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tv   KRON 4 News at 10am  KRON  April 15, 2024 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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breaking news. >> good morning. our breaking news is the bay area caught up in gridlock and an economic blockade for palestine. that is happening now worldwide. we've got 3 different locations that are tied up because of protest. one of them being the golden gate bridge were all southbound lanes blocked by demonstrators. right now they are mid span. >> and they are, again, all part of this cause to put the spotlight on what's happening in the middle east with the war between israel and hamas in gaza. they're calling for an end of it. they're calling for an end of any political support from the u.s. to israel while this war is going on. and as daria mentioned, this is all in coordination with what's happening at 50 different cities around the world. and we're seeing 3 instances here in the bay area. also have some new video that we want to share. that's just into kron 4 of the golden gate bridge. >> showing you the backup that happened when the protesters jumped out of their cars and chained themselves to each
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other and to their cars. so they are tying up traffic by creating a lines 3 across and then a line of 3 behind that. so there are at least 6 vehicles where people outside of a car are are sort of cuffed with a tube. 2 people inside each car. so they've got 2 rows that are blocking all of the traffic here. southbound on the golden gate bridge. patrick doing exactly what we asked people to do earlier, which was if you're in the back up, i take some pictures, shoot some video and send it to us. and patrick, thank you so much. you're adding to our coverage. >> and if anybody else out there would like to do the same, send it to breaking news. a kron 4 dot com. we feel for the people like patrick or stuck in the traffic and they've been stuck at the golden gate for maybe a 2 hours. they've already been stuck at. >> 18 now for 4 hours. plus, as we're looking at traffic backed up for miles that at the 8.80, highway that started at 6 o'clock this morning. and
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those protesters are changed to barrels. michael thomas has been monitoring the progress in removing those protesters and it has been taking a long time to get that done. they have one done so far. michael, what's going on right now? >> hey, good morning. everyone will southbound lanes are moving and northbound lanes are actually finally starting to move. you can see they've opened up one lane, getting some people out of this. you gridlock, essentially when it comes to those protesters, they've only removed a total of about one or 2. there are still 4 barrels that are currently they're on the actual freeway of 80. the northbound lanes still attached. they have not even began to actually tangled. these protesters from the remaining barrels that are there. and you can see people are now finally moving through. they have one lane completely open, but they really are going to have to be driving very slow because these protesters are literally sitting on the floor just feet away from where these cars are driving by. so you've got the sheriff's department here.
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you've got chp got caltrans. you've got multiple ambulance units to prepare for the detained woman of these protesters. and it started james mentioned earlier. this is just happening here in the bay area. this is a worldwide of then essentially they want to cause an economic impact. and right now they're doing this here at the golden gate. they're doing it down in southern california, orange county, san diego, long beach, chicago international airport. we heard new york berlin, dublin. it is a worldwide event essentially to seize fire when they did finally do single one of these protesters who were attached to the bill. you could hear them yelling cease-fire that were carried away. and as we got carried away, they all they all have signs on their actual bodies. >> to seize fire. i think >> i think that michael, as you said, was important for people watching to know is that because it is a coordinated economic blockade and they're calling for these
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protests to happen around the world at any time today. april 15th, that this could happen anytime anywhere. so even, you know, as michael said, one lane is open working on. it's been hours working on getting traffic moving there there. the group has already said that there's going to be a protest this afternoon at the tesla factory in fremont. >> i know in southern california, they've called for the financial district to be hit in in la one this afternoon. so, you know, if you're going second, go at like to. >> you know, it's not only causing impact on that side, but on the opposite side, you're going see even more delays. people are slowing down, looking lures. i have this woman and you've been here for about 2 hours. i will put you on camera, but just question, you earlier you were saying this is causing a lot of delays and you know, what are your thoughts on that right now with because you're here just getting a firsthand look. i feel like they delayed a lot of people. they
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inconvenience a lot of people's a lot of people. they have medical issues that they're not thinking about this in the cars. people have to go to court work in just a big inconvenience. thank you. will. >> there you have it. those are some of the thoughts of people that are pulled over here on the side of the road and in addition to all of the media outlets, you've got at least 12 to 24, maybe even 30 people that are just here on their cell phone shooting, that video. so it's causing just a lot of lot of congestion on multiple sides of the freeway and multiple areas. and i know that are charles clifford is over at the golden gate bridge. tara and james, i don't know if that is similar to what's here when it comes to the oncoming traffic. >> you know what? we're just getting another look at a new way that they're dealing with this, michael, where they've got those sheets are materials that they're putting up. yeah, i don't know if you only focus back in on them, but it looks like again with their saws they're putting up blankets, i presume, to protect the
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demonstrators from any sparks that are flying off of that. you can see they put those protective earmuffs on the demonstrators as well to protect their ears as they're going to sawing through these metal oil drums, their fields and on greenway. so their their 280 pounds and ella, they even put the air covering as they are. their arms are inside these barrels. that's right. and they have to do some dangerous cutting to get them out of there. >> and michael's 2, hang tight. can see that spark. actually, if we zoom so actually cutting through dc that's mark. yeah. you see and >> have to and they successfully got one barrel, you know, want disengage from that. but but the protesters had said in their news release that there were 7 people i believe that were involved in that about i think it 5 or 6 barrels. so this is taken started at 6 o'clock in the morning. we're on for hours now of this going on. and then like you said, michael, over
