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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  April 18, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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>> tonight at 5.30, a deal has been reached for the woman who hit and killed a 4 year-old girl with her car in san francisco near oracle park to avoid jail time for syriza. stasio has been following this story since the tragic accident and she shares the update tonight. the crash scene horrific first responders trying to say the 4 year-old girl's life, but sadly not possible.
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>> her father critically injured was rushed to the hospital and lived the driver of the mercedes was charged with vehicular manslaughter for killing the 4 year-old. now, months later, a plea deal. the driver, karen carr, tanya, in court this week write a letter expressing remorse in the letter shared with kron 4 news car, tanya said, quote, i've asked myself over and over. why couldn't it have been me not this young life and this young family. i know there is no way for me to change what has happened. but please know that i pray every night for all of you that you will somehow find the strength and be able to once again have the peace and the joy that you deserve. and that i feel i have stolen from u quote, there is. >> kind of incarceration. it is going on. but emotional. because she's, you know, no way she sentenced to living with results of this of this
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accident. that. >> and as part of the deal, car tanya will serve community service, senate driving curriculum course. she is not allowed to drive until the completion of both san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins release a statement to kron 4 news about the plea deal saying, quote, in line with the family's wishes and their support. we reached a negotiated disposition rather than going to trial, although nothing that we can do can bring their beloved daughter and granddaughter back. i hope that the settlement brings them some solace as they work to heal and rebuild their lives in the wake of this terrible tragedy last summer. >> immediately after the crash, one of the turning lanes were removed there at forth going on to king street and more recently, the sfmta has changed at 200 intersections now making it illegal to make a right hand turn on a red light, including
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the intersection at the heart of this accident in the newsroom. theresa kron, 4 news. >> the sfmta is proposing new safety improvements to west portal avenue. this comes one month after a tragic car crash there that killed a family of 4. the family was waiting at the bus. stop headed to the zoo. the agency says this project will include more dedicated and protected space for pedestrians. there are also plans to remove car traffic from the train tracks. the sfmta director says the goal is to simplify the high traffic lanes along you lois street by restricting cars from driving through the intersection. >> prioritizes people, i'm going to shop in the west portal commercial district and support street by eliminating all of the left. her for about 40% are traffic deaths are
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results of drivers making left turns and not that strains. >> the agency will collect feedback on the improvements before making changes sometime this summer. >> 80 light fixtures have been left damage throughout a dublin neighborhood. police say it happened in the sorento at dublin ranch community at the end of last month. officers say not only were the light severely damaged, but suspects also vandalized the bridge on grafton street with yellow and blue spray. paint anyone with information about this is asked to call dublin police. take a look here. 13 people arrested after santa clara county deputies find around $150,000 in stolen merchandise. a couple of homes in san jose. deputies say earlier this month they executed search warrants at 2 homes, finding about $110,000 in stolen items from home depot at about $40,000 in stolen items from kohl's, lowe's, macy's and sunglass
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hut. >> in san jose and up and down the state today, thousands of janitors rallied calling for higher wages. this is video from a previous rally that was in june. the workers current contract expires at the end of the month. their union seiu, they want to raise that would pay these workers. 25 $1 an hour over the next 4 years with other benefits negotiations with large janitorial employers are ongoing, but should there be a strike building says could be without custodians starting may 6th. >> it might be a little challenging to get around parts of the north bay this weekend. ng tomorrow, eastbound highway 12 and santa rosa will have full and partial closures as caltrans is repaving the roadway. the closures will start friday night at 8 and will and around 5 monday morning between the dutton avenue and southeast southeast street exits at
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night, the eastbound freeway between dutton avenue and south east street will be fully closed during the day. one eastbound lane will be open. one lane will be closed. so they're advising drivers, just try and take some alternate routes, maybe avoid highway 12 in that area altogether or just expect some major traffic delays seems caltrans taking advantage of the good weather to finally repaved that road, though, now is the time, especially if there's chance of rain next week. you want to do it now as we take a live look. >> outside on this beautiful thursday night. compher meteorologist kyla grogan here with all the details. hey, kyla. hey there, anybody else having eyes and sneezing a little bit? >> i know i am. i was asking folks in the newsroom. everybody else's of tried so hard not to its my eyes and up that mess care all over my face. >> you're not crazy. there are some high allergies happening right now. in fact, they're going to be increasing over the next couple of days, though. hang in there. now. we talked about that slight chance of rain. it is so
