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tv   KRON 4 News Weekend  KRON  April 20, 2024 7:00am-10:00am PDT

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ck: together we can make a difference. check with your local zoo to find out what you can do to protect the wildlife in your own backyard. from the columbus zoo, i'm jack hanna. see you next time, when we go into the wild. >> now on the kron, 4 morning news and east bay family remembers him and 3 years after he died in a confrontation with police. and thousands expected to gather today golden gate park. this for 20, even after san francisco cancels. it's official. cannabis celebration.
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>> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> good morning. thank you so much for being here with us on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. it's saturday. april, the 20th. let's get your morning. started with a look at the weather with dave sphar. hey there, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and we're starting off with the fog and clouds kind of business here. but we're going to clear that on out for the afternoon. >> and even everybody along the coast will start to see some nice sunshine this afternoon. do have some breezy conditions, though that will prevail. >> but it's a warming trend. it looks like for the next couple of days in store for you. here's the the picture from space that we have right now. little collection. partial cloud cover across the bay. so you folks even well inland are getting treated to some of this cloud cover. again. this will break up for your afternoon or even late morning hours. the shot from the golden gate bridge also shows the scattered clouds with reference. there. you can see off towards the distance, but that onshore flow. you'll notice from the flags that
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will stay pretty much in place for much of the day. quick snapshot of the winds are kind of variable at this hour. not much just com to single digits, but that will be a bit pick up this afternoon. right now we have some lower to middle 50's lighting up the east bay shoreline and well inland. some 40's in some of those inland pockets. 49 going on up there. it's santa rosa and for contrast, pretty close to where we were about yesterday. give or take a degree here. they're so for today are buddies noting this morning cloud cover. we go to afternoon sunshine. nice, mild temperatures. well inland. remember, those numbers are a little bit above our average. is there mid 70's? it looks like by lunchtime and shortly there afterwards. now we do see a nice warm-up for the early part of the week. then a big cool down will be talking about it and a bit, stephanie. >> all thank you. happening today, large crowds are expected is san francisco's golden gate park. this for 20. that's despite the city canceling this year's official event celebrating all things. cannabis kron four's. tiffany justice is live for us now at golden gate park to hash out what's planned today. hey, there to funding.
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>> event may have been canceled but park and rec stepping up. they say that they will be holding volleyball and kickball tournament here right behind us. robin williams meadow. you can see some of the staff already here bright and early this morning, setting up for those fun tournament's this annual for 20 at hippie hill event took place every year on april. 20th in the sharon meadows area of the park. now, this event usually attracts thousands of attendees. however, organizers counseling this year's event citing a number of factors, including citywide budget cuts impacting park and recs ability to cover staffing for the event and economic challenges within the cannabis industry. they say that's making sponsorship hard to secure. now with people expected to still arrive, the church of self-described psychedelic church announced it will people providing support services here on hippie hill, quote,
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cancellation or not. the church saying that they are partnering up with local haight ashbury merchants and nonprofit groups to provide basic safety net services. >> like water, medical aid, bathrooms and trash pickup. so we'll be out here all morning long. a lot of people still expected to be arriving today. back to studio. alright, tiffany, thank you. >> happening now, highway 37 in the north bay is closed for the weekend. caltrans says it's repaving the westbound lanes this weekend. and next eastbound lanes. the first 2 weekends of may. they are encouraging travelers to please use detours. >> beginning around 20 to you're going to go right towards napa county taking state route. 29, where you'll catch. they wrote one. 21 where you make a left to go eastbound to once again keep going and cats. 12 that would take you down to state route. 37, everybody here that is
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local kind of knows this route as a shortcut. but it's not. it's along the tours that we're expecting. that to be from one hour to 2 hours. so we really are asking the public plan ahead. >> the road is expected to reopen around for monday morning. friday marks 3 years since the death of mario gonzalez. a vigil happened last night for the man who was in police custody when he died. kron four's dan thorn reports. >> mario gonzalez, his family calls it his angel for surrey friday, marking 3 years since his death in alameda police custody. it was in this park. alameda police say officers responding to a report of gonzales talking to himself and acting oddly, they were then seen on body cam video pinning the 26 year-old father to the ground face down before he died. gonzales, his cause of death was later ruled as a homicide. gonzalez's family expressed some joy in knowing the 3 officers are now facing
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criminal charges, but is good >> i'm betty have grateful receive the notice. >> gonzalez's mother edith are in. ali's says the body cam video shows the police were clearly in the wrong alameda county district attorney pamela price announced the involuntary manslaughter charges thursday night. he hopes i and >> thankfully we finally got news that they're going proceed with the charges or at >> we gained corning's attack than ceremony was held in gonzales. this honor as people in the community also lit candles and brought flowers to alter. his family says they hope the criminal charges stick so they can continue to heal. you know, ben definitely major step the right direction. you know, no, nobody kicking him with somebody. you my you know what to the city of alameda has already reached 2 settlements with gonzalez. his family, one
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for 11 million dollars, which will go to his son and the other for $350,000, which will go to his mother. and as for the charges, if those officers are convicted, they face up to 4 years in prison. in alameda, dan thorn kron, 4 news. >> meantime, leaders in the recall effort against alameda county district attorney pamela but they aren't impressed with the charges she filed against the officers in the mario gonzalez case. kron four's philippe djegal explains. >> i feel that there are a whole things that she couldn't do right now that are more mister manno and making our community safer grisham and carl chan are the principal officers for safe alameda for everyone. >> the group spearheading the recall effort against alameda county district attorney pamela price. and although the field for mario gonzalez, his family following his death in 2021, they are unimpressed by
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prices decision to charge 3 officers involved in his killing with involuntary manslaughter. let's wait and see because i'm sure that, you know, the evidence will show whether or not, you >> the police at that the right not la mente price focusing on past cases already reviewed by her predecessor. they say she is attempting to score points with the community by targeting cops rather than fighting for crime victims. you're not on the side of the people you're on the side of whoever is in your ear. >> and that's not. you know, that's not a good judgment right now. last december, the city of alameda settled civil lawsuits with the gonzalez family exceeding 11 million dollars myself and entire team and many people who signed a petition to recall a. >> we're realizing that, you know, she's not performing the job to a supposed to said. district attorney no ice. you know, we will not be here today and talking about a week. all safe says it is waiting for the alameda county board of supervisors to accept its recalled certification.
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>> from the registrar of voter's and then set a date for an election requests for comment from price's office and campaign have not been answered. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. oakland police arrested 8 people for a series of armed robberies. the most recent happening tuesday morning. >> a delivery truck driver was dropping off tobacco products on mountain boulevard and shown avenue when 2 cars with multiple armed people pulled up, stole the products and took off during the investigation. officials connected the armed robbery to a series of other robberies throughout the bay area. marin county may be closer to building it all affordable. all new affordable rather housing complex. developers want to create 125 apartment units on the site of mervyn would plaza near highway 101. the marin county community development agency got the proposal this week. the application must now undergo multiple reviews by agencies
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which could take several months. and happening today, the oakland ballers baseball team hosts an earth day cleanup event at the site of their future home raimondi park. this comes after the oakland city council voted this week approving an ordinance allowing the team to spend more than a million dollars to renovate the park. the team hopes to play its home games. they're starting this summer. 60 volunteers are expected today to paint pull weeds and pick up trash. very busy day for the folks out there. >> and it's an honor that our city has been chosen for the first time to be a long-term host, 2 giant pandas. >> giant pandas are coming back to san francisco. as you just heard, the mayor say they're now the animals lived here for a year back in 1984, just a year. there. this will be the first time pandas have a long-term residency at the san francisco zoo. san diego is also set to get new pandas.
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the zoo thanked mayor london breed and quote, we are thrilled for the return of the giant panda at the san francisco zoo. it symbolizes hope for conservation. collaboration and bridges divides between cultural differences. >> coming up on the kron, 4 morning news, francisco mayor london breed taking new steps to stop macy's from leaving union square. plus one bay area lawmaker is trying to make it easier to prevent fentanyl overdoses statewide. and after the break, south the restaurant is set to close after more than 60 years of serving the silicon valley. customers are showing their support. >> they got some morning clouds kind of hang around a little bit. but turning sunny and we'll see a lot of 70's across the bay and beyond. have a look at your forecast. we come for more news continues.
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>> welcome back. taking a live look outside at walnut creek this morning. not too much traffic out there at 07:13am, looking pretty good out there. let's check in now with day for more on our forecasts. tied a hey. good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. some scattered clouds to be found in london. of course, we see them at the golden gate bridge as well. >> not much the way of winds at this current moment here, but this will be taken care of probably as we approach around noon shortly thereafter, take a little longer along the coast to clear out. but should take care of that pretty quickly. so this little collection of some mid-level clouds just kind of breezing on by no big deal again, turning mostly sunny for the balance of your day and we'll keep it that way into sunday as well. not bad on those temps either lower 50's
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prevail in the east bay up to the north bay. got 49 going on for santa rosa. 51 san francisco in 54 for san jose. again, the models are noting that collection of clouds, you can see them drift on by opens things up. sunny, looking pretty nice. also kind of interesting here. some leftover moisture gets kind of caught a little bit up in the mountains and tomorrow looks like the flare up of a few little showers going on. maybe even some leftover snow showers too. very, very minor, though. here's the on shore pop that we see happening this afternoon. that will be concentrated at the coast. so even those conditions will kind of clear out the late afternoon we're going to have a consistent breeze working even across the golden gate park in a straight going right out there to the east bay a little bit. and so you might have a little pop of winds in the afternoon. somewhat typical. sometimes when you get the difference, gradients of heat that you have much warmer inland contrast to the coast, but it could be more pronounced today. then you can see it will be for tomorrow. sfo is the backdrop here. we have some morning clouds breezy at the coast. as i mentioned, lower 60's there.
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but some 80's inland. and that goes to the lower 80's tomorrow. 70's covered the bay tomorrow, mostly sunny, and a touch warmer for everybody and keep that trend going until about tuesday or so. then we drop off all of a sudden as we get into wednesday, it's a relatively dry system, but it will bring in some cooler air behind all of this. this would be kind of a heat spike buster for us if this were the summer months for today, again, noting some of those early clouds and sun, 66 san francisco, 71 for oakland, 77 for san jose. and a quick look at those high temperatures. there's your pressure gradient our temperature gradient, 80 for antioch. and meanwhile, 60's and the coast keeping in mind that will be a breezy 60 and we're going to have more of ross spring coming for the 2nd half of the that's where you get the colder stuff a little bit there. so that's a reminder the inconsistencies of spring. okay. so dressing in layers. so we have to do that. that's right. all week long. okay. great. thank you so much, >> well, this coming tuesday, a legendary businesses. san
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jose closes its doors for good. the burger pitt has served silicon valley for 60 years. kron four's jack moment spoke with customers. >> drive down blossom hill and kuz there in san jose. any time and well, you get the idea. sounds smell of. >> pet bird up, it's always been go to john to see just trying to make the memories last of what's been his go-to spot. and now that it's at the end of the run, we've been coming in. i'll time outside. it's much of the cheeseburger motion burger, michele stephenson and brett white from childhood spot to date spot. yes, but it's not only the food but the service. the woman who's retiring she's very sweet. >> she's our best friend. yeah. a can help with the regulars here will tell you they will miss jodi the most. i only have the use of one can mandate packets would difficult for me to open and she would always for me. they mean a lot to me. they really
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do. jodi has worked at this burger pit location for nearly 5 decades back that the burger pit brand was around 20 years young, but like all good things in this world, i think we're done so many people are left wondering why is the burger pick closing down? what the manager tells me. it's simply because the property owners decided that did not want to renew the league still not yet. >> i think because i've been doing it for so long. you know it's a i'm sure. by tuesday, it will knock me off my feet and some who's been by jodi's side. her boyfriend, amazing. >> no. joe and the namesake kept families coming back for a lot kids blood tissue. evelyn and carla padron have been coming to the burger pick for 60 years place where we could take the family. >> when they little the kids were little. we started it. >> taking the kids with an ever changing san jose. even
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the new generations can appreciate good i feel like they try to make people joyful a knife and if they are, i hope it's working. ricky wheel has been eating here as long as he's been alive and like all of us. >> by the end of the bay area institution. keep trying go to a very good fit wherever it is in san jose. jack moment, 4 news. >> oakland's main library closes temporarily next month for renovations. the closure is set to begin may 27th library officials hope to reopen early november. officials say the plan is to repair and improve upon the library's design. san francisco state assembly member matt haney is pushing to make a drug that could help prevent more fatal drug overdoses. experts say methadone reduces the likelihood of dying from a drug overdose by more than 50%. and haney says it's time for california to change its so called outdated last. >> these are laws that were designed decades ago. it was
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pretty fentanyl. and it's it's not only getting people to not enroll in this life saving treatments, but the way that you access that treatment actually requires you line up every day in the morning. there's methadone clinic in downtown san francisco and the other problem with that is that tracks drug dealers open air drug dealing actually surrounding these methadone clinic says people are preyed on when they try to get on so we're going to change that and actually make california a place where it's easier to get on treatment. we have to make easier to get treatment and it is to get these deadly drugs like fentanyl. >> hey, says if the bill passes, it would allow patients to pick up several doses of the medication instead of lining up for every day, potentially exposing them to drug dealers. >> area students protested in san francisco on friday demanding a cease-fire in gaza. the group gathered at a
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bar cordero plaza and marched across the financial district, calling out corporations in the area they say are profiting from the ongoing conflict. students carry some flowers to symbolize the environment they say is suffering from these deadly effects of >> all of these issues are deeply climate justice can happen with racial young people. moral clarity people definitely see when they see like his in the streets and giving speeches and same poems that's really >> meantime, some bay area residents joined hundreds of human rights advocates on a ship bound for gaza for what they're calling emergency humanttarian aid mission, the international freedom flotilla left istanbul this morning carrying more than 5,000 tons of supplies the ship brings together people from 30 countries. 3 vessels will be used to deliver aid. we heard from bay area volunteers with the palestinian youth movement.
