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tv   KRON 4 News at 7am  KRON  April 19, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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right now on the kron. 4 morning news charges are filed against east bay police officers nearly 3 years after a man they were trying to arrest died. the city of san francisco is making good on its promise to sue over the name change of oakland airport. and giant pandas will soon be coming to san francisco zoo. we're going hear from mayor london breed in china. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. good morning and happy friday to you and daria and i'm james got a lot to get to today in terms of the news and weather to couldn't be yeah. the good news is it's going to be warm and sunny high john. yeah, we are just holding on to that. nice mild feel that we've had
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all week. that could be quite a warm as we were, though. no, no 80's today, lots of 70's, which is just fine. >> you're look outside from mount tam looking at sunshine up above that cloud cover and fog. very evident down below streaming or right through the golden gate this morning in bacon for a bit of a foggy situation in the north bay. >> and along the bay shore, otherwise, we will clear out really nicely. we're off to a mild start this morning. great to get the job out of the way. walk the dog this morning and then anticipate what is going to be a very comfortable afternoon. oakland at 54 currently conquered sitting at 52 degrees later today. most of us landing in the 70's reyna. all right, john, thank you for happy to see no traffic building at the bay bridge this morning. >> lax no hazards. you make a really great time. a 14 minute right there. send it over to a little bit busier about 22 minutes. 8.80, to 101. they've been doing a little bit of work on the bridge this morning. the not seen any major accidents to slow you down. 12 minutes long. the richmond, sandra fell bridge
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golden gate bridge. looking at a 21 minute right means much lighter in the north. a long 101. getting a look at all your highways near highway 4 along 6.80, probably the only busier highways i'm seeing right now. dorian is back to you. thanks. a lot rain is 701, in the east bay charges have been filed against 3 alameda police officers involved in the death. >> of mario gonzalez may remember he died back in 2021 while he was being restrained by police with kron four's. sara stinson with the story. >> officers eric mckinley, james fisher and cameron leahy, leahy have each been charged with one count of involuntary manslaughter. alameda county district attorney pamela price announcing charges against 3 officers involved in the death of mario gonzales. >> on the eve of what would mark 3 years since the deadly encounter on april. 21st 2021. alameda police responded to a call for a report of a man at a park talking to himself and scaring the colors wife. when
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police arrived, they attempted to take him into custody, but a struggle ensued. police body cam video shows 3 officers pinning gonzales down for several minutes. the coroner ruled his death a homicide saying officer restraint played a role along with other contributing factors under the former district attorney nancy o'malley. prosecutors concluded there was not enough evidence to warrant criminal charges against the officers. price reopen the case along with 7 other cases involving custody deaths. the da's public accountability unit reexamined the evidence and filed charges against the officers thursday. price says she is not directly involved with this case that i'm walled-off from the case. i will not be participating and have not participated in. >> the ultimate decision about the case, the attorney of then alameda police officer james fisher tells me he doesn't believe price. topping honest with the public. >> about role in reopening the
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case to begin with. and frankly, i'm sure a role in making the decision to charge on. but really the last day that you could charge case. michael rains says his law firm just started to represent fisher. so he still looking into the case. >> but he says he's confident his client followed police protocol. the family of gonzales settled a wrongful death lawsuit against the city of alameda and the officers involved for 11 million dollars back in december. the attorney representing gonzales, his 8 year-old son michael haddad, spoke with us on the phone saying in part, the charges are obviously appropriate. it's been obvious for a long time in addition to costing the city 11 million dollars. these officers should also face a jury who can decide if they should be held criminally responsible to at the press conference. price said the officers charged face 15 years to life but then emailed us a correction saying
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they actually face up to 4 years behind bars. thursday was the last day to file any charges against the officers due to statute of limitations. >> in the newsroom, sara stinson back to. >> it's 7, 0, 4, 3, men accused of killing a security guard who was protecting a kron for news crew in oakland appeared in court yesterday. they face murder, attempted robbery and assault with a deadly weapon charges for the killing of kevin nishita. he was gunned down in november of 2021. she his wife told kron 4 that the plea hearing has been continued until next month. we will keep oakland police officers made several arrests in connection with a series of tobacco-related robberies that have happened throughout the bay area. the most recent happened tuesday morning on mountain boulevard and shown avenue a truck was delivering tobacco products when 2 cars pulled up and armed people came out and they stole the products and then took off.
