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tv   KRON 4 News at 11pm  KRON  April 13, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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between iran and israel are breaking down what this attack means for israel and the u.s. military operations. good evening and thank you for joining us for kron for news. 11 dan thor, the initial aerial assault is in retaliation for a deadly israeli attack on the iranian consulate in syria. president biden cutting short his weekend in delaware and return to the white house for emergency meetings. iran says it launched dozens of drones and ballistic missiles at the jewish state. israel's iron dome missile defense system intercepting many of those strikes, the u.s. the uk and france also shooting down some of those drones and missiles. the israeli defense forces urging citizens to seek safety in bomb shelters in areas where sirens are sounding iran's direct attack comes after israel bombed iranian embassy in syria earlier this week, killing 7 senior iranian officials. since then israel and its allies have been anticipating a retaliatory
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strike. president biden was joined by a team of national security advisors who are monitoring the situation and insist the u.s. will continue to defend israel. prime minister benjamin addressed israelis shortly before the rockets were fired. but johnny israel has been preparing for the possibility of a direct attack from iran. our defense systems are deployed and we are prepared for any scenario. both defensively. >> and offensively, but enough cause state of israel is strong. the idea this strong, the public is strong. we appreciate the west israel site as well as the support of great britain, france and many other countries set a clear principle. whoever strikes he will strike him. we will defend ourselves against every threat and we will do this calmly and with determination. >> john fenoglio has been tracking the developments throughout this evening and he brings us the very latest now.
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>> air raid sirens and explosions sounding over israel as iran takes aim at the jewish state. iran launching a barrage of ballistic missile and drone attacks marking its first direct assault on israel. despite decades of tension, israel claims most missiles and drones were intercepted and shot down the regime in iran fired a massive swarm over 200 killer drones. cruise missiles and ballistic nissan's tools. the safety his room, the u.s. and britain also intercepting many of iran strikes. president biden speaking by phone with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu after meeting with his security advisers. the president releasing a statement saying in part, i just spoken with prime minister netanyahu to reaffirm america's ironclad commitment to the security of israel. i told him that israel demonstrated a remarkable capacity to defend against and defeat even unprecedented attacks, sending a clear
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message to its foes that they cannot effectively threaten the security of israel. iran's attacks come after israel bombed in iranian embassy in syria earlier this month, killing 7 senior iranian officials. since then israel and its allies have been anticipating a retaliatory strike. i think it will be rather short lived. john paluska is a retired u.s. army green beret captain who was wounded by iranian shrapnel while deployed in iraq. he says a direct attack by iran represents a dramatic escalation of hostilities in the region, even if it is short-lived. iran is really looking for. >> iran is trying to show the world that they can defend themselves. they can support in conflict who they want to have support from russia to support iran and you know, their power to the middle east. >> now growing concern the u.s. and its allies could be drawn into a wider war in the middle east. what were seen as
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we speak. he's a ron. the world were state sponsored terrorism directly attacking israel, our closest and most reliable ally in the middle east. and i think now is truly the time for the united states to stand with israel to help protect it and to make a wrong regret. this attack say beijing is watching putin's watching america talks a big game about israel now is where we see what if we put our money where our mouth is. and if we do that, we're serving our american interests in the middle east. we're helping our ally israel. they were sending a message to beijing in the moscow that we stand by beleaguered democracies when when attacked. that was john fenoglio reporting for us tonight. well, tonight, we also talk with representative john garamendi to get his thoughts. >> about this latest escalation. >> and now we're going one more step toward this tip for tat is her dangerous. in addition to that, the united states is directly involved
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now protecting israel from these in commi drones and missiles from around from actual country so we're seeing are very dangerous, very, very rapid escalation. we would hope this one i'm i it may very well be israel will want to now strike. iran in the country of iran. so one more escalation. it's a very bad path to be on. >> all right. you can follow the very latest on our website. kron 4 dot com. all right. we'll take a look right now at downtown san francisco from our sutro tower camera. looks maybe some of the rain has moved out that we've been seeing throughout this soggy saturday today. gayle ong joining us with a look at the forecast. a gale. >> hello. so we are seeing some rain mainly towards the south of santa cruz looks like that. you are getting right
