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tv   KRON 4 News at 12 Noon  KRON  April 16, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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>> today i'm from 4 news at noon tense moments during protests across the bay. a group of pro-palestinian protesters say they were hit by pepper outside of the tesla factory. plus, new details in a deadly double shooting in the north bay where 2 teenagers have died. and scott
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peterson, the man convicted of murdering his wife and unborn child will appear in court today with attorneys from the innocence project. we're live with the very latest. >> from the bay station, you're watching kron. at noon. >> thank you for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm justine waltman. a hearing for convicted killer scott peterson was held this morning in redwood city. this is the first of 3 hearings that have been set as his new defense team tries to get him a new trial kron. 4 s charles clifford has more now from redwood city. he's outside of the hall of justice. thanks for joining us. >> well, good this morning's hearing was brief only about 15 minutes and it was mostly to do with legal issues related to this case. but as you mentioned, it's the first of 3 hearings that will be held over the next couple of months of scott peterson tries to get his murder conviction overturned. tuesday morning,
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scott peterson appeared to the san mateo county courtroom via video conference from mill creek state prison in amador county. his attorneys from the la innocence project have submitted more than 1500 pages of legal documents. >> requesting evidence and information related to his case. among those documents was a letter asking that any new details they obtain be sealed to protect the identities of those who might provide that information. on tuesday, the innocence project withdrew that letter after the stanislaus county district attorney's office raised concerns that ceiling new information could be problematic. the da's office also said they are struggling to review and respond to the innocence projects large requests for records and evidence in the now. 21 year-old case following tuesday's hearing. there are 2 additional court date scheduled for later this year in which the judge is being asked to rule on defense requests for access to evidence, documents and witness testimony. the innocence project is also seeking to perform new dna testing on blood samples that were found in a burned out van
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near the peterson home around the time of laci peterson's disappearance. it's unclear at this point if these hearings will eventually result in a new trial for scott peterson. but attorney paula canny says that of laci is blood is found in the van. all bets are off. >> let's say that those materials are tested for dna and laci peterson's dna on some of those materials that to would give rise for a good basis for a motion for a new tron. >> the next hearing is in this case are set for may 29th july. 15th. all right, back live now. that is the very latest here in redwood city, charles clifford kron, 4 news. >> charles, thank you so much. and now to the north end. for 3 people have been arrested in connection with the deaths of 2 teenage girls who were shot and killed in napa over the weekend. >> now police say one of the victims was 17. the other was 19 officers found the 2
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suffering from gunshot wounds on saturday. they both died. napa police say now that 3 people have been arrested. john nicholson double a home is being charged with murder. jessica whitton and judith out off both of santa rosa have been charged with aiding in a felony. napa. police say all 3 suspects have been charged and booked into the napa county jail. officials say that although there have been some arrests, they're still looking for witnesses to come forward well, much more on this story coming up during kron. 4 news at 2 3 o'clock this afternoon. also today, more than 50 pro-palestinian protesters rallied at the fremont bart station right before going for a rally at the tesla factory. police did respond and things started to turn a little bit heated. the protesters as they started to rip down gates and officers started to fire pepper. kron four's. check moment was at the protest and has the latest details. >> and those pepper bullets not only hit the protesters, but they also a journalist as well, including us here kron 4
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news, not before that confrontation with police officers. the protest was relatively peaceful and what demonstrators call a nationwide economic god. it's the chants heard around the bay area monday. protesters looking to make a statement blocking traffic. >> and some of the region's biggest names will not be complicit in genocide. and we not allow economy to proceed like normal. khalil gibran organized for the protest says they want to target tesla as the benefits from u.s. tax dollars which also go to fund the country's allies like israel, even if no one in charge. here is the message. broad says they are but we will come out in the numbers to make sure that we are her. what matters to them is their capitalism one of the pressing people here in the states and globally. the protest started at the warm springs bart station in fremont at this protesters who didn't give us their name. >> says they were prepared to be there all evening.
