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tv   KRON 4 News at 5pm  KRON  April 12, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station, you're watching kron. 4 news at >> coming up, we'll break. i think the excitement is still there. people are so excited to come out. we're just looking forward to hosting everyone. >> all right, buddy hustle and now at 5 oakland's first fridays is back tonight after a three-month hiatus. thanks for joining us on kron. 4 news at 5. i'm grant lotus and i'm noelle bellow. it was all supposed to happen last week. but rain in the forecast forced the cancellation, but now it is officially back as of tonight. >> kron four's rob nesbitt joining us in studio now with more on the benefits of first friday. rob. >> noel in grand around 70 vendors lined telegraph ave for oakland's first fridays. and tonight just started a few minutes ago. it brings in a lot of money for local businesses, but also is expensive to put on. oakland. first. fridays is back graphpad is closed off in oakland for the first time this year. >> and organizer vanessa mcgee says thousands will show up.
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it kind of started reaching numbers of anywhere from 30 to 50,000 people coming out. that's one of the goals of first friday to bring people to oakland to experience the city and the rich culture that exists here. but these crowds coming a price mcgee says first fridays costs an average of $40,000 a month to put on that cause is why organizers spent time from january to march to fundraise instead of put on first friday events kind of formed a fundraising that's a mixture of our staff along with some other community members. even some vendors, some of our board members also participate. it was just an opportunity for us to brainstorm potential ideas. she says they are ready to kick things off friday and help businesses like dairyland benefit owner jason luge acts as the vendors in crowds help the public perception of oakland when it comes to public safety. when you have a bunch of people, the street at crime is less likely happen. >> right. because the crime that happens here sort of happens in the shadows. all and so i think the more people that are on the street and sort of milling about and having a good time and keep an
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eye out for each other is a really good thing. now that new funding has been secured in the festivit es are able to continue with music and food. >> the 3rd and final goal of first fridays is in focus, community engagement. we take great pride in being a positive, safe pace here plant for the people of oakland as well as surrounding communities cities. the common partake. >> first fridays has already started, but still a few more hours for you to go and take part. if you'd like vendors will be part along telegraph ave until 09:00pm tonight. it's a lot of fun. if you haven't been so music, food. lot of says one of the first things i did when i moved to the bay area actually was the first friday and it a lot of fun to. >> hang out that way. but this is technically second. sure, friday people might be confused. they did cancel last week. they were supposed to kick it off they kind of proactively decide the weather forecast wasn't looking too great for that. so it's happening the second friday. obviously, it's really funny said that i was just going to say one of the first things i did when i moved, there is a
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good first problem. really? it was awesome. >> it was. it's a lot of fun. good food. >> good music. yeah, it was dancing in the street that something as you had a comment first friday, great. it's been friday? never been to a but the last one that for sure is we're going to see clouds rolling in tonight. yeah, they had to cancel the last one because of rain. boy is getting close right now. i think it's going to stay dry for the event to see the clouds making their way over san francisco right now. thickening up outside. if you're headed out the door to go to first, try to just grab a jacket with the temperatures, cooling off the breeze. he's also been picking up around the bay area. 61 degrees right now in oakland. it is 67 degrees, pleasant and fremont. 64 in hayward. 57 degrees in san francisco. but yeah, those clouds been streaming in specially in the afternoon beginning to pick up just a bit. and that's not too far away. he said, yes, we're off the coastline. that said next area of low pressure that's going to be dropping in and bring us some rain back to the bay area. this an unusually cold storm again
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rolling in just in time for your friday night and the weekend tonight. if you're headed out the door, i think we keep things dry as we head through the evening hours. temperatures not battle, though, cooling off in the 50's as we head toward 8 o'clock tonight. rain looking to roll on in those we get ready for the weekend. we will time that storm out for you. coming up in a few minutes. thank you, lord. send update tonight. authorities believe they have found the body of a teenager who got swept away in the russian river yesterday. sonoma county deputies say the body was found late this morning around 5 o'clock yesterday evening. they got a call about to 2 teenagers that needed rescuing witnesses say one of them was able to get out on their own. but the other never made it out. sadly, the victim's identity has not yet beenbreleased. in san francisco, the muslim community and in our faith leaders are speaking out tonight about the arrest of a man. >> accused of vandalizing a mosque and harassing members during the holy month of ramadan. kron four's gayle ong