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>> but what we're doing is much more than just bringing in humanitarian aid. it is challenging directly the system of global apartheid against colonized peoples, against people of color. as americans. i find that it is our duty. we all believe that. is it too bench into that global system treated collective liberation and freedom for jewish people. has to freedom from outside house in the >> all right. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, a bill banning plastic bags at grocery stores in california moved one step closer to moved one step closer to becoming a reality.
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dupixent helps you du more with less asthma. and can help you breathe better in as little as two weeks. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. ♪♪ stay ahead of your moderate—to—severe eczema, and show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain,
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or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. choice hotels is a family of brands that helps you get the most for your money, so you can be any traveler you want to be. you can be a free, hot breakfast hero at a comfort hotel. yes! that's how you waffle! mr. "this script got a plot twist" at a radisson hotel. a business big leaguer. (phone ringing) go for key. (blowing) even the ultimate pool float inflator. with 22 brands and the best value for your money,
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choice hotels has a stay for any you. stay twice and get a free night when you book direct at gotta get the corners. francisco mayor london breed is working to keep macy's in union square. she says. >> in a letter she wrote to macy ceo, she offered a partnership between macy's and the city of san francisco, which would include tax incentives. the mayor's office also telling kron 4 that the mayor spoke with macy ceo just last week before she left for china and they say the conversations about the future of that site are ongoing. that location in union square announced it would close in 2026. a push to ban plastic shopping bags that statewide stores is one step closer to becoming a reality. the bill would remove a provision requiring stores to provide 100% recycled paper bags. but the plastics industry says the bill would cost jobs. the measure is heading to the
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state senate appropriations committee for further consideration. happening today, bart officials host official retirement ceremony for its legacy. trains. the ceremony starts at one in the afternoon at oaklands macarthur station. and after that, the public can board a legacy train and ride from macarthur to fremont station mirroring the initial service provided when it opened in september. 1972, the trip lasts around. 45 minutes and travels along 24 miles of the original section of tracks. the legacy trains make way for a new generation. nearly 700 new fleet of the future train cars are now certified for service. 3 legacy cars are headed to the western railway museum in sassoon city. they include an iconic front, a car and will be the only cars from the legacy fleet displayed at that easy. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news protesters rally outside the women's prison in dublin. >> we tell you what they're asking for now that the prison
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will be closed.
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>> now on the kron 4 morning news, san francisco's official for 20 event may be canceled, but large crowds are still expected at golden gate park. we're live this morning with the latest details. and more hurdles facing the a's in their effort to build a new stadium in las vegas. all right. good morning. welcome back. thank you so much for joining us today. we'll get all those stories inejust a
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moment. but let's get you started this half hour with a look at your forecast with who else, mister dave sphar. either i don't there. stephanie. good morning. and good morning, everybody. we have a pretty good weekend going on here for we have the morning cloud cover in the fog shore. >> but that will clear out to mostly sunny going on for the balance here. day in a little bit warmer. looks like inland. >> as we head into your sunday. first things first, the sfo looking good. no delays happening out that way there with a clear skies. basically mostly sunny skies. we'll have the picture for you in just a moment. but basically no delays as what we're talking about right there. there. you can see even a little bit of a shadow going on there and planes taking off. so okay, we do have some winds, however, that will start to build along the coast, particularly it looks like this afternoon and through the quirkiness trade as well as what you can expect. little pop of winds and then a somewhat typical when you get inland heating. but this is just the unfinished business before that highs for us to take over. 57 at this hour for any act. most ratings, in fact are in the 50's. couple 40's hanging on here and there like half moon bay at about 48
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today after we take care of the morning clouds. we are sunny today. 74 looks like by 2 o'clock and continue that trend on into early next week. looking ahead, this, by the way, as our sutro shot, i am stuck in the clouds 81 by sunday and for your monday. we'll see about 80 and also warm for your tuesday before the big drop. and we'll talk more about that extended forecast and look at your 4 zone as well. stephanie. >> all right. looking forward to thanks so much. happening today, large crowds are expected in san francisco's golden gate park. this for 20. that's despite the city canceling this year's official event celebrating all things. cannabis crawford's tiffany justice live for us now at golden gate park this morning to hash out what's planned. tiffany. >> ride the event may have been canceled, but, you know, park and rec really stepping up there saying that they will be holding kickball and volleyball tournaments here right behind us at the robin williams meadow. i'm being told those tournament should start around 10 o'clock this
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morning. you know, the annual for 28 hippie hill event takes place every year on april, 20th and the sharing meadows area of the park and the free event. usually attracts thousands of attendees. however, organizers canceling this year's event citing a number of factors, including citywide budget cuts impacting park and recs ability to cover staffing for the event and economic challenges within the cannabis industry. they say that's making sponsorship hard to secure. but, you people are expected to still arrive. the church of ambrose, a self-described psychedelic church announcing it will be providing support services here on hippie hill, quote, cancellation or not. the church saying that they are partnering with local haight ashbury merchants and nonprofit groups to provide basic safety net services like water, medical aid, along with bathrooms and trash pickup. so again, those volleyball and kickball tournament should be good at 10 o'clock this morning. stephanie, back to you. all right, tiffany,
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thanks so much for your coverage this morning. >> lawmakers in about it could tap into nearly 400 million dollars of taxpayer money to build the a's new stadium in las vegas. but that proposal has led to a lawsuit. and as kron four's, dan kerman reports, the a's have filed the paperwork to get involved. >> it was in june of last year when the nevada legislature passed sb one, a bill earmarking 380 million dollars in public money to help pay for the a's. new baseball stadium in las vegas in february of this year. the nevada teachers union filed a lawsuit against the governor, the treasure and the state of nevada suggesting the way sb one was written violates nevada's constitution. >> issue we're having is that the vote tally was not two-thirds majority for revenue peace that this funding mechanism that they structured under this bill assumes deaths from the county without that's that revenue peace involved, that the law itself, you know, doesn't mention certain populations
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and the county and the language is very sloppy written when it comes to stop iran, rather when it comes to assuming that that's since the initial filing, the legislature and the las vegas stadium authority have also been named in the suit. >> and while a's owner john fisher, he's the one to benefit from the public funds and sb one. the yeas are not named in the suit. but this week the a's filed a motion with the court to intervene in the case saying the athletics and affiliates have a substantial interest in sb one and will be affected if sb one is found unconstitutional without intervention, the athletics ability to protect its interests. we'll be impaired strong. public schools will be opposing their intervention. >> we think there are interests are well represented by the other defendants, many of whom were basically unregistered lobbyist for them during session. so those folks want this stadium just as much as they do a separate filing by as president dave kaval confirms financing and a development agreement for the new stadium had not been finalized. but the process is
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underway. >> it's unclear when the court will rule on the a's participation in this lawsuit. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> protesters rallied at the dublin women's prison on friday, angry that some 600 prisoners are set to be transferred to other facilities. this news comes after officials said the prison would be closing. >> they're terrified the public. colleen, like it each day thinking i'm going to be transferred today. i don't know that's going to have contact with the people. i love. >> at least 8 employees have been charged with sexually abusing inmates at the prison in the past 3 years. why plans to renovate escalators and elevators after a settlement reached with disability rights advocates. the group sued bar back in 2017 accusing the
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transit agency of failing to ensure full and equal access to station services, violating the americans with disabilities act under the settlement. bart must also dispatch a repair person within one hour after an elevator or escalator breaks down at a station. police in pelham are looking for 2 men accused of stealing $3,000 worth of power tools. police say these men loaded shopping carts with tools of friedman's home improvement store tuesday evening and ran off. the men were seen driving away in a black jeep cherokee jeep cherokee. anyone with information is asked to contact the petaluma police department. nearly 2000 positions for the california service corps are available here in the bay area. the rules tackle climate change, support communities affected by disaster and involve mentoring students on friday. as you just saw there, san jose mayor matt mahan join for members to share how the group's work helps underserved communities. he's encouraging young residents to apply for the open jobs in 2022.
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governor gavin newsom started an initiative for corps members to earn money for their service. >> thanks to the california volunteers who are providing opportunities for our young people to get civically engaged, earn a paycheck and take charge of the future of their city. the cement community involvement is exactly what it takes to make big change. >> the money can be used for college trade school or to pay back student loans. >> here at the high street trading. we are hopping on the train to go to shanghai from beijing. yes, i cannot wait to get this high speed train in california. let's people. >> that san francisco mayor london breed in care in her thoughts before boarding a high-speed train there. that trend takes passengers from beijing to shanghai, a distance of more, then 800 miles in just 4 and a half hours. mayor breed says if
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this technology is available in california, the state would be, quote, a model for the rest of the country. reid has been in china for almost a week to improve relations and attract more business for san francisco. and san francisco couple who started a petition complaining about noise from a nearby pickleball court have reportedly so their presidio heights home. according to real estate news outlet, the real deal, the home is listed for 29 million dollars on zillow last year. the couple started a petition to remove nearby public pickleball courts complaining about the sound local pickleball players quite hypocrisy after it was revealed the couple owned their own court and their own backyard. park officials eventually converted several of the public courts to tennis courts. the supreme court is set to hear oral arguments monday on a case that could impact how cities handle homelessness. the case comes as last year saw a record number of people living on the streets nationwide. our washington correspondent
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maddie beer-temple explains. >> this case has attracted a lot of attention with more than 100 briefs filed from across the country asking the court to weigh in in a case that could have far-reaching impact. the supreme court will hear arguments on whether the city of grants pass oregon can punish homeless people for camping in public spaces. one of the most influential cases on housing. >> in over 40 years, a lower court previously ruled in favor of the homeless population, calling it a cruel and unusual punishment to find and arrest people who have nowhere else to go. oregon congresswoman suzanne bott amici spoke outside the high court this week urging justices to rule against the city. housing, not handcuffs is the direction we need to go amici says fining or jailing people traps them in a cycle that makes it harder for them to find housing. in court documents, grants pass. lawyers say that homeless encampments have, quote, multiplied on check throughout the west.
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>> resulting in more violent crime, drug overdoses and disease. california congressman kevin kiley says that's certainly the case in sacramento near his district in parks, on sidewalks, near schools. >> impeding a citizens stopping people from getting into the business is highly says the court should restore the power to enforce laws like those in grants pass that he says promote public safety, freeing our communities to deal with homelessness in a rational and common sense way that protect public safety and public health. i think it's going to be a new day for california. justices will hear arguments monday morning with a decision expected later this year in washington. i'm maddie beer-temple. >> coming up on the kron 4 morning news. another car we call this time impacting tesla's new cybertruck ce. and after the break, a jury has been selected for the criminal trial of former president donald trump. more on what to expect as opening statements begin next week. >> from our sutro camera got a lot of fog cooking here. this
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is going to part, though, for much of our afternoon little bit on the breezy side, temps warming up to inland. we're going to revisit those 80's temporary. got the long-range forecast in your 4 zone in tibet. kron. 4 morning news continues.
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teens have drama. one more minute! braces add more drama.
