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tv   KRON 4 News at 6am  KRON  April 23, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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>> and the bay area remembers the life and legacy of glide church founder. so williams. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 6. >> and daria and i'm james fletcher. we've got lots to talk about this morning. do want to start, though, with a check of the weather as take a look at this tuesday morning. hold on to your hat. it's anything like yesterday morning. even with years. so really hold onto him for sure. today's going to be a way cooler and a very easy one. roaring winds out of the southwest pushing in some cooler air our direction and continuously cooler for the rest of the week's forecast. you look outside this morning does show a little bit of cloud cover out there. but otherwise, not a lot of grey so far today from the berkeley hills camera, we are seeing okay. but that sea breeze is roaring into the bay area and that is going to cool us off significantly as compared to yesterday. temperatures in the
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40's to 50's right now. it is a cool start to the morning jackets. ready to go this morning. if you're heading out to the coast today, it will be a bit of that story. one with temperatures only rising to the 50's and 60's out that way and low 70's at the very warmest for the rest of us. so still pleasant enough. but little cooler and a little windier than yesterday rain. all right, john, thank you for that. all right, let's if you will, on a tuesday here, not seen any major delays. >> on our bridges, but the meter lights are on right now. 13 minute ride into the city this morning. maze to that fremont street exit san mateo bridge just short of 15 am to 101. the richmond, sandra fell bridge around 8 and the golden gate bridge. 37 of the tolls. 19 minutes on this tuesday morning. sorry, james, back to you. thank you. reyna on turning to our top story now. we honor and remember the life. >> and legacy of reverend cecil williams, the co-founder d of san francisco's glide memorial church passed away at the age of 94. >> leaving behind and incredible legacy kron. 4
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sarah stinson talks to the people at clyde. >> within the first hours of reverend cecil williams, passing people filed into glide memorial church in san francisco monday night to honor him. this man of peace. >> this man of justice passed away peacefully. i'm hearing about i really can't believe it's record. williams was the co-founder of glide. he was also a civil rights and lgbtq activist. >> was a larger than life figure. minister marvin white intern for williams when he was 18 years old and has become his protege. he says he'll never forget with the reverend told him he said. >> i need for you to be you. >> glide put up photos of williams over the years with people of all walks of life from political activists like bobby seale and angela davis to politicians like nelson mandela and celebrities like marvin gaye in sammy davis, junior williams was also close friends with former san
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francisco mayor willie brown. more than 50 years. yeah. my friendship with cecil williams. >> in valuable and for me. it will never end. >> brown says he worked with williams and doctor martin luther king junior in the 60's during the civil rights movement before williams helped open the church. merry christmas to you. the reverend was known for making everyone feel like family opening the church doors to all making the institution. one of the most liberal churches in america, 2 women to poor folks to workers. >> 2 black folks to brown folks too early. organizers. >> on and on talk to him laugh and joke feel like i was many say williams was not the same after the passing of his wife in glide, co-founder, janice america, tony, in 2021. there. >> many times that he would. audibly and sonically just whale just thinking about not
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being with her i think also he showed. that he have to keep going. >> in december, glad marks 60 years and williams passed the torch to a new ceo doctor gina, from are mister white says glide will continue to keep the legacy of reverend williams alive for decades to come. we can grieve. >> and mourn, but we can't lose sight of liberation. it's even more visible now because of this passing. >> clyde will have the sanctuary open this week for people to visit and hon late reverend williams. more to come on the service. i'm sara stinson reporting back to you. >> thank you, sarah. well, mayor london breed released a statement about williams saying in part, quote, reverend cecil williams was the conscience of our san francisco community. she goes on to say he led with compassion and wisdom always putting the people first and
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never relenting in his pursuit of justice and equality. his kindness brought people together and his vision changed our city and the world. >> governor newsom released a statement saying, quote, reverend williams and his congregation offered refuge and support to all who enter their doors. they're tyler's work to empower marginalized members of the community. put them at the forefront of key social justice and human rights issues driving positive change. all of us can take inspiration from his legacy and, quote. these predators are out preying on our children. >> another big story that we're following this morning. a san jose fire department captain is arrested for allegedly being in a child sting operation in sacramento. a bay area firefighter, just one of 24 suspected internet predators who were arrested crop was michael thomas is in
