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tv   KRON 4 News Weekend  KRON  April 13, 2024 7:00am-10:01am PDT

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serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. : thanks for joining me on today's adventure. ask your eczema specialist from the columbus zoo, i'm jack hanna, hope you'll come along next time as we go into the wild. >> now on the kron, 4 morning news are likely waking up to rain falling outside of your window right now and more is on the way. we have live team coverage on this wet weather.
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and street vending officially shut down in san francisco's mission district. reaction from vendors and the city. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's saturday. april, the 13th as get your mrrning started with a look at the weather with dave sphar. it's quite a wet one this morning that it is. good morning, stephanie. good morning. everybody is another saturday. we do the rain game again. but this is going to be intermittent like a lot of them have been recently. and we're still dealing with some very cold air that's upstairs, which means that will help facilitate the possibility of some thunder showers. and maybe we can get some hail too. when we get the atmosphere really rocking little bit later on this afternoon and into sunday. but it's all lit up. there's radar for you kron the radar there down to the south is where it's actually a little bit more active there. you can the heavier rain and because of that freezing line. again, we
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just mentioned you might pick up to potentially some snow in mount hamilton, mount diablo, maybe a little bit. santa cruz mountains as well potentially, although much of this will be very cosmetic because that's right. there are the freeze line. and as soon as some warmer air moves in here, there's a look at the low that's in place. and there is a nice break that happens upstream. so probably the heaviest rain we're going to get today is occurring as we speak right now. it's going to be waning as we go into the early afternoon. we're approach around noon and then firing up a little bit in some selective spots, too. the late afternoon evening. there it is. the east bay shoreline raining again. lots of fog that's at hand. it's very saturated all the way up. there's no inversion deal. we typically have single digits numbers for winds, but it will get breezy in spots into the teens and the 20's expected. no wind advisory. but still it adds a little bit more to the misery. if you're doing some driving. so just little caution, watch out the puddles and such most of our readings are in the 40's with a couple 50's scratching here. and there up plot for you what you can expect for that afternoon.
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rain again and what's going on for tomorrow. stephanie. all right, dave, thank you for that. >> we continue our coverage of the rain moving through the bay area with kron four's tiffany justice. she's live in walnut creek now for us with a look at the conditions out there this morning. he's a funny. >> hey, stephanie. yes, we were enjoying some summer-like conditions earlier this week that there might be a good chance that you will be waking up to some rain. we are long that creek this morning where it is definitely coming i would call this. >> pretty much. i would say moderate rain here in walnut creek, but it would be a good day to grab that umbrella. that rain coat. if you have one in those rain boots now, the national weather service is saying that the highest chance of thunderstorms will be this afternoon with the heaviest rain coming down in the santa cruz mountains along with sure range. they're also advising people to give yourself extra time to travel today. if you're driving and then also giving yourself extra time while you're driving and give yourself that
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distance in between cars as well as you tell that we are in walnut creek next to that bart station. quite b%sy this morning. people driving in dropping off are going to the airport. make sure you're bundling up with that coat. i also do want to mention driving here, towanda creek from the city. it was quite sweat, cuddly. the puddles were already forming on the roadways. definitely take it safe. take it slow on the roadways. back to you in studio 70. yes, some good reminders there for us. all to a thank you so much. a pedestrian is seriously injured after an incident with a samtrans bus. sam francis, the person was trying to catch a bus 6.45 friday night. >> at the caltrain station in redwood city samtrans as the pedestrian tripped and fell and the rear wheels of the bus ran over both of the person's legs. they were taken to the hospital. a san jose business owner says he is fed up with being burglarized over and over again. the guild house is a popular gaming center in downtown san jose. the owner
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says his business has been broken into 8 times since it opened 2 years ago. latest incident happening in late march. he says the burglar stole $20,000 worth of merchandise and took the bars credit cards and keys. the bar owner says san jose police are investigating. police arrested a san jose state student accused of setting 2 fires on campus. the blazes happened inside the martin luther king junior library on march 31st and april 8th, while students were still inside, no one was hurt. police have not released many suspect details only describing the person as a sophomore at the school. authorities recovered more than a dozen illegally manufactured guns and ammo in san jose. police say an investigation led them to 2 suspects. officers say the men were selling the firearms out of their home in the area of river ashe court and stone canyon drive. both suspects are in jail facing multiple firearm related charges.
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>> the california secretary of state officially certified the results of the march 5th primary election. >> and one notable results, the race for congressional district 16 succeed an issue. sam, a came in first and evan low and joseph, many and tied for second for the first time in state history. all 3 candidates face off in the november election. request for a recount were made in both santa clara and san mateo counties. those recounts could start as soon as monday. francisco city officials say since they shut down all street vending in the mission, district merchants have reported safer street. but as kron four's dan kerman reports, the move has been tough on legitimate street vendors. >> since november street vending on mission street between 14th and cesar chavez has been off limits to 2 illegal sales and other safety related issues. some of the legitimate street vendors were moved to this indoor storefront at mission near 18th called lt young guy. the problem is shoppers have been
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few and sales have been dismal been but for last month and a half not be when i sell us let you know that already. >> is it's not even 2. >> that's not no. look for us. if a, then we get a foot of the of a storage. >> when you pay now this temporary site is slated to close in just over a week. the volume being so low and the foot traffic also is a challenge. this actually we came to a decision with the vendors themselves of transitioning them and into the other site, which is more open air. it's it's in a parking lot. there's more visibility. it's close to transit. >> the other vendor site is located at this outdoor parking lot at 24th and capp the site known as la cita had until recently been home to both street vendors and covid testing going forward. the
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site will expand and focus solely on street vendors in hopes of attracting additional vendors and shoppers. so that's the goal is that we will have 20 vendors there. let leslie the selling a variety of products with more visibility. word about the expansion at la plus seat on 24th. >> had made it to all of the vendors to young guy who are still weighing their options. look for the market help buy something what it can do. not >> not trying keep her heart the city's also in the process of renovating another indoor storefront at mission near 17th, which could open defenders sometime this summer. >> ultimately, the city's goal is to allow again. but at this point, they don't have the resources to either keep it safe or to differentiate legal and those selling stolen goods. dan kerman kron, >> in the north bay, authorities believe they found the body of the teen swept
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away in the russian river earlier this week. sonoma county deputies responded to the area around 5 thursday evening about 2 teens who needed to be rescued. witnesses say one of the teens got out of the water on their own, but the other never made it out. that person's name has not been released. police arrested this american canyon high school teacher for the second time in one week. let's go ahead and pull that picture up here. now, investigators say that they found new evidence of 41 year-old brad raul sexually assaulted a child. rollins, a pe teacher. he was on administrative leave following an arrest at the school tuesday on charges including inappropriate contact with a minor. for san francisco's nightlife is closing its doors. temple nightclub in the soma district shuts down may 25th. the club says they're closing over financial difficulties. temple is known for its live dj and music performances. and they still do have tickets available for several concerts that are coming up. in the
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east bay. a popular oakland event is back after a three-month break. first, fridays kicked off last night featuring local small shops and food trucks as kron four's dan thorn shows us attendees and business owners were through telegraph avenue in oakland packed for the long-awaited return of first fridays. >> the popular street fair showcases art. music and the city's small shops like oakland zone over first friday of the small business incubator. and this is what we've got our start back in 2015. so we're really excited back what we started. our rent, introduce yourself the event has also helped other local small brands like oakland, native clothing to continue to grow. it means the world to me. >> as a business on here to represent my brand. you know, the community a moment. >> the festival is put on during the first friday of each month. but the kono community benefit district but financial challenges for us to
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the nonprofit to put a pause on the program from january through march, the hiatus gave the group some time to build back for relaunch attendees and vendors say first friday's helps combat the downturn out negative image of oakland. examples like these. so the beautiful so the beautiful side community of people coming together and just having a good time safe on the news is out with about violence you matching brad. but this is the example of like man, there's so much good that still happening in vendors also say oakland's culture is given a lifeline through events like these good people, good people, good energy. that's what we man. >> the community benefit district is hoping not to run into any more money problems to keep first fridays going strong and in june at the nonprofit is going to be hosting its first annual golf tournament to sustain the success of the street fest in oakland, dan thorn kron. 4 news. >> coming up on the kron 4 morning news. the city of san
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francisco announces progress in policing reforms, but some leaders say there's still some work to be done. >> live radar going on here for you a storm tracker for the heavy stuff going on down in the south, as you can see with moderate rain showers covering the entire bay. we're going to have for you with his going to have for you with his pla norman, bad news...
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i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? >> well, cinco de mayo is just a couple of weeks away. the holiday brings massive crowds out to san jose and hundreds of low riders planned to cruise across the city. but last year, san jose police are criticized for how they patrolled the event. kron
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four's jack molmud spoke to people in the low riding community about what steps they and the sjpd are taking this year. >> eddie lewis with the united low-rider council. san jose was born and raised and what he calls that use side way growing up in the side that fall, you >> we didn't have brand new cars like other parts of san jose. so he and his friends did what they could showed off what they so we wanted to show off what we can do besides it on, you know, picking the fields and stuff like that. >> he says he planned to celebrate his culture last year. cinco de mayo celebration in san jose. but being the wife went out for about 5 minutes and i saw that and we oust took off and i want to part of it. >> what he saw was a huge police presence. in fact, officers arrested more than 100 people shut down multiple highway off-ramps. >> a public outcry followed calling sjpd is response discriminatory. lewis says it reminds him of low ratings
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past where this kind of activity with get you in trouble. san jose and cruising for nearly 4 decades making it legal just 2 years ago. >> so they stereotype if standing had a car you a criminal, lewis says have the low reading council have been working with san jose police for months at this time. san jose police named to the roads plans to close down and warned of potential traffic divers. it's something lewis says is a good move for transparency. yeah, i feel at ease. we asked san jose police for an interview today, but they were not available. >> so the goal is now after all these community meetings between the low rider community and san jose police around 300 of these low riders will be successfully cruising down the street of san jose on cinco de mayo. and plus is that the low rider community is working to build san jose police their very own low reading cart. in san jose. jack moment. kron 4 news. >> all right. taking a live look now from our mount tam
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camera wolf. and really not much you can see out there beside it, surely like, no, no, do not do that. the idea yeah, looking quite cloudy out there. you're going to see that pretty much everywhere. and i got another shot. this kind of like that to be kind funky, if you will. here's a look at radar right now with the heaviest stuff going on. >> in the south bay right now, moderate rain showers occurring elsewhere. we're actually not going to add a whole lot more to this going forward, but probably another quarter to maybe half an inch. there's san jose state too. and rain drops. you can see on the camera. so that's where actually we see some of heaviest rain going on right now. so here on storm tracker, 4 noticing the cloud for session here with our low. that's a cold core low from the gulf of alaska. we've done this is like the 3rd 4003th time we've done this over the last month or so. so the drill is very similar. when you get that daytime heating of the risk of a thunder shower of this is due to the fact that the cold core low is cold and contrast is what drives things. so that era gets risen
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and it's around an environment that's a lot colder keeps going higher and higher condensing the ice crystals and they rub against each other and waymo you get sometimes get lightning or you can also get some hail too, with that. if you get those updrafts to make those hailstones a little bit larger, probably won't be at the severe level, though, but that just means general thunder showers in that zone. and it's following the quarter low with a little bit as what it's torn. futurecast for nice break. start to happen a little bit. then another little package towards the late afternoon after we get the daytime heating. that's where the concern is. so this may fire off the fireworks, pardon the pun, if you will, as we get to the late afternoon evening hours. then tonight we get a little break. the law was still in our backyard here, starting the day off with some showers and the very far to the south and north of us. then after more daytime heating again and a little package to make note of to that. also may have some sparking going on with it as well after the last package were pretty much clear as we go into next week with another bout of that kind of summer weather almost winds. this
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adds to a little bit of the missouri, if you're driving. so again, you heard some caution. yeah, and the winds are not going to help out bit of a breeze going. no wind advisory, but it does pop a bit. then by tonight, you can see it's still with us. at that point, it starts to wane a little bit on sunday. so breezy is fair to call for this weekend, coupled with rains. what has kind of a stormy feel a little bit to what? so here's what we're talking about. rain, scattered showers, possible thunder shower tomorrow. early late showers. so we get a break in the middle of the day. maybe even some sun poking a little bit temporarily grab it. if you get it next week, clearing and warming pop near 80 come the middle of the week forecast today. we're at 59 san francisco. 62 open 63. meanwhile, 4 san jose and as i said, stephanie, looks like next week is looking pretty good, too, with another round of getting up to about 80 or something look forward to. yes. all right. thanks so much, dave. >> well, happening today, san francisco mayor london breed
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heads to china for a multi-city tour. she's joined by a delegation of san francisco's asian pacific islander communities. earlier this week, the mayor says she plans to meet with chinese officials in business, government and universities in china in an effort to improve relations and attract business for san francisco. >> our goal is to, you know, enter into major agreement to make san francisco a significant to china and to let them know that we're open the business relationship that could be developed as a result. >> the mayor says she's hoping to encourage tourism as well, should be in china for a week. the transportation department is spending more than 800 million dollars on nationwide projects end up protecting infrastructure from climate change. the city of about 20 million dollars to repair highway 37 because of winter storms. our washington correspondent hannah brandt reports. >> as climate change worsens, natural disasters are leading more damage in their wake. sea
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levels are higher than they used to be. >> flood plains are changing from where they used to be. wildfires are more frequent than they used to be. then why in the world would we keep putting the infrastructure back the way it used to be? that's why for the first time the transportation department is spending 800 million dollars on what it calls climate resilience projects. transportation secretary pete buttigieg tells me they're urgently needed this resilience. funding can help make piece of infrastructure. we all count on. >> more resistant to those threats. the goal is to target spots that are especially vulnerable to extreme weather and the money will be used to revamp dozens of roads, bridges, ports and other infrastructure across the country. this is about smarter better designs, our economy, our daily commutes, sometimes even our lives depend on making sure that infrastructure is strong. the funding for these projects comes from the infrastructure law passed in 2021. democratic senator mark warner says it's an investment that pays off for everyone. if you want to be good stewards of our taxpayer money, if we didn't do that, it would be
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irresponsible to the nth degree. and republican senator shelley moore capito agreed specifically praising the money going to her state of west virginia to elevate a highway to prevent flood damage. i look forward to seeing it happened. i think this is what it means, what it means to rebuild and and smart areas. secretary buttigieg says there's a reason the support is bipartisan, but i think that reason is that there's no republican or democratic roads or bridges. they're just pieces of infrastructure. we all count on every day in washington. i'm hannah brandt. the national park week kicks off next saturday with free admission at all national parks, including yosemite and pickles. >> many parks already don't charge entry fees. officials hope at the feet free holiday encourages people to visit entrance fees are only waived on the first day of national park week. next saturday. april, the 20th. and restrooms at the rest area along the golden gate bridge in sausalito will be closed for at least 2 and a half months starting this coming monday. caltrans is scheduled to start maintenance on the restrooms. there. temporary portable
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toilets will be available. the rest area remains open throughout construction. beneath the city's glow where bart's lines softly. we've a story of us begins in the twilight of the eve. that's the opening line to one of the winning poems of bart's teen poetry contest. the poem is called under the stars of valencia. a bart love story. you can check out the poem and 30 other winning poems on bart's website. that was just lovely. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news ev sales are slowing down. the other option. drivers are revving their engines for. taking a live look at stormtracker 4 radar as we continue to watch and monitor the storms sweeping across the bay area. >> lots of rain across parts of santa rosa, vallejo, san francisco in san ramon. we'll francisco in san ramon. we'll have much more when we com
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dupixent helps you du more with less asthma. and can help you breathe better in as little as two weeks. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. ♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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>> gas prices continue to rise and their be. there may be no relief in the near future. experts say the issue stems from the shift from the winner. glass gas play into the summer blend. plus, demand is up and more people are hitting the roads for the warmer months. let's take a look at what you can expect this weekend for a gallon in the bay area. the most expensive gas can be found in napa at 5.80, francisco ln sandra fell just a couple of cents less followed by oakland and san jose around 5.60. the cheapest is in the valais fairfield area of 5.60. we spoke with a uc berkeley professor on a possible solution for high gas prices.
