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tv   KRON 4 News at 3pm  KRON  April 19, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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>> now from the area's local news station. this is kron. 4 news at 3. >> starting to be aware the abuse that's happening. >> now at 3, 100's of women incarcerated in dublin are being sent away on buses as a troubled prison. there is set to close today. activists trying to put a stop to those transfers. thank you so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at 3. i'm stephanie lin lawyers filing a temporary restraining order today urging a judge to temporarily block the transfer of anyone who was still left at that prison. organizers say dozens of women have already been sent away, putting them at grave risk of psychological stress. this
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comes days after the announcement that the all-women's prison will close. our charles clifford brings us our top story. this past monday, the bureau of prisons announced that fci, dublin, the federal women's prison here in the east bay would be shut down. >> and at the incarcerated women inside would need to be moved to other locations, potentially thousands of miles away. that has resulted in outrage and the lawsuit outside fci, dublin on friday, dozens of protesters demanded that the bureau of prisons stop the planned transfer of the women incarcerated. here. it was a shock to all of and we should peril with the california coalition of women. prisoners says the announcement that the prison would be closing as left those here confused and worried they're terrified >> the public think, colleen, like it each day thinking i'm going to be transferred today. i don't know when that's going to have contact with the people. i love. >> the coalition also says that many prisoners don't need to be transferred, that those who have health issues are near the end of their
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sentences. for those who could finish their confinement at home should be released rather than moved. prison. officials have said that the closures due to staff misconduct short staffing and aging facilities. but shapiro worries that the closures and attempt to escape being held responsible for problems at the prison, including alleged abuse. they wanted hear that and they want to disappear. the people inside. >> hoping to halt the transfers. the coalition has filed a motion in federal court seeking a temporary restraining order. >> to stop the bureau of prisons from moving the prisoners. the motion also request that if the transfers do resume, that the court ensure that prisoners rights are not being violated. also on friday, edward canales the union president representing officers assigned fci, dublin, said that they want the president to remain open and that they support reforms. my officers want to remain part of this community, opportunity carry out mission. >> as of friday afternoon, it's unclear how many if any prisoners have been transferred to other locations
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in alameda county, charles clifford kron, 4 news. >> charles, thank you. >> the california department of justice releasing their findings into a shooting at sfo where police shot and killed a man who appeared to have a gun. it happened at the international terminal in january 2022. for nearly an hour. officers ordered nelson zito to drop what he was holding. the report says ito pointed what he was holding at the officers. that's when police shot and killed him. it turns out he was holding 2 airsoft guns. innocent bystander was hit by a bullet fired by officers. the doj concluded the officers actions were reasonable in criminal charges. did not need to be we are tracking the fallout of the decision to charge 3 alameda police officers with involuntary manslaughter for the death of mario gonzalez last night. the public accountability unit of the alameda county district attorneys office announced the charges against officers eric mckinley, james fisher and camera lihi. they carry a
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sentence of 4 years in state prison exactly 3 years ago, gonzalez died under their custody. officers were called to a park responding to a man behaving oddly they learned gonzalez was accused of shoplifting and tried to take him into custody. body cam video released a week later show gonzalez in handcuffs being pinned to the ground for more than 5 minutes. the county coroner ruled his death as homicide concluding he had a heart attack caused by methamphetamine. use. and from being restrained. a second autopsy concluded she died of restraint, asphyxia not from dtugs in his system. the attorney for one of the officer says he is confident his client followed police protocol. >> these are not officers. >> there were operating out of control. they exercised great restraint. they struggle with him for long before they were finally get him handcuffs. there were no or anything of the kind.
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>> the alameda county district attorney pamela price or rather county attorney at the time nancy o'malley and in an investigation into the case back in 2022, she cleared the officers of any criminal liability in gonzales, his case. but now pamela price is pursuing charges and his quote four's philippe djegal reports. the leaders in the recall effort against her are not impressed. >> that there are a whole things that she couldn't do right now that are more mister manno and making our community safer grisham and carl chan are the principal officers for safe alameda for everyone. >> the group spearheading the recall effort against alameda county district attorney pamela price. and although the field for mario gonzalez, his family following his death in 2021, they are unimpressed by prices decision to charge 3 officers involved in his killing with involuntary manslaughter. let's wait and see because i'm sure that, you know, the evidence will show
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whether or not, you >> the police at that the right not lament price focusing on past cases already reviewed by her predecessor. they say she is attempting to score points with the community by targeting cops rather than fighting for crime victims. you're not on the side of the people you're on the side of whoever is in your ear. >> and that's not. you know, that's not a good judgment right now. last december, the city of alameda settled civil lawsuits with the gonzalez family exceeding 11 million dollars myself and now and time team and many people who signed a petition to >> we're realizing that, you know, she's not performing the job to a supposed to said. district attorney. otherwise, you know, we were not be here today and talking about a week. all safe says it is waiting for the alameda county board of supervisors to accept its recalled certification from the registrar of voter's and then set a date for an election. >> requests for comment from price's office and campaian have not been answered.