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now at mainly overnight. that's what we are expecting. but here's a view across the bay area. looks like pretty calm everywhere else. maybe some light rain according to the radar in half moon bay, as you can see there, san jose just dropped their but quite tower is shining bright tonight in san francisco. here are some rain totals over the last 24 we started seeing that solid band of rain moved through this time yesterday and into the early morning hours. so half and a half an inch. and you can see almost an inch in fremont. and santa rosa, more than a quarter of an inch. an oakland and san francisco, san jose just under half an inch of rain, the coastal parts of the santa cruz mountains picked up an inch of rain in the last day or so. so here is that a satellite and radar here. you can that system now tracking south. this is a post frontal showers because yeah, we were busy for him with the overnight hours. you may have heard it when you woke up this morning and even some the wind howling and this is a cold 1,
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2, so we have a cold air mass here down 11 degrees, 15 degrees at fairfield and 10 degrees in livermore in hayward this time. 24 hours ago. and you probably felt the chill today. we will be bumping up a bit in daytime highs tomorrow and we will be warming up later on next week. so for now, we'll be waking up to the 40's here. low 50's. we have a breeze that's been cooling us down. so just tonight, look out for some overnight showers that will be lingering into the morning, mainly in the north bay. and we will be timing that out for you in the future cast model. when i come back in a few minutes, back to you. >> all right. thanks. a lot of family run jewelry store in oakland is working to get back on their feet after a violent robbery video from last wednesday shows several masked men armed with guns smashing the glass cases and ransacking funding jewelry. the robbers were eventually scared off in the owner's husband came out with his own gun. the owner's says about 80 to 90% of the store's inventory. still.
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>> this robbery you know that this past was it was probably one of the most brazen never before. we've had 8. if jewels rushed to business get away cars, we worked really hard for everything we've got, but we're going to be some type times. they were able to get in it when we get back on own 2 feet. we're going to get back. we're going to get back to the community. >> feng jewelry has been oakland's chinatown since the 1980's. the family is grateful for the outpouring of support they've gotten from the community. a gofundme has so far raised more than $30,000 to keep the business open. san jose business owners are speaking out over what they say is an increase in break-ins with thieves, sometimes making out with thousands of dollars. the latest victim of burglaries was in san jose's sofa district where a gamer bar was hit by thieves. not once but 8 times. kron four's jack moment reports from san jose.
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>> so walking down first street here in downtown saint is passed by the guild house. it's a really busy saturday here for the game or bar and you wouldn't know it if you weren't there to see it. but just a couple of days ago, it was the site of a burglary with thieves taking more than $20,000 worth of cash and merchandise. >> it's a packed event in south downtown san jose k-pop event. bringing good business to the owner. temperatures right now we're going on our 3rd year in july no stranger to working in downtown. and unfortunately, no stranger to this. a pair of thieves making off with files, credit cards and merchandise. wic says, though, this isn't the first time in the beginning when we broken into, we didn't want to seen as vulnerable potentially make more people aware that we're here and that where we could be a target. >> but that clearly wasn't working over the last couple years. fieldhouse has been burglarized 8 times only twice. the owner have the
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thieves been caught got a little bit numb to it is not only killed. house. kevin wic says the business owners around downtown have complained of break-ins. >> just off santa clara street. >> 2 of were >> the same person, it seems the manager working at the time did not want to be shown on camera but says his restaurant has been broken into multiple times. he says it's demoralizing seeing this around downtown also on impacts of distance, you we'll look at the damage more than they will look at the things you offer. a business owners like say they've met with sjpd and the mayor's office over what the next steps are. we reached out to the police department saturday but did not hear back. as for now, the windows are tinted up and bar is getting rid of cash altogether. nothing else seems to be working says at the end of the day, he just wants a place for people to come together course. that's why i do it. i built a place that i would want to hang out at myself the hope is with all the information that they gave
