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tv   KRON 4 News at 2pm  KRON  April 18, 2024 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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>> now at to the driver charged with killing a 4 year-old girl in san francisco will not serve any jail time. and the city of san francisco suing the city of oakland over
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the approval of changing the name of their airport. why s of city leaders say they had no other choice. plus, while the city lead for 20 event on hippie hill may be canceled. a couple of local nonprofits are trying to keep that high holiday alive. >> station. he's calling for news 2. >> thank you for joining us here on kron. 4 news at 2. i'm justine waltman. a deal has been reached for the woman who hit and killed a 4 year-old girl with her car in san francisco near air oracle park for her to avoid any jail time. kron four's theresa stasi has been following the story since it happened. she joins us now live from the newsroom with the very latest here. how did they reach this agreement? theresa was complicated. just accident back in 2023 in august, the girl was with their family visiting from south korea. they were walking across 4th and king near oracle park when a car hit the family. the
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father was critically injured. the little girl was killed. the driver, karen carr, tanya told authorities said she did not see the family in the crosswalk. she had been taking a right onto 4 street to enter southbound 2.80. her attorney says that she was motion to go forward and make the right after months of negotiations. car tanya was offered a plea deal which means no jail time instead, she was given 400 hours of community service and must complete a driving curriculum. i spoke with her attorney about the case and her profound remorse. >> emotional well being is. i'm not just shattered its permanently as a mother and a grandmother. she has. told me that. making make having a life that. anything like it
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was before the it's impossible. >> jenkins release a statement to kron 4 news saying, quote, my heart is broken for the kim family. as a parent, i know personally that one of the worst pains, anyone can ever indoor is a loss of a child. after consultation with the victim's family. we worked to resolve this case expeditiously. we are going to have a lot more on this story coming up on kron. 4 news at 3 o'clock, including the very emotional letter. carty a red to the family who was listening to the proceedings remotely from south korea. plus the death of the little girl has led to some big changes in that intersection. all that coming up on kron. 4 news at 3 o'clock. back to you. theresa, thank you. and as you just mentioned, that intersection at 4th and king is one of the 33 spots where the city will install a speed safety camera. yesterday the sfmta approved all the
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locations. >> and they include areas that have school zones, areas known for speed racing and streets with a history of speed-related crashes. the sfmta plans to collect data by reading rear license plates for speeding cars. only these cameras are going to be installed by the end of the year. inforcement will start next year. for more on the camera locations, you can find that information on our website. kron 4 dot com. and the sfmta is proposing some new safety improvements to west portal avenue. this is coming one month after a tragic car crash that killed a family of 4 waiting at a bus stop. the agency says the project will include more dedicated and protected space for pedestrians. there are also plans to remove a car traffic lane from the train track area of the sfmta director saying the goal is to simplify the high traffic lanes along you lois street by restricting cars from driving through the intersection. >> the print were tied people going to shop in the west
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portal commercial and support significant pedestrian by eliminating all of the left. her for about 40% are traffic are a result of drivers making left turns and not pedestrians. >> the agency will collect feedback on these improvements before making any changes by the summer. on the peninsula. we're learning some new details after police shut down a neighborhood near redwood city. police were serving a search warrant for an armed robbery suspect on marble avenue. just east of camino real in the north fair oaks neighborhood. the suspect has now been identified as jeffrey temper on junior. no details have been released on the armed robbery. but authorities say this happened in redwood city within the past couple of weeks. so now houston book booked on felony armed robbery and probation violation charges. the area that was shut down has now reopened. the city of san francisco has
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slapped the city of oakland with a lawsuit for trying to change the oakland international airport's name. last week, leaders of the port of oakland voted unanimously to move forward with this renaming of the airport to san francisco bay, oakland international airport the board is set to hold a final vote on this decision next month. but san francisco officials say that this proposed name change would be a false designation of origin. and now city attorney david chiu says filing a lawsuit is in the public's best interest. >> we hope to have a reasonable collaborative conversation on alternative names that would work for both airports but their refusal to engage has left us with no choice. litigation is always a last resort. but unfortunately, at this point we have to bring this lawsuit. oakland's proposed name is going to create immense confusion and chaos for travelers, particularly those who do not speak english. we're very concerned about travelers are going to miss
