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tv   KRON 4 News at 630pm  KRON  April 15, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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of this morning's commuters will not soon forget it's time they're not going to be getting back. the trouble began early this morning starting off an interstate 8.80. around 06:30am, protesters have blocked. >> all 4 northbound lanes of aid, 80 south of 5th street and barca darryl and this put you right in the heart of the morning commute there in oakland. protesters have completely stopped traffic and there is a police response. some of the protesters had chained themselves to large barrels filled with concrete, which had been dropped off by a truck, making it clear immediately there would be no fast way to move them. the bad news spread quickly, look at all the police that are responding. they need vehicles. we'll the lift and movies, oil drums. there are thousands of cars that go for miles that are stuck, not moving at all. then news of a second protest. we have just found out holding a bridge southbound. >> we understand that no one's
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going by this target, the golden gate bridge, protesters blocked all lanes the southbound direction, backing up traffic for miles and dumber and they civil. >> demonstration is affecting golden gate bridge. southbound expect delays, use alternate routes. everybody needs to on the alert for demonstrations like this. they're trying to get attention to their cause. >> this is a really efficient way to do meantime, the protest was not only affecting the northbound lanes of 8.80, southbound lanes also closed as hundreds of protesters with banners got onto the >> they're currently trying to change some of these people, cutting those chains. a big part of the reason this mess took hours to on. do we've got to look around 10:00am you can see they put those protective earmuffs on the demonstrators as well to protect their ears as they're sawing through these metal oil drums. yeah, i'd say it definitely makes me
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pretty angry. cars now going through back at the golden gate bridge, things finally began opening up a little after noon traffic in both directions up fully reopen. and within the hour, traffic was moving again on 8.80. the protesters have now gone up 7 street there off the freeway. >> one protester, the other covered roughly a span of roughly 7 hours today. and that's not counting the at a time. it took for a long lines of drivers to get back to speed and reach their destinations. >> all right, catherine, lot of appointments today. not only did we see cease-fire protest here, but also in other major cities across the country. this is chicago traffic to o'hare airport, one of the busiest in the world was bumper to bumper today after protesters blocked the ramp heading toward the domestic terminals. passengers traveling to o'hare summer actually forced to get out of their cars. and walked to the airport. you can see there o
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hare warn travelers, the traffic along the interstate to the airport may be substantially delayed and then urged them to consider. >> alternate routes. stay with kron 4 on air and online for continuing coverage of today's protests. you can download the free kron. 4 app to get push alerts sent directly to your mobile device. when news breaks. >> new details tonight about a deadly shooting in napa over the weekend. we're learning the victims were a 17 year-old girl and a 19 year-old woman happened just after 8 o'clock saturday night on riverside drive. police say when they got to the scene, they found the victims in the street. one died there, the other's the hospital. officers say a black car was seen leaving the scene. anyone who has any information about this is asked to call the napa police department. >> happening tomorrow, convicted killer scott peterson is set to be back in a redwood city courtroom. it will be the first of 3 hearings hearings in an effort to get his conviction overturned. peterson was convicted in 2004 of the
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murder of his wife, laci and their unborn child. peterson has maintained his innocence. he is serving life in prison earlier this year. the los angeles innocence project which takes on cases it believes led to wrongful convictions, took on peterson's case lawyers there are asking a judge to approve new dna testing and that evidence be reexamined. >> and update now on those sideshows that took over some oakland streets this weekend. police say more than 50 citations were given out more than 20 cars towed. 3 people arrested. police say several other people were also detained. at least 2 cars were set on fire during the sideshows. police say the sideshows broke out in several places across the town. now to our 4 zone forecast as we give you a live look outside at the embarcadero and that.
