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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  April 25, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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tiktok users do not have use the app to buy just yet. we break down the law. it's giving people
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>> well, parking tickets might become more common in san francisco. the sfmta is pushing for stricter enforcement of its rules side. for those who work for the agency. they say they feel this change decreases their safety. parker is at least good knicks planes from the newsroom. >> those asked sfmta workers i spoke with say that they are really pushing and asking for
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their supervisors to increase their safety. and that's because they were blindsided. once they heard about the increase in the ticketing that is supposed to happen very soon. and some of them tell me they've already been assaulted. >> over 200 sfmta frontline workers made their voices heard at a rally held outside the agency's headquarters on thursday. workers say that sfmta announcement to crack down on illegal parking is putting targets on their backs, explaining writing more tickets will put them in further parking control. officer me sean says she's already been assaulted on the job. >> issues on the ticket who was illegally part. he didn't like that. he got a ticket because he was doing doordash. so i continued on my my route. follow me about 2 or 3 blocks. waited until i stopped at a stop punched a window. and as a result, the glasgow, adding
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she and others were surprised learn of increase of ticketing to this day. still have anxiety. i'm still traumatized. i don't like people approaching me walking up on me, especially after getting a ticket and several people spoke at the rally, including nicole christian, as we're not told, were not given the proper information. so assaults go up when finds shares what she says, what they need to feel safe, simple, stable vehicles for them to making sure we're at the table for those important discussions, making sure that they're not just making decisions in a conceptual we reached out to sfmta regarding these concerns and the rally. >> we're getting the following statement. safety is our top priority at the agency. thanks our efforts. crime is down. 48% since 2018 within our system are parking control. officers are provided de-escalation training, self-defense tools and i access to our internal dispatch center that communicates directly with sfpd for any assistance they need.
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>> and the workers are hoping improvements will be made once the agency and the workers complete their labor negotiations live in the news and was going kron. 4 news. >> leslie, thank you. oakland. small businesses are concerned about a road project that would get rid of dozens of parking spots. there. odot is planning a repaving project along grand avenue trying to make the area safer. they say the proposed project includes new crosswalks protected bike lanes and they're going to turn angled parking spots into parallel spots. but business owners along grand avenue, at least some of them say the removal of 30, maybe 40 spots along the street is going to cost people money. >> our concern is that if they take away. easy access to our businesses, it's going to be a lot harder our customers able to get to us. and if we make even more impediments to have customers come to the street, we are worried it will drive more business away from oakland and specifically more
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business away from small businesses in oakland. >> and the veterinary hospital there say they've been collecting feedback from clients and they're going to be presenting that feedback to oak dot next month. >> art expansions through the south bay is taking shape. crews were out in santa clara yesterday getting the site ready for a new maintenance yard. the maintenance facility built behind the santa clara transit center and across the border with san jose where 3 other bart stations are going to be built. transit officials expect the bard expansion to serve nearly 55,000 people. each week day by the year 2040. >> the man has been arrested, accused of ramming a stolen car into a police car. the lego on monday. officers say they noticed a car with a shattered sunroof drive into a parking lot near tennessee street. they ran the plates and found the car had been reported stolen. police then tried to pull it over. that's when they say the driver rammed the patrol car. 6
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types, try to get away. they say he was unsuccessful and ultimately surrendered to. officers say they found a loaded gun on the back seat. the man has been arrested on suspicion of multiple felonies. >> a former president of the san jose elementary school enrichment program is arrested. accused of embezzling more than $400,000 from the organization. police say that between 2019 2023 taste tonight wrote herself, fraudulent checks claim to be reimbursements and night was arrested tuesday on suspicion of grand theft and forgery. the school district says that they are working closely with law enforcement as the investigation continues. >> some breaking news that we're just learning about this is in southern california where crews are battling a fire that started on the oceanside pier this afternoon. it started in a vacant restaurant towards the end of the pier. you can see all the