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flights have mishaps, experienced economic loss. we're worried that this is kind of damage to the reputation of the travel industry in our bay area region. >> the port of oakland has issued a statement in response to this lawsuit saying they trust the travelers were understand that a major metropolitan area can have more than one airport and quote, that the ports proposed naming renaming does not infringe suppose mark as a foe cannot lay claim to the geography descriptive term. san francisco, little and claim exclusive rights to the san francisco bay. the city of san francisco held a ceremony this morning to remember 118 years since that devastating 19. 0, 6, earthquake. this is video from that day. and now city officials are saying they are going to continue to do these ceremony is this is the one from this morning at lot u.s. found in union square. there's also a moment of silence followed by sirens from a fire truck. more than
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3,000 people died during that quake. and more than 200,000 people were left without a home city. officials use this day to remind us how important it is to be prepared for an earthquake. i think what people need to know is that. >> the things that we depend on a will not be available to us. plan for that to just think through that scenario and think about how you're going to prepare your family. so this remembrance ceremony started at 04:45am. in the morning, mayor london breed attends every year, but she was not there today because she is on. >> and official visit to china. we're taking a live look outside where we should be seeing. here is the golden gate bridge. can see the bottom there of the tower. we have get along with us here today to talk about what's going on in the weather now. looks like a lot of fog. yes, some return of the marine layer over by the golden gate bridge. we'll have cloudy skies here. we're sunny during the noon show. so today's a bit of a transition day.
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>> we'll notice temperatures dipped down just a bit. we're talking inland temperatures. great that we're in. 80's today will should be down to the 70's later tomorrow. you can see the clouds rolling in here along the peninsula. but overall, we have pretty quiet weather statewide and most of us in the bay area. you can also see that patchy fog here at the golden gate bridge of where in the 50's in francisco and half moon bay. but as you make your way inland, san jose livermore and concord in the upper 70's and take a look at the temperature change. we're cooler at the coast. a bit warmer. a 2 3 degrees warmer in some places. but notice we are starting to cool down in places like knapp and oakland and hayward as well. and that is because of the return of on-shore flow. 18 mile an hour winds here in san francisco. 8 in half moon bay. and we have of a breeze going on in oakland at 16 miles per hour. so that will be the next weather headline is onshore flow cooling down the coast. mostly cloudy tonight with the winds should be light and
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variable. tonight overnight lows look for upper 40's and 50's when i come back. but we still have a nice comfortable temperatures in the seven-day, but we are looking at a chance of rain late next week. back to you. >> on 4.20 hippie hill in san francisco's golden gate park is usually filled with thousands of cannabis fans every year. but this year sponsors had to cancel the celebration, citing a lack of cash. but there's a new effort underway to make sure that this event does not go down and smoke. kron. 4 s charles clifford has latest from golden gate park. >> well, officially, this year's for 20 celebration here in golden gate park. not happening, but there are some preparations underway. you can see these barriers that reckon park has put out. and also we now know that 2 nonprofits are stepping up to provide some limited resources for the people who might be here this weekend. >> late last month, the city of san francisco's recreation and parks department announced that they were canceling before 20 celebration in golden gate park. the annual event attracted thousands of
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people here to the robin williams meadow and nearby hippie hill. >> to elebrate all things marijuana related, but recreation and parks says the department budget cuts and a lack of sponsors for the event made the decision necessary. and even though the 4.20 celebration is canceled, there's still a good chance. a lot of people will show up anyway for that reason. the bay area based church of ambroise along with the haight ashbury merchants association have announced that they plan to provide resources for anyone who does come out on saturday. they plan to bring toilets a first aid tent with 4 medics, thousands of bottles of water and staff to help keep pass around the metal clear, even though they will be providing resources here on saturday, the church and the merchants association are actually asking people not to show up and to find other ways to observe for 20. they worry that too many people here on saturday it could strain their limited resources. i think it's great that can still go ahead. neighbors we spoke to on thursday say they're ok with people showing up on saturday. as long as they're safe and don't cause any problems. i worry about safety
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for the people who are attending. but ice on them really isn't that i think applying to have some medical tents. so hopefully they can. >> keep keep an eye on people who need it. but yeah, we'll say. >> in san francisco, charles clifford kron, 4 news. >> coming up, california attorney general rob bonta in the east bay today to celebrate the start of construction on a new affordable housing site and fast track says there is a new scam that's hitting bay area commuters. what to do to get a text from that whole collecting company. and there's a new high school that's opening up in the east bay. we're going to take a tour, but right after the tour, but right after the break.