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the golden gate bridge. that protest broke out. i or around some dna tmz after and the method there is going to be different and we haven't seen police begin to undertake it. but what they're tied together to is their cars so they don't have barrels. but each protester at the golden gate bridge. they have sort of like these plastic cuffs or sleeves are really long and there's one person in a car there. tubes together was somebody is outside the car. >> and then on and on. and so they've got at least look like 3 to 6 cars on the golden gate bridge that were connected in that mean, in fact, why don't we go there of michael will let you go to continue your reporting out what if we can bring into the mix now? charles clifford keys, our reporter out at the golden gate bridge. >> and let's see if there's been any update there. last time we talked to you, charles, we saw as a train of patrol cars going speeding by. >> that was all about. >> well, at the moment, everything is kind of at a standstill. a literally you
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can see behind me here. no traffic going either direction on the golden gate bridge, the bridge district has all northbound from san francisco. head on the bridge have got that close down. protesters out there on the bridge of closed the southbound lanes. so nothing's know traffic's moving on the bridge right now. we have seen a lot of california highway patrol and a bridge officers going back and forth out onto the road deck. we understand this protest is happening about mid span or so where i'm standing right now. this is one of the sidewalks where people can use to walk out on the bridge. i take a look over here. they've got the gate closed or not allowing anybody out there right now on either side and then over here, kind of the newest development is for whatever reason the bridge district has brought in one of its transit buses right there. we don't know exactly what that's for, but they're doing something over there. and then we're dry, all kind of waiting a lot. >> that's happening. a lot of somebody goes out in the they're telling them to get out of the roadway. there are really working hard to keep the roadways clear because, again, you've got a lot of highway patrol officers. >> going back and forth,
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sometimes at a high rate of speed right here. we don't know exactly what they're doing, but they're trying to manage the situation. and we're also getting a lot of people asking us how long is this going to go on? we don't up. there were some protesters walked off the bridge. i tried to talk to them. they wouldn't talk to me. they wouldn't tell me what was going on. and so we're trying to get in contact with them and you know, if they have some sort of plan or how long they're going to be here, those are things we're trying to figure out sting. so if up some protesters were allowed to disperse and walk off. >> and they've got a bus there. it may be that buses for those who decide they're not going to voluntarily leave and police are going the way. but like charles just said, we don't know how long that's going to take and what we saw 80 was a procedure to kind of decide handle. we need to see that procedure happening over at the golden gate bridge before anything can happen. those people change each other in their car. absolutely charles. well knows because he was part of our coverage of the >> stoppage of the bay bridge during the apec conference that went for hours. and if you know, that holds true to form, we may still have
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another couple of hours to go. we'll have to wait to see how quickly police can affect some sort of change here on the bridge. this was a viewer who sent in video showing just how empty the northbound lanes are and he stuck in the southbound lanes with everybody else. and again, who knows when they're going to be allowed to go through? yeah. and it seems as though they're not going to reopen those northbound lanes until the protest done because right now. >> that's serving as the only way to get from san francisco to southern marin back and forth price. so they're using that to go up and back. yeah, ok, let's head over to the traffic center. i know, john, as part of our team coverage has been keeping an eye not on the weather today, john, but on the traffic. and there's been a lot to talk about. high know. yeah, this monday, at least weather has been all right. but of course, for anyone trying to make the commute, especially in the city. >> or to the city or through oakland, these 2 major protests are resulting those backups on northbound 8.80, still stretching clear to san
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leandro right now as well as northbound and southbound lanes of 101. the golden gate bridge still being closed down. there are good alternatives. that's the good thing to know. and that's what i'll be focusing on. if you are a marine county trying to get into the city. richmond center fell bridge is fine. but once you get on to 80 and get through berkeley to emeryville, that's where you're going count. your backup bay bridge is good to go. so it really is the golden gate bridge in northbound 8.80, that have the issues right now. still that of a backup on 5.80, heading northbound as well as highway 13 as you're trying to connect to highway. 24, where we're seeing 2 issues right now, not only on 80 trying to get into downtown oakland where all traffic is at a standstill, but also some of those connectors trying to get you off of 9.80, and on into 80 southbound where we do have protesters as well blocking both off-ramps, trying to get down into the highway to get into 80 northbound and southbound 101, the golden gate bridge completely closed
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down. of course, we have charles clifford standing out there with the similar views. you can see the bus there at the tolls. both are completely closed. in fact, they have those cones set up at the toll plaza itself locking in any sort of movement going to the bridge from either north or southbound right now. now it focusing back on a 80 if you are trying to get northbound on up into the city. my advice is don't try to be taking either 5.80, or 80 right now. 5.80, will be your better option, but rather head south on e a t especially if you are in areas like alan meter oakland, this will get you down to our bridges that are free and clear, including the san mateo bridge right now. >> which is looking just fine. so you have your alternative routes to try to get around both of the stand stills. again, 2 major bay area area arteries we shut down right arteries we shut down right
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this homestyle chicken salad wrap from subway this is how you do it. savory chicken, crisp veggies all wrapped up— these wraps are amazing. people can hear my thoughts? that's a problem. stay fresh out there with all—new wraps from subway.
