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tv   KRON 4 News at 11pm  KRON  April 27, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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this is home. news at 11.
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right now at 11 college students protesting the israel-hamas war continue to take over campuses. >> with encampments with the latest what's happening at our local universities. good evening and thank you for joining us for kron. 4 news at 11. i'm dan thorn nationwide. protests over israel's war on gaza are sprouting all over college campuses and here in the bay area, students at stanford university and uc berkeley have been camping for days calling on their schools to disclose the financial ties to companies that financially benefit israel kron four's jack moment reports from stanford university with the latest. students here at stanford have been protesting for a little bit over. 48 hours now, but university administration tells us they've already sent letters to around 60 students, they say, are involved in these protests, telling them that camping here on campus is against university policy and could lead to a possible suspension or even arrest. and yet students here at stanford
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and that uc berkeley tell me. >> they have no plans of stopping anytime quite saturday afternoon on stanford's campus. >> it's a weekend that newly admitted students can come tour. it's also the second day that dozens of students are setting up tents and making a pull request to administration. >> we want we think that public support and the student support is crucial in being able pressure these institutions to do so. emily smith, a junior at stanford, says the big request is making the private college disclose any financial ties to companies financially support israel. protesters here say it's a tough ask. i think they are stubborn to be quite frank. i think actively trying to crack down on student letters were sent to students friday telling them that camping and stanford is illegal and they could face discipline or even arrest home. i think that's something students are taking day by day >> across the bay, a couple 100 people rallying for a similar cause. music and
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flyers. the same use if the student at cal and says they have no signs of stopping their protest any time die earlier uc berkeley sent kron 4 statement saying in part we continue to carefully monitor the situation and to date there have been no disruptions of university operations. >> the school telling us they have not called the police yet, but are prepared to do so. yeah, if you are running anything, there's also that table up front. we have a ton of food, its let me also the crowd grows at stanford as a university police cruiser watches on. >> carlos ramirez is a sophomore and says they will keep camping here as long as more students show up. >> a lot of people can sign up will be safe because and community and being and commune with each other. that's how we're keeping us safe. and there have been 0 arrests so far between the protests stanford and at uc berkeley. that's contrary to what we're seeing on the national scale at other colleges and >> universities. meantime, classes ended at u c berkeley
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this past friday, meaning that those protests could be ended quite soon. whereas at stanford, they are on the quarter system with classes lasting until june. stanford jack moment kron 4 news. >> police antiwar protests are happening on college campuses all across the country and activists say they plan to stay put until the universities divest from all israeli interests at ucla. pro-palestinian groups have set up an encampment in the quad. the school issuing a statement saying they support the free expression expression the community and faculty has taken steps to help their student body. stay aware of the encampment and to also avoid the area if they wish and there are heightened security measures in place all around the usc campus students in the graduating class of 2024, they're still feeling some be over the cancellation of their commencement and on the east coast columbia university in new york, protesters have been occupying their encampment for 10 days and they are refusing to leave until similar demands are met.
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pro israeli demonstrators are also gathered outside of columbia university rallying for the release of hostages being hel by hamas in gaza. and this comes as new hamas hostage video has been released showing keith siegel an american is really taken hostage more than 200 days ago. his family now begging for israel to do anything. it can to bring him home. for the very latest on the war that's happening between israel and hamas and all of these protests happening in campuses all across our country. you can go to our website kron 4 dot com for the very latest. now to some new video tonight of a helicopter rescue at utah. no state park, san mateo county firefighters helped to get an injured hiker home safely, used a truck in an atv to get through 2 miles up.