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>> a dress to growth in population for the dublin unified school district in the past 15 years a building. a new high school, a priority. and after breaking ground on and world high school in 2020 kron, 4 said call was finally able to go in and give us a tour. >> welcome to emerald high school in dublin, a 24 acre gem for the dublin unified school district with the sprawling multilevel campus, ushering in its first class of students in august. a nice start. >> it was flat piece the last 2 years later. we have these beautiful golden. this francis rojas is the schools in our great principal, the longtime educator honored to jump start. a new era for the district amazing law. the district has been desperate for a new high school campus for decades from 2010 to 2020. its population has grown 92%. >> by comparison, the next highest growth from a
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neighboring school district was about 11%. the current emerald high freshman class is housed on the dublin high campus and will transfer to the new campus next school year. dublin, high school, you know, help is a really great high school, but it is full. rojas says it has about 3800 students at this point, including us. and so when we break off or essentially going divide that school in half leaving a both schools around 2000. plus students rojas as both schools will offer the same curriculum technology and academic opportunities. it's just that emerald is new. a 374 million dollar project is paid for by money from bond measures and the facilities are high and the student union is vast boasting a full-scale commercial kitchen. the library featuring a more relaxed and casual set up. then in the traditional sense, the gym is spacious. as our the locker rooms nearby, what we get is a community culture
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on both of our campuses. i think students will be >> seen more as individuals and be able to in the school, be able to really learn more about our students, provide them what they need because of the smaller population. construction will continue in phases through august 2026. >> the first academic year emerald high will have all 4 full classes on campus in dublin, philippe djegal all kron. 4 >> california attorney general rob bonta in oakland discussing the state's housing crisis this morning. he was joined by the unity council ceo and front of windows and affordable housing site under development in fruitvale once complete, the building will provide nearly 200 units to families with mixed income. the complex is also transit oriented. giving residents easy access to public transportation. bonta says expanding housing sites like this is just one solution to combat what he calls a
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homelessness emergency all across the state. >> we're focused on enforcing the laws in the housing space laws that require streamlining and expedited housing and by right housing that require cities to plan to build their fair share. unfortunately, there are some cities that are not contributing to the solution. and so we work with them to remind them of the law encourage them to do their part and if necessary, we hold them accountable in court. >> bonta also heard from fruetel residents on their housing concerns and took off hard-hat tour of want us fail the community space that's under development by the unity council. in the south bay. police arrested 2 men and a woman connected to kidnapping and torturing a man in san jose. according to police, this kidnapping happened in february. >> they say a man was held against his and assaulted at a house and billion courts. he was released a day later and
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then checked himself into a hospital. officers say that's when they learned that 3 people were responsible for this assault. and when police arrested them, they say they found illegal gambling machines. any legal marijuana for sale and all 3 of them had been booked into jail for crimes, including robbery, kidnapping and torture. the oakland police department is investigating a deadly shooting that involves an officer of the shooting happened just before 9.30, last night. and 16th street. the police department says the sacramento police department was an oakland investigating a homicide when the suspect came from inside of a home with a gun and then oakland officer shot and killed that person. they say no officers were injured. the department says officers involved have been placed on paid administrative leave as they investigate this incident. sonoma county sheriff's deputies have arrested a man for carrying 3 pounds of meth and other drugs they say was for sale that they found inside of his car. deputies say the drugs were seized after a traffic stop on highway. 37 tuesday afternoon, a canine officer helped
