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tv   KRON 4 News at 12 Noon  KRON  April 18, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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♪ you're the one that i want ♪ nexgard® combo is the only monthly topical that protects against fleas, ticks, tapeworms, and more. use with caution in cats with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard combo,... ♪ you're the one that i want ♪ ...the monthly one-and-done you want. >> today on kron, 4 news at noon, the city of san francisco holding a ceremony remember 118 years since the devastating 19. 0, 6, earthquake. plus, what we've
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learned about the police activity that shut down the neighborhood in san mateo county. and while the city lead for 20 event on hippie hill may be canceled after a couple of local nonprofits are keeping the high holiday alive. we're live with the details. >> from the bay station, you're watching kron. noon. >> thanks so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm stephanie lin. hippie hill for 20 typically draws thousands of cannabis devoe tease each year and this year it was canceled by sponsors citing a lack of funds. but the church of them bro show a psychedelic church partnered with others and are trying to fund it themselves. kron four's charles clifford joins us live now from golden gate park in san francisco with the latest details on this. charles. >> well, event this weekend is officially canceled, but the couple of nonprofits are
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stepping up to try to make sure people have at least some limited resources. >> late last month, the city of san francisco's recreation of san francisco's recreation and parks departmen that they were canceling before 20 celebration in golden gate park. the annual event attracted thousands of people here to the robin williams meadow and nearby hippie hill. >> to celebrate all things marijuana related, but recreation and parks says the department budget cuts and a lack of sponsors for the event made the decision necessary. and even though the 4.20 celebration is canceled, there's still a good chance. a lot of people will show up anyway for that reason. the bay area based church of ambroise along with the haight ashbury merchants association have announced that they plan to provide resources for anyone who does come out on saturday. they plan to bring toilets a first aid tent with 4 medics, thousands of bottles of water and staff to help keep pass around the metal clear, even though they will be providing resources here on saturday, the church and the merchants association are actually asking people not to show up and to find other ways to observe for 20. they worry
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that too many people here on saturday it could strain their limited resources. i think it's great that can still go ahead. neighbors we spoke to on thursday say they're ok with people showing up on saturday as long as they're safe and don't cause any problems. i worry about safety for the people who are attending, but ice on them really isn't that i think applying to have some medical tents. so hopefully they can. >> keep keep an eye on people who need it. but yeah, we'll say. all right, back live now at this point, unclear how involved recreation and parks might be. this weekend. we did reach out to them for comment. they so far have not gotten back to us. we do know that there's a kickball and the games planned for the robin williams meadow this weekend on saturday. so there will be some other things going on here other than just of whoever shows up for for 20. but for now in golden gate park, charles clifford kron, 4 news. charles, thank you so much. >> a settlement has been reached with the driver who struck and killed a 4 year-old girl near oracle park last
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year. police arrested 71 year-old karen carr to negga. she was charged with 3 counts of failure to yield to pedestrians and vehicular manslaughter in connection to that august 2023 crash at the crosswalk. a 4th and king streets. the little girl who died was in her stroller at the time of the crash. the father was severely hurt. the family was visiting san francisco instead of going to trial. a plea deal was reached requiring car today got to serve 2 years of probation. complete 400 hours of community service and complete a safe driver class. san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins releasing a statement that reads in part, quote, my heart is broken for the kim family. as a parent, i know personally that one of the worst pains anyone can ever and or is the loss of a child after consultation with the victim's family. we worked to resolve this case expeditiously in line with the family's wishes and with their support reached a negotiated disposition rather than going
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to trial, although nothing that we do can bring their beloved daughter and granddaughter back. i hope this settlement brings them some solace as they work to heal and rebuild their lives in the wake of that terrible tragedy last summer. the 4th and king street location is one of 33 places across the city where a speed safety cameras will be installed yesterday. the sfmta approving the locations. they include areas with school zones, areas known for speed, racing and street with a history of speed-related crashes as if mta plans to collect data by reading rear license plates for speeding cars. only the cameras will be installed by the end of this year. enforcement starts next year. more on those camera locations can be found right now on our website. kron 4 dot com. well, it's been one month since a family of 4 was tragically killed at a west portal bus stop last night, san francisco police held a traffic safety operation staying in the area. officers were stationed near west portal avenue. and in
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just 90 minutes, they handed out 22 citations and 5 warnings. assistant police chief david glasser says since that deadly crash, the community has been vocal about wanting to see changes made to enhance traffic safety in the area. >> say for the whole city has a pedestrian walking around. you just have to be really aware of your surroundings for a lot of reasons, you know, to prevent crime, but also in terms of traffic safety really making sure you're looking both ways a few times before you cross make eye contact with drivers, put your hands up to just be seen and be safe. >> we were there as a driver got a citation for failing to yield to a pedestrian she wasn't too pleased with the way police were conducting wednesday's operation. but she did say there is a lot going on at that intersection and it could use improvements like an added stop sign or a clear a cross walk. the oakland police department is investigating a deadly shooting that happened just before 9.30, last night on 16th street. sacramento