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>> a bridge. yeah. a beautiful day. calm winds. but the lawrence is here to talk not so common. you know this that time of year, we start to hopefully transition the calmer weather around the bay area, other parts of the country boy gets scary. i mean, we've got some big time storms rolling into the central plains we head for the next couple days. remnants of our storm that is going to be moving in that cold air going to be dropping. in fact, you can see it right out there making its way across the rockies right now bringing some snow there already out parts of texas. the central plains looking for the possibility tornadoes this evening as you've got a tornado watches, continue it up right there in abilene. also the san angelo further to the north. now, they're also look at the possibility of some tornadic activity. i think that increase by tomorrow afternoon as you head to place like dodge city further north as those storms roll out the into the central plains. something to watch out for especially tomorrow. the cold air really just kind of working its way across the rockies. they actually have a winter weather advisory. maybe they're going to see a winter storm warning up across the northern rockies. there and maybe going to see as much as
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18 inches of snow making it tough to travel around some of the mountains in around the denver area. winter weather advisory behind that too, into utah and well just gets active again as we head toward tomorrow afternoon. the storms kind of roll out in the central plains and you can see the a forecast for some of that stormy weather specially into the central plains here. boy, this is the really kind of the target zone for tornadic activity tomorrow. that looks like to be the best place to see that at all on that path. you could looking at severe weather across the country's midsection by tomorrow afternoon in parts of the east coast as well. temperatures. yep. you're going to see a wide range, i think for tomorrow you've got $88. a nice warm there on the backside. they start to get that cold air. 48 in helena, montana. 43 -0. 73. in lincoln, 78 in kansas city and 73 degrees in d c. >> yeah. if you're traveling across the u.s. so far, so good, although we do have some delays at sfo due to some construction across the rest. the country looking good so far tomorrow, maybe a little more difficult with those
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storms. all right, lawrence, paris hilton was in sacramento today. >> advocating for a bill that would bring more accountability to use treatment facilities here in california. that bill was authored by bakersfield republican sen shannon grove. now, if approved use treatment facilities licensed by the state would be required to publicly post information related to the use of restraint and seclusion rooms online hilton has been open about her own experience at similar facilities and has in the past testified before congress about it. the bill is currently on the senate side of the legislature and has bipartisan support. >> the count ability and children's treatment act increases. transparency. so the public knows what really happens behind closed doors. if these facilities are scared of a simple transparency measure, then i think we should ask them, what do they have to hide? our current system designed to reform and some horrific instances does
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the exact ends the bill is currently on the senate side of the legislature. as we mentioned, it does have bipartisan support. >> in an historic moment, former president donald trump went on trial in new york city today is facing charges related to alleged hush money payments made ahead of the 2016 election. washington correspondent hannah brandt has the story. >> donald trump is the first former president to stand trial in a criminal case. and this is the first of his 4 criminal indictments to go to trial. former president donald trump emerged from day one of his trial angry. it's just >> it continues continues the case centers on accusations that the former president illegally falsified business records. prosecutors say he was trying to cover up hush money payments to adult film. actress stormy daniels. case
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now. jury selection is under way. the court is expected to spend days working to pick 12 jurors and 6 alternates from a group of 500 people. probably the hardest part of the lawyers is weeding out, you know, who's going to be most type of juror new york trial attorney arthur aidala says trump's notoriety makes them to challenge. everyone probably going to come in here with some preconceived notions. the former president is required to be in court 4 days a week for the trial. which complicates his schedule as he campaigns for re-election. perfect for the >> the trial is expected to last anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks in washington. i'm hannah brandt. >> next up in sports, warriors hit the practice court today as they prep for their play-in tournament matchup with the sacramento kings sports director jason dumas has reaction from the team coming reaction from the team coming up.
