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tv   KRON 4 News at 630pm  KRON  April 18, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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lead to some substantial changes on san francisco streets. a driver hit and killed little 4 year-old girl who was crossing the street with their parents. this is right outside the giants ballpark where the driver pleaded guilty. but she got a deal that won't include any jail time. >> kron four's theresa has the story. >> the crash scene, horrific first responders trying to say the 4 year-old girl's life, but sadly not possible. her father critically injured was rushed to the hospital and lived the driver of the mercedes was charged with vehicular manslaughter for killing the 4 year-old. now, months later, a plea deal. the driver, karen carr, tanya, in court this week write a letter expressing remorse in the letter shared with kron 4 news car, tanya said, quote, i've asked myself over and over. why couldn't it have been me not this young life and this young family. i know there is no way for me to change what has happened. but please know
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that i pray every night for all of you that you will somehow find the strength and be able to once again have the peace and the joy that you deserve. and that i feel i have stolen from u quote, there is. >> kind of incarceration. it is going on. but he's emotional. because she's, you know, no way she sentenced to living with results of this of this accident. and that. >> and as part of the deal, car tanya will serve community service, senate driving curriculum course. she is not allowed to drive until the completion of both san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins release a statement to kron 4 news about the plea deal saying, quote, in line with the family's wishes and their support. we reached a negotiated disposition rather than going to trial, although nothing that we can do can bring their beloved daughter and
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granddaughter back. i hope that the settlement brings them some solace as they work to heal and rebuild their lives in the wake of this terrible tragedy last summer. >> immediately after the crash, one of the turning lanes were removed there at forth going on to king street and more recently the sfmta has changed at 200 intersections now making it illegal to make a right hand turn on a red light, including the intersection at the heart of this accident in the newsroom. theresa kron, 4 news. >> that 4th and king street location is one of 33 locations across the city where speed cameras are going to be installed yesterday. the sfmta prove those locations. they include areas with school zones, places known for speeding and racing and streets with a history of speed-related crashes. officials plan to collect data
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by reading rear license plates for speeding cars. only those cameras will be installed by the end of this year for more info on where you'll find those cameras. you can head to our website kron 4 dot com. meantime, officials are proposing new safety improvements to san francisco's west portal avenue. >> that's the area where a family of 4 was killed while waiting at a bus stop about a month ago. the agency says that the project will include more dedicated and protected space, 4 pedestrians. there's also plans to remove car traffic from the train tracks. a 7 th director says the goal is to simplify the high traffic lanes along you lois street by restricting cars from driving through the intersection. >> prioritizes people. i'm going to shop in the west portal commercial and support street by eliminating all of the left. her for about 40% are traffic deaths are a
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result of drivers making left turns and not streets. >> the agency will collect some of feedback on these improvements before making the changes by this summer. in san jose, police have arrested 2 men and a woman reportedly connected to kidnapping and torturing a man. >> police say february someone was held against his will and assaulted several times at a house on million court. the victim was released more than a day later checked himself into a hospital. officers say that's when they learned that 3 people were responsible for the assault. when police arrested them. they say they found illegal gambling machines and marijuana for sale. all 3 people have been booked into jail for robbery, kidnapping and torture. >> other news tonight, independent presidential candidate robert f kennedy junior has officially qualified for the ballot in michigan. >> and while the kennedy campaign team is celebrating that many of his relatives chose the same day today to
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reject his candidacy in a very public way. kron four's catherine heenan reports. >> president joe biden was in philadelphia today and so were members of the kennedy clan, including sisters, brothers, cousins of robert kennedy, junior, who, of course, is running for president. they all left no doubt of what they think about that. >> that's carrie kennedy, one of rfk junior sisters. we knew many of his relatives seemingly hate the fact he's running for president and they've been distancing themselves from his campaign. there was that saint patrick's day photo at the white house. dozens of kennedy's posing with president biden. but today in philadelphia, they made their rejection of kennedy's campaign. >> official. just last month, i had the chance to ask rfk