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has details. >> we hope no harm the falls. anybody of any ethnicity. we are here with you together. that your pain is our pain. we are relieved that the perpetrator has been apprehended. interfaith leaders showing solidarity with the muslim community friday afternoon. >> days after a man smashed windows of this, not mosque and harassed members. surveillance video captured it all. san francisco police say the man you see in the video is 35 year-old robert greatly arrested him for felony vandalism. > we arrested him and charged with a hate crime for all the damage in the threatening in that really >> intimidating what was going on police say gray visited the mosque multiple times this month during the holy month of ramadan. the sfpd assistant police chief and chief of staff for the san francisco district attorney's office shared these words. we will drive by musk and places of worship. we're continue to be
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present. >> well, but the trust is so important because we want to help people. we want to respond rapidly. we take a crime very seriously here. we truly believe it is every san franciscans right to have a safe place to worship. the mosque's board members say there have been other acts of vandalism during the holiday month. >> and hope the arrest of the perpetrator in this case will send a message the city's actions. today will show the city is serious and taking action against people who hate against muslims than any other race. religion in the city to see the francisco police department step up. >> the way that they to see the temps, a school district attorneys office the way that they to show that the muslim community is has heard seen as other community members and cisco. the word comes from the word arabic language which means peace. so we hope these and blessings are spread across all communities. and we hope that such incidences do not impact anybody. great
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remains in custody and is facing 6 years in state prison if convicted of all charges and the hate crime allegation. >> in san francisco, gayle ong kron, 4 news. >> a man in south san francisco has been arrested for allegedly threatening and assaulting a group of protesters protesting a cease-fire in gaza. witnesses claim the man made threats to one of the protesters based on their perceived ethnicity. he then assaulted multiple protesters resulting in minor injuries. the man was booked into jail on suspected battery threats and hate speech. >> arrested in american canyon high school teacher for the second time in a week. investigators say they found new evidence. 41 year-old brad role sexually assaulted a child rival is a pe teacher. he was on administrative leave following an arrest at the school tuesday on charges including inappropriate contact with a minor. a 67 year-old palo alto resident was arrested for child crimes.
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last month. fallout to detectives were reportedly notified. robert wentz law was speaking to an undercover officer in georgia. they say that officer was posing as a 12 year-old girl. detectives say he provided his cell phone number sent pictures of himself and made arrangements to meet in person. they believe there could be other victims. anyone with information is asked to call palo alto police. san francisco city officials say since they shut down street vending in the mission, merchants report both cleaner and safer streets. but it has been tough on legitimate street vendors. and as kron four's, dan kerman reports, they are not awaiting another transition. since november street. vending and mission street between 14th and cesar chavez has been off limits to 2 illegal sales and other safety related issues. >> some of the legitimate street vendors were moved to this indoor storefront at
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mission near 18th called lt young guy. the problem is shoppers have been few and sales have been dismal. i did last month and a not be when i sell one is on that already. >> and that is it's not even 2. >> that's not no. look for us. when then we have a they started. >> when the band now this temporary site is slated to close in just over a week. the volume being so low and the foot traffic also is a challenge. this actually we came to a decision with the vendors themselves of transitioning them and into the other site, which is more open air. it's it's in a parking lot. there's more visibility. it's close to transit. >> the other vendor site is located at this outdoor parking lot at 24th and capp the site known as la cita had
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until recently been home to both street vendors and covid testing going forward. the site will expand and focus solely on street vendors in hopes of attracting additional vendors and shoppers. so that's the goal is that we will have 20 vendors there. let leslie the selling a variety of products with more visibility. word about the expansion at love. plus seat on 24th. >> had made it to all of the vendors said lt young guy who are still weighing their options. look at the market, you know, by stepping what they can do not >> not trying keep her heart the city's also in the process of renovating another indoor storefront at mission near 17th, which could open defenders sometime this summer. >> ultimately, the city's goal is to allow again. but at this point, they don't have the resources to either keep it safe or to differentiate the legal and those selling stolen goods. dan kerman kron, 4
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>> coming up, amazon handing out scholarships in the south bay, but they're not just giving him these kids money. >> but san francisco police say hundreds of reforms have been made to department protocol. what that means for actually fighting crime on day-to-day basis. >> he had up to tahoe. are theresa hit the slopes to give us a taste of it? mid april skiing after all the spring skiing after all the spring snow stick with - my childhood was tough.
