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tv   KRON 4 News at 6pm  KRON  April 22, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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breaking news and that breaking news at 6, the city of san francisco and beyond for member ing the life and legacy. >> of glide, co-founder cecil williams who has passed away. good evening. i'm vicki liviakis. i'm ken wayne. williams, of course, led the church for 6 decades just recently passing the torch to doctor gina from are clyde released a statement saying he passed away at his home in san francisco, surrounded by his friends and family. he was 94 years old for sara stinson joins us now live from the glide in san francisco tonight with more. sara. >> that's right. i'm live here in the sanctuary of glide memorial church where they've actually open this up to anyone and everyone who just wants to sit here and remember the late in great reverend cecil williams. take a look. they put pictures up on the stage. they are trying their best to make sure that people can come in here and look at
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photos and really just remember him and his legacy. as you said, robin williams who passed away peacefully today at 94 years old, we're told he was surrounded by family and friends. he co-founded glide. this is in the heart of the tenderloin. it's a spot that people go to when they know they can. need help and they can get help here. they can get a warm meal. they can go with no judgment here. and that is very much due to the atmosphere that was created by reverend cecil williams. he co-founded glide with his wife, janice, miracle johnny, who passed away in 2021, the reverend and again known for just opening the church choice everyone no matter race, gender sexuality, even if you are under the influence of told by the minister here, he did not judge. she just wanted people to feel welcome glide. he wanted people to be fed and they wanted to know that they can come here and get the help they need glide celebrated its 60th anniversary last december. it started by handing out sandwiches on the
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street and now they serve 500,000 meals a year. the reverend was also a civil rights advocate. he also officiated one of the first marriages in the country. we caught up with mister minister marvin white, some call cecil's pride protege. he says cecil, let you be you. and he described him and his legacy. >> was not ahead of his time was not before his time. he was a man. of his time. you know, whatever he showed up in it. loved his wife. he loved his people and he loved his god and he loved liberation and all the tools. all the unconventional and conventional tools of social justice of social services and spirituality. that combined to to get us there. he embraced and he innovated on. so we're
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we're going to remember him as the architect as the leader whose whose path we can continue to follow. >> and the minister says they're going to continue on the work that cecil started and keep that legacy going for years and decades to here in the sanctuary. we're already seeing people start to show up again. this is going to be an area that is open for literally. anyone wants to come in here and just remember and reflect and talk with one another about reverend cecil williams and his passing and just about who he was as a human being. and just incredible asset to san francisco. so this will be open until 8 o'clock tonight. and they're also going to have it open in the coming days. if it's something you want to do is stop by here those and you can talk with others as i'm sara stinson reporting live in san francisco. back to you. >> you know, sarah, just very briefly, it's so quiet there
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now. but one of the greatest joys of going. on a sunday and particularly around the holidays is when everyone is singing and and it just is the place comes alive. so we will see what happens this sunday. i'm sure to be quite a celebration of his extraordinary life. thank you. is. >> san francisco mayor london breed putting out a statement about the death of cecil williams saying in part, reverend cecil williams was the conscience of our san francisco community. she goes on to say he led with compassion and wisdom. i was putting the people first and never relenting in his pursuit of justice and equality. his kindness brought people together and his vision changed our city and the world. we'll continue to follow this story on air and online at kron 4 dot com. >> we have other news for you tonight. 35 death penalty cases. they're now under review in alameda county due to the possibility of prosecutorial misconduct. alameda county district attorney pamela price says her office has uncovered what may be a pattern of misconduct
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dating back almost 30 years for prosecutors have purposely may have purposely excluded blacks and jews from juries. kron four's. dan kerman live tonight with more. dan. well, ernest 1995 death penalty sentencing for murdering a 9 year-old was up for appeal before a federal judge. the alameda county da's office. >> was charged reviewing that case. it was during that review. they discovered this alleged misconduct. >> we do have evidence of actual prosecutorial misconduct. alameda county district attorney pamela price says a federal judge has ordered her office to review. 35 active death penalty cases going back at least 30 years for prosecutorial misconduct. we have notes made by prosecutors in some of the cases which indicates that jewish sure jurors were being identified as jewish. >> and that black people were being identified as black and
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that they did not end up on the jury. and that is heard and a number of cases at a news conference monday outside the san francisco federal building. >> price said these prosecutorial note suggesting the exclusion of blacks and jews from juries. >> were discovered as her office reviewed the appeal of ernest. a 51 year-old man convicted in 1993 and sentenced to death in 1995. for the murder of a 9 year-old and the attempted murder of his grandmother during an attempted robbery. the discovered notes were shared with the federal judge in the decks case who ordered a more thorough review. the 6 amendment to the united states constitution. absolutely guarantees. >> that any defendant has a right to a fair trial when you intentionally exclude people based on their race, their religion, their gender or any protected category, it violates the constitution. price says that review is now underway and family of those harmed by those on death row. >> are now being informed of what's going on. she says the