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>> but quickly, the group took to their cars, arrived at the entrance of the tesla factory. employees tried to block offr the crowd with fences, but the increasing number of protesters took it down. they marched all the way to the main entrance of tesla's factory where they met with police. it was peaceful at first, but fired at protesters and some the more we protest, the more we show up we're going to get. and i just hope that people are ready to come together and stand up the protests died down after that. but for people like that, they're corey, who is palestinian american and it's been affecting us our whole my whole life. he says he's standing up for his family who lives in the war zone. are you worried for >> absolutely. yeah. sometimes they don't respond because they're just like i said. >> they're tired of responding everybody, but it scares you because you don't know if something happened to them or they're just like tired responded, you know, now, these are the pepper that fremont police used against
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protesters. and of course, that ended up hitting journalist as well for you watching at home. these the definitely not feel good. now we reached out to from a police to find out how many people were arrested from today's protest as well as tesla for comment. but we did not hear back reporting in fremont jacmel kron 4 news. >> the effort to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price is moving forward. the register voters confirms there are enough signatures for a recall election. the group behind this effort believes recalling price will bring positive change to alameda county during a news conference today, oakland chinatown, community leader carl chan said gathering enough signatures was difficult. but this special election is important for the community. >> over 74,000 signatures, if that works is fight. so we just want to make sure that it's not that is going to be a special election is so important that, you know, we kind of push for it and to make a show that winds to a a a failed for this election.
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>> the next step is for the alameda county board of supervisors to review the petition. they plan to do that on april. 30th. happening today, the san francisco sheriff's office plans to discuss the recent lockdowns that are happening at 2 jails in the city. they say that the jails are on lockdown after a number of inmate attacks on deputies and staff. they took place at the county jails, 2, 3, where the sheriff's office says inmates have been hurt, have hurt 7 staff members since march. 29th. the union representing the deputies is demanding that the california national guard be called in to help. we're covering this press conference will have more for you this afternoon. officials are planning now to close the women's prison in dublin. this is coming months after the fbi search that prison at least 8 employees at the dublin prison have been charged with sexually abusing inmates in the past 3 years. 7 have been convicted and sentenced to prison. no word yet on a date on when they plan to close it. we'll talk
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about our forecast now with this live look outside here at sfo. we're enjoying lots of sun today and warming temperatures colors here with details about. >> what's going on outside. yeah, it's another beautiful day in the day. a little bit warmer than yesterday. you can see some of those blue skies and a few clouds out there today, too. as we take a live look from the east bay, temperatures reflecting that, we're already starting to warm up compared to yesterday. conquered right now is already hit 70 degrees. but you can see not far behind it. san jose at 69 still in the 50's and half moon bay and san francisco. but across the board, we're going to see some warmer temps, although the coast will certainly stay cooler then everybody else. but you can see just a few of those high clouds that are rolling in right now. we're starting to be protected by high pressure which you can kind of make out here a little bit as we look at the ridge that is building right here, as you see that clockwise circulation around high pressure. so the wind right now relatively calm, a little bit of a breeze out of half moon bay and the onshore flow is generally what's going to keep the coast a little bit cooler over the next couple of days. having said that, i have
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to show this again because compared to 24 hours ago, we are once again, as you can see, inland up about 10 degrees where we were this time yesterday. but even out of half moon bay were let 2 degrees warmer. so the indication that that high pressure is doing its thing here is our highs for today. you can see that we're looking at about 65 in san francisco. can get to those mid even potentially upper 70's in some of our inland spots. so it's not like antioch looking at for about 77 santa rosa. little cooler at 73 fremont about 74 degrees. but that is to say above average temperatures and this is just the beginning of the warm-up. that's coming our way on back a little bit. we'll talk more about that and how high these numbers go. when i show you your seven-day forecast right? mayor london breed is in china this week to strengthen economic ties. she met with representatives of shen zhen airlines yesterday to talk about added direct flights to san francisco. she said in 2023, visitors from china spent more than 630 million dollars in san francisco.
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mayor breed says boosting tourism lifts the entire economy creates jobs and supports local businesses. for your money. this afternoon pg e is warning customers about a significant increase in scams in an email. the utility company said that the rate of scams is increasing. >> at an alarming rate, they say that the scammers can be convincing and often target those who are the most vulnerable. they also target small business owners during busy customer service hours pg e says common trends with scammers include asking for payment in unconventional ways such as with prepaid debit cards, gift cards are third-party mobile payment applications. they also threatened to disconnect power because of past due bills. if the payment is not made immediately. they also ask for personal information things that pg e would not do. coming up here at noon today, the maker of a popular food could be required to add a new ingredient. what you need to
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know before lunch. >> and our coverage on the aftermath of those protests that took over several bay area freeways, we have new video of how officers removed the demonstrators from those cement barrels. and california's attorney general joining community leaders for a round table addressing the best practices in efforts to prevent gun violence. what he says needs to be done to says needs to be done to protect people in california. there it is... that feeling you get when you can...
