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tv   KRON 4 News at 11pm  KRON  April 23, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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this is. news 11. >> don't see this every day. some tense moments in downtown san jose today when mayor matt mahan was in the middle of an interview with kron 4, our camera captured this physical altercation. >> people throwing hands as the mayor's security detail and some pedestrian who started messing with good evening. thanks for being with us tonight on kron. 4 news at 11, i'm grant lotus in an email sent only the crowd for san jose. police say the situation big n when this guy started acting erratically toward the mayor and staff and group hostile, they say a plainclothes officer assigned to the mayor's security detail. >> tried to de-escalate the situation several times, but the suspects grew more and
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more agitated and eventually hit the officer. several bystanders helped detain the suspect and he was eventually taken into custody. the officer was treated at a hospital for minor injuries. this man is now facing several charges, including felony battery on a police officer. we're told san jose police plan to hand the case over to the county district attorney's office, our camera captured the whole incident start to finish. and you can find that full video on our website. kron 4 dot com. another big story we are following in san jose tonight the city council approved a proposal to build 150 new affordable housing units in the southern part of san jose off a great oaks exit off highway. 85. the mayor's office says that once the new housing is built homeless people who live in rv's encampments around it will be asked to accept shelter or eventually the asked to leave kron four's jack moment reports.
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>> well, it was here at san jose city council last week were councilors approved the contract to get the ball rolling on this housing project in south san jose, a neighborhood where mayor matt mahan tells me there is a significant number of unhoused people there. and he says once this facility is constructed, they will offer shelter numerous times to the unhoused people there. and if you do not accept it, they will be swept. >> right now, it's an empty lot. but soon a housing complex will stand with 150. a small step to help bring the thousands of currently unhoused people in san jose. get off the street. yes, it is very difficult. sharon lee has been at this a candidate between and monterey road for a year. okay. he's speaking outside. scary. she says volunteers used to take trash out of their encampment. that stopped 3 months ago. she also says there are rumors that this camp will be swept. i was on the late in this sense.
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2018, that's 6 years. she's waited for housing. she hopes that wait will be over with this new facility gets built in her backyard. one is that the neighborhoods to take on solutions to homelessness should see the immediate benefits. mayor matt mahan says the beds will first be offered to those unsheltered in the immediate area. >> those who have refused and remain will be abated. the city would that make it so camping near the facility is illegal. they had says it's a good step, but it's still not enough. we know there's more need than that. we're going keep building shelter, housing, safe, within safe, sleeping sites. but i would be great. got a family says she's looking forward to the day where she and the thousands of other and house in san jose. >> could get offered housing. >> we can do better than that of the taxes. the bag. let me do cycle money. haha, the pot money. they got it. >> now i spoke with an house advocates who tell me that they are supportive of this low income housing project.
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they say it's much better than homeless shelters that they've seen where it could be quite crowded inside. they tell me that they want to make sure, though, that everybody who is living on the streets nearby gets offered every type of help they could possibly get. we're in downtown san jose jacmel kron. 4 news. >> all right. got to get the roundup for you. have the official ceremony and you see the groundbreaking ceremony there on east 12th street into affordable housing project is now officially underway in oakland, the site on east 12th and second avenue in the lake merritt, east lake neighborhood. 91 units will be designated as permanent supportive housing for the unhoused individuals and families. this is among the first project to break ground with funding from what's known as measure you affordable housing infrastructure bond that was passed in 2022. applications are now being accepted for new affordable
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housing in fremont. the fremont family apartments are set to be built on fremont boulevard there will be 27 rental units up for grabs in eligibility is based on income. the deadline to apply for the lottery. waitlist is may 3rd, 05:00pm more info is available at housing dot ac. gov. dot org. san francisco mayor london breed wants to crack down on illegal activity surrounding late night corner stores in the tenderloin. but some people who live and work there are not on board with the plan. crowd for sara stinson joins us live in the studio with the details on that. sarah, what's up? >> grant event aimed at celebrating the tenderloin, the open drug market was on full display for everyone. people who live in work in the neighborhood tell me they deal with this every night making them feel unsafe. mayor breed says she's got a new proposal that will address some of the challenges faced at night.