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uncover 3 pounds of meth. 7 ounces of heroin and fentanyl laced ecstasy. the man also they say had a gun inside of the car. according to detectives, the drugs were hidden and resealed food packages. so the sky's not booked into jail with a bail of $250,000 all right. take a live look outside of some clouds here in san francisco across quite tower. we have gayle ong here with us. we can talk about what's going on in the weather is still really nice out there today, but we're getting ready for things to cool down a little yes of the coast, at least, but still very nice inland. there's still some 80's out there. >> and 70's, but here's a view across the bay area. we have cloudy skies. we're sunny during the noon hour. we have the layer coming up over by the golden gate bridge and the seabreeze. so that's what's killing us down over by the coast. you can see that cloud cover right here on our satellite and radar. but other than that, we are pretty quiet around the bay area and statewide. so we have a ridge
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of high pressure that warm this up earlier this week. ndts flattening. and now we have this trough will be digging in and that will be bringing us cooler temperatures once again, a slight cool down. we're talking upper 70's inland where, you know, you saw some 80's. so it's been really nice and warm. here's the future cast model. this is 06:00pm tonight. you'll notice partly cloudy skies. you notice more cloud cover towards the evening and overnight hours in into your morning drive. this is 06:00am friday. even some coastal drizzle as well. we're seeing by the afternoon. it looks like things clear out with the exception of the parts of the coast here happening, they may see some cloudy skies tomorrow, but we'll still be a comfortable temperature wise and then your weekend looks mostly dry. you maybe see some coastal drizzle in the morning saturday. this is 09:00am saturday. and then it looks like we'll have some sunny skies. so overall, very nice weekend on were not to be as warm as we were week where we saw those nice 80's, even seeing some 80's pop up
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currently we're sitting in the upper 50's and san francisco, half moon bay. little cooler because of that sea breeze. but as you know to san jose livermore and conquered and santa rosa in the upper 70's. so daytime highs tomorrow will be slightly cooler down to the 70's instead of the 80's, a 60's along the bay and upper 50's and 60's along the coast. the 7 day forecast. we'll still have some sunshine for much of the week. but notice thursday, a chance of rain once again. back to you. still ahead, state lawmakers are trying to block a new fee that's expected to be on our electric bills next year. how much? >> it could save customers and walnut creek moves forward with a multimillion-dollar with a multimillion-dollar plan to redevelop a popular
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>> walnut creek is moving forward with a 77 million dollar plan to redevelop the community and swim center at heather farm park. this is coming after voters passed in 2022. to increase the city's sales tax. the city council says the new facility will combine and aquatic park and a community center. the new design will consist of 18 lame lap pool. another family pool and the children splash area. the new community center will also function as an emergency space for the city. this will take about 2 years to build design work will likely begin in september of next year and the existing swim center will stay open through construction. lawmakers in sacramento are trying to block a new fee that's expected to be on our electric bills by 2025. customers of our state's biggest utilities, including
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pg and e will see a $24 charge every month and in return for that fee increase. regulators want to reduce electricity rates by 5 to $0.7 per kilowatt hour. the california public utilities commission is expected to approve this fee next month. but if approved, it would take effect late next year. and a warning not to fast track customers. the agency says multiple reports have been coming in about fast track holders receiving scam tax. the tech say that you have a when you need to click on the link that's provided, but do not click on that link. fast track does not request payments by text with a link to a website. so if you've made a payment and a fallen victim to the scam, should contact your bank immediately. up next, as protesters continue to call for an end to the war in gaza, one group is now confronted with hate speech. >> plus, an oakland family without a home after a lithium battery caught fire in their garage. but first, we will continue to remember 118 years
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since the devastating 19. 0, 6, earthquake. we're going to talk with a historian about this tragic event that changed this tragic event that changed san paula's choice. known for its iconic 2% bha liquid exfoliant, has done it again. introducing new mandelic and lactic acid exfoliant. it's helped turned my skin from this to this, and my skin feels so much smoother. my skin looks and feels so soft. 100% saw smoother, softer, brighter skin. for all skin types & tones— from the trusted experts in skincare ingredients. available at and sephora. definitely check out this exfoliant. it has completely transformed my skin.
