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tv   KRON 4 News at 630pm  KRON  April 19, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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>> continuing coverage tonight on the vigil being held in an alameda park to honor a man who died while being taken into custody by alameda police said 3 years ago. we're going to get to in just a >> it was a year ago tonight when word started trickling in, that the a's had abandoned talks with the city of oakland for a new stadium at howard terminal. of course, they reached agreement to purchase land and build a new stadium in las vegas. yeah, lots has happened. of course, since as you know, confirm their departure among other things. >> the nevada legislature earmarking 300 and 80 million dollars in public funds to help build that new stadium. but that has also led to a
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lawsuit as kron four's. dan kerman reports this week the a's filed papers to get involved in the suit. >> the oakland a's are not just battling on the field, but also in the courtroom in february, the nevada teachers union filed a lawsuit against nevada's governor, the treasurer and the state of nevada suggesting the passage of sb one which earmarked 380 million dollars in public money to help build a stadium in las vegas violated the state's constitution issue we're having is that the vote tally was not two-thirds majority for revenue peace. >> that this funding mechanism that they structured under this bill assumes deaths from the county without that's that revenue peace involved, that the law itself, you know, doesn't mention certain populations and the county and the language is just very sloppy written when it comes player in rather when it comes to assuming that that's the a's have not been named in that suit. but this week they filed a motion with the court to intervene in the case saying >> the athletics and
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affiliates have a substantial interest in sb one and will be affected if sb one is found unconstitutional without intervention. the athletics ability to protect its interests will be impaired. you see john fisher meddling around in this lawsuit is because they've probably had their lawyers look at this and they went this could also stop our funding and nevada, just like the referendum could alexander marxist. but the nevada state education association which opposes the public funding, strong public schools will be opposing their intervention. we think there are interests are well represented by the other defendants, many of whom were basically unregistered lobbyist for them during session. >> so those folks want this stadium just as much as they do a separate filing by as president dave kaval confirms financing and a development agreement for the new stadium had not been finalized but the process is underway. >> it's unclear when the court will rule on the a's participation in this lawsuit.
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for news. >> man is under arrest tonight after voluntarily turning himself in for murder. 26 year-old ethan menifee of the light show turned himself in on wednesday. the vallejo police department had been looking for him since early february when the shooting happened at the intersection of bonnie way and melody lane. and when they arrived, they found a man suffering from a gunshot wound. he died from those injuries that night menefee was the suspect. and police had an arrest warrant out for him before he turned himself in. >> the california department of justice has released its findings into a 2022 officer-involved shooting at sfo. police say they got a call about a man with a gun in the international terminal in january of 2022. for nearly an hour, officers told them and over and over to drop the guns he had on him, which turned out to be airsoft guns. he continued to not follow directions. and when he raised a gun and pointed at the officers, police shot and killed him after the shooting,
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it was discovered a bullet injured, a bystander after investigation. doj has concluded criminal charges were not appropriate in the case but several policy recommendations were made to help prevent future injuries to innocent people from happening. >> the man is under arrest after trying to steal from a daly city grocery store and then assaulting an employee. there. alas, friday night, daly city police went to lucky california supermarket on mission street. the main clerk told police that a thief trying to steal chicken and ribs when the clerk approached him and demanded he pay, the food fell out of the thieves hands when the food i guess, fell on the floor the man through the container at the clerk and then ran to his car where he grabbed a golf club, started hitting the clerk police say he fled the they got into a fight. daly city police say that the they found and arrested the guy for robbery and assault that night. a lawsuit against bart
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by disability rights advocates has been settled. that suit filed back in 2017. it claimed bart failed to ensure full and equal access to station services like elevators and escalators, which is a violation of the americans with disabilities act as part of the settlement bark has agreed to renovate its elevators and escalators and dispatch a repair person with a one hour after either one breaks down at the station. all right. now to our 4 zone forecast as we get a live look outside san francisco. quite how are clouds that the fog is moving yeah. things are cooling down at this hour. yes, we know this playbook and we know it well town. when we start to see the clouds coming in this time of night, it means yeah, we've got a little marine layer going on, but >> let's take a walk over the wall and see what's going on with all of the temperatures right now. as you can see inland. still the 80's right now at this hour. pretty pretty impressive if you with us like bakersfield. 83
