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tv   KRON 4 News at 630pm  KRON  April 26, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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man. >> that is so van, a chant she and her husband own decks, donut on high street in oakland. and this is what happened thursday. she says one of their regular customers waited for a pause in the normal hectic rush and came back into the store, crushed the front case and ran off with the cash register. >> never thought they would do that to us. >> how much do you think that was stolen? >> all of the 100 it. >> i spoke with chant on friday following up on her social media post about the crime. she says that she typically empties the register, but it was a busy morning. she says that they open the donut shop 20 years ago and love being a part of the community. my husband and i think >> in business they've 7 minutes you know. i tried to take family and it's been a
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shooting the surprise the cost of the supply is going i my husband and i think site was an inmate in to pay the price today made the same because they the commode that he is going through she says one of the worst part is dealing with the aftermath. >> i felt helpless doubt because i have happen. i call my mum on i explained to them just happened. they said going to the officer, but they never we reached out to opd but did not get a response. she says that she wants oakland to be atlanta mall and there. but i love all and i feel >> a kimono need to get together and change thing that i owned. >> theresa kron, 4 news. >> and attorney has been sentenced in san francisco for paying an fbi agent $50,000 to
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murder his ex over a child custody dispute. >> 49 year-old alan guests and was sentenced to 10 years in prison. officials say guests in wasn't a years long legal battle over custody of his son and daughter with their mother. his ex partner, they say his original plan was to bribe immigration agents to deport her to her home country. but many decided to cheaper and more permanent option was the killer guests and gave the fbi agent details about his, including her home address social media accounts, boyfriend and lifestyle. he was indicted by a grand jury in 2022. on one count of murder for hire. >> today the bay area honor the legacy of oakland police officer jordan wingate. his funeral was held this morning at 3 cross church in castro valley. casket was met with officers from all across the bay area. officer wingate is being remembered by his family and his colleagues as an excellent police officer and a good man. >> a son, a brother, a family
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member, a friend, a talented police officer with bright future with so much for college and so much more to humanity. those that nudge or described dedicated, hard-working, respectful and fighting practical joker. just like that. yeah. huge part in a way you feel like you are his best friend. >> officer wingate was critically injured 6 years ago while on duty and a major car accident he passed from his injuries last weekend. when gate is the 55th oakland police officer to die in the line of duty. several bay area law enforcement agencies recovered more than $300,000 worth of stolen goods in oakland. kron four's philippe gaulle met with one of several east bay police department sent. >> helped make that bust. >> a message to thieves continuing to raid retail stores and steal without fear of accountability are taking crime epidemic. seriously. well-marked, tj maxx and sunglass hut are among the retailers victimized by a
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fencing operation that was running out of oakland. the san ramon police department was one of several law enforcement agencies assisting the california highway patrol's organized retail theft task force to break it up. we definitely want to help alleviate some of the criminal element within our communities. fencing means the illegal resale of stolen goods. and in this case, investigators recovered $326,000 worth of stuff. the investigation began last september in san mateo county. >> when sheriff's deputies arrested several people linked to retail theft in the area. >> just 2 months later, san ramon, police sergeant deserve all the says his department linked to women to that retail theft ring after they were arrested again for stealing from a local. so for >> taking off the fence and operations and discovering them it also the trickle down effect would also hopefully deter some of the criminal element from hitting a retail establishments that 3 agencies
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obtain search warrants for 2 oakland homes in a storage container where they found the items and made one arrest last week. the has been returned back to the retailers from the ones we were able identify. >> the task force help them. actually spearheaded that operation in san ramon, philippe djegal, all kron. 4 news. >> san francisco mayor london breed wants to get rid of financial barriers for food vendors participating in market and block parties across the city. currently businesses who participate regularly at community events are required to buy a temporary permit. each time the permit can cost up to $300 depending on the food. so now mayor breed's proposing to waive those fees with a special permit vendors would only have to buy wants reid says food vendor streamlining will benefit small business and keep fun events alive in the city.