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police were in oakland investigating a homicide when they asked opd to help them arrest a suspect. opd says that suspect emerged from inside of a home with a gun officer shot and killed that person. the department says the officers involved are now on paid administrative leave as the investigation continues. on the peninsula. we are learning new details after police shut down a neighborhood near redwood city. police were serving a search warrant for an armed robbery suspect on marvel marvel avenue just east of l camino. real kron four's. michael thomas has more on the arrest. >> well, neighbors tell me as early as 3.30, this morning there was swamp team and multiple police officers here in this residential neighborhood. and you can see they're still here hours later going through the garage. and this is east of l community. allen. we've got a map up on your screen. it's the north fair oaks neighborhood. bureau street here. this includes san mateo county sheriff's office, redwood city police and
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neighbors tell me essentially that early at about 4 o'clock or so that they heard loud noises and that it was a swat team and multiple police agencies here to arrest him. and i did speak with the person who was inside of that apartment complex and they tell me they were actually how sitting for the apartment that was being served with the search warrant. they tell me that the man who was arrested at around 7 to 7.30, this morning was actually inside that garage. he was barricaded himself at some point, which is why police are now going through the area to see if you left anything behind reporting near redwood city, michael thomas will send it back to live in the studio. >> in the north bay petaluma police are investigating graffiti at kenilworth junior high school that threatened a school shooting. the department says there are no known credible threats to the school or staff. they're working with school staff on the investigation. and the city of san francisco held a ceremony this morning to remember 118 years since the devastating 19. 0, 6, earthquake. and this is footage you're watching from
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that day. city officials honored the moment with a wreath laying ceremony earlier this morning at lot is found in union square and a moment of silence happen followed by sirens from a fire truck. more than 3,000 people died on that fateful day and more than 200,000 people were left homeless in the present day today, city officials want to remind the public of how important it is to be ready for the next big earthquake. >> i think what people need to know is that the things that we depend on a will not be available to us. plan for that to just think through that scenario and think about how you're going to prepare your family. >> the remembrance ceremony started at 4.45. this morning. they want to bring usually attends this every year, but she was not there at this moment because she is on an official visit to let's check in on our forecast now as we take a live look outside at the city of san francisco.
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let's check in now with gayle ong for more on what we need to know about our weather and you can we expect some more nice warm temperatures. yes, we have another warm day in store for most of us, especially inland. >> which should be reaching the 80's in some spots. we're sunny in san francisco. just a light breeze. as you can see there. but overall, we are quiet on the weather front in the bay area and statewide. we will notice a slight change starting tonight as temperatures will be dipping down just a few we are currently in the upper 60's in san francisco and oakland and san jose in the mid 70's. we're still in the 70's in livermore and conquered. and santa rosa little cooler at the coast and half moon bay. and you can see about 4 degrees down this time yesterday and we're about 2 to 3 degrees at this time yesterday. and wind speeds are calm right now. so you don't have to worry about a breeze until later on. so for you inland walnut creek, your iced coffee forecast, you still have a nice coffee forecast. 80 degrees is the forecast high in a few hours. so that's
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a nice large eyes copy for you. as for the rest of us, we're sitting nice and sunny this noon hour in the 60's and 70's and late afternoon, we'll be bumping up to the upper 60's and upper 70's 80's inland spots like san jose, santa rosa and napa. and then tonight will be very comfdrtable in the low 60's and low 70's that when i come back, we have more nice weather. just a tad cooler. we'll talk about that and the extended back to you. all right, gail, thanks so much. i would take my iced coffee extra-large place. well, health officials in san francisco are working to lower barriers to child health care. >> once a month the city holds its why wellchild fair in portola. the event does help those who may not be used to navigating the u.s. healthcare system. one resident says she came with her first child 8 years ago when she moved from the phillipines. it was a big help for her. and now she does come back with her other 2 children. >> the be making an appointment to to see you. so it's more easy. easy for me
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because the help me to make an appointment and everything i live here and most of the doctor and the staff and then there's the ad help me. they helped me a lot. and there are so friendly. >> the next while wellchild fair is scheduled for may. 15th. coming up on kron. 4 news at noon. notice a price spike in your fast food order? we take a look at what's happening in california. plus, a crushing blow for an east bay baseball team after thieves take off with thousands of dollars worth of equipment. and the latest on a tiktok challenge spreading among bay area teens involving fake but realistic-looking fake but realistic-looking guns.
