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tv   KRON 4 News at 6pm  KRON  April 23, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. >> now at 6, a plea deal reached in the murder of a home depot worker who confronted shoplifting suspect. good evening, everybody. i'm vicki liviakis. i'm ken wayne. it was a little more than a year ago when blake moses was shot and killed at the home depot in pleasanton. >> tonight, kron four's dan kerman. talk to the victim's mother about this plea deal. dan joins us from the newsroom with the details dan. well, it was a shocking murder of a bay area man that was beloved by many. now on the eve of the trial, the plea deal has been reached and the family says they can move on. it was a little over a year ago at this home depot in pleasanton. when 26 year-old blake moses was shot and killed. police say it
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happened when mozza loss prevention officer was shot after confronting a woman for shoplifting. that woman was later identified as benicia naps. she was eventually charged with murder her accomplice david guillory was charged with child endangerment, an accessory to robbery. now as the 2 are set to go to trial, a plea agreement has been reached with naps, pleading guilty with a sentence of 19 years to life and guillory pleading guilty with a sentence of 7 years and 4 months. this is a family. >> decision that we made. >> for the better of everyone. lori moses, blake, most mother, she says reaching a plea deal, gives the family their life back instead of going through a protracted trial with grisly details and potential appeals. basically this case would control my life. >> if we got our conviction, which i know we would i know for a fact we went out. then there's an appeal. >> and then there's new loss.
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and then there's this. and then there's that. and they've pulled. >> our lives hostage for the rest of it. >> and with the plea deal. we get our lives back. >> most never thought. da pamela price made the proper charging decisions enter son's murder and says if she had a deal may have been reached earlier. now with the deal done, the family can grieve and celebrate the life of blake moe's from blacksmithing to cooking to riding horses. >> to repairing equipment home depot. 2. to baking with his mama. you know, being my best home are movie buddy. blake was so many things to so many people. >> but at the end of the day, he was mine. he's my boy. >> the sentencing hearing to finalize this deal is set for june 6. vicky can.
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>> say the alameda for everyone. the group leading the effort to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price holding a rally at the alameda county administration building today, they sent a letter to the board of supervisors calling on the board to set a date for the recall election during the next tuesday's meeting. the group claims thht supervisors are not following the county charter. >> the small, then it just we call is also wake up call for many of especially this county. >> the damage that has been so far. it's tremendous. and we should not be the only people that see what's going on. the board of supervisors have a job to president miley. it's your responsibility. >> to set a date for the recall. put that on the agenda and we want to see that on april 30th and will be here to watch you and watch the board vote on that. >> price has been criticized
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for being lenient on criminals. her attorney claims that the recall is illegal alleging the registrar of voters failed to follow the rules of the county's charter. more specifically signatures they say were not counted within 10 days and people from outside the county, they say were used to gather signatures. layoffs. a tesla has are earning showed slipping sales, forcing the company to slash workers. thousands of those job cuts right here in the bay area. kron four's theresa reports from fremont with more. >> we're here in fremont in front of the page street facility where several 100 tsa workers are projected to lose her job with sinking sales of nearly 55%. tesla, the austin based electric carmaker says it will be making sweeping layoffs, affecting every sector of the business. there's actually been layoffs across both stop >> manufacturing as well as engineering design parts of the as well as also lot of
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people on the sales and side from their service honors and apparently people from their marketing team as well. >> sam abuelsamid is a transportation analyst. here is a look at some of the jobs projected to be slashed here in the bay area. starting in june with thousands at the fremont and palo alto locations. the electric car company revealed global sales went from 2.5, 1 billion last year. the 1.1, 3 billion for the same period this year. so it's not surprising that tesla did some their sales have >> declined significantly in the last quarter. >> and that really tapered off. they've that really running with a lot of excess capacity right now. he also added that tesla had trying to produce a lower cost electric car but admitted to shelving the product. >> they did finally confirm
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that the so-called $25,000 car, the next generation product. >> that they have been developing has been shelved for the time being. that was that was they had stated was supposed to come out in the 2nd half of 2025. >> bottom line, the transportation expert says that all of these cuts are going to be saving the company. several billion dollars in capital expenditures here in fremont theresa kron. 4 news. >> jose fire captain among more than 20 man arrested in a crime. authorities say 43 year-old spencer parker is now facing charges which were filed earlier this month. sacramento county deputies conducted operations spring cleaning for 3 days last month. deputies posed as children online to detect soliciting. they say some predators even made plans to meet up with kids as young as 10 years old. parker had worked for the san jose fire department for almost 16 years. he said to appear in court tomorrow morning. the