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>> best way to beat high gas prices is to make sure that you have a car that gets decent fuel economy because if you can go from 20 miles per gallon to 30 miles per gallon, that is like cutting your price of gasoline by a 3rd. so it's important to think about that when we're buying cars. >> the professor says that while the state average is at 5.44, there is a committee investigating why prices are so high in california compared to the rest of the country. meantime, the slowdown in ev sales continues to snowball, according to car search engine. i see cars. the average price for a used vehicle or other electric vehicle fell by more than 30%. while the average price for a gas model slipped by more than 3 and a half percent. kelley blue book says the hottest auto trend for this year is hybrid's because they're relatively affordable and get great gas mileage still ahead
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on the kron 4 morning news, a san francisco community coming together after surveillance video captures a man video captures a man vandalizing a mosque. ♪♪ stay ahead of your child's moderate—to—severe eczema, and they can show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent.
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>> now on the kron 4 morning news, san francisco police announced progress in policing reforms, but some city leaders argue it's still not enough. >> and a new event called weed week is in town here from san francisco's mayor on this new event. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. we're going to get all those stories in just a moment for you here. but let's get you started this half hour with a look at our forecast. dave spahr is
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tracking all that wet weather for us this morning. day. >> hey, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. it's another saturday with yes, more rain, but there are going to be breaks that we expect. and it looks like sunday, you might even get some sunshine here. and there. yeah, if you're lucky with all that, but with this heating, we have to watch out some time to get some thunder showers that get thrown into the mix after we get that daytime heating radar right now. here's what's on storm tracker for the heaviest as looks to be in the south bay for right now. elsewhere will go ahead and call kind of moderate rain showers going on here zoom a little further from home there. you can see the heavier stuff again down south and also perhaps some snow in the higher elevations, at least cause medically nothing really hold on to the ground sfo, by the way, we've got about a little bit over an hour. delay related to construction with all of this. by the way, temperature check for you. most readings are in the 40's for right now. but with daytime heating will get into the 50's over most of the district now says rain on there just about every one of those day parts. however, by the early afternoon, we do see some nice breaks happening.
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we're going to bowl a kind of track this all for you both today and tomorrow and give up what you'd expect into next week. stephanie, if thank you. >> we continue our coverage of the rain moving through the bay area with kron four's tiffany justice. she's live in walnut creek now with a look how conditions are looking out there this morning. tiffany. >> hey, stephanie. yeah, change of scenery from earlier this week you're filling in dealing with some summer-like conditions. now, there is a good chance that you may be waking up to some rain on this saturday morning here in walnut creek. it is definitely coming down. i would say moderately at this time. but i do also want to mention that at the national weather service says that the highest chance of thunderstorms will be this afternoon. we continuing to monitor that with the heaviest rain in the santa cruz mountains along with the santa lucia range. they're also advising people to give yourself extra travel time along with giving yourself enough to break room while you're drought driving.
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i do want to mention on my way to wanna creek this morning from the city. it was already pummeling on the roadways, the main roadways and the side roadways. so definitely give yourself some time. if you're driving on this saturday, i'm here. wanna creek? the rain is coming down. it would be a good idea to grab that umbrella. those rain boots at rain coat. if you have one safe and loved dry and warm on the saturday. back to you in studio 70. all right, tiffany, thank you so much for your live reporting out there. >> francisco, the muslim community and interfaith leaders are speaking out about a mosque being vandalized during the holy month of ramadan as kron four's gayle ong reports, police have arrested a suspect. >> we hope no harm the falls. anybody of any ethnicity. we are here with you together. >> that your pain is our pain. we are relieved that the perpetrator has been apprehended. interfaith leaders showing solidarity with the muslim community
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friday afternoon. >> days after a man smashed windows of this, not mosque and harassed members. surveillance video captured it all. san francisco police say the man you see in the video is 35 year-old robert greatly arrested him for felony vandalism. we arrested him and charged with a hate crime. >> for all the damage and the threatening in that really >> intimidating what was going on police say gray visited the mosque multiple times this month during the holy month of ramadan. the sfpd assistant police chief and chief of staff for the san francisco district attorney's office shared these words. we will drive by musk and places of worship. we're continue to be present. >> but but the trust is so important because we want to help people. we want to respond rapidly. we take a crime very seriously here. we truly believe it is every san franciscans right to have a safe place to worship. the mosque's board members say there have been other acts of vandalism during the holiday
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month. >> and hope the arrest of the perpetrator in this case will send a message the city's actions. today will show the city is serious and taking action against people who hate against muslims than any other race. religion in the city to see the francisco police department up. >> the way that they hog to see the temps, a school district attorneys office the way that they to show that the muslim community is has heard seen as other community members and cisco. the word comes from the word in arabic language which means peace. >> so we hope these and blessings are spread across all communities. and we hope that such incidences do not impact anybody. great remains in custody and is facing 6 years in state prison if convicted of all charges and the hate crime allegation. >> in san francisco, gayle ong kron, 4 news. >> san francisco police say they've completed a series of reforms in their department, but as kron 4 charles clifford reports, critics say they're
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still more work to be done. >> well, here in san francisco, the city and the police department say that they have completed a series of reforms that they have been working on for the better part of a decade. 7 years ago, the police department was under heavy criticism following several violent incidents, including the shooting death of mario woods at the time the obama administration department of justice may 272 reform recommendations, including asking the department to address biased policing limit use of force, address racial equity issues, improve transparency and data collection. on friday, the police department announced that they have submitted the last 27 responses to all 272 reform recommendations. they submitted those responses to the california department of justice. critics of the department have said that the police department still has issues that need to be addressed, including use of force against black people in san francisco who make up a smaller percentage of the population. on friday. mayor london breed and police chief william scott acknowledged that there are issues that opstill need to be resolved.
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>> and while this is definitely a commemorative moment, this does not mean that we won't continue the great work that we're doing to balance the reforms that we need to implement as well as making sure that we focus on public safety for san francisco. >> each and every one of us know that there's a lot more work to be done and this work. cole reform is never truly over. but we have put in place systems we put in place infrastructure we put in place to support it. to overcome challenges and to adapt we need to. and really that's what this work all about. >> now, even though the san francisco police department says they have completed all 272 recommendations, it's not clear yet if the california department of justice agrees that those recommendations have been fulfilled. but for now in san francisco, charles clifford kron, 4 news. >> the city of allay reached a settlement agreement with on police oversight, rather with california's department of justice in 2020, the state doj
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entered into a memorandum with the city requiring billy hope police to make at least 45 improvement surrounding unlawful use of force and racial bias. the department has since complied with 20 recommendations. california state attorney general rob bonta said the new agreement demonstrates commitment to correcting injustices and enhancing public safety. >> i was so open. just a reminder. we're coming to your city april 12 13 for the black were flash mob. we >> the national organization black men's wear is kicking off a weekend of community building in oakland. the national event travels across the u.s. seeking to reframe the narrative around black men in a positive way this weekend, hundreds of black men come together to give back to the bay area through community service. it will also be a flash mob as well to learn more and be a part of the festivities. just go to black men's wear dot com. it's i'm
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excited and emotional parents and students at the amazon innovation lab in sunnyvale this week. the company surprise 7 bay area high school seniors with up to $40,000 in scholarship money to pursue an education in stem. the students are also being offered a paid internship at amazon following their freshman year of college. pretty exciting stuff. their congratulations. >> passed my mama a lot me and my myself and not be a burden
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on when i go off to >> the high school seniors are just among 63 recipients in california. 400 nationwide were selected for the program. some new oakland ballers will be out on the field this summer, including a player who made history back in 2020 as the first woman to sign a professional contract with an mlb partner league team with the staten island ferry hawks. we've got a chance to speak with kelsie whitmore of the newest player for the oakland ballers. she says she's looking forward to not just this season, but also hopefully the postseason. >> i mean, my goals this season is to really just >> compete as much as i can with whatever opportunity i'm given. >> for personal goals, i want to grow myself as a person. >> grow with my teammates and and this encouraged. and i also want to, you know, as a for personal those that want do the best i can with getting the best numbers i can to as many innings as i can and as a
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team was sprinkles regarding that. i want to help this team win a championship. you know, again, as far as we can with in this league. >> the ball is now have 31 players under contract going into the club's spring training. happening today? it's the start of the first ever read week in san francisco that week-long event leads up to 4.20, which is the international, which is the international marijuana holiday. organizers say we week will be like sf your weekend feature. marijuana producers releasing new flowers in license lounges and stores over 7 nights during the announcement for us if we'd week mayor london breed spoke about the economic impacts that the marijuana industry can have on the city. >> we project in 2020 for 2025. that it will project 789 million dollars into our economy sf we week is just like their weekend restaurant
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week and all these other things that matter of fact rest we and we week should be at the same time. >> they're going to be hungry. >> the first ever sf we we comes the same year, but the city canceled its official for 20 event on hippie hill because of the financial issues. instead, the city will host volleyball tournaments in nearby robin williams. meadow. you can find a link to the full list of weed week events at our website. kron 4 dot com. coming up here on the kron. 4 morning news. we prepare you on what you need to know for the upcoming spring. snow conditions day. >> and checking our radar right now as we speak pretty much a moderate rain showers over the entire district. a little bit heavier down in the south bay, however, looks like there's breaks coming our way as well.