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hi. i use febreze fade defy plug. and i use this. febreze has a microchip to control scent release so it smells first-day fresh for 50 days. 50 days!? and its refill reminder light means i'll never miss a day of freshness. ♪
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trending on social media that could have dire consequences. here in the bay area. officials recently followed up on reports about a child running through a neighborhood with a gun as kron four's to recess to reports the teenager admitted to playing a game called senior assassins. >> yeah, just call that the assassin challenge. >> kron 4 news obtained the snapshots from a deputy's body worn camera of a replica gun recovered by marin county sheriffs on tuesday. a spokesperson says the deputies pulled over the team with friends after an uber driver have reported seeing what he thought was a teen running through a neighborhood holding a real weapon, according to their was something that they knew could be riskier. people could be concerned about. >> so they're trying to be
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smart about but running through residential neighborhoods and hiding behind is not really smart way to go about doing that. >> that's marin county deputy adam schumer horn. he says the high school student told deputies recently purchased the fagan online to participate in the senior assassins game. we're seniors teams and eliminate each other by tagging competitors with water, guns. >> although kids want to have fun and they want to do silly do things like that that many of us have that senior of her own this is something that definitely some serious ramifications. >> last month after a teen was cited on a marine bike path with another fagan principles that marin county high school sent out emails to parents warning them about the game. and consequences of getting caught. redwood high school doctor payne sent this out, quote, school consequences for participation in this game may include loss of privileges such as prom graduation ceremonies, athletics and
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other activities, end quote. martin county sheriff's office put on their social media site. the circumstances surrounding the teen and the realistic looking gun has a message for all. >> my hope is that parents will see this and have conversations with their be cognizant about the types items that they're leaving the house with for the 3 and purchasing in marin county, theresa kron. 4 news. >> starting today, the pacifica pier shuts down for 2 days. sections were damaged by large waves back in december, crews will examine the structure to figure out if they can be fully reopened. the pier partially reopened in february. all right. let's talk about our forecast now as we take a live look outside at walnut creek. quite a bit of traffic out there, but no standstill. fortunately at 12, 16 this afternoon. let's check in now with gayle ong for more on our weather conditions and then get was looking pretty sunny out there and walnut creek. yeah, we're mostly sunny across the bay area. we do see some partly cloudy skies over here. >> at the coast half moon bay. but we are in for another warm
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day specially for the folks in london. other round of 80's inland in places like walnut creek and the san jose. but we are quiet overall in the bay area and statewide. as you can see, just some clouds offshore off the coast there we have this ridge of high pressure. now it's going to fly and starting today now be making room for this trough will be digging in. so you'll notice a slight cool down starting tonight and tomorrow and even into this weekend, just a few degrees down and cloudy skies. so this is 07:00pm tonight, cloudy skies and then into the morning. now your morning drive will cloudy. may notice some coastal drizzle as well. but by the afternoon, it looks like we clear out. so this is lunchtime tomorrow. this time tomorrow and in the evening the weekend, though, looks like a cloudy start in the morning. but then saturday, you clear out in the afternoon. so for the weekend will mostly be dry. still and mostly sunny, just a mix of some sun and clouds. temperatures out the door. we are in the comfortable 60's in san francisco and oakland, san jose mid 70's and liver more
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low 70's mid 70's for you in concord and a 72 degrees over in santa rosa. cooler by the coast and happy in the mid-fifties. so forecast highs today, we can expect another round of some warm temperatures, upper 70's over by napa santa rosa. vallejo, 80 degrees in concord. 79 in livermore in fremont, you might hit 80 and looks like 82. maybe the forecast sign a few hours in san jose. so another warm day in store and you can expect more comfortable temperatures down the road here. so i as you can see, will still remain in the 70's our daytime highs 60's along the coast. i want to point out to thursday a chance of some showers, but we're keeping an eye on that. back to you. all right. thanks so much, gail. appreciate it. a youth baseball league is out $15,000 worth of equipment after thieves broke into a sports complex in concord. >> organizers tell kron four's philippe djegal but the theft is a crushing blow.