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violence and identifying best practices to help keep communities safe. his focus on equipping locals with the tools necessary to stop the shooting before it happens as well as implementing rules are working in other cities. >> so often after a tragic, horrific mass shooting. we we hear interviews of of family members or co-workers or folks, you know, the person and they say often, you know, there's you know, this is not a total surprise to me. i saw something that was off. i saw something that was wrong. and if that person was empowered and have the education and awareness and had a great gun violence restraining order program san diego has maybe that could have prevented one of those tragic mass shootings. and if we can prevent those. >> we should. no word yet on when these practices could take effect or be presented for consideration. the chp is releasing new video showing how they removed protesters from those concrete barreled
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rahm's during yesterday's demonstrations that blocked traffic on 8.80, in oakland and also on the golden gate bridge. the protesters use what's called sleeping dragon where they handcuffed themselves and then put their hands through pvc pipes. and then in those concrete barrels and monday morning was a mess for commuters all across the bay area. and we brought that to you live right here on kron 4 all afternoon. this all started on 8.80, when protesters chain themselves to those concrete filled rahm's. there were 6 of them. traffic was on a standstill on both directions along 80 for about 5 hours. protesters also blocked the southbound lanes of the golden gate bridge and chained themselves together for 4 hours. traffic was shut down on the bridge there in both directions in all. 38 people were arrested. so what happens now? kron 4 sarah stinson spoke with a legal expert to find out. i implore people, please. protest were here to protect your rights to protest. >> but you cannot block roadways. you cannot keep
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emergency personnel, whether it's ambulance or law enforcement. fire department from getting out to assist other people. >> stern words from california highway patrol after arresting 38 protesters monday. they were among hundreds of people who disrupted traffic for hours at 3 different locations in the bay area. all calling for an immediate cease-fire in gaza. 26 people got arrested after blocking all lanes on the golden gate bridge. 7 people got arrested on i-80 in oakland after a group locks their arms 280 pound concrete barrels in the middle of traffic lanes. and at the 7th street exit of i-80, 8000's of protesters walked onto the freeway. 5 people got arrested there. thp says the protesters now face a slew of charges. the most serious being conspiracy to commit a crime and false imprisonment, which surprise legal expert stephen clark. >> the chp is obviously taking
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this very seriously with these arrests suggesting conspiracy that could elevate these charges to a felony. the protesters on the golden gate bridge will be prosecuted by the san francisco district attorney and the protesters in the east bay will be prosecuted by the alameda county district attorney. >> clark says it might be hard to prove the false imprisonment charges. certainly you can argue that the protesters by shutting down access on the bridge you are presenting those drivers. >> at the same time, the drivers could have got out of their car and left. so i don't know that that it's false imprisonment charge would hold up in trial. >> clark says as a former prosecutor, this will be overall a challenge in court when the defense argues for first amendment rights. i think it will be a difficult call for the da just how to handle these cases. >> because this is a very progressive community. we do respect the right free speech. but at the same time, we don't
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want to see public safety jeopardized. >> i'm sara stinson reporting kron. 4 news. and we're taking a look outside right now at this sunny skies in san francisco going out towards the bay bridge there, enjoying a little warm up right now and meteorologist color gergen is here with details on how warm it's going to get. yes, we're going into those 70's inland today. not quite so warm here in san francisco. but having said that a little bit warmer than we were yesterday. you're taking a live look at the embarcadero. 61 degrees right now in downtown san francisco, which can see we're already hit the 70 degree mark in spots like concord in antioch and roughly close to it there in san jose as well. so we're going to be warming up. and let's talk about one of our inland spots. santa rosa yesterday got up to about 67 degrees. well, that is the blue line and the yellow line is where we're at today. so you can see how are just a few degrees warmer and already kind of seeing that distinction looking for about 73 degrees in santa rosa today. so for my stay at home, to take you to walnut creek.