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oakland police along with several law enforcement agencies ended up arresting 8 people connected with the series of these robberies throughout oakland and they recovered stolen tobacco products and firearms. >> on the peninsula, one person is dead after their car went off a cliff at gray whale cove state beach in montero that south of pacifica, north of moss beach. the crash happened at about 1 o'clock thursday afternoon. and here's some video of that. >> and firefighters say the vehicle fell 200 feet down that cliff. he saw that chp helicopter. they needed it to lower rescuers to the rocks where that vehicle ended up. but unfortunately, the person inside had died. still working to learn what caused that car to go off the cliff. cal osha has now cited a san francisco construction company in connection with a trench collapse that killed a utility worker. the tragedy happened back in september. he was in
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the city's lower haight neighborhood. police say the 24 year-old employee was replacing sewer parts inside of an 8 foot deep trench when the excavation collapsed. the walls caved in. cal osha has determined that the employer, darcy and hearty construction knowingly committed safety violations by not providing a protective system for the employees that were working in that trench and did provide a means of escape in case of collapse. the company has been cited more than 370 $1000 for the incident. >> at 706, and walnut creek council meeting was once again interrupted by a man spewing hate against jewish people. and here's video from what happened wednesday night at the meeting. turns out it's the same guy that they saw a while back and we'll show you that file video and you'll see a similarity. but this time, as you can see, they were ready for him while he made hateful comments. you can see here against jews. they had all kinds of pride, flags with religious symbols on them in
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support. as a backdrop, 2 is hateful messages and that he spewed once again at that council meeting, walnut creek 707, right now. and a bill that tries to make it illegal for your boss to call you when you're not on the clock is a step closer to actually becoming a law. it's headed to the assembly appropriations committee after passing the assembly labor committee. this introduced by san francisco assemblymember matt haney and it would give employees a right to disconnect. so you don't have to check your e-mail, your text messages or accept calls after you clock out and leave work. but the bill has some exceptions for emergencies and to discuss scheduling and then they're also in this bill, certain exemptions like if you work really unusual hours. hello or if you're on call employee, then this bill might not let you disconnect completely, james. all right. well, state lawmakers are also trying to block a new fee that we might
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see on our electricity bills next year pg and e customers will start to see a $24 charge every month in return for that feat. regulators want to reduce electricity rates by 5 to $0.7 per kilowatt hour. >> california public utilities commission is expected to prove the feed next month. if it is approved, it would take effect late next year. >> time now 708, and giant pandas are coming to saint francis are yeah. mayor london breed making the announcement last night while she's on this week long trip to china. kron four's michael thomas is live at the san francisco zoo way. there will be a new home for them there. michael, the question is when, but tell us what we know so far. >> hey, good morning, everyone. it's really a big day for san francisco. the last time that the city saw pandas or even how some was in the mid 80's. it was only temporarily statewide. there's no pandas in california. the closest time you can see one or place. you can see it. it's all the way in atlanta. so it's really a big moment. take
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a look. this is when mayor london breed was actually signing the paperwork, a memorandum with those officials over in china. she's they're doing work to start new businesses and tourism to san francisco. she signed that memorandum with the wildlife officials in china in beijing to be specific, making that dream of pandas here in the city. a reality. take a listen. >> we have been working closely with our local. >> chinese and asian community in san francisco to advocate for pandas for nearly a year. and it's an honor that our city has been chosen for the first time to be a long-term host, 2 giant pandas. >> now this conversation started last november during the apec summit with mayor london breed asked chinese president xi jingping for the city to get some pandas. and here we are. now months later, it is a reality as to when
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while no official timeline has been given. but the san francisco standard reports that the zoo ceo here in san francisco says they're already working on renovating a space that's here existing and they're hoping to get those pandas by 2025 renovations could cost up to 4 million dollars in about 20 million dollars for a new exhibit which they do plan to fund raise for. and as i mentioned the last time, san francisco house pandas was back in 1984, 5. and that was for a few months. it was part of a global torso. this marks the first official residency for giant pandas in san francisco ever back out here live. as i was telling you, according to the associated press right now in the u.s. only atlanta houses panned as so. it's going to make a huge impact during the 80's when people did come and visit, there was about 250,000 people coming through san francisco just to see these pandas. so hopefully it does give the city lots of economical boost you know, a good name out there throughout society. that's very latest