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slight. i don't think it will be much if it does come. it will be near the end of next week. looking at the big picture here, you can see that we kind of stay zonal, meaning that we don't have a whole lot of exciting going 100 right. we just got to stay the same and then we start to cool it down next week. now taking you into tuesday, you can start to see a little rain trying to come into the state. it wouldn't be until the end of the week like thursday, friday. if we get anything as you can see, it doesn't look like it's going hold together right now. we're still a little too far out. but what it will do is knock down the temperatures. so tonight, a little bit cloudy, a little drizzle of the coast. then tomorrow, another beautiful day above average, even though it's going to pull back in temperatures a little bit. >> as we get towards this weekend, gorgeous weekend. cooldown starting next tuesday and that will roll through the end of next week. that's kind of say goodbye to some of these above average temperatures. what that means is this weekend taking saint rose as an example to be beautiful. so really nice. 78 expected on saturday, 80 on sunday. some nice sunny skies. once we clear out in the mornings and you can see stormtracker 4, you know, we're looking good right now
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and wanted to just since we're talking weekend. let's talk about tahoe, too, because closing weekend this weekend, you're looking at diamond peak and their last day will be sunday for the season. and boy is going to be a gorgeous weekend to be out there. looking out for 60's and a nice little bit of a warm-up there and sunday to hide about 67. so if you want to get out and enjoy that, you're all set. the weather is on your side there. i'll be back in just a little bit. we'll talk about your seven-day forecast. take a look at that ever. so slight chance of a little bit of a sprinkle next week. back to you. >> sounds good. thank you. kyla scam texts are apparently targeting fast track customers. the agency says it is investigating several reports of fast track holders receiving tax saying that you have toll money do and to click the link provided in the tax. the advice is not to click the link. fast track does not request payments by text with a link to a website. if you have made a payment related to this scam, you're asked to contact your bank immediately.
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>> independent presidential candidate robert f kennedy junior has officially qualified for the ballot in michigan. but while the kennedy campaign may be celebrating. his relatives, many of them chose the same day to reject his candidacy in a very public way. kron four's catherine heenan. >> is live in the newsroom tonight with this story. catherine. >> president joe biden was in philadelphia today and so were members of the kennedy clan, including sisters, brothers, cousins of robert kennedy, junior, who, of course, is running for president. they all left no doubt of what they think about that. >> that's carrie kennedy, one of rfk junior sisters. we knew many of his relatives seemingly hate the fact he's running for president and they've been distancing themselves from his campaign. there was that saint patrick's day photo at the white house. dozens of kennedy's posing with president biden. but
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today in philadelphia, they made their rejection of kennedy's campaign official. >> that's right. that's right. the kennedy family and dort is joe biden for president. >> just last month i had the chance to ask rfk junior directly how he feels about such a public many others support me a very openly. and but, you know, there's very few families country where everybody can agree on every issue that i understand why man, many members of my family ardis this made or troubled by my running against him. >> i think large numbers of them are also. very frightened of donald trump. becoming president again and that they believe that the only way to prevent that is for everybody to get behind president. i. and i just think that that's a
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bad strategy. think that's a bad strategy. and he has the potential to be a real wrecking ball for democrats. here's why the family drama matters. it reveals a weakness that democrats are privately fretting about. >> polls show many voters are not enthused with either biden or trump. >> so they're scared to kennedy. name on the ballot will throw the election to donald trump. >> he doesn't have a shot and winning the presidency. he has a shot at messing up the ballot for democrats in georgia and arizona and nevada in michigan, po-entially in pennsylvania and potentially wisconsin. all key battleground states. mckeown mentions michigan and again, as of today, kennedy is on the ballot and that key swing state. it's too soon to say. meantime, whether the kennedy family can help biden. >> but it's clear that this kind of gathering underlined some real word within the democratic party. >> kennedy is now on the ballot in 2 states, michigan
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and utah. the democratic party is fighting to try to keep him off the ballot and other key states. the party is now even hiring communications experts to target him specifically. back to you. family drama. thank you, catherine. still to come and nation. >> now wondering what is next for the squad after that rough end to the season. the head coach and the general manager talk to reporters today. erin wilson. what's their show? wilson. what's their show? that story next.