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junior directly how he feels about such a public many others support me a very openly. and but, you know, there's very few families country where everybody can agree on every issue that i understand why man, many members of my family ardis this made or troubled by my running against him. >> i think large numbers of them are also. very frightened of donald trump. becoming president again and that they believe that the only way to prevent that is for everybody to get behind president. i. and i just think that that's a bad strategy. think that's a bad strategy. and he has the potential to be a real wrecking ball for democrats. >> here's why the family drama matters. it reveals a weakness that democrats are privately fretting about. polls show
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many voters are not enthused with either biden or trump. so they're scared to kennedy name on the ballot will throw the election to donald trump. >> he doesn't have a shot and winning the presidency. he has a shot at messing up the ballot for democrats in georgia and arizona and nevada in michigan, potentially in pennsylvania and potentially wisconsin, all key battleground states. mckeown mentions michigan and again, as of today, kennedy is on the ballot in that key swing state. it's too soon to say. meantime, whether the kennedy family can help biden. >> but it's clear that this kind of gathering underlined some real worry within the democratic party. kennedy is now on the ballot in 2 states, michigan and utah. the democratic party is. >> fighting to try to keep him off the ballot and other key states. the party is now even hiring communications experts to target him specifically. back to you. all right, catherine, a california attorney general rob bonta
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visited a new affordable housing side in oakland's fruitvale neighborhood. it's called cautious when house of dreams in spanish. the complex is also transit oriented. giving residents easy access to public transportation. martin says eepanding housing sites like this one as a solution to combat what he calls a homelessness emergency all across the state. we're focused on enforcing the laws in the housing space laws that require streamlining and expedited housing and by right housing that. >> require cities to plan to build their fair share. unfortunately, there are some cities that are not contributing to the soluteon. and so we work with them to remind them of the law encourage them to do their part and if necessary, we hold them accountable in court. >> once completed, the building will provide nearly 200 units to families with mixed income. meantime, governor newsom has announced
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nearly 200 million dollars in funding aimed at clearing encampments and helping californians who are experiencing homelessness. as our capitol correspondent eytan wallace reports for us tonight. san mateo and marin counties as well as the city of oakland are up for that funding. it's about people's lives. people are dying on our watch. people are dying on the streets. >> and we all have a responsibility to better a passionate governor. gavin newsom speaking about the issue impacting communities across the state. homelessness happening on the streets has to be a top priority. and newsom says it is a priority for his administration during this virtual press conference with leaders from up and down the state newsom announced his administration is allocating 192 million dollars in grant funding to 17 communities across california. all for programs to help clear encampments and get help to more than 3,500 people on the streets who so desperately need treatment and housing. those set to receive the funding include the counties
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of los angeles in san mateo and the cities of fresno, oakland, san bernardino, an oceanside. i want to see results. everybody wants result, but some have expressed skepticism over the state's ability to properly track results. this california on a report from earlier this month concluded while the state invested 24 billion dollars to tackle homelessness over the last 5 years, the state did not track whether those investments worked or lead to positive outcomes. all that is the audit showed statewide homeless has increased by 50% between 2013 2023. i think our communities are frustrated. republican assemblymember josh hoover as one of the bipartisan lawmakers who requested the audit and was concerned by its findings. he now has a bill that would require state-run homelessness programs to report their costs and outcomes annually. something has to change in california. the approach that we're taking is not working and we're not going to fix it by throwing more money at the problem. still, newsom promises things will change on that front. he's announced an expansion of the california housing accountability unit to include more oversight of state
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homelessness, grants to cities and counties. i'm not interested in funding for your people have to and feel the progress and the change. and if they're not, our counties are turning their back, aren't participating in funding. i'm not interested in continuing the status quo. as for this latest round of investments, those on this call say the money will make a difference. i can tell you we're poised to put this funding to work immediately services including mental health shelter. >> outreach, permanent housing and lot more. and these are services i can tell you that are desperately desperately needed it's changing lives. >> and the community is receiving. the funding can start to use it right away. reporting at the state capitol eytan wallace kron. 4 news. >> live from sac back to the bay as we take a live look outside the view here from the top of about 10:00am on a beautiful thursday in the bay. looks like karl, the fog is starting and karl, the fog running for mayor of san