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philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> they area students protesting in san francisco this morning. the group demanding a cease-fire in gaza to protect the people and the planet in the war zone. protesters gathering at embarcadero plaza and marching across the financial district calling on corporations in the area. they say are profiting from the ongoing conflict. this to students carry posters and so flowers to symbolize the environment they say is suffering from the deadly effects of war. >> all of these issues are deeply climate justice can happen with young people. moral clarity. people definitely see when they see like offense in the streets and giving speeches and same that's really >> dozens of organizations put this protest together to call for peace in palestine, sudan and the congo. new at 3, the
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sonoma county board of supervisors are finalizing new restrictions that protect native trees by requiring special permits before removal the laws and to preserve the county's trees and forests and bring them closer to their goal of reaching carbon neutrality by 2030. 31 trees are protected in this ordinance and fees for removing protected trees, increase to a maximum of $3,500. exemptions included property maintenance, safety and fire defense and routine work for certified forster's. all right. let's talk about our forecast now taking a live look outside at our mount tam camera. beautiful shot of that beautiful, clear blue sky. let's check in now with gayle ong for more on our weather high gayle. hello, yes, it's really nice out there. you'll notice the cool down today along the coast. we still have. >> a bit of a marine layer. the has been hanging out there, but we have been mostly sunny, especially as we headed into the afternoon, we are quiet on our storm tracker and
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satellite and radar statewide. really, as you can see, maybe just a few clouds over by the coast, but we are seeing a break in the clouds over a half moon bay. people are out and about on this friday afternoon. looks like a beautiful day out there with temperatures sitting in the upper 50's for you in half moon bay. 56 in san francisco. but head inland, san jose livermore in concord in the low 70's were first 70's close to 80 yesterday. so a tad bit cooler. it will stay that way for saturday as well. but the coast, though, that's where you notice the change in the temperatures. so bring a jacket if you're heading out there tonight, that will be in the upper 50's low 50's and we'll have that sea breeze. that will be cooling us down at 13 miles an hour at this 2 p at 03:00pm hour rather. that's when that sea breeze kicks in. and as we get into the evening, look out for some cloudy skies and maybe some patchy drizzle overnight with mild temperatures overnight in the 40's and low 50's. when i come back, we do have a nice drying trend in store for us.
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another pleasant weekend. but we have a cooling trend later next week. back to you. all right, thank you. >> nearly 2000 positions for the california service corps have opened up right here in the bay area. san jose mayor matt mahan is calling on young residents to help fill the roles that tackle climate change, support communities impacted by disaster and help mentor students. today, mayor may have joined corps members to share how their work has had a lasting impact on underserved communities in 2022. governor gavin newsome created an initiative for members to earn money for their service. now members can get up to $10,000 after completing service. >> thanks to the california volunteers who are providing opportunities for young people to get civically engaged a paycheck and take charge of the future of their city. the cement community involvement is exactly what it takes to make big change. >> the money can be used for college trade school or to pay back student loans. the
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benefits will help individuals facing crises of isolation, student debt and growing income inequality. >> giant pandas from china finding a new home in the bay area. the reaction from san francisco mayor london breed and just where these animals are going. and the first week of donald trump's hush money trial just wrapped up. we have a live update from dc after this.