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the newsroom with the details. good morning, everyone will the sacramento county sheriff's office says that the san jose fire captain was actually just one of many in a position of public trust. >> that were arrested for trying to meet up with young girls, adding that they were only caught because undercover detectives were posing as a 13 year-old on social media. take a look. this is video from the sheriff's office says they arrested 24 suspects in total at the end of march during a three-day child predator sting operation grown adults ranging from age 22 men in their 70's trying to meet up with young girls for. the sacramento bee reports that 43 year-old spencer parker, a san jose fire captain was arrested and he's now facing a criminal complaint from the sacramento county district attorney's office that was filed on april 3rd, according to the newspaper report, he was working at the san jose fire department during the time of his arrest and began his career there back in 2008, he did resign on the 12th after being put on administrative leave. no details have been given on parker specific case,
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but investigators with the sheriff's department's 8 some predators persuaded detectives to send pornographic photos and even made plans to meet up in a hotel room with young kids as young as age is 10 years old, but a knock at the door and they were greeted with deputies. officials say the did catch 2 dozen predators, but there's still a lot more out there preying on young kids. it's like having your and a. >> trying to hold it back. is that prolific? i don't care how smart or how sophisticate you think your son or daughter is an adult coming up with a child battle lines period. >> now the sting operation involved over 100 officers across 21 different law agencies near and around sacramento and officials say they hope that this warns parents to really take a look and pay closer attention to their children's social media. we did reach out to the san jose fire department this morning for a comment but have not heard back as of yet. spencer parker who was arrested is set to appear in court tomorrow morning. that's a very latest here in the
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newsroom. i'm michael thomas story. james, we'll send it back to you. okay, michael, thank you. >> time now 607. say the group leading the effort to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price. he's calling on county supervisors again to set a date for the recall election organizers with safe sent a letter to the the board does not the groups safe says the responsibility will be handed off to the county elections. officials safe plans hold a news conference and a protest this morning at 10, 30 at the alameda county administration building the county of registrars of voters announced last week that it had received enough signatures to force a recall 608, is the time and for your money this morning, gas prices are once again soaring in the bay are they are many wondering when drivers are going to get a break and will it come before
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the start of summer vacation? probably not. but that's the hope. anyway. grab was will tran is live in san francisco with a look at the price is good morning. well, >> you're not going to get a break, unfortunately. and i drive a gas car. so we're in this together. unfortunately, they say the gas prices will continue to climb at least into july. that's when it will peak because let's face it, we're getting closer and closer to the summer months and with warmer weather, people are driving more. so demand is up. if you need to fill er up. don't be surprised if you pull into a gas station and you see a random gallon like to play one only used because people can't fill er up all the way to the top because it's quite expensive. you can see the gas price right behind me at the san francisco gas station, $5 and $0.69. that is $0.24 more. then california's average of $5 and $0.45. you know, i i don't want to make you choke
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on your coffee but is is not good news. get this. so we're paying $0.4 more this week. then last week, $0.21 more. then last month, $0.59 more than at the beginning of the year. so we are headed in the wrong direction. unfortunately, in california refineries always being maintain a switch to the summer blend. you add all things and that's why we're seeing these sky-high gas prices. take a look at your screen. these are some of the prices. you are waking up, you know, and napa county. i think a bottle of wine is cheaper than a gallon of gas because look at this $5 said $0.72 this morning. sonoma county, 5.66, keep in mind, these are just average prices in those counties. alameda 5.60, contra costa county 5.53. and then in santa clara county, $5 and $0.52 the national average is
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$3.67. we are paying such outrages prices in california, james and area that were pay more than hawaii. i spent 3 years living in hawaii and almost everything. costs more in hawaii because they have to ship it out there. the average gas price in hawaii, $4 and $0.78. >> back to that something i would love for 78 a gallon. wow. all right. thank you. we'll 6.10 right now in the north bay. crews are going to be working, a whole week to fix the sausalito pier. >> to try to get ferry service back up and running again. the ferry route between san francisco in sausalito has been out of service since last friday night. a routine inspection found some damage to one of the piles for pilings on the pair affairs spokesperson says that while this work has begun, its started over the weekend. they can only work during low tide. and so that's going, you know, hamper how much they can do