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>> on the 100 18th anniversary of the deadly 19. 0, 6, earthquake. san francisco residents are pushing city officials to make sure the buildings are prepared for the next major earthquake. a san francisco community organization is calling on supervisors to hold through on promises they made a year ago of keeping tall buildings earthquake safe. they say a vast majority are still not up to standard. david osgood is part of the group that's urging leaders to protect
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buildings. and we spoke to him during kron. news at noon about what proper reinforcements they are pushing for. >> and there's also concerns concrete buildings that are reinforced those are actually the next building. some of the city's list to be retrofitted and legislation was supposed to be introduced a year ago to start process. but hasn't happened. >> city officials are reminding people the importance of earthquake preparedness safety tips are listed on the city's website including making the emergency plans. you know where to find your loved ones. when a crisis happens. also, anchor books, jones and avoid standing near windows and doorways. it's and today marks 118 years since that devastating earthquake where more than 3,000 people died and more than 200,000 people were left without a home. we wanted to got a little more insight about this day. joining us now is matthew
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davenport, the author of the longest minute. it new york times book review editors choice the novel details. the events from the 19 0, 6 earthquake in san francisco. matthew, thank you for joining us. thank you so much for having me. so you're really our expert on what happened on that day in 19. 0, 6, can you walk us through what happened that morning? they they have the ceremony every year at lot as fountain at 04:45am in the morning, which i think would be kind of a difficult time for people to be kind of jolted alert with an earthquake, especially that magnitude. what happened when that earthquake first happened in san francisco. >> earthquake struck the 7.9 struck at 05:12am, ripple throughout the city for approximately a minute. maybe a little bit more. it was fortuitous that it struck at that time. most people were in bed. they're only a few people wake the problem that devastation followed went dozens of fires ignited throughout the city and spread
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and burned through the city for 3 days and 3 nights. >> was it something about how the city was built? then in 19? 0, 6, that made that level are quake. just that much more damage damaging and devastating. >> it there are a lot of buildings on what's called a little bill soil or made ground that it's where trash and dirty filled into the shallow waters the bay that soft the buildings just collapsed into it. but still with the shaking, only a few 100 people probably died from the earthquake itself. it was the fires that followed that cause most the devastation that was because of the building codes and the poor fire safety standards at the time which were fixed after the fact did they just never think something like that could ever happen, which is why they >> didn't have the proper procedures or rules in place.
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>> now they had all been warmed. the fire chief dennis sullivan, who actually died in the earthquake. our injuries result of the earthquake had warned the city leaders for many years and they've been one for decades. they knew this was inevitable that knew that a fire could devastate the city, but they chose profit over life and safety and allow developers to get by with a weak building codes to getting a exempted from a safety standards. and that was something that took decades to fix a after the fact. >> we're looking pictures from that day and also probably the days right after in the aftermath showing us the damage. was there anything significant that was destroyed during the earthquake or anything that survived that surprised you. >> well, what the meant you're getting saved by about 50 minutes, employees and and soldiers that have been brought in the city. that was key because the financial structure of the city depended on that for the days and weeks
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that followed really be on some hero and all this was a navy lieutenant fred on his own initiative, brought a firefighting flotilla from mare island into the city and save the waterfront, say the ferry building and what is now the embarcadero all the way up, fisherman's wharf and down to a mission and he is really the unsung hero here because having that work saved, allowed people safe passage out of the city and in the days that followed the weeks that followed allowed supplies to be brought into the city for the refugees. >> so we've had 118 years to learn a lesson from that devastating earthquake, a plus several others that have happened in the bay area. since then, what do you think we need to do based on what you know, what happened then? so we can be ready for the next one because we know there will be one at some point. >> there will be a it is inevitable that another one will come and it might be a strong if not, if not greater
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magnitude but, you know, the decades really more than a century that has followed. it has been the work of emergency management personnel professionals and first responders and people giving advice like like david osgood. and and this piece to make sure that while another one will come and it is inevitable, there will never be another set. let's hope not. >> at the davenport, the author of the longest minute, which is a new york times book review editors choice. thank you so much for joining us here on kron for news this afternoon. we appreciate your time. thank you very much for having me. we're looking outside right now here in san francisco. we got little sliver of blue skies here. gayle ong is in front of another shot, though, the golden gate bridge. it's quite a different look. >> yes, we have the return of the marine layer. now we have some onshore flow that will be cooling down places like half moon bay and along the coast