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>> that will get your attention. check out this video. a massive tornado outside lincoln, nebraska. this was earlier today. just one of a number of twisters sent touched down in several counties across nebraska and other states in part of the country. there are reports of significant damage. power outages throughout the region. that is scary stuff. yeah. to be driving towards it. even more frightening of lawrence is here obviously tracking that situation. >> and our weather here at home. a lot going on out there. yeah, they're really kind of head into peak tornado season. that will be in may. but so they've got a way to go here. but it is scary out there right now. numerous reports of tornadoes, funnel clouds all around the basket in iowa now. while the possibility of more tornadic activity overnight tonight, you see that storm rolling on through the center of bus circulation. this area of low pressure generating these big time storms rolling across the state. you see all the circles here. these are storm reports. these reports of tornadoes and funnel clouds all around the area. reports of a large hail along with that as well. and
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now we're seeing the storms like a little further to the east. so there's potential for some more tornadoes tonight. they've got tornado watches up, extending now into parts of iowa to that continuing until tonight about the 12 o'clock. we're going to see more of the storms continue to rotate in that direction. back out west, we go into the high sierra nevada. we've got some more snow flakes continuing to fall. storms, even some thunderstorms, the foothills, the sierra. but i think he's going to start to clear out. and that's some good news a poll. so have some issues. there are some delays and that's because of the construction ongoing there at sfo. get just about 2 hours now in delays. and so that's an issue. but oakland, you're looking okay. a san jose open and clear at this hour into the monterey bay. you're getting forecast for you. we've got some temperatures running in the 50's and the 60's. not going to be a hot day by any means. and again, watch out that wind is going to be within along the coastal waters edge. southeon california also want to see some windy conditions, but temperatures going to be warmer. 74 degrees making when anaheim 66 in san diego on 72 degrees in downtown los angeles. as you make your way,
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the sierra nevada, those storm clouds are going to part behind, of course, a little snow. but temperatures in the 50's in the high country about 67 degrees in reno. nev. you're sticking around for the weekend. well, you're one of the lucky one should be a nice weekend ahead, temperatures going to warm up. the will be breezy at times but getting near 60 degrees by monday. thank you, lawrence. >> a new bill introduced in the legislature is taking aim at excessive homework in california public schools. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace has the story. >> well, many californians can probably look back at upbringings and remember spending hours after school at their desk. doing homework. but now one lawmaker says she hopes to change that for the next generation. when the bell rings and the school day is over for students like 6 grader sophia johnson. >> the day is nowhere near over. she blames that on hours spent doing homework, whom much is exhausting. it's overwhelming. >> and it's depressing that my whole day from when i wake up until when i go to bed is
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nearly all taken up with schoolwork. and that's why sophia's mother, assembly member peeler. she says she authored ab 2, 9, 9, 9, also known as the healthy homework act. >> while it would not ban homework, the proposal would mandate local school boards and educational agencies to establish homer policies that consider impacts to students, physical and mental health all while including input from parents, teachers and students themselves. i think that this is going to make a huge impact for students that times have changed and our homework policies don't always change with times. and so we need to make sure that we're >> addressing issues with the whole child and making sure that we're doing things that are effective and also the don't harm kids. it comes as a survey of more than 300,000 american students conducted by stanford university and the nonprofit organization challenge success. >> found 45% of workload and homework is the number one source of stress. 13,000, california high school students who took the survey report an average of 2 and a half hours of homework.
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>> every night we have student mental health crisis right now. and so if it's such a source of stress for kids and we know that taking stress off, kids plates will make a difference in their mental health. this is something that we could really impact kids mental health practically bill is also tailored around equity. something california teacher of the year. kc qb believes it's crucial, noting students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds may not have access to resources of the home like high-speed internet at the child's grade should not be dependent on the resources they have at home to do the homework. >> i passionately believe that the grange to really and that should be depended on the learning that takes place in the classroom with the professional. so that's why i support this bill is i think in the end it will be what's best for kids and the bill unanimously passed the assembly education committee with bipartisan support. it has no formal opposition reporting at the state capitol. eytan wallace. >> kron 4 take a look at this. a driver rigged up a pretty
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realistic looking mannequin, a orange mannequin in his front seat, hit the car, pulling in santa fe springs in la county. >> chp only notice a phony passenger after they pulled the driver over for crossing those double lines while exiting the carpool. lane. the driver was issued a ticket for several carpool violations. and officers want to remind drivers mannequin does not count. has your plus one has to be a real breathing. human haha. to cross the double yellow lines. and you've already got passenger. >> coming up, the forty-niners have the 31st pick in yesterday's nfl draft drafted even more even more ammunition for brock purdy and the offense. coming up next in sports, we'll introduce you to sports, we'll introduce you to the newest tonight. - my childhood was tough.