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>> 10 14 right now and we want to get back to our breaking news coverage, which is the protests that have paralyzed traffic in the east bay, the north bay and san francisco because of a coordinated worldwide effort to bring attention to what's going on in the middle east. you're probably going to hear it on social media, certainly on news coverage of what's happening today. >> it's called 15 protest a 15 for april 15th a day where the hope around the world among these organizers was that people in different cities around the world with coordinate their efforts on this one day to stop economic hubs, ports roads that trance for transfer products, good services, money in effect in
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trying bring the attention by doing that to their cause for peace in the middle east and they call it major choke for economy and commerce that they want to make their points and >> that's what they're doing over in oakland on 8.80, here, michael thomas has been live watching. police try to handle this thing. so how's the progress right now? >> you know, right now they actually do have one lane open on 8.80, those northbound lanes. there were completely blocked off this morning. will give you a live look. you can see them there with their saws. officials trying to detain goal in detached these pro-palestinian protesters from those barrels that are filled with concrete. now they have taken away one that we've seen and they're still multiple others to go. and you can see they've got those sheets covering up the protesters faces so that way they don't get harmed in any way when they're sawing through those actual barrels and right now they've got one lane blocked off. but i don't see any vehicles coming this way. so i would assume they let everybody who was stuck up
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in the front go through. and then they started having people exit through one of the off-ramps a little bit further you know, south from where we are to give you an idea on 80 where we are on the other side of this is 14th avenue through oakland. so it's right. just on the cusp of downtown oakland and again, that major back up. this started at 6 o'clock this morning. it's been like this up until the last 15, 20 minutes. they are now sawing through the second barrel. they've already gotten one protester taken away and detached from that. in fact, i believe the protesters now with, you know, chp, we can't get a live look as their block right now by the vehicle. but it does appear that they're going to be taking away this next protest or within the next few minutes or so. and you can see they've got those protective goggles on. and as james was mentioning earlier, there are multiple fans here to take some of these protesters away. we have not seen anybody be quite arrested as of yet, but we have seen
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them carried away after they were too tangled from that. they're >> that is pretty much what's happening here. those cars are completely now all gone on and again, my assumption would be that they let everybody out who was stuck here in gridlock and then pushed everybody more south bound to get off on that exit before here. but we'll keep it on a live look over there. so you can see there now sawing through the top of that barrel. and this could possibly be like this, i would say for at least next 2 hours. and you can see that's all going through listen. of course, the big rig comes through right now. but there we go. and that protester does have a sign on his chest. i can't. >> quite see what it think it says a 15 cities from for the most part, but again, he should tangled within the next few minutes or south. >> see the sparks and then
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also the dust from the concrete that sawing through as well in that shot. michael, thank you very much. i it least here, as michael said, you and you can see there, there's a lane getting by. >> over at the golden gate bridge, there's nobody get my on the direction. the entire golden gate bridge is shut down and we were discussing that's really the crown jewel of the bay area and symbolic worldwide. and so for the protesters to achieve their goal at such a major, as they said, they want to get a choke point here and they've choked out traffic in both directions here from san francisco to the north bay and beyond. and they have succeeded with a chain of people and cars that are connected to each other, not with concrete barrels like over on 8.80, but with kind of a plastic sleeves connecting someone in a car to someone outside of a car and then on and on. and there look to be between 3 and 6 cars that are