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>> mark northrup and his brother anthony's kids have grown out of the junior optimist baseball league. but both still helped run the nonprofit in concord because they care. i help out its kids marks serves as board president anthony is the facility's director and he's the one who discovered their sports complex that encompasses built. he knew baseball and softball fields was burglarized over the weekend. we hit a roadblock saturday night. they literally snapped the padlocks. the northrop say thieves broke through the bars and locks to at least 4 of their comics boxes, which stores the heavy equipment used to maintain the fields. normally in the fall. we keep our generators and we came to large atv among the items reported stolen to the contra costa county office of the sheriff were in a tv utility trailer generators, water pumps to keep feels dry. tools and batteries were down about. >> estimate $15,000 and given
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our budget. that's along long way to go for a nonprofit organization already struggling with low funding. there's no doubt about it. this is a major setback. had a covid issue. so. >> we'll have a lot. i mean, tell you about 4 or $5,000 in our cap, online fundraiser has been established to help replace what was lost and the northrop's are grateful for that. the organization is run by all volunteers and they are committed to preventing this burglary. >> from impacting play, the kids are going to play because that's what we're here for their people. the community, they don't have kids playing jail that are donating to these children. thank you. to the criminals. you that word. you stole it from children in need. just remember that the league is working with businesses nearby to track down surveillance video that may result in any leads in concord, philippe, to go
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>> still ahead, a month-long eruption with a stunning view. new details about the active volcano in iceland. coming up. plus, why some state officials say some of your favorite snacks could be bad for your health.
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>> advocates production companies to find an alternative for and now a component for synthetic dyes which could change up the recipe. this is with regards
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move to ban additives over it in certain foods, certain that are sold in the state of california. now one of the ingredients that's of concern is a vegetable oil used to be used in a lot of sodas and sports drinks but few candies and ingredients contained it. now their mother greedy of concern as red dye 3, which gives food and drinks that bright red sherry color and we spoke we spoke with nutrition about this. >> so if europe can do it, we certainly can, too. but it does take more money and it takes really this dedication to saying we're not going to allow for this low quality stuff to keep entering into our systems. >> researchers say that these diets have been linked to cancer hyperactivity and behavioral issues in some kids. critics say, but these laws to undermine the authority of the fda and confuse consumers when these food companies have to follow strict guidance already. for
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your money. this afternoon, california's fast food minimum wage was bumped up to 20 bucks an hour just a few weeks ago. and prices have already gone up. that is according to a study done by kellen equity research, the biggest increase between april first and now is from wendy's prices up 8%. there. chipotle is up 7 and a half percent. starbucks up 7% and taco bell and burger king up 3, 2%, respectively. mcdonald's prices, interestingly did not go up at least not in the study. despite franchise hikes were coming. the wage increase will reportedly cost each mcdonald's around $250,000. coming up next at noon, a push for new equipment at the border as the debate continues on what should be done to protect it. >> plus, a new bay area high school contest works to raise awareness about stds.
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for all your skins, gold bond. what was that? of 7 moisturizers and nothing.ns. ahh! gorilla super glue. brush for edge to edge coverage, and nozzle for precise application. all in one. for the toughest jobs on planet earth
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>> today marks the 100 and 18th anniversary of the deadly 19. 0, 6, earthquake which nearly leveled the city of san francisco killing 3,000 people. community organizer seizing the moment. they say the vast majority of the city's tallest buildings are still not earthquake safe, despite promises made by city leaders a year ago. joining us live now to discuss is david osgood with the coalition for san francisco neighborhoods, which is pushing for change. good afternoon to you. >> a nice to be with you.