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>> tough terrain to find this hiker and they lifted the hiker through the trees to get them to safety. using that helicopter. there. that hiker had gotten hurt. >> after falling. >> let's get you a check of your 4 zone forecast now taking a live look at san francisco international airport tonight. kron four's gayle ong joining us with a look at what to expect a deal. >> a few high clouds tonight and we still have some breezy conditions we will be dealing with over the next few days. so few that today was breezy very similar to tomorrow. >> another start as we saw on a friday. but you'll still need your jacket, especially by the coast. so temperatures out the door right now on the cooler side in san francisco, low 50's as well in half moon bay, upper 50's as you make your way to san jose livermore. also in the low 50's and conquered. so we're in the 50's now. we will see some mild overnight lows, though, but the winds that so relatively calm everywhere else, the but the exception of the coast. so you'll notice a bit cooler by the coast tomorrow and you'll be waking
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up to the upper 40's and low 50's tomorrow as well. so pretty mild overnight lows. and then we will rebound back to the smidt to upper 70's, especially later next week will be warming up. so we have a warming trend. but what we will also still be doing with the wind. so just keep that in mind. and i have details in my extended forecast in a few minutes. all right, gail, thanks a lot. in the east bay, a homeless man is arrested after attacking an elderly man. >> and the piedmont police chief, the first attack happened friday at ace hardware on grand avenue in piedmont. police say they got a call about an elderly man getting hit from behind. the suspect. willie gomer ran away until police on next door. police say gomer looked like he had taken some kind of drug and then attacked the officers. gomer was pepper sprayed and tased, but he just kept on fighting and eventually broke into a home and threaten the resident. there. he was then confronted by police chief. jeremy bowers piedmont's police chief comer
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got into bauer's car and then bowers went into the other side to keep him from driving away in it. and that's when governor attacked the chief. he was later arrested under several charges. a person is recovering tonight after being shot in oakland, officers were alerted to the gunshots on gsdale street at around 2 o'clock this morning. they said a number of cars were struck by bullets, but no victims were found in the area. police later learned of a walk-in gunshot wound victim who themselves to the hospital. that person is expected to survive. the investigation is still ongoing. also in oakland, families of homicide victims and survivors of crime gathering for healing vigil at lake merritt today, the group crime survivors for safety and justice hosting the event too commemorate national crime victims rights week lost loved ones were honored in a ceremony led by advocates calling for better safety strategies.
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>> things like world because that there was people that were supportive everything that i've been through at a younger you know, maybe i probably would attempt work a little bit sooner. >> the group is calling on local leaders to invest in more crime prevention. >> oakland >> a's fans protesting the team's move to west sacramento next season. some bay area natives showed up in sacramento ahead of tonight's river cats game fans expressing how upset they are about the relocation. >> i mean, how is sacramento kings, mansfield, if if if another owner came about and say, hey, we'll let you play here for free. mean, that's what he's doing. like, yeah, you might be moving jon fishman 3 years, but you're also moving in the summer of sell the summer boycott. these fans are passionate and you think we're just going to go away because? it's an hour and a half away.
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>> how did tonight against the orioles coming up in sports. make-a-wish greater bay area celebrating 40 years in the region in april is world wish month today the organization held a reunion in san jose for families who have had their wishes granted over the years. kron four's noelle bellow and photo journalists, rudy garcia. listen to some of the families remembering the time their wishes were granted. happy 40th birthday, make-a-wish greater bay area. thank you. >> i'm so grateful for today. and i was so lucky to be able to celebrate with my make-a-wish family. so what was your wish? >> what do you remember most about? >> so i got to meet tracy mcgrady from the houston rockets. he is a hall of fame basketball player in the nba. biggest thing i remember my take away from it was it really made me feel a sense of purpose like he really made me feel normal because at that
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time and are going through chemotherapy, you feel a sense of distance from everybody else. you feel you're being stared at are pointed at him knowing that he was really nice to me, didn't treat me any different kind of made me feel like anything's possible. and i kind of went back out into the world with a whole different mindset. i'm not going to let anything stop me tracy mcgrady scored you know, i guess anybody would be cool >> feel >> i i was just like really excited to finally be actually driving thing like little 3 year-old runs. well. >> was finally able drive john, from one was your wish granted? >> my wish is granted back in 2014 shows about 9 years old, ok, so 10 years ago already is that we're to think that it's already been 10 years. it's crazy that time is flying fly by so much. what was your wish? i wish was to go to disney world. i'm a
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make-a-wish mom for life. >> may go >> very nice. and that was kron four's noelle bellow who was out there for us today. still ahead, we're to catch a glimpse in maybe a bite of what's supposed to be the world's largest s'more. >> right here in the bay area and san francisco residents caught by surprise by this guy caught by surprise by this guy ness.