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during this time where they are trying to get as much done as possible. the suspension is affecting about 500 people a day who take the ferry and until the repair is made golden gate transit is providing bus service to and from the city. >> well, still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, more than 2 dozen death penalty cases are under review now in alameda county due to potential misconduct committed by prosecutors during jury selection. the groups of people, the district attorney says were intentionally excluded from juries. we're
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back at 6.14 and here are 4 things to know. a man has been arrested now after fairfield. police say they found him slumped over the wheel of a car in fairfield after searching that car they found they say 1000 ecstasy pills inside as well as several other baggies with suspected cocaine and fentanyl in that. a crash on air base parkway between peabody and walters road in fairfield now closed due to a crash. the roads affected are heightened are highlighted there in red on your screen. police didn't give an estimate on when those will reopen. the remains of a great white or gray whale found offshore in alameda is now at angel island after being towed across the bay that 40 foot long whale was first spotted on saturday evening. experts say it was an adult female great whale officials tell us this is not the same way. a little scene entangled in fishing. that's 2 weeks ago. the outside lands lineup will be released today. and this marks the 16th year of the music festival in golden gate park. 3 day festival starts on august
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night. >> california has a new state would listen, john, because he's been all of will need to do this. this newly restored dos rios ranch, preserve. >> is located in stanislaus county restoration of the park included planning 280,000 trees. yeah. across 2100 acres, the official opening is june. 12th. that will be the california state parks systems. 280st park. john has been a 280 all of i always been to a lot a lot of the national and and maybe the state department find out. so how what's what is that? how many of you then to? oh, gosh, the state parks? definitely not of probably 60 years. so that's a los angeles for for my my job when i was an environmental reporter. but yeah, it's caught. i about love to do that one. that one those look really cool a lot
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of those parks have been just up and down the coastline. you know, those state parks dot the coastline. in fact, a whole lot of our coast. >> and hale moon bay isn't good proximity to a bunch we're looking outside at what we've got here. you can see a little bit of cloud cover overhead. it's going to be a blustery day at the coastline to with those winds pushing in from the south and west and making their way on into the bay area. really cooling us off. now it is an unsettled pattern. we're already seeing a few showers up around lake tahoe. if you have some friends that are up there this week, they're looking at rainfall now. it's spring showers up in the sierra as part of this cut off low to the south and west of us that is actually going to drift over outhern california this week. much better chance of rainfall for la and the sierra than what we have in the bay area. but we do have are slim chance of showers thursday night into friday morning. aside from that, just windy and cooler winds pushing in from the south and west making for a cool day along the coastline. take a look at some of these temperatures only in the 50's out along the coast.
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so if you are heading out that way, absolutely. bring those extra layers with you and for the rest of us as much as 10 to 15 degrees cooler. then yesterday was a very much noticeable cool down today. fremont's in livermore, some of our warmer spots in only hitting 70 degrees today. oakland at 66. well valais how at 64 degrees sonoma and napa at 66 looking ahead. tomorrow is going to be even cooler yet with thursday being the very coolest one only in the mid 60's for daytime highs. best chance of showers which will be very light sprinkles if we see them will be thursday night into friday morning right now. all right, john, thank you for tuesday morning. as you're traveling in, hit the roads. >> things are off to a great start. seeing a lot of green on the map there where you start to slow down just a little bit along way for traveling to antioch, 80, as you make your way through san pablo and on the bay bridge, other highways and bridges like 1, 1, to 18 may get a good time. they right now 40 minute ride into the city this morning. our san mateo bridge,
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just what a 15 1 checking on those highways, south bay, 85 to the most part, still under 30 minutes, 2.18, to 37. you're on to a good start. so down to 37 about 26 minutes. 5, 88, 80 traveling to oakland either of the 2, both clinton green. so you can definitely choose one. arias is back to you. thanks a lot. >> 6.18, and we're learning the body recovered in a reservoir is that of a san francisco man? 24 year-old oscar rafael shell. flores was swimming at the wood were reservoir in stanislaw county on saturday and he appeared to grow tired and struggled to stay above the water and ended up drowning. first responders found his body about 45 feet away from the mountain view point shoreline. and they remind everyone be prepared for emergencies. if you plan to go in the water, have a life vest. in the north bay.