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francisco was joining bring a little sunshine. yeah, that thank it's a nice to be here with and grant as i don't think we've seen the fog a little while, right? but let's take a look because it's back. >> everybody, just a little bit, though, live. look here at the golden gate bridge. you can see some of that rolling in and this is where those telltale signs. when you see the golden gate bridge cools us down in san francisco. no doubt about it. 52 degrees there right now. 59 oakland, but you can see we are still hanging on to those 70's inland. in fact, a concord right now still at 77 degrees. we had a nice warm day out there tonight. those clouds will continue. now. watch what happens as we get to the overnight. i think we could even see a little tie pop of drizzle out of the coast tomorrow. we will start off with a little bit of this hanging out. but as we get into the afternoon notice it's still kind of clings to the coast. so that means you're going to be stuck with some of those cloudy conditions. but the rest of us inland are still going to warm up and still have a really nice day tomorrow. so these are the highs and looking out for tomorrow again. well, above average inland, we're talking
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mid 70's in the spotlight. concord livermore, 77 in san jose. yes, we're seeing just 50's here in san francisco. happy. they that has everything to do with the fact that that marine layer will be present up in the north bay. we're going split the difference there. napa looking out for about 71 degrees, but around the bay still going to be really beautiful day. and if you are one of those people that doesn't come to the office on fridays, instead, you're out on the patio. i think you have a great afternoon. maybe a little cloudy to start the morning, but we're looking at walnut throughout your day. we're going to start off in the 50's work our way up into those low to mid 70's. and it should be a really still to be outside and enjoy that. i'm a little jealous of those folks to get to do base. looking ahead, we are going to be a little cooler. the next 2 days are going to warm it up again as we get into sunday. but notice again, this is a lovely weekend to make your plans outdoors and do whatever it is you want to do. i'll be back in a little bit. we'll talk more about your seven-day forecast back. alright. pileup of warriors course packing their bags chase yesterday after a >> rather disappointing loss kings in sacramento. we're
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going to hear from gm mike gun levy on the warriors future. jason will have what he said jason will have what he said next in sports. ss.
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> we we hit on it on wednesday night. but we have to take a dive a little deeper on klay thompson and his future with the warriors organization. both parties are in an interesting spot. they both one a reunion for obvious reasons. but history tells us the business of the nba always comes first. it is clear the
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warriors have to upgrade their roster. they want to get back to competing for championships. owner joe laker has also said he does not want to be in the luxury tax next season. so there will have to be some major cat management. this offseason that when you after. so how much will klay thompson command on the open market he willing to sacrifice anything financially to stay in the bay? as of now, mike dunn levy's seems optimistic and for good reason given the history. but as i said, mike, who is also an mba life for himself like clay, he knows the business and he knows business will be business. there's nothing that would make me think that he wants to go somewhere else or we don't want him back in for that reason. i'm hopeful we can make it happen. the guy's been here a long time. you means so much the organization. you know, we really really value him. it's it's a deal. both sides got to be the go with it work through that. but i think, you know, hopeful and optimistic. i am about it.
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>> so the warriors had the highest payroll in the nba this season and as we obviously know, they failed to make the playoffs. joe lake of didn't exactly get the bang for his buck that he was hoping for. so now the goal for the warriors is trying to keep the trio together while also bringing along cost efficient players, which is not easy to do in today's nba climb, maybe check people's salaries. either way. it seems like steve kerr feels that something has has to give. >> joe is so committed to spending whatever it takes to be great in, you know, it didn't make in hindsight this year to spend this much on team that didn't make the playoffs. obviously we thought we would do better. if there's ever a time draw it would seem to be now, you know, i think we need to make sure we're making decisions but you just don't what's available, what
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that means. i mean, we just added to rotation players in trace and brandon really small, you know, contract rookie deals. i mean that that's a big help, can we do that again? somehow they know where the second round pick be tough, but we did it with you have to be make a really savvy trade if your mind to be able to accomplish. you know, both of those things. >> that's why they get paid the big bucks. you got to make choices and you will be judged accordingly. all right. that's your look at sports. back to you guys. >> scam texts are apparently targeting people who have fast track. >> the agency says it's investigating several reports, a fast track holders getting texts that say you have toll do a bill. basically they provide a link in the text so you can pay it. the advice do not click that link. fast-track says they will never request payments by text