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ahh! how does anyone do this?! invisalign is better oral hygiene, and no drama. ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ (just one kiss) ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) with reynolds wrap, cooking becomes so easy you can feel like the chef of your kitchen. easy prep. easy cook. easy clean. reynolds wrap. >> national park week kicks off today with free admission at all parks that normally charge entrance fees that includes popular state parks in california like to somebody and sequoia national park. the park service hopes free entry day encourages more people to visit. all right, taking a
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live look outside at mount tam this morning. gorgeous view at that elevation could see some pretty blue skies up there and those fluffy clouds as well. dave, what are you thinking? fluffy you with delicious. yeah. good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. >> speaking a national park. so check out your somebody here. still see the snow in place here. let's take a big snowman. they're kind of working on we have to go home. you can see it's pretty much firmly in place. but we do have some melting coming our way. more of it as we warm up even on the home front numbers to be found. 68 tomorrow. 66 on your monday tuesday. 61. but at least you're not going to have trouble from the weather aloft. at least is going to cooperate for your ravels up there early in t week, particularly although getting cool towards the end of the week. there's that package of cloud cover. we just referenced here again, clearing aloft except along the coast, come sometimes have to deal with some of that lower level moisture a bit that fog, it may take a little longer to kind of clear that out. it will be chilly. now noting some of that clouds.
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that's what the future cast says noting but basically clear into the afternoon tomorrow, somewhat uneventful. that's the leftover marine layer. daytime heating might see the flare up of a few little showers going on, perhaps in yosemite. but we're clear for the next few days on into early next week. let's look at that longer range forecast here for you middle week. it's interesting. look at this. not much with it, but the rotation. is there a little low dropping here doesn't have much moisture to which to play with. we've been through this game recently. not certain in the winter months. we have that plume of moisture coming up from the north or south. but this is dry and these things we love to see in the summer months because it does a nice job kind of cleaning out our atmosphere. if we have monsoon going on, cooling us down a bit. we'll get the cool down. but it looks like there's not much moisture which this for this thing to play with later in the week, though, another wave comes dropping south. looks like it might be on friday. we're still working on the timing thursday through may be saturday morning that the parts, though, in time for next weekend, although it may not be as pretty and as warm, we're still going to be kind of in striking range. it looks
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like a won't have the interference of the major. what affair 66 going on. san francisco will keep him in the lower 60's of the coast. plus, don't forget the cool breezy conditions. 68 burlingame, 70 for foster city, palo alto. 75 in the south bay, upper 70's at work here, san jose at 77 east bay shoreline, lower 70's. but we see decoupling happening in london as they warm up tri valley mid to upper 70's getting in striking range of 80 79 conquered 70 going on for berkeley. the lake around 70 79 fairfield, 77 for now been 81 for santa rosa. spring is nice, but it can so inconsistent. it's going bump that up to around the lower 80's here. wow. who pulled the plug here? 71 going on here tuesday and into the 60's towards the latter portion of the week. so that real lows going kind of correct things here for shake things up. okay. and that we're going go back to some cooler temps to finish off the week. so, you know. >> all right. i'm now your
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trooper. heights, waiting for the summer stuf. haha, thank you so much, dave. looking forward to all of that. well, tesla, cyber trucks are being recalled. traffic safety officials say the issue is tied to a manufacturing flaw cars and one of the petals to get stuck. >> but for rob nesbitt went on a ride along with a bay area. cybertruck owner. >> the cybertruck honor i spoke to says he has not had his accelerator gets stuck but search social media and you'll find several videos of owners showing the problem. >> how tight we know in the ratings. it took him 2 years of being on a waitlist. but david la placa finally got his new cybertruck 2 weeks ago. new thing versus the old tesla's. he loves how it drives all the advances in technology, but he doesn't love how eye-catching it can that gets maybe a little too much attention. >> people always i literally have people want to pull up and parking lots. clap and cheer. >> cybertrucks are also getting the attention of the national highway traffic safety administration. nearly
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4,000 cybertrucks likely all on the road today are being recalled because of a faulty accelerator pedal supposedly been some instances is loose and then it can kind of get stuck in. there is what hurt. it hasn't happened to la placa. but many drivers like jose martinez had posted on tiktok slip up showing how the cover of their accelerator can slide forward and get stuck in that rim of the interior. this morning, i went down to the >> tesla dealership murray and talking about it. said they're going to fixing it by putting basically a vote on against what the fix might be simple. but given the fact that cybertrucks are made to go from 0 to 60 miles per hour in less than 30 seconds. >> sam abuelsamid with guidehouse insights as the problem is not simple. drivers don't have a whole lot of time to respond. >> in and in this case, you know where it could come as a complete surprise. you know, all of a sudden you press press to put down to accelerate and then you lift off and the car study at the truck is still accelerating.
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you might have no idea why a full senate says the accelerator issue is a problem of poor engineering and poor manufacturing at tesla. but he does not see the first recall of cybertrucks having much of a stain on the company's reputation. >> this driver would agree. my spirits been amazing. i love this thing. the recall affects all 2024 cybertrucks made between november 13th and april 4th. tesla is also delaying deliveries of new trucks reporting in the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> for your money this morning, state lawmakers are trying to block new fee expected to end up on your electricity bill next year. customers of major power companies like pg and e could see an additional $24 charge every month in response, regulators are looking to reduce electricity rates to offset the additional cost. meantime, community groups say this fee will hurt low-income residents. the california public utilities commission is expected to approve the fee hike next month. and jury selection is now complete in
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the trial of former president donald trump. the panel will decide decide whether his fate in a case where he stands accused of an illegal hush money scheme. our washington, d.c., correspondent hannah brandt reports. >> the jury selection process was long and exhaustive. but now that it's over, it clears the way for the court to move forward with arguments and testimony which are expected to be pretty dramatic. >> as his trial moves forward, the former president is this week. the court selected 12 jurors and 6 alternates. george washington university law professor steven salzberg says the process focused on finding people who can be fair and impartial. both sides have chance to strike jurors. he didn't like. >> and we ended up with what we needed. >> prosecutors say trump participated in an illegal hush money scheme to cover up an alleged affair with an adult film star. and on monday, lawyers from both sides will have the chance to present their opening statements to the jury. it's a much faster process that a lot
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of people predicted president trump expressed frustration that the trial is keeping him off the campaign very unfair. he also complained about a gag order from the judge that bars him from publicly criticizing witnesses. they state. the prosecution says he's violated. that gag order pointed to his truth. social post lashing out at his former lawyer, michael cohen and adult film star stormy daniels. 2 key witnesses in the case. some of the things that >> defended trump is already said. i think it would have gotten an ordinary defendant held in contempt of court. >> the judge set a hearing for next week to decide whether or not trump did violate the gag order and to decide whether to find him over it in washington. i'm hannah brandt. >> now to bay area sports, the giants at home taking on the arizona diamondbacks four's. erin wilson takes a look at
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the highlights. >> well, the giants they look to make it 2 in a row on friday night over the diamondbacks at oracle, they had their big offseason acquisition. blake snell on the looking to get its first win as a giant. could he do the diamondbacks, their bets working on friday night already of one to nothing here in the 4th lays out answers goal. the shot to right knox and another run is nail. will he ended up giving up 5 runs 9 hits in 4 and two-thirds innings? well, the giants, their bullpen wasn't much better. bases loaded here, forgivable rain on the 7 rips a liner into the wall in center. 2 more runs come in to score and the rout was on oracle actually turned into an outbreak. hitchcock movie. there you see the sequel that i love so much. diamondbacks they get. 22 hit and lakes trail in the giants. final score. 17 to one to break for the giants. i'll toss it back to you at the dais. >> aaron, thank you. meanwhile, the a's in
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cleveland taking on the guardian's cleveland with score 5 runs in the 5th inning. i was too much for the a's to overcome cleveland winds by final of 10 to 2. happening tomorrow in honor of earth day thrive. city and francisco hosts a storefront market. it will be from noon to 4 on sunday. it includes food, art, pet adoption booths and musical performances. the event is free and tickets are given out for first come first served. happening today. the cherry blossom festival continues at san francisco's japantown. this is the second weekend of the festival featuring food music and live performances. if you can't make it today, the final day of the event is tomorrow. this is the final festival before renovations start at japan towns, peace plaza. we'll be right back. and there's a new
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exhibit to check out at the asian art museum. it's called phoenix kingdoms. the last lender of china's bronze age. it features 150 art pieces from the young to river valley. friday marked the grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony unfolded alongside traditional dances and other performances. how charming. >> i look forward to phoenix kingdom's educating attendees on history, showcasing antiquity and fostering u.s. china relations. this effort enriches our past understanding why fostering global cooperation for her money is speech
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>> the exhibit stays open until july 22nd. still ahead on the next hour on the kron 4 morning news. a major road closure could cause a traffic headache this weekend and the north bay. we tell you how to get around. plus, one bay area lawmaker is stepping up efforts to fight drug overdoses statewide. and the family of mario gonzalez speaks out after 3 officers are charged with his death. stay with us. the proper morning news continues with morning news continues with those stories and more.
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♪♪ ♪ you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪♪
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♪ you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪♪ ♪ you just remember what your old pal said ♪ ♪ boy, you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪♪ it's a celebration of friendship & beyond. from the new parade to together forever - a new nighttime spectacular fireworks show. pixar fest. at the disneyland resort for a limited time. starting april 26th.
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the kron. 4 morning news and east bay family remembers him and 3 years after he died in a confrontation with police. >> and thousands expected to gather today at golden gate park. this for 20, even after the city of san francisco cancels. it's official head of the celebration. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news >> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's saturday. april 20th, that's get you started with a look at the weather with dave sphar. good morning, dave. well, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and it looks like a pretty sweet saturday and sunday coming your way here now today will be treated to some what kind of consistent winds going on along the coast, particularly so add a little extra chill and will take a while for some of that fog kind of clear on out. >> for everybody else. now we do have some scattered clouds aloft. you can see this package marching right through the bay as we speak. so give
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us a few hours will probably start to see this depart opening up the skies nicely for here's the shot from the golden gate. and there you can see the flag loyally pointing from that on shore direction. it's going to stay there. just about all day today. it will be that little breeze cooking today, little bit less so tomorrow as we start going to the warming phase in earnest most the winds checked and calm right now, although picking up around fairfield and they will this afternoon, too. and along the coast, fairly calm for now. we do see a hodgepodge of 40's and 50's, although mostly 50's on the board there for like 48 for the battle. 57 antioch with mid-fifties along the east bay shoreline, too. for contrast, we're pretty close, although a little chillier up in the north bay, by contrast. so for today, expect mostly sunny. we'll see those 70's here. not quite 80 yet. for the most part, we're going to see a lot more than littering. our maps by tomorrow and on into early next week. big changes, though, for the middle of the week. we'll have details on that. stephanie. >> all right, david, thank you. happening today, large crowds are expected in san
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francisco's golden gate park. this for 20. that's despite the city canceling this year's official event celebrating all things. cannabis kron four's tiffany justice live for us now at golden gate park to hash out what's planned. tiffany. >> all right, stephanie, good morning. the event may have been canceled but has park in red will be hosting volleyball and kickball tournament right behind us at robin williams meadow. they are already setting up bright and early this morning with the volleyball and kickball reena's in spaces. we're being told that those game should start around 10 o'clock. this morning. the annual for 20 at hippie hill event takes place every year on april. 20th in the sharon meadow area of the park. you know that free of that usually attracts thousands of attendees. however, organizers canceling this year's event citing a number of factors, including citywide budget cuts impacting parking wrecks, ability to cover staffing for the event
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and economic challenges within the cannabis industry. they say that's making sponsorship are to secure. so they do expect still people arriving to the area. the church of bureau says self-described psychedelic church announcing it will be providing support services here on hippie hill, quote, cancellation or not. the church saying that they are partnering with local haight ashbury merchants and nonprofit groups to provide a basic safety net of services, which will include water, medical aid, trash, pickup and bathrooms. again, the kickball and volleyball tournament should start at 10 o'clock this morning. stephanie, back to all right, tiffany, thank you so much. >> happening now, highway 37 in the north bay is closed for the weekend. caltrans says it's repainting the westbound lanes this weekend and next crews will then work on the eastbound lanes. the first to wake weekends of may. they are encouraging travelers to please use detours. >> beginning around 20 to
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you're going to go right towards napa county taking state route. 29, where you'll catch. they wrote one. 21 where you make a left to go eastbound to once again keep going and cats. 12 that would take you down to state route. 37, everybody here that is local kind of knows this route as a shortcut. but it's not. it's along the tours that we're expecting. that to be from one hour to 2 hours. so we really are asking the public to plan ahead. >> the road is expected to reopen around for monday morning. and friday, mark 3 years since the death of mario gonzalez, a vigil happened last night for the man who was in police custody when he died. kron four's dan thorn reports. >> you know, gonzalez, his family calls it his angel for surrey friday, marking 3 years since his death in alameda police custody. it was in this park. alameda police say officers responding to a report of gonzales talking to himself in acting oddly, they
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were then seen on body cam video pinning the 26 year-old father to the ground face down before he died. gonzales, his cause of death was later ruledn as a homicide. gonzalez's family expressed some joy in knowing the 3 officers are now facing criminal charges, but is good >> betty have grateful receive the not >> gonzalez's mother edith are in. ali's says the body cam video shows the police were clearly in the wrong alameda county district attorney pamela price announced the involuntary manslaughter charges. thursday night. kept hopes high and >> thankfully we finally got news that they're going proceed with the charges or at >> gained 40 it has act. and ceremony was held in gonzales. this honor as people in the community also lit candles and brought flowers to alter. his family says they hope the
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criminal charges stick so they can continue to heal. you know, ben definitely major step the right direction. you know, no, nobody kicking game is somebody, you my you know what to the city of alameda has already reached 2 settlements with gonzalez. his family, one for 11 million dollars, which will go to his son and the other for $350,000, which will go to his mother. and as for the charges, if those officers are convicted, they face up to 4 years in prison. in alameda, dan thorn kron, 4 news. >> meantime, leaders in the recall effort against alameda county district attorney pamela they are not impressed with the charges she filed against the officers in the mario gonzalez case. kron four's philippe djegal explains. >> i feel that there are a whole things that she couldn't do right now that are more mister manno and making our community safer. grisham and
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carl chan are the principal officers for safe alameda for everyone. >> the group spearheading the recall effort against alameda county district attorney pamela price. and although the field for mario gonzalez, his family following his death in 2021, they are unimpressed by prices decision to charge 3 officers involved in his killing with involuntary manslaughter. let's wait and see because i'm sure that, you know, the evidence will show whether or not, you >> the police at that the right not la mente price focusing on past cases already reviewed by her predecessor. they say she is attempting to score points with the community by targeting cops rather than fighting for crime victims. you're not on the side of the people you're on the side of whoever is in your ear. >> and that's not. you know, that's not a good judgment right now. last december, the city of alameda settled civil lawsuits with the gonzalez family exceeding 11 million dollars myself and now our
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entire team and many people who signed a petition to recall a. >> we're realizing that, you know, she's not performing the job to a supposed to said. district attorney no ice. you know, we were not be here today and talking about a week. all safe says it is waiting for the alameda county board of supervisors to accept its recalled certification. >> from the registrar of voter's and then set a date for an election requests for comment from price's office and campaign have not been answered. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. oakland police arrested 8 people for a series of armed robberies. the most recent happening tuesday morning. >> a delivery truck driver dropping off tobacco products on mountain boulevard and shown avenue when 2 cars with multiple armed people pulled up, stole the products and took off during investigation. officials connected the armed robbery to a series of other robberies throughout the bay area. and marin county may be closer to building it of new affordable housing complex.