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here. but just sum it all up, we have a sort of a transition day today. so we will start to see a slight cool down we have that ridge of high pressure that warm this up. now we have a low pressure moving in. so look out for some mostly cloudy skies tonight and then tomorrow you'll notice the temperatures but down just a bit from maybe upper 70's instead of the 80's inland and that breeze, the onshore flow. and then this weekend, we do look dry. but just a little bit cooler. but it still looks really temperatures out the door was pretty warm. as you can see, fremont 78 was just 81 degrees a few minutes ago. this is the time of day where we heat up during the daytime high. so we're seeing some 70's and then along the coast that point raise upper 50's. so just depends where you are. it's still a pleasant night to walk the dog over petaluma. so look out for some upper 70's the next few hours and some 60's. and if upper 50's as you make your way through the evening and here is that the
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rest of the weekend here. so tomorrow friday looks like we'll be dipping down to the mid to upper 70's inland and will stay that way towards a saturday. a bit of a rebound, though, inland for sunday. back to you. cal, thank you. pro-palestinian demonstrators back in south san francisco after a man attacked them. they say last week video showed the man physically and verbally assaulting members of this group called change s s f. >> kron four's dan thorn reports. >> the man in that video was arrested by south san francisco police and charged with battery and hate speech. organizers for change ssf say facing that kind of vitriol was unfair and unacceptable because they're simply calling for peace and an end to the war in gaza. and the rallies are not going to end until this war is over. >> all people messages targeting pro-palestinian protesters last week in south san francisco races. a 57
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year-old man was caught on camera bumping hurling insults and even spitting and demonstrators. >> i don't think being anti genocide. antiwar but apparently educated by our message. >> change ssf and see a 15 for palestine rallied in the same spot where the incident happened wednesday evening for weeks. they've been demanding a cease-fire resolution in south city out of fear of the return of any bad actors. organizers asked for children to be kept at because my son does wish that he could out here with us. >> this is a very important cause along with other people like paul following last week's violence doxing. he's also been a concern for the group. >> so kron 4 was asked to not share the names of any ralliers. but the demonstrators also not staying
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silent, waving palestinian flags and getting the attention of drivers along el camino. change. ssf says they will not be deterred from their mission by men like this. >> everywhere. there's always going to be bad actors, whatever you're into or whatever case you're advocating for. i think that this is a matter of human rights and i think if you're advocating against preservation of human life, you should really take a good look at yourself. >> these demonstrations were not supposed to be a weekly thing, but after last week's attack, the group says they felt compelled to carry on and they're planning on having another rally next week at the civic campus here in south san francisco in south san francisco. dan thorn kron. 4 news. >> google has fired 28 employees who protested at the company's offices across the country on tuesday. one of those protest happened right outside of the google office and sonny bill demonstrators want the company to cut ties with israel. police arrested 5
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people, including some google employees who refused to leave a google spokesperson says physically impeding other employees work and preventing access to facilities is a clear violation of company policy. someone has vandalized the historic street lamps that are lining lake merritt in oakland and city officials say 40 kerr boxes were broken into and 10 light poles. we're a broken down. it was a combination of fallen trees and vandalism. city workers are having to replace stolen wires and install temporary light poles while. permit replace permanent replacements are being made. residents say they're scared to go out at night now without those lights. >> with all the like. >> in the lake safe like going to feel safe. got this makes like. >> the city says it is making repairs and crews keep finding more damage and stolen wires as they do that work. a
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lithium battery caught on fire and left a family without a home. and now this family oakland. >> wants to raise awareness about the signs of a faulty battery kron. 4 sarah stinson has the story. >> suzy fetter and clark boyd described the traumatic moment when a fire started at their oakland home sunday afternoon. you're screaming for your partner about eye wall there inside fire is just as you wouldn't believe that would knew. the couple says loud pops and smoke started coming from their garage. so boyd went to check it out. >> that's when like the rest of black smoke came. and boyd says he quickly saw it was his lithium battery that caught fire setter quickly called 9-1-1. but she says she was put on hold over 6 minutes. >> and i ended having to hang it so i could. >> call other people and other neighbors were around and there are hold with 9, 1, as well that are then grabbed their 18 month-old baby and
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dog. her husband stayed behind to fight the fire. and got the garden hose from the backyard trying put the fire out. eventually firefighters arrived and put out the flames, a car inside the garage and the building. >> got heavily damaged. thankfully, no one got hurt, but the family and their 2 neighbors now without a home. it's just woman and it's even hard process we need to do at this time. boyd says he had a lot of flammable things in the garage. so this could have been a lot worse. we're all counting their blessings of this reflecting on the chaos of sunday. boyd wants to warn others about faulty lithium batteries. you have a problem targeting a better. do use that at all. you know, returning returning if they have a problem that, you know best to get your money back. and if you do, >> take that loss taking a loss on the little battered $1 battery save you a going something possibly even somebody getting hurt.