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higher shipping rates may be “the cost of doing business...” but at what cost? turn shipping to your advantage. with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service. ♪♪ >> all right. back to our breaking news this hour. pro-palestinian protesters there now gathering at the tesla factory in fremont from 4 jack moment is live for us this evening with the latest on the protests there. jack. >> yeah, that's right, folks. first, i'll show you right behind my fo talktalk. you're right. but you can see those are the protesters who walked and drove here to the tesla factory. but now for loop back around this way up the hill, it looks like workers or lease contracts with tesla are now
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putting up a gate with then this is the same exact road that we drove down along with the rest of the protest to stop here. so they continue their protest. like we said, they were planning come here to the tesla factory. >> and will follow these tesla workers real quick that they're putting up a gate and it looks look at this. these are people who are not even part of the protests that are trying to drive through this road here. and it looks like that they're not only cutting off one way going westbound, but now they're cutting off the other way going eastbound. it's turning it to be quite a headache not sure what the coronation was here took place these gates up here. and as you can see through the fence, there are still some people looking to join this protest. people who are arriving a little bit later. again, this is a protest, a 50 or 60 different people. and now it looks like that the force of some of these people to turn around here. it looks like this roadway here is now being blocked by tesla workers. so we'll turn back around here in walked back with these tesla workers. and again, this is the main entrance here. the south, lot for the tesla
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factory based out of here in fremont. and this is when we talk with organizers for this protest again, they wanted to have this on april 15th tax day where we also had protests on the golden gate bridge as well as on 8.80, in oakland and we 38 people get arrested there. now we asked what organizers how they felt about people being protested and asked if they're ready to be arrested here as well. if it comes to that, they said that they are ready and they said that the fact that a lot of their people who helped organize protests against all 3 of these protests are connected. they set that it's proof that people are maybe listening to them and listening to their protests that have been ongoing now for it for about 6 months now. so we're going to keep walking down the road here up with some more of the protesters there you can see people are really high energy here lots of buses coming down this way. looks like they may be here to pick up employees for a shuttle. and again, like i said, that's the main gate here. and we're walking up to where the majority of the
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protesters are most of them drove here. it would turn out to quite a long drive, even though it's not that far. but distance from the fremont want start in general driving here to take a while. so know i said that they're much a day just to the south day now. it looks like a lot of people drove their by to put it back date. what you got a son and a little bit right here. >> the shift work that's going on there looks like employees are going to be able to get or out, at least in that location. how's this going to affect operations at the tesla plant? >> got a looks like it for
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looks at some people trying to leave. i denny walked by some of these protesters here and looks like some of them are actually getting into their shift through that back gate right there. but as of right now, looks like not many people can drive the tesla factory and again, as you saw just a minute ago retest workers actually blocking off this entire roadway. here for traffic for whether or not you're a protester, not we're not sure how long this road here will be blocked off and it looks >> so, jack, as you fall down right now from people driving by, especially that big sorry. go so is that the in gress? is there any grass, to that property? are they are they moving on to perhaps another opening? entry point? >> it looks like that they're
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moving to where it looks like they're moving into a lot of people leave a more. and it looks like both a look at it at your way and in way that they walk into right but i'm not sure where we're going to stop right but we'll keep following these people as they're walking, trying to find out what we're going to stop and really looks like, though we're trying to also because we're watching. star go real quick chat that we're we're almost out of time here. >> remind that the reason why they're at the tesla plant and how elon musk may have some involvement in all of that's right. with the chat with a few of organizers for the protests and part of the reasoning for protesting today was that what they call economic they say and elon musk creator of time slot. >> our are one of the biggest producers of automobiles. now in the united states. and so they want to make a statement here block people from going
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to work, leaving work as and really just make a showing to the country. and other leaders right there sorry about that big crowd and had a little stumble. right back where we were talking to the organizers of the protest here who told that they really wanted to make us in a statement to to tesla, to other business industry leaders around the country as well as our federal leaders they really want to make a statement to say that it's not ok keep spending our taxpayer dollars dollars and sending to to israel and the ongoing war of what's happening here. and it looks like that they actually if if we turn around the camera, looks like that they're moving some of the gates themselves. the protesters are taking down those gates that the tesla workers put up. we're going to walk a little bit this way, try to get some footage. and so you guys watching these protesters taking down the fences that were set up the workers. >> think they're really just