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here in francisco. i'm michael thomas. i will send it back to to live in and we'll have to see who gets the pandas for san francisco or diego. china said they're going to to san diego. also, we'll find next. >> what they did. and there's no details on do they did are they are getting san diego. there's no details as to when san diego's getting them specifically quite yet. so hopefully we beat them to the punch. >> the race is on thank you very much, michael. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news. >> we're going to take a look at what a man did that he kind of is. >> i don't know is sorry did it. but he says it was dangerous. he saw truck being stolen managed to save the truck and luckily she's okay, but we'll hear his story. plus, a local doctors bringing awareness to parkinson's disease telling people all about the in wellness. we'll tell you what you need to know and watch out for. >> and we are looking at forecasts out there today that is going to be 70's today and spots like a word while thursday of next week. we drop
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into the 60's. i've got your forecast and now's a good time to get out. get some things done. maybe before things start to pick up at some point today. right now traffic has been fairly light. we're tr
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>> 7.14 right now and we're looking at a gorgeous day going into a nice weekend. we are. yeah, we've got looking good. looking friday, john and the weekend. nice and dry. >> all weekend long. which is nice. nice to say no rain this time around. it is nice to say that. we do have a little fog this morning, though, making for a slightly cooler day today, as you can see right here from the embarcadero skies are looking just a little bit on the greater side than what we saw the past couple of mornings radar shows you that we do have dry skies
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that are going to hold throughout the course of the day. cool coastal breeze pushing in. that's going keep our coastal areas, especially cooler, but also the bayshore only getting to the mid 70's today. pretty much the very warmest. now we do have some shower activity offshore way to the west of us. a sign of the unsettled forecast ahead in generally because of this high pressure ridge knocking a build up quite a strong in the forecast ahead. that means we are trending a little cooler over the next 7 days. we'll have to warmer days on sunday and monday. and then next week getting even cooler yet. no show you that. your long range forecast as of today, you can already see that cooling taking shape, 50's and 60's for san francisco as well as at the coastline and then 60's to 70's elsewhere. burlingame at 68 degrees today, carlos redwood city, each at 72, south bay, temperatures in the mid to upper 70's. no more 80's, at least for today. and tomorrow, union city, you'll be at 72 today while pleasanton walnut creek in danville, each at 74, north
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bay temperatures, upper 70's in a few spots like vacaville, our warmest spot in the day today at 78 degrees tomorrow. very similar to today. some passing clouds but still bright spots sunday and monday, our warmest days of the forecast and then we cool down even further down in the 60's by next wednesday. all right, john, thank you. that will set by waves are already starting to pick up like highway 4. >> traveling from antioch to concord this morning about 35 minute last hour at 25. gradually, it's been building bridge still looks good. no traffic building at the toll plaza this morning. but things are a little slow along the san mateo bridge. so a team right. we've been seeing some crews alongside the bridge there. sure. that's what slowing folks. cows are traveling. of the south bay still at 33 minutes. still in the green. no need to hop onto a tier 82, but they look good as well. kellyanne don't know to to 37 slow down from hayward just soon as you get free month, things start to pick up again about 30 minutes to make that ride areas back
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to you. >> thank you very much. rain 7.17, is the time and for your money this morning, netflix cracking down on passwords and that's led to millions of new customers. plus, mortgage rates have hit their highest levels this year. that's not great news. jane king live the nasdaq to explain. good morning, james. >> hi, james. good morning. so the average rate on a 30 year fixed mortgage sits around 7 and a half that's according to mortgage news daily. freddie mac's cut the average rate a little lower than that. either way. it's the highest we've seen since mid-november. now, even with rates higher mortgage applications to purchase a home rose 5% last week compared to the previous week. demand was still lower than a year ago. on time we prices have been rising on global unrest and speaking from some of ford's world economy summit, lael brainard, the national economic adviser says the white house. we'll make sure that gas prices remain affordable for american families going into the summer driving season. as of today, aaa says the average price this is nationwide. 3.67 a