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i didn't grow up in a warm, supportive home, so the trauma i went through led to something called toxic stress. but it's gonna be different for my son. i'm giving him the protection he needs to defend against it. by taking time to play, even on long days.
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- by offering extra patience, even when it's running short. - and giving him the assurance that he's safe here. learn more at >> welcome back. the sierra is expected just to receive even more snow this weekend. back in january. it looked a bit
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bleak. ski resorts were receiving a mere fraction of the snow compared to last year's epic snowpack. but then february happened roaring back giving skiers and boarders and amazing into the season. crowd force theresa reports. >> i'm up here at north star. this is one of the last days of season. so just checking out the spring skiing, looks pretty spectacular, as you can see behind me. crowds. that's a winner. >> so as far as what it's like out on the slopes, we're going to check it this is what a base of nearly 114 inches of snow with 100% of the lifts still operating in mid-april. looks like storm after storm left ski resorts like north star with enormous windfall. >> at the beginning of this month, the california department of water resources revealed that for 2 years in a row. the april survey showed a snow pack with 110% of
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average. excellent beautiful for those who loved to ski and board. the late season was simply joyful light clothing, even shorts were popular. outfits due to the warm sunny i could >> nice. and he just now. what are about? heavy coats? what's the best thing about spring this is my first time, but it's really nice. the weather is beautiful. the trees are in line skiing this time of year can be challenging with some sticky spot is leading to some falls. fortunately this spring snow. >> softens the blows to the body fabulous tight. >> fracking die. sun's out. snow is much better than i expected. should they not a beautiful iraq's know people want use better from it. >> or star closes on sunday, april 14th. that is not the case and other resorts, for example, nearby palisades tahoe is projected to stay open until may 27. they we are the last around. i believe all of the season. last run of the
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sticky. >> on the snow, a lot better than having rocks. so capital snowfall has been good from that perspective. without a doubt. at north star theresa kron, 4 news. >> love the braids. yeah. theresa looks like she's having fun out there. thank you, teresa. yeah. one last time skip their right. i not as many people on the slopes as i would have thought yeah, winding down. you would think a lot. maybe this weekend people waiting to go out and they're getting a fresh powder to ski i mean, it just does one, not one. so we're not talking just a few inches. maybe a foot of snow. and now, yeah, it's going to go in again. so, yeah, we're going to ramp things up. if you're headed to the high country, of just the mountains gorgeous out there right now looking toward half dome. you see the snow out there on the mountaintops clouds kind of broken right now. but there's more on the way right now. roadways are open and clear. that's the good news tomorrow. in the starting a little dicey up there, you may need your
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chains from times as that snow begin to move in both 18. 50 looking good right now. i think. >> if you are planning to head up the tahoe area, the temperatures not bad. 41 incline village. 54 degrees south lake tahoe. 46 degrees in emerald bay. and 49 in tahoe city. so not bad there. but storm clouds, a rotating off the coastline. this an unusually cold storm that is coming down from the gulf of alaska. cla speckle clouds on the backside of a to that's going to start to ramp up and move in as this low moves right off the coastline that will send the clouds up in the sierra nevada and they're going to be a lot of snow. so, yeah, be prepared for that. the high country going to see that snow up there. a southern california. well, not bad, but we're going to see the rain making its way into northern california. and if you are headed the high country, going to see a mixture tomorrow, it's going to be a mix of some rain and some snow and some gusty winds. some winds going start whipping across the high country. if you're heading that snow showers will likely continue on sunday to then looks like we'll finally dry out late the day on sunday into monday. looks to return
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to some more spring skiing conditions with all that fresh powder out there on the. so here's where we sit now compared to normal. how about 122% of normal in the northern sierra nevada 109 in the central sierra and in the southern sierra 105% of normal. that is all great news. we're going to see another 6 inches, maybe a foot of snow across the high country. and folks are going joy that schiano those skiers are some of them are staying up late this season. lawrence, thank you. more than a dozen illegally manufactured guns and ammo have been recovered in san jose. police say investigation led them. >> to the arrest of 2 men following a search warrant to their home and a storage unit. they say the men were selling the firearms out of their home in the area of river ashe court and stone canyon drive. they are both facing multiple firearms-related charges. >> bay area bio tech giants genentech and sanofi are laying off hundreds of workers