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and let's talk about your high for the day today. if you are working from home out on the patio is probably really nice place to be. can see temperatures here topping out about 75 degrees as you roll for your afternoon. should be really nice day. the wind is nice and calm too. that also makes for some nice baseball weather is you can see the first pitch tonight as the oakland a's take on the st. louis. cardinals about 06:40pm. i'm expecting about 65 degrees. wind should be nice and calm and just some partly cloudy skies out there for you on that. so basically high pressure is in control right now. and that's the way we're going to stay today. tomorrow. and then into thursday. by the time we hit friday, things change. but between now and then this is kind of the story. and as that high-pressure hangs out and that ridge build, it allows those temperatures to pump up well, above average, when you consider we should be about 69, 70 degrees inland. and by the time we get to wednesday and thursday, we're looking at topping out around more 75 to 80 degrees about, you know, 10 degrees warmer than we should be. now we head towards the weekend. we will get a bit of an onshore flow and that will
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down a little bit. having said that, still above average, as you can see and this weekend is looking really spectacular, particularly sunday. looks like a beautiful sunny day. there was some upper 70's inland 70's around the bay and then some 60's out at the coast. the coast staying a little cooler because of that onshore breeze. that kind of tends to bring the marine od as well. so a very nice, very calm. i'm happy to say. 7 day forecast. kron 4 is your local election headquarters in the recount has begun in the race to replace u.s.. representative eshoo's congressional seat. this recount will determine if assemblymember evan low and santa clara county supervisor joe city and >> which of them is going to join former san jose mayor sam liccardo in the general election. the recount began in santa clara and san mateo counties. election workers with the santa clara county register voters after recount about 132,000 ballots, the ballots have to be separated
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by each precinct and the order that they came in the job is expected to take about 5 days. but due to the limited space election workers are working in. it's now expected to take at least a week to 10 days and recounts are not cheap. the requester jonathan padilla, a former campaign staffer for the car goes campaign. has to pay $12,000 a day for this recount. the total cost is about $84,000. and if he fails to make that daily payment, his recount request is going to end. some already criticized this request, a recount alleging that it was a political move motivated by a desire to narrow the field of candidates to help of cargo. but in the meantime, san mateo county has already started its recount. it started so on monday. >> case. he's telling it like
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>> where things stand now on day 2 in the hush money case against former president donald trump. that's coming up. plus, pregnancy risks study a new report revealing the dangers that could linger for mothers. well, after they give birth.
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>> for your health this afternoon, pregnancy complications can lead to an increased risk of death from others even decades after giving birth. this is according to a new study that was published in the journal. jama, internal medicine. that includes conditions like gestational diabetes. researchers found the risks of early death remain elevated for more than 40 years. the
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study says that's because pregnancy complications can lead to inflammation or other abnormalities and small blood vessels, which can be hard to detect. the conditions can lead to other health problems that may even take years or decades to appear. a top psychological group says social media features such as infinite scrolling are very risky to young mental health. a report released by the american psychological association found that endless scrolling can cause a distraction to use developing brain. and now they're urging technology companies to change policies and take greater steps to protect adolescents, mental health. they argue age restrictions on apps don't fully address the dangers is kids can easily work around it. the report did not offer some specific changes on social media apps, but says parents can also play a role into limiting social media. as much as their check as much as they can for their child. there could be some changes
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coming to tortillas sold here in california. a state lawmaker has announced a bill to require corn masa manufacturers to add folic acid to their products. folic acid has been used to prevent serious birth defects and help with babies development over the years. this legislation is seen as a way to help hispanic women who state public health officials say are not taking enough of that vitamin before and during pregnancy. new at noon, the recovery efforts continue in baltimore 3 weeks after collapse of the. >> francis scott key bridge. we have an update what's happening there. and california business owners are now in our nation's capital this week, working to secure a federal dollars and resources for the region will hear the issues that at the top of mind for them.