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gallon. the last time the white house tapped the strategic reserves was in 2022. and it paid off for netflix to crack down on password sharing. it just wrapped up its strongest 1st quarter for new sign-ups since the pandemic. the company 9.3 million subscribers in the 1st quarter. that was more than 5 times. what company added year ago about 20% of all fruits and vegetables examined by consumer reports revealed an unhealthy dose of pesticides. consumer reports says the fruits and vegetables the most at risk were blueberries. bell peppers potatoes, green beans and kale. it recommends buying alternatives, rinsing the fruits and vegetables and buying organic live from the nasdaq market site. i'm jane king back to james. all right, jane, thank you very much. >> it's 7.18 and there is a stadium that's making it easier to meet your friends and find a way to get their exact location. there's an app called what 3 words and they're teaming up with this app and they divide the world
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into 10 by 10 squares. rich demuro takes a look at how it works in tech. smart. >> when you're trying to meet up with someone at a big venue, spotty signals limited gps and confusing landmarks can make things complicated. they're walking around the venue. they're trying to figure things out there, texting their friends. i'm not looking up necessarily christian lau is chief technology officer at bmo stadium home of the los angeles football club. it's human nature not to pay attention to signs necessarily. the stadium partnering with an app called what 3 words they divided the world into 10 by 10 foot squares and giving each one a unique 3 word name, gps coordinates to kind of confusing and complicated mean, nobody every day was like, does >> so the idea to just to make a number, super simple easy as just saying something like table chest and you for to one
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point and was somewhat the stadium has published specific. what 3 words addresses for key locations, including gates. the team store concession stands and the box office having a tax solution. >> where a younger demographic that they can, you know, use their familiar with it. it just makes these here, you know, everything easier to get in and around the venue. and unlike general address, that takes you to a main entrance. what 3 words can direct you to a super specific spot anywhere in the world. >> plus, it works offline. so christian went somewhere in the stadium. sent me a link of worries going. it says loaf surely resort with a tap. i tried compass mode to navigate to find him. let's go find those 3 words. i'm following this compass really have no clue where he is. we're getting closer. 41 feet away. >> that was right? so imagine when you are. >> and environment. coachella,
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where there's thousands of people just everywhere. you can literally use the compass feature to get to that person. you're trying to find within a 10 foot square. >> 7.21 is the time in a lawsuit against bart by descent. a disability rights advocates has now been settled. so the suit was filed back in 2017 and it alleged that bart systematically failed to ensure full and equal access at all of its stations. and it services and that therefore violates the americans with disabilities act. the ada well, as part of the settlement, bart has agreed to renovate its elevators and escalators and it has to dispatch a repair person. within one hour. if either of those 2 services breaks down at the station. >> just glad that everybody came together in that moment. >> now coming up on the kron, 4 morning news, we're going to hear from the people who rushed to help a bay area family after their van crashed. caught fire.
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>> in the south bay, san jose police arrested 2 men and a woman for a kidnapping and torturing of a man that happened back in february. police say this man was held against his will and assaulted multiple times in a home on million court not far from the reid-hillview county airport. the man was released about a day later and checked himself into the hospital. officers say that's how they learned that 3 people were responsible for the assault during the arrest. police say they also found illegal gambling
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machines and marijuana. >> well, april is parkinson's disease awareness month and you may not know is the second most common neurodegenerative disease after alzheimer's, according to the parkinson's foundation, the disease affects 10 million people worldwide. nearly a million people in the u.s. are impacted by it and this number is expected to rise by 2030. a doctor here in the bay area with expertise in parkinson's took part in a health documentary to bring more awareness to the symptoms and how to cope. and we spoke to kaiser permanente. you're a neurologist doctor, rima ash about those symptoms. >> then as we get older, we have a higher risk of developing parkinson's disease. but in fact, there are people with young onset disease as well, even into their we now know that it's much more than just a motor disease have a lot of non uttered features, including changes in mood. insomnia changes in their g i track and blatter.
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>> well, if you want to take part in the fight against parkinson's disease this saturday, the parkinson's foundation is going to be holding there moving day. walk at the lake cunningham regional park, the event starts at 9 in the morning. you can sign up online at moving day walk, dot org. >> it's 7.26. and coming up on the kron 4 morning news, san francisco is considering new safety measures for the area of west portal. we're a family of 4 was struck and killed on a bus hit them. we'll have more on what the changes are. >> and students have a new high school to go to next year in the east bay. we'll take a closer look at the amenities that pretty fancy.