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>> welcome back. pandas are coming to san francisco. the zoo specifically there now,
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mayor london breed made the announcement last night during her week-long trip to china. but michael thomas brings us the latest. >> this is the first time since the mid-eighties at san francisco will be housing pandas. in fact, in the united states only available in one area. that's atlanta. so bringing them to california is a big deal. and mayor london breed says there's no official date, but they're already working on their housing. mayor london breed signed a memorandum with the china wildlife conservation association in beijing during her week-long visit where she's been working to bring new business and tourism to san francisco. he's been working on getting pandas to the city since november during the apec summit when she asked the chinese president xi jingping for them followed by a letter of request which led to this now historic moment. we have been working closely with our local. >> chinese and asian community in san francisco to advocate for pandas for nearly a year. and it's an honor that our city has been chosen for the
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first time to be a long-term host, 2 giant pandas. >> as of now, no official timeline has been given, but the sf standard reports of the san francisco zoo ceo says they're already working to renovate an existing space open. his can arrive by 2025. renovations could cost up to 4 million dollars. according to reports and 20 million for a new exhibit which they do plan to fund raise for the last time. san francisco house pandas was between 1984 1985. is part of a global tour which brought in 250,000 visitors. so the loading of these pandas will mark the first official residency for giant pandas in san francisco ever as we get more details as to when official dates are made, we'll keep you updated. but very latest reporting in san francisco, michael thomas will send it back to you live in the studio. >> the zoo also sending out a statement that reads in part, quote, we are thrilled for the return of the giant panda at san francisco zoo and gardens. after all these years, the giant panda symbolizes hope for conservation collaboration
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and bridges divides between cultural differences. we continue to work closely with the mayor and the city on next steps. francisco mayor london breed sharing her experience before boarding the high-speed train in china as well. >> here at the high street trading. we are hopping on the train to go to shanghai from beijing. yes, i cannot wait to get this high speed train in california. let's people. >> let's go train. takes passengers from beijing to shanghai, a distance of more than 800 miles in just 4 and a half hours. well, well, mayor breed says if this technology made its way to california, it would be, quote, a model for the rest of the country breed has been in china for almost a week to improve relations and attract business for san francisco. switching gears now to talk a bit about the weather taking a live look outside at coit tower looking gorgeous out. there was just a touch of a breeze and the deal
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we just saw the mayor, though, i'm talking about green that high-speed technology to san francisco him. it's pretty fun to think about. it is i was in europe and it was awesome. taking the train. >> in 2 hours, what would normally be a 6 hour drive? now the interesting yeah. we'll see what happens. so our weather that we have a pleasant weather in store know this. a little cooler today and around the coast, especially down to 50's and even 60's and the 70's inland. we have a little bit of a breeze over at the golden gate bridge, but we have some blue skies out. we're cloudy this morning. >> and even in the sometime in the afternoon that starting to clear out and makes out that we'll see a similar day tomorrow. you can see pretty quiet statewide. just a couple low clouds hanging over by monterey. so mainly the coast, you'll notice some cloudy skies. we saw sunshine over and half moon bay. here's our future cast model. it's crazy seeing this clear i've been
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working weekends where it's been storming all winter. so now we have clear skies here for your late afternoon, but towards 06:00pm dinner time, 07:00pm. you'll notice some clouds rolling in over by pacifica and half moon bay and san francisco. and then as we get into the evening, those clouds be rolling in and will be lingering until the overnight hours until you're 06:00am saturday morning here. so you could see some coastal drizzle to come with that as well. but similar day as today will notice things clearing out by the afternoon and the evening and sunday. so if you miss the 80's inland, you know, looks like we'll be getting back on sunday where temperatures acts are expecting to rebound. we will have a breeze, though, as that front leaves us, which it typically tends to do so tonight. we'll have that usual sea breeze. but saturday, you'll notice a pop and the winds late afternoon, especially we're seeing 30's miles an hour when even 20. so keep that in be like that late afternoon saturday until the evening. so keep that jacket handy. we are comfortable right now. mild temperatures,
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though, still very pleasant, not as warm as we were. you can see 9 to 10 degrees down and we were yesterday. here's that 7 day outlook. nice weather. still earth day sunday, monday looks like we'll be in the 80's and then a cool down late next week. back to you, gayle, thank you. >> jury selection is now complete in the high-profile trial of former president donald trump. the panel will decide his fate in a case where he stands accused of an illegal hush money scheme. our washington, d.c., correspondent hannah brandt joins us now live with the latest details on this hannah. stephanie, the jury selection process was long and exhaustive, but now that it's over, it clears the way for the court to move forward with arguments and testimony which are expected to be pretty dramatic. >> as his trial moves forward, the former president is this week. the court selected 12 jurors and 6 alternates. george washington university law professor steven salzberg says the process focused on