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san jose fire department reacting to the arrest saying, quote, no criminal activity is tolerable in our service and the types of crimes described by the charges are beyond a betrayal of public trust and are particularly reprehensible when committed by someone sworn to public service, end of quote. now to our 4 zone forecast with a live look outside at the gray skies hanging over the bay bridge lawrence. what happened to those beautiful, warm spring-like conditions. yeah. how about that? what a change at the marine layer really sweeping well onshore today. >> and feeling the effects not onlylalong the coastline, all the way, the interior valleys, some of the temperatures drastically cooler. this just 24 hours ago. and that's where we sit now. we see the clouds have all the pullback partially in our to begin to move back on shore again. plenty of cloud cover out. there are even reports of drizzle along the coastline. but the temperatures taken a major hit today over the last 24 hours. 16 degrees cooler in concord and live more that
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marine air making its way all the way to fairfield 15 degrees cooler today. 11 degrees cooler in santa rosa. you get the idea these temperatures way down and maybe get a little bit cooler in spots out the door right now. wowking on your 58 degrees. a cool 58 in santa rosa. 61 in concord, 60 in san francisco and oakland, 64 degrees in san jose. but overall, it's been all about the low clouds and the fog stretching well onshore. you can see it's already beginning to fill in right now. so it will thicken up as we head through the night tonight, even more drizzle, real possibility out along the coastline. palin stay here. you've got this area of low pressure just kind of swirling along the coastline, not a really strong one, but just enough to deepen that marine air bringing some drizzle and plenty of fog around the bay area. thunderstorms popping up over the northern sierra nevada. also parts northern california. going to see that begin to die down as we head throughout the evening hours. but we've got more clouds on the way. if you're headed out the door tonight, grab a light jacket with you remain cool. that breeze still kicking up almost to 20 miles an hour in spots. more fog on the way for
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tomorrow. we'll let you know what's going to warm up coming up in a few minutes. all right, lawrence, san francisco mayor london breed is taking steps to try to increase safety in the city's tenderloin district >> but some local businesses are not on board with their plan. kron four's lisa good has details. >> mayor london breed is proposing a new initiative to fight against open air drug markets and attend why it would require all corner stores, liquor stores as smoke shops to close from midnight to 05:00am. if stores don't comply, they can face $1000 fine for every hour open and business owners like jamie of the phoenix hotel says it's a good first step. anything that helps. >> so her tail that the drug trade and the drug activity on our streets is, you know, something worth. >> in a statement, the mayor explains the tenderloin at the center of san francisco's open air drug markets and these late night shops are attracting illegal behavior.
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but sunny, who's the owner at the condo market located on a feral streets as his stores operating times is not the stores will not make any difference. >> but drug dealing the smoking people not going out. when road, whatever people that they're doing using the tracks are stilling and rex, they're doing all day long. he feels the new law would hurt businesses rather than help pick and they cannot help me out. cannot take away. >> from my pocket have that that unlike 2 hours, i'm open go to our one. 32 o'clock. i think i'm i'm so and if passed by the board of supervisors stores farrow and mcallister streets. >> and from pope to jones streets will be affected and this will not include restaurants, bars or event spaces was a good in kron. 4 news. >> coming up in oakland, restaurant owner picking up the pieces yet again after a shop is broken into for the 4th time in almost 3 years. plus, more than a dozen tents set up on berkeley's campus
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today with protesters demanding a cease-fire in gaza. >> we have reaction from students and developers breaking ground on a new housing complex in oakland will take a closer look after the break. happening now,
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tulsa teachers are holding a rally for better pay due to the high cost of living in the bay area. >> members of the education association say talks with the school district, a broken down. rally started about 15 minutes ago at the palo alto unified school district office on churchill avenue, pro gaza and palestine. protesters
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staging a sit-in on campus cal berkeley. >> in front of sproul hall today, protesters had set up dozens of tents along with banners and signs of support for the people gaza and palestine. they are demanding that the school call for a cease-fire in the conflict between israel and hamas. some students walking to class express support for the protesters. but some jewish students say that they have been harassed for months and feel that the university has let them down. i think that the students using their power and their privilege to uplift other people, especially those. >> suffering from a genocide is extremely important. uc berkeley doesn't care about your students prioritize your safety. >> and it isn't care of, you know, we are forced to learn in an environment that is not conducive to one in which we feel welcomed. >> or let alone say fun. >> the university says with just 3 weeks left in the school year, they want to protect the right to free speech, but also want to make