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>> 7.29 right now we're looking at a gorgeous weekend when you might want to get outside take walk and they the weekend. the entire weekend is going to be gorgeous. john, good morning. lovely weekend ahead of us. and nice view from the top of mount tam right now looking down at some of the fog that the rest of us are saying that's behind me at the golden gate bridge. >> but you can see from mount tam the sunshine that is up above. and that will eventually went out later on today. visibility is fine for most areas. we do have some pockets of fog, especially up in the north bay. that may cause a few problems, especially in western sonoma county. otherwise skies do stay dry this weekend. an important note and we're already off to a mild start. he worked at 55 right now. oakland 54 degrees. concord, you're sitting at 52 degrees currently later on today will be seeing temperatures rising into the 70's. no 80's today, but that's okay. 70's a nice way to spend a friday right
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all right, john, thank you for all the traffic has been subtly building rocked pretty good things. i mean, look at the bay bridge. >> no traffic building at the toll plaza still takes about 60 minutes to make it into the city this morning. and the san mateo bridge little slower, 19 min right there. we gradually seen a few construction workers on the bridge checking some things out this morning. so that's a slowing it down a little bit. 30 min right? richmond center fell bridge golden gate bridge along 101. you still nice and light in the north bay. the drive times. just 25 minutes. 37 of the tolls. some highways that are little busier this morning. i-480, traveled the berkeley and emeryville and along 82 fremont. the other highways making really great time. there are a james. back to you. thanks a lot. 7.30, is the time right now. and in the east bay, a man woke up to find his truck. >> being stolen and instead of just staying in bed, he jumped into action. aired off those who are trying to steal his truck, but not before one of those suspects opened fire on him. >> kron four's dan thorn with the story.
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>> barefoot and running mad francis jones goes face-to-face with 2 men trying to steal his pick jones as it to 30 in the morning last week he was barely awake when his instincts kicked in. >> you can stand inside your house and be a victim and i wasn't going to let that happen. jones's home security camera alerted him and his wife of the crime in progress. jones as he caught one of the would-be thieves taking around after breaking into his dodge pickup. i reached around his neck right here, grabbed him. and sent him into a headlock and yank him out of the in the video you can see the struggle is jones yells out to call police what to do? >> a gunshot inspired when the guy shot at me. i kind of got we woke about what really was going on and i let the guy go and i jumped fgr cover after >> troublemakers then took off
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in a white sedan. jones says for more than 20 years, his neighborhood along carol avenue has been pretty quiet and he hopes it could stay that way. police discourage people from confronting criminals because of safety. but jones says he had enough. i didn't get shot. i didn't get hurt. they didn't steal my truck. >> so hopefully it sends a message that, you know, they'll go so to another street and not come around here again. >> heyward police say they found that getaway car abandoned and it was stolen and their investigation into this attempted auto theft is ongoing in hayward, dan thorn kron, 4 news. >> 7.32 is the time. the driver who hit and killed a 4 year-old girl in san francisco last august will not spend any time behind bars. officials say the crash happened as the girl was walking with her family near oracle park. they say the 71 year-old driver was charged with vehicular manslaughter for hitting them in the crosswalk on 4th street. her father survived, although he was critically
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injured. and again, the trial did not. but now, months later, the driver took a plea deal and is set to serve now 400 hours of community service and has to complete a driving course. now. san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins released this statement regarding that decision. and it reads, quote, in line with the family's wishes and with their support, we reached a negotiated disposition rather than go to trial, although nothing that we can do can bring back their beloved daughter and granddaughter. i hope that this settlement brings them some solace as they work to heal and rebuild their lives in the wake of the terrible tragedy last summer. >> the sfmta is proposing new safety in prove months in the west portal avenue area, was bus crashed, a car crashed into a bus stop killing a family of 4. the agency is going use money and create more dedicated and protected spaces for pedestrians and also remove car traffic from the train tracks. the sfmta
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director says the goal is to simplify the high traffic lanes along willow street and restrict cars from driving through the intersection. >> prioritizes people, i'm going to shop in the west portal commercial district and support street by eliminating all of the left. her for about 40% are traffic deaths are results of drivers making left turns and not best ratings. >> the agency is going to collect feedback on the improvements before make thing that changes, which they're expecting to do this summer. >> 7.34 is the time and we're learning more now about 4 people killed in a crash in saint wilkin county. turns out they were from the east bay and also about the efforts by just regular people. >> to save those who could be saved. and it turns out that >> 3 people are in the hospital after that, they were