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>> and with a mid-april storm expected to drop snow in the sierra this weekend. chp is warning drivers not to be caught off guard. eric rucker caught up with drivers who are thankful they say, but they avoided driving in the snow. >> here in nyack were about 5,000 feet in elevation. and besides all the snow that is packed up to the side of the parking lot, there really is no other snow because it hasn't snowed here for a while. however, this weekend that snow line is expected to come down this low even to the 5,000 foot mark. >> smooth sailing friday for drivers in the sierra really lucky. really happy be up here
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today. sharon guzman and family from the east bay are heading to reno for a volleyball tournament bank. fully. they are making the trek ahead of this weekend's wet weather. happy to be able care when it's not snowing and then enjoy the snow tomorrow enjoyed in person not on the road, correct? yeah. inevitably, though, some drivers coming up this way this weekend will not be expecting snowfall. just people are not prepared and planning for it. officer jason lineman with the chp says smaller storms in the sierra can sometimes cause the most issues on the interstate. the reason drivers just don't take them seriously. >> people think it's just oh, it's just a little bit. but the road is still just a slick when it's, you know, one on their versus a foot on the ground in cisco grove at about 5600 feet in elevation. snow from storms past is still around. the key is to keep the snow up here as as possible into the spring and summer to avoid potential flooding down the hill. meaning we do not want a sudden temperature warm
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up heavy rain here. meteorologist craig shoemaker with the national weather service in sacramento tells us even if lighter rain hits the snow in the sierra, it will just be absorbed by the current snowpack, adding we should be out of the woods for the heavy rain part this season every day and every week it's becoming less likely that will we get a strong. >> atmospheric river storm and it would certainly be unusual. climatologically speaking to get one as we head into late april and may. and one more note, chp has a pretty good addition to what they were saying. and that story as well. they add that you should bring your chains up here because there might be chains controls and not only that. >> but know how to install them yourselves because those professionals that you might see up here that you can pay to install your chains for you? well, they might not be working because it's so late in the season. in the sierra. i'm eric rucker kron. 4 news. >> all right. taking a live look now from our sutro cam.
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that the golden gate bridge there. we could see it, it's kind of obscured by a bit of a marine layer, which is safety. >> well, enough, i guess it's kind of a fog marine layer just to moisture. it were saturated atmosphere as you go way up. we don't have our typical in version of that separation going on at all. this is a what's going on. storm tracker, 4 good moderate rain shower over a good chunk of real start your saturday. it's not going to stay that way all day. let's head up now to yosemite and kind of a dusting formation that we have going on. actually some blue skies in the background hasn't actually started snowing there yet. but it is in the forecast to happen, by the way and actually see some sun, too. we don't actually hear about any advisories being posted up in the mountains with all of this. the tahoe forecast doesn't even really have snow in it. but tonight and into sunday, expecting some of that by sunday night is public done 50 up to about 60 on tuesday. you're the guy was talking there, but we don't want a big
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time warm up and keep that ice up there as long as we can. it's a nice bank account for our summer. and as that flows down the rivers, it's nice to go into central valley grow food there. so here's the sierra forecast, by the way. and the snow arrives later today takes bit of a break. and then another dose into our sunday. but then really dissipates pretty quickly with all of that. so hopefully if you're heading on the way back, snow is already done with all that. but again, watch the area roads. back in the home front here. here we have this nice line of rain going on. but there are going to be breaks as we get later in the morning hours. let's get a closer inspection of all of this. this is later on this morning. as you can see, there are some breaks trying to develop with the cities are around the bay inland. it looks like it's still holding on about 1 o'clock. but there may even be some patches, the sun to come out. that gives energy for these things to kind of go crazy. looks like a nice little juicy line hitting a later this afternoon and evening. this is the time when there's a maximum energy in the atmosphere to have some of those thunder showers or incidents of hail, checking things out on how much rain
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we're going to get out. go all the way out to monday here. and you can see we pick up more than a quarter of an inch, but less than a half. so not a whole lot. quantitatively. but again, we're just white watching for those fireworks there. so let the late low playout there. it's a little bit on sunday. we still have some bout of some cloud cover here and there from some weak systems passing us. after wednesday, we get another bump in temperatures. we may revisit about 80 or so going on for about thursday or so before backtracking to the 70's. today's even look like it. upper 50's a kind of shock to the system compared to we've been through 7 day forecast. we go through the 60's 70's and to about 80 or so come thursday. lots of sunshine for you. nice time to warm up. but yes, today it will be a bit on the chilly and rainy and windy, ok, blustery, all that and just stay in and have some soup tea and whatever's, we'll take it because we've got to have a little bit of rain we'll have the rainbows come out and then month, essential rainbows. there you go. get rain. you got to have braces for rain. but exactly. thanks
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a lot. dave. >> dropping some wisdom there. the biden administration announces it is canceling student loan debt for another 206,000 borrowers. even a 7 more states this week filed a lawsuit to stop the forgiveness plans. >> our washington correspondent trevor shirley brings us the details >> that lawsuit alleges president joe biden is overstepping his authority, setting up another legal showdown over the issue of student debt forgiveness. the white house is 4.3 million americans can now claim some amount of federal student debt relief to the tune of 153 billion dollars. we are past the point where one 10 people. >> you have student loans have had the most discharge but 18 republican led states are now suing to stop those efforts. president is simply shifting the burden to those individuals that paid off their student or work their way through school. our job was to take a career that
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didn't require a four-year education. education secretary miguel cardona defends the administration's plans. has critics say the white house's efforts amount to a bailout for people who took out federal loans? they couldn't pay back tiny that these are the people getting bailouts. these are people that are public servants were fixing a broken system and we're proud the administration's strategy. lets borrowers pay nothing back until they reach a certain income level. >> it also eliminates interest growth lowers payments more than past plans and cancels unpaid debt in as little as 10 years. what help as many people as quickly as possible with as much relief. critics also accuse the white house of using debt forgiveness to score political points with younger voters, a demographic more likely facing high college costs. right now you look at nation is not going to do anything to stop the systemic issue of massive student loan debt. supreme court struck down the administration's first attempted student loan
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forgiveness. but secretary cardona believes their current approach is sound. we are making significant process and we need to follow the foundation for this to continue to happen based >> the rules that we're putting in place. it's not clear at this point. just how much of a threat those lawsuits might pose to the white house's efforts and student debt relief. >> reporting in washington, i'm trevor shirley. >> and now to bay area sports. the warriors playing in their second to last game of the season at home against the pelicans with the win, the warriors could have a chance to earn the 8 seed of the playoffs. the game started out great for the warriors as they went up, they go up 11 in the 1st quarter. but the pelicans came storming back outscoring the worriers by 23 in the 2nd quarter. the warriors would not be able to overcome that 2nd quarter as they lose one 14 to 109. the warriors take on the jazz and their final game of the regular season tomorrow.
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try dawn powerwash dish spray. it removes 99% of grease and grime in half the time. it cleans so well, you can replace multiple cleaning products. try dawn powerwash. this homestyle chicken salad wrap from subway this is how you do it.
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savory chicken, crisp veggies all wrapped up— these wraps are amazing. people can hear my thoughts? that's a problem. stay fresh out there with all—new wraps from subway. otter pup is now being cared for at the aquarium of the pacific in long beach. this animal was rescued off the coast of santa cruz county. it's now paired with an adult female sea otter to learn survival skills, such as foraging for food and grooming is met. sweet. the pub will be the first surrogate raised daughter at the aquarium. >> the last several years the population has stabilized at about 3,000. and we're hoping that with our trying to put more pops back into the wild, we're going to be able to continue to recover. the species is part of our coastline. >> the surrogate area will be
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kept out of the public's view to avoid human or interaction and increase the otters. chances of surviving back in the wild. very important. well, still ahead on the next hour kron, 4 morning news. spring showers are sweeping across the bay area at this hour. just how long we can expect the rain for. >> and reaction from street vendors in san francisco's mission district after the city bans them from doing business. and's much anticipated first fridays are back after some delays. stay with us. the kron 4 morning news continues with those stories and more.
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kron. 4 morning news. you're likely waking up to rain falling outside of your window right now. >> and more is on the way. we have live team coverage on this wet weather. street vending officially shut down in san francisco's mission district to the reaction from vendors and the city. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news >> well, good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's saturday. april, the 13th. let's get your day started with a look at this wet weather with dave sphar. good morning today. well, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. another familiar rain that we have. it is a another weekend. another about of some rain we're
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looking at here, too. but this is going to be broken up like they have always been. we got to watch out for a few. >> thunder showers firing up the 5 time to look at it as the late afternoon in the early evening with a max of energy in the atmosphere for now, storm tracker 4 shows a moderate rain showers over most of the district. however, down south a little bit heavier rain showers and the color is a shunt telling us that maybe some snow mixed in with that. so maybe collecting a little bit of mount hamilton mount the out with some of those higher elevations, at least temporarily. there's a closer inspection of that. and nou can see the definitely heavier rain. there were getting the higher elevations that's due to that upslope in effect. so you see a nice little break in this line, right? upstream. that might be enough to allow the sun to come out a little bit. but we're looking for a second dose by the late afternoon early evening not everybody is going to get that. but it looks like there's that shot there. there's a san jose state for you and raindrops on the lens showing you the heavy rains that are occurring there. winds are active as well in the teens for the most part, maybe popping a little in the 20's. so in your
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travels and so forth will be dealing with the wind pounding with the raindrops so forth, going sideways a little bit of time. so just a little bit of caution temperature check for you. most readings are in the 40's at this hour and that contrast is trailing from where we were 24 hours ago in a bit. we'll take a look at that forecast. kind of break that down for you. it looks like solid rain, but it's going to actually break up a little bit for you all details and a bit, stephanie. all right, dave, thank you so much. >> and we continue our coverage of the rain moving across the bay area with kron four's tiffany justice. she's live in walnut creek now with a look at the conditions out there this morning. tiffany. >> i-seventy, good morning. yes, we were dealing with some summer-like conditions earlier this week, but there is a good chance that you may be waking up to some rain on this saturday morning here in walnut creek. it was definitely raining. it's still is raining, but it's more of a sprinkle right now during the 7 o'clock hour was coming down a bit harder. but we also know that national weather service says that the highest chance of thunderstorms will be this
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afternoon with the heaviest rain coming down santa cruz mountains in the lucia range. they're also advising people to give yourself extra time. if you're traveling today for driving and also to give yourself enough distance a break in time that break room while you're driving what i was driving from the city of to walnut creek this morning. it was definitely coming down. i was already seen some puddling on the main roads in the side. roads, the deadly. make sure you're driving safely. given yourself distance in between the car ahead of you and his overall giving yourself extra time to stay. because i do believe today is going to be a rainy day. stephanie, back to studio. alright, some helpful guidance there. thank you so much. tiffany. >> a pedestrian is seriously injured after an incident with a samtrans bus. samtrans says the person was trying to catch a bus 6.45 friday night at the caltrain station in redwood city. san fran says the pedestrian tripped and fell and the rear wheels of the bus ran over both of the person's
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legs. they were taken to the hospital. a san jose business owner says he is fed up with being burglarized over and over again. the guild house is a popular gaming center in downtown san jose. the owner says his business has been broken into a time since it opened 2 years ago. the latest incident happening in late march. he says the burglar stole $20,000 worth of merchandise and took the bars credit cards and keys. the bar owner says san jose police are investigating. police arrested a san jose state student campus. the blazes happened inside the martin luther king junior library on march 31st. and april 8th, while students were still inside, no one was hurt. police have not released many suspect details only describing the person as a sophomore at the school. authorities recovered more than a dozen illegally manufactured guns and ammo and san jose police say an investigation led them to 2
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suspects. officers say the men were selling the firearms out of their home in the area of river ashe court and stone canyon drive both suspects and are in jail right now facing multiple firearm related charges. the california secretary of state officials certified the results of the march 5th primary election. one notable results, the race for congressional district 16 to succeed and su sam liccardo came in first and evan low and joe summit and tied for second for the first time in state history. all 3 candidates face off in the november election. the request for a recount were made in both santa clara and san mateo counties. recounts could start as soon as monday. in the north bay. authorities believe they found the body of the teen swept away in the russian river earlier this week. sonoma county deputies responded to the area around 5 thursday evening about 2 teens who needed to be rescued. witnesses say one of the teens got out of the water on their