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>> i one all. i'm not i'm not the tender 9 while making loves living in san francisco's tenderloin neighborhood, she says there's one big problem. she doesn't feel safe at night. got is the home lot about the illegal vendors hanging hundreds of them hang out in front of our building. macie was at the small business foggy tuesday night touring and celebrating 5 businesses in her neighborhood. she got the opportunity to express her frustrations to mayor london breed. i want, you joined others in walking to each business right past people visibly doing drugs, fried told macie and others at the event about an initiative to crack down on the open drug market there. the night time needs to improve significantly. reid is proposing legislation that would require corner stores, liquor stores and smoke shops to close. >> from midnight to 05:00am fried says late night shops attract illegal activity that
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that was where we had the most problems, especially at night. if stores don't comply, they could face $1000 fines for each hour. they're open business owners like jamie flanagan of the phoenix hotel says it's a good first step. anything that helps. >> so her tail that the drug trade and the drug activity on our streets is, you know, something worth. >> macie says she's torn about this proposal. it's kind of nice start have the story you know, and i want to be able to go out at night again. if the board of supervisors decide to pass breeds initiative, it will affect stores between o farrell and mcallister streets and from polk jones treats. this will not include restaurants, bars and event spaces. i'm sara stinson reporting back to you. >> sarah, thank you taking a live look now outside their san francisco. the view from our camera on sutro tower. a cool down today. chief meteorologist lawrence karnow
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is here now with us. lawrence. that was a jolt. >> yeah, no kidding. that's sea breeze. and that fog really dropping those temperatures all around the bay area. some places much as 16 degrees cooler today as that fog was just slow to break up. in fact, part of the bay area never really had much in the way of sunshine out there tonight. the clouds already marching back on shore, beginning to fill inside the bay and the valleys, too. these temperatures taken hit. yeah. conquered livermore. some of the interior valleys that marine air finally reaching those really knock down those temperatures compared to what we have 24 hours ago. and that kind of set things up for this afternoon. we went from well above average temperatures to well below average temperatures. most areas in the 60's, of course, along the coastline. you're in the 50's, the places that were in the 80's yesterday, not even close generally in the 60's outside. we are seeing that the area swirl along the coastline. that's weak area of low pressure, but just deep enough, bring with it. more clouds for us overnight tonight. maybe even some drizzle out there, too. so tomorrow morning we're waking up with a lot of grey out
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around the bay area. only some partial clearing in the afternoon changes the long-range forecast. we'll talk more about that coming up in a few minutes. sounds good. thanks. alerts tesla is laying off more people after an earnings report showed a steep decline in sales. tesla executives announced more than 2700 people will lose their jobs. thousands of them work in fremont and palo alto executives revealed today their net income has dropped more than 50% in the first part of the year. the transportation analyst said these cuts will save the company. a couple billion dollars all told. and this comes as google announced it is firing people after they protested the israel-hamas war last last week. more than 20 pro-palestinian workers were fired after holding sit ins and protests in google offices in sunnyvale in new york. now, the company says additional employees have been fired after an investigation revealed the identities of some people who we're wearing masks, a group representing
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the workers says more than 50 employees have been fired. they were protesting the company supplying israeli government with ai technology. pro gaza and palestinian protesters are staging a sit-in on the cal berkeley campus. this is video from sproul hall today. protesters have dozens of tents along with banners and signs of support for the people of gaza. they are demanding this school call for a cease-fire. some students walking to class express support for the protesters. but some jewish students say they've been harassed for months infield. the university has let them down. i think that the students using their power and their privilege to uplift other people, especially those. >> suffering from a genocide is extremely important. uc berkeley doesn't care about your students prioritize your safety. >> and it isn't care of, you know, we are forced to learn in an environment that is not
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conducive to one in which we feel welcomed. >> or let alone say fun. >> the university says that with just 3 weeks left in the school year, they want to protect the right to free speech, but also make sure the school he's running smoothly and safely. the protesters are also demanding that the university enact a financial boycott of israel. but the school says that is not on the table. the jewish community relations council issued a statement in response to the demonstration. it reads, quote, we're carefully monitoring the emerging anti israel protest at uc berkeley which appear to be inspired by the deeply anti-semitic columbia encampment, responsible for harassing and blocking jewish students from accessing their campus goes on to say while their words arbor and the protesters at uc berkeley have a right to free speech and assembly and no violence or obstruction has yet been reported. we're in conversation with the administration who are committed to ensuring jewish
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safety and participation. >> up next, the lineup for outside lands is out. you can expect to see if you're planning to catch san francisco's biggest music festival. plus, loyal customers lined up to date signified south bay staple. what they say they'll miss the most. and an east bay restaurant has been broken into so many times. the owner no longer calls the cops out. he said police get help kron. 4 news at 11 returns.