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finding people who can be fair and impartial. both sides had a chance to strike. your is it didn't like. >> and we ended up with what we needed. >> prosecutors say trump participated in an illegal hush money scheme to cover up an alleged affair with an adult film star. and on monday, lawyers from both sides will have the chance to present their opening statements to the jury. it's a much faster process that a lot of people predicted. the former president trump expressed frustration that the trial is keeping him off the campaign very unfair. he also complained about a gag order from the judge that bars him from publicly criticizing witnesses. state. >> the prosecution says he's violated that gag order pointed to his truth. social post lashing out at his former lawyer michael cohen and adult film star stormy daniels. 2 key witnesses in the case. some of the things that >> defended trump is already said. i think it would have
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gotten an ordinary defendant held in contempt of court. >> and the judge has set a hearing for next week to decide whether or not trump did violate the gag order and whether or not to find him over it. stephanie, back to you. thank you. >> drivers are finally getting a bit of relief at the palm. we update you on how gas prices are easing up around the bay. and american express seeing a significant increase in profit tell you why after this. for the first time this
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year, mortgage rates are
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climbing back over 7%. >> freddie mac's latest primary mortgage market survey shows the average rate for a 30 year fixed mortgage jumped to 7.1% this week up from 6.8% last week. that's still lower than the high of nearly 8% late last year. a rate not seen in nearly a quarter century. the high mortgage rate could also force housing costs to rise with sellers, keeping their houses off the market. american express is earning a 34% increase in profits. the company attributing this to new customers and more spending. the bank earned more than 2.4 billion dollars in the first 3 months of the year. according to the bank, the jump came largely from card member spending more on their accounts as well as more balance is collecting interest. we've seen gas prices jump $0.50 in the last month, but a slight bit of relief is in sight for bay area. drivers. gas prices across the country are other across the bay have dropped
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about $0.5 in most areas compared to the beginning of the week. take a look from the north bay down to the peninsula. you're paying about 5.70, a gallon for regular gas in the east bay. a little relief for drivers. gas is about 5.64. in alameda county and 5.60, in contra costa county in the south bay 5.56. is the cost of a gallon of regular guests. all right. coming up here, a new bill is aiming to help ease symptoms of opioid withdrawal for. >> people recovering from addiction. we're speaking with assembly member and sponsor matt haney about those changes. plus, students taking to the streets of san francisco protesting the ongoing war between israel and hamas calling for the better protection of the planet. plus, a homeowner scaring off thieves attempting to steal his truck. why police say the situation could have turned deadly. we have the latest on deadly. we have the latest on if you're happy and, you know it, clap your hands
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>> and bay homeowner scaring off some would-be car thieves trying to steal his pick up truck. but he almost got shot in the process. kron four's dan thorn has the story from hayward. >> barefoot and running mad francis jones goes face-to-face with 2 men trying to steal his pick jones as it to 30 in the morning last week he was barely awake when his instincts kicked in. >> you can stand inside your house and be a victim and i wasn't going to let that happen. jones's home security camera alerted him and his
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wife of the crime in progress. jones as he caught one of the would-be thieves taking around after breaking into his dodge pickup. i reached around his neck right here, grabbed him. since coming to a head lock in and yank him out of the >> in the video, you can see the struggle is jones yells out to call police. then >> a gunshot inspired when the guy shot at me, i kind of got re woke about what really was going on and i let the guy go and i jumped for cover after that. the 2 troublemakers then took off in a white sedan. >> jones says for more than 20 years, his neighborhood along carol avenue has been pretty quiet and he hopes it could stay that way. police discourage people from confronting criminals because of safety. but jones says he had enough. i didn't get shot. i didn't get hurt. they didn't steal my truck. >> so hopefully it sends a message that, know, don't go so to another street and not
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come around here again. >> heyward police say they found that getaway car abandoned and it was stolen and their investigation into this attempted auto theft is ongoing in hayward, dan thorn kron, 4 news. >> new at 3 governor gavin newsom is recognizing cities across california on efforts to encourage affordable housing for of which are in the bay area. berkeley fairfield pinole and richmond are on the list of the areas that have earned the state's pro housing designation. that does come with housing grants and additional resources to help speed up production. this comes months after the berkeley city council approved a plan to build 750 new homes in parking lots near the north berkeley bart, stop. and 2 more companies are leaving the home insurance market in california. tokio marine america and trans pacific insurance provide more than 12,000 homeowner insurance policies. and 2700 personal umbrella. policies they've