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able to rescue some of the children from this fan. the situation, though, was scary. they put themselves at risk to do it. we've got we're going to with the story. >> we just knew we had to do something and to help. it was a gut reaction. it was an almost an instant guide. i didn't. think to think what i was going to do, i just reacted. >> joseph in jena roseman were driving by when they saw the accident and also sprung into action. everybody was trying to push the car back onto its wheels. team. >> u.s. and i don't know a big group may be about 2015 of us. we all helped push the car back up and then. we just did what we what we we could do. trapped inside were 3 adults and 4 children. i looked down and i have to be the closest one to the to what i could see was a baby's arm. >> so i just i got down on my on my knees there and and and was trying to be like. >> trying to be gentle cause. you know it to great if you come right out and grabbed the baby and kind of move to moved away from that accident scene
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and started cpr >> his wife, gina, then stepped in as joseph ran back to help. some more just grabbed the baby from that point and ran further away closer to the truck. but further away from the fire >> leave the baby down and went and started chest compressions there. meanwhile, christian and monica work to get the other kids out from the minivan. >> monica recalls one of the girls after she was pulled out. he just let out a scream, but i will never forget it. she was just being in full. and i told her, you're ok, you're ok, we're helping i was just holding your head. >> in the middle of the street, you can see that other people were grabbing the the other kids and what not. and it was. >> even that night as one was getting rolled by on a could see the breath like condensation from the press coming from the churches are right. there was just at least somebody still and has a chance. of course, that that's fulfilling knowing that that you're able to at least help somebody. i'm just glad that
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everybody came together in that moment and able to help. however. >> however, you know what, in whatever way that we were able couple >> you know, we did what we could do. we tried open this is a but a fire that broke out began to spread in get bigger is very scary, but liked. said we didn't even think or stop to think about ourselves. we just thought we have to do what we have to do, what we can do to help. so i'm just grateful that other cars and other people stopped to help because it kind of restored. you know, >> believe in humanity that people are so kind. there kind people out there with everything that's going on in society. there still wonderful people >> out there that will stop this type incidents. bring the best in people which we don't normally recommend. people put themselves in danger, allows to get there in this case. however, you know, they did take it upon themselves to put themselves at risk in.
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possibly saving the life of other 3. i just want to which i mean. >> it's we can. >> thing coming out in manatee carolina shadix. >> well, in the east bay, a new affordable housing site is now under development in oakland and once complete, that building will provide nearly 200 units to families with mixed income. the complex is also transient oriented, giving residents easy access to public transportation state attorney general rob bonta says that expanding housing sites like this one is a solution, least one any way to combat what he calls a homelessness emergency across the state. >> we're focused on enforcing the laws in the housing space laws that require streamlining and expedited housing and by right housing that require cities to plan to build their fair share. unfortunately, there are some cities that are not contributing to the solution. and so we work with
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them to remind them of the law encourage them to do their part. and if necessary, we hold them accountable in court. >> will bonta also heard from fruitville residents about their housing concerns. any took a tour of toast fruitvale community. that's a space and are developing right now by the unity council. governor gavin newsom, by the way, announcing nearly 200 million dollars in grants that he says will help local communities clear encampments and provide some much-needed resources to californians experiencing homelessness. newsom says his administration is allocating 192 million dollars in grants to 17 communities. 3 of those communities are here in the bay area and they include the city of oakland, marin county and san mateo county, the 17 communities awarded these grants will have access to the money in the coming weeks. >> it's 7.40, and a measure challenging prop 47 could come before california voters in november. a coalition backing tough on crime statewide
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ballot initiatives has submitted more than 900,000 signatures. now in support of this initiative that wants to strengthen the penalties for retail theft and require drug treatment for those who are caught with simple drug possession county elections. officials are going to start verifying now. those signatures and we'll let you know what happens. take a look at this brand new high school. it's emerald high in dublin and wants to take a walk around campus of fields more like a college. 24 acres for this camp lit campus in the dublin district. >> and they have a multilevel building >> and 374 million dollars was spent on this and they paid for it with bond measure z looking now these days with the des looks like the gym facilities are really high and the union has a commercial kitchen in it. a library and all kinds of other amenities. >> dublin high school have is a really great high school, but it is full. so when we break off were essentially
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going divide that school in half leaving a both schools around 2000. plus, students. >> they have a lot of students. the district has been desperate for a new high school campus for decades from 2010 to 2020, the population for the district grew by 92%. the next highest growth for that neighboring school district was 11%. so you can see the morale high freshman class is right now at dublin campus. and they're going france to for to the this new campus in the next school year. it's 7.41. and still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news. the giants dominate the diamondbacks in their first shutout of the season will shutout of the season will take a look at the highlights. .