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tied together in that and we don't know that there's been any movement on separating them. we do know that the police seem to let some of those protesters walk away and dispersed voluntarily because charles clifford is there and he saw some protesters walking off. but no movement in traffic at all. no. in fact, let's get to another update from charles will visit with him now. is he standing by? >> actually will go to charles in a little bit, but he's sort of standing near the visitors center on the far side of the freeway from where this camera position is right now. so we'll get to charles in a minute. but we know john's been following the latest from the traffic center in terms of how far these backups now are extending. absolutely. like you guys were mentioning both northbound and southbound on the golden gate bridge still completely closed down there. >> and of course, are northbound lanes on a 80 also closed down. we have additional protesters blocking on ramps onto southbound aed coming off of 9.80. so your travel through oakland still at a standstill. 5.80, has
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eased a little bit as that alternative route, but we are still looking at standstill and 80 itself. of course, those eyes on the golden gate bridge were charles the standing by both northbound and southbound still completely closed down. protesters are still blocking all lanes of travel. there. and it does appear as if multiple lanes of protesters yet to even close to being removed yet. so that is going to be something that is still at a standstill for quite some time from all the images that we're seeing right now. this is your view at the golden gate bridge right now, both northbound and southbound closed cone still blocking out all lanes, including actually cones set up as well as letter bars down as well to keep anyone from getting onto the bridge from either direction. all lanes blocked 80. the backup still stretches well to the oakland airport. if you are in alameda, oakland or san leandro, my advice is head further south. better option
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right now if you are trying to get to the bay bridge is 5.80, it's a better than it was looking earlier taking about an hour to get from castro valley to the maze. it's down to 30 minutes now get that back up. but 80 is not your option. bridges are doing just fine, including if you head down south any 88, you're going to be just fine. getting down to the san mateo bridge rolling along a ok, the dumbarton bridge also doing okay. and if you can get around 6.80, over towards the bay bridde, you'll also be fine to making your crossing just one more time looking up. those areas that are closed. that includes northbound 8.80, through oakland, both north and southbound on the golden gate bridge into and out of the city and also some on-ramps getting onto southbound. i-80, especially around the intersection with 9.80. those are the updates right now. it does look like a bit of good news story. and james, is that those alternative routes easing and that is definitely helping us out. want to mention something that i received as an emergency kind of text from.
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>> the chp saying. >> don't call 9-1-1 for traffic. that's what kind of a day it is, is that, you know, and this was specifically given to the one-on-one moran area saying avoid calling 9-1-1 for traffic updates because so many people are, you know, tied up and wondering what's going on and concerned about what's happening. they just can't handle it. they've got their hands full here on 8.80, and on 101, southbound in marin county, ok, stay tuned. we've got a lot more coverage to come here on the kron. 4 morning news. this breaking news story of protest blocking lanes of 8 80's golden gate bridge. >> we'll be back in
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>> it's 10. 25 and traffic on the golden gate bridge is still at a halt. you cannot go north or south on the bridge because of the prophet, the protest that is happening for palestine. it's a coordinated economic blockade involving cities ports and around the world, not just here in the bay area and in the u.s.. >> so we not only have this situation here at the golden gate bridge, but others as well. in fact, we can bring up the traffic map right now, which is giving us a nice wide overhead of the situation. so you see there on the left-hand side, the golden gate bridge in purple. that denotes a complete stoppage will look off to the right in oakland. you see another stretch of purple and that is 8.80, northbound near 5th avenue. that's where protesters have blocked all northbound traffic. and that is one of these are 2 of 3 incidents that we're following this morning. the other is on 8.80, broadway southbound where demonstrators have apparently walked on foot onto some lanes of the southbound direction there. so that's gumming up
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the works for morning commuters. this is a look at believe this is 65th their 66 on 8.80, which whole far ways away from where parking. it's a parking lot, actually. and they've got one lane open older. the golden gate bridge is no answers. no way to get from there to here. >> and be aware that this is a coordinated effort for april sixties today around the world. >> so protests like this could create traffic jams and stoppages around the bay area for the rest of the day. just be aware that if you're trying to get around, we've got more live team coverage of this blockade of traffic in the bay area. when we come back.