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>> businesses and political leaders from all across the u.s. are in washington, d.c., working to secure a federal money and resources for back home. capitol correspondent eytan wallace takes a look at some of the priorities that attendees are focused on. >> well, hello from washington, d.c., and on the second full day of cap to cap. let me tell you, it was a busy one. attendees met with members of congress and other high-profile government officials all to address key issues. we faced back home. >> kicking off the day with the plus more than 420 business and political leaders from california's capital region. now in washington, d.c., for the fifty-second annual capital to capital advocacy conference also known as kept a cat. organized by the sacramento metropolitan chamber of commerce. the four-day event includes more
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than 170 meetings with influential government leaders all with the end goal, the secure billions of dollars in federal funding for back home. this is the place to be. let's invent the future. adressing the delegation. sacramento congressmember ami bera spoke about the need for economic development during a one-on-one interview. he said that must include a push to ensure money from the 1.2 trillion dollar bipartisan infrastructure law of 2021. continues to fund local projects for bridges, roadways and green technology. those federal dollars. we want to make sure we bring that back to california. bringing back to sacramento to la to san diego and those they think of those cities kept to cap. attorneys are asking for more federal resources to help with an issue in communities and on sidewalks like this one across the state. >> the issue of homelessness were in an urgent all need to address this issue. lisa bates is the ceo of sacramento steps forward. a nonprofit organization working to get resources to people experiencing homelessness.
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she's pushing members of congress to extend tax credits for low income at-risk families. >> and for tax credits to incentivize the creation of more affordable housing housing with services are instrumental able to to move people out permanently out of homelessness. in total, the conference includes 13 policy groups. each focused on a different issue from flood protection to education to food and agriculture also included the issue of public safety and specifically a plea for help to address retail theft. >> devastating, i mean, this could literally bankrupt the business. wire businesses leaving open in san francisco while leaving san diego. why are they leaving california? because othed retail theft crisis, needs to be addressed. and speaking of public safety. >> as we approach the summer months, attendees are seeking additional federal resources to help with force management and fire protection. the threat of wildfires significant alice down as a council member of the city of
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auburn, a city nestled in the foothills of the sierra nevada. she says it's crucial for the federal government to do its part in the state where it owns more than half a public forested lands. it's important that we continue to maintain that partnership that we have with the federal government to work. >> collaboratively with them to ensure these lands are resilient help make sure that we're out in front of ready to respond when emergency happens. and looking ahead, the delegation is expected to hear directly from steve case. he's an entrepreneur and co-founder of aol reporting from washington, tom wallace kron. 4 news. >> kron 4 is your local election headquarters in southern california. senator steven bradford launched a campaign for lieutenant governor in 2026. senator bradford served in the senate since 2016 and previously served in the assembly as well as on the gardena city council. he was also a member of california's reparations task force. bradford says he believes his background as a
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fighter within the legislature will help him in his run for lieutenant governor. >> running for lieutenant governor because i think we're at place and time in the state of california where we really need all levels of government working closely, kind of been responsive. i've been engaged. i show up. this is the kind of job that the lieutenant governor's position is. it's not about glam about put your head down and doing the real work. i've done that for 26 years that i've been an elected official. >> if elected, senator bradford would just be the second black person to hold this role. his mentor mervyn damali was the first bradford, a democrat who represents parts of la county, including inglewood and compton is the second significant candidate to enter this race. california treasurer fiona ma announced her campaign last year. california attorney general rob bonta and secretary of state shirley weber are suing the city of huntington beach over new voter id requirements that were approved by voters
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in the march primary. that measure allows the city to require voters to show id when voting in person starting in 2026. bottom and weber argue the measure violates state law and would make it harder for some to vote. >> have taken action to violate the law. state of california in a way intentional. a brazen will be subject to be accountability the action that we're taking in urt today. >> in a statement, huntington beach city attorney called the result of the march primary final and said the city will vigorously uphold and defend the will of the people. celebrity. paris hilton is advocating for a bill to bring more accountability to youth treatment facilities in california, she joined lawmakers in sacramento yesterday. and if this bill is approved, it would require facilities to publicly post information related to the use
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of restraints and seclusion rooms. hilton has been open about her experience at similar facilities, even testifying before congress. she says the bill will help protect the state's youth. >> accountability and children's treatment act increases. transparency. so the public knows what really happens behind closed doors. if these facilities are scared of a simple transparency measure, then i think we should ask them, what do they have to hide? our current system designed to reform and some horrific instances does the exact opposite ends years. >> the bill is currently on the senate side of the bloods legislature and has bipartisan and fewer people are buying rooftop solar panels for their homes. the industry is shrinking hit by high interest rates type credit and cuts to solar initiatives. more than 100 solar contractors have already gone out of business during the past year. demand has dried up. california is