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in the next couple of months. and then tech is expected to let go of more than 400 employees. those layoffs start in june. sanofi is a french pharmaceutical company and they reportedly will lay off about 100 employees as they close their san francisco location. another san francisco business is closing its doors. unfortunately, temple nightclub in the soma area is shutting its doors. may 25th the club says financial difficulties due to economic changes, forcing them to close. temple is known for his live deejays and musical performances. they still tickets available for several concerts. coming up. >> restrooms at the rest area along the golden gate bridge in sausalito are expected to be closed for at least 2 and a half months. all starts this upcoming monday. caltrans is scheduled to start a maintenance project on those restrooms, but there will be temporary portable toilets. in the meantime, that rest area will remain open throughout
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the construction process. meantime, work along eastbound highway. 37 in sonoma has been rescheduled due to weather. caltrans will now repave the roads. the following 2 weekends. that's weekends of april 19th and april. 26 work will begin at 09:00pm friday. opening back up monday at 04:00am. all right. i'm excited and emotional parents and students at the amazon innovation lab in sunnyvale today. >> the company surprised 7 bay area high school seniors with up to $40,000 in scholarship money to pursue an education in computer science. engineering or related fields at stem area college or university of their choice. these kids are also being offered a paid internship as amazon. amazon. sorry
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following their freshman year of college. >> we my myself and not be a burden on when i go off to life >> the high school seniors are among just 63 recipients in california and 400 recipients nationwide that were selected for this program. >> well, shall i compare thee to a hot summer train bay area teens are taking influence from the bard writing poems parked. >> we get great, no poetry here. gas is expensive. why
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prices are on the rise yet prices are on the rise yet again. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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>> well, we probably don't have to tell you. but gas prices across the bay area are continuing to rise and there may be no relief in the near future. both the shift from the winter gas blend to the summer blend and more people driving. as we get closer to summer are impacting the prices. let's take a look at you can expect to pay for a gallon of regular here in the bay. the most expensive is going to be in napa at $5.79 a gallon. san francisco in
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sandra fell just a couple of cents less followed by oakland and san jose. they're both around $5.60 for a gallon of regular gas. the cheapest can be found in the valais hope fairfield area at $5 and $0.58. if you can call that cheap today on kron 4 news at noon, we spoke with a uc berkeley professor about a solution for these high gas prices. >> the best way to beat high gas prices is to make sure that you have a car that gets decent fuel economy because if you can go from 20 miles per gallon to 30 miles per gallon, that is likepcutting your price of gasoline by a 3rd. so its important to think about that when we're buying cars. >> the professor also said while the state average is at $5.44, there's a committee investigating why these prices are so high in california compared to the rest of the country. meantime, the slowdown in electric car sales is continuing to snowball, according to car search
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engine, i see cars. average price for a used electric car fell by 32% while the average for a gas model slipped by 3 and a half percent. kelley blue book, however, says the hottest auto trend for this year is hybrids. analysts explained buyers like hybrids because they're relatively affordable and they get great gas mileage >> up next, a historic milestone in san francisco. details on the police department's reform efforts and a new threat to the elimination of these bills. and the u.s. with medical experts say the rapid rise in cases could indicate plus millions of dollars is going x% to better protect infrastructure from the effects of climate change. how that's go
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>> tonight 5.30, a historic milestone in san francisco. the police department says it has completed almost 300 reforms. critics, however, say there's still work to be done. kron 4 charles clifford reports. >> well, here in san francisco, the city and the police department say that they have completed a series of reforms that they have been working on for the better part of a decade. 7 years ago, the police department was under heavy criticism following several violent incidents, including the shooting death of mario woods at the time the obama administration department of justice may 272 reform recommendations, including asking the department to address biased policing limit use of force, address racial equity issues, improve transparency and data collection. on friday, the police department announced that they have submitted the last 27 responses to all


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