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>> 10 29 right now. and let's get back to the breaking news. you can see the big traffic jam on a 80 for miles because of the protests that started at 6 o'clock this morning. these people have been stuck for 4 and a half hours because protesters chained themselves to concrete filled wheel barrels right and stopped all lanes of traffic at 6 o'clock this morning. and the police are slowly trying to disentangle them and move them away. there are other protesters as well and deserted cars that have to be moved out of the way. >> at least they do do have one trapped. one lane of traffic open now after they were able to detach one protester from that concrete filled barrel. one of >> 6 concrete filled barrels. it is a tedious job, a dangerous one. and it takes a while for each person to be detached from those barrels. a
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crop was michael thomas is actually on scene watching that progress. let's get the update. michael, describe what you're seeing. >> hey, good morning. everyone will right here on next to southbound lanes of 8.80. but we'll take a look. they are now very close to tangling a second protester from that barrel. you can see once track moves out of the way, they've got those sheets up. they have been sawing away. they have one person there with goggles that you're muffs and everything to protect them from any of those sparks coming out. but it does seem that we're much closer to getting a second person to tangle to. hopefully we can bring you that live on air. if you can see they've got shovels are trying to take away that cement, which those barrels were filled with. so that way they can take this person's arm and get it out. and we mentioned earlier, there was one that was you tangled. they are now sitting with officials and because they untangle that person, they have one lane open. we're going to turn the camera doesn't appear that the person
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the protester was arrested. but you can see that person leaned up against the wall. they've got that white wrapped around their arm. the medics were speaking with that person. so we assume that that is one of the protesters that was let go and taken away from that barrel. now with officials waiting on the side for them to take away the other protesters. you'll if we want to show the camera again over there does appear that they're much closer excuse the noise. there's a lot of havoc on the freeway right now. people are stopping pulling over. normally would just the media. but we've got at least 2 dozen people just randomly here with cell phones. everybody looking to see what's going on and you can see they are closer to getting that person detached and letting more traffic through. once this person is you tops, they can probably open up 2 lanes, but it started mentioned earlier, 8.80, those northbound lanes have been closed since 6 o'clock this morning. they're slowly letting people through. but this has been complete gridlock in the opposite way. as i was mentioning is also causing havoc because everybody stopping slowing
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down, wanting to pull out their cellphones and so forth. so darren, james, as you had this is happening worldwide. i mean, it's for april 15th. we're seeing it. as i was mentioning and still happening down in southern california, san diego, orange county, long beach. we've got the golden gate bridge and you can see that jack hammer, they're they're carrying it away. trying to get through that just a sight to see to say the least with these people so close to these heavy industrial machinery is to try to get their arm out of this concrete. >> it's bizarre because at first we saw the oil barrel, 7 of them lined up with the people in between connected and james, i thought if they would be using sort of like a metal cutter to cut open the barrel. but then we found out from the group that's protesting that they had filled them with concrete. so you can't just cut the metal. then you have to chip away at the concrete, right? it is a
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arduous task. dangerous along involved procedure to disentangle the protesters. god knows how they even. yeah. and this tip to drop these bear 7 barrels of 280 pounds in the middle of highway, by the way, at 06:00am it well more than an hour just tangle the first person. the second person likely taking just that long and >> it says process are going to repeat for all 6, all 7 people that have attached themselves to these barrels. this could be an all-day thing. i mean, here we are at 10, 30. >> the whole affair started at 6 o'clock officially, according to the demonstrators. but traffic was stopped at 6.30. and we've been following that part of that story ever since then. and again, it's not just here know, shortly after the blockade. >> protesters descended upon the golden gate bridge, southbound and mid spanned stopped their cars. and basically tied themselves to each other and their cars. so we know it looks like there's
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definitely 3 cars across that are involved and maybe another wrote 3 cars behind them. and this is thanks to a viewer, a patrick who was in the back up and still is in the back up and gave us this video. you can, too, by the way, be part of our coverage. if you want to send that to breaking news at kron 4 dot com. we'd love to see it. but so these people have been stuck on the golden gate bridge, which is closed in both directions again, as part of this worldwide economic action for palestine. and thank you to the people that i'm seeing in our e-mails that have been sending in photos were trying to turn those around to get those on the air. so you could be part of our coverage. >> we want to go to the toll plaza and of the bridge right now because that's where kron 4 charles clifford is standing by with an eye on the latest with the police efforts to try and get this resolved. but it's it's going to be long going. charles. >> yeah, we don't have an eta for when this is going to be over. let me kind of set the scene for your right now. i'm just to the north of the bay bridge or golden bridge toll plaza. behind me here. all lanes in all directions are
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closed. the golden gate bridge district has stopped all traffic headed northbound tumor into marin behind me. on the other side, the toll plaza and then the protest is happening in the southbound lanes. roughly mid span right now stopping all traffic southbound headed into san francisco. now, there've been a lot of california highway patrol officers going back and forth. also just moments ago, the bridge district sent a one of transit buses. those big green buses out to mid span. we don't know why exactly it could to possibly they might be most protesters and bring them off using that bus. but again, that's just speculation. we don't know. so at the moment, things are kind of at a standstill. we're starting to get a pretty good crowd of people here. a lot of folks who are trying to cross the bridge on foot or on a bike. they cannot at the moment because the sidewalks on both sides are closed down and anyone who tries to go around or get on the roadway to get yelled at by the bridge district over some loud speaker. so there's been a lot of that going on. we've also got aircraft, a helicopter and fixed wing aircraft circling the bridge. we've got the coast guard has vessels out on the underneath the bridge have