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victim was found laying in the street unconscious and not breathing. police say the shooter took off from the scene. this is the city's 12 homicide of the year in the north bank. police arrest 2 minors accused of carjacking and robbing a person. vallejo police say the victim was sitting in his car near holiday in cass city streets on thursday night. excuse me, tuesday night when a man walked up to his car with a weapon and demanded this man get out. suspect then drove off in a dodge avenger. 2 days later, 2 officers spotted the stolen car. the chase ended in berkeley after the driver crashed into another vehicle. 2 miners were seen running out of the car. then they want to cross the highway before police caught up with them. they were booked into the solano county juvenile detention facility. take a look at a coyote spotted trotting through north beach today on telegraph hill. this is video or of the citizen passing by humans there like it was no big deal. it today's
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coyote was spotted on montgomery street. yeah, that person is walking a little too slow to that cross could it just. >> trotting along. they're all right. well, it was a sunny day out there, right? take a look at your 4 zone forecast this is from all the way up at mount tam where everything looks really black in the distance. yeah. what's happening with the weather? >> we have a sunny conditions coming up for the next few days. but we also have the winds still out the sticking around tow east monday. that's what the long-range forecast shows. so you could see we have mostly clear skies out there tonight from the view from the east bay hills. so just a few passing clouds tonight and that breeze tomorrow, though, mostly sunny and mild. and then that forecast showing a warming trend on the way. so tomorrow we will be mostly clear. but with the you'll notice some fog in the morning along the beaches happen. bay and valley fog over by the south bay and san jose. but we do clear out for the afternoon. so just that with the exception of the coast, you may see some clouds
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hanging out in the morning. and of course, the story will be about the winds once again. so tomorrow, you just want to definitely have that jacket handy, especially if you're heading to the coast, you will really feel a chill in the air, but we will be in the, you know, 10's to 20's mile per hour range and even the 30's towards the afternoon and evening. so mainly by the coast. so just secure. those is items as well. here's that 4 zone forecast. notice the low 60's over by san francisco tomorrow. 66 in the mission district over by the beaches. that's what you'll notice that chill in the air. upper 50's for you. 50 degrees expected in half moon bay at 60 degrees expected in daly city. 59 in south san francisco. 62 in millbrae. so a little warmer as you make your way towards burlingame at 65 degrees. and then more 60's along the peninsula. here is mateo 65 san carlos. in in mountain view, a 68 degrees for you. we start to see the 70's towards a santa clara county is 72 expected in san jose and
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morgan hill, 70 in santa clara, 70 in campbell over to the east tri valley, dublin pleasanton, upper 60's, maybe 70's. 74 in livermore towards oakland, los ev unease for you. upper 60's berkeley, 70 degrees for you. and then more 70's as you make your way too. the north bay here, a 7 day outlook that we will be warming up starting at tomorrow and into monday and even close to 80 degrees on wednesday for inland communities and will start to cool down by next weekend. back to you. >> all thanks a lot. highway closures continue this weekend all across the bay area. this is the 4th closure of the southbound lanes of 6 ad. it's going to be closed around the 5, 86, 80 connector in pleasanton and down to coop in wrote and sent home. caltrans says it's going to be reopening monday morning at 4. so you should expect some delays and detours if you're heading to the tri valley this weekend. the second closure is parts of west bound lanes along highway. 37 in vallejo
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they're also expected to be reopening at 4 o'clock monday morning. and then next weekend, the eastbound lanes of 37 will be closed for repair. well, this weekend, san francisco's hosting chocolate makers from all around the world. the craft talking experience is being hosted by san francisco's dandelion chocolate at the palace of fine arts. the marketplaces hosting world-class artisans. classes demonstration, chocolate makers from all around the world and the bay area. and tomorrow around 3.30, they're going to be aiming to make the world's largest s'more. tickets for tomorrow's event cost 40 bucks. also happening in the city and art fair, taking over fort mason this weekend. the fair features artists from all over the world as well. and we have a global weekendfhere in the city doors open at 11 o'clock for the last day. april is being recognized as arab american heritage month. governor gavin newsom signing the proclamation, making it official here in the state.