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also cutting the amount of compensation, most rooftop solar owners can get from the electricity that they sent to the grid by 75% or more as the cost of upgrading, the grid is soaring. experts say california's experience could foreshadow what the rest of the country will face as it deals with the rising costs of the grid and transit mission up greats. temperatures getting a little bit of a boost today with this live look here in san francisco. pilots tracking what's happening outside only here in the bay, but also across the country. and i wanted to talk publicly about this because yesterday i was telling you when colder more mayor meet, we tend to get severe thunderstorms. the potential for tornadoes will take a look at what's happening here. >> right now, 48 degrees in minneapolis, 75 in chicago. that is where that warm and cold air is coming together. and in fact, if you look into parts of midwest here in iowa and down parts of missouri and heading over to illinois. we do, in fact, have a tornado watch in several tornado warnings now that are popping up on the map want to show you
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this because this is where all this danger is today. the little red boxes, tornado warnings and the are the big area that i showed you in yellow. and then the severe thunderstorms that have the potential to become tornadic cells. those are in those yellow boxes. my concern is this line is pushing towards a lot of really big population areas like you see here is it's heading kind of the direction of chicago, davenport, iowa. so something to keep an eye on today. and certainly if you have friends and family in that area, make sure they're aware of what's going on and can get their watches and warnings and stay safe. meanwhile, back in the bay. we're having another gorgeous day, everybody. it's just beautiful here. temperatures already warming up right now to 70 degrees in concord in antioch. 69 in san jose. we're 65 already in downtown san francisco. some expecting those mid 70's for my inland folks today. really nice around the bay. as we take a look here, you can see spots like oakland likely to get to that 70 degree mark as well at the coast. little bit cooler. but as we get over the next couple of days, we're going to continue that warm up into wednesday and thursday. then we're going to cool down a bit. i'll be back. we'll talk more about your weekend.
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back to you. thank you. turning now to some national news because today the maui fire department is expected to release an important report detailing how they responded to a series of wildfires that killed. >> 100 people in the hina last year. maui county will also be holding a meeting today for a homeowners that were impacted by this august wildfires. officials are set to discuss topics, topics that are related to infrastructure, rebuilding, permitting and insurance. scientists are warning that the world's coral reefs are under severe stress as record-breaking ocean heat is triggering a mass bleaching event. more than 50% of reefs across 53 countries have experienced bleaching in the last year alone. that's posing a threat to marine ecosystems and food chains. experts warn that this could be the worst bleaching period that's been recorded in history with temperatures surging to unprecedented levels, they say urgent action is needed to
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address climate change to protect these vital ecosystems. new at noon, we continue now to follow the recovery that's happening in baltimore following the bridge collapse. the key bridge response unified command says that crews have recovered the body of a 4th missing construction worker who died during that tragedy last month. salvage teams found one of the missing construction vehicles and then they notified maryland state police and the fbi and the maryland transportation authority responded. they found that workers body inside of a car. officials say that the body has been identified, but the name has not been released. more potential jurors have been dismissed from former president trump's hush money case. lore lawyers working for a second day today to find a panel of new yorkers to decide whether trump will become the first former president ever convicted of a crime. our washington correspondent basil >> this is just the beginning.
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as 100 jurors will be brought in at a time to be vetted for this historic case involving the former president a former president donald trump is back in new york's criminal court as his hush money case involving adult film star stormy daniels is set to face prosecution. is a disgrace. hundreds of new yorkers have been brought in to possibly decide the fate of a former u.s. president. >> but dozens have already been dismissed as the told the judge they can not be impartial. new york city attorney arthur aidala says this will be a long process is going to be hard come up with fair and impartial jury because so many people know about this case and have preconceived notions. the voting continues as potential jurors will be questioned on a variety of topics to determine if they are fit for the trial. a panel of 12 jurors and 6 alternates will be selected.
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there will be a hearing next week on whether trump should be held in contempt for violating a gag order that prohibits him from talking about the witnesses in this case. >> reporting in new york city, i'm basil, john. >> some developing world news now as tension is growing in australia over a teenager stabbing a christian bishop and a priest during a church service. some even calling this an act of terrorism. this is the second high-profile night knife attacked a rock sydney in recent days. police arrested the 16 year-old boy right after the attack happened. an angry mob then started to gather outside of the church, demanding that he be turned over to them. the bishop in the priest were stabbed during a live streamed sermon. this was yesterday. 2 other people were also stabbed. they are expected to recover and this follows another mass stabbing incident that happened on saturday that killed 5 people at a shopping center in sydney.