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degrees, obviously much cooler along the coast. 61 in los angeles. you kind of see what's going on here and your eye might take you to this. a little lightning, a little bit of a snowflake rain situation happening. >> central sierra right now getting a little bit of energy here. i don't think much of this is going to be probably hitting the ground. but, you know, it is kinda interesting this time of year to see that. and it does make you wonder what's going on with this low pressure system and how it might affect our weather as we get into next week. but let's talk about that shout. we so one thing it's going to do with that low pressure system rolls an uptick in concord. here's an example. it's going to knock those temperatures down. you can see right through the weekend. we've just got lovely above average temperatures. kong really looking out for upper 70's, low 80's. by the time we get to tuesday now are talking 70 degrees in the time we get to wednesday, we're dropping into the 60's as a high. that's a big difference from where we've been today. and yesterday. so here's what's happening with that low pressure system. you can see as it starts to kind of roll in. this is as i'm taking you into right now, tuesday. but that's not what i'm really
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concerned about. that's really the weekend. this is to get to next week. and as we get to the end of next week into thursday night and friday, then you start to see the model's picking up on a little bit of rain, making it into northern california and even a few snowflakes, perhaps flying in the sierra. now, this doesn't look like it's going to be and it kind of big system. but it is interesting and something to keep an eye on as we get closer to it. that forecast will tighten up. but it looks like late thursday into friday, not going to be very intense. we're talking about a very light shower, low impact, kind of a thing. it might even just be a few sprinkles. we'll have to see as we get closer. but something to keep an eye on that. i'm certainly going to be watching. meanwhile, let's take a live look at half moon bay. we are going to see that marine layer roll in again tonight. that is going to cool things down. i will be back in just a little bit. we'll talk about that in your seven-day forecast. kyler. thank you. continuing coverage tonight on the vigil being held in alameda park to honor a man who died while being taken into custody. >> by alameda police 3 years ago yesterday, alameda county da pamela price announced
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involuntary. >> manslaughter charges against the 3 officers involved. our first and thorne joins us now live from the vigil tonight with more. dan. >> yeah, he this is the park where a mario gonzalez had his run-in with police 3 years ago on april 19th. that vigil here is just starting to wrap up. but it was also a celebration of sorts is there was aztec dancers out here honoring the life mario gonzalez. also, his family is out here as well and some other community groups and they were expressing some happiness and what the district attorney has brought forth in terms the charges for these 3 police officers that were involved in mario gonzalez is death and initial autopsy. it said that gonzalez had died out here because of meth fed it mean use and also because of a heart attack that was related to that. but then a second autopsy ended up showing that it was just 60
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asian from the pressure that he faced from those police officers. body cam video that the officers had gonzalez pinned down here at the park for more than 5 minutes. and eventually died after he was taken to the hospital. the officers that are facing these charges, involuntary manslaughter charges are facing up to 4 years in prison if they are convicted. we learned from the city of alameda that one of those 3 officers facing these charges is no longer with the department and that the other 2 are right now on administrative leave. gonzalez's family also reached out to different settlements with the city of alameda. one of those being 11 million dollars going to gonzalez is the son and namesake and his mother received 350 $1000 in this his brother and other family members were in speaking with the media a short while ago saying that they were feeling confident about these 3 officers getting convicted. but of course, mario not being here the
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justice that they obviously cannot receive in this case. the family, though, is expecting to hopefully see everything work in their favor. those officers are expected to be in within the next month or so. we're going to be, of course, covering that and also having a full report in full wrap-up on the vigil in celebration that took place here earlier this evening. while the key back to you. >> other news tonight, the supreme court is set to hear oral arguments monday on a case that could impact how cities handle homelessness. the case comes as last year saw a record number of people living on the streets here in the u.s. our washington correspondent maddie beer-temple reports. >> in a case that could have far-reaching impact, the supreme court will hear arguments on whether the city of grants pass oregon can punish homeless people for camping in public spaces. one of the most influential cases on housing in over 40 years. a