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newsom says diversity is our state's greatest asset. ed in california is fortunate for unmeasurable contributions remake. their arab americans have made to society. there's less hustle and bustle in downtown san francisco these days. but there's one restaurant that's out only surviving its actually thriving. and in tonight's dine and dish vicki liviakis takes us to sam's grill. one of the oldest restaurants in the country. >> step into sam's grill in the past butts up against the oil. prepared to experience the best of a bygone era. sam's open right after the gold rush with bartenders and tuxes showdown. will be served old-school style by newly minted waiters like andrea and those like stuff on here for on ice on the 56 clips only by
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loyal customers. coming to sam's for how long since 1956. that was the eisenhower administration. sam's is wonderfully unchangeable and what part of san francisco? there's always sam's tavern in the back for a classic cocktail with a brick wall on earth from the big quake. this was from the 19, 0, 6, earthquake and fire. it was all that was left of this building. >> and they threw it out. owner peter, quite rioli certainly paid his dues as a server and mater. he's an actor and screenwriter on the side and ross from the lord this place and this is a place and a room that has a history. >> and the feeling makes people feel you know, one of the cool things about sam's you can get your own if these walls could in san francisco, vicki liviakis kron, 4 coming up next. in sports, pirates and the giants needed extra innings to get a winner tonight at oracle wi
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>> and now kron 4 sports. all right. lots of sports happening tonight. go out to the diamond and talk about the local teams. the giants hosted the pirates at oracle park this afternoon. >> where the team held one of its dog days at the ballpark. and there are plenty of canines there wearing helmets and wearing hats and visors. and also if you brought your dog out to the game today, they will give you like a special collar for the dog. and the giants, of course, man. you got to love the boom adios, pelota and hello kitty. okay. getting a treat let's talk about the game, though, right? tied at one after 9.
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the former giants prospect. ryan reynolds comes up with a ghost runner on second deposits taylor rogers sweeper. way out to left and just like that. 3 to one. brian hayes follows it up right there with a laser beam out to left field 3 pitches. pirates had 4, one lead. but let's go to the bottom of the 10th man on for jorge solera and the big bopper shot way out to left field 433 feet. giants were only down by one, but that's all they could muster at the plate offense goes on snooze. giants and of losing for 3. the pirates intent a's and orioles a little bit of rainy weather in the east coast. back in a's were actually looking to get their second victory in throw against pretty good orioles 3 innings in 4th inning here. >> james mccann hits one off the end of the bat that goes into right field. >> another comes in oil's lead
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3 zip. they built a 6, nothing lead when gunnar henderson biggs, awesome name from baseball high and deep to right. 2 run homer, his 9th of the season oriole shut out the a's 7. is it? let's go to the hardwood now. nba playoffs happening. biggest game of the day was the nuggets and lakers matchup in lot. los angeles for lebron. >> to keep the team in the hot down 3 games zip against the champs and he did not let the laker fans down tonight. let's go to the action. every time the lakers were sort of faltering the brahmas there to save the day. 4th quarter d'angelo russell uses anthony davis throws up that no. look, alley-oop pass to lebron for the jam nuggets made a run late down by 8 lebron powers his way through the lane dagger layup. with one 31 left lebron finished with 30 lakers avoid elimination. they win one 19. what a way go back in the mile. high game 5 on monday. >> all right. and that's going to do it for your sports. and that's also going to do it for us tonight here at 11 o'clock. but of course, you can always
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get the latest by going to our website kron 4 dot com. we'll see you tomorrow night at 8 o'clock on kron on. and then the 10:11pm right here on kron 4.
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