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developers want to create 125 apartment units on the site of marin would plaza near highway 101, the marin county community development agency got the proposal this week. that application must now undergo reviews by multiple agencies, which could take several months. happening today. the oakland ballers baseball team hosts an earth day cleanup event at the side of their future home raimondi park. this comes after the oakland city council voted this week approving an ordinance allowing the team to spend more than a million dollars to renovate the park. the team hopes to play its home games. they're starting this summer. 60 volunteers are expected today to paint pull weeds and pick up trash. >> and it's an honor that our city has been chosen for the first time to be a long-term host, 2 giant pandas. >> giant pandas are coming back to san francisco. they lived here for a year back in
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1984, this will be the first time giant pandas have a long-term residency at the san francisco zoo. san diego is also set to get new pandas the zoo. thank mayor london breed and said, quote, we are thrilled for the return of the giant panda to san francisco zoo. it symbolizes hope for conservation collaboration and bridges divides between cultural differences. coming up here on the kron 4 morning news, san francisco mayor london breed again, she's taking new steps to stop macy's from leaving union square. >> plus, one bay area lawmaker is trying to make it easier to prevent fentanyl overdoses statewide. and after the break, the south bay restaurant is set to close after more than 60 years of serving the silicon valley. customers are showing their support. >> going to shake off these morning clouds and sunshine into the balance of the day. those inland highs may be falling short of 80, but we'll do it tomorrow and early next week as well. little flavor of the tour spring coming our way. the clock for more news.
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welcome back to kron. 4 morning news. good morning, everybody. in life sutro shots, right? mount tam shot and there's that layer of cloud cover. we reference before. >> one of the problems we're having this morning is guess what? it's back. the inversion thing. yeah. so therefore above us, it's drier. that's a plus. the problem is it's much warmer and that air is very dense. drier air tends be more dense, but above he's less air pressure. so there's less density. and then on top of
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that, it's warmer. and that's really hard to really get this air to mix above us. so that's one thing we're fighting. but inland there are already getting at the clear cover coming because that patrick cloud cover is going to move on out. it's this marine layer that's going to be stubborn. and that means along the coast. it may be a little trouble kind of clearing out a little bit here. here's what we've got going on. storm tracker, 4, this little partial clock or reference this not to be an issue going blow off by. so you folks inland the don't have the fog problem. we'll clear out nicely. but again, along the coast and low level clouds maybe a little bit of an issue because it's just a hot balloon with hot air around. it can't move as easily. we have a lot of 50's going on in the east bay, 50 up 'o santa rosa. 52, san francisco. 55. meanwhile, 4 san jose future cast for its noting some of that parcel cloud cover. i mentioned basically that clears out real quickly. let's keep it sunny today. tomorrow and along the mountain chain there a little bit might see some afternoon showers a little bit from leftover moisture. does the typical daytime heating flaring up? we see that a lot of times in the summer months and as you can see, not a lot of moisture
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there now today compared to tomorrow. we do see a little bit of a pop with winds that happened. synoptic lee, if you will. there's the coverage area along the coast goes right across the golden gate park in a straight-sets go up to solano county. you get those local winds working there, particularly in the afternoon hours tomorrow, the typical afternoon pop-up will happen, but not as the same intensity. and we'll probably see some better clearing along the coast, too. but in this all together for you, the morning clouds breezy at the coast, lower 60's of the coast there. but near 80 happening inland. so some folks may pop that if you don't make it today, you're probably make it tomorrow in tri valley there. 70's. meanwhile, for a lot of the bay, mostly sunny and a touch warmer the next week, we start off warmer. but boy, by wednesday, somebody takes a weird turn. and boy, things change again. cool for the latter portion of the week. it's back to 60's and we stay that way. 66 san francisco, early clouds but sunshine. pretty much ruling much of the day here. 71 going on for oakland. 77, san jose with morning clouds and nice. there's a look at your temperature map here and we'll
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have more of this and the 4 zone forecast. we'll get up to about 84 antioch in santa rosa. elsewhere, expect mostly the 70's a couple days, stephanie, of the warm stuff here until we get around wednesday, middle the week, a dry system, but it will cool us off bit. >> all right. great. we'll get more on that a bit. it's i like. thanks very much. dave. well, this coming tuesday, a legendary business in san jose closes its doors for good. the burger pitt has served silicon valley for 60 years before his jack moment spoke with customers. >> drive down blossom hill and kuz there in san jose. any time and well, you get the idea. sounds smell of. >> for other pet bird up, it's always been go to john to see just trying to make the memories last of what's been his go-to spot. and now that it's at the end of the run, we've been coming in. i'll time outside. it's much of the cheeseburger motion burger,
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michele stephenson and brett white from childhood spot to date spot. yes, but it's not only the food. >> but the service, the woman who's retiring she's very sweet. >> she's our best friend. yeah. a dog can help with the regulars here will tell you they will miss jodi the most. i only have the use of one hand and packets would difficult for me to open and she would always for me. they mean a lot to me. they really do. jodi has worked at this burger pit location for nearly 5 decades back that the burger pick grant was around 20 years young, but like all good things in this world, i think we're done so many people are left wondering why is the burger pit closing down? what the manager tells me. it's simply because the property owners decided that did not want to renew the not yet. >> i think because i've been doing it for so long. you know it's a i'm sure. by tuesday, it knock me off my feet and some who's been by jodi's
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side. boyfriend, amazing. >> no. joe and the namesake kept families coming back for them a lot kids blood tissue. evelyn and carla padron have been coming to the burger pick for 60 years place where we could take the family. >> when they little the kids were little. we started it. >> take kids with an ever changing san jose. even the new generations can appreciate good food. >> i feel like they try to make people i in. if they are, i hope. >> it's working. riyky wheel has been eating here as long as he's been alive and like all of us by the end of the bay area institution. keep trying go to a very good fit wherever it is in san jose. jack moment, 4 news. oakland's main library closes temporarily next month for renovations. the closure is set to begin may 27th library officials hope to reopen early
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november. >> officials say the plan is to repair and improve upon the library's design. francisco assemblymember matt haney, haney rather is pushing to make a drug that could help prevent fatal drug overdoses. experts say methadone reduces the likelihood of dying by more than 50%. he says it's time for california to change its outdated loss. >> these are laws that were designed decades ago and it was pretty fentanyl. and it's it's not only getting people to not enroll in this life saving treatments, but the way that you access that tree that actually requires you line up every day in the morning. there's a methadone clinic in downtown san francisco. and the other problem with that is that it tracks drug dealers open air drug dealing actually surroundings. methadone clinic says people are preyed on when they try to get on so we're going to change that and actually make california a place where it's easier to get on treatment. we have to make easier to get treatment and it is to get these deadly drugs like fentanyl.
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>> haney says if the bill passes, it would allow patients to pick up several doses of the medication. instead of lining up for every day. >> area students protested in san francisco friday demanding a cease-fire in gaza. the group gathered at embarcadero plaza and marched across the financial district, calling out corporations in the area they say are profiting from the ongoing conflict. students carried some flowers to symbolize the environment they say is suffering from the deadly effects of war. >> we believe all of these issues are deeply climate justice can happen racial young people. moral clarity people definitely see when they see like offense in the streets and giving speeches and poems, that's really >> meantime, some bay area residents join hundreds of human rights advocates on a ship bound for gaza for what they're calling emergency
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humanitarian aid mission, the international freedom flotilla left istanbul this morning carrying more than 5,000 tons of supplies. the ship brings together people from 30 countries. 3 vessels will be used to deliver aid. we heard from bay area volunteers with the palestinian youth movement. >> but what we're doing is much more than just bringing in humanitarian aid. it is challenging directly the system of global apartheid against colonized peoples, against people of color. as americans. i find that it is our duty. we all believe that. is it too so bench tonight, global system treated collective liberation and freedom for jewish people. has to freedom from house house in the hands. >> and still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, a bill banning plastic bags at grocery stores in california moves one step closer to becoming a reality. san
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francisco mayor london breed says she's working to keep macy's in union square and a letter she wrote to macy ceo. she offered a partnership between macy's and the city of san francisco, which would include tax incentives. the mayor's office also telling kron 4 the mayor spoke with macy ceo just last week before she left for china. they say the conversations about the future of the site are ongoing. that location did announced it would close in 2026. and a push to ban plastic shopping bags at
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statewide stores is one step closer to becoming a reality. the bill would remove a provision requiring stores to provide 100% recycled paper bags. but the plastics industry says the bill would cost jobs. the measure is heading to the state senate appropriations committee for consideration. happening today. bart officials host official retirement ceremony for its legacy. trains. the ceremony begins at one in the afternoon at oaklands macarthur station. after that, the public can board a legacy train and ride from macarthur to the fremont station mirroring the initial service. barr provided when it opened in september 1972, the trip last about 45 minutes and travels alone. 24 miles of the original section of tracks. the legacy trains make way for a new generation. nearly 700 new fleet of the future train cars are now certified for service. 3 legacy cars are headed to the western railway museum in city. they include an iconic front, a car and will be the only cars from the
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legacy fleet displayed at the museum. still ahead on the morning news protesters rally outside the women's prison in dublin. we tell you what they're asking for now, but the prison will be closing.