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been going back and forth from the coast guard station in sausalito. so a lot of activity on all sides above and below the bridge right now. and again, we don't know how long this is going to go on. there were some protesters who walked tried to talk to them. they wouldn't give me any details. contact number to call the try to call that number. nobody has answered. so at this point, we don't know how long this is going to be going we know that they were out on the bridge with some signs blocking traffic. and at the certainly they're trying to find some way to get them off of the don't try to go and you don't do with this gentleman is doing right here. which is going out on their don't do that. so that is a very bad idea what he's doing right there to help. we'll see how long it is before the highway patrol yells at guy. >> so that's kind of what we're yeah, there it is. so you can you can't go out on the roadway right now at it's a very tense situation at the moment. so he's going to try to go the other way. see how that goes. you might be
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showing off for the camera at this point. going to send it back to you guys. >> and behind you, charles, by the way, there are there hundreds of cars stopped that we're trying to get from san francisco on to the golden gate bridge northbound. those are still sitting there as are and we can see in this new live shot, all the cars that are still waiting as they have been for a couple hours now to try to go southbound. and you can see clearly in this shot from mount our from our sutro tower looking at the golden gate bridge that it is right there at mid span between the towers. >> where that traffic comes to an absolute stop. wait, look at this. i want to call your attention to the top of the screen that's going through the robin williams tunnel. it stopped all the way. let's get back up to charles. >> all right. so, you know, part of what's happening here is that really disrupting people's day. a lot of tourists here trying to go in the bridge, but there's also people trying to get home. the going to get rich is a route for hundreds of thousands of people every day. want to bring in one gentleman here.
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this is garrett. he was just trying to get home to sausalito from sfo kind of walk us through what happened this morning for you. yeah, i just landed a u.s. maybe an hour ago sot of the bay bridge was shut compton an on the way realize that, hey, the golden gate bridge is shut down. >> i thought maybe i could walk it. so i just got dropped off here and it no cars, no bikes, no foot traffic. so i'm going to have to go get an uber walk to the ferry building and try to catch a ferry. let's go to the long way around just to get the sausalito. but, you know, thps protest is basically about israel in gaza and kind of what's going on there. and we've seen a lot of these protests. does it get frustrating as somebody who lives and works in the bay area to to deal with yeah, i'd say it definitely makes me pretty but, you know, it's good not to really get too angry with these shutting down critical infrastructure is wrong. but really it's going to diplomacy and journalism, help solve these issues in the middle east is not going to be shutting down bridges. parker, thank you much. good luck getting home. appreciate so
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yeah, the so that's the story here. a lot of people their lives disrupted right now as this goes on, guys. that was a brilliant idea on his part. i mean, right with your eyes and sfl want first that he was going to walk. he's like, ok, i'll walk home the bridges. you know, under 2 miles. look at the bristol, everyone who's been stuck in this traffic southbound >> at least 2 a half hours now. and it goes all all the way up and through the tunnel when all these cars are stopped. yeah, let's find out how much further back it goes that that blockage. we've got john keeping an eye on. >> the backups both at both locations. good morning, john. yeah, and obviously it is still a standstill completely shut down heading both north and southbound on the golden gate bridge. but as you guys noted, that backup actually stretches even further north than that up through the robin williams tunnel. >> up towards sauhalito itself. a little bit of good news here is as a chuck was talking about charles and he said that the ferries all good to go. and also if you are trying to get down into the
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city, you can take the richmond. sandra fell bridge. that route is totally just fine. ready to go. of course, they're not letting bicyclists pedestrians, especially not drivers across the golden gate bridge right back to the other major backup that we have. and we do some of the first signs of improvement on your commute this morning. now i'm still not recommending you anything close to taking a just yet, but salient or to the maze that drive time is steadily dropping the backup now no longer stretches all the way to the oakland airport, but rather into parts of the east oakland. so you can see that impact of having opened up a leaner to they're also 5.80, a good one. now, 24 minutes from castro valley to so we are seeing good improvements there. of course, the morning commute wound down several hours ago. but now what we're seeing some improvements on some of those alternative routes that you could be taking a little bit of an update here. if you're heading southbound, there is no issues getting to south to the san
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mateo bridge. san mateo bridge itself is looking just fine. now, if you are heading to the bay bridge, there is quite the backup on 80 going through richmond down to emeryville through berkeley as we are seeing a lot of people making that drive instead of going across the golden gate. but once you get to the toll plaza itself, you'll be fine. making your way across the bay bridge. it really is just 80 getting down to the bay bridge, as you can see here in just a moment. that is really completely backed up right now. you can see how much of a standstill it is from the connector between the richmond. sandra fell bridge in 80 all the way down to the maze itself. so are standing issues. still the golden gate bridge closed both north and southbound 80 starting to show signs of easing totally still recommending either 5.80, or doing the war in freeway. instead, we're going to keep you updated. taking a bit of a break here, but we'll be right back with the latest on back with the latest on closures.