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lower court previously ruled in favor of the homeless population, calling it a cruel and unusual punishment to find and arrest people who have nowhere else to go. oregon congresswoman suzanne bott amici spoke outside the high court this week urging justices to rule against the city. housing, not handcuffs is the direction we need to go amici says fining or jailing people traps them in a cycle that makes it harder for them to find housing. in court documents, grants pass. lawyers say that homeless encampments have, quote, multiplied on check throughout the west. >> resulting in more violent crime, drug overdoses and disease. california congressman kevin kiley says that's certainly the case in sacramento near his district in parks, on sidewalks, near schools. >> impeding a citizens stopping people from getting into businesses. kylie says the court should restore the power to enforce laws like those in grants pass that he says promote public safety, freeing our communities to deal with. >> homelessness in a rational
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and common sense way that protect public safety and public health. i think it's going to be a new day for california. justices will hear arguments monday morning with a decision expected later this year in washington. i'm maddie beer-temple. nearly 2000 positions for the california service corps have opened up right here in the bay area. san jose mayor matt mahan is now calling on young residents to help fill those spots. >> that tackle climate change, support communities impacted by disaster and help mentor students. today, the mayor joined corps members to share how their work has had a lasting impact on underserved communities. >> thanks to the california volunteers who are providing opportunities for our young people to get civically engaged a paycheck and take charge of the future of their city. the cement community involvement is exactly what it takes to make big change. >> that paycheck can be up to
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the members can now receive up to $10,000 after completing their service. the money can be used for college trade school or to pay back student loans. the benefits will help individuals who are facing crises of isolation, student debt and growing income inequality. >> begin a 10 game road trip in chile, cleveland tonight. next up in sports, aaron will tell us if get off to a good tell us if get off to a good start. norman, bad news...
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>> and now kron 4 sports. well, with basketball season in the bay area being over, it's time to make room for bay area baseball and we have quite a bit of it going on today. now that here on the road, of course. but they started 10 games, east coast swing today, they started chile, cleveland. you see it is not that warm. you can by the basement a butler's trying to show you how exactly it feels or maybe you just trying to avoid champs. we don't know the weather didn't seem to bother the a's, though. the leadoff hitter, abraham toro hernandez right here built it. the 3rd pitch. >> of the game. way out to right there, about 30 feet deep into the bleachers. it was his second homer of the season is in they have early one to nothing lead. meanwhile, the guardian, they did get on the board in the second man over tyler freeman who launches the shot out to write it clears the fence and it's his 3rd homer of the season. the guardians, they go up to to one and then the home team. they pretty much broke the game open on the 5 run.
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inning bases loaded for steven kwan. here will rips a liner in the quarter right and plates. 2 runs the guardians. they never looked back after a windy 10 to 2 over the a's game. 2 is tomorrow. meanwhile, the bulls and heat. they met up in miami battling for that 8 seed in the eastern conference playoffs. obviously the heat. they were short-handed playing without their leader. jimmy butler who suffered a sprained mcl and wednesday loss to the seventy-sixers know butler turns out no problem for the heat. they lead by 10 at the half and added on in the 3rd bam adebayo draws a crowd. there you see him hit the rookie. jaime jaquez. 22, it's miami. they turn up the heat on defense to squeeze the bulls. tyler herro here at on the break gives a behind the bag pay to the corner where caleb martin is so hit the 3 pointer from deep in. well, the defense that leads to points obviously heat in transition here after the steal. it connects on the pull up 3 year heat. they win big
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in this one. they were up big just about the entire game. one, 12 to 91. they now face the celtics in round one of the playoffs that would leave much harder starting on sunday. now, ryan garcia and devin haney. the championship right is this weekend. of course, lost most of its luster today because garcia actually failed to make weight for so garcia had no intentions of making way. if you drink a beer right here on the scale as he waited, weighed for the fight, garcia, what actually have attempted to lose the extra weight. but, you know, the fight, let's go. and i guess instead he could a deal and has the fight continue on saturday and it barclays in brooklyn there. he will move upwards 6 $100,000 of his purse on this one. and he won't even be eligible for win against the wbc junior welterweight title. talking about david haney there. so
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that agreement that was reached was that haney who hails from san francisco in the bay area is undefeated with a record with 15 knockouts and it would have been haney's sec. it the fence of his title. he won't get that, though, just because he didn't may wait just about 2 pounds off. if back to you guys at the desk. >> thank you, aaron. the san jose earthquakes are going to host the oakland roots next month. they'll be playing at paypal park in san jose on tuesday. may 7th. they're meeting in the first round of the lamar hunt. u.s. open cup. those teams have once played before san jose won the game, though 3 to 2. high school softball coach hit it out of the park with an award that's getting her team. >> statewide attention, kristen grubbs from benicia high school was has won. california state softball coach of the year. coach grubbs is being recognized for dedication and creating more opportunities for female athletes to succeed at the highest level. congratulations.