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sure that the school run smoothly and safely. meantime, protesters are demanding that cal enact a financial boycott of israel, but the school says that's not on the table. the jewish community relations council releasing a statement in response to the demonstration. it reads, quote, we are carefully monitoring the emerging emerging anti israel protest at uc berkeley which appear to be inspired by the deeply anti-semitic columbia encampment, responsible for harassing and blocking jewish students from accessing their campus goes on to say, quote, well, their words are abhorrent. the protesters at uc berkeley have a right to free speech and assembly and no violence or ups truck shun has yet been reported. we are in conversation with the administration who are committed to ensuring jewish safety and participation and of quote, at least 20 more google workers have been fired after protest over the company supplying the israeli government with ai technology.
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>> google said more than 20 workers were laid off due to sit in protests at offices in sunnyvale and new york last week. the company says the additional employees were fired after its investigation revealed the identities of people wearing masks during the protests. meantime, a group representing the workers say more than 50 employees have been fired because of the protests. vice president kamala harris announcing new rules for staffing nursing homes. >> they require nursing homes that receive medicare and medicaid funding to be adequately staffed under the rule. every facility with 100 residents needs at least 2 registered nurses, too, be compliant as well as 10 or more nurse aids and 2 nursing staffers. the vice president says that the new rules will help staff were dealing with harassment and burnout. >> presidents this will mean more staff, which means fewer er. this is potentially more independence families is going to peace of mind in terms of your loved one being taken
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care of repair work is going to be more time with their patients, less burnout lower turnover. >> the new rules are set to be implemented in phases allowing facilities time to properly prepare for the new requirements. in the span. group of developers broke ground on a new affordable housing development in oakland. the site is on east 12th street and second avenue in the lake merritt east lake neighborhood. >> a quarter of the 91 units are designated as permanent supportive housing for unhoused individuals and families. buildings are also the first project to break ground with funding from measure you and affordable housing infrastructure bonds that was passed back in 2022, meantime, applications are now being accepted for the new affordable housing in fremont. >> the lottery waitlist is for the fremont family apartments on fremont boulevard. 27 rental units are going to be up for grabs. an eligibility
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is based on income deadline to apply is may 3rd at time for another check of the 4 zone forecast. a different view of the bay this time looking out toward the golden gate and kron four's chief meteorologist lawrence karnow here to line out what we have to look forward to tonight and tomorrow. well, you know what? you get a nice onshore breeze like this, of course, here quality looking fantastic around the bay area, right? get that nice. fresh. >> ocean aaron. boy, it has brought the temperature down. but other than that, it's looking good outside. you've got the clouds rolling in as a definitely cool down the temperatures all around the bay area. we've had some reports of drizzle along the coastline. more that overnight tonight and tomorrow, too. but the air quality look fantastic out there. you've got green across the board as a really that a nice fresh ocean. there has pushed all the way the interior valleys all the way in the central valley of california. so could be that way again, i think for tomorrow to expect a nicer quality, the coast all the way to the valleys tomorrow afternoon. looking good with that onshore flow. continuing outside. you're seeing that
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breeze out there now to 90 miles an hour in san francisco, 16 and pacific and 12 in the napa valley, 16 in fairfield. so said onshore flow all the way. the interior valleys north, that fog is headed. it just kind of filling right now. low pressure spinning off the coastline. that's up in a deep in that marine layer bit. we've had some thunderstorms popping up in northern california as well. those begin to diminish as we head throughout the evening hours started back off a little bit now high pressure that brought us that nice weather. well, it's continuing to move eastward. so that's kind putting in between systems here. you've got that area of low pressure spinning along the coastline. that will bring the fog again overnight tonight and then begin for sag further south. still, tomorrow's going to be rather cool day around the bay area. i think you can see numbers coast side 50's and 60's in the san francisco. you see 50's right along the coastline of the zoo. oakland, you're looking about 64 degrees. make sure fog in the morning. some sunshine in the afternoon should be pleasant and san jose upper 60's some low 70's. but yeah, far cry from what we had just 24 hours ago, right? when we're talking about some 80's, big change. but maybe the bigger changes coming. a chance of rain in the
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forecast. about for a few minutes. thanks, lawrence. the california state university system announced more than 4 and a half million dollars toward advancing black students success across its school system. >> the money will help fund programs and projects that will meet recommendations outlined in last year's black student success report. the report is focused on addressing persistent trends in low black student enrollment retention and graduation rates. >> coming up, a state bill companies powerball. fails to pass a second time closer look at the fine print.