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>> the dubs are licking their wounds, so to speak after a rough end to the season. and now the fans. everybody's wondering what's next. what is this team going to look like next season? that's a big question and a good question today. head coach steve kerr and general manager mike dunn levy's spoke to the media kron four's erin wilson reports. well, after a season of finding themselves at home in the first round of the plane after falling to the sacramento kings, the warriors have a lot to evaluate and still have a lot of today. mike dunn levy's the gm, of course, the head coach, steve kerr. they hit exit interviews and they spoke to us about the things that they need in order to not find themselves in the position that they found themselves in this season at home and not in the playoffs. but when asked my done, levy actually say that they need to be better on defense. he said the reason why they have those championships is because defense played a huge part. he also mentioned the fact that they need better shooting. it's no secret that the warriors were not of sufficient this year when it
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came to shooting, not to the standard that they have actually sit in the nba. that said, he also said that they needed size, but he said not at the center position, not necessarily at the center position. it was his words verbatim, but that they do need more size for this team. well, the thing is when you think about all those things, they would all help with the roster. but they have some roster questions. how do you get all of those with the players that you have? this was actually what he said when asked if they go after a marquee player that's in the league now and of it. that could help out with stiff. >> how realistic is it to take a big swing to add a marquee player? yeah, i mean, i think. the premise of getting that's what we got a look at for sure. so that will be taken into we also got to be mindful of the player who it the age of the player, the skill set of the players. it's all got to fit to to be able to put the chips on the table to make a move. so those are the things we kind of look at
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evaluate. yeah, there's there's multiple ways to get better. and that certainly certainly one of them. >> it was shortly after mike dunn levy's spoke that steve kerr also took the podium and spoke to us today. he spoke about the team more specifically, especially for a more personal level when it came to the relationships with the team and what this all season means. so we talked about klay thompson. he talked about draymond. he talked s% about step and he mentioned affected. keeping those 3 together is not based off of the legacy that they've created with this team, although a great one. and although he would love to see them retire is lifetime warriors. he wants the people to be reminded that the reason why they're all on this roster still is because they're efficient players and they know war your identity basketball. now that being said there are decisions that need to be made. and obviously draymond had tumultuous season when not being able to stay present due to weather with suspensions or injections. he got kind of candid. he said he spoke to dream on about it. but.listen to what he told us. that conversation kind of entailed and his take on draymond going forward. >> if you if you want to
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embrace the fact that draymond is is it's competitor who is just going to play with so much emotion and passion, which makes our team so much better. and you kind of have to accept. all right. he's going to get kicked out a few games here. that's that's my approach. the other stuff. can't happen. you know, the the the physical that will cost him his career, not only in the nba, but >> now unfortunately the warriors have a lot longer to wait until the draft to figure out what happens when it comes to who they're able to. in the words of steve kerr bargain hunt for to figure out who it they will bring in to fill out this roster and is early sending home for them. this time around is they don't find themselves outside of the playoffs often. so obviously a lot of decisions still to be made and a lot of questions still to be answered up. but at least we've got a few of them from i didn't leave. and steve kerr, i'll toss it back to you guys in the studio. erin wilson to chase. all
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right, aaron, thank you. >> california department of fish and wildlife has successfully released about 500,000 young salmon into the klamath river. on tuesday, they released about 90,000 coho salmon. >> it was the first major release of co salman into the climate rivers and stammer movil began in earnest late last year. yesterday they released more than 400,000 chinook salmon from the same location. salmon released are expected to return 2 and and klamath river in 2 to 4 years after life in the pacific ocean. >> i know it's like a safe for the fish or whatever. but yes, i shoot them out. live, look here at the bay bridge toll plaza. pretty clear skies and nice weather for folks trying to help a little bit of traffic. that's to be expected around this time of day. kron. 4 meteorologist kyla grogan is here with more. what we can
