victim in the case and had no knowledge of
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missouri cars, gambling activities as a heart is expected to appear in u.s. district court on friday. that's sports. i'm grant now back over to vicki and ken, thank you. grant now to our 4 zone forecast says a live look at the beautiful 6, 80 freeway in walnut creek. lawrence is here >> lourdes you do i want know if able to move the rain out of the weekend zone since we're close to it. what? yeah. and that's been part of the problem this year, right? most of the weekend they had these storms rolling in so far this year. but here we go. the good news is i think most the heavier rainfall is going to come overnight friday night into early on, sir, saturday morning. so if you sleep in, you missed the bulk of it. just scattered showers after that. right now clears can be. and san francisco looking good out there this evening. of course, we have some nice warm temperatures in the 70's and the 80's again, as we head through the night tonight, though, big change going to head our way as the clouds going to start to roll in some patchy fog, some mid to high level clouds to tomorrow. we'll see more clouds on the
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way the temperatures likely to drop a good 5, maybe 15 degrees by tomorrow afternoon and much colder as we get into saturday with those showers continue a slight chance, a lingering showers even on sunday morning. long range forecast. you the sea that are low pressure swirl right off the coastline, spinning down. and as we head toward tomorrow evening, that rain not that far away. in fact, moving in overnight friday night, early into saturday morning, some snow popping up over the sierra nevada. fact, we could see a couple of snowflakes across some of our local mountain tops, least the highest peaks as we head in towards a saturday as well. showers likely to continue as that low spends around. maybe even some thunderstorms too. then it heads out of town. i think next week we've got a big change again as we get back some nice weather. but yeah, pretty significant rainfall with this system as it moves on by some places more than an inch of rain from that storm system. that is not bad for a late season storm highs tomorrow will be cooler around the bay area. still sticking it. some 60's and a few low 70's. the warmer spots well inland next couple days, it is back to wintry weather so long to those 70's and 80's
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highs topping out only in the 50's scattered showers on saturday. thank you, north. still no sighting of that gray whale who got tangled up in a fishing net. the whale was spotted tuesday near pacifica, but >> it has since disappeared. this is video from the marine mammal center yesterday where rescue crews set out by boat cover to 70 mile area between pacific and point raise. but they couldn't find the whale fog. wind and strong waves hampered the search. and today the weather off the coast is getting worse. as a result. a marine mammal center says there will be no search today. likely not until next week after this weekend's storm passes by rescuers say they're reaching out to different agencies to keep an eye out for that whale from the shore and if they can spot it, rescue crews hope to be able to put a satellite tracker on the whale and then down the road make contact with it and try to get that fishing net removed santa clara county mosquito and vecto control are learning the east san jose community of a new invasive
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mosquito in their area. >> county officials are informing the community in helping to combat the aggressive species that carry viruses and diseases like yellow fever. the district hopes that residents in the area will allow staff to access the properties to check for these mosquitoes and treat him as needed to remove the non native mosquitoes entirely. up next, the new space in downtown san francisco hoping b
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>> it is open a new food food hall in san francisco. the two-storey food hall can fit more than 400 people. it's
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known sallie hall. food hall features 11 different types of food and will include entertainment space for live music and community gatherings. fun fact, food hall will serve its own byran or exile lager brewed by san francisco craft brewery, fort point. that wraps up kron for news at 6 10. everybody.
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