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>> that was sara stinson reporting for us. the family says they bought this battery from a company called sunpower, dot us say and before it combusted, they say they contacted the company about charging issues, but they say customer service was not helpful. we have not heard back from the company about that allegation. and coming up here, heads up. the people planning. >> to head to a popular pier on peninsula. and the ballers now one step closer to having a new home oakland. w- have those details. plus, lots of questions about the future of the warriors after the team's season ended with that loss to the kings. the organization is now trying now to answer some questions about what's next. we have a live report from we have a live report from chase cen alice loves the scent of gain so much,
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wounds. after a season ending loss to the kings. and now dubnation is wondering what the team is going to look like next season today. >> head coach steve kerr and the general manager mike dan levy talked about this kron four's. erin wilson was there. she joins us now live from chase center. all right, erin, what they have to say. well, just seeing, you know, that saying it's 66. that's where we find ourself right now in the bay area. is you see me at a very empty chase center. >> where the stands a pretty much been pulled up. at least those closer to the floor. the courts in the gold let down. you know, it's just the postseason, right? but we're not a part of it in the bay area. the warriors are at least because of that loss data in the play-in game against sacramento. now to our surprise today when speaking to mike dunn, levy's, he actually said that they're not going consider that last much
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when they look at the moves that they need to make in the offseason because frankly, although he did give credit to the sacramento kings, he said that the worry is just played a terrible game. that wasn't really a depiction of what they have on this roster. now we talk.about the roster, obviously everyone is anticipating a lot of changes are possible changes to the roster in this offseason. you have a contract with cp 3 that is very interesting because it could be placed to tj clea where he could remain with the warriors. and when talking to dan levy and steve kerr, they both kind of prey cp, 3 about all the things that he brought to this team weather was on the floor being able to sacrifices minutes being able sacrifice a starting position, but also the impact that he had on the locker room, the coaching that he was able to give the young guys, all of those things bode well in the eyes of my done levy. of course, steve kerr with the warriors. now that being said, some moves have to be made. and when we asked done leading what he felt like they needed more this season. coming up, that they can combat the problems that they hit this past season. he, of course, its size, but he said not
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necessarily at the center position. they're definitely looking to beef up on the shooting, which if you think about it is what they had and otto porter and a few others the year that they won the championship and they did when dylan numbers when it came to shooting efficiency this season, it doesn't really look like, although it is very, very, very uncertain at this point. how the big 3 here in dubnation will remain. it is very up in the air right now. no one really kind of was very specific about what this would mean for clay. but steve kerr did mention how it would be amazing to allow steve. i mean, not steve kerr, but allow klay thompson draymond. of course, steph curry to stay here with their legacy as warriors in the lifetime warriors. however, he said that he doesn't want people to consider the fact that the reason that the 3 of them are still here is because of the legacy. it is, in fact, not because of that, but because they are great players and they play at the way that the warriors would like for them to play. and he also mentioned how which will mention a little bit more here later at
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3 o'clock. but he did mention how. what they did this year was just not plated their identity, not play to their strengths, more than anything. what they need to do coming into next season is identify themselves in play. warriors basketball now have so much more information to allow you because we did speak to them for about 2 hours. you know about our piece, if you will. and there's a lot that was covered today. they definitely according to steve kerr, want to possibly throttle back on all of the contracts that they have in the money that they're bringing a when we talk about luxury tax and everything with the team in the roster. and he said that maybe they have to bargain hunt yet again in the draft this season to find some pieces that as they did with brandon budzinski coming out of santa clara lows, late draft round pick in the second round when it came to trayce jackson-davis. both of those materialize into some sits for the warriors. so he said that there's a possibility they may have to bargain hunt again in the draft this season to see if they can find some vital pieces to help fill out his roster. but they know that changes must be made to this