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the police department. the hope is the owners of guilt house say is that the person who did break in to their bar will be caught making the streets of san jose. >> a little bit safer. and san jose jack moment kron 4 news. >> there is a bill that's right now circulating the state capital that would strengthen protections provided to victims of domestic violence in california. the bill sponsored by state senator dave cortese would broaden the requirements for a restraining order so victims don't have to be in the same state is the person they are filing the restraining order against today in san jose assault survivors spoke about how they were denied restraining orders in the past because of that restriction. >> we cannot feign ignorance anymore. cannot pretend statelines confined and domestic violence. we've got to pretend to be in. another town are being in. another state is enough to guarantee safety because before i was the founder restraining orders without borders. i was a victim. and before i was a victim. was a normal woman
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with normal mingle and a very normal life. >> the bill called sb 5, 5, 4, is currently sitting in the california assembly after it passed the state senate earlier this year. happening tomorrow. it's the final day of the international ocean film festival. it's a caliphate or it fort mason in san francisco. organizers say the films will send you into the depths of the ocean or feel like you're swimming next to beloved ocean creatures. general admission tickets are still up for grabs. still to come, another spring storm hitting the sierra from rain to snow. we're breaking down what residents can expect this weekend. and a thief drives off in a big ring. we've got the latest on the police chase that happened across the north.
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>> in the north bay petaluma police arrest a man for stealing a semi truck and crashing into a >> number of things before eventually giving up to police. the 7 on thursday night. investigators say the san francisco mandate still in this semi with a 40 foot trailer attached to it. while chasing the semi on mcdowell boulevard. police say the driver lost control and smashed into a tree and a road sign he was eventually stopped and booked into the sonoma county jail. 2 drivers strike a fire engine at the scene of another accident in fremont. fire crews say this happened around 7 o'clock this morning on 6.80, near the end, exit while crews were helping patients in the first accident, 2 different drivers struck the fire engine. one of
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those drivers had to be taken to the hospital with minor injuries. the fire engine had to be towed off of the highway. chp is looking into what caused these crashes. now, whether this weekend, the mountains are seeing one more snowstorm. kimberly cruz reports in nyack with how this weekend's storm is bringing in great business. >> the calendar may mark april. it is spring and we still have so much snow. it's amazing. the winter conditions are still very much present as ski resorts this morning, there wasn't a cloud in the sky. and right now it's just starting to snow again. so there's plenty of snow for people to come up and enjoy. right now. janet title owner of donner ski ranch says the overall ski season at the resort has been seen on average. a couple of 100 people per day. economic leads to very good on the bar and the restaurant have stayed busy throughout the season. donner ski ranch has been open since december and they hope
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to stay open as of late into the year as they can with us on this. we have snow and we have people that are still interested in coming up to go skeen. we will stay open on weekends long as we can. those going further 2 boreal mountain taking advantage of the final weekend of laps. it looks good. actually. it was a, you know, condition in the morning was really nice. >> the snow is a slushy, in the afternoon we can see that it's snowing. it's actually getting nicer. me show you an in her family, taking it all in before closing day tomorrow. we all thought this season pass and we were trying to make the trip together 3 times and this first time that we made it together. how does feel to be here last week and make it all happened >> and that was kimberly cruz in the sierra for us tonight. we're taking a live look right now at tahoe this is near highway 89. you can see the snow there on the street. yeah
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long. joining us with a look at the forecast. a gale. >> no watches or warnings out winter weather advisory just job as well as the wind advisory just checked right before this. yes, spring snow. so that's great news for you. riders and skiers. and it is snowing according to our satellite and radar at this hour. here is what it looks like right now. we've been pretty busy late last night. most of the bay area seeing a break from the rain. but you could see over in the sierra i get in some snow tonight. a little closer here. we're starting to see some moderate showers move through the santa cruz mountains and also the half moon bay area peninsula towards to 80 south of san jose west of gilroy. so this is mainly tracking south at this point and we will see some lingering showers in the overnight hours. so this is 12, 30. you can see half moon bay, some moderate rain moving