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>> thanks for being here. so first up, david, could you walk us through the concerns that you're seeing with san francisco high rises right now and where you're getting this information from. >> we decided to look into it discovery. the city has a very large database with about 1000 data points 180 of the tallest buildings. so there's a lot of information out there. and it's so very readily available to anyone. online and we for one thing. there are 43 tall buildings with the same kind of foundation that the millennium tower had before started leaning had to be so that's a concern in 25 of those our own soil with the highest rating for so that
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disconcerting, what what's going to happen in those buildings? >> and for context, for our viewers here who may not live in san francisco, these are buildings that are many, many floors high and many people, you know, rent these properties or have condos in these properties as well. >> thousands of people and for the most part, they're on where vulnerabilities. there's unknown list of 39 buildings high rises with a week framework. well, the steam trains were put together with well, instead of holes, which is a process not allowing any more. but these 39 buildings and they know where they are. still have these ensure your well and one problem additional problem with that is you know, they might have
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been damaged in the 1989 earthquake over already. and nobody knows that because nobody's trying to fix or or even look at now. >> to clarify for folks who are curious about this. david, is this trend that your organization is seeing also affecting single-family homes and buildings with fewer floors in san francisco? >> and there's also concerns concrete buildings that are reinforced. those are actually the next building. some of the city's list to be retrofitted and legislation was supposed to be introduced a year ago to start but it hasn't happened. >> so what is your ask from city leaders at this point? >> well, they need to take this you know, i'm afraid the billionaire building owners
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finance too many campaigns are in here. so city hall looking the other way. you know, richard finning is sort of a normal maintenance process. and if you own a big building. and need to do that. >> now, of course, it is no surprise. and you mentioned this earlier, you know, that san francisco experiences quite it's, you know, fair share of earthquakes. there is there has been, of course, quite a bit of new construction that's focusing on high rises over the years. so why are so many buildings in your words? still not properly? we have reinforced earthquake safe here. >> well, head it beats it's a known problem. we know there's going to be a big earthquake. it's pretty well known that some of these high rises are going to collapse or topple over. the experts know that
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and there's also a tremendous liability vulnerability here because, for instance, the 39 buildings with the welds. those building owners know they have problem. yet every morning at 8 o'clock, invite thousands of people that come on in. god forbid, there's some horrible it has to change. you know, the those those building owners are going to be liable for so they need to take the initiative getting their own rent or food. >> all right. david osgood with the coalition for san francisco neighborhood's, thank you so much for joining us today. >> chair, thank you. on to our next story here. google fired 28 of its employees who protested at the company's offices across the country on tuesday. one demonstration happened outside the company's offices in sunnyvale. demonstrators called on the company to cut ties with israel. police arrested 5
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people, including some google workers who refuse to leave a google spokesperson says physically getting in the way of other employees work and preventing access to facilities is a clear violation of company policies. in the south bay. a newly released audit of the san jose police department shows more than 360 complaints made against officers in 2023. nearly 250 of those complaints involved police misconduct. one complaint an officer was accused of using excessive force during an arrest. a review of that incident found the officers use of force with the was within police policy. but that additional training was needed to avoid bias based policing. in 2 other cases. citizens claim that during a traffic stop, an officer asked, quote, are there any dead babies in the car upon further investigation? officers said this was an example of shock talk meant to catch a listener off guard and cause a greater likelihood of the listener speaking the truth, the audit does recommend the department strongly discourage such
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tactics. starting tomorrow. parts of eastbound highway 12 in santa rosa shuts down for caltrans repairs. the closure starts friday night at 8 and ends monday at 05:00am. caltrans says it will all turn a partial and full closures between the dunn avenue and south e street exits. the closures will be divided into day and night shifts at night. the eastbound freeway between dutton avenue and south e street will be fully closed during the day. one eastbound lane will be open and one lane will be closed. drivers are advised to take alternate routes and to expect delays. santa clara county health officials say sexually transmitted infections are on the rise among teens kron four's dan kerman reports. >> in these times of love and romance, you should learn about and get to sit for st, eyes and stds with this animated down. >> like guy on average home. >> and this music video have in common is they both are winning videos made by santa