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>> the push to ban reusable plastic shopping bags in california is one step closer to becoming reality. a bill passed the state environmental quality committee yesterday. it would remove a provision from a previous law allowing stores to use thicker reusable bags made out of recycled plastic supporters of the bill say those thicker bags end up in landfills anyway. but the plastic industry says the new bill will eliminate jobs. state officials say the amount of grocery bags dispose in california has grown more than 40% in just the last 10 years. >> a new report warns of higher levels of risky chemicals meant to protect our food supply. according to consumer reports, about 20% of fruits and vegetables that its study contained unhealthy levels of pesticides. it examined 59 common fruits and vegetables, including fresh canned, dried and frozen products along with 7 years of department of agriculture data
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what the report says that imported produce from mexico also carried high risks of pesticides. and when some risky chemicals are banned, companies may actually rely on others. that could be just as dangerous. >> get your check of your 4 zone forecast now taking a live look at downtown san francisco where we know the haze and fog has really been moving in this evening that it has moving into the studio with us this evening. kyla grogan kyla. what's the weather look like ahead? yes, it's going pretty nice night out tonight. having said that, you are right. we are going to see that marine layer bill back in very similar to last night. so let's take a look outside and you can see that right now as we take a live look at coit tower, few those clouds roll in and where the blue skies were. having said that. >> temperatures that bag or 57 in san francisco, you still see some upper 60's even a 70 degree mark there in pittsburgh and head up to the north day. we're getting a little bit cooler in spots like santa rosa where it's 60 to look at petaluma there. 58 degrees. so about the fog.
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yes, as we get later into the evening, you can see it showing up the coast and then presses into some of our valleys and around the bay as well. so wake up tomorrow morning and we're going to be dealing with that yet again. so just be prepared for that. if you are out and about in the early morning hours or late night hours tonight, having said that, it will be dissipating as we get into the afternoon. we're going to be off to a really nice day yet again, we get into tomorrow. take a look at these temperatures are going to warm up even a little bit more inland than we did today and probably a little bit higher than that as we get into our sunday. and i do not think we'll see as marine layer on sunday. all right. let's talk about the wind out of the coast. it's going to get a little bit less as we go throughout the evening. but tomorrow in the afternoon, get ready for some of those gusts to get upwards of 20 miles per hour. so you're looking at sustained wind here, but the gusts could be higher than that. and that should also kind of wrap it up as we get into sunday. so saturday kind of thing with the wind. >> all right. here's your extended forecast. you see those temperatures are lovely through the weekend. should be great for earth day on monday. we cool it down a little on
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tuesday by thursday. we've got a slight chance of a shower. yes, a shower. it is just a slight chance. but we'll keep an eye on that. back to you. skylight. happening this weekend in honor of earth day drive cities hosting a storefront market. >> it held from noon to 4 sunday. the market will include food. art vendors, pet adoption booths and musical performances from the likes of dame drummer. and 3 time, grammy award-winning artist the fantastic negrito. it's free. tickets are given out first come first serve. you're highly encouraged to reserve a ticket. if you want to go. we'll be right back after a quick break. well, the bay
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area loves good food. no argument about that. that's why you do dine and dash indeed. >> but i'm not alone. admit tonight on dine and dish, we're going to show a little love to another food journalist. it's called table hopper. >> for pro pre up for gourmet gadfly marsico yard is the columnist curator cable hopper. the newsletter for anyone who loves the heat in san francisco. she table hawks in the mission sunset richmond, dodge patch north beach. you name anywhere. there's good food and drink serving up tips and tidbits about the city's >> see is no newcomer to the city's food landscape. nearly 20 years of wining and dining
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about 18 day. >> right rca is throwing a big bohemian bash at the iconic north beach watering hole, sav boyd which has been around that francisco since 19. 0, 7. and guess what? we are celebrating and with san francisco spirit and it's a colorful crowd that includes city centric >> make a little multimedia >> drama, queens and your basic only in san francisco because i'm living a bohemian san francisco. vicki liviakis kron. 4 >> marcia is a chemist say a san francisco has a lot of spirit. is all right. that wraps up kron for news at 6. we'll see you back here tonight at night.
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