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the motorcyclists who died in a deadly crash. he was killed on saturday has been now identified markos hernando cast a dose. wood died in this crash. that happened on tamales petaluma road cycle he was on. he was with a another group of motorcyclists and he lost control of his bike, crashed into a fence and a utility pole and died at the scene. 6.19, is the time right now in other news, yeah. so in the east bay, a former oakland elementary school teacher is suffering from serious medical problems. now following a car crash. >> the oakland unified school district tells us here at kron 4 that ricky hanna, who you see here was in his car at a stoplight when he was struck from behind by a speeding truck back in february. he is currently in intensive care with a severe spinal cord injury. they say he'll likely be paralyzed going forward. usd says that hannah work with
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the district for 35 years and retired just this past 2022. the gofundme page is raising money for his care. about $6,000 has been collected so far. supreme court is hearing arguments now in a case that could shake up how cities across the country address homelessness. demonstrators gathered outside the court as the justices heard arguments over whether laws that ban homeless people from camping in public spaces can be enforced. the case specifically relates to a law in the city of grants. pass oregon. demonstrators say that fining or jailing homeless people makes it harder for them to find housing inside the courtroom. justice elena kagan suggested that grants passes law went too far. although chief justice john roberts asked of homelessness should be a constitutionally protected status. >> it seems like you're criminalizing the status. if someone is homeless for a week. finds available is that person homeless when he's in the shelter?
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>> well, this case comes after a lower court ruled in favor of the homeless population in oregon, calling it a cruel and unusual punishment to fine and jail. someone who doesn't have anywhere else to go here in the bay area. san francisco officials say they've been blocked from enforcing camping regulations because the city doesn't have enough shelter space for its full homeless population. the decision on this case is expected later this year. >> 6.21 and millions of californians could be in danger of losing internet service. a federal program that provides discounted internet expires at the end of this month. the program started during the pandemic. it provides a $30 internet discount to low-income families. and a $75 discount for people on tribal lands. bipartisan members of congress created this bill that would extend the program now for another year. but the bill has yet to go to the house floor. we'll let you know what happens. 6.22. right now. and
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coming up on the kron, 4 morning news and east bay, rabbi is making sure that >> the jewish community remain safe during passover as we've seen a rise in anti-
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>> 6.25. a man is in the hospital with a life-threatening injuries after he was hit by a car and san jose. he was walking around south first street to hollywood avenue when he was struck yesterday. we don't know who the driver is at this time on the peninsula. threats
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made over the phone, forced palo alto, a palo alto high school to go into a lockdown geun-hye. they got 2 separate phone calls yesterday. one was about a person walking around with a rifle and the other was reporting a bomb threat. the lockdown last about 2 hours while the police investigated and they did not find any evidence of a real threat to the school, the calls origins are now being investigated. >> the clothing store express is shutting down to bay area locations after filing for bankruptcy. this is video of the shop in san francisco's union square which closed last october. but the 2 locations are on bay street in emeryville and valley fair mall in santa clara. the company plans to shut down more than 90 stores nationwide. 16 of them will be right here in the state of california. in the east bay award-winning brewery and taproom buckwild brewing will be pouring its last pints this weekend. the brewery near oakland's jack london square specializes in gluten-free,
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beer and has won several awards for it in the past. according to an instagram post, the brewery's taps will go dry following its rinal day of service. this coming sunday. the post did not specify the reason, though, for the closure. we're going take a break. it is 6.26. but coming up next on the kron 4 morning news tenants in san jose are speaking out against issues are experiencing. >> at an affordable housing complex. we'll tell you what they say are being left. the fall by the wayside. we'll be fall by the wayside. we'll be right back.