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>> california lawmakers rejected a bill aimed at cracking down on how utility companies spend customers money per state rules. investor owned utilities are not allowed to use money from customers to pay for things like advertising are lobbying. they're supposed to use money from private investors to pay for those things. but some groups accuse these companies of going around the rules, for instance, using customer money to fund tv ads to skies. this public service announcement. the bill would have expanded the definitions of the standards while also allowing regulators to a fine utilities that break the rules yesterday marked the second time that the proposal failed to pass a legislative committee. health insurance giant united health group says it has seen a significant loss in private
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health care data because of a ransom ware attack on one of its subsidiaries last month. in a statement the group announced that, quote, a substantial portion of proportion, rather of people in america may be affected. the admission comes a week after the hacking group began to publish the stolen data. united health says that it will take several months to identify and contact those people who are affected. still ahead on kron, 4 news at 6, the senate is one step closer to passing. a ban on tiktok will have the latest on where things stand. plus. >> from la to las vegas, federal officials and leaders from both cities broke ground on a high-speed rail system when you might go to take a ride and a new program in the east bay that aims at east bay that aims at norman, bad news...
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less than 3 years. that's reality for the roasted and raw restaurant in downtown oakland. yeah, they were burglarized once again early monday morning. >> kron four's rob nesbitt reports on the owner's ongoing frustrations. >> the security alert of a break-in at roasted enron. oakland came in around 04:30am, monday. this is not the first time and the owner wants more of a police presence in downtown to prevent it from happening again. instagram, followers of roasted enron. oakland saw this post monday morning. more broken glass and another closure caused by an overnight burglary. let's before the 4th time owner amani greer has been burglarized since opening the plant-based rice bowl restaurant 3 years ago break the window. and they obviously, but for the cash first. >> register. >> well, office, you know, see if there's a saying that
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there's no se, they just kind of roaming around and just take whatever they can take. he's learned not to leave any cash. the restaurant overnight, but says the damage is stolen goods and having to be close. monday comes around. $3500 in losses. yeah, we about we get a look at other property. but at the same time, our weren't always, you >> if anybody doesn't know commercial real estate right now is a mess. and landlords are are going just let you out of the his current least isn't. and for another 6 years filing a police report for past break-ins never resulted in an arrest. so greer says he doesn't bother calling 9-1-1 to report the crime. he wants more of a police presence downtown late at night to deter another burglary from happening. huge police presence. a lot of cops, a lot of cars driving around during the day. but for some reason that night. oakland police just turned into responding to gunshots and violence. and to me, that's not. >> that's not a feeling, you know, the entire the oakland police department says their command staff tracks crime trends deploying more officers to areas experiencing crime. >> they've also expanded foot
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patrols to 2 sergeants and 12 officers. greer says his restaurant is not the only business in oakland experiencing multiple break-ins. it's why he wants the city to offer grant money to owners experiencing a loss of revenue because of burglaries. reporting the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> why do you want it? >> this week marks national crime victims rights week. survivors on the steps of the state capitol in sacramento today talking about their efforts to try to bring more resources to their community. the event started with a healing vigil where victims came together remember their loved ones. the group calling on lawmakers to remain committed to public safety strategy said prioritize crime, prevention and healing. >> could you imagine the kind of hard that could have been prevented if we had billions of dollars for provincial that trauma recovery and mental health and substance abuse treatment. if we had billions


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