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smoke right there. the business used to be a diner. they're attacking it from the ground from the see. and as dropping water from the air, the cause of the fire is not yet clear, but as you can see a precarious situation there as they try to get that thing under control. obviously everyone fires anywhere, but certainly not on up here. keep you posted there as we come back here to the bay and take a live look at that bay bridge toll plaza. talk about the weather here as it was another cool day in the bay. >> that it was kron four's to chief meteorologist lawrence karnow. joining us now in the studio to talk about the weather. the cool air will may involve a little precipitation. yeah. i think it will. in fact, maybe some snow, too. if you can believe that. here we are getting close to a main now, but this year, if you're headed in that direction tomorrow, you better be careful. we've got some more snow coming in across the piece. the snow level likely
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to fall down to about 6,000 feet or so live. look at the half dome right now. still some of the snow capped mountains out there and plenty of clouds actually seeing some showers already in the high country. couple snow showers across some of the higher peaks that's going to be picking up. you're looking toward a lake tahoe right now. you can see 50 see 80 out there right now. not expecting major delays out there on the roads because of snow, but be careful from time to time that snow briefly coming down hard. a late season storm rolling into the high country. some snow and some very gusty winds. i think as you head to the high country, especially late tomorrow afternoon, maybe some 40 to 50 mile an hour gusts up their snow level dropping down to about 6,000 feet. you could see as much as 6 inches of snow maybe above 7,000 feet. that is impressive for this time of year. a possible travel delays, not so much cold temperatures, of course, colder than normal. and those gusty winds could cause an issue. if you're headed that direction. so there you go. there's your travel plans. if you're planning to sneak up to tahoe for tomorrow. watch out for a mix of rain and snow as you head to the high country,
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things will moderate those we get in toward the weekend. high pressure starts to build in temperatures moving up in the 50's. even some upper 50's by sunday and the skies start to clear out, too. but yeah, pretty impressive the snowballs picking up on some of that snow in the high country. in fact, there you go. you see some of the areas in dark bluehthere, 3 to 6 inches of snow, real possibility across the high country and maybe more to come. you've got this storm system coming through now as we get into the weekend, we start to clear things out. looks pretty good on saturday and sunday. but then again, late next week, a possibility of some more rain and maybe some more snow in the high country. all right, lawrence, a key committee is blocking legislation that would have forbidden state lawmakers and lobbyists from entering into non-disclosure agreements during bill negotiations. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace gives us a closer look. >> indeed, it's been mixed reaction here at the state capitol upon learning this bill will not advance clerk will open the road. we're looking at one of the most public parts of the legislative process, a formal
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vote on a bill arched. 32 knows find the merger process. but what the public does we bill is crafted in negotiated behind the scenes when the public. >> a look at the laws being made. they deserve transparency. that's why bakersfield gop assembly member vince fong says he introduced assembly bill. 26 54. it would ban the use of non-disclosure agreements or nba's in the legislative process. in a nutshell in nba's an agreement between at least 2 people are parties binding them to secrecy, preventing them from disclosing specified information often deemed sensitive and confidential. legislation would prevent lobbyists, lawmakers and state employees from entering into such an agreement when crafting a negotiating bills. proposal come up for a hearing in the assembly elections committee where he urged members to back the legislation. it is my biggest concern that we're actually trying to shield the public. >> for information and from legislators as well. that is critical to our votes in to
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help laws are being made. and so nda is being used in the the law, making a crafting of laws that that process has to be discouraged and eliminated. but the bill has its opponents, including the california restaurant association and the california chamber of commerce. they came out against arguing some bill negotiations require confidential discussions to build trust and create consensus confidentiality agreements between private parties can often help. >> to allow a difficult issues and difficult issues to be worked through between parties that don't necessarily always a great than the end. bush and has built the bill did not pass while the loan to republicans on the committee voted in favor of it. the democratic majority blocked the bill noting it was published only last week giving members little time to review it. >> this rushed process which necessitated expedited hearing by this committee prevented this bill from receiving the level of scrutiny and the analysis that bills normally
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receive. >> before being hurt as a disappointment, if nba's are going to be allowed to be used moving that's wrong. and so this bill is dead for this year. but every been told by several gop lawmakers, they want to see it reintroduced next reporting at the state capitol, a tonn wallace kron. 4 news. >> thank time. coming up, harvey weinstein is twenty-twenty rape conviction been overturned by a new york court. why the former movie mogul still has plenty problems.