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clara county high school students. each speaking to fellow teens about how to prevent getting sexually transmitted infections and how they can get tested aed treated if they do get an sti fly. >> people our age to become aware of these things that many people talk about. scuttle leslie alum on and allison crick where 3 of the 104 students who submitted entries to the santa clara county health department for its annual sti viral video contest. >> for us, i feel like the important part was too make it so that people would like actually understand what we're going for. we're going to like to educate people on the importance protecting yourself. the 3 students who are part of a film classic silicon valley career technical education ended up taking second place for creating the music video we saw a lot of the psa is from like previous years and a lot of them are kind of are
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serious. and we thought that if we did something with light hearted that it would be more impactful. >> having teen speak to other teens through video is nothing new. the santa clara county health department has been sponsoring this sti viral video contest since 2014. >> and with st eyes on the rise, it's more important now than ever we seeing at across the u.s. that more than half of the sexually transmitted infections. >> our karin youth ages 15 to 24. and that's why it's so important that we reach youth with the messages about the tools and information that they're going to help keep them safe and healthy from these infections. the winning videos are now online and the filmmakers hope with each viewing and posting it will raise awareness. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> take a look at this stunning time lapse video of a volcano in southwestern iceland. it's erupted 4 times ppin recent months sending lava towards a nearby community that tiffany is slowing down. the current eruption now ongoing for 28 days is
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officially the second longest of 7 to have happened in the last 3 years. the eruption happened. you're fishing town about 30 miles away from iceland's capital. the community was previously evacuated in november, following a series of earthquakes. it was evacuated again in january the night before the last eruption started let's talk about our forecast now as we take a live look outside at sfo and >> gayle ong is tracking the latest warm-up for there. gayle. hello, stephanie. s we overall have another warm day in store, but we have cloudy skies over by the coast in half moon bay. but we are sunny at sfo and over in the south bay and san jose. >> so most of us are our sunny and warm and looks like comfort temperatures right now. we're in the 80's. so 81 reported in fremont right now. 78 and friendswood. 77 in pittsburgh. so the inner east bay, those are where you'll find those warm temperatures in the 70's and even in the north bay and santa rosa,
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upper 50's by the coast. a 67 degrees right now in san francisco. but if you're going to walk the dog in petaluma, you'll in the 70's upper 70's for the afternoon and dipped down to the mid 60's for the evening and upper 50's for the 08:00pm hour. so a nice day to an evening to walk the dog out for overnight lows will be dipping down to the upper 40's and low 50's. you'll notice the clouds rolling in winds will be light and variable. but we have sort of a transition night as temperatures will start to cool down starting tomorrow and slight cooling trend in the weekend. that is daytime highs will be in the 70's rather than the 80's for inland communities. and overnight lows will remain in the upper 40's and low i come back. we'll show you that 7 day once again because there may be a chance of rain next week. back to you. all right. looking forward to more information on that. thanks so much, gail. and turn to national news now, u.s. customs and border protection want to add over. 25 miles of new lights on the rio grande
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in stark county and in west texas, in el paso. >> the agency is asking for public comments on its proposal, which includes upgrades to 20 miles of existing lighting and adding river access roads. cbp says it's necessary to stop illegal immigration and drugs from crossing the border. the agency says it will conduct environmental site surveys and get input from state and local government agencies, tribes and landowners. but the nonprofit center for biological diversity opposes adding new lights. >> and stadium bright i voted lighting is well understood to be major stressor to wildlife lighting would completely disrupt ecosystems where it would be installed and border patrol needs to take a good hard look at the impacts of this project before moving forward. >> the non-profit says sky observatories in west texas could be affected. so could bats and birds like those found at a nearby wildlife preserve in western stark county. >> it's also really important habitat for wildlife,
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nocturnal wildlife, like birds and bats. ocelots who went there it's also a critically important migratory flyway used by millions of birds. >> the agency takes comments through next monday. >> coming up on kron, 4 news at noon played thompson's future with the dogs. now a major focus of the offseason as he gets ready to become an unrestricted free agent this unrestricted free agent this summer.