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>> now on the kron 4 morning news, san francisco's official for 20 event may be canceled but large crowds are still expected at golden gate park. we're live this morning with the latest details. and more hurdles facing the a's and their effort to build a new
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stadium in las vegas. good morning. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. thank you so much for joining us today. we'll get to all those stories in just a moment. but let's get you started this half hour with a look at your forecast with dave sphar. hey there. day a good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and a nice flavor of spring going on here for you this weekend. almost goldilocks. like is not too hot. not too cold. maybe. >> although it's a bit on the wall above average, warm for those inland valleys going on this weekend. don't think we get too many complaints and the fog a little bit to start off. but here's the shot from sfo. we actually have some mid layer cloud cover. it's a kind of marching on past that will be for the next few hours. but on balance, no problems out of sfo. our winds are going to pick up a little bit this afternoon, kind of focusing the coast and right across the quirkiness straight golden gate, kind of going in a straight line in that direction from the coast off to the inland valleys. but that be a pop this afternoon. most readings are in the 50's. some 40's hanging on like a 148 61 for antioch. 55 for san
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jose. there's a nice warm up this afternoon. mid 70's this afternoon again, look set along the coast for some of those fog clouds kind of remaining and this is what you can expect over the next few days. how about that? lower 80's going on sunday, monday and even into tuesday. big changes, though, happened towards the latter part of next week will also look into that in your 4 zone forecast. stephanie. all right, dave, thank you. >> happening today, large crowds are expected in san francisco's golden gate park. this for 20. that's despite the city canceling this year's official event celebrating all things. cannabis kron four's tiffany justice live for us now at golden gate park to hash out what's planted a hater. tiffany. >> all right, stephanie. yes, the event may have been canceled, but san francisco park and rec will be hosting kickball and volleyball tournaments in the field right behind us. we are located at the robin williams meadow. >> where they will be holding
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those gains are being told at 10 o'clock this morning. as you guys can see right behind, does the have been setting up all morning long? we've got some food trucks arriving as well. >> we do know that the annual for 20 at hippie hill event takes place every year on april. 20th and the shared meadows area of the park that free event usually attracts thousands of attendees. however, organizers canceling this year's event citing a number of factors, including citywide budget cuts impacting parking wrecks ability to cover staffing for the event in an economic challenges within the cannabis industry. they say that's making sponsorship hard to secure. now, its people still expecting to arrive. the church of umbro size, self-described psychedelic church announcing that it will be providing services here on hippie hill. quote, cancellation or not. the church saying that they are partnering with local hate asprey ashbury merchants and nonprofit groups to provide basic security net services like water, medisal aid,
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bathrooms, trash pickup. so we do know again, we want to mention that cancel ation of the event may have taken place, but park and rec will be hosting volleyball and kickball this morning, starting at 10 o'clock reporting live to be justice. back to studio. alright, tiffany, thank you so much. well, lawmakers in nevada could tap into nearly 400 million dollars of taxpayer money to build the a's new stadium in las vegas. >> but that proposal has led to a lawsuit and as kron four's, dan kerman reports the a's have filed the paperwork to get involved. >> it was in june of last year when the nevada legislature passed sb one, a bill earmarking 380 million dollars in public money to help pay for the a's. new baseball stadium in las vegas in february of this year. the nevada teachers union filed a lawsuit against the governor, the treasurer and the state of nevada suggesting the way sb one was written violates
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nevada's constitution. >> issue we're having is that the vote tally was not two-thirds majority for revenue peace that this funding mechanism that they structured under this bill assumes deaths from the county without that's that revenue peace involved, that the law itself, you know, doesn't mention certain populations and the county and the language is very sloppy written when it comes to stop iran, rather when it comes to assuming that that's since the initial filing, the legislature and the las vegas stadium authority have also been named in the suit. >> and while a's owner john fisher, he's the one to benefit from the public funds and sb one. the yeas are not named in the suit. but this week the a's filed a motion with the court to intervene in the case saying the athletics and affiliates have a substantial interest in sb one and will be affected if sb one is found unconstitutional without intervention, the athletics ability to protect its interests. we'll be impaired strong. public schools will be opposing their intervention. >> we think there are
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interests are well represented by the other defendants, many of whom were basically unregistered lobbyist for them during session. so those folks want this stadium just as much as they do a separate filing by as president dave kaval confirms financing and a development agreement for the new stadium had not been finalized. but the process is underway. >> it's unclear when the court will rule on the a's participation in this lawsuit. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> protesters rallied at the dublin women's prison on friday, angry that some 600 prisoners are set to be transferred to other facilities. the news comes after officials said the prison would be close. >> they're terrified the public. colleen, like it each day thinking i'm going to be transferred today. i don't know that's going to have contact with the people. i love.
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>> at least 8 employees have been charged with sexually abusing inmates at the prison in the past 3 years. our plans to renovate elevators and escalators after a settlement reached with disability rights advocates. the group sued bar back in 2017 accusing the transit agency of failing to ensure full and equal access to station services, violating the americans with disabilities act under the settlement. bart must also dispatch a repair person within one hour after an elevator or escalator breaks down at a station. police in petaluma are looking for 2 men accused of stealing $3,000 worth of power tools. police say these men loaded shopping carts with tools of friedman's home improvement store tuesday evening and ran off. the men were seen driving away in a black jeep cherokee. anyone with information is asked to please contact the petaluma police department. and nearly 2000 positions for the california service corps are available right here in the bay area. the roles tackle
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climate change, support communities affected by disaster and involve mentoring students on friday. san jose mayor matt mahan joined quarter members to share how the group's work helps underserved communities. he's encouraging young resident young residents to apply for the open jobs in 2022. governor gavin newsom started an initiative for corps members to earn money for their service. >> thanks to the california volunteers who are providing opportunities for young people to get civically engaged, earn a paycheck and take charge of the future of their city. the cement community involvement is exactly what it takes to make big change. >> the money can be used for college trade school or to pay back student loans. >> here at the high street trading. we are hopping on the train to go to shanghai from beijing. yes, i cannot wait to get this high speed train in
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california. let's people. >> and that san francisco mayor london breed in china sharing her thoughts before boarding a high-speed train there. the train takes passengers from beijing to but it's distance of more than 800 miles in just 4 and a half hours. mayor bridge says that this technology is available in california. the state would be, quote, a model for the rest of the country. reid has been in china for almost a week to improve relations and attract more business for san francisco. the supreme court is set to hear oral arguments monday on a case that could impact how cities handle. the case comes as last year saw a record number of people living on the streets nationwide. our washington correspondent maddie beer-temple explains. this case has attracted a lot of attention with more than 100 briefs filed from across the country asking the court to weigh in. >> in a case that could have far-reaching impact. the supreme court will hear arguments on whether the city of grants pass oregon can
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punish homeless people for camping in public spaces. one of the most influential cases on housing. >> in over 40 years, a lower court previously ruled in favor of the homeless population, calling it a cruel and unusual punishment to find and arrest people who have nowhere else to go. oregon congresswoman suzanne bott amici spoke outside the high court this week urging justices to rule against the city. housing, not handcuffs is the direction we need to go on. amici says fining or jailing people traps them in a cycle that makes it harder for them to find housing. in court documents, grants pass. lawyers say that homeless encampments have, quote, multiplied on check throughout the west. >> resulting in more violent crime, drug overdoses and disease. california congressman kevin kiley says that's certainly the case in sacramento near his district in parks, on sidewalks, near schools. >> impeding a citizens stopping people from getting
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into businesses. kylie says the court should restore the power to enforce laws like those in grants pass that he says promote public safety, freeing our communities to deal with. >> homelessness in a rational and common sense way that protect public safety and public health. i think it's going to be a new day for california. justices will hear arguments monday morning with a decision expected later this year in washington. i'm maddie beer-temple. that's a cyber trucks are being recalled. traffic safety officials say the issue is tied to a manufacturing flaw causing one of the pedals to get stuck. >> kron four's rob nesbitt went on a ride along with a bay area. cybertruck owner. >> the cybertruck honor i spoke to says he has not had his accelerator gets stuck but search social media and you'll find several videos of owners showing the problem. >> see how tight we know in the ratings. it took him 2 years of being on a waitlist. but david la placa finally got his new cybertruck 2 weeks ago. new thing versus the old tesla's. he loves how it drives all the advances in
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technology, but he doesn't love how eye-catching it can that gets maybe a little too much attention. >> people always i literally have people want to pull up and parking lots. clap and cheer. >> cybertrucks are also getting the attention of the national highway traffic safety administration. nearly 4,000 cybertrucks likely all on the road today are being recalled because of a faulty accelerator pedal supposedly been some instances is loose. >> and then it can kind of stuck in there as would hurt. >> it hasn't happened to la placa but many drivers like jose martinez had posted on tiktok slip up showing how the cover of their accelerator can slide forward and get stuck in that rim of the interior. this morning, i went down to the >> tesla dealership, mayor talked about it. and said they're going to fixing it by putting basically a vote on panel. so that's what the fix might be simple. but given the fact that cybertrucks are made to go from 0 to 60 miles per hour in less than 30 seconds.
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>> sam abuelsamid with guidehouse insights as the problem is not simple. drivers don't have a whole lot of time to respond. >> in and in this case, you know where it could come as a complete surprise. you know, all of a sudden you press press to put down to tolerate and then you lift off and the car study at the truck is still accelerating. you might have no idea why a full senate says the accelerator issue is a problem of poor engineering and poor manufacturing at tesla. but he does not see the first recall of cybertrucks having much of a stain on the company's reputation. >> this driver would agree. my spirits been amazing. i love this thing. the recall affects all 2024 cybertrucks made between november 13th and april 4th. tesla is also delaying deliveries of new trucks reporting in the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> all right. a little flavor of spring coming your way next. couple of days. we're going to be venturing into some of the lower 80's. we got the morning fog. no kidding. right here. and some inland clouds, too. but that will depart as we go to the afternoon check out your 4
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zone forecast, an extended we come back. but morning news come back. but morning news continues.
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febreze! your bathroom... needs febreze small spaces... the always-on, odor-fighting air freshener you set and forget. no outlets used, no batteries needed, no effort required. so your bathroom stays continuously fresh for 45 days. that's the power of febreze small spaces. >> all right. welcome back. taking a live look outside at the golden gate bridge this morning. looking like the start of a beautiful day out 44 this saturday morning, dave, what are you keeping an eye on that? it is. good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. we're going to be working on those temperatures while we're at it. whocwant to send you real
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quick? 70 still some snow left over. >> yeah. but that's going to be challenge over the next few days. they see war money warming happening up there as well as on the home front. here's a look at the forecast next few days into the upper 60's. we go change happening on tuesday. hint, however, if you're headed up that direction. whether its tahoe or you're somebody, no problems in terms of any weather along your way now. little package of cloud cover you see going on here. that's what everybody is getting. a loft that will clear out next few hours. but it's at the surface more that marine layer kind of thing. that's going to be a problem along the coast a bit because the air above us is drier. that's a plus. but its warmer it's hard getting that buoyancy to kind of get the mixing process going on. futurecast. ford's noting some of that morning cloud cover aloft. that clears out real quickly. and later going today with daytime heating, we actually see the flare up today tomorrow, a little bit some afternoon clouds you can see going on there. maybe a stray shower or 2. that looks like to be around your somebody or maybe quite national park. no major deal
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with all of that. it's somewhat of a typical pattern we sometimes see in the summer months. now let's get to long-range forecast here. interesting stop it. there. interesting rotation here, yellow without any bite to it, it will bring down our temperatures for sure. some scattered clouds and all but not much moisture which to work with. now in the summer months. we love this because it's the heat spike breaker for u.s. senate will do that now and it's going bring those temperatures way back to the 60's, even well inland. another reinforcing way promises to bring maybe some scattered showers will call it for anywhere from late thursday on where to early saturday, potentially with that, looks ok next weekend, although they'll be induction of some cloud cover kind of coming and going through this. but cooler temperatures that were to get this weekend. so for today, the strikes, 66 san francisco at the coast. little cooler, lower 60's. don't forget that onshore wind is going to be with us. so definitely a windbreaker. 68 for burlingame, 70 foster city, redwood city. 73 in the south bay, upper 70's working here east bay shoreline, lower
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70's, slightly warmer happening inland. that's the pattern we're getting used to now, as we see the decoupling happening, tri valley, you can expect mid to upper 70's at work here. walnut creek at 77. 79 conquered 70 going on for berkeley. billy, what 70 79 fairfield, 77, napa and 81 going on for santa rosa, your seven-day forecast. here's the drop happening on tuesday with the cloud cover that's going to be our low off our coast. might see some showers working here anytime from thursday through friday. a little bit, but much cooler temperatures in the 60's. stephen. all right, dave, thank you. >> earth day is just around the corner a day to reflect on the beauty of our planet and how we can better care for it. it's san francisco, the calorie counting. sciences is working on an exciting project that involves protecting local butterflies and the ecosystem. joining us live now to share more is lead researcher deer elk up on. good morning to you. good morning. thank you for having me here. it's real