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alleged misconduct is not limited to just one or 2 prosecutors and dikes case is not the only one that suggests similar misconduct. now prices, she doesn't know how many of the 35 cases involve misconduct, but she says she believes more than one. she also says there may be none death penalty cases. that may also be implicated in this misconduct probe. live in the newsroom, dan kerman kron, 4 news. thank you, dan. a san francisco man is dead after drowning in a reservoir over the weeuend. >> it happened about 2 o'clock saturday afternoon at the woodward reservoir in stanislaus county. authorities have identified the victim as 24 year-old oscar rafael flores, they say the victim was trying to swim from the mountain view point shore, 2 when he just got tired. first responders found him about 45 feet from the mountain view point shoreline bart train
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service between rockridge station in oakland and the lafayette station will be suspended this weekend due to a track upgrade. >> the agency says free buses will be used instead between the 2 stations as a result of the closure part says to expect about 20 minute delays. >> now to 4 zone forecast as we get a live look at san francisco kind of a hazy, a shot there. but downright beautiful weekend. and today it's going to last is the big question, hazy. but clear eyed lawrence is ready to go. oh, yeah. we've got that fog that's rolled back into town. so yeah, it's been nice. the weather that we've had. but now things going to begin to change a thing by tomorrow afternoon. we may see these temperatures drop a good, maybe 10, maybe 15 degrees around parts of bay area's that fog are to be in the march back on shore right now. looking down from our mount tam cam and that will push all the way inside the bay and many of the valleys overnight tonight. it will be there tomorrow morning when you wake up maybe a little drizzle to out the door, though, right now, some very comfortable temperatures. 71 and beautiful in san jose for an evening.
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still, 75 in antioch, 69 now in livermore, 70 degrees in redwood city. cool by the coastline near 55 and half moon bay and 61 now in santa rosa. so that onshore breeze that's bringing with it. some of the fog and low cloud cover coming all the way up from los angeles area. kind of suddenly surged, kind of kicking into gear today. and that will be that big cool down that we're talking about, especially over the next couple of days. really got a nice day around the state other than the fog along the coastline, a thunderstorm or 2 over the high country of that looking good. but changes are in the works will have more on that coming up in a few minutes. a street takeover of dirt bikes yesterday in oakland ended with one person having to go to the hospital. >> oakland police say about 50 bikers throw through several areas of the city causing some. >> we'll safety hazards as they went. >> our first rob nesbitt reports now on how side shows bald over time and how police are trained to respond.
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>> you'll often hear them before you see them. the cell phone video shows dirt bikes and atv's taking over parts of bellevue and grand avenues in oakland sunday popping wheelies and weaving through traffic just after 01:00pm around 50 dirt bikes were seen circling lake merritt, some riding on the sidewalk, driving in the opposite direction of traffic. and even turning public parks into their own personal playground. oakland police say several of the bikers cause a safety hazard to those around them and the illegal sideshow activity ended in one injury. this was the scene at grand avenue in perkins street just after 06:00pm sunday when police say a vehicle collided with the motorcycle and the driver of the motorcycle had to be taken to the hospital. they were last listed in stable condition. i asked the oakland police department what the protocol is for sideshows involving dirt bikes and atv's. their statement saying in part, quote, officers do not immediately surround or block off the sideshow. participants, but rather a says the number of sideshow participants and spectators threats to public safety safety concerns for the officers and resources
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available to address the sideshow. once this information is obtained, the incident commander will devise a plan to address the sideshow appropriately. opd says sideshows in the city all from late night street race is too large weekend gathering strong participants from all over the bay area. a shift that has led to public safety concerns including gun violence. oakland police say sideshow participants have also become more confrontational towards law enforcement with reports of gunfire and assault. reporting the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> in honor of earth day volunteers from the san jose earthquakes and coca-cola got together saturday to plant 30 new trees japan town in san jose. the group teamed up with non-profit our city forest for its 3rd annual tree planting event. volunteers planted more than 40 trees across the bay area over the last 2 years. coming up, passover looking a
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little different this year. for those who celebrate. >> the bay area, jewish communities reflecting as israel-hamas war rages on. and the highest court in the land taking up the issue of homelessness today, we recap the hearing. >> why millions californians are on the brink of losing access to the internet. today,
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the supreme court heard arguments on a case it could have a major effect and how cities across the country, including here in the bay area. >> deal with homelessness. our washington correspondent