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there it is... that feeling you get when you can... du more with less asthma. it starts with dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks. dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks... and can even reduce or eliminate oral steroids. can you picture it? dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain,
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worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. who knows what you can do when you du more with less asthma. ask your doctor about dupixent. the most prescribed biologic for asthma. alice loves the scent of gain so much, she wished there was a way to make it last longer. say hello to your fairy godmother alice and long-lasting gain scent beads. part of the irresistible scent collection from gain!
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>> turning to the warriors. the dubs are licking their wounds after a season ending loss to the kings. now people are wondering what's going to happen to klay thompson kron. 4 sports director jason dumas has the details. >> the warriors season came to a sobering and on tuesday night, it wasn't the last that was so bad, but it was more the manner in which they lost the kings just bullied. the dove at will push them around. they looked like the tougher team. the more athletic team and obviously the better team. it made many question whether the dubs can ever win again with the big 3 as their core. that's a topic for another day. what is relevant right now is the future of klay thompson. he will be an unrestricted free agent this summer. and although both sides would like to see the partnership continue, you just never know. once folks start talking money, clay says he still dealing with the emotions of this season. but what is most important to him
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is winning another rain. >> really haven't thought about that deep in the future because i still need to process. the year we had and it was. one filled with ups and downs. ultimately we 5 firstly and our team did everything we could to try and win as many games we possibly could. when you've been a part of winning seasons, don't really want to go away from that. would like to win again. one for the thumb will be nice. so think it's a reach. just going to take huge for than that. i think about that. what really make you happy in the last, you know, few years, your career, today, we'll hear from warriors head coach steve kerr and general manager mike dunn. leave in other news. >> the giants a's both got ones that you look at sports. >> haha. >> meantime, a very special moment for steph curry
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warriors legend chris mullin presented him with a team usa, jersey. it will be number 4. mullen was a member of that dream team squad along with jordan bird and magic that won gold in barcelona in 1992. steve kerr coach is this year's olympic squad rates. and a former worry or a teammate is joining courier. curry on team usa. kevin duran is trying to win his 4th gold medal. lebron james and fellow laker anthony davis joined them on the team. as does clippers superstar leonard. they are joined by younger all and be a performers like devin booker and jayson tatum. the americans will enter the olympics, the favorite to win the gold. repairs are underway at raimondi park in west oakland city leaders approved the first reading of an ordinance allowing the oakland ballers to play at the park this season. the ball is agreed to spend 1.6 million dollars to improve the team. the team plans to host 48 home games. we spoke with team executives on what's next.
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>> means that our our, you know, our plan for improvements to the park to the deal. fencing netting installation of a video scoreboard. you know, field improvement adding the seats that that all can you know, it officially is going forward for us. a lot of it is, you know, we're taking a step forward. we're turning in chapter for baseball and open. but we also want to pay tribute to opens history with baseball. >> a final reading of the ordinance and a vote by the city council happens. april 30th, it final approval is given the ballers first home game is set for june 4th. let's talk about our forecast now as we take a live look outside at the embarcadero. beautiful blue skies out. there was just a touch of a breeze. you know, go. we were just talking about the oakland ballers mean what you think? is it a good day to play ball? it absolutely is. we still have some nice comfortable temperatures out today and you can see some cloudy skies over by the golden gate bridge and to sum it up that we will what
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is a cool down. so tonight you'll notice those clouds roll in along with some patchy fog. and then tomorrow we'll start to gradually cool down. when we talk cooling down, we're talking about the 70's inland instead of the 80's and this weekend will be dry. but a little cooler as well. and we'll also see the return of those breezy onshore flow. so will be chilly by the coast. you can see cloudy skies here you're driving along the golden gate bridge, 60's and san francisco right now and 60's in oakland, mid 70's in san jose. and we're in the 70's and conquered santa rosa and livermore. so the usual areas that warm up. 55 pretty chilly by the coast in the mid-fifties there. so this ridge of high pressure now flattening starting today and then we're going to start to notgce a trough. again starting tonight and that's when you'll notice those clouds roll in and that onshore flow. bringing us some chilly temperatures by the coast. so here's the weather pattern for the next few days. so this is right now you see all those clouds offshore. you'll notice that move in tonight. this is 07:00pm