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filed to withdraw from the state and will not be renewing policies. those impacted will get non-renewal notices starting july 1st, the company's join a growing list of insurance companies no longer doing business in the golden state, making it harder for homeowners to find coverage. hope for is your local election headquarters and we're taking a closer look at a new state bill this afternoon. it aims to help people struggling with opioid withdrawal by making the drug methadone more accessible. scientists say methadone as the most effective medication for easing symptoms of opioid withdrawal. s p 21, 1, 5, cleared its first hurdle tuesday when lawmakers on the assembly business and professions committee voted to advance the measure. and joining me live now is francisco assemblymember matt haney who introduced the bill. good afternoon to you. >> and could be really good afternoon. good to see you again. so to start off here, could you walker viewers to
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exactly what methadone is and why you think it's going to make a difference. >> well, only is the most effective proven treatments to get people off of deadly illegal opioid drugs like fentanyl and heroin. yet in california, we the most restrictive laws when it comes to accessing this medication is actually easier to get on methadone and texas or florida than it is in california. these are laws that were designed decades ago it was pretty fentanyl. and it's it's not only getting people to not enroll in this life saving treatments, but the way that you access the treatment actually requires you line up every day in the morning. there's a methadone clinic in downtown san francisco. and the other problem with that is that tracks drug dealers open air drug dealing actually surroundings. methadone clinic says people are preyed they try to get on so we're going to change that and actually make california a place where it's easier to get on treatment. we have to make it
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easier to get treatment and it is to get these deadly drugs like fentanyl. >> and so what are the specific changes that you yourself are pushing for? >> sure. so right people when they are accessing that they don't actually have to line up every morning to be able to get one dose per this bill align our guidelines are standards with those at the federal government is now recommending which allow people to take a few weeks doses hall. so they don't have to go every single day and disrupting their lives in their work schedules and also allows many people who have addiction. they're taken to the hospital made by a loved one, a family by an ambulance. we need to be able to provide people that we step bridge does for 72 hours so that they can access this medication and not be told that they have to go somewhere. we from to be able to access it in a different location. i also i allows people to stay on for
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longer dock. it dropped over small bureaucratic things. the result is more people will be on medication that gets off of these deadly drugs like fentanyl and also gets him out of our streets so that the drug dealers don't come around, surround them. i pray on them. i just want they're trying to get off of a deadly drug. fentanyl. >> got it. how far is the bill in the legislative process right now? >> that they'll just passed its first committee. it will be in its second committee this week. they got bipartisan support. republican. the democrats all supported everyone is concerned about this drug overdose epidemic were struck overdose epidemic we've seen in our state there's a solution. it's one that has been around for a while. but right now, california is keeping it locked rather than out in people's hands were can actually help nothing his people work. they can live their lives and they can get also drugs like fentanyl,
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which has to the call right now, california forces making it far too hard for many people to do that. >> ok, so how confident are you that the governor is going to give the green light on this? >> well, i hope that we do. and, you know, we've seen new york, connecticut, some other states ally with federal guidelines. california is now the most restrictive state in the country to get on a treatment that can get you offense. and all i think that makes no sense. it's infuriating. obviously a lot of support for we've got to get people help guide it medicine and we've got to get people away from off of these deadly drugs and also out of our street right down the street, there's a clinic you see people line up in the morning. no surprise. you also see drug dealer surrounding and that's dangerous. and it's also hurting our our neighborhoods and communities. and of course, you represent a san francisco. so what is the message to residents there who are concerned about this fentanyl crisis and the drug abuse we're all seeing on the streets. well, the messages
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we've got get these drug dealers off our streets. we've got make sure is accountability arresting folks who are selling these drugs also have under cut the demand for these drugs by getting people off of them. and on some medication, if you're ready to get off fence and on get off of their we shouldn't put all these roadblocks and bureaucratic hurdles the way we should make easy to get into treatment. and so i hope that people in san francisco can understand that if you want to stop this terrible drug trade drug overdoses, our city, and back to front the drug dealers. we've got to get the people who are addicted to drugs out and this this what does that matter? don't is a part of the solution. alright, state assemblyman matt haney, thank you so much for your time and perspective today. >> thank you. appreciate it. some california lawmakers want to make it harder for repeat dui offenders to drive a gathered with the epa's advocacy group, mothers against drunk driving, too, introduce a bill they say will save lives. it would require