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>> local students get out of the classroom and into a tech career day. here are the key insights. they learned that we can all use. i'm rich demuro. that's coming up in tech. smart. and after the break, you take a look at how the golden state warriors are preparing for tonight's play-in game against the play-in game against the sacramento kings.
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report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion which can be life threatening or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. ask your doctor about rexulti. mr. clean magic eraser powers through tough messes. so it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning, and you know i didn't. it makes my running shoe look like new! it's amazing. it's so good. it makes it look like i have magical powers. magic eraser and sheets make cleaning look easy. >> the warriors facing off against the kings in a winner take all game. the winner clinches a spot in the western conference playoffs. and our sports director jason dumas takes a look at how they're getting ready for the game tonight. >> the dogs were back in the lab on monday, prepping for
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their play-in game on tuesday against the sacramento kings. >> the plan has been around for 3 years now, but it's still a weird concept at the nba level. to me, at least the warriors are playing in a win or go home scenario. it's almost like it's the ncaa tournament. they were definitely not wanting to be in this situation, but now they have to embrace it. good thing for them. playing pretty good basketball right now. meanwhile, the kings are playing all that well at all. they have been dealing with a lot of injuries. but steph knows it does not matter. the dubs will have to be locked in if they want their season to continue. >> it's weird because we haven't played a long we had a lot of matches earlier in the year. you know, another without moliga herders. so they have some other guys that have been a part of their rotation. we have some guys that step reach a son. bp guys. i really want to buy the rotation. last time we played them. so there's some unknowns on both sides. but the known
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is the core guys who were in that series last year to play each other 4 times a year that we know each other pretty well. coaches that know each other really well. so as a little another dynamic to it, they should be fun. competition. >> i will have live reports from sacramento tonight leading up to tip off and soon as that game wraps up. all right. that's your look at sports. >> so the warriors and chase center going to host a watch party for tonight's game. the event is free. it is limited on a first come first serve basis. so fans are encouraged to rsvp chase center's website doors open at 5.30, there will be live music and the game is going to be shown on a large monitor. >> with the second pick in the 2024 wnba draft. the los angeles sparks select. >> cameron brink stand.
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>> cameron break is now up road. the los angeles sparks took her second overall in the wnba draft brink left stanford as one of the most decorated players in the program's storied history. and while she was overcome with emotion, bring said that she could not be more excited for what's in store for the next chapter of her career. national champion says this is a nerve wracking environment, but it we work so hard for this. >> and i just have to shout out on girls and so proud of all of us. what a great job we've done. associated all that the lead just very thankful because seasons hard. but i'm just so looking forward to new challenges, ready to get to work. >> frank was also the naismith defensive player of the year. can't wait to watch her play. can't wait to see the temperatures start to warm up a little bit. here's a look at what's going on outside from our camera. in walnut creek. things are heating up in the east bay right now. think i love they sure are also
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heating up in the allergy department. if like me, you get the itchy eyes and a little scratchy throat. yeah, you're feeling again that rain. give us a little bit of a break from the allergens. but unfortunately, we are right back in it today tomorrow. and as you can see, even increasing as we head towards the weekend. so take a deep breath. enjoy the flowers and just know that this is temporary, right? we just have to go through this part of it. but the sunshine is awfully nice and the war. if you see a little bit of a ridge year, that's high pressure that's building and that's what's helping us to get the sunshiae going. you can see down in la there. it's 77 degrees up in reading at 73. and we're starting to see some nice 70's around the bay as well in our inland spots. current temperatures kind of show you that conquered right now at 70 degrees. and we're flirting with that 70 degree mark in san jose in livermore, little cooler in san francisco and oakland is certainly just in the 50's. so certainly cooler out at the coast. wind is nice and calm today really is just an absolutely gorgeous day. hopefully can get outside and enjoy some of it. these are the highs and looking out for today about 66 in san francisco. i mentioned some of