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maddie beer-temple reports. >> hundreds of homeless advocates rallied outside the supreme court as justices heard arguments over whether the city of grants pass oregon can punish homeless people for camping in public spaces, throwing somebody in jail for using a blanket in the middle of the freezing winter. demonstrators say fining or jailing homeless people makes it harder for them to find housing inside the courtroom. justice elena kagan suggested that grants passes laws went too far. it seems like you're criminalizing the status, but chief justice john roberts asked if homelessness should be a constitutionally protected status if someone is homeless for a week. >> finds available is that person homeless when he's in the shelter. this case comes after a lower court ruled in favor of the homeless population, calling it a cruel and unusual punishment to fine in jail. someone who doesn't have anywhere else to go grants pass lawyers urge
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justices to overrule that decision which has fueled the spread of encampments while harming sos. >> it purports to protect california. republican congressman kevin kiley says he's een the impact in his own state. kids can't walk to school without having needles or waste citizens can to the park without confronting open drug use. kylie says a ruling in favor of grants pass would help other cities better handle homelessness. a decision on this case is expected later this year in washington. i'm maddie beer-temple. meantime, california providing almost 192 million dollars in encampment resolution fund grants to projects across the state. goal is to get people out of tents and into housing. >> in the bay area, the city of oakland will receive more than 7.2 million dollars in collaboration with alameda county resolve 3 longstanding encampments there. a marine county will receive nearly 6 million dollars to serve the communities. largest
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encampment at the greater mahone creek path area in sandra fell. marin county will also get to more than 8.6 million dollars to help mostly latin x farm workers and their families and marin county will also receive 3.7 million dollars to resolve and encampment at binford road in unincorporated nevado. san mateo county will receive more than 14 million dollars for encampment along a state right of way. governor newsom says that he's introducing legislation that would help arizona residents get abortions here in california. this in the wake of arizona supreme court ruling to ban almost all abortions, a ban first enacted in 18, 60 for the emergency legislation would expedite the licenses of arizona abortion providers to let them treat their patients in california. the governor says it will be introduced in the state house this week through the legislature's women's caucus, golden gate
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ferry service between san francisco and sausalito has been suspended indefinitely. damage was discovered on. >> one of the piers for pilings during a routine inspection on friday. kron four's leslie goodman has the latest on efforts to fix it. >> yes, it's unclear when the ferry service between sausalito and san francisco will resume after crews discovered damage on the pier on friday. now i spoke with several potential passengers who tell me that they're shocked and disappointed to learn of this. nearly 500 passengers take the golden gate ferry between sausalito in san francisco daily in travelers like peter, who's visiting from germany, says seen the very out of service was a letdown. that i was kind of surprised because i thought it's easy to fix. >> but they could kind of looks like it's not easy to fix. so putin. it's not going to last. >> 2 peter and several passengers are using the golden gate transit buses
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instead, which will be available to riders into the very services resumes of. but quite comfortable. so it's not too bad. but i like being on the water. so it was a bit disappointed according to the golden gate, ferry services crews have begun to make the repairs over the weekend. we have repair crews out performing repairs to the pile. >> and trying to get the flow back into operation. but they're facing some challenges were can only be performed. that low tide given where the issues are. so the windows to work during the day are limited and there are some specialty pieces that need to be fabricated with me. add a little bit to the timeline. the golden gate ferry service tells me that the sauce little terminal is set to have its gang weighs in peers, replace an upcoming project, but that construction has not started yet. >> that was leslie goodman reporting for us now to our 4 zone forecast. speaking appears is take a look at the park and arrow in the city with a stunning day.
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crawford's chief meteorologist lawrence karnow here kind of break it down for yeah. beautiful inside the bay. we've got some changes coming, though, as that fog a boy. it is going to make an impact in our weather. >> this week ahead as it's really going to thicken up, especially tonight and tomorrow to so out the door right now, you do have some sunshine away from the media coast. but along the coastline, that fog kind of just settling in there. now more than on the way in the coming days, look toward half moon bay. so a lot of sunshine over the weekend today. that fog really starting to come up on the south. again, a fill-in along the coastline. the people, moving away from the coast of that cooler weather out there right now. hey, you know what? we've seen a lot of think drawing, though, the warmer temperatures, the pollen count could be running high over the next couple days, tuesday, wednesday on the high end thursday and friday that starts to come down to probably gonna stay down the medium category into the weekend. but overall, yeah, the wind's been kind of kicking things around a bit. look at this last hour, we had a gust to 32 miles an hour that onshore wind in the san francisco that is going to carry the fog low clouds inside the bay and many of the valleys overnight tonight.