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all dui offenders in the state to use interlock ignition devices for 6 months after a conviction. these devices are a small breathalyzer that will prevent a car from starting if alcohol is detected under the current law, first-time offenders get to choose between the ignition interlock device or having their license suspended. but a cdc study shows that 75% of convicted drug drunk drivers continue to drive on their suspended license. >> this is a common sense measure that simply says if you are convicted of a drunk driving offense before you get behind the wheel of a car again, we need to make sure we need to make sure that you're not going to re offend that. you're not putting anyone's life at risk. >> funding for the bill will come from. the federal government has the bipartisan infrastructure bill has funds earmarked for impaired driving countermeasures. the bill has support from mothers against drunk driving, the sacramento county da and the california association of highway protection. tesla has issued a
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recall for nearly 4,000 cyber trucks, which are likely many, if not all of the trucks. now on us wrote the national highway traffic safety administration says a flaw with the accelerator pedal could cause it to get stuck in some interior trim. if high force is applied. officials say the vehicle's brakes will still function even if the accelerator becomes trapped. there have been no reports of any accidents because of this issue. the recall affects all 2024 cyber trucks made between november 13th and april 4th. tesla is also delaying deliveries of new trucks. the faa is investigating a close call at a washington, d.c. airport. air traffic controller told the plant across a runway as another flight was starting to take off. the faa says a jetblue flight was beginning its takeoff roll yesterday morning at reagan international when an air traffic controller instructed a southwest plane to cross that same runway. other controllers were able to get the southwest crew to stop
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in time. the jetblue plane aborted takeoff and underwent an inspection before leaving several hours later. both jetblue and southwest say they are cooperating with the faa investigation. all right. let's check in on our forecast as we take a live look outside walnut creek camera. >> so it's like traffic might be at a standstill for part of the roadway. there. hopefully they are enjoying some nice weather. stuck out there and traffic, though, gayle. >> yes, it is. that time they get away forecast, perhaps. so let's take a look at current temperatures statewide. you may have noticed a cooldown, especially along the coast today. you notice we're in the 60's and the 50's up and down the coast from san francisco all the way too. san diego. but look inland where 81 in fresno right now, 83 in bakersfield in 80 in sacramento. so more inland. we saw some 70's in our area in the bay area today. so here is stormtracker 4. we are still relatively quiet here. just some clouds hanging over by
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the coast over here. and it looks like we are seeing a brave. we saw some sunshine at half moon bay, today's so that was different than yesterday where it was more more overcast. so here's the bay area temperatures we're currently sitting in the upper 50's in pacifica 60's along a san mateo. 71 in redwood city and 70's inland and fremont in livermore or yesterday's parts were in the 80's low 80's. so definitely a cool down and over to the north bay still sitting in the 70's and upper 60's out there. so tonight, though, we will be looking out for some more cloud cover and mild temperatures for overnight lows in the mid 40's and low 50's. i want to come back. we'll show you that 7 day forecast because we have another pleasant weekend in store. back to you. all right. sounds great. thank you. >> coming up, hundreds of people set sail from istanbul to gaza to send supplies and support. and some of those folks on board include people from the bay area. plus, a new era for taylor swift fans. reaction to the new album that
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released overnight. and coachella weekend to getting underway. the changes made to the lineup and how you can the lineup and how you can watch the shows from home. frizz. dryness. breakage. new dove 10-in-1 serum hair mask
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today. hundreds of people setting sail from istanbul to gaza for what they're calling an emergency humanitarian aid mission. >> ahead, full of participants are from the bay area and hoping to send a peaceful message while delivering food, water and aid to the palestinian people. the international freedom flotilla is uniting people from 30 countries to help carry more than 5,000 tons of supplies. 3
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vessels will be used to deliver the aid volunteers with the palestinian youth movement in the bay area say their goal is to bring justice to the palestinian people in a non violent way. >> but what we're doing is much more than just bringing in humanitarian aid. it is challenging directly the system of global apartheid against colonized peoples, against people of color. as americans. i find that it is our duty. we all believe that. is it too? so a bunch tonight global system treating collective liberation and freedom for jewish people. has to mean for them for house and house in the hands. >> the coalition says participants undergo nonviolence training to protect themselves and each other in the event of potential attacks. the trip comes 14 years after a flotilla was rated by the israeli navy, a vessel carrying aid was intercepted by israel in 2010, 9 turkish activists were killed in that raid. israel carrying out a military strike inside iran