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own, but the other never made it out. that person's name has not been released. the driver involved in a crash killing a 9 year-old girl last sunday has been charged with felony hit and run in child abuse. chp arrested. 22 year-old jesus guzman from oregon wednesday. investigators say he was driving an suv with 5 family members on board when he crashed on northbound 6.80, at the 2. 42 split in concord. a 9 year-old passenger died. 5 family members are still at the hospital. the suspect is being held on a million dollar bail. police arrested in american canyon high school teacher for the second time in one week. investigators say they found new evidence. 41 year-old brad braless sexually assaulted a child. well, as a pe teacher who was on administrative leave following an arrest at the school tuesday on charges, including inappropriate contact with a minor. for san francisco's nightlife is closing its
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doors. temple nightclub in the soma district shuts down may 25th. the club says they're closing over financial difficulties. temple is known for its live dj and music performances. they still have tickets available for several concerts. coming up. francisco's chinatown neighborhood hosted its night market once again. the event on grant avenue feature traditional chinese food and activities. it's back every second friday of the month until november sunset neighborhood night market is also expected to return later this year. in the east bay, a popular oakland event is back after a three-month break. first, fridays kicked off last night featuring local small shops and food trucks as kron four's dan thorn shows us attendees and business owners pretty through. telegraph avenue in oakland packed for the long-awaited return of
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first fridays. >> the popular street fair showcases art. music and the city's small shops like oakland zone over first friday of the small business incubator. and this is what we've got our start back in 2015. so we're really excited back what we started. our rent, introduce yourself the event has also helped other local small brands like oakland, native clothing to continue to grow means world. to me. >> as a business on tip line, 8 represent my brand you know the community about >> the festival is put on during the first friday of each month. but the kono community benefit district but financial challenges for us to the nonprofit to put a pause on the program from january through march, the hiatus gave the group some time to build back for relaunch attendees and vendors say first friday's helps combat the downturn out negative image of oakland. examples like these. so the beautiful so the beautiful side community of people
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coming together. >> and just having a good time. save on the news is out with about violent you matching but this is the example of like man, there's so much good still happening in that vendors also say oakland's culture is given a lifeline through events like these good people, good people, good energy. that's what we man. >> the community benefit district is hoping not to run into any more money problems to keep first fridays going strong and in june and the nonprofit is going to be hosting its first annual golf tournament to sustain the success of the street fest in oakland, dan thorn kron. 4 news. >> coming up on the kron 4 morning news. the city of san francisco announces progress in policing reforms, but some leaders say there's more work that still needs to be done. plus, a look at local gas prices and just why they are back on the rise yet again. >> that tells me a lot on their side because before they
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wouldn't give us the time of day. >> and after the break, cinco de mayo is just around the corner. the steps san jose police are taking dave and we've got the response from the low rider community as well. >> to have those windshield wipers handiwork in this magic for today. and story about the side way rain coming to with the winds, moderate rain for the bay but looks like with some breaks in the afternoon. have your forecast next. keep it here. good morning. welcome
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back to kron. 4 morning news. all this is a quick check of
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storm tracker for the moderate rain. >> waking us up again this morning. there's the heavier stuff down south a little bit here. here's a shot from san jose state with a couple raindrops the picture. you can see there and that's where actually the heaviest rain is for now. but for everybody, it looks like this is going to break up this afternoon and there's the low very well defined here. it's coming from the gulf of alaska. so it's cold upstairs. it's the contrast that drives everything. once we get the daytime heating and so forth now because as this thing strikes land a little bit here and start to throw kind of shrapnel up in the air just a little bit here. we're going to see the potential for some thunder showers kind of spiral around a little bit. that's what all the green isn't. just means there's the chance of thunder showers, severe zone or anything like that or even marginal risk of thunder showers just means general thunder showers are possible. storm tracker 4, her future cast. we get a break this afternoon as that meeting comes by, it looks like we get kind of a nice interesting little formation here. the covers the east and the north bay later on. as we go into
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evening hours here. also, we're getting that sierra snow, which were not getting right now. so later on today, we expect to pick some up going into tonight. the low was heading down south and there's rain around us to start the day again. daytime heating may actually see some sun to give afternoon evening thundershowers. there's we've got 2 days to kind of look out for this in the new time period when lookout for really isn't that late afternoon, early evening, hours after all that said and done, this actually opens up nicely a little bit for us on monday, but still have some cloud cover to deal with winds. good onshore wind at work here actually turns will offshore as the low starts to sink to the south. but the key issue is for today, at least winds are winds and there's no wind advisory, but it looks like they'll be hanging in the 20's to even some pockets of 30's. there. so when travels, it does as well. but to the misery of the puddles to deal with and you got the raindrops going sideways, even though that's not a wind advisory, it's just a little sloppy to be in there with that. by sunday, it looks a bit less active. there is still kind of breezy conditions around, but
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not as intense. and this is all again below the threshold for any advisories. rain, scattered showers, possibly a thunder shower and their meaning. we've got a break this afternoon and then firing up selectively there covering san francisco off to the east bay and up north a little bit as i showed you tomorrow, early and late showers again, it's another break in the middle of the day for that daytime heating event, although we're not going to hardly as much going on the morning hours. most of that is away from us. and then for next week, clearing and warming. and it looks like we over the race to reach around 80 or so come thursday again for today. 59 san francisco, rain showers. 62 oakland, 63. meanwhile, 4 san jose and there's your temperature map there doesn't look like highs does. it almost looks like currents but the upper 50's as we're looking at today. so it's feeling kind of like winter with winter type system to okay. all right. well, the april showers to bring thats what we need for the mayflowers. yes, there you go. put up with the rain for a little we'll be patient you're positive collected.
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>> well, happening today, san francisco mayor london breed heads to china for a multi-city tour. >> she's joined by a delegation of san francisco's asian and pacific islander communities. earlier this week, the mayor said she plans in business, government and universities in an effort to put it to improve relations and attract business for san francisco. >> our goal is to, you know, enter into major agreement to make san francisco a significant to china and to let them know that we're open the business relationship that could be developed as a result. >> the mayor says she is also hoping to encourage tourism. she will be in china for a week. de mayo is just a couple of weeks away. the holiday brings massive crowds out to san jose and hundreds of low riders plan to cruise across the city. but last year, san jose police are criticized for how they patrol the event. kron four's jack moment spoke to people in the low riding community about the steps that
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they and sjpd are taking this year. >> eddie lewis with the united low-rider council. san jose was born and raised and what he calls east side way growing up in the side that fall, you >> we didn't have brand new cars like other parts of san jose. so he and his friends did what they could showed off what they so we wanted to show off what we can do besides, you you know, picking the fields and stuff like that. >> he says he planned to celebrate his culture last year. cinco de mayo celebration in san jose. but for me and the wife went out for about 5 minutes and i saw that and we just took off and i want to part of it. >> what he saw was a huge police presence. in fact, officers arrested more than 100 people shut down multiple highway off-ramps. >> a public outcry followed calling sjpd is response discriminatory. lewis says it reminds him of low readings past where this kind of activity with get you in trouble. san jose and cruising
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for nearly 4 decades making it legal just 2 years ago. >> so they stereotype if standing to have a car and you a criminal, lewis says have the low reading council have been working with san jose police for months at this time. san jose police named to the roads plans to close down and warned of potential traffic divers. it's something lewis says is a good move for transparency. yeah, i feel at ease. we asked san jose police for an interview today, but they were not available. >> so the goal is now after all these community meetings between the low rider community and san jose police around 300 of these low riders will be successfully cruising down the streets of san jose on cinco de mayo. and the plus is that the low rider community is working to build san jose polictheir very own low reading cart. in san jose. jack moment. kron 4 news. >> i'm looking forward to seeing that. but work along eastbound highway. 37 in sonoma has been rescheduled due to weather. caltrans will
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now repave the road over the weekends of april 19th and 26th work starts at 09:00pm friday and opens monday at 04:00am. the transportation department is spending more than 800 million dollars on nationwide projects aimed at protecting infrastructure from climate change. the city of vallejo got 20 million dollars to repair highway 37 because of winter storms. our washington correspondent hannah brandt reports. >> as climate change worsens, natural disasters are leading more damage in their wake. sea levels are higher than they used to be. flood plains are changing from where they used to be. wildfires are more frequent than they used to be. then why in the world would we keep putting the infrastructure back the way it used to be? that's why for the first time the transportation department is spending 800 million dollars on what it calls climate resilience projects. transportation secretary pete buttigieg tells me they're urgently needed this resilience. funding can help make piece of infrastructure. we all count on more resistant to those threats. the goal is to target
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spots that are especially vulnerable to extreme weather and the money will be used to revamp dozens of roads, bridges, ports and other infrastructure across the country. this is about smarter better designs, our economy, our daily commutes, sometimes even our lives depend on making sure that infrastructure is strong. the funding for these projects comes from the infrastructure law passed in 2021. democratic senator mark warner says it's an rnvestment that pays off for everyone. if you want to be good stewards of our taxpayer money, if we didn't do that, >> it would be irresponsible to the nth degree. and republican senator shelley moore capito agreed specifically praising the money going to her state of west virginia to elevate a highway to prevent flood damage. i look forward to seeing it happened. i think this is what it means, what it means to rebuild and and smart areas. secretary buttigieg says there's a reason the support is bipartisan, but i think that reason is that there's no republican or democratic roads or bridges. they're just pieces of infrastructure. we all count on every day in washington. i'm hannah brandt. well,
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national park week kicks off next saturday with free admission at all national parks, including yosemite and chemicals. >> many parks already do not charge entry fees. officials hope that the fee free holiday of encourages more people to visit entrance fees are only waived on the first day of national park week next saturday. april, 28. and restrooms at the rest area along the golden gate bridge in sausalito will be closed for at least 2 and a half months starting this coming monday. caltrans is scheduled to start maintenance on the restrooms, temporary port portable pump toilets will be available. the rest area does remain open throughout construction. >> and do you have what it takes to be the very best like no one ever was? >> well, today is pokemon day in the city of san francisco. believe it or not, it's the perfect opportunity to show off your pokemon master skills. the board of supervisors voted to adopt april 13th as pokemon day earlier this week. fans can enjoy activities like battles
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card trading and been making it for public libraries, including the main library, richmond and park libraries and ocean view. this comes as the city also plans to host the pokemon world championships in 2026. at the moscow. nice so best of luck to all of you out there. trainers well beneath the city's glow where bart's line softly, weave a story. a bust begins in the twilight of the eve. that's the opening line to one of the winning poems of bart's teen poetry contest. the poem is called under the stars of valencia. a bart love story. you can check out this and 30 other winning poems on bart's website right now. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news ev sales are slowing down. the other option drivers are revving their engines for. and taking a live look now at stormtracker 4 radar watching the storms sweep across the bay area. lots of rain showers falling across santa rosa. vallejo.
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>> and san francisco at this hour, we'll have much more hour, we'll have much more from dave coming up.
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prices continue to rise and there may be no relief in the near future. experts say the issue stems from the shift from the winner gas plant to the summer blend. plus, demand is up as more people hit the roads for the warmer months. so let's take a look at what you can expect this weekend for a gallon in the bay area. the most expensive price can be found in napa at $5.80. san
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francisco and sandra fell just a couple of cents less than that. >> followed by oakland and san jose around 5.60, the cheapest gas can be found in the valais fairfield area at 5.60. we spoke with an expert from uc berkeley on a possible solution for higher gas prices. >> best way to beat high gas prices is to make sure that you have a car that gets decent fuel economy because if you can go from 20 miles per gallon to 30 miles per gallon, that is like cutting your price of gasoline by a 3rd. so it's important to think about that when we're buying cars. >> the professor adds that while the state average is at 5.44, there is a committee investigating why prices are so high in california compared to the rest of the country. meantime, the slowdown in ev sales continues to snowball, according to car search engine. i see cars. the average price for a used
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electric car fell by more than 30% while the average price for gas model slipped by more than 3 and a half percent. kelley blue book says the hottest auto trend for this year is hybrids because they're relatively affordable and get grace great gas mileage. still ahead on the kron, morning news, a san francisco community coming together. >> after surveillance video captures a man vandalizing hamas. and a live look now from our sutro tower cam as we continue to track the rain that's falling across the bay area for you. this very wet and windy saturday morning and windy saturday morning will be right back. choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel
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for any traveler you want to be. like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm, i... added the garnish. stay twice and get a free night when you book direct. ♪ ♪ whether someone is across the neighborhood, across the street, or across the room, you have the power to make them feel right at home. ♪ ♪ ritz. a taste of welcome.
