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tv   KRON 4 News at 7am  KRON  April 29, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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>> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> thanks for waking up with us. we've got a lot to tell you about this morning in the headlines. police are looking for a suspect because a woman killed in downtown san jose and they're trying to solve that. yeah. and tensions are rising across college campuses. >> calling for an end to the war in gaza. we've been following this here in in the bay area. we've got that story pay off their life and the oakland a's fans are rallying and sacramento. they're upset about the team's move. >> 2 sacramento ahead of their big move to las vegas. good morning. i'm darya and i'm james. we'll get to those stories in a minute. but we do want to start the hour with a check of the weather. we've got dave spahr standing by with more on what we're seeing outside on this live hi good
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morning, james and darya. good morning, everybody. looking pretty sweet for your monday and we're just delaying the temperature climb. we're talking about. >> due to some onshore winds. but hey, that's ok, we'll have lots of sunshine to come with the right. so that's good news on that front are a lot of our pictures are looking pretty good. even at the coast sometime this is a slower in the clear we saw this even yesterday. but sun is already coming out at this hour now, as you can see, and there's that little pesky low up to the north little place holder until we get that high building about that location, providing an offshore wind. but more importantly heating for us towards the latter portion of the week there. you're kind of variable winds right now. they're all muscle offshore in some spots, but they will remain on shore, giving us some cooling. we'll get some even inland. but it's going to be most apparent along the coast in the 50's with all the sun still at work. 50's on the board for the most part, some 40's here and there like a map of the for example, 47 palo alto in 45 for redwood city. we're looking at about 63 come 11 o'clock it to 72 80's are getting into this forecast by
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midweek. i'll have more on that coming up in a bit change. daria. okay. thanks very much, dave. quick check of the roads this morning. beginning with the bay bridge toll plaza where at the moment it's about 18 minutes to get from the macarthur maze in oakland across the bay and into san francisco. so plan for that amount of time. for now, it may continue to grow, but we'll keep you updated on that. >> meanwhile, san mateo bridge is certainly growing not only in terms of volume on the spam, but also the drive time to get from hayward out to foster city. now running at 25 minutes, the richmond sandra fell bridge. we're also seeing a backup at the toll plaza itself. but once you get past the the toll gate, you're actually making good time. 14 minutes to get from one end of the richmond. sandra fell bridge to the marin county side and for north bay, viewers get ready to hop on southbound 1, one and head into san francisco so far so good. it's about