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>> today, the new york court of appeals overturned the crimes conviction of movie mogul harvey weinstein saying the judge improperly allowed testimony against him in the 2020 trial that trial helped get the me too movement off the ground really started a reckoning in the entertainment industry. aileen le palmer reports. i was in shock. i had no idea that was coming down. vaughn says she woke up to more than 100 text messages. people including fellow abuse survivors letting her know that harvey weinstein's rape conviction in new york was overturned. the court of appeals ruling 4 to 3 that the original trial judge had improperly allowed testimony about weinstein's actions from women who were not part of the legal case against him. it's upsetting and its. >> i'm afraid it will have a chilling effect on other victims coming forward. >> there are dozens of women nationwide who have accused
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weinstein of misconduct. so vaughn, who was a reporter originally from long island, gave depositions to the prosecution in both the new york and la rape cases. she says weinstein cornered her in a manhattan restaurant in 2007. he, you know, masturbated in front of me. >> and it really have a choice in the matter. i was told to just be quiet. weinstein's attorney said his client is ready to testify at a retrial. the court of appeals >> deserves a tremendous amount of credit for doing this based on the not based on opinion, not based on poppy popularity contest. let me show you something about harvey weinstein. from the moment i met him at his office in midtown. he profoundly declared his innocence. and actress ashley judd who became one of the biggest voices in the me too movement reacted in new york. this today is an act of institutional. the trail.
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>> and our institutions betray survivors of male violence. >> that was aileen le palmer reporting weinstein who 72 will remain in prison because he was convicted in los angeles in 2022. of another rape. the manhattan district attorney's office has indicated it plans to retry weinstein. it's unclear when that could happen. but it may mean his accusers could be forced to retail their stories on the witness stand. a bill that could ban tiktok here in the u.s. is now the law of the land. so what's next? >> well, senate intelligence chair mark warner says tiktok users shouldn't worry. not yet because the law gives tiktok's chinese owner bytedance 9 months to sell the app with the possible three-month extension. if the sale is in progress, while supporters of the law say that forcing a sale to a non chinese owner is critical for u.s.. national security tiktok doesn't seem ready to sell instead
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promising to sue. i think there's a lot of creativity i don't want to go away. >> i just don't want at the end of the day you being controlled by a foreign adversary. we aren't going anywhere. we're confident that we will keep fighting for your rights in the courts. >> some lawmakers remain doubtful of the sale of tiktok saying the chances of a sale within a year or ever are actually very small. >> i whether time here as we get a live look at the san mateo bridge where drivers are dealing with some overcast conditions as they head home on a thursday. >> lawrence is here to let us know that >> rainey's been is going right? yeah, you know, we're starting to see some of that on the doppler radar. they vary million may well be getting some of that in the north bay right now outside. we've got a lot of clouds in our skies and you got a weak system sliding in right now out the door, got some clouds hover at sfo. they're getting delays there. but it's not because the clouds just the construction. but i mean, we're talking over 100 so
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those are some extensive delays at sfo. no delays being reported at oakland or san jose. at this hour, golden gate bridge looking good clouds filling your skies. but look, a little odd in a special the mountain tops. there will be long and be talking about some rain drops to but scattered showers. this not going to be a wall of water coming through just widely scattered showers moving on by tomorrow. plenty of clouds are going to see some windy conditions by the afternoon. a few more showers on the way. see some of that rainfall making its way into far northern california. they get kind of the brunt of this late season storm. but we've seen a little pop up in the north bay. look at that. most bay area dry, but you get up near a santa rosa and there you are. you can see the system coming by. so bringing likely some scattered showers out there may not in the be measurable, but some indeed showing up out there right now. overnight tonight, likely going to see a few more on that will be sagging south as we head through the night tonight into early tomorrow morning. 2 o'clock in the morning or so. you see some of that popping up along the peninsula and parts of the south bay as we head toward commute time, a few more raindrops popping up as we