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>> 10, 40 for the bay area caught up in a worldwide coordinated economic blockade for palestine several locations. >> we just visited the golden gate bridge, which is shut down. and now we want to take a look at what's going on here on 8.80, in oakland, which has been a pretty much paralyzed since 6 o'clock this morning when protesters descended upon the 5th avenue exit area and 8.80, michael thomas has been monitoring that for us. there's one lane of traffic that opened up after 4 hours. make. we're hoping for more. michael, what's going on? >> hey, good morning. everyone
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will currently, as you said, there's only one lane open and they're just about done with trying to detach and eat angle. one of the 7 protesters, they've got blankets up covering up their faces because there's sparks flying. they've got a jackhammer here to go into the concrete that is inside of these actual barrels. you've got people that are from one side of the freeway to the other. some that are standing with others that are frustrated because there's a delay when it comes to the amount of officers here. we're talking about at least 2 to 3 dozen different officials from different agencies. we've got chp, we've got police. we've got highway patrol, you know, and then there's multiple ambulance. they have removed a few protesters, too. and we'll show you over there. they're leaned up against that wall behind the other side of that highway patrol pickup truck. you see that got their fist in the air. right now and many of them do have signs on their shirt or at least the front of their bodies saying 60 cities. and that's how many around the
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world are doing this economic blockade. so it's not just here. it's in berlin. it's in dublin. it's in chicago. it's in southern california, san diego. we're talking about long beach, orange county. >> all different cities around the entire world. and essentially it is to cause an economic block to try and seize fire for palestine. and that is what they continued to yell as each of these protesters get carried away by officials once they're done being detached from the cement barrels. and if we zoom in a little bit again, you can see they have now lowered blanket. but there still trying to chisel through all of that cement. their arms are completely in there and majority of their arms to our wrapped. i can't tell if it's a castor what exactly it is. but their arms are wrapped because their stock in the cement. so to take one of them out. it took about an hour an hour and a half or so. this is the second one. i just it's i'm timing right about 40 minutes. 45 minutes or so. so keep in mind, there are
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multiple protesters attached to these barrels and look at. they're going to bring one up. i looks like that. yeah, there we are. going to bring him up. zoom into looks like they're taking his arm directly out of that summit. so try and keep that live picture. so you can see the last time that they did detach one. they grab the person by all of their limbs and carried them away over behind that pickup truck that i showed you earlier. and they do have paramedics here on stand by to check them out. i would assume. one lane is currently open. we are on the side of a fence on opposite way of traffic. and here we go there picking that person up. it appears. and there you go. i hope this. well, let this big rig go through and hopefully we can give you that live. look of the person being picked traffic on the opposite side are in james and everyone at home is also really congested. and in addition to the traffic, you've got multiple people were talking about earlier, i told you about 2 dozen or so. now there's maybe about 30 people
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on the side of the road standing with media with their phones out, see them. the person is being dragged away or carried away. should say, and it says on there shirt 60 cities there on the other side of that pickup truck. only we can zoom in on that. you can see that person being carried away. so this is again, the second or 3rd. it's hard to tell because everything so covered up, but from what we can count, but the second or 3rd protest or that has been detached. so. >> we'll continue to keep you on this. but when it comes to an eta, i would say this is probably going to last until maybe 2 or 3 o'clock today. >> so they're going to like you. i mean, if you if you look at it, started at 06:00am, they've got it. i think he's and 2 or 3 and they are 7 as far as the protesters had announced that there were 7 people that were involved in this blockade. so, yeah, there's a ways to go there on oakland. again, we just want to remind you that the golden gate bridge is shut down as
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well because of the protesters there with no estimation when that will reopen, eyes are we need to update you on something new. >> that has just come down for caltrans. double checking it. now we have word there's the map. we have word that eastbound 80. so we're talking inside the macarthur maze. 2 southbound lanes of 8.80, that connector ramp now has demonstrators on it, say it again. eastbound down 80 to southbound 8.88 that connector there inside the macarthur maze now has demonstrators on that span. so they're asking people to find an alternate route around. so those are about protesters that i assume are marching. we also this morning earlier saw from the west oakland bart station, protesters. >> on foot, there were close to 100 of them and they ended up on westbound 9.82. southbound 80. so we know there was a protest there it they were barred blocking at