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honor to represent all the people in institutions that made this possible. and it's we're so glad to have you here to talk about this really interesting project that's working, sir. >> protect and protect the local environment and also we're going to be promoting a local species. if you want to describe a little bit more concerned over 80 years ago, >> species known name desserts. these blue went extinct and it's kind of an ignominious fate to have the first insect that we know of in north america go extinct in our so that was in the presidio. and the reason why went extinct is because we basically filled in all the doings between laker said in golden with houses and everything, including the presidio military so 80 years later, we're finding a butterfly. we're using our collections to find a local butterfly could stand in the shoes of the 16th. better find in the 60's blue. >> got it. okay. basically what is it about this different species that makes that made your team feel like this is going to be a good
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stand-in for the xerces sure. so we started with a >> being called by community to look at the collection, which has millions of specimens, including some of the last he's ever seen from 1941. and we basically started by comparing genetically we sequenced the genome of the closest related species, the silvery blue and look for local populations. that might be a good ecological, sarah, good. that's what they're called. and then we with that really under graduate intern who lived in monterey. all gambhir. she i build a mitch find out that the xerxes really has compatible populations that love cold foggy evenings. yeah. and sort of sunny habitats in the day with sandy dunes in a special plan called deer looked at that model results. we found populations in the field that match desert. he's ecological niche. so again, the name of
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the butterfly that is becoming the surrogate is the silvery blue butterfly, which we have right here my hand, wonderful says silvery the silvery why is it so important that introduce the silvery blue? >> to this particular ecosystem in san francisco in the presidio. so the presidio trust in the national park system have been regenerating the dunes in the presidio for over 30 years of work. so this is sort of like the book birthday candle on the top of that great cake of and so adding back the silvery blue, he's going to basically restore that ecological niche. more importantly, the xerxes is sort of the poster child for insect or invertebrate conservation. and the zurich see society was formed basically to regenerate places like san francisco to provide habitat for species that have been lost or that state, which is called extra patients. and what is the hope? because you
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did release a number of the insects into the presidio recently just over a week ago. >> really cool sight. we're playing some video of that just a moment ago. but what is the hope as the insects repopulate the area there? well, i mean, we've got 2 homes. one is that we get the blue butterfly flying back that we won't know for a year and will probably continue releases so far found aches being late on their host plant. well, as well the butterfly selected a little place about 30 meters away from where we released that they said i love this. so they're speaking to us. >> so it takes a whole year to go through from a to a don't. so next spring will be out there looking to see if those little tiny a's. hatch into larvae and made it all the way through pain and flying next it's incredible. and >> you know, you've this project is at least 4 years old, right? i think the during the commercial you were telling me that's how long you've been working on it. >> any unexpected discoveries about the insect or about the
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presidio. >> during your research. >> certainly the most amazing thing is that the butterflies by moving into their perfect little habitat sort of give us a lens on the way they want to see the so on the economy of sciences and many partners have a project called a re-imagining san francisco. and now one of those partners as this little butterfly telling us, hey, this is what i like to see a few oak trees to get me out of the wind. some of this deer. we did some other seen the plans with good flowers that i can feed on. so it's super exciting to have a new partner in this project and also super important for conservation in general to be able to to sort of repopulate areas that have had to sort of help. >> people who are out in the presidio in san francisco, they're able to see the butterflies now. >> they if they're lucky and their skill, they might be able to take a the butterflies are either going to find a local spot like i mentioned, or they're going to keep fighting until we find a better spot. we have project
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on i naturalist. so if you find a better find, take a picture. we can identify it for you and it will be aggregated with all the other observations. so you can see that. online. double. >> and in our last about 15 seconds here, give a message for people this earth day, this upcoming earth ensure. i think this project is all about collaboration and regeneration. and so get out. look for unity in nature and work with your local ngo's and other organizations. >> to help. butterflies and other insects, habitat will be really great. >> all right. cup on with cal academy of sciences in san francisco. thank you so much for your work on this. ok, you're welcome. thank you. all
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>> and there's a new exhibit to check out at the asian art museum. it's called phoenix kingdoms, but last lender of china's bronze age, it features 150 art pieces from the young river valley. friday marked the grand opening ribbon cutting ceremony unfolded alongside traditional dances and other performances. >> i look forward to phoenix kingdom's educating attendees on history, showcasing antiquity and fostering u.s. china relations. this effort enriches our past understanding why fostering global cooperation for her money is speech exhibit stays open until july 22nd. >> happening tomorrow in honor of earth day, thcity and san francisco host a
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storefront market. it will be from noon to 4 on sunday, including food, our pet adoption booths and musical performances. it is free and tickets are given out first come first served. still ahead on the next hour of the kron 4 morning news. a major road closures could cause a traffic headache this weekend in the north bay. we'll tell you how to get around. plus how one bay area lawmaker is stepping up efforts to fight drug overdoses statewide. >> and the family of mario gonzalez speaks out after 3 officers are charged with his death. stay with us. the kron 4 morning news continues with 4 morning news continues with those stories and more.
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we're here today to set the record straight about dupuytren's contracture. surgery is not your only treatment option. people may think their contracture has to be severe to be treated, but it doesn't. visit today to get started.
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the kron. 4 morning news and east bay family remembers a man 3 years after he died in a confrontation with police. and thousands are expected to gather today at golden gate park. this for 20, even after san francisco cancels. it's official candidates celebration. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's saturday. april, the 20th. let's get your day started with a look at the weather with dave spahr. good morning day. well, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and a pretty good weekend in store for us today. kind of almost like a goldilocks flavor of a spring. we got to say for this time of year, those inland temperatures actually little racing a little bit above
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average to continue to build on that early into the week of those going to be a correction here. so hold tight. but that's spring for you already looking pretty good in the inland valleys as we speak, this little collection of some mid-level cloud cover just about to depart the bay. it's hanging in the south bay a little bit there in parts of the peninsula. but at the surface, we do have to deal with some of this fog and low level moisture. and this is going to be hard to clear because the air above us while being dry, that's a plus. it's also much warmer and that doesn't provide the buoyancy to to the mixing process. it really slows it down a little bit here. here's a look at your winds are kind of calm, the single digits. we do expect an onshore wind kind of take over. and that's going to keep those conditions of the coast a bit on the chilly side and the clearing is going to be more slow going. there is well most readings in the 50's right now. 61 for antioch. 55 going on san francisco with a 54 for half moon bay. little bit warmer now by a degree or so. looks like taking hold as we enjoy the sunshine in your breakdown today, a sunny skies temperatures. well in the
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business of the 70's. yeah, i did say the 80's coming our way. we'll have more details in your longer range forecast in a bit. stephanie, looking forward to it. thank you, dave. >> happening today, a large crowds are expected in san francisco's golden gate park. this for 20. that's despite the city canceling this year's official event celebrating all things. cannabis kron four's tiffany justice live for us at golden gate park to hash out the latest. hey there, tiffany. >> and good morning, stephanie. yes, the event may have been canceled, but francisco park and rec will be a host seeing that kickball and volleyball tournaments here at robin williams meadow. the field. >> we do know that that should start around 10 o'clock this morning. but check it out. they already have the food trucks here and organizers have been setting up all morning long, getting ready for those tournaments. you know, the annual for 28 hippie hill event usually takes place every year on the 20th and the sharon meadows area of the park. that free event usually attracts thousands of
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attendees. however, organizers canceling this year's event citing a number of factors, including citywide budget cut impacting parking wrecks, ability to cover staffing for this event and economic challenges within the cannabis industry. they say that's making sponsorship hard to secure. now, with many people still expecting to arrive the church of embryos, a self-described psychedelic church announcing that it will be providing support services here on hippie hill, quote, cancellation or not. the church saying that they are partnering up with local haight ashbury merchants and nonprofit groups to provide those basic service net that safety net services like water, medical aid, pickup picking up trash along with bathrooms. again, we do know that those games will start at 10 o'clock this morning. those volleyball and kickball tournament. stephanie, back to you in studio, right, tiffany, thank you. >> happening now, highway 37 in the north bay is closed for the weekend. caltrans says it's repaving the westbound lanes this weekend and next
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crews will then work on the eastbound lanes. the first 2 weekends of may. they are encouraging travelers to please use detours. >> beginning around 20 to you're going to go right towards napa state route. 29, where you'll catch. they wrote one. 21 where you make a left to go eastbound to once again keep going and cats. 12 that would take you down to state route. 37, everybody here that is local kind of knows this route as a shortcut. but it's not. it's along the tours that we're expecting. that be from one hour to 2 hours. so we really are asking the public to plan ahead. >> is expected to reopen around for monday morning. friday marks 3 years since the death of mario gonzalez. a vigil happened last night for the man who was in police custody when he died. >> kron four's dan thor reports. >> mario gonzalez, his family calls it his angel for surrey
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friday, marking 3 years since his death in alameda police custody. it was in this park. alameda police say officers responding to a report of gonzales talking to himself in acting oddly, they were then seen on body cam video pinning the 26 year-old father to the ground face down before he died. gonzalez, his cause of death was later ruled as a homicide. gonzalez's family expressed some joy in knowing the 3 officers are now facing criminal charges. that is good >> betty have grateful receive the not >> gonzalez's mother edith are in. ali's says the body cam video shows the police were clearly in the wrong alameda county district attorney pamela price announced the involuntary manslaughter charges. thursday night. kept hopes high and >> thankfnlly we finally got news that they're going proceed with the charges or at
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>> again, according it has act and ceremony was held in gonzales. this honor as people in the community also lit candles and brought flowers to alter. his family says they hope the criminal charges stick so they can continue to heal. you know, ben definitely major step the right direction. you know, no, nobody kicking game is somebody, you my you know what to the city of alameda has already reached 2 settlements with gonzales. his family, one for 11 million dollars, which will go to his son and the other for $350,000, which will go to his mother. and as for the charges, if those officers are convicted, they face up to 4 years in prison. in alameda, dan thorn kron. 4 news. >> meantime, leaders in the recall effort against alameda county district attorney pamela they are not impressed with the charges she filed against the officers in the mario gonzalez case. kron four's philippe djegal explains.
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>> i feel that there are a whole things that she couldn't do right now that are more mister manno and making our community safer grisham and carl chan are the principal officers for safe alameda for everyone. >> the group spearheading the recall effort against alameda county district attorney pamela price. and although the field for mario gonzalez, his family following his death in 2021, they are unimpressed by prices decision to charge 3 officers involved in his killing with involuntary manslaughter. let's wait and see because i'm sure that, you know, the evidence will show whether or not, you >> the police at that in the right not la mente price focusing on past cases already reviewed by her predecessor. they say she is attempting to score points with the community by targeting cops rather than fighting for crime victims. you're not on the side of the people you're on the side of whoever is in your ear. >> and that's not. you know,
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that's not a good judgment right now. last december, the city of alameda settled civil lawsuits with the gonzalez family exceeding 11 million dollars myself and entire team and many people who signed a petition to recall a. >> we're realizing that, you know, she's not performing the job to a supposed to said. district attorney. otherwise, you know, we will not be here today and talking about a week. all safe says it is waiting for the alameda county board of supervisors to accept its recalled certification from the registrar of voter's and then set a date for an election. >> requests for comment from price's office and campaign have not been answered. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> oakland police arrested 8 people for a series of armed robberies. the most recent happening tuesday morning, a delivery truck driver was dropping off tobacco products on mountain boulevard and shown avenue when 2 cars with multiple armed people pulled up store the products and took
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off during the investigation. officials connected the armed robbery to a series of other robberies throughout the bay area. marin county may be closer to building it all. new affordable housing complex developers want to create 125 apartment units on the side of marine wood plaza near highway 101, the marin county mmunity development agency got the proposal this week. that application must now undergo reviews by multiple agencies, which could take several months. happening today. the open ballers baseball team hosts and earth day cleanup event at the site of their future home raimondi park. this comes after the oakland city council voted this week approving an ordinance allowing the team to spend more than a million dollars to renovate the park. the team hopes to play its home games. there started this summer. 60 volunteers are expected today to paint pull weeds and pick up trash. >> and it's an honor that our city has been chosen for the
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first time to be a long-term host, 2 giant pandas. >> giant pandas, as you just heard are coming back to the city of san francisco. they did lift there for a year back in 19. eighty-four, this will be the first time pandas have a long-term residency at the san francisco zoo. san diego is also set to get new pandas. francisco zoo thanked mayor breed and said, quote, we are thrilled for the return of the giant panda san francisco zoo. it symbolizes hope for conservation collaboration and bridges divides between cultural differences. coming up on the kron, 4 morning news, san francisco mayor london breed also taking new steps to stop macy's from leaving union square. >> plus, one bay area lawmaker is trying to make it easier to prevent fentanyl overdoses statewide. >> and a nice springtime day. in fact, weekend coming your way here. we've got those temperatures racing through the 70's some morning cloud cover. the kind of contend
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with will take care of that in the afternoon and warming up early next week. kyra. forecast next brought for morning news continues.