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roster in some way, shape or form in order to be competitive in this league that we're in now, especially in the western conference now have more of a breakdown on that and sound from both of them tonight at in this evening. but for now, back to you in the studio. just a nightmare. wilson live at chase. all right. we'll check in with you again at 3 o'clock. thanks so much. and repairs are underway at raimondi park in a west oakland right now as city leaders approved the first reading of an ordinance to allow the oakland ballers to play at the park this season. the ballers agreed to spend 1.6 million dollars to improve the park. the team plans to host 48 home games and we've got a chance to talk with team executives about what happens next. >> that means that our our, you know, our plan for improvements to the park to the deal. fencing netting installation of a video scoreboard. you know, field improvement adding the seats that that all can you know, it officially is going forward for us. a lot of it is, you know, we're taking a step
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forward. we're turning in chapter for baseball and open. but we also want to pay tribute to opens history with baseball. >> a final reading of the ordinance and a vote by the city council will be held on april 30th if final. and that approval is given the ballers first home game is set for june 4th. starting today, the pacifica pier will be closed for 2 days. crews will be looking at the structure >> of the pier to determine if a full if the full pr can reopen, sections of the pier were damaged by large waves in december. the pier partially reopened in february, but engineers determined that half of the pier was not safe for visitors. >> let's see what's happening outside right now with this. look in. out towards the bar care here in san francisco. little breezy out there and it's not as blue skies as we have seen. we have gayle ong here to go over what's happening. weather wise. yes, we have a bit of a change starting tonight and tomorrow
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notice that we have the seabreeze is back. you can see the flag here at the golden gate bridge and we're starting to see some blue skies here. we did have a bit of a marine layer earlier, but that will be the weather story coming into tonight. temperatures are a little cooler in san francisco. you notice in the 50's as well as half moon bay. but as you move inland, 70's, upper 70's and san jose livermore concord and santa rosa at 64 degrees in oakland right now. so here's that seabreeze. that's cooling off places like san francisco in half moon bay and even parts of oakland, everywhere else is relatively calm. you can see the satellite and radar showing that cloud cover just hovering over san francisco and along the coast at half moon bay. overall, we are pretty quiet. a still comfortable weather. and as you make your way inland. but that ridge is now flattening today and we'll now see a trough move in and that will be slightly cooling us down. so we're in the 80's in our inland communities. now we're looking at upper 70's mid 70's and definitely you'll feel it at the coast. but here's berkeley, for example, temperatures will be in the
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60's and then towards saturday and sunday, low 70's. but temperatures look like they'll rebound by the end of the weekend. so sunday, monday looks like we'll have that ridge of high pressure taking over once again and will have some nice comfortable weather. so the weekend looks nice overall. so here's our future cast model played in motion for you. this is a 06:00pm. you'll notice cloudy skies, partly cloudy skies towards the evening. and then that will linger on into your morning drive. this is around 06:00am here friday. you also notice some coastal drizzle as well and then we'll clear out by the afternoon. so that will looks like to be like the weather pattern here. and we do have rain late next week. so it looks like above average precipitation for thursday friday. we'll keep an eye on that. but other than that, we have sunny skies for much of the week. back to you. all right. up next, glamping making a return at yosemite national park. how campers can reserve a spot. >> with a few of popular parks while back country. details while back country. details ahead.
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after years of pandemic and snow pack related closures, yosemite has reopened glamping campsites. the campsites include access to showers. >> gourmet meals and a view of the parks while back country campers can now enter a lottery for 3 of the 5 available campsites at the high sierra camps from june to september. visitors have the option of paying $1400 for a guided tour of the park with a weeklong stay or paying about $175 per night to reserve a bed. the 2 other sites vocal or said lake will remain
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closed throughout the 2024 season. low rider cruise is planned as a tribute to selena, queen of tejano music and san francisco's mission district on saturday. the late singer, fashion and mexican american icon was murdered at the age of 23. she would have celebrated her 53rd birthday on april. 16th, the san francisco low rider council will hold the crews along mission street as a tribute to her life and legacy. we have more information on this on our website. kron 4 dot com. some breaking news now just into the kron. 4 news room on the peninsula where car has gone over a cliff. this is new video now into our newsroom of that car off of the clip are working to figure out who's inside if there are any injuries reported. kron 4 s charles clifford is on his way to highway one on terror. and you have all those details for us after the break. i'm justine waldman kron. 4 news at 3 is next.
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>> from the bay area's local news station. we begin now with breaking news. >> thank you for joining us here on kron. 4 news at 3. i'm justine waldman. and we begin with breaking news out of the peninsula where traffic on highway one is being impacted right now because a car went over a cliff. this is on tara kron. 4 s charles clifford joins us now live from the scene with the verte


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