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>> the restaurant owner in downtown oakland a's cleaning up after yet another break in the most recent incident happened on monday morning. the owner of the roasted in raul restaurant shared this video of their glass or those shattered. happened overnight. the owner says this break-in qasem around 3500 bucks. the owner says this is the 4th time getting burglarized in the last 3 years since he opened his restaurant. he says he doesn't even call the police anymore. but he's asking for more cops in the downtown oakland area to help deter the crimes. >> huge police presence. a lot of cops. a lot of cars driving around during the day. but for some reason that night. oakland police just turned into responding to gunshots and violence. and to me, that's not. that's not a feeling, you know, the entire city. >> for its part, the police department says they track crime trends that are deploying officers to areas experiencing crimes. they say
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they've also expanded foot patrols, snow up to 14 officers on foot. today. burger pit served up its last burgers. the san jose staple. he's been at blossom hill and kuz or since 1964. they were open today until supplies run out tonight. the owner and loyal customers said one more go by. >> they just and a sad to see us go because there's too little family mom and pop restaurant anymore a young family. this is where we this is just very family oriented. loved the food wanted to be here. when they close the doors, they're closing doors now. really sad about this. but, you know, >> you heard that links aspiration there. the tough to lose a mom and pop burger shop. the manager said the reason they're closing down is because the lease is not being renewed. buy the property manager. alright, weather time
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as we get a live look here in san francisco. quite tower there on a cool san francisco day. cool day all over bay. maybe some rain in the forecast. lawrence is here with a look at that. yeah, we could see a couple showers coming our and settled weather pattern right now as high pressure that brought us the beautiful weather. >> long gone headed eastward. so here we are tonight, the low clouds and fog stretching on shore. now more that on the way going to thicken up overnight tonight, likely going to see some drizzle along the coastline again. so be prepared for that early tomorrow morning. if you're headed out for your commute, i got those clouds traveling up above this kind of a high-tech up there right now that's allowing to stretch all the way to the interior valleys. so as it does, it's going to be a slow burn off for tomorrow. in fact, some places only partial clearing by tomorrow afternoon, a cooler, the midweek. and then we got that slight chance of showers moving in late on thursday into friday. doesn't look like a big event, but it certainly there in the forecast models are going continue watching that. temperatures out the door right now. 59 in san jose
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cool. 54. it 7 to 57 degrees in san francisco. and 51 now in santa rosa. that area of low pressure kind of swirling off the coastline. and you can see counterclockwise rotation bringing the clouds up in the bay area and really keeping you cool all day long. that's going to be there in place for tomorrow, though. it's going start to weaken a little bit by the afternoon head south. but a forecast model showing the cloud cover overnight tonight. and you see the green representing some of that drizzle along the coastline as we head throughout the night and early morning tomorrow, partially breaking up as we look toward the afternoon, but never fully clearing in the bay area. so kind of another cool day outside temperatures in the san francisco 50's low 60's. that's about as warm as it's going to get about. 55 in pacifica, a cloudy all day along the coastline. you'll see a little more sunshine inside the bay and the temperatures are going to warm up as you head down the peninsula about 65 degrees in palo alto tomorrow. 63 in san carlos, the south bay someplace nudging close to 70 degrees. but that's far cry the 80's we just had yesterday and in the east bay, those numbers 60's, maybe couple low 70's tomorrow afternoon. some
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sunshine breaking out late in the day about 66 of walnut creek. 68 in concord and about 67 degrees in hercules. so you get the idea almost like a summer like pattern out there. so we'll keep those temperatures cool coast side with not much clearing kinda mild to maybe warm as you head inland. not much in over the next couple days. we keep those temperatures down that slight chance of showers on friday. not going to be much that we dry things out, warm things up as we head toward the weekend into next week. but yeah, we went from that. really nice, beautiful spring weather get your coat out. it's kind of cold out there. yeah, it is a drastic shift. we've done that a couple times in the past month or so. yeah. eventually we're going to settle in that nice summer pattern, right know what's coming our way. but right now it's kind of topsy-turvy. any idea what kind of weather the pandas like the giant pandas? i'm not sure what they like. i know they don't move around. these are all around and eat bamboo all they need a place to stay. they do need a place to stay and there's one. and that brings us to our next all right. the city is getting these pad as we've been hearing about that. but