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now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? >> welcome back kron 4 morning news. good morning, everybody. here's a live shot coming in from the golden gate bridge looking pretty good. but still working on getting some of this cloud cover taking care of in some of those coastal clouds, too. there's the onshore winds. that flag going to be kind of in that general direction all day and some groceries coming into the bay about that. all right. here's a look at what's going on. storm tracker 4 here actually way off towards the distance. some thunder showers kind of firing up a little bit. there looks like a into the play, a
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central plains, but meanwhile, for us, this little package of some cloud cover here. once we take care of that, it's the clouds of the coast, the fog clouds and all of that. that's going to be slow to clear because the air above us a bit on the warm side, we've got mostly 50's the east bay upper 50's that that antioch at 61. 51. meanwhile, for santa rosa already warming up there. well, inland, this is what the model see in terms of that cloud cover moves on through, just deny blank afternoon. heating may have a little shower up in the mountains potentially, but that's almost like the singsong summertime pattern. we get leftover moisture. you get with the up sloping sometimes you're going afternoon, little shower. here's the pop of the winds that's most pronounce along the coast and a little bit there along the carquinez strait. it's not as big tomorrow because the placement the high will be in a better location. so we'll be driven more by the local winds. not so much sum up the cleats today morning clouds breezy at the coast, lower 60's there. happening inland, potentially if don't get there today, you probably will tomorrow. touch warmer early next week. it's
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the early part of the week. that's kind of warming up nicely. then a big correction come wednesday again for today. we got 66 san francisco, 71 for oakland. 77 san jose. check out your high temperatures for today. we got an 80 going on there for antioch, a lot of upper 70's cover the real estate inland with 81. also for santa rosa warming that up a bit more for tomorrow. stephanie. all right, dave, thank you. >> kyle mills stain is a viral sensation with 800,000 social media fans. she's not only an expert on cars. she's also passionate about plus size fashion, radical body acceptance and life and love. just wrote a new book and joins us live now to tell us more about a good morning to you. >> thank you so much for having me. good morning. good morning. well, first of all, congratulations on all of your success as well as the new book. >> can you walk us through what inspired you to write it? >> absolutely. you know, i've been working on helping people better understand cars for
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many years now over a decade at this point. and i found that social media blog post lacked the nuance and easy availability that a book would add to some his life. so i wanted to put everything that i've talked to media in classes in blog posts and so much more in packaging did to easy to understand easy to reference guide the you can read whenever you have a question whenever you're at the shop and you're not sure what they're talking about or whenever it's this next step in your automotive lifecycle like need to go buy a car or sell your vehicle, find a new mechanic, or get insurance. >> then testing and kaja. tell us a bit the inspiration behind the name of the book as well. >> absolutely. so mechanic shop comes guide to car ownership. references me and my handle is mechanic. shop that's the blog back started many years ago. so when we came up with the book title and went through several different variations mechanic,
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shop guide to car ownership, just sort of made sense because it's my guide. in first percent has tons of data and tons of stories from my own experience but i also reference many, many stories from other people who have had difficult pavks appearances are positive car experiences to help. people really understand and navigate situations that they're in automotive industry. and since you are, of and experts on all things related to this would love to ask you some questions about this specifically. >> so maybe, first of all, what are some resources that you recommend people turn to if they are looking for a great deal on a car. >> so when it comes to looking for a vehicle before you start thinking about what kind of deals are going to get on a vehicle, you need to really start thinking about how much money you have to spend and what the very best vehicle that's going to fit. your specific needs are a lot of times people focus what exactly the brand of the car is, model the cars are, what color it is. you know, what
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can they buy with their money? but you need to think about what do you need? because ultimately spending the money on the perfect car, it's going to be the best money. well spent as opposed spending money on whatever's out there at that price point to the more research you can do up front, the more. critical thinking you can do about your life and your position where you're going to be in 3 to 5 the better off you're going to be when it comes to purchasing a vehicle. and consumer reports is excellent resource for helping do that research and compare vehicle side by side, especially in places like the bay area where you may not have access to a lot of parking at the look at things like the length of a and safety that and so much more. >> yeah, especially important for those of us were trying to find parking in francisco where is so limited, you know, kind of more and more people are also looking into electric cars. so what are some key things to consider on that? >> i dedicated an entire
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chapter in my book, collector vehicles and and the reason i did that is because there's so many misconceptions. there's so many out there about what electric cars are. what are they going to happen? you know, if you're going to run out of juice while you're driving or anything like that, right? so when it comes to electric vehicles, i think people think first, what? >> how it went to fit into their lives. so, for example, outside of san francisco bay area, you really need to consider whether you are going to have a place where you can regularly charger vehicle because there there is it just isn't infrastructure for that. and in most places in the united states, that means you have to own your own home so that you can install charger and charge your vehicle overnight. the other thing is people think that electric cars are just pass laws that there are ton of different electric vehicle models out there from smart, small to big luxury and sort of in between and every year we're getting new options that hopefully lower price points that are available and accessible to people of different income points. okay.
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>> switching to another topic real quickly here. let's talk a little bit about maintenance, right? so when that light goes off in your car, telling you to take it in to have somebody check, check it out. is that the best time to get your car checked out for maintenance and what are some questions we should be asking our mechanics. >> so the light that comes on your vehicle is typically not very smart light. doesn't take into consideration a lot of different factors. so my best suggestion for how to know when it's time to do a vehicle maintenance is to take a look in your owner's manual and see what the intervals are required specifically,for most cases, when people are talking about maintenance, they're talking about will changes. look in your owner's manual. it will tell you how often maintenance needs to be done on your view on that will change needs to be changed and then you can do one of 2 things you can sort of put calendar reminder in your calendar if you don't do a lot of driving and you need to replace it based time versus mileage or on the flip side, if you have to replace your well based on mileage, my
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favorite suggestion is to reset your trip meter. so you have tripped a trip be in your odometer and you can reset when you get well and that will track how many miles since your last see, you know, when the next time you need to go in. remember, your owner's manual is your guide to preventive maintenance maintenance that's going to prove that problems with your vehicle in the long run maintenance is different from repairs that you're doing fix something that has already broken or has already become a problem. >> some really helpful hacks. they're really appreciate that. i just to wrap things up here. would love to say here bit about your upcoming book tour. you are making a stop in the bay area. >> i am. i'm already in the middle of my book tour. my book tour is different from most that you've ever experienced instead of going to book stores and libraries. i am crisscrossing the country in going to women clearing plc, own mechanic shops across the united states. i've already 6 shops deep and i'm going to a total of 16
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different repair shops, including right here in the bay area in santa clara at euro clinic, which is going to be on april 24th at 06:00pm. i'm going to europe clinic, which is this incredible mechanic shop that specializes repairing european vehicles and does all kinds of really great things. they're members of the rainbow chamber of commerce and they're owned by a husband and wife team. >> all right. well, i'm sure, butnthe fans will be lining up to see you in person and get their book signed as well. a coyote mills stand. the author of mechanic shop fans guide to car ownership. an complicating cars for all of us. thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> thank you for having me. thank you. we'll be right back.
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>> san francisco state assembly member matt member. matt haney's pushing to make a drug that could help prevent fatal drug overdoses. experts say methadone reduces the likelihood of dying by more than 50%. haney says it's time for california to change its so called outdated loss. >> these are laws that were designed decades ago. it was pretty fentanyl. and it's it's not only getting people to not enroll in this life saving treatments, but the way that you access that tree that actually requires you line up every day in the morning. there's methadone clinic in downtown san francisco. and the other problrm with that is that tracks drug dealers open air drug dealing actually surrounding these methadone clinic says people are preyed
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on when they try to get on so we're going to change that and actually make california a place where it's easier to get on treatment. we have to make easier to get treatment and it is to get these deadly drugs like fences. >> the bill passes it would allow patients to pick up several doses of the medicine instead of lining up for every day. and then next story here, francisco mayor london breed says she is working to keep macy's in union square. in a letter she wrote to macy ceo, she offered a partnership between macy's and san francisco. it would include tax incentives. the mayor's office also telling kron 4 the mayor spoke with macy ceo last week before she left for china. they say the conversations about the future of the site are ongoing. that location did announce it would close in 2026. happening today. board officials host an official retirement ceremony for its legacy. trains. the ceremony begins at one in the afternoon at oaklands macarthur station. after that,
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the public can board a legacy train and ride from macarthur to fremont station mirroring the initial service part provided when it opened in september 1972, the trip lasts around. 45 minutes and travels along 24 miles of the original section of tracks. legacy trains make way for a new generation. nearly 700 new fleet of the future train cars are now certified for service. 3 legacy cars are headed to the western railway museum in sassoon city. they include the iconic front, a car and will be the only cars from the legacy fleet displayed at the museum. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news protesters rally outside the women's prison in dublin. >> we'll tell you what they're asking for now. but the prison is set to close.
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>> now on the kron 4 morning news, san francisco's official for 20 event may be canceled, but large crowds are still expected at golden gate park. we're live this morning with the latest details. and more hurdles facing the a's in their effort to build a new stadium in las vegas. good morning. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. let's get you started this half hour with a look at our forecast with dave sphar. good morning days. well, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. pretty sweet weekend in store for you. were going to revisit spring again. and a pretty much of a nice flavor of spring as well. >> but those temperatures well in the business of the upper 70's near about 80, which is above our averages and they'll be a brisk wind at work at the coast where that's going to be hard to kind of clear out some of that marine layer that's
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worked first things first. this with sfo. looks like no delays going on out that way. you can see the sun filling up the region up. winds still but onshore. we have right now going to pick up later on today. and this is going to be a little sun. optically driven to it's going to be more wider spread, although the heaviest winds will be at the coast and right through the golden gate off to the carquinez strait. we got a lot of 50's on the board right now. 64 for antioch and the breakdown for us. 72 about 1 o'clock and 4. 75 again, expecting some upper 70's to lower 80's next few days coming like this. well, that sutro camera still in the bog. 81 going on by sunday in for monday will do about an 80 actually. i think this is the mount tam camera anyway in a bit. we'll take a look at what it looks like the next couple of days for you. and also your 4 zone forecast to stephanie. all right, dave, thank you so much. >> happening today, large crowds are expected in san francisco's golden gate park. this for 20. that's despite the city canceling this year's official event celebrating all things. cannabis for stephanie
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justice live for us all morning. long gave park she's here to hash out what's planned for their tiffany. >> all right. good morning, stephanie. that event may have been canceled, but francisco park and rec will be hosting volleyball and kickball tournament in the phil right behind us here at robin williams. meadow. >> as you guys can see, they have been the setting up all morning long organizers have. and you can also >> see that they have food trucks here, ready to go for everyone who is coming down for the volleyball and kickball games that we do know that the annual for 20 at hippie hill event usually takes place every year on the 20th in this year. and meadows area of the park that free event usually attracts thousands of attendees. however, organizers this year canceling the event citing a number of factors, including citywide budget cuts impacting parking wrecks ability to cover staffing for the event and economic challenges within the cannabis industry. they
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say that's making sponsorship hard to securing out. people are still expecting to arrive here. the church of ambrose ei, a self-described psychedelic church, announcing that it will providing support services here on hippie hill, quote, cancellation or not. the church saying that they are partnering with local haight ashbury merchants and nonprofit groups to provide a basic safety net of services like water, medical aid, bathrooms, even trash pickup. so again, we do want to mention those volleyball and kickball games should start at 10 o'clock this morning. so in about half an hour, stephanie, back to you. all right. sounds like fun. thanks so much. tiffany. >> lawmakers in nevada could tap into nearly 400 million dollars of taxpayer money to build the a's new stadium in las vegas. but that proposal has led to a lawsuit. and as kron four's, dan kerman reports, the a's have filed the paperwork to get involved. >> he was in june of last year when the nevada legislature passed sb one, a bill
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earmarking 380 million dollars in public money to help pay for the a's. new baseball stadium in las vegas in february of this year. the nevada teachers union filed a lawsuit against the governor, the treasurer and the state of nevada suggesting the way sb one was written violates nevada's constitution. issue we're having. is that the vote tally was not two-thirds majority for revenue peace. >> that this funding mechanism that they structured under this bill assumes deaths from the county without that's that revenue peace involved, that the law itself, you know, doesn't mention certain populations and the county and the language is very sloppy written when it comes to stop iran, rather when it comes to assuming that that's since the initial filing, the legislature and the las vegas stadium authority have also been named in the suit. >> and while a's owner john fisher, he's the one to benefit from the public funds and sb one. the yeas are not named in the suit. but this week the a's filed a motion with the court to intervene in
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the case saying the athletics and affiliates have a substantial interest in sb one and will be affected if sb one is found unconstitutional without intervention, the athletics ability to protect its interests. we'll be impaired strong. public schools will be opposing their by the other defendants, many of whom were basically unregistered lobbyist for them during session. so those folks want this stadium just as much as they do a separate filing by as president dave kaval confirms financing and a development agreement for the new stadium had not been finalized. but the process is underway. >> it's unclear when the court will rule on the a's participation in this lawsuit. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> protesters rallied at the dublin women's prison on friday, angry that some 600