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least one on-ramp. i think. >> again, because this is they're calling this an april 15th coordinated economic blockade around the world. things are going pop up anywhere at any time. and we already know that the protesters announced they're hoping to take action at the tesla factory in fremont. and the game at five-thirty gave a time they gave a time and their social media saying that they want to shut down the financial district of los angeles at 1 o'clock this afternoon. and then there's already been the actions that they took without giving any warning or times. and that was in 40 cities across australia that are still blockaded unaffected. now, those are major port and intersections at a couple of the areas that are important in london have been blockaded in philadelphia. they took action against the federal irs building. it's april 15th tax day. so they did out there. o'hare airport has been affected. so this is really if
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you're not leaving the house and you're just watching this is a spectacle or news story. you know that it could impact you at any time today. it is not a good day to leave the house. if you don't want an unwanted and here's a live look at the golden gate bridge from our sutro tower camera. you'll notice there mid span the traffic flowing down from marin county. >> is stopped right there in the middle of the bridge. that is where demonstrators have blocked all lanes of southbound 101. >> the police and the chp to block northbound lanes because they need access to that part of the spans. so they stopped all traffic leaving san francisco heading north into marion county so that they could have the use of those northbound lanes as they try to do with these demonstrators, get them separated from the cars that they've attached themselves to hopefully free up the southbound lanes so that folks can get on into the city that have been stuck now and this traffic backup that extends all the way back to the to the 2. did you see the top of the screen there on the right? winding the hills there and through the tunnel that leads
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to southern marin. that's all backed up in gridlock. not going anywhere. >> for hours going on 3 hours now and then don't forget south of the hit. this shot in san francisco. there's a huge backup of cars that we've seen just waiting to go northbound and they're backing up on the lombard street 19th out there. >> all right. so more coverage on all of this in a minute. i know that if you are getting about your day and maybe this doesn't impact you, you probably want to know what going to be like. so let's get a quick update. >> on that. you want to leave your house with john. don't go anywhere, just a bit of a pallet funds for one minute. a look outside. right now. we are looking at a good day. does take a walk around the neighborhood, maybe not driving around too much. let's get a look at the maps right now. we can see out there. the transamerica building is sitting under some partly cloudy skies this morning as we make our way through the day today, we are going to see increasingly clear conditions. we started the day really foggy for the north bay that has become much less of a thing. now, the low pressure that brought us the cooldown in the rain over the weekend is on the outside pressure ridge building back going to contribute to a dry forecast
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gradually increasingly warm tomorrow. we'll see our first day back in the 70's after today. we stay in those upper 60's at the very warmest san jose conquered each sitting at 68 for your highs. sf will get up to 62 tomorrow. return to the 70's and by wednesday and thursday. well, officially see a few low 80's back for those inland spots. stay with us. we've got plenty more to keeping you updated on those multiple closures acro
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>> 10 56 and we want to give you the very latest what's going on with the golden gate bridge. it's still shut down, but we did hear from our live crew on the ground one of
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those buses drove up to the northbound side. and it's possible that when and if they are ready to move protesters, that they put them in those buses that the good sign. but we haven't seen any movement. so that certainly hasn't happened. >> and we did get word from the chp and local law enforcement in marin county. don't call 9-1-1 for any traffic updates as to when this all open because they have no estimation. all we know from viewers, here's a shot from patrick. we're stuck in this that they have been stuck in this back up. that spans to that middle of the golden gate bridge for going on 3 hours now and all the traffic gets backed up on la one southbound as well. so this is going to be an all day long story because as we know, there are other demonstrations planned even later today. >> here in the bay area. so stay tuned. we'll be back with more continuing coverage as we take another live look here at the golden gate bridge toll plaza where, as you can see, there is no traffic moving in either direction. and i don't know if you can make it out there in the center of the
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screen just past the toll plaza signage. the stream of cars trying to leave san francisco to get on to the golden gate bridge just stuck golden gate bridge just stuck in traffic will be right back.
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local news station. we bring you this kron. 4 news special report. >> the bay area's most famous landmark. the golden gate bridge is blockaded by protesters at this hour. as you can see, no traffic moving on the golden gate bridge, part of what's being called april 15th blockade around the world today, a or


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