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my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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>> it is 6.29. we're looking at the weather. it was gorgeous yesterday. just a little windy. if i had to come plan, all. but that wind shear is kicking up the pollen. a lot of folks are dealing allergies. yeah, john, good morning. yeah. big changes today to because of that wind that is pushing into the bay area. >> really transporting some cooler air our direction. and in the short term, just pushing a lot of that ocean cool there right over the bay area, too. it could result in a 10 to 15 degree cool down today from yesterday. look at all this cloud cover over san jose. you can see the signs of this pattern change ahead of us. low pressure sitting to the west of us is going to really push that high pressure ridge out and visibility may be ok, but it is going to be an overcast start to the day. now. skies will clear out nicely this afternoon. we're still going to be mostly sunny, but cooler and even a little bit windier than yesterday was 50's currently for our temperatures later on today. daytime highs only in the 60's to low 70's at the very warmest. i'll get to the rest of your forecast. still
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to come. >> right now, eyes on news that thankfully no rain to slow you down this morning. but traffic is at the bay bridge right now. meter lights are a lot of 15 minute ride traffic starting to build up the toll plaza. thankfully no accidents. 14 minutes on the san mateo bridge, richmond center fell bridge. look at that 11 minutes. things are starting to build a little bit there. 28 right along the golden gate bridge. and let's check on those highways. you can see across the bay, mostly green, but along 82 san pablo highway for any 8.80, to hayward, you're starting to see things start to slow down 1, 1, to 80 along the peninsula. you make great time there are uses back to you. >> thanks a lot. rain. it's 6.31 and a big story that we're following 5 death penalty cases are now under review in alameda county because of the possible misconduct of prosecutors. so alameda county district attorney pamela price is her office uncovered. what may be a pattern of misconduct dating back almost 30 years where prosecutors have purposely
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excluded. >> black and jewish people from juries four's. dan kerman reports. >> recognize how terrible this and it is something that we have to make right at a news conference monday. alameda county district attorney pamela price said a federal judge has ordered her office to review 35 active death penalty cases going back nearly 50 years. >> for prosecutorial misconduct, certain prosecutors and the alameda county district attorneys office may have intentionally appeared to have intentionally excluded jewish and black jurors from death penalty cases prices. these prosecutorial notes suggesting the exclusion of blacks and jews from juries was discovered when her office was reviewing the appeal of our mistakes. a 51 year-old man convicted in 1993 and sentenced to death in 1995. for the murder of a 9 year-old and the attempted murder of his grandmother during an attempted robbery. the discovered notes were shared
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with the federal judge in the dikes case who ordered a more thorough review. the evidence that we have uncovered suggest plainly that many people did not receive a fair trial in alameda county. and as a result, we have to review all of the files. >> to determine. what happened and what the appropriate remedy price says that review is now underway and loved ones of those harmed by those on death row. >> are now being informed of what's going on. she says the alleged misconduct is not limited to just one or 2 prosecutors and doug's case is not the only one that suggests similar misconduct. dan kerman kron, 4 news. oakland police now responding or to how they handle sideshow protocols after this dirt bike takeover sent one writer to the hospital sunday afternoon. >> police say roughly 50 dirt bikers were seen popping wheelies and weaving through
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traffic sunday afternoon. kron 4 asked police what the protocol is for sideshows involving dirt bikes and atvs. as you can see here that took over parks and the officers responded, quote, officers do not immediately surround or block off the sideshow participants but rather assessed the number of sideshow. participants spectators threats to public safety safety concerns for the officers and resources available to address the sideshow. once this information is obtained, the incident commander will devise a plan to address the si eshow appropriately and quote, now opd says the sideshows in the city have evolved from late night street races to large weekend gatherings, drug participants from all over the bay area. so their protocols may have to adjust. we'll see. >> a crash on air base parkway between peabody and walters. roads in fairfield has closed that area because of the crash. you can see the roads that are highlighted on the screen here. that's the area affected by this. so you should avoid that as they investigate the crash.