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>> now on the kron 4 morning news, san francisco police announced progress in policing reforms, but some city leaders argue it's still not enough. and a new event called weed week is in town. the reaction from san francisco, mayor london breed. good morning. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. we'll get to all those stories for you in just a moment. but let's get you started this half hour with a look at our very wet and rainy forecast with dave spahr day. what are you keeping an eye on for us this morning? well, also little in the way of some winds to and makes fun for driving as well. yeah, good morning, stephanie. good morning. all started to do it and it's another saturday of rain to start our day off now. not all day. >> it looks like it will subside a little bit by the late morning early afternoon hours. however, that gives the atmosphere chance to kind of recharge a bit and we might have some stray isolated thunder showers at work with kind of a little secondary
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wave. we expect a building by the late afternoon. there's a shot of what the radar looks like. pretty much covered with that moderate rain little bit heavier, though, down south, just a touch. but that appears to be breaking up as well. so going into the later morning hours, a little better. here's sfo for you. there are some minor delays due to some construction issues. there are about an hour. there's your look at your winds. they're pretty read across mid bay there in the teens, but single digits elsewhere. we expect us to remain pretty constant this afternoon and evening. so it'll be a little bit on the breezy side. it's below the threshold, though, for wind advisory talk. the current temperatures are in the mid to upper 40's. don't expect much movement with that this afternoon. it says rain and showers on our breakdown today, although we're looking for a nice break happening in the early afternoon and then it looks like more activity upstream into your sunday as well. have more on the forecast and a bit, stephanie. all right, dave, thank you. >> and we continue our coverage of the rain moving across the bay area with kron four's tiffany justice. she's
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live for us now in walnut creek with a look at the conditions out there this morning. hi, tiffany. >> good morning, stephanie. yes, to change a sharp change in temperatures room earlier this we're having some nice summer like conditions, you might be waking up to rain today on this saturday morning here in walnut creek. it has been raining throughout the night into the early morning hours around the 7 o'clock hour is really coming down right now. i would say it's a nice sprinkle, but today would be a good day to grab that rain coat umbrella. i'm a nice coat. if you have one as well to stay warm because it is quite cold out here as well. the national weather service says that the highest chance of thunderstorms will be this afternoon that the heaviest rain in the santa cruz mountains and senate leisure range. they also are are advising people to give yourself extra time. if you're planning on traveling or driving and also to give
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yourself enough distance while you're driving that break room, that car in front of you, there should be enough distance between you and the car driving ahead of you while you are we do, want to caution you that what i was driving from the city all the way here to walnut creek. i did notice some puzzling zahn, the main roadways and the side roads as well. >> so make sure you are being safe while you're driving a bundle up. you are planning on heading out the door because it is a bit rainy today and cold. stephanie, back to you in studio. alright, some helpful guidance there. thank you so much. tiffany. >> what if a cisco, the muslim community and interfaith leaders are speaking out about a mosque being vandalized during the holy month of ramadan. >> as kron four's gayle ong reports, police have arrested a suspect. >> we hope no harm the falls, anybody of any ethnicity. we are here with you together. that your pain is our pain. we are relieved that the
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perpetrator has been apprehended. interfaith leaders showing solidarity with the muslim community friday afternoon. >> days after a man smashed windows of this, not mosque and harassed members. surveillance video captured it all. san francisco police say the man you see in the video is 35 year-old robert greatly arrested him for felony vandalism. we arrested him and charged with a hate crime. >> for all the damage and the threatening in that really >> intimidating what was going on police say gray visited the mosque multiple times this month during the holy month of ramadan. the sfpd assistant police chief and chief of staff for the san francisco district attorney's office shared these words. we will drive by moss and places of worship. we're continue to be present. >> but but the trust is so important because we want to help people. we want to respond rapidly. we take hate crimes very seriously. here. we truly believe it is every franciscans right to have a
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safe place to worship. the mosque's board members say there have been other acts of vandalism during the holiday month. >> and hope the arrest of the perpetrator in this case will send a message the city's actions. today will show the city is serious and taking action against people who hate against muslim than any other race. religion in the city to see the francisco police department step up. >> the way that they to see the temps, a school district attorneys office the way that they have to show that the muslim community is has heard seen as other community members and cisco. the word comes from the word in arabic language which means peace. so we hope these and blessings are spread across all communities. and we hope that such incidences do not impact anybody. great remains in custody and is facing 6 years in state prison if convicted of all charges and the hate crime allegation. >> in san francisco, gayle ong kron, 4 news. >> francisco police say they've completed a series of
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reforms in the department, but as kron 4 charles clifford reports, critics say there's still more work to be done. >> well, here in san francisco, the city and the police department say that they have completed a series of reforms that they have been working on for the better part of a decade. 7 years ago, the police department was under heavy criticism following several violent incidents, including the shooting death of mario woods at the time the obama administration department of justice may 272 reform recommendations, including asking the department to address biased policing limit use of force, address racial equity issues, improve transparency and data collection. on friday, the police department announced that they have submitted the last 27 responses to all 272 reform recommendations. they submitted those responses to the california department of justice. now, critics of the department have said that the police department still has issues that need to be addressed, including use of force against black people in san francisco who make up a smaller percentage of the population. on friday. mayor
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london breed and police chief william scott acknowledged that there are issues that still need to be resolved. >> and while this is definitely a commemorative moment, this does not mean that we won't continue the great work that we're doing to balance the reforms that we need to implement as well as making sure that we focus on public safety for san francisco. >> each and every one of us know that there's a lot more work to be done and this work. cole reform is never truly over. but we have put in place systems we put in place infrastructure we put in place to support to overcome challenges and to adapt we need to. and really that's what this work all about. >> now, even though the san francisco police department says they have completed all 272 recommendations, it's not clear yet if the california department of justice agrees that those recommendations have been fulfilled. but for now in san francisco, charles clifford kron, 4 news. >> the city of vallejo reached
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a settlement agreement on police oversight with california's department of justice in 2020, the state doj entered memorandum with the city requiring billy hope police to make at least 45 improvement surrounding unlawful use of force and racial bias. the department has said complied with 20 recommendations. california attorney general rob bonta said the new agreement demonstrates commitment to correcting injustices and enhancing public safety. >> i was so open. just a reminder. we're coming to your city april 12 13 for the black were flash mob. we get. >> and the national organization black men's wear is kicking off a weekend of community building in oakland. the national event travels across the u.s. seeking to reframe the narrative around black men in a positive way. this weekend, hundreds of black men come together to give back to the bay area through community service and there will be a viral flash mob as well. to learn more about the event and be a part of the festivities. go to black men's wear dot com.
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excited and emotional parents and students at the amazon innovation lab in sunnyvale this week. the company surprise 7 bay area high school seniors with up to $40,000 in scholarship money to pursue an education in stem. the students also get a paid internship at amazon following their freshman year of college. >> my mama a lot me and my myself and not be a burden on when i go off to life
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>> high school seniors are among just 63 recipients in california. 400 students nationwide were selected for this program. big congratulations to all of them and well deserved. happening today. san francisco's first ever weed week kicks off the event leads up to for 20 the international marijuana holiday. organizers say we'd week will feature marijuana producers and 7 license lounges and stores over 7 nights during the announcement for us. if we'd week mayor london breed spoke about the economic impacts. >> we project in 2020 for 2025. that it will project 789 million dollars into our economy sf we week is just like their weekend restaurant week and all these other things that matter of fact rest we and we week should be at the same time. >> they got to be hungry. >> sf weed week comes the same year. city canceled its
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official for 20 event on hippie hill because of lack of funding. you can find a link to the full list of we week events on our website. kron 4 dot com. dave. >> all right. and this is real. the rain that we've got again, this saturday kind of moderate rain showers for now. we expect us to break up a little bit here, but >> firing up and or shower perhaps into this put together for you to kron. morning news for you to kron. morning news to. ss.
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>> welcome back. taking a live look now from our sutro cam. nice look at the golden gate bridge this morning, chances are you're going want to carry an umbrella with you if you want to step outdoors today. dave, what do you think? >> that's good advice. yeah, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. but hold on tight. we have some breezy conditions going on seeing actually the flag that's going on at the golden gate looks to the offshore for now. it's just due to where the low pressure system is there you see that to moderate rain just about covering the entire bay. we send you up to yosemite. there. it is. snow coming their way for today. tonight, a little bit on sunday as well before that, the parts general forecast actually doesn't note that cloudy on sunday, but it looks like they'll get a little bit going on. now. snow levels will be getting down to about 4,000 so feet, maybe a bit less. that's enough to kind of graze the top of our local mountains about hamilton, mount diablo. so it's possible at least cause medically some of that might hit the ground there. there's
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a little gradual warm up by tuesday at 60. you can see already. so little melting is going to return. there's the low that we're discussing. it's a cold core low out of the gulf of alaska expected to sink south. what's going to drive kind of an offshore wind for us, even though we've had this rain little break is expected before fires back up again. here it is on futurecast for starts to depart a little bit. my name's he couple or raise a son. there's the heating and then another line develops. as you can see, looks like a graze. the san francisco down the peninsula, east bay and up to the north bay as well before tapering off a little bit and then expected to fire back up again tomorrow a bit but very spotty with that to the how much rain we get total collection. let's end this thing all the way up to monday. total collection of the empty out. the rain gauge now and try to collect it from this point forward. it's about a quarter of an inch, 2 shy of a half an inch with that. so not real heavy and intense with this, which is somewhat typical with these cold core systems without any supplementation here from some of the subtropical jet. there it is playing out on your
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sunday spotty for those rain showers. we expect maybe a late day hit selectively the north bay a little bit. san francisco, that possibility once that breezes past, we'll get some bouts of some scattered clouds as late as about wednesday, that it's a warming up phase for thursday into friday. maybe some backtracking a little bit into the weekend. but at this point looks like next weekend should be dry. high temperatures today. we've got the upper 50's. that's the best we're going to muster here. but that longer range forecast for you gradually warming up through the 70's and we even popping about 80 come thursday. but the key issue for this is looks like it will be dry right on through next weekend. stephanie. >> dave, thank you. if you're a fan of puppies and pageants, there's an event happening today in san francisco that celebrates both with proceeds going towards local charities. joining us live now to share more is padgett founder or rather, i should say podge and founder at the ready and our own state treasurer fiona ma who is an ambassador for this
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special event. good morning to the both of you. good morning, kate. you've brought some friends with you as well. tell us a little bit about who brought with you this is me not okay. she's a 11 years old and looking forward to the pageant the pageant today as we here and this is we call the founder along >> this event and that we really asian american foundation that we want to carry this to make this a difference, not just having a pageant and we also have a posh an to for babies in this bay area. and the pups are looking fabulous. ladies are looking great. the first this tell us a bit about what inspired the podge and. >> well for me to be the add this, that i had a dream. and i think that, you know, seeing that we do. passions. i said, what is it with the nice to really bring into half for babies? too? also through the
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same event and roast hum. again, the founder of ms asian american foundation says let's do it. the pacific second annual and we're very honored to has grown and taking on many, many more ventures to this and having the best fiona joining us. yes. and if you and how did you get looped into all of this, too? well, a couple years monique has volunteered to be my stylist. she has done a lot of pageants over the years along with ethel ready, who i've known for many decades. and so they said, hey, want get more involved with us. and so now we started an organization called catwalk for charitable causes that raises money for different charities need needy charities here in the bay area. and so this is kind of an extension and just supporting a good friend fl ambrose, tung as well and testing. so when people come to the project today, what can they expect? because this is
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happening, rain or shine? yes, it is an to lancy the former delancey street, a cathay 6, 9, 9, as a 6, de lancy all right. so tell us people expected a a lot of stuff. definitely great food. custom nc has created a special menu with there. ken baked turkey sliders. but up in more surprises, festive food drinks surprises. lots of sponsors that are there celebrate. it would be raffled off. we also have miss global. queen coin will be crowning all the dogs so that a red carpet, all the dogs. i think we have what 20 that will walking the red carpet. >> and so what? how does a pup qualified to be a contestant for this? and i assume that there there will be dolled up just like the pups that you
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brought on the show today. it would dealt with them and owner, okay. we called the humans. and the thing is that it's about having fun so as long as the contest is the have to harden, just want to come. >> be a contestant. we so we don't turn anyone away, which is it's about the heart. okay, gotcha. how can people. so you mentioned that this is happening on deland c street? yes. can you tell us about the hours to some people are aware one to to 04:00pm today. okay or shine? and is there an admission prices donation for individuals are $100 anybody under 12. this free. if you'd like to participate its value and a year for babies, 250, everything goes 5, 1, c 3. okay. yes. and we're raising money for 2 charities today. one is animal fix clinic to tackle the up during covid. everybody adopted dogs in the shelters and rescues were empty. but now they're
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oversubscribed. so animal clinic offering affordable spay and neuter on a sliding scale. they says they will not turn anyone down based on financial constraints and then the other one is joy bound. people and pets. they're starting a new grooming program and it will be tuition free for those people who have barriers to entry is the four-week program. and once they graduate, they will be job okay. fantastic. so 2 great local charities that the proceeds from this event are going to go really supporting a local animals that are in need such a beautiful thing look the crowds to on the on the pups to my for him. to close ups of that. that they're just looking great this morning out of curiosity, what are you looking for in a winning contested here and what does the winner get? they win they win the title, feel virtual representation of same way they serve one year to again support and be
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>> showing up and welcoming other points pageants. okay. they also their crown. they have their photos shoes they have you many, many more. is there going to be busy for the year? will be cases ending. so though they'll have a full calendar of events business to attend to. and will there be a perhaps photo shoot for a calendar photo shoot perhaps as well. yes, there to worked on that for it because all the contests that that issue goes on next year's calendar and maybe we'll see them at some local pages as well like the decision america pageant miss california miss teen years yesterday are infirm for them as well. you know, in terms of, you know, when we talk about like pageants for humans, that you're looking at the rock you're looking at, you know how the attire right? the physical fitness like is it are those the criteria are dogs that personality. and i'm just how they're going to there count if they they want
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to do in the pound. okay. so allen portion, ok, we do have some talented for babies coming today as you have video audition videos or you have any idea of what they might be showing up today. ah, yes. one plays the piano and he state courts that's been testing a male dog isn't biscuit, ok? so we look forward seeing him and the other will be surprises. you have to be there >> okay we want everyone to come. okay. wonderful. thank you so did at and fiona for joining us today to talk about their pungent that's happening in san francisco. all the proceeds going to local nonprofits. we appreciate you being here with us this morning. we thank you having morning. we thank you having >> we'll be right back. ( ♪♪ )
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orphaned sea otter pup is now being cared for at the aquarium of the pacific in long beach, the animal was rescued off the coast of santa cruz county. it's now paired with an adult female sea otter to learn survival skills, such as foraging for food and grooming. very important. well, this will be the first get raised honor at the aquarium. >> the last several years the population has stabilized at about 3,000. and we're hoping that with our trying to put more pops back into the wild, we're going to be able to continue to recover. the species is part of our coastline. >> the surrogate area will be kept out of the public's view from now to avoid any human interaction and increase the otters. chances of surviving back in the white.