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with a link to a website. and if you have made a payment related to this scam, you are they recommend you contact your bank immediately. all right. let's talk about the weather right as we pointed out a little earlier, looks like a karl. the fog is is moving in on us. >> yeah, it's a you know, see some low clouds there. some fog at the golden gate and kyle is back with a look at what's to come. >> yes, it's like, oh, yes. remember, we do live in san francisco. all the sunshine. it's muggy out there. you kind of forget a little bit. i want to start with a look at temperatures across the state tonight and you can see how those inland spots are really hanging on to those 80's in spots like fresno in spots like bakersfield. we've obviously cool down a little bit here. you can see as we take a live look at stormtracker 4. we have just the possibility of a little drizzle the coast tonight. you can see a little bit of moisture just kind of popping there right off shore. i don't think it'll be much of anything but if you get a little bit of it, that's what's happening. we have certainly cool down. 72 in san
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jose right now. we're at 57, thouvh, in berkeley and downtown san francisco. not that 65 santa rosa still hanging out at 70 degrees tonight. we are going to see those clouds going to increase a little bit as we go throughout the evening. little bit more of a traditional san francisco night, which means that we wake up with a little bit of marine layer presents. having said that, temperatures are looking pretty good. so high pressure has been scooting away and that's going to allow us to cool down a little bit tomorrow. notice there is low pressure to the north and west. these are iso thurmes the show temperature brighter colors, warmer blues and greens. cooler notice as we get into next weekend take you to tuesday, you start to see that low pressure developing off shore. now it doesn't look like a brings us any rain, but it does knock the temperatures down. so as we look at our 7 day forecast, you can see the next 2 days a little bit cooler than we've been the last 2 days. then we'll warm it up again for sunday into monday. and then we really roll those temperatures down as that low pressure rolls in. we get later into the week. there's even the ever so slight as chance probably thursday into friday of a tiny bit of rain.
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not sure if that will hold together, probably about a 25% chance at this point. but still interesting to observe as we roll through april that we're still even having a chance of some showers out there. guys, back to you. thank you. kyla. a drastic growth in population for the dublin unified school district in the past 15 years has made building. >> a new high school top priority that after breaking ground on and ruled high school in 2020, forcefully to call gives us a tour of it. >> can't wait for this to be filled up first day of school, francis rojas is emerald high school's inaugural principles and the dublin unified school district's newest campus. the longtime educator honor to jump start a new era. we've seen a lot. her school schools open up and this is the first comprehensive high school 50 years here in alameda county. when the school opens in august, it will welcome its first students who are currently sharing a campus with dublin high school and will mitigate the academic
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strains placed on the community caused by a rapid growth in the district's population over the past decade and a half. currently, we have 350 freshman. >> on the dublin high school campus were emerald high school students next year. we're adding about 550 to 600 more students. they're coming from our feeder middle schools as well as from outside the district for private schools. each year we're going to add a another class of freshman about 5.50, to 600 374 million dollar project is paid for by money from bonds measures and the facilities are high and the student union is vast boasting a full-scale commercial kitchen. >> the library featuring a more relaxed and casual set up then in the traditional sense, the gymnast's patients as of the locker rooms nearby, this community has needed this high school for over a decade and they put in the investment construction will continue in phases through august 2026. in dublin, philippe djegal kron.
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4 news coming up. some decked out cars are going to be dedicated to the late queen of the hano music where you can the hano music where you can check them out this weekend.
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higher shipping rates may be “the cost of doing business...” but at what cost? turn shipping to your advantage. with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service. ♪♪ >> the saturday a group is planning to honor selena the queen of tejano music. >> low rider cruise is planned to celebrate the life of the late singer fashion and mexican american icon who was murdered at the age of 23. the san francisco low rider council will hold the cruise along mission street as tribute to her life and legacy on what would have been her 53rd birthday.
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>> redwood city is gearing up for a summer of fun. a free concert series will kick off next month from may until august. people can attend the weekly music events taking over stafford park in courthouse square in the downtown area. and this earth day, which is coming up, the east bay regional parks are celebrating by giving back to nature. and they're asking you to join in. help out the park district is hosting a handful of drop in volunteer opportunities across the east bay. walk-ins are welcome. opportunities include plant removal beach cleanup, march cleanup and trail maintenance earth day is monday. anything we can do to help mom birth. that's it. that wraps up kron. 4 news at 6 being with us. we'll see you back here tonight for kron. 4 news at 10 o'clock. have a good night. be safe tonight.
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: trump jury chaos. the bigger picture number two ask to be removed because of pressure from her family?


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