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prisoners are set to be transferred to other facilities. for news comes after officials said the prison would be closing. >> they're terrified the public. colleen, like it each day thinking i'm going to be transferred today. i don't know that's going to have contact with the people. i love. >> at least 8 employees at the prison have been charged with sexually abusing inmates at the facility in the past 3 years. but plans to renovate escalators and elevators after a settlement reached with disability rights advocates. the group sued bar back in 2017 accusing the transit agency of failing to ensure full and equal access to station service is violating the americans with disabilities act under the settlement. bart must also dispatch a repair person within one hour after an elevator or escalator breaks down at a station. nearly 2000 positions for the california service corps are available here in the bay area. the rules tackle climate change,
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support communities affected by disaster and involve mentoring students on friday. san jose mayor matt mahan, as you just saw there, join court members to share how the group's work helps underserved communities. he's encouraging young residents to apply for the open jobs in 2022. governor gavin newsom started an initiative for corps members to earn money for their service. >> thanks to the california volunteers who are providing opportunities for young people to get civically engaged, earn a paycheck and take charge of the future of their city. the cement community involvement is exactly what it takes to make big change. >> the money can be used for college trade school or to pay back student loans. the supreme court is set to hear oral arguments monday on a case that could impact how cities handle homelessness. the case comes as last year saw a record number of people living on the streets nationwide. our washington correspondent maddie beer-temple explains. this
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case has attracted a lot of attention with more than 100 briefs filed from across the country asking the court to weigh in. >> in a case that could have far-reaching impact. the supreme court will hear arguments on whether the city of grants pass oregon can punish homeless people for camping in public spaces. one of the most influential cases on housing in over 40 years. a lower court previously ruled in favor of the homeless population, calling it a cruel and unusual punishment to find and arrest people who have nowhere else to go. oregon congresswoman suzanne bott amici spoke outside the high court this week urging justices to rule against the city. housing, not handcuffs is the direction we need to go amici says fining or jailing people traps them in a cycle that makes it harder for them to find housing. in court documents, grants pass. lawyers say that homeless encampments have, quote, multiplied on check throughout the west resulting in more
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violent crime. drug overdoses and disease. california congressman kevin kiley says that's certainly the case in sacramento near his district in parks, on sidewalks, near schools. >> impeding a citizens stopping people from getting into businesses. kylie says the court should restore the power to enforce laws like those in grants pass that he says promote public safety, freeing our communities to deal with homelessness in a rational and common sense way that protect public safety and public health. i think it's going to be a new day for california. justices will hear arguments monday morning with a decision expected later this year in washington. i'm maddie beer-temple. >> tesla, cyber trucks are being recalled. traffic safety officials say the issue is tied to a manufacturing flaw causing one of the pedals to get stuck. kron four's rob nesbitt went on a ride along with a bay area. cybertruck owner. >> the cybertruck honor i spoke to says he has not had his accelerator gets stuck but search social media and you'll
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find several videos of owners showing the problem. >> see how tight we know in the ratings. it took him 2 years of being on a waitlist. but david la placa finally got his new cybertruck 2 weeks ago. new thing versus the old tesla's. he loves how it drives all the advances in technology, but he doesn't love how eye-catching it can gets maybe a little too much attention. >> people always i literally have people want to pull up and parking lots. clapping here. >> cybertrucks are also getting the attention of the national highway traffic safety administration. nearly 4,000 cybertrucks likely all on the road today are being recalled because of a faulty accelerator pedal supposedly been some instances is loose and then it can kind of get stuck in. there is what hurt. it hasn't happened to la placa. but many drivers like jose martinez had posted on tiktok slip up showing how the cover of their accelerator can slide forward and get stuck in that rim of the interior. this morning, i went down to the >> tesla dealership marion talking about it. and said
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they're going to fixing it by putting basically a vote on solar panel. so that's what the fix might be simple. but given the fact that cybertrucks are made to go from 0 to 60 miles per hour in less than 30 seconds. >> sam abuelsamid with guidehouse insights as the problem is not simple. drivers don't have a whole lot of time to respond. >> in and in this case, you know where it could come as a complete surprise. you know, all of a sudden you press press the foot down. alright. and then you lift off and the car study at the truck is still accelerating. you might have no idea why a full senate says the accelerator issue is a problem of poor engineering and poor manufacturing at tesla. but he does not see the first recall of cybertrucks having much of a stain on the company's reputation. >> this driver would agree. my spirits been amazing. i love this thing. the recall affects all 2024 cybertrucks made between november 13th and april 4th. tesla is also delaying deliveries of new trucks reporting in the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt
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kron. 4 news. >> still, we're going to some fog around the golden gate, you can see in off towards the coast as well. we should see some clearing, though, for everybody, mild temps to a nice warm-up on into early next week. i got your extended plus a look at that 4 zone plus a look at that 4 zone forecast for the kron morning. . it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer.
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>> welcome back. taking a live look outside this gorgeous view right there. a beautiful blue skies up above and some fluffy clouds as well. what are your feelings about all this? and good morning good morning, everybody. i can fluffy. it sounds nice for me to it that way.
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>> that fog, by the way, is going take a while to kind of clear out at the coast, particularly that lower level moisture is just hard to mix because the air above us, although dry is also warm. so it doesn't get a lot of buoyancy. the mix. this is just some of national park, some leftover snow. you can see some shredded stratus in place through daytime heating may be a little sprinkle in parts of the mountains, but next couple of days, no trouble from weather. upper 60's. a little flavor of spring up there. although the snow still left over don't too much melting now. so although temperatures on the home front get into the route middle 80's or so before we back track again, thank goodness, because we want to preserve some of that snow up there for later. there's that package of cloud cover we're talking about this morning. it's really kind of marched on out. we're going mostly sunny, except along the coastal areas where there's some problem spots here. daytime heating might see the flare up of a few little stray showers. you see there. here's the morning layer for tomorrow morning. and again, an afternoon shower potentially that will be very isolated. that's just again, day due to daytime heating. but the bigger picture is more
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interesting. we get to the middle of the week and stop. yeah, i that low right there. not much with it. it's going to break the back of the little he pump that we have here on the summer months. we love these things it's odd to say a low-pressure system dropping in town and, you know, going to be rain. well, we get that a lot of times in the winter or summer rather in and does a nice job kind of clearing out our atmosphere cooling us down. well, it's a little early and we'll get some scattered clouds with this, too. but as far as anything else besides that, we probably won't get anything from that system. but successive ones by friday might get some scattered showers, but not a lot, though. so we're starting to to the dry season moving in that direction into the weekend. looks like we stay dry, but they'll be some scattered clouds to make note of still. so it's going to feel a little different toward the latter portion of the week. 66 san francisco keeping in mind, we'll have some clouds and also some winds at work here at the coast, lower 60's. so bit chilly. 68 going on for burlingame to the south, 70 foster city. 74 palo alto in the south bay. let's
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try upper 70's east bay shoreline in the lower 70's. meanwhile, tri valley, you've got the mid to upper 70's work here. 79 for concord. let's try about a 70 billy 77. napa. 79 going on for fairfield and 81 for santa rosa. 7 day forecast here. is that such a change on tuesday and back to the 60's finishing off the week with as you can see, some lingering clouds. stephanie. >> film aficionados. listen up. the san francisco film festival returns next week. it is the longest running event of its kind in the americas featuring a wide range of international competitions, documentaries and short and mid lane films. joining me live now to share more is jesse from banks sf film director of programming. good morning to you again. thank you so much for having me. of course. so glad to have you here. you're just on our sister program live in the bay as well. was was wonderful. fantastic. we're so glad to have you here to talk about the festival. this is your 4th
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year doing it. it's my 4th year homing kerry for the of and it's a real honor to continue the legacy that as you mentioned, that, oldest festival in the americas. building on the work that does come before me. >> we're known for our international and independent fair and we have a lot of those titles for audiences this and so you're responsible for a lot of the curation. >> that happens. that must be a tough job. it's it's you know, i'm very lucky to do the job that i do. i work with incredible team and we get to see films from all over the world. so you can start your morning with the fallen baton outer space and your day with a phone >> that set here in the bay that we're really excited that this year we 80 films and we have 12 world premieres and 7 of those are made by local filmmakers here in the bay and there's something for everyone at the festival. you can find out more by going to foam dot org and we kick off on wednesday with our opening night through in just days and
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tell us a bit about what people can expect that opening night to. absolutely. opening going to feature didi, which is a film that came out of sundance to a lot of buzz directed by sean who is who was born and raised in fremont lot of biographical and based on his life loosely stars even joan chen, who we are also honoring with a tribute on sunday. and we're really thrilled about that were closing the festival off with josh margolin. new film that stars june 93 year-old ask oscar nominated actress has never been in a lead role. she's doing her own stunts. it's for the family. hilarious. and really beautiful film to close out the fossil, between we have so much more to offer. we have content this year from countries that you leafy. we have films from time from south korea, from the state of palestine, from senegal, so really broad array of titles
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cultures and stories being represented. well, with so much talent out there, all these wonderful stories being told, how do you really narrow it down? >> yeah, it's you know, it's not a science is definitely a like i said, i have an incredible team. we have a wonderful screening committee of over 80 people that we worked with and then i have a team of 7 that i work with and >> we keep an eye on what's happening at other festivals. we are welcoming back some filmmakers who we've had at the festival before whose work we continue to follow. so it's a mix of a tour is an emerging story tellers and then kind of known and to tease. and we just try to find that balance of showing you things that perhaps you've heard about and also the unexpected. we really want audiences to come in to have a communal experience in the theater now more than ever, i think we need films to, you know, inspire us and perhaps challenge us and remind us that we're all part of the same community that was
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such a beautiful and powerful message that you're sharing their >> so are you expecting certain screenings to sell out to people looking at the web site now and kind of purchasing picking up their tickets. yes, so we i think we mentioned that i have a great we have over 80 foams we several. i think there is. i don't know the number, i mean, they're several titles that are already a rush. >> that doesn't mean though, that you can still show up get mine and try to get a ticket. and we just a hot released yesterday at noon a ticket so that if you want to check out front door there are still some tickets available and then we have plenty of films that still have we have 2 world premieres this year. they'd love to just mention briefly. one of them is called on the invention of species. it's from ecuador and it's directed by a woman named tanya her media. it's very rare to see a female filmmaker out of ecuador. and the film is about a young was dragged to the galapagos islands by her father conservation
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convention. she's unimpressed. and it's about how she she finds some friends and about how she kind of, you know, it's a coming of age story, but it's just. >> it's evocative. lee lands that they actually filmed in the galapagos islands and dunning to watch so that's on the invention of species. and it's the world premiere. we also have another world premiere mabel directed by nicholas maw. and it's about aoother young woman her family have recently moved. she's also very impressed with that. she doesn't people. she doesn't like school. she doesn't like friends. the only thing she likes his plants, ok? so by israeli, what inspires her? liz greer stars in the film as well stars as a science teacher. and together, they form a bond that really helps this young woman blossom and grow. and that's called mabel. and that is another world premiere that we have. they're both just beautiful stories appropriate ages 12 and up. and i'm really delightful stories that you won't have seen anywhere else. i would sense a kind of a theme here. it women who are starring homes who are not
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entirely impressed with not not impressed with the and you find connections and and let levers through science to actually help them understand their identity and their world around them said >> it's a unique thematic through line between the 2. a very cool. thank you so much again to jesse for banks as a film director of programming for joining us today and for sharing a he's incredible options that people can check out. thank you so much for having me. and i hope that people will go to sfo dot org and join us. we need audience is we can't exist without audiences. so important. thank you again. all right. we'll be right back.
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>> well, there is a new exhibit to check out at the asian art museum is called phoenix kingdom's the last blender of china's bronze age. it features 150 art pieces from the young to the river valley and friday marked the grand opening, a ribbon cutting ceremony unfolded alongside traditional dances and other performances. a very pretty. >> i look forward to phoenix kingdom's educating attendees on history showcasing antiquity and fostering u.s. china relations. this effort enriches our past understanding why fostering global cooperation for her money is speech exhibit stays open until july 22nd. that's a fun. >> option for folks this yeah. if you want to get out and make some bronze alloys or
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whatever spirit, i don't know. i mean, we've on the iron, but that's ok, ok, we have temperatures getting to the lower 80's here sunday, monday, tuesday start to change here in steps to wednesday. kind of chilly. >> what's going on? here is a a little low that doesn't have much moisture which to deal with. so it's kind of dried start to get into the season for more this and it's a nice little correct or so. these heat spikes in the summer. we love them. now they're the chilean all out. they also clear out some of that monsoon moisture. we get that too. so into the end of the week here thursday, friday, another dose of maybe this time a couple scattered showers working and into the weekend. it looks like we will clear out, but it will be in the notably cooler side, but it will be some spring-like. so we will be in the season. okay. well, i'll keep the umbrella handy. feels like potential showers. yeah, i think so much dave. >> if they so much to all of you for joining us here today on a from 4 weekend morning news. we'll see you back here bright and early 07:00am to 10:00am. >> tomorrow. so in the meantime, take good care. enjoy that nice weather by.
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