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trying the tax dollars spend money on and make a statement right here at the factory there and playing well, there certainly moving and making a statement to the tesla workers who put them up >> most put them back up doubt to elon musk who is never shy about speaking out, will have something to say about this. what he says on exxon former in a moment so we're being told, ok, his stay on this jack, are you still with us? >> yes, i yes, i am so you guys many of these protesters took the very same questions about tesla employees put up to block parts from coming it out again. but he spent lot of people not even part test driving down and yeah, so you can some of protests a lot of the right. so it looks this is part of on-ramp going north and south. so they hope
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visible for cars driving by as well as you people talking as showing some support for these protesters. i'm good job get back to you later on this evening. that's our jack live for us at the tesla factory in fremont. >> the scene of yet another protest we're going abrupt changing gears here and go to sports. jason dumas. >> and now kron 4 sports. >> the dogs were back in the lap today prepping for their play-in game against the kings on tuesday. the plan has been around 3 years now, but it's still weird concept at the nba level. the warriors are playing in a win or go home scenario almost like it's the ncaa tournament. they definitely did not want to be in this situation, but now they simply have to embrace it. good thing for them is they're playing pretty good basketball right now. meanwhile, the kings, they are playing all that well. they
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have been dealing with some injuries, but steph knows it does not matter. the doug will have to be locked in if they want to have their season continues. >> but as we're because we haven't played a long we had a lot of matches earlier in the year. you know, another without moliga herders. so they have some other guys that have been a part of their rotation. we have some guys that step reach a son. bp guys. i really want to buy the rotation. last time we played them. so there's some unknowns on both sides. but unknown is the core guys who were in that series last year to play each other 4 times a year that we know each other pretty well. coaches that know each other well, so as a little another dynamic to it, they should be fun. competition month. >> with the second pick in the 2024 wnba draft. los angeles sparks select. >> cameron brink state. >> let's go. she was emotional
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to cameron brink. she is now pro this afternoon. the los angeles sparks with her took her second overall in the w nba draft ranked left stanford as one of the most decorated players in that story, program's history stamp. and while cam was overcome with emotion, she couldn't be more excited for what's in store in the next chapter of her career. pick. >> this is this is a nerve wracking environment, but it we work so hard for this. >> and i just have to shout make girls and so proud of all of us. what a great job we've done. the associated all that the lead just very thankful because seasons hard. but i'm just so looking forward to new challenges. >> ready to get to work. congrats to cam over to the diamond. the giants in miami taking on the marlins is gamescom of the sevens giants down a run to jung-hoo lee and he lines one into left for a base hit. mike yastremski
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comes on around to score the giants tied up at 3 very next batter runners at the corners to for wilmer flores he singled into center. nick ahmed scores. giants take the lead. let's go to the bottom of the 9th. whenever camillo 2 comes in. it's a great sign. he continued that trend today. he strikes out bryan de la cruz with the high heat and dove off the ball game. giants come from behind to win. 43 when they desperately needed. because sugar coat they haven't been good to us. you know, you know, maybe somebody hacking on some winds, big one for golden state. tomorrow on sac. i'll be driving down there and >> hopefully they get a win and extend their season beef. and, you i'm just excited about women's basketball because it just seems like it's it's never been bigger, rather. and it's so great. they're getting all this publicity and yeah, i'm a huge fan other superstars that we
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did. you see caitlin clark on snl. i mean, in any other draft can probably would have been the number one pick. but she's in a year with a transcendent player caitlin clark. but it's been fun covering camp for 4 years here at stanford. her family is great. we had an exclusive interview with her a couple of days ago. that's up on kron 4 dot she chatted with us before she left for brooklyn for the draft. yeah. excited for that. too bad. she's an la but we'll get over that we head down
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>> there were 4 zone forecast as we get this beautiful shot
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from our mount tam cam and there's a lot of blue sky out there, lawrence. yeah, we'll see a whole lot more in the coming days to some warm weather around the bay area's high pressure that's going to take care of us this week. we can hold off on the rain for now, but what a season it has been. of course, we put back-to-back a really nice weather season in the bay area with well above normal last year and above normal. again this year out the door right now clears could be out toward the golden gate bridge, looking good. here's a look at some of the highs today around the bay area 60's and 70's, even in the santa rosa. some really nice weather out there. but high pressure going to set the jet stream well to the north. that means we're going to keep things nice and dry for now. in fact, keep these dry throughout the week. we're just going to see some passing clouds from time to time. maybe we see another chance. some showers right around the 24th 25th a doesn't look like much but overall things kind of settling down temperatures tomorrow 60's into much of san francisco. little cool on the coastline. maybe come patches of fog inside the bay. warming up a little bit more infection, fight 70's down the peninsula. the south bay
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looking good, too. and out over the next 7 days. here you go. a lot of sunshine coming our way. maybe some 80's mid week before cooling down just a little bit. but staying dry the weekend, something to look the weekend, something to look forward norman, bad news...
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: let the storm began. >> this is a really an attack on a political opponent. speak of history is made as donald trump becomes the first


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