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today. so far no reports of major damage. this appears to be israel's full first military response to iran's attacks last weekend and another potentially dangerous escalation in the middle eastern conflict. israel targeted the city of behind where a military base an airport in iran's nuclear facilities are located. the attack was carried out by small drones over the region. according to iranian officials. the attack coming in response to more than 300 drones and missiles fired at israel saturday. president joe biden stressing the need for de-escalation in the region today. a senior u.s. official says the united states was given advance notification of today's strike, but did not endorsed the attack. >> united states has not been involved in any offensive operations. what we're focused on what the g 7 is focused on. and again, it's reflected in our statement. and in our conversation is our work to de-escalate tensions to
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de-escalate from any potential you saw israel on the receiving end of an unprecedented attack. but our focus has been on, of course, making sure that israel can effectively defend itself, but also. the escalating tensions avoiding conflict. and that remains our focus. >> g 7 foreign ministers warned of new sanctions against iran for their drone and missile attack on israel last saturday. happening tomorrow, the city of san francisco may have canceled the annual for 20 event hit the hill, but that doesn't mean people won't show up to celebrate anyway. thousands usually head to robin williams meadow and nearby hippie hill to celebrate all things marijuana on for 20, it's likely folks will still show up tomorrow. the church of ambrosia along with the haight ashbury merchants association say they plan to bring in supplies to help keep pounds around hippie hill clear the church is asking people to find alternatives to celebrate because if too many people show up, it could strain some limited resources. there for
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fans of this holiday. you can find top tech 10 pop culture moments that stigmatized. we'd on our website right now. kron 4 dot com. well, if you are ready for more coachella action weekend, 2 of the massive music festival kicks off in just a few hours and there are some changes from weekend one kay county has been added to this weekend's lineup, uk dance music, producer screen and house dj bell flurry also perform indie band vampire weekend. they performed at coachella last weekend, but they will not be at the desert this weekend. the three-day event will be streamed on youtube. just in case you can't make it down to indio for the festival. and if you're tired from pulling an all-nighter, maybe from listening to taylor swift's new album that dropped at midnight, there are some ways you can shake it off. health experts say missing out on just one night. sleep can trigger some physical symptoms like upper respiratory issues and gastrointestinal problems.
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to help you can get some sunshine. natural blue light can tell the body to wake up and get moving. exercise like dancing can boost circulation shake off any sleepiness, you might have gogo can also reduce stress. experts say you want to make sure you're not over caffeinated either during the day that might limit your ability to sleep later on. if you're going to nap, keep it short and sweet. so you don't end up in a deeper sleep cycle and wake up more tired. united airlines unveils its latest promotion targeting fans of taylor swift just in time for the release of that new album as fans digest the 31 songs on that new double album, the tortured poets department. swifties can also book your next flight on united for 13% off using a special promo code. 13 is swiss favorite number and only 1900 fans will qualify for that discount. good for flights around the time. swift's massive era's tour returns to the u.s. in october. a lawyer representing
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the man accused of orchestrating the 1996 murder of rapper tupac shakoor is speaking out. he says the public should not believe his client. duane davis, his lawyer claims that davis lied about his alleged involvement in the murder. davis has publicly said he was sitting in the front passenger seat of the car which pulled up next to to pop before the shooting. the attorney says there's no evidence that proves davis's role in the murder. >> you do not think he had any involvement in the murder of 2 buck, chuck no? he was not there. >> no, i don't believe there. >> the 60 year-old was arrested and charged with 2 parks murder last year, nearly 20 years after the shooting in las vegas, davis remains in custody on $750,000. bail. the san jose earthquakes and the oakland roots face off for the first time in a competitive match next month. the teams previously faced off in
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pre-season friendly, still be playing at paypal park in san jose on tuesday. may 7th. this is for the round of 32 of the lamar hunt. u.s. open cup kickoff is set for 7 o'clock. let's check in on our weather conditions live. look outside at the transamerica. building sunshine, just beaming down there. we were just talking about the roots in the ballers of it. thinking it's going to be a good day to play some soccer. >> well, it's really nice weather in general and i do have a ball game forecast for baseball. but i know what they normally warm? nice weather. so are the giants versus the arizona diamondbacks. first pitch is at 07:15pm, tonight. we're looking at upper 50's around that time, partly cloudy skies and then will be dipping down to the low 50's mid 50's maybe later, but just always pack a jacket when you're heading out to oracle park, we are breezy right now with that sea breeze. but we have some blue skies out there and noticed you could see it here on storm tracker as well.