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head through the commute as well. something to watch out for and as this front moves on by those winds will start to pick up in the afternoon. so i think late in the day the skies will start to clear out a little bit. but then you see the arrows turning red. that's a sign that you're going to see some stronger winds, probably some 30 mile an hour gusts out there along the coastline. so it's going to be blustery in spots. so overnight tonight, not a whole lot of be breezy at times. as you wake up tomorrow morning, those winds still blowing around just a bit. then by the afternoon, they start to pick up? that's where you start to see some of those gusts getting your 40 miles an hour, especially along the something to watch out for. indeed, as you see some blowing sand specially out toward the beaches. temperatures for tomorrow are going to get remain rather cool below the average for this time of year 50's and some 60's outside over the next few days. well, you've got that slight chance of showers tomorrow. just some scattered stuff out there. things calmed down, though, for the weekend. if you've got weekend the weather is looking great saturday and sunday. those temperatures warming up in the 70's and then isis spots and then holding steady into monday and tuesday, just a little bit warmer. and then late next week, another weak system kind of drop since not
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a washout around the bay area, but the chance of some scattered showers outside, let's get it done. but they're getting it into, you and let's get to the weekend should be great weather was san francisco's new china basin park. >> has been officially unveiled the park which has been in the works for more than 15 years, includes 5 acres of land, but they're along the coming cold across the water from where the giants play beautiful spot for a park. there's also a recently reinstalled statue of the legend. willie mccovey. there will be special events from time to time including food trucks, concerts, outdoor exercise of events as well. should be fun. >> california is getting its one-dollar coin in 2026. and governor newsome calling on creators and and to get swift. these with our contest called the tortured coin, decide his department course. that name is a play on taylor swift's latest album, the tortured poets. department. which was
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released last the album has already broken records on streaming platforms. and now governor newsom is hoping just as many designers take to this innovation contest. so if you like to see your artwork featured on the coin, submissions are open now. >> run right now role. there's a new option for getting around golden gate park. look at that tale about the new at that tale about the new attraction next. ness. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses
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and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. >> starting sunday, small business week kicks off in oakland city. officials are launching the festivities says the way to celebrate shopping small businesses and try to boost the local economy. local
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entrepreneurs will also be able to take part in panels, workshops and resource fairs to help improve their business. the event runs through may 3rd. well, you don't. >> need your own roller skates to roll through golden gate park apparently starting saturday rentals will be available at the skating place on the jfk promenade. the rentals are going to be available every weekend from 11 in the morning until 6. you can choose between in line or roller skates. the first hour is $12 for kids under 12 for anyone older. it is 20 bucks for the first hour. each dish hours. 5 $1 for all ages safety gear, which is very recommend. is also available to rent. that's pretty cool. rollerskating is like an institution there. yeah. >> the oakland zoo's cub cam sending more cuteness our way. hello. take a look at this. rescued mountain line and her sister willow and maple, where
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are enjoying some have of time. and their habitat. they got hammocks. they will soon have a new forever home. but for now, the cubs are just kick it. i mean, chilling. who's jealous? that looks pretty good. that wraps up kron. 4 news at 5. >> but we have a lot more ahead on kron. 4 news at 6. ken wayne is here to tell us all about all right, vic, you see in a minute. grant, thank you very much. here's what we're working on it. 6, an attempt to fix california's insurance crisis. 2 bay area lawmakers visit a neighborhood that's been ravaged by wildfires to announce their plan. >> to make sure homeowners are cover. plus, we're getting new details about a deadly fiery crash that claimed the lives of 4 people including 2 children. i'm ken way. the news at 6 is next.
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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching 4 news at 6. >> now at 6 a plan to address the insurance crisis here in california as policy riders. >> cancel business in the state in 2 bay area. lawmakers are now pushing. >> a proposal to ensure homeowners have some protection. >> good evening, everybody. i'm vicki liviakis. i'm ken wayne. thanks for joining us. from state farm farmers direct in a number of smaller agencies. 7 of the 12 largest insurance firms have either suspended restricted policies within the last year, leaving many home and property owners scrambling for coverage today. north bay lawmakers are proposing a bill that would help with


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