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i didn't grow up in a warm, supportive home, so the trauma i went through led to something called toxic stress, but it's gonna be different for my son. i'm giving him the protection he needs to defend against it. learn more at
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>> and now kron 4 sports. alright, buckle up. here we go as fort after rumors and speculation regards to what the niners might do with their number one pick in the nfl draft yesterday. >> when the 31st pick was at the team made their decision. they finally chose florida wide receiver ricky pearsall. the day began with rumors of the niners trading one of their top receivers. perhaps brandon aiyuk or deebo samuel. they didn't do that and they chose one former teammates in pearsall who started his career in arizona state last year. e went florida. he led the team with 65 receptions. 965 receiving yards. it's also a dangerous punt return or averaging more than 11 yards per return last season. at
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today's news conference, he was asked what he brings specifically to the forty-niners offense. >> his hat into the arsenal really of other weapons that they had explosive offense become that much more explosive. >> i don't really know exactly where they have you know how to utilize me. but i know that they the right position to go out there and make the right play. so. >> really excited. look for doing that for program. >> clearly talented those highlights air. meanwhile, the raiders pulled a draft night. stunner picking georgia, tighten and napa native brock bowers bowers was a three-year starter at georgia. he won 2 national championships. so he's a winner. he finished his career with 175 receptions. and more than 2500 yards receiving along with 26 touchdowns. he has speed size athleticism. he drew comparisons to george kittle speaking of the niners since he did grow up in napa, bowers was asked which bay area team is family followed when he grew up. or or or
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>> we'll in like a nice little there is their training camp in napa size to have a middle school actually has a middle school. they went so it's pretty good for a call. come full circle like that. >> quickly, leslie, which over for minors, the raiders, the thought it their operations there, yeah, i'll be like traitors from >> yeah, you can read into that what you will. i think he's still a niner fan after splitting 4 games in the bronx. the a's travel to baltimore to take on the orioles 3 games stand. the a's offense got going in the first second man up, sean langa-leers senate's it high and deep into the bullpen in left field. it was his 6th homer on the season. the a's grab a one. nothing lead. the orioles had a 2 to one lead. but the a's battle back top of the 9th 2 on for abraham toro hernandez who hits it out to right center goes over the head of ryan mckenna incomes, brent walker rucker and we are tied at 2. they're still playing in the 9th. tied at 2. will have the final for you
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tonight at 10 in the nba playoffs are was a game. 3 matinee between the bucs and the pacers who lead the series 2 to one and are looking for more. but khris middleton said not so fast. pacers pacers up 11, 2 up to 108 with 6.9 seconds left bucks inbound. finally get it to middleton who connects on a tough fade away. 3 pointer. 1.4 seconds left. we headed over time giannis liking it in ot were tied at one 15. the shot clock running out for the patients. but aaron smith, aaron, nee smith hits the 3 to put the pacers out. back, come the bucks and it's middleton again, this time banking in the straight on 3 pointer and we're tied at one. 18 was 6.7 seconds left. pacers have the ball and tyrese haliburton with the crazy drive gets shot fall. plus the foul with only 1.4 left bucks lasted shot clanks off the rim. the pacers win one 21, 2018 in ot and they take a 3 games to one lead in that series. noel.
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>> downtown san has gone through quite a lot less hustle, bustle these days. but there's one place that's not only survived. it's tribe. sam's grill is one of the oldest restaurants in the united states with a new lease on life. here's vicki liviakis with tonight's dine and dish. >> step into sam's grill. in the past butts up against the oil. prepared to experience the best of a bygone era. sam's open right after the gold rush with bartenders tuxes showdown. served old-school style by newly minted waiters like andrea and those like stuff. he base on the 56 clips only by loyal customers. coming to sam's for how long since 1956. that was the eisenhower administration.