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through the coast here and then even towards the south bay as well. fast forward to one 45, we may see some snowfall on mount hamilton showers moving through san francisco, oakland, livermore and fremont and then towards the morning, you'll notice some lingering showers in the north bay. so this is 08:00am cloudy skies late morning, stray showers towards the north bay and east bay by livermore and maybe some stray showers to around dinner time. if you're in the north bay, nevada, santa rosa, napa valley. that is keep that rain gear handy tomorrow. you may need it, but we will be drying out sunday evening into monday. monday looks like some leftover clouds, but we will be seeing a lot of sunshine and you'll see it on the 7 day forecast. we we will be waking up to chilly temperatures. low 40's in the north bay, everywhere else mid to upper 40's low 50's and san jose. but be bumping up and temperatures and we were today. so still be the 50's and low 60's. and here is that 7 day forecast. so just more
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unsettled weather tomorrow. and then we gradually warm up to the upper 70's and 80's inland on thursday. so next weekend looks like a much better day to get outside. yeah. and get get out there. enjoy yourself and, >> you know, make sure the rain doesn't come back. yes, well, long-range. we'll get to that later when it gets closer. long range or maybe the 25th my oh, my goodness. all right. lots of sunshine and calm at at t's. thanks live down there. well, we're week is officially underway in san francisco. 7 license lounges and stores over the next. >> 7 days are going to be highlighted. and tonight we visited mission cannabis club in top of the creator of weed week. >> i suppose it that people can suddenly gone waste francisco is one of the only place in the world that my the entertainment >> mayor london breed says is
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weed week grows. they're expecting the weeklong event to bring in millions of dollars to the economy. you can find a link to the full list. we week events on our website kron 4 dot com. coming up in sports today was day 3 of the masters. we've got the highlights from augusta coming up. and now kron 4
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sports. well, today was the day 3 of the masters at augusta national golf club. hello. >> saturday is traditionally known as moving day and unfortunately a lot of the field spent the day moving in the wrong direction. but the
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last hour or so provided the drama that become accustomed to georgia scola reports from augusta. >> even the patrons were getting in on it on this marvelous moving masters saturday. scottie scheffler was moving out of position at the first when turns it into bernie with a magnificent cam young off the green at 6 been 40 feet later. it's birdie. coleman mayflower more cow. it starts his day with birdie. and why was good rate? all those it with another 3. chain lowry on the right side at 14. but his approach finds the ridge. and if you look closely, you'll see any go big
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homes astors watch as it creeps in close at 9 to set up birdie. this is going get. moved west is not near the top of the leaderboard, but look at this winning birdie from way off the green and after birdieing nikolaj home gardeners was approach and sets up scottie scheffler needing a search party after going long at this had a moving in the wrong direction. those leading the double but hoggard had him moving that that's birdie in any language. here comes shim bo 8 iron from
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200 out at 10, setting up shot. work with him. the 3rd getting in close to set up birdie at 13 just gets on beautifully roaring back. wait for it. eagle and 13 you want go ice. tommy fleetwood to 16. that's and 15 jimbo looking to make a big move instead, it's disaster. he's in the pond and its double bogey. scottie scheffler looking to pick up one more zeros in on the flag of team. this sets up birdie. jimbo in trouble in 18. so this is his 3rd. but what a
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way end the day that's what a sensational saturday sunday. here we come for masters report. i'm george escalate. >> the bay area residents are going to get one last chance to check out the iconic rock band. aerosmith as take the stage for their farewell tour piece out the band announcing shows and san francisco and san jose later on this year. the black crowes going to be joining them. a special guests on the tour. and if you don't want to miss a thing, tickets are on sale right now. coachella is also happening there under a windblown dust advisory through the rest of the music festival. not a good time. many campers and festival goers often end up sick from the dust in the air. so the wind advisory, it's going to be even worse. so those masks and bandanas aren't just for fashion. doctors say it's the best way to avoid exposure, wind and all the dust. all right.
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that's gonna wrap things up for us here at 11 o'clock. you can always get the latest on our website. kron 4 dot com and we'll see you tomorrow.
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