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>> still ahead on the next hour of the kron 4 morning news. spring showers are sweeping across the bay area today. just how long we can expect this rain stick around for. plus, the reaction from street vendors in san francisco's mission district after the city bans them from doing business. and oakland's much anticipated. first fridays are back after some delays. stay with us. the couple morning news continues with those stories and more.
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now on the kron. 4 morning news are likely waking up to
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some rain falling outside your window right now and more is on the way. we have live team coverage, all that wet weather. and street vending officially shut down in san francisco's mission district. the reaction from vendors and the city. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> thank. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's saturday. april, the 13th. thank you so much for joining us. let's get you started with a look at the weather with dave spahr. good morning, dave. well, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. we're starting things off with a wet % pictures you merit referenced earlier. there you have it. moderate rain showers across the bay and to the south that some may be potentially some snow up there to mount hamilton, mount diablo. you might get some with this cold core low so close and handle usually a winter feature. but there it is right off our coast. notice the breaks in
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there. so we might see a couple raise the sun coming out today. and certainly tomorrow you have a better chance for that to even stars for tonight, too. here's a look at san jose state of the overcast skies firmly in place. there. they had some heavier rain showers going on earlier. we're talking to you. the wind's actually a little bit off shore from now. that's just due to the proximity of the lowell. be us lee. it's an issue because it's all very wet. we have winds in the teens so they were below the criteria for a wind advisory. however, plenty annoying if you're driving as that rain is kind of going sideways up against the windshield. there you have the temperatures for you in the upper 40's. very slow going behind where we were this time from yesterday by half-a-dozen degrees. so for today, we're keep a lot of rain in the forecast. but again, we expect some breaks around the noon hour and shortly there afterwards. and then complements of some heating might see a little flare up of some potentially some scattered thunder showers as we head into the evening. more your forecast coming up in a bit. stephanie. all right, dave, thank you. we continue our coverage of the rain moving across the bay
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area with kron four's tiffany justice. >> she's live for us now in walnut creek with a look at the conditions brewing out there this morning. hey there, tiffany. >> hey, stephanie. yes, storms rolling in overnight. many of us waking up to this rain here in walnut creek. it has been raining all morning long. it was really coming down during the 7 o'clock hour. and that has been lining up. i would say at this time it's more of a light sprinkle at 9 o'clock on this saturday morning. we do want to tell you more about what the national weather service is saying. they're saying that the highest chance of storms, thunderstorms will be this afternoon with the heaviest rain in the santa cruz mountains is sent to lucia range. they're also advising people. if you are driving today, keep your some x, give yourself some extra travel time. if you're driving and make sure you're giving yourself some distance in between the car ahead of you i know driving from the city
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into walnut creek this morning. the rain was coming down quite hard of what i was already noticing. some polling on the main highways and then even the side roads as well. so rain definitely impacting your commute today. if you are planning on heading out door, make sure you're grabbing some coats to stay warm. so rain boots, if need it will be a rainy day. stephanie, back to you. there. thank you so much. tiffany. >> pedestrian is seriously injured after an incident with a samtrans bus. samtrans says the person was trying to catch a bus 6.45 friday night at the caltrain station in redwood city center and says the pedestrian tripped and fell and the rear wheels of the bus ran over both of the persons lakes. they were taken to the hospital. has said it was a business owner says he is fed up with being burglarized over and over again. the guild house is a popular center in downtown san jose. the owner says his business has been broken into a time since it opened 2 years ago. the latest
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happening in late march. he says the burglar stole $20,000 worth of merchandise and took the bars credit cards and keys. the bar owner says san jose police are investigating. and police arrested a san jose state student accused of setting 2 fires on campus. the blazes happened inside the martin luther king junior library on march 31st. and april 8, all students were still inside. no one was hurt. police have not released many suspect details only describing the person as a sophomore at the school. authorities recover more than a dozen illegally manufactured guns and ammo in san jose. police say an investigation led them to 2 suspects. officers say the men were selling the firearms out of their home in the area of river ashe court and stone canyon drive. both suspects in jail facing multiple firearm related charges. the california secretary of state
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officially certified the results of the march 5th primary election. one notable results, the race for congressional district 16 to 16 and su sam. a came in first low and joe smitty and tied for second for the first time in state history. all 3 candidates face off in the november election. but request for a recount were made in both santa clara and san mateo counties. those recounts could start as soon as monday. in the north bay. authorities believe they found the body of the teen swept away in the russian river earlier this week. so now the county deputies responded to the area around 5 o'clock thursday evening about 2 teens who needed to be rescued. witnesses say one of the teens got out of the water on their own, but the other never made it out. that person's name has not been released. the driver involved in a crash killing a 9 year-old girl last sunday has been charged with felony hit and run and child abuse. chp arrested. 22 year-old jesus guzman from oregon
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wednesday. investigators say he was driving an suv with 5 family members on board when he crashed on northbound 6.80, at the 2. 42 split in concord. the 9 year-old passenger died. 5 family members are still at the hospital. the suspect is being held on a million dollar bail. and police arrested this american canyon high school teacher for the second time in one week. investigators say they found new evidence. 41 year-old brad role sexually assaulted a child. is a pe teacher. he was on administrative leave after an arrest at the school tuesday on charges, including inappropriate contact with a minor. for san francisco's nightlife is closing its doors. temple nightclub in the soma district shuts down may 25th. the club says they are closing over financial difficulties. temple is known for its live dj and music performances. they still have tickets available for several concerts. coming up. san
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francisco's chinatown hosted its night market yet again, the event on grant avenue feature traditional chinese food and activities. >> returns every second friday of the month until november says that neighborhood night market is also expected to make its return later this year. in the east bay, a popular oakland event is back after a three-month break. first, fridays kicked off last night featuring local small shops and food trucks as kron four's dan thorn shows us attendees and business owners were pretty throat. >> telegraph avenue in oakland packed for the long-awaited return of first fridays. the popular street fair showcases art. music and the city's small shops like oakland zone over first friday of the small business incubator. and this is what we've got our start
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back in 2015. so we're really excited back what we started. our rent, introduce yourself the event has also helped other local small brands like oakland, native clothing to continue to grow. it means the world to me. >> as a business to come out here to represent my brand community a moment. >> the festival is put on during the first friday of each month. but the kono community benefit district but financial challenges for us to the nonprofit to put a pause on the program from january through march, the hiatus gave the group some time to build back for relaunch attendees and vendors say first friday's helps combat the downturn out negative image of oakland. examples like these. so the beautiful sight of so that cited community of people coming together. >> and just having a good time safe on the news is always about violence you matching but this is the example of like man, there's so much that still happening in vendors also say oakland's culture is
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given a lifeline through events like these good people, good people, good energy. that's what we man. >> the community benefit district is hoping not to run into any more money problems to keep first fridays going strong and in june at the nonprofit is going to be hosting its first annual golf tournament to sustain the success of the street fest in oakland, dan thorn kron. 4 news. >> coming up on the kron 4 morning news. the city of san francisco announces progress and policing reforms, but some neighbors say there's still more work to be done. plus, a look at local gas prices and why they're on the rise yet again. >> time of day. >> it's cinco de mayo is just around the corner. the steps san jose police are taking and the response from the low rider community to make it a safe celebration. >> and the rain intensity is lightening up a little making
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way for a midday break. but more is expected upstream into the late afternoon early evening. look at your forecast, not just for today, but into tomorrow. the crowd but into tomorrow. the crowd for what it is continues. this homestyle chicken salad wrap from subway this is how you do it. savory chicken, crisp veggies all wrapped up— these wraps are amazing. people can hear my thoughts? that's a problem. stay fresh out there with all—new wraps from subway.