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>> some 44 right now and after yesterday, which was the 100 and 18th year of remembrance from the big 19, 0, 6, earthquake. a lot of people are thinking about. >> are we ready for the big one, right? it just gives us an opportunity to reassess. and as kron four's rob nesbitt reports, a lot of lessons have been learned since then. >> the skyline of san francisco has changed in the last 118 years. >> since the 19, 0, 6, earthquake leveled the city and cause massive fires. building codes have been updated. but when dave was good from the coalition for san francisco neighborhoods, research data on 180 of the city's tallest buildings. he found concerns there are 43 tall buildings. >> with the same kind of foundation that the millennium tower had before started
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leaning had to be the number one priority in cases like this is safety. i spoke with the president of the structural engineers association, california, and legally ammo. she says that modern building codes to a good job of saving lives in the event of an earthquake. but that there's more room for improvement when it comes to making sure buildings are usable after shaking 30 to 40% of our modern code confirming buildings will be unfit for occupancy following a major earthquake. >> so what that means is it's going to take months or even years to repair it so that you can go back into that particular building. they were also lessons learned during the 6.9 magnitude earthquake that struck in 1989 when entire homes were moved off their foundations retrofitting is now recommended to prevent that. we want to make sure there's adequate connectivity and bolting there. and there is a program collect brace and bolts that is available to homeowners to help assist them in making sure that their their home is safe in in a major seismic events. the california earthquake authority has found that many homeowners today don't have
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earthquake insurance and spokesperson ben dc explain why that often happens. i think it's a place where people come up when they're looking at their budget to we're dealing with the inflation way it is. i think it is a place where people think, maybe i can get away with >> skimping here, he says it's not a good idea given the fact that another large earthquake is expected along california's fault line, it's going to happen. we just don't know exactly one. dc says that when homeowners retrofit their homes and prepare them for the event of an earthquake that help save on earthquake insurance and gets them a better deal. >> i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> 7.46. right now and we want to take a look at the weather we do going into the weekend. it should be pretty nice out already off to a great start on this friday, john. not looking bad out there at all. found some sunshine down in san jose. that's looking nice and bright down there. we're off to a mild start this morning. a lot of 50's out there and dry skies, notably we've seen a little bit of fog up and down the coastline and into the bay itself. you're seeing that over sf right now.
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cool coastal breeze pushes brings us a little relief from the 80's today. we'll have a brief return to the 80's sunday and monday. but you see all this going on to our west. a sign of unsettled weather that's helping to keep high pressure from building back in. and this means generally a cooler forecast moving ahead through the finish of april, especially into next week with the middle of the week, bringing a few light showers to the sierra and even a chance of light showers to the bay area come thursday of next week. that's still a ways off. but today we're already experiencing a bit of a cool down upper 50's to mid 60's in sf today as well as at the coastline. and then at are very warm. us today will only reach the low to mid 70's for most areas, south bay among our warmer spots after yesterday's low 80's san jose getting up to 77 today. as i mentioned, one of our warmer areas, some 60's from oakland up the richmond while walnut creek at 74 are very spotted a vacaville at 78 degrees
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tomorrow. super similar to today. little bit warmer comes sunday and monday. if you like those 80's, those days will be for you. then we cool down even further dropping into the 60's by next wednesday right now. all right, john, thank you for that. lot like friday. light is if you're looking 80 right now. >> selanne to to 37 about 40 minutes traveling up 5 88 82 oakland, you may get some decent time. we're seeing a little yellow orange start to build the air, need to take international because you could still get there in under 15 minutes. a 15 minute ride to the city right now. the bridges probably been the busiest around 17 in 19 minutes. we've been fluctuating no accidents or hazards. still slow getting on that bridge because 8, 8, 40 minute, ron antioch and conquer. and let's check on 6.80, last hour. we were at about 27 minutes that we start off very slow starting to slowly recover, though. 18 minute ride. you don't really start to slow town until you get past pleasanton darya. james, back to you. thanks. a lot of 7.49. in a bill