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tonight and those clouds will linger into your morning drive says around 06:00am for your morning commute. and then by the afternoon we dry out. so this is lunchtime. tomorrow, friday, right before the weekend. and same thing for the evening, though weekend, though, looks mostly dry with a mix of some sun and clouds. now we are keeping an eye on the next 7 days as there is rain in the forecast. you can see it here in the extended. so will still sit comfortable in the mid to upper 70's for the next few days. slow 60's over by the coast. now, thursday and friday, there is a chance of rain just as far as how much rain we're talking about. still far out to really take a look but just enjoy the rest of this nice weather. we have a nice warming trend and then temperatures should rebound actually on sunday inland, as you can see or rebound to the upper 70's close to the 80's and then starting off next week will be down to more seasonable averages in the upper 60's. all right. we'll see you again at kron. 4 news at 2, 3,
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stephanie. all right, thanks so much. on this date in history, the first cross would crossword puzzle book was published. plus a beloved bay area quarterback announced his retirement from football news nation's markie. martin looks back. today is april 18 units and no excuses. it's time to get moving for national exercise day in 17, 75 paul revere began his famous ride from charlestown to lexington, massachusetts, to warn columnist that british troops were approaching. the first game was played at the original yankee stadium in new york. and the very first crossword puzzle book was published by simon schuster in 1955. physicist albert einstein died at age. 76, the first walk don't walk. lighted street signal was installed. and joan benoit one, the boston marathon quarterback joe montana also announced his retirement from football in
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2015, the 30 rock and roll hall of fame inductees for green day. bill withers and ringo starr and hamilton. lin-manuel miranda's hip-hop stage biography won the pulitzer prize for drama. >> and the life story of iconic singer frank sinatra is coming to the silver screen. >> martin source, kate scorsese is said to be working on a film based on the singer's life and will star leonardo dicaprio as sinatra martin and leo have made several movies together. and jennifer lawrence is slated to play sinatra's wife, actress ava gardner. the film is not yet gotten the blessing of the sinatra state. here in the bay area. low rider cruise is planned as a tribute to selena the queen of tejano music in san francisco's mission district on saturday, the late singer fashion and mexican american icon was murdered at the age of 23. she would have celebrated her 53rd birthday
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on april. 16th, the san francisco writer council holds the cruise along mission street as a tribute to selena's life and legacy for more information you can head to our website kron 4 dot com. coming up next year. kron. 4 news at noon. a good scratch for this tortoise. >> stay tuned for the whole story there. take a look at
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this. the nashville zoo's beloved tortoise coraline enjoyed a good shelf scratch and he can see the really getting into that. there. >> coraline is deborah toward
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is one of the largest types of tortoise and is classified as a vulnerable species. zoo officials say that the animal shows less sensitive than their skin, but turtles and tortoises have nerve endings in their shells and can feel when they're being touched. pretty cool. pretty cool information there actually. australia's perth zoo welcomed its first western swamp tortoise hatchling of the year. the animal comes from a special breeding program aimed at conserving populations of the critically endangered reptile over the years. more than one-thousand tortoises have been released into the wild through this program. the zoo said their staff continue to closely monitor the eggs and hatchlings and once make sure the tortoise is will be released into the wild. pretty incredible. the cincinnati zoo announced the birth od a bat. your fox sharing footage of the kit being treated by staff. very cute. zoo officials say the kit is a male and progressing well with bottle feeding the kid sleeps a lot, which is normal and makes adorable noises when it's feeding time. the zoo says cincinnati zoo is taking
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suggestions from the public on what to name this little guy. and indiana is a pothole. what tony zoo announced the birth of a ship's one talking. the zoo said the baby was born wednesday around 12, 15 to mommy. and bob excuse me and dad caboose. that's a fun name. well, staff like many other hoofed animals talking, babies are able to stand and nurse within an hour or 2 of being born. it only took this little in about 15 minutes to get to its feet. the zoo has just one talking are rare species of animal. that's part of a family of animals known as goat antelopes. how about that? and a pair of southern sea otters enjoyed a cuddle as they floated in their habitat at point. defiance zoo and aquarium in washington. the zoo says honors loved playing are very smart. they can use their paused open clamshells and explore objects. that's got me in the mood for some seafood. that will be off from
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the newsroom today. thank you so very much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm stephanie lin. remember to take good care of yourselves and enjoy this beautiful weather. weather. >> live in the bay is next. salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts.
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