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good day around the state, though. you've got the that you can see surging up from the south all the way down los angeles area point conception. see that finger fog working his way up the coastline. that's what you get after we had less little heat wave. and things are changing now in the atmosphere tonight, we see those clouds kind of thickening up a bit rolling back on shore. if you're headed out the door, grab a light jacket with, he's not going to be bad. maybe some after midnight. so watch out for that. otherwise high pressure beginning to scoot out of town as that ridge moves on out. well, we're going to see that fog moving back in and we'll see more of that on the way. in fact, a little bit later this week. can you believe we may be talking about a couple raindrops again? yeah, we're not quite done with that either. so been teasing that for a while. yeah. you guys, by the end of this week, you may want to get out that umbrella one more time. okay. well, was local to to okay. but thanks. millions of californians could be in danger of losing internet service as a federal subsidy program expires at the end of this month. the fcc's affordable connectivity program. >> started during the pandemic
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and provided internet for $30 a month to low-income families and $75 a month for people on tribal lands. bipartisan members of congress created a bill that would extend the program for another year. but the bill has yet to be brought to the house floor. >> coming up, we're getting a closer look at california's newest state park. the biden
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administration used earth day today to announce 7 billion dollars in federal funding for solar power. >> the money is targeting
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residential solar installations that would serve nearly a billion people living in low and middle income community said this funding comes from the so-called green bank. it was created by the solar for all program in 2022, the administration claims that the funding will significantly reduce air pollution and save customers. about 350 million dollars a year. california has got a new state park. the newly restored dos rios ranch preserve, rather is in stanislaus county restoration of the park includes the planting of 280,000 trees that were planted across 2100 acres. the official opening of the park will be on june. 12th. it will be the california state park systems. 280st park. still ahead tonight kron for news at 6, a person caught on camera attacking a waymo waiting at a stoplight in san francisco. >> we have that video. plus the remains of that gray whale found offshore in alameda
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biologists now trying to figure out how it at the latest on that investigation. and another chick-fil-a coming to the bay area. this time on the peninsula will tell you where. with the ongoing war
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between israel and hamas. this year's passover celebrations around the world are subdued. the annual jewish festival of freedom marred by the backdrop of lives being lost. >> and then here in the bay area kron four's philippe djegal reports that the holidays also leading security concerns at synagogues. >> a quiet first day passover at temple. beth abraham in
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oakland as the congregation begins a more than week-long festival of freedom. and rabbi marc blue hopes the celebration continues without incident. been some very >> unfortunate and hates protest, but we haven't seen the violence. the police department's almost all the cities have been in regular touch with the synagogues. and so we're not anticipating any violence, but we are vigilant just 2 weeks ago, rabbi bloom says his synagogue was awarded a security grant from the state of california. >> which is paying for safety upgrades during passover extra guards. we still have a guard only for services. know we know of a guard at many other times as well. >> we have upgraded locks gates cameras and we anticipate doing much more as the money for the grant comes. and rabbi bloom wishes it did not have to be this way, but it does in recent months at nearby lake merritt, vandals spray painted anti-semitic messages and pro-palestinian demonstrations denouncing israel's response to hamas is
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deadly. october attacks in israel made many jewish people feel unsafe. it's just a very sad situation that we have to rely and security were thankful to the state of california for giving this >> security grant. but it's really a shame that we have to do this. anything grab by bloom says to ensure his congregation can celebrate without worry, having known so many holocaust survivors in my time, including at temple, beth abraham, where we still have some you re joyce anywhere and anyway, you can and trust you will be protected. in oakland, philippe djegal all kron. 4 news, a former bay area police officer is dead after being shot during a traffic stop in idaho. authorities say 27 year-old told and bolter was a deputy. >> with the ada county sheriff's department in boise before moving to idaho. he was a pleasant hill police officer. there's also a cadet with the walnut creek police department and graduated from the contra costa county sheriff's academy. poulter is the first sheriff's deputy in ada county to be killed in the line of duty.


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