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♪ from the mountains to the coast... ♪ ♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ todos a la mesa ♪ ♪ que buena la mezcla ♪ ♪ it don't get no better ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ lovin' this land everyday ♪ ♪ norte a sur lo puedes ver ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado...yeah ♪ well, good morning, everybody. welcome back to kron. 4 morning news. and we're taking a look at the golden gate bridge up close and personal. notice that flag flapping in the opposite direction as we get some groceries to hear. >> comes a barge you can see coming into the bay. but the overcast skies with the rain, it appears somewhat light. and
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that tells us that our break is coming up here right around the corner. not a going to see a lot of sun, but we should turn the rain off a little bit here. there may be some potential breaks in the sun, but i think clouds you might be more likely to see that tomorrow. the rain is going to be much lighter tomorrow. so again, this rain is trying to let up a little bit for are somewhat clear. patrick put that in quotation marks the south bay here also is the home of heavier intensity that when we joined you this morning at about 7 and still potential for some snow up there in mount diablo. but for the most part, this to appears to be waning. so what the folks that prediction center say as we go, this area we see green is where the possibility is to get some thunder showers. and that's because this low is cold right here in yeah. the daytime heating, which actually directly heats the ground itself a necessary air. the air is secondary, but it can hit the ground us and is that ultraviolet radiation, whatever doesn't go through the clouds and it comes in for ed warms up that water evaporates and therefore it
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goes to the higher levels and that's where the colder air is to drive hail and thunder showers. that's a possibility because of the timing later on this afternoon and into the sea. that's get back to future cast for here. here's this clear patch. we're talking about and boom right there as we have the maximum energy in the atmosphere, things can happen potentially. so a little bit quieter night tonight into your sunday with those rain around us a little bit. and then it kind of takes a break in the afternoon. you can see this is right mention about some breaks of sun potentially trying to come through there. and this last little wave of some showers that could have it in bed. a few little thunder showers. the wind's going to be active all day today from an offshore direction. not a surprise because where the low is, the winds are pretty much in the teens in the 20's and all of this, not particularly real, real heavy. it's not popping to the advisory strength level as we venture into sunday, a little bit less active. so that's one of the reasons why they haven't posted one. but if you're in and it's a little bit uncomfortable with the rain going kind of sideways a
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little bit. all right. here's a look at what we've got going on today. rain with some scattered showers as we talked about possible thunder shower early and late showers for tomorrow. it's really the secondary dosed that's worth noting here breaks in the afternoon sun there and the next week clearing and warming. it looks like and we'll see those temperatures return to their spread like numbers that we saw last week. but today, don't bet on it. 59 san franciaco, maybe popping 63 san jose, 62. meanwhile, for oakland in our big temperature map, there has middle 2 upper 50's pretty much firmly in place. so going to be quite for this weekend. it looks like, but, you know, step in a longer range forecast. get to that later. but the long-range forecast says besides just warming up this week, next weekend should remain dry. okay. good there, too. all right. so we're just kind of >> hunker down this and it will pass it to be out about this is not the best day. tomorrow is a little better but got to do what you got to do. all right. thanks so much. data. all right. >> well, happening today, san
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francisco mayor london breed heads to china for a multi city tour. she's joined by a delegation of san francisco's asian and pacific islander communities. earlier this week, the mayor says she plans to meet with chinese officials in business, government and universities in an effort to improve relations and attract business for san francisco. >> our goal is to, you know, enter into major agreement to make san francisco a significant to china and to let them know that we're open the business relationship that could be developed as a result. >> the mayor also says she is hoping to encourage tourism. she will be in china for a week. cinco de mayo is just a couple of weeks away. the holiday brings massive crowds out to san jose and hundreds of low riders plan to cruise across the city. but last year, san jose police were criticized for how they patrolled the event. kron four's jack molmud spoke to people in the low riding community about what steps
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they and the sjpd are taking this year. >> eddie lewis with the united low-rider council. san jose was born and raised and what he calls that use side way growing up in the side that fall, you >> we didn't have a brand new cars like other parts of san jose. so he and his friends did what they could showed off what they so we wanted to show off what we can do besides you don't you don't pick in the fields and stuff like that. he says he planned to celebrate his culture last year. cinco de mayo celebration in san jose. but being the wife went out for about 5 minutes and i saw that and we just took off and i want to part of it. what he saw was a huge police presence. in fact, officers arrested more than 100 people shut down multiple highway off-ramps. >> a public outcry followed calling sjpd is response discriminatory. lewis says it reminds him of low ratings past where this kind of activity would get you in
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trouble. san jose and cruising for nearly 4 decades making it legal just 2 years ago. >> so they stereotype, if standing had a car, then >> you a criminal. lewis says have the low reading council have been working with san jose police for months at this time. san jose police named to the roads plans to close down and warned of potential traffic divers. it's something lewis says is a good move for transparency. yeah, i feel at ease. we asked san jose police for an interview today, but they were not available. >> oo the goal is now after all these community meetings between the low rider community and san jose police around 300 of these low riders will be successfully cruising down the street of san jose on cinco de mayo. and the plus is that the low rider community is working to build san jose police their very own low reading car. in san jose jacmel but kron 4 news. >> work along eastbound highway. 37 in sonoma has been rescheduled due to weather. caltrans will now repave the
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road over the weekends of april 19th and 26th work starts at 09:00pm friday and opens monday at 04:00am. the transportation department is spending more than 800 million dollars on nationwide projects aimed at protecting infrastructure from climate change. the city of allay got 20 million dollars to repair highway 37 because of winter storms. our washington correspondent hannah brandt reports. >> as climate change worsens, natural disasters early be more damage in their wake. sea levels are higher than they used to be. >> flood plains are changing from where they used to be. wildfires are more frequent than they used to be. then why in the world would we keep putting the infrastructure back the way it used to be? that's why for the first time the transportation department is spending 800 million dollars on what it calls climate resilience projects. transportation secretary pete buttigieg tells me they're urgently needed this resilience. funding can help make piece of infrastructure. we all count on. >> more resistant to those
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threats. the goal is to target spots that are especially vulnerable to extreme weather and the money will be used to revamp dozens of roads, bridges, ports and other infrastructure across the country. this is about smarter better designs, our economy, our daily commutes, sometimes even our lives depend on making sure that infrastructure is strong. the funding for these projects comes from the infrastructure law passed in 2021. democratic senator mark warner says it's an investment that pays off for everyone. if you want to be good stewards of our taxpayer money, if we didn't do that, >> it would be irresponsible to the nth degree. and republican senator shelley moore capito agreed specifically praising the money going to her state of west virginia to elevate a highway to prevent flood damage. i look forward to seeing it happened. i think this is what it means, what it means to rebuild in a and smart areas. secretary buttigieg says there's a reason the support is bipartisan, but i think that reason is that there's no republican or democratic roads or bridges. they're just pieces of infrastructure. we all count on every day in washington. i'm hannah brandt.
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national park week kicks off next saturday with free admission at all national parks, including yosemite and pinnacles. >> many parks already don't charge entry fees. officials hope the fee free holiday encourages people to visit entrance fees are only waves on the first day of national park week next saturday. april 20th. restrooms at the rest area along the golden gate bridge in sausalito will be closed for at least 2 and a half months starting this coming monday. caltrans is scheduled to start maintenance on rush restrooms. there and temporary portable toilets will be available. the rest area remains open throughout construction. >> and do you have what it takes to be the very best like no one ever was? >> well, today is pokemon day in the city of san francisco. the perfect opportunity to show off your pokemon master skills. the board of supervisors voted to adopt april 13th as pokemon day earlier this week and fans can enjoy activities like battles
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card trading and but making at for public libraries, including the main library, richmond park, libraries and ocean view as well. and this all comes as the city plans to host the pokemon world championships in 2026. at the moscow. nice enter best of luck. trainers. all right. well, beneath the city's glow where bart's line softly, weave a story of us begins in the twilight of the eve. that's the opening line to one of the winning poems of bart's teen poetry contest. the poem is called under the stars of valencia. a bar love story. you can check out the parliament. 30 other winning bytes web site right now. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news ev sales are slowing down. the other option drivers are revving their engines for. >> and we continue to track the storms sweeping across the bay area. right now live look at stormtracker 4 radar showing showers falling across santa rosa, toledo and san francisco as well as half moon
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bay. daybell have much more on your weather conditions coming your weather conditions coming up after this. ♪ ♪ whether someone is across the neighborhood, across the street, or across the room, you have the power to make them feel right at home.
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♪ ♪ ritz. a taste of welcome. nutrish whole health blend. for happy, healthy dogs. [dog food pouring] ugh. i'm a stick. made out of stick. nutrish whole health blend for balanced energy, active mind and immune support. helping dogs dog healthy.
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silicon valley roadways are getting improvements. >> officials plan to upgrade bike lanes, widened sidewalks crosswalks along a one and a half mile stretch of homestead road which passes through los altos, cupertino and sunnyvale. the improvements also impact the road between foothill expressway and hollenbeck avenue. vta officials say construction is set to start this summer. gas
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prices continue to rise and there may be no relief in the near future. experts say the issue stems from the ship from the winner gas plan to the summer blend. plus, demand is up as more people hit the roads for the warmer months. let's take a look at what you can expect this weekend for a gallon in the bay area. the most expensive price can be found in napa at $5.80. says francisco and sandra fell just a couple of senseless followed by oakland and san jose around 5.60, the cheapest is in the valais hope fairfield area at 5.60. we spoke with a uc berkeley professor on a possible solution for high gas prices. >> the best way to beat high gas prices is to make sure that you have a car that gets decent fuel economy because if you can go from 20 miles per gallon to 30 miles per gallon, that is like cutting your price of gasoline by a 3rd. so it's important to think about that when we're buying cars.
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>> the professor adds that while the state average is at 5.44, there is a committee investigating why prices are so high in california compared to the rest of the country. >> meantime, the slowdown in ev sales continues to snowball, according to car search engine. i see cars. >> the average price for a used electric car fell by more than 30% while the average price for gas model slipped by more than 3 and a half percent. kelley blue book srys the hottest auto trend for this year is hybrids because they're relatively affordable and get great gas mileage still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, a san francisco community is coming together. >> after surveillance video captures a man vandalizing a mosque. and taking a live look now from our sutro tower cam as we track the rain for you this wet saturday morning city of san francisco looking just a big gray at 9.27. this saturday. but could things change? dave spahr is tracking it all for us. stay with us for more.
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>> now on the kron 4 morning news. san francisco police announced progress in policing reforms, but some city leaders argue it's still not enough. and a new event called weed week is in town. the reaction from san francisco, mayor london breed. i good morning. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. thank you so much for joining us today. we're going to get all those stories in just a moment. but let's get you started this half hour at 9.30, with a look at the weather with dave sphar. hey, there day. what are you keeping an eye on? well, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and for now, looks like we're starting to get into where the rain is going until low
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pattern. not as heavy as intense as it was, although it's still filling up the radar at all. >> we expect that to taper off a little bit. take kind of a break, but then will be the firing up of some more showers. maybe even some thunder showers that will come but will be more selective than this massive rain that you see here. >> on the board. but a lot of our pictures. it looks like it's starting to subside as we're getting to that clear patch before that next line marches in sfo. by the way, they're cooking out about an hour delay or so that's due to consumer construction. there. we're also getting some winds to mostly offshore in the teens. there no wind advisory because this is not going to last as long as it's not as intense enough to merit that right now, mostly upper 40's don't expect much temperature building beyond that point. and again, a break developing. this will be for midday break, allows some daytime heating and maybe give us some thunder showers going into the evening hours now. tomorrow is going to be nearly as active as this. but we still gotta keep some rain in that forecast. more on that coming up in a bit. stephanie. >> and we continue our
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coverage of the rain moving through the bay area with kron four's tiffany justice. she's live in walnut creek now with a look at the conditions out there right at this moment. hey there, tiffany. >> hey, stephanie. yes, here in walnut creek, it has been pretty steady with the rain right now. we're kind of getting this light. sprinkle dismiss here, walnut creek. but while we were here earlier around 7 o'clock this morning, it was really coming down at this point. the lot the rain has lightened up. lighten just a tad now we do want to mention what the national weather service is saying. they are the in the highest chance of thunderstorms will be this afternoon with the heaviest rain coming down in santa cruz mountains and the santa lucia range. they're also advising people. if you are traveling today or driving, please give yourself extra time to drive because of the rain. i do know driving from the city to wanna creek
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around 5 o'clock. this morning. the rain was coming down a bit more harder, but i was already seeing puddling on the main roads in the side roads. so i definitely paid more attention to that. drove a bit slower this morning. we also know. that this rain should continue throughout the day. so today would be a good idea grab that coat, rain, boots umbrella. if you need one of just a nice and dry and warm today on the saturday. back to you in studio all right. some helpful guidance there. thank you so much. tiffany. >> is francisco, the muslim community, an interfaith leaders are speaking out about a mosque being vandalized during the holy month of ramadan has called for his gayle ong reports. police have arrested a suspect. >> we hope no harm the falls. anybody of any ethnicity. we are here with you together. that your pain is our pain. we are relieved that the perpetrator has been apprehended. interfaith leaders showing solidarity with the muslim community friday afternoon.
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>> days after a man smashed windows of this, not mosque and harasyed members. surveillance video captured it all. san francisco police say the man you see in the video is 35 year-old robert greatly arrested him for felony vandalism. we arrested him and charged with a hate crime. >> for all the damage and the threatening in that really >> intimidating what was going on police say gray visited the mosque multiple times this month during the holy month of ramadan. the sfpd assistant police chief and chief of staff for the san francisco district attorney's office shared these words. we will drive by moss and places of worship. we're continue to be present. >> but but the trust is so important because we want to help people. we want to respond rapidly. we take hate crimes very seriously. here. we truly believe it is every san franciscans right to have a safe place to worship. the mosque's board members say there have been other acts of vandalism during the holiday month. >> and hope the arrest of the
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perpetrator in this case will send a message the city's actions. today will show the city is serious and taking action against people who hate against muslim than any other race. religion in the city to see the francisco police department step up. >> the way that they to see the temps, a school district attorneys office the way that they to show that the muslim community is has heard seen as other community members and cisco. >> the word comes from the word in arabic language which means peace. so we hope these and blessings are spread across all communities. and we hope that such incidences do not impact anybody. great remains in custody and is facing 6 years in state prison if convicted of all charges and the hate crime allegation. >> in san francisco, gayle ong kron, 4 news. >> san francisco police say they've completed a series of reforms in their department, but as kron 4 charles clifford reports, critics say there's still more work that needs to be done.