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sam's is wonderfully and changeable and what part of san francisco? there's always sam's tavern in the back for a classic cocktail with a brick wall on earth from the big quake. this was from the 19, 0, 6, earthquake and fire. it was all that was left of this building. >> and they threw it out. owner. peter, rioli certainly paid his dues as a survery mater. he's an actor and screenwriter on the side and ross from the lord this place and this is a place and a room that has a history and the feeling makes people feel you know, one of the cool things about sam's you can get your own if these walls could in san francisco, vicki liviakis kron, 4 >> saw quite a martinis. video. that's not a bad thing. no, not at all. just just making this year, you may not get the sweet strawberries that you're used to. state farmers say the recent rain is causing big losses. one farm
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says it took 3 days to pump out the water from his strawberry fields setting. most of the strawberries had to be thrown away. there is some good news when it comes to the strawberry season and the rain. farmers say the season can stretch further into the summer since there is more water available. >> meantime, a popular trail at yosemite national park is closed after a rockslide hundreds of large boulders came crumbling down on april. 15th cutting off the john muir trail between clark point and the top of about a fall. officials say about 1000 feet of the trail is covered by rock and other debris right now. they expected to be closed for several weeks as crews try to remove the debris and make repairs to the trail. visitors to yosemite are advised not to enter that closed-off section. get your check of your 4 zone forecast very wide and live look at san francisco or warrants been up to nevada falls new 70. i have not. but i'd like to do that. i mean, the rage in these last
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couple years with all that rain, i mean, really something else to see. >> i got to climb half dome do. that's another one on the bucket list. but out the door right now. want to get out there. enjoy your weekend. should be a great time to do it. we've got some nice weather on the way. high pressure building in now, south winds kicking up around the bay area. little blustery in spots is going to stay a little breezy and even into the weekend. i think we'll see. still see some winds, especially along the coastline. otherwise you've got a lot of sunshine coming our way as we head throughout the weekend. so that's some good news. but the winds, yeah, they were whip and we have some gusts of 40 miles per downtown in san francisco. 44 in the sunset, 44 mile an hour gusts reported at oakland were checked in with a 40 mile an hour gusts yet. 31 mile an hour gusts in san jose. 37 in novato and 35 mile an hour gusts in petaluma some of the mountain tops as high as 50 miles per hour. high pressure. yeah. trying to sneak in here. we've got one more little front, the most move to the north of the bridge, going to bounce most. the moisture north of the bay area. if you head to far northern california may run into a couple raindrops, not here. we'll dry things out. but the winds, yeah, they're going to
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kick up again and you'll see here as we head through time, those winds begin to pick up again as we head toward tomorrow afternoon. see the color change, the orange, the purple, some wind gust 2030 plus miles an hour. not as windy as today, but windy enough anyway. so be prepared for that. if you head along the coastline, a forecast model showing you just some passing clouds as we head into saturday should be a really nice afternoon around the bay area that looks like our temperatures going to start to warm up. been response number, sneaking up. how about 73 degrees in livermore, 70 in napa. 73 in santa rosa. 57 cooler in half moon bay the next couple days. warming your temperatures up, stay dry and much warmer toward the middle of next week. >> thank you. another reminder, small business week kicking off in oakland this sunday. city officials launching the festivities as a way to celebrate shopping small and to boost the local economy. local entrepreneurs will also be able to take part and panels, workshops and resource fairs to help improve their business. the event runs
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through may 3rd. coming up, michelin is out with a new guy to rank hotels in a few bay area. >> hotels made the cut a look >> hotels made the cut a look at the list after the break. ss. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses
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the big event could soon be coming to san francisco. the sundance film festival, the san francisco film commission says it submitted a bid. >> become the new host city for that huge prestigious film festival. sundance is typically held every february and park city, utah, about an hour outside salt lake. the festival founded by robert redford is currently scheduled to be in park city through 2026, but it is accepting
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applications for a new home. san francisco, right? >> i'm megan, the stallion's hot girl summer tour is coming to chase entered the 3 time grammy award-winning artists will be performing on june. 23rd tickets were released today low-priced about fees is about 70 bucks. if you want to get your tickets quickly. the las angeles show is already sold out. they're going like hot cakes. like hot girl. >> to san francisco bars were named on north america's 50 best bars list for 2020 for a cover. according to a new ranking by the world's 50 best restaurants that was released wednesday. so if you're looking for a bar to check out this weekend, we have some names for you. true laurel in the mission district ranked 30th on the list. pacific cocktail haven at union square ranked 38. the san francisco establishments are 2 of just in california that cracks the top 50. you can get the full rankings on our website. kron 4 dot com.
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>> up to check them out. meantime, michelin just released its first-ever hotel guide 3 bay area hotels have made the highest honors on that list. michelin guide ranked hotels by 1, 2, 3, keys single thread in and healdsburg meadowood napa valley in saint and canyon ranch in woodside have all ranked among the best in the country. michelin created the sky based on architecture and interior design. quality and consistency of service. overall personality and character value for the price and a significant contribution to the guest experience in a particular setting. >> i've only been to one of those threaten to never spent the night bright meadow wood. it will that's the one that i've been to its well service. deserve to be on the less you to full beautiful place. and of course, it had to suffer through the fire. but right. all right. that wraps up kron 4 news at 6. we'll see you back here at 10 o'clock.
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♪ ♪ >> the court is still too darn cold. and after all the testimony about stormie and karen


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