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expect this evening. yes, we go from the salmon to the people in their cars. probably feeling like 7 trying to swim upstream. >> hope you get ok there, everybody. let's take a look at what's happening across the state right now. look at how the inland spots really hanging on to the heat. take a look at bakersfield, fresno in the 80's at this hour. 67 in los angeles. obviously, we pulled it down a little bit here after a really nice day live. look at stormtracker 4 kind of showing you don't anything too dramatic going on. but there is just a little disturbance that's going to knock temperatures down just a little bit for us as we get into tomorrow, bringing that possibility of a little coastal drizzle tonight. but still pretty nice night out there right now. we're still 74 degrees in san jose. you can see 62 in oakland. we are in the 50's here in san francisco. head up to the north bay. cool it down a little there in napa at 67 degrees. 70 degrees right now in nevado. so pretty good. looking night out there. you should be able to enjoy it without any issues. but i mentioned there was a little coastal drizzle. if that comes in, it's going to be probably after about 11 o'clock tonight. meanwhile, temperatures going to be pretty nice rate inland
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valleys, looking out 46 degrees. so low 50's for those of you as we head more but around the bay. so we have high pressure that was in control. that's going meander the way. but watch what happens here. we get kind of zone a this shows you temperatures, right? so the reds, yellows, oranges, that means warmer. the greens and blues are cooler. as we head into friday. you see this little dip here and that's that little disturbance that's going bring us just a slightly cooler profile. then as we head towards the weekend, you notice it starts to pump up a little bit. we warm up a little bit more on sunday, but nothing too dramatic until we get to next week by about tuesday. you see this low pressure rolling down. now it's not going bring us any rain, but it is going knock those temperatures down to take a look at your extended forecast here. kind of put it all together for you next. couple days are still quite nice. we do warm it up again as we get sunday into monday. but then notice by tuesday, temperatures really start to roll back and then we get really cool as we head into wednesday and thursday. now i put just a chance here on thursday. i think thursday into friday. if we do get a little bit of rain, that's
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when it's going to happen. it will be later in the week. but even if we don't, even if it is a dry front that goes across, it's going knock those temperatures down below average. and after all of this sunshine and warmth, that's going to feel a little bit drastic. back to you. all right. thank you. kyla. >> april is parkinson's awareness month. parkinson's disease is the second most common neurodegenerative degenerative disease after alzheimer's. according to the parkinson's foundation, the disease affects 10 million people worldwide. nearly 1 million people in the u.s. are impacted in this number is expected to rise in the coming years. a local expert took part in a health documentary to bring more awareness to symptoms and how to cope. we chatted with this doctor earlier today on kron 4 news in the afternoon. >> then as we get older, we have a higher risk of developing parkinson's disease. but in fact, there are people with young onset disease as well, even into their we now know that it's
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much more than just a motor disease and have a lot of non uttered features, including changes in mood. insomnia changes in their g i track and blatter. >> if you'd like to take part in the fight against parkinson's disease. this saturday, the parkinson's foundation will be. >> holding a moving day walk at lake cunningham regional park in san jose. the event starts at 9 in the morning. you can sign up online at moving day walk, dot org. >> coming up, a baby owl wrapped up in a scary situation. how one man came to the rescue.
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>> they foodies. get ready to face this saturday. a multicultural food festival is taking over piedmont park. dozens of food and drink vendors will be showcasing the best on their menus at piedmont food fest. there will also be live music. you can buy some march should be good time. doors open at 11:00am cme. >> a baby barn owl has been reunited with his family after a kind kayaker rescued him from drowning. look at that little guy. that's real. yeah. the viewer sent us. the video says her boyfriend spotted the bird about 200 feet out in the water in marin county. he scooped up the owl in his fishing that and brought him back to shore. the local our rescue advised they wrapped the baby up in a towel and placed him in a box. they say his mom and siblings were able to find little guy that way and guide him back home there.
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they all are together reunited in the tree. look how cute. that's very pretty out. will it looks like a stuffy that's very real and sweet story. all right. that wraps up kron 4 news at a lot more ahead on kron. 4 news at 6. vicki liviakis is going to be joining grant on the desk. thank you, noelle. i'll see you in just a bit. grant. here's what's coming up on kron. 4 news at 6. >> san francisco is taking oakland took the court. the 2 cities are battling over naming rights to airports. >> what oakland wants and why san francisco says that's a problem. plus, any minute now we're expecting to get new information from the alameda county da's office about the in-custody death of mario gonzalez. i'm vicki liviakis. the news at 6 is next.
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