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>> in the north bay, a man seen slumped over the wheel of a car and fairfield leads to a drug arrest and the seizure of look at this. they discovered 1000 x study, ecstasy pills when they arrested and spotted this man and also there were other baggies that appeared to be cocaine, meth and fentanyl in the car. >> the man has been detained and booked into jail. >> police in healdsburg now looking for the person who stabbed a 16 year-old over the weekend. they say it happened around 10, 30 on foster creek pathway. that's right. near carson warner skate park. police say the victim and some of his friends had an altercation with a different group of people when he was stabbed in the back police later discovered a 17 year-old was also stabbed. both have serious injuries and they're recovering at a local hospital. anyone with information about what happened is asked to call healdsburg police. also happening today, nurses within the city of san francisco plan to rally over safety concerns
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recently, the san francisco department of public health nurses union surveyed members about their experiences of assault and abuse on the job. 70% report having been physically assaulted on the job more than 94% reported verbal abuse and 10% reported being sexually assaulted or harassed during the sf sfdph health commission meeting, the nurses will deliver 2000 pages documenting these unsafe working conditions. and this will all be at 03:00pm outside the dph health commission on grove street. >> it's 6.36. and as we told you, pass over, started last night, it's a jewish holiday that takes place for a week. >> and here in the bay area, people are worried during this time about security. >> because of the war between israel and hamas going on in the middle east. this has sparked a cease-fire. protests as we know, not just in the bay area, but all around the
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world and led to a rise in both islamophobia and anti-semitism. and we've seen that play out in graffiti and hate crimes just 2 weeks ago, a local synagogue in the bay area was awarded a security grant from the state of california to pay for extra guards during the passover holiday. >> very sad situation that we have to rely and security were thankful to the state of california for giving this security grant. but it's really a shame that we have to do this. >> the rabbi says that the guards will help the congregation to be able to mark this high holiday without being worried that they may be attacked. and 6.37. and the remains of a gray whale found offshore in alameda now are are at angel island. they have told the carcass across the bay it's a 40 foot whale first spotted on saturday morning.
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experts say it is an adult female great whale and now biologist from the marine mammal center and the california academy of sciences are performing crop c to try to figure out exactly what happened way lovers in the bay area also want to know. >> very beautiful creatures. and it's very sad, though. i want to know what happened. i'd like to know what happened to smile. >> we don't have any details yet about medical exams that they're doing. but we do understand that this is not the same whale that was se%n entangled 2 weeks ago. whale was reported. it's the first dead will reported in the san francisco bay this year. so they were just want to make sure there are no dangers dangerous trends happening. that could endanger the whales. >> in the south bay, san jose apartments met to bring people out of homelessness are now facing a slew of complaints. there are reports of break-ins and drug use. tenants say that
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little is being done to fix this issue. crowned moment has more. its been held since i've been there. >> genome monarch has been at the renaissance apartments for 4 years. she talks to us with 3 other tenants. all of these people say they don't feel safe living. there is tremendous amount >> and a lot i have been broken into my apartment exactly 10 times due to says when she reports these issues to property management. >> they're either met with silence or retaliation. i have many people that has just wanted to packet grab a kid least in there because got making it their better and that claim to gina and others hits close to home. >> the apartments are run by charities, housing and are meant to be the first housing for people who haven't had a place to call home. they stay here for 2 years and then go on to a more permanent apartment. many of the people who stay here are recovering from years of living on the street. levi send witness.
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>> someone hitting at a woman. lisa mooney says her first year at these apartments she would still sleep outside. >> claiming it wasn't a stressful opposed to living inside. it's kind of discouraging 2 years ago, san jose spotlight published report of similar concerns and even reported apartment employees filming attorneys who were investigating the property apartment management denied the allegations reported by spotlight. everything got better. theresa tovar. a tenant of 2 years says she also sleeps outside her apartment most nights. she shows us the complaints filed against the apartment at letters her family wrote to those in charge. she says, though she is not hopeful anything will be fixed. it just makes no sense to me that things that they do. there's just it right like i as to karl, my kid. now we brought all of these concerns from the multiple tenants that reached out to us to the owners of apartment complex. >> we did not hear back yet any side. jose jacmel but kron 4 news. 6.40, is the time and happening tonight, palo alto
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teachers plan to host a rally and ask for better wages because of the high cost of living here in the bay area. >> members of the educator's association and the palo alto unified school district are at an impasse right now in negotiations because they say management refuses to invest in educators. according to niche, the district ranks as the number one unified district in california. the rally is set to be at 06:00pm tonight the pa usd office on churchill avenue. meanwhile, happening today, community members plan to rally at the san pablo city council asking for stronger rent protections. they'll be delivering more than 1500 signatures required to put a renter protections package on the november ballot this year. the renters protection package includes a rent, stabilization tended anti harassment and just cause eviction ordinance is too tackle on affordable rents landlord, harassment and reno. vick shuns uren evictions in the city. that's when they