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and the future cast model for at least the next few hours. it 5.30, looks like we're mostly clear. but then towards the a dinner time 7.30, right around that game. you start to see the clouds roll in around san francisco, pacifica and half moon bay and then towards the evening the late evening. this is at 10:00pm to 11:00pm. you notice some increasing cloud cover and overnight, maybe some overnight drizzle as well. this is 06:45am for your saturday. it looks like we'll be starting off cloudy similar to today and then some sunny skies for the afternoon sunday looks mostly clear and sunday looks like it will be the warmer day of the weekend. rebounding to the 80's. you'll watch out for some breezy conditions out tonight and also saturday as that front leaves, as you can see, the winds popped to the 20's and 30's along the coast and even towards the evening as well. so 32 in sandra fell and 29 in san francisco. so just to be prepared for breezy day saturday. but overall, very pleasant weekend, mid 70's saturday inland 80's sunday
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monday, which is earth day. and then we start to cool down by next week and a chance of rain we're eyeing on thursday. back to you. all right. thank you so much. >> happening tomorrow, bart celebrates the end of an era including a final ride for its legacy. trains. >> the ceremony starts tomorrow at 01:00pm at oakland's macarthur station. after that, the public gets to board a legacy train and right from the car through the fremont station mirroring the original service part provided when it opens september 1972, the trip last about 45 minutes and travels along 24 miles of the original part of track of the tracks. the legacy trains are making way for a new generation. 696 new fleet of the future train cars are now certified for service and 3 legacy cars will be headed to the western railway museum in sassoon city. but 3 cars, including an iconic sloped front. a car will be the only cars from the legacy fleet to be displayed at a museum.
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>> coming up, the airport dc gives a final farewell to one of its favorite furry helpers.
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we have breaking news just into the kron. 4 newsroom until all further notice. all service between san francisco in sausalito on the golden gate ferry has been suspended. >> this is due to a so-called structural compromise at the pier from according to ferry officials. stay with us here on kron 4 and kron 4 dot com. our website for the latest updates as we learn more on this developing story.
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>> all right. and we are switching gears because it is friday and it is time for 3 at 3 and we will start with a dc airport wishing one if its tsa passenger screening dogs a happy retirement messi is showered with dozens of his favorite toys at reagan airport as he snaps his final bag. and this video was released by the tsa airport. officials say the celebration is well deserved. messi is an 8 year old lab and he's worked at the airport since 2018. >> and that's yes, happy retirement, messy. what it just a great video. we love those. like fun remain. that's right. all right. so now to our next adorable video. so from earlier this week we saw a pair of sea otters enjoying a cuddle right. and we can see that video playing on the screen right here. so that's libyan clear. you can see them floating in their habitat at point. defiance zoo in tacoma,
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washington. let's just look at how cute they and so much fun in the water. the weather looks so nice yeah, for sure. and according to the zoo keeper these otters, they're extremely playful. and they're also dexter is they can use their paws to open some clamshells and explore objects in the area as well. so lots of fun. >> and take a look at this. this is some recycled art that's just been added to the lucile packard children's hospital at stanford and how so that if they cow sculpture made out of miniature toys. any soccer ball was black and white pencil. so just in time, a very perfect foo earth day. coming that's really cool. it's really neat out love to see people getting creative with materials instead of just like tossing exactly like love to repurpose and look at that >> he's so cool. thanks so much for sharing that sure. all right. well, that's it for us here at kron for news at 3. thank you so much for joining us and enjoy. >> your weekend, everybody. take a juror.
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judge juarez: you are suing your father. are you certain of your testimony? i'm certain. i'm 100% certain. i just never said anything because he's my father. i was giving him that respect. you got to be a man of your word. if i got to teach that to my dad, then that's what i got to do. narrator: hot bench. judge rachel juarez, judge michael corriero, judge yodit tewolde. three judges, three opinions, one verdict.


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