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those mid 70's as we head inland. i think our east bay and south bay will likely get the warmest. having said that, nevada looking out for 75 degrees for you to in the north bay. so want to do little climatology here since you're having such a lovely day, we get 14 hours and 9 minutes of daylight today that daylight been increasing. i'm sure you've noticed that. and those sun angles changing a little bit, too. i notice the sunny side of the street shifts a little bit. we get to this time of year sunset tonight at 08:14pm. so we're working our way towards that latest sunset, which will be on the summer solstice on june. 21st. that's when we start to kind of go back down the hill and our daylight in our sunset time. so it's really nice time to be in the bay, if anyone's visiting boy, they're getting some great weather over the next 7 days. as you can see, no rain in the forecast warming up wednesday into thursday. we pull back a little bit as we head towards the weekend, but still above average in some really nice sunshine out there to enjoy any outdoor activities. back to you. a unique event for students as a tech company opens its doors to inspire the next generation of innovators. rich demuro explains in
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today's tech smart. >> the technology industry continues to evolve as it adapts to the impact of ai. but the jobs are still out there recently, some students got to attend a career day focused on innovation and inspiration. you might know belkin for their cables and power banks would accessories we enhance people's lives through technology. but recently the southern california company opened up their la area offices to students for an event called spring fling. >> opportunity to give students an idea of what corporate life is like and hopefully inspire them to choose a career path in technology find something that you love. you lean into technology is going to be and it's going continue to evolve. and i think there's a lot use can bring to in the future. students attended workshops, leadership panels and even got a behind the scenes tour. i
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thought that it's really cool that everyone kind of gets to have networking have to meet different people in different fields and kind of come here to learn something 11th grader mckay bhalla goan said it gave him insights into the corporate world and also like bridging that from education to the corporate environment. technology already a huge part of teens lives not only a connecting force, but also contributing to troubling issues including cyber bullying and mental struggles. something speaker rafael mcmaster is working to combat with lessons in creativity, consciousness and connection these types of days and get togethers and you know, outgoings and programs of social uplift. >> that's all about steadily building this scanner technology, humans helping humans. representatives from google also on hand to help students understand there are multiple paths to a career in tech. i think we need all sorts of people who are >> passionate about technology and the impact it can have.
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and we need a lot of different skill sets and you can come to a role like this from many different angles. >> days like this are invaluable for showcasing the diverse career paths out there, especially for students who know their tech but might eventually want to create it too. if you want to learn more information, you can go to my website rich on tech dot tv. i'm rich demuro and you are tech smart. >> nextera noon conservation efforts being brought back. so a unique type of butterfly can continue to thrive right here continue to thrive right here in san francisco.
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>> it's been decades since the u.s. lost its first butterfly species. the z receives blue butterflies. another making a little bit of a comeback with a close relative being reintroduced to the dunes of san francisco's presidio. so through genetic testing, scientists were able to compare the genetic codes of these ear seized 2 structures of other common. both blue butterflies and then last week, dozens of those silver li silvery blue butterflies were released into 50 acres of a restored dune habitat. researchers say that the blue will perform the same ecosystem sunk functions as this year sees as both a pollinator and a critical member of the food web. >> so we found thriving population that totally capable of donating a few individuals to establish a new population. so this is a new beachhead for silvery blues and they're standing in the big shoes of says.
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>> researchers will continue to track the butterflies movements using high-resolution photographs so they can identify their markings. >> some big cats there. these are 8 year-old cheetah sisters, catherine and willow. and they have a lot to say, according to the cincinnati zoo which posted this video. >> of those loud purse for the big cats. the zoo released this video to give a close-up look of the sisters faces. and it also showed how cute they are in the loud purring sounds. that's sounds of kano like a household cat cats can either roar or poor per. >> they can't do both. that's what the cincinnati zoo said. that's it from the newsroom today. thank you so much for joining us here on kron for news at noon. i'm just involvement. i'll see you again during kron for news at 2, 3, but for now live in the bay is next.
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>> that's right. coming up today on the show, it's the award-winning musical. that's back on broadway. we hear from 2 actors from hairspray how to catch their next show. plus, local cover band that's covering all the live events in every genre of music. hear more from the lead singer of mercy and the heartbeats. and of course, you know, we have so much more to come. but first, a qu
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>> hey, friends, you're now tune in to live in the bay. and coming up, we have an incredible show for you. it's broadway's tony award-winning musical comedy phenomenon that's headed back to earth. we visit with some of the cast from hairspray to learn more
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