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kick people out to renovate the building and selling office condo units. they plan to turn the tally at 10, 30 this morning, actually at the san pablo city hall. >> its 6.41, and still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news. although california is leading the nation in solar power energy, the state is running into some issues where power is
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6.44. and here are 4 things you need to know. we are learning that the body discovered in a reservoir in
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the san francisco bay is that of a man named oscar rafael ca flores. turns out he was swimming at the world, were reservoir and stands last county on saturday and appeared to grow tire and struggled to stay above the surface and his body was later found threats made by calling in and somebody called it the gun high school forced a lockdown yesterday as palo alto. police investigated 2 calls that they got saying it was somebody with a rifle, another that there was a bomb threat, that there was nothing going on at school. everybody's ok, man is in the hospital with life-threatening injuries. he was hit by a car in san jose while walking in the area south first street at a hollywood avenue and the group leading the effort to recall alameda county da pamela price is calling on county supervisors again to set a date for the recall election. the group sent a letter to the board of supervisors saying that according to state election law, they have to said election day on their april
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30th meeting. if they don't, then the responsibility is handed off to the elections. officials. >> 6.45 is the time and you will be able to pay to skip the tsa lines at california airports if a new bill is passed right now, clear customers can pay just under $190 a year to avoid the tsa's regular and precheck lines. the new bill that would ban that practice and force clear to either get its own dedicated line or stop operating altogether. unions for tsa agents and flight attendants stpport the bill saying that clear isn't insecure, pay to play system. but airlines say that restrictions on clear would cost them business from their most frequent fliers and forced the tsa to at staffing to deal with the additional labor clear for nothing. >> is that what you're telling me? not well, according to the industry group, aerodynamic advisory, u.s. airlines are expected to receive about 40% fewer planes than they planned for last year.
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>> many are blaming boeing 7.37. max production delays as one of the big reasons for the shortage. several airlines, including united and southwest pause all hiring as a result of this united is even offering their pilots on paid leave. experts say airlines a few short months. they're giving him a few short months to figure out their shortfalls before summer travel really takes off. >> and it summer travel is already here. handler, it's kind of started by tickets. can say my kids now for drive the kit. when are you coming this summer? do you have a job? just some of the questions i've been 6.47 time. let's as some weather questions. the job he stand by the center. hey, john. yeah, it's been feel like summer. that's for sure. but we're about to feel a little bit more like spring again, as we look at temperatures dipping and a little bit of cloud cover out there, happen even a little bit of mist drizzle app in bay this morning. you can see that wet look to it out
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there. you notice those winds yesterday today you're going to notice again, a very strong southwesterly wind pushing into the bay area. >> transporting some cool ocean cooled air across the region and a little unsettled in the sierra enough so that lake tahoe has seen some light showers this morning. this low pressure area to the south and west of us is going to result in a better opportunity of rainfall for southern california later on this week for the bay area. we may see a few early morning sprinkles on friday, but the real impact we get is this generally cooler temperature trend. your temperature outlook over the finish of april in the start of may is showing below normal temperatures across northern california while much of the rest of the country is going to actually be warmer than average. so we're set for a pretty cool and into april and kickoff to may just around the corner. as for temperatures today, you're already noticing that cooler trend that we're tapping into after yesterday's low 80's that are very warm us today. it's going to be mostly 60's and then low 70's at the
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very warmest. and this is just the start. this is actually warm compared to where we're going to be the rest of the week. livermore in fremont at 70 degrees, each oakland at pix. danville in concord. >> and only. >> we're at 86 today. it's just 6. all right. they just toss to me, john, to get something with your mic right now. we're tracking our traffic this morning along highway 4 traffic starting to build about 34 minutes the morning started off. pretty easy. but traffic is starting to gradually build 80 min right on the bay bridge may so that fremont street exit or 70 overs around 17, 80 to 101. check out. 24 right now. still in the green about 12 minutes up and down to 5.80, 6.80, doubling down to fremont 20 minute ride that rally. the pleasanton. so is the slowest says you get past that things are moving back again. pretty nicely. let's get a look at 101 of the south bay. 85 them apart around 36 minutes starring james, back to you, ok, brianna, thank you. 6.49. the time in california leads
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the nation in solar power. but now there's so much solar energy. >> on the grid right now, that electricity is sometimes being thrown out. now in response, the state is cutting back incentives for having rooftop panels slowing the pace of installations in 2022. 2.4 million megawatt. hours of electricity went unused in california. 95 1% of that was from solar. so it's essentially be thrown away. but throwing away free power actually raises electricity prices for customers. some believe a surplus of solar is a problem that several states could face in the future. >> renewable energy, clean energy, and we can make it more affordable and stable. if we're smart and manage the transition rather policies that are going back and forth, and bust, we need to be smart, unconscious and not reverse course solar energy bill.