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>> they that they have completed a series of reforms that they have been working on for the better part of a decade. 7 years ago, the police department was under heavy criticism following several violent incidents, including the shooting death of mario woods at the time the obama administration department of justice may 272 reform recommendations, including asking the department to address biased policing limit use of force, address racial equity issues, improve transparency and data collection. on friday, the police department announced that they have submitted the last 27 responses to all 272 reform recommendations. they submitted those responses to the california department of justice. now, critics of the department have said that the police department still has issues that need to be addressed, including use of force against black people in san francisco who make up a smaller percentage of the population. on friday. mayor london breed and police chief william scott acknowledged that there are issues that still need to be resolved. >> and while this is definitely a commemorative
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moment, this does not mean that we won't continue the great work that we're doing to balance the reforms that we need to implement as well as making sure that we focus on public safety for san francisco. >> each and every one of us know that there's a lot more work to be done and this work. cole reform is never truly over. but we have put in place systems we put in place infrastructure we put in place to support to overcome challenges and to adapt we need to. and really that's what this work all about. >> now, even though the san francisco police department says they have completed all 272 recommendations, it's not clear yet if the california department of justice agrees that those recommendations have been fulfilled. but for now in san francisco, charles clifford kron, 4 news. >> san francisco city officials say since they shut down all street vending in the mission, district merchants have reported safer streets. but as kron four's dan kerman
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reports, the move has been tough on legitimate street vendors. >> since november street vending on mission street between 14th and cesar chavez has been off limits to 2 illegal sales and other safety related issues. some of the legitimate street vendors were moved to this indoor storefront at mission near 18th called lt young guy. the problem is shoppers have been few and sales have been dismal. i with last month and a half be when i sell us let you know that already. >> is it's not even 2. >> that's not no. look for us. when it failed. then we have a foot of the of a storage. >> when you pay now this temporary site is slated to close in just over a week. the volume being so low and the foot traffic also is a challenge. this actually we came to a decision with the vendors themselves of
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transitioning them and into the other site, which is more open air. it's it's in a parking lot. there's more visibility. it's close to transit. >> the other vendor site is located at this outdoor parking lot at 24th and capp the site known as la cita had until recently been home to both street vendors and covid testing going forward. the site will expand and focus solely on street vendors in hopes of attracting additional vendors and shoppers. so that's the goal is that we will have 20 vendors there. let leslie the selling a variety of products with more visibility. word about the expansion at la plus seat on 24th. >> had made it to all of the vendors to young guy who are still weighing their options. look at the market buy something what they can do. not >> not trying keep her heart the city's also in the process of renovating another indoor storefront at mission near
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17th, which could open defenders sometime this summer. >> ultimately, the city's goal is to allow again. but at this point, they don't have the resources to either keep it safe or to differentiate the legal and those selling stolen goods. dan kerman kron, >> was so open. just a reminder. we're coming to your city, april 12 13 for the black were flash mob. we get. >> and the national organization black men's wear is kicking off a weekend of community building in oakland. the national event travels across the u.s. seeking to reframe the narrative around black men in a positive way this weekend, hundreds of black men come together to give back to the bay area through community service and also be a flash mob as well. to learn more about this event and be a part of the fun go to black men's wear dot com. happening today. francisco's first ever weed week kicks off. the event leads up to for
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20 the international marijuana holiday. organizers say we'd week will feature marijuana producers in 7 license lounges and stores over 7 nights during the announcement for us. if we'd week mayor london breed spoke about the economic impacts. >> we project in 2020 for 2025. that it will project 789 million dollars into our economy sf we week is just like their weekend restaurant week and all these other things that matter of fact rest we and we week should be at the same time. >> they're going to be hungry. >> as if we we comes the same year, city canceled its official for 20 event on hippie hill because of lack of funding. you can find a link to the full list of weed week events on our website right now. >> kron 4 dot com date. >> most the rain turning to more light. a variety of looks like as we go into somewhat of
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our afternoon break early afternoon. that is because later today we expect another firing up with some showers, potentially some thunder showers. look at all of that coming up when we come back,
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>> welcome back. taking a live look now from our sutro tower camera. nice look at the golden gate bridge this morning. but of course, if you step outside, you might want to have an umbrella on you. and dave can tell you all about yeah, good morning, stephanie. good morning. everybody. still kind of look at a little gloomy there, but it looks like the rain is starting to subside with the heaviest amounts off to the northeast. it looks like as we take a temporary breather. but it looks like there's some more rain in our future as we
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go forward. >> fighting cloud cover now up in yosemite national park. yeah, there's the snow kind of there packing up a little bit. it's a bit more. i see, as you may recall from last week, we're going to be adding a little bit more to that as this next system makes way. they're calling a cloudy on sunday, but i think we'll get some snow tonight and then into tomorrow. then we start warming up pretty quickly, 60. it looks like already by tuesday, lots of sunshine. it probably should be pretty good for you next weekend. included with that, too. here's a storm tracker. 4. there's the break i just referenced with another line out here after we get the daytime heating, that mixture that means could get some thunder showers in there and in the future cast for you. see what i'm talking about going forward. here we go. package off towards our west and that looks like that will cover san francisco up tumor and a little bit. that's again after we get the maximum heating of the day. the tomorrow won't be quite as active, but there's still another shoe to fall late in the afternoon. make note rainfall collection from this point going forward. not a lot. this includes sunday's
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event that i mentioned as well. get more than a quarter of an inch up towards the north bay. but it's pretty much a quarter of an inch or less across the wider bay. this is a all the way till monday sunday morning might have some bouts of early rain showers in the afternoon. maybe a hit, but the nets, it will be finding some cloud cover early on. but after about wednesday, it's another warm up phase to get us almost into summer, maybe late spring and tour spring as we see some 80's start popping particularly well inland. it looks at this point like it might be a dry weekend heading our way. there's the warm up. you can see tuesday wednesday at 78 to about 80 by thursday and again watching out for some cold thunder showers later on this afternoon. stephanie. >> all right, dave, thank you. feeling stressed. well, the good news is you're not alone. in today's fast paced world, chronic stress is a common problem. as is the pressure to look perfect. april is stress awareness month and joining us live now to offer some guidance that we can all use
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this morning is doctor jen douglas. she's a bay area based psychologist and executive coach. good morning to you, doctor jen. good morning, stephanie. i'm so glad to be here. yes, we're so happy to have you. you know, you and i actually connected because you have a viral social media online where you offer such great advice to people who are experiencing that chronic stress. so first of all, just wanted to get your send. get a sense from you just how extreme is the issue of stress here in the bay area? i think the bay-area we're number one like we really do a great job of stress here day. i've worked all over the country and the only other. >> see that holds a candle to us in terms of competition, stress and perfectionism is new york is and there's just you can see why there's there's so much success. there's so much economic activity m and that breeds comparison. it could feeling less than can breed like that. we constantly feel like we're not doing and so we unfortunately have a lot of work to do in our area. yes,
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so one of the things you bring up is this sense of comparison. and we also talked during a bit during the commercial break about this. this pressure that so many of us constantly feel to also look perfect present this a certain image on social media or just external roundabout. so can you tell us a bit about what's driving that and how we can address that? >> absolutely. so it's it's not fundamentally a bad thing to want to present nicely to others because it's really about, you know, we're we're driven psychologically for acceptance, were driven psychologically, be connected to other people. and so i don't want people to beat up on themselves you know, want to do great work and i want, you know, the other moms. it's cool to like me and things like that. that's perfectly normal. from an evolutionary perspective. the problem is, is when our dose of comparison, when our dose of perfectionism gets ramped up by things like social media, real housewives seeing everybody else with, you know, whatever, do your bags,
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whatever it might be. right. and then it starts to pull us away from the things that really matter in our lives. and really, we find ourselves preoccupied and not enjoying the moment. so one of the things that we should be looking at instead, yes, so there's something that i really love to talk about that we call values based living. so no matter who you are going or what type of stress you have, it could be stress from work. it could be family could be financial whenever we drill down to what truly makes a person happy and should be motivating them in their day-to-day life, it has to do with their individual so for one person, it might be helping out the community being involved for another person. it might be bringing awareness to political situation over another person. it's making sure that their kid, you know, sees them when they get home from school every for another person might be working hard to get a bigger guard for their dog. doesn't matter what it is, but we want to make sure that we are being led by our own internal compass north stars. what i call rather than seeking external validation
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from everybody else is telling us is important. yes, yes, i've been reading a lot about this, too. and i think this ties a lot into the pressure that parents feel nowadays as well to get their kids into the universities. a lot of acceptance letters are coming in right now on the pressure to, you know, get their kids on. the best teams have been to all the extra curriculars get the straight what is the guidance to parents and also to the younger folks going through the pressure of all this right now? yes, i feel so bad, honestly, for the younger generation to do. >> i was hoping college acceptance letters, but i wasn't doing it live on social media for all the world to see, which is now a trend, but we do and we see it in the bay area, you know, not just college. i see it, you know, with my clients who are worried about where their kids go to kindergarten. oh, wow. and first grade 6th grade high so again, we want to slow down a bit and remind ourselves, you know, question i i always ask of people is, you know, when you look back at your life when you're 80. what do you want to remember about your you know, and and so and
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leading that example for our children. so i don't want to be, you know, 80 years old, my 80th birthday party thinking i got into this school go me. i would hope there are more important things my life more meeting held in case. okay. and so leading by example, you know, i'm a mom now about to be tends read think what's really important for me is setting an example for my daughter that her find your own internal compass and what makes her happy. >> that's the foundation. and then we can work around to how that fits in with in our lovely stressful capitalist and then we go from there. so, for example, of the things that you might observe about her, what she does day-to-day that, you kind of you that you work on supporting that nice job, getting the arab. how that work? exactly. exactly. yes, it's a very we we talk about radical acceptance. you know, when we talk about psychology and therapy and things like that, and so even
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if she's interested in something that i absolutely and not a fan for instance, i don't. we're on tv site, went out and bought makeup but don't normally work. okay. i'm not that kind christian and but she asked for makeup for her birthday. so this child owns much more make up than i that. so so it's something that, you know, i it is sort of in my brand of feminism for my generation of like 80's babies raised in the 90's. we were kind of anti but now it's recognizing her generation there's all this empowerment around all these things that are different than when i grow up and rather than forcing my values upon her. i want to foster who she is as a person and sort of i tell people my biggest job is to get out of her way. that's a lovely thing. in our last about 30 seconds here for anyone who is experiencing a lot of stress or they catch themselves in the middle of the day be like, oh, i'm doing a lot of
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anxiety. water is just some easy quick things that they can do on the spot to kind of ease themselves out of it. it's a wonderful question. i'm so glad you asked. so the first thing is literally step away from the screens. most of us when we're feeling bored, tired, upset, we turn to our phones and our social media. and so one thing i tell folks is just to get outside, get out of the building, if you can or go to a window. you know, you're stuck in a big office building and put your phone away and look up. even discussed in coming days like today. it kind of reminds us and we actually really cool psychological northside data that when our receive images from nature that actually naturally calms us. there are patterns that are repeating, but they're irregulars. so, you know, believes oak tree are somewhat similar. but a little bit different our brain, ashley finds that meditative without a see the notes case, some helpful
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guidance there. thank you so much. all right, doctor jen douglas, a bay area, basic college is an executive coach. thank you so much for your work. thank you for having course. our pleasure. and course. our pleasure. and we'll be right back.
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next! ♪♪ smiling first can help -next! someone find the courage to do the same.
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[♪♪] there's a way to cut your dishwashing time by 50%. try dawn powerwash dish spray. it removes 99% of grease and grime in half the time. it cleans so well, you can replace multiple cleaning products. try dawn powerwash. >> orphaned sea otter pup is now being cared for at the aquarium of the pacific in long beach. check this isn't cute? the animal was rescued off the coast of santa cruz county. it's now paired with an adult female sea otter to learn survival skills, such as forging for food and grooming the pub will be the first sarah get raised water at the aquarium. how about that?
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>> the last several years population has stabilized at about 3,000. and we're hoping that with our trying to put more pops back into the wild, we're going to be able to continue to recover the species part of our coastline. >> it will be kept out of the public's view to avoid human interaction and increase the otters. chances of surviving back in the wild. >> we get pretty wet today. here's a quick look at the radar. there you have it. no one into what we're projecting that's going to go forward a little break, stephanie. it looks like we're already getting into that break. but at the daytime heating with that cold core low and it kind of flares up a little bit there. so with the energy trapped in the atmosphere might see some of those thunder showers firing up and that going up to the north a little bit. we not completely done with the tomorrow, but the heavy betts will be for today. warming up to about 80 come thursday. how about that spring's coming back run? the sound of that? okay. here we
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back here tomorrow at 07:00am. all right. everybody take good care of yourselves. but by.
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- [announcer] the following is a paid program for joint food with tamasteen brought to you by nordic healthy living, a proud sponsor of the arthritis national research foundation. these statements have not been evaluated


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