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targeting adults who pay to have with children advanced through the senate public safety committee. it's not without controversy, though. this pellet authored by bakersfield republican state senator shannon grove. and it seeks to classify the solicitation of a minor for as a felony. the original language in the bill called for a prison sentence of 2 to 4 years and a requirement that those convicted more than once have to register as a offender. however, democrats on the committee voted to approve the bill only under the condition that exempts 16 17 year-olds because those are concerned that it could unfairly target teenagers who have relations with other children. the proposed amendments also reduce the proposed jail penalties. gross says that she feels her bill was hijacked. >> teen to buy a lottery ticket in the state of california. but we can't get a
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bill out of building. on on the senate side now to get buyers to choose to go after children to commercial. and it just makes no sense to me that it's that difficult to protect children in the state of california. >> governor newsom has weighed in as well. here's what he has to say. i look forward to getting this bill to my desk in a way that all sign it. we have some work to but i deeply the that's in row. >> is going. >> it's possible at this point that she drops the bill altogether or ask the committee to reconsider the proposed amendments. governors waiting to see if there are any changes made because he doesn't accept it in its current form. >> okay. well, turning to bay area baseball. now the giants are in their first shutout of the season as they were taking on the diamondbacks at oracle park. can't way they're going to play again today saturday and then sunday. i'll be there. >> let's check out last night's highlights with kron 4 sports director jason dumas.
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>> don't look now but the giants are playing some pretty good baseball right now. they took 2 of 3. >> in miami. now they are back in the bay taking on the arizona diamondbacks. let's head oracle park for check out former giant fans favorite jock peterson field. he was back in team with his new team to back left logan wet. >> this day was all about him that night. i should check. situation was phenomenal hear strikes out. christian walker hit in the first to get out of a jam. he put down 19 straight d'backs at one point. and when they got on, just pick them off. 7 innings. a shut out ball. ending. now giants up one to nothing. wilmer flores. he has been feasting on lefties for a while and does so again. he hits a rocket to left with the bases loaded. 2 runs score. this is what you love to see my kids friends
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to. he's been struggling mightily. but hear hear it. 3, 2, pitch. in the corner in right. that gives them 2 more runs. giants go up 5, nothing and they win by that score. logan webb is now 5 in one lifetime against the diamondbacks at oracle park. game 2 of that series is tonight. all right. that's your look at sports. >> we're going to take a break here at 7.52. but coming up the next hour of the crop or morning news, some california lawmakers want to make it harder for repeat dui offenders to get behind. the offenders to get behind. the wheel will tell you how.
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>> 7.55 is the time artwork at one hospital on the peninsula is bringing some smiles to patients through recycled art. so these are some of the sculptures at the lucille packard children's hospital. stanford, the cow sculpture. they're made of miniature toys. the soccer ball made of a black and white pencils stand for children plan to add more artwork to prioritize sustainability and create a healing environment for their patients. pretty cool that the repurposing things to make children smile and they need to smile. most. well happening tomorrow, you've got a chance to get some of the best trails in the country for free. this is national park week. coming up in to celebrate entry fees are going to be way that all 429 sites within the national park system, including all 9 of california's national parks. i saw john perked up across the from april. 20th
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through the 28th. so take part syal free signed. that was my what else is going in the east bay we get the east bay regional parks are celebrating as well. giving back to nature. they're asking you to join in. >> the park district is hosting a handful of drop in volunteer opportunities across the east bay for earth day. that's on monday. walk-ins are welcome. opportunities include everything from plant removal to beach cleanup, march cleanup and trail maintenance as well. so lots to take part. and if you want. >> 7.56 right now. coming up in the next hour, the kron 4 morning news. alameda police officers are now facing charges nearly 3 years after they attempted to arrest a man who ended up dying on that day in our custody and the city of oakland is being sued by san francisco because oakland wants to put san francisco in the airport's name. and the san francisco zoo is going to be home to some new giant pandas. thanks to a new deal that our mayor just made with
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>> right now on the kron, 4 morning news charges are filed against east bay police officers nearly 3 years after a man they were trying to arrest dive. the city of san francisco making good on its promise to sue over the name. change your oakland airport and giant pandas will soon be on their way to san francisco zoo. we're going to hear from mayor london breed. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news


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