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>> well, something else to watch out for with solar. the california supreme court is reviewing a case right now challenging controversial roof. top reforms for rooftop solar energy, many believe. at sky's the limit when it comes to solar. but obviously california's leading the way and there are some growing pains and it is coming at a cost that will need to be figured out. >> time now 6.50, and we are just days away from the 2024 nfl draft and the niners who don't have the early picks have at least an earlier pick than they have in the past. they have yet kron. 4 sports reporter kate rooney walks us through it all. >> it's hard to believe that we're already back at levi stadium talking football after all, a lot of forty-niners fans are still recuperating from the team's devastating loss in the super bowl back in february. but the players are back here on the premises for voluntary workouts. and of course, forty-niners brass is prepping for the nfl draft. coming up on thursday. the team has 10 picks in this year's draft including a first round pick for the first time
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since 2021. will have the 31st overall pick. general manager john lynch explained his approach for how they're bolstering the team's roster through the draft this season. >> we've identified where we you know. we want we want to add some people in this draft. but, you know, needs is an interesting that not a lot of needs on this team. there's but but there's things like a couple years out. there's things a year out and then there's got there's opportunities where guys can come in definitely in tune to who we draft and just buddies from college or whoever in life. >> get drafted. it's it's a it's a pretty big thing for, you know, kids growing up that they give us your name on tv, get drafted and an opportunity to go live out their dream. so i think it's always cool time of year for shares. the draft is always really important. obviously see how how has been here in guys. >> i'm playing a lot of a lot of snaps, you know, as rookies and as young players here and this organization and being stable players for us. and so
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i am excited about the draft. you know, e ery year's important for the draft, even as they're focusing on the draft coming up this week, one notable absence looms large for the forty-niners wide receiver. brandon aiyuk is in contract negotiations and has not been here at levi stadium. >> for the team's voluntary workouts, lynch declined to answer many questions about how contract negotiations are going, but he did say the team's goal is to make sure that brandon aiyuk is a 49 er for the rest of his career. and that so far talks with his camp are going well at levi stadium. kate rooney. all right. thank you, kate. 6.52. is the time coming up in the next hour of the kron. 4 morning news crews will be working all week to fix. >> the sauce, a little peer in hopes of getting ferry service back up and running again. we spoke to some commuters who use that peer to get
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>> 6.55. is the time in new this morning. the american academy of pediatrics is now pushing for stronger regulations when it comes to. toddler milk. now toddler milk products are marketed as transitional formulas and nutritional sup support for children. 9 to 36 months old. well, this is typically when kids are moving to table food like water and milk at the table. and some experts say that parents are led to believe that these toddler milk products are a better option. but pediatricians say top milk is unnecessary and potentially harmful because they're loaded with more sugar and less protein than whole milk. they recommend that kids skip this toddler milk, a transitional formula and go straight to table foods and regular whole milk because they have less salt in processed foods sugar as well.
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>> time now 6.56. and coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news. how much is it going to cost to to fill er the price is really up for gas in the bay area. we'll take a look at that. plus, a san jose fire captain is accused of trying to me with under age child for relations in a big sting news caug
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>> right now on the kron 4 morning news. a police sting operation ends in the rest of the san jose fire captain accused of trying to meet young girl for. the group
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trying to recall the alameda county district attorney wants county leaders to set date for that recall election. >> the leader whose path that you can continue to follow. the bay area remembers the life and legacy life. church founder. >> cecil williams. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. good morning and thanks for joining us on a tuesday. i'm sorry and i'm james and looks like going to another blustery tuesday. today. the winds sticking around. yeah. and it was gusty yesterday for sure. so more that today, john, more of it and cooler temperatures today. those winds of change yesterday. >> has this big switch up in our pattern occurs from what has been warm and summery feeling kind of weather to what is about to be a cooler than average and to the month ahead of us. we're we're sitting this morning. we have a lot of cloud cover out there. skies will clear out today, but we are going to be a lot


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