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>> money needs to be raised to get them the enclosure and help give them a place to live. mayor london breed is now asking the board of supervisors to pass a resolution that would allow various city departments to begin raising money from private entities. so far, there's no specific timeline on when the pandas will arrive in san francisco. that timing really depends on the construction of an enclosure at the zoo. it is not yet known how much that enclosure will cost. but the mayor says taxpayers will not be on the hook for it. exciting news outside lands drop. that's 2024 lineup headliner this year. tyler, the creator who just finished headlining 2 weekends at coachella post malone will also be performing a special country set and san francisco native griffin will be there. dj among many other performers who see the list there. this marks the 16th year of the music festival in golden gate park. tickets go on sale tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. the giants were
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looking to win their second straight game against the mets tonight at oracle. next in sports, aaron wilson. >> well, let us know how the ace on the mound logan webb did is he tried get the win for the home team.
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the fans happy with his appearance and of course, trying to make those babies happy as they were bundled up for the game, not wanting to disappoint the kids right? so what happens? we'll go into the highlights where you see it there. joey wendle swing in here on the fitted with a logan where he kept them. it's it bay scoreless. but the giant had no hits in the 5th. and then they called bio michael conforto hits first, tyra strada brings michael conforto home right there. >> and holden short now come comes in and scores with a headfirst slide. you just saw one. nothing mike extreme ski with a blow for there to center field in place to warm runs the diet. they go up 3 to nothing in. well, they are still celebrating at oracle with pitched 8 scoreless innings, giving up 6 hits. the giants win 5 to one in this one. meanwhile, the a's they hope to treat their new york fans with a second win in a row over the yankees. they had to bundle up for this one as well their new york. well, yankees, they were down one to nothing but put up a 4 spot in the first paul blackburn to
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john carlos stanton, who's spanx a shot out the warning track right here in left. and lillian comes to runs the yankees. they take the lead in the end it all. when anthony rizzo watching here on this next one, he hits this one know where it's going high in d to lift that one, though, not coming back results. second homer of the season, the yankees, they go up. 41 what they kept chipping away. they didn't go away. easy. 7th inning. when lawrence butler gas a shout out to right where he gets over to short court for a solo homer, his second of the season in the a's they get with the within one. it was 43. but this is close as they would get the yankees. they take game 2 in the series in a squeaker. 43 was the final now another full schedule of nba playoff games tonight. let's see what was happening down in the city of angels. it great news for the clippers cause kawhi leonard returned back to the court for today. they asked them about his conditioning. he didn't really answer to let you say it is. it when a short his guys will step up. but luka
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doncic did all the stepping up tonight them and they also had kyrie irving to who right here and one of his 3 steals. he breaks away and throws it down. on the other end. he is on an island by himself. 23 points on the night, but luka he was on his a game and they were down 8 but heat night at a 14, nothing run to turn the game around. nail this stepback 3 here to give them and the lead and then the lethal 3 over james harden right here. watch him. so deep steel, james harden in a space. no matter. 32 points, 9 assists for luka. the mans win 96 to 93 and they get the equalizer in la is home court advantage swings in the balance for the clippers. and i don't know what's going on with these guys. get kevin duran in the sun as they look to split against was in the timberwolves. but it was all day monday as stole the show for the minnesota timberwolves where they were down one at the happening. dale's ignited a second-half comeback. he takes the pass right here. split the suns defensive is
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not even there and you see him there. he throws that one down may 10 of 17 shots in the 4th. you know, he did it in mice fashion. there. in all in all, he had 25 points in a rebound that him with a skate out 1, 0, 5, 93 was this one in? well, they take it too. >> game lead in the series, but it's a their home serious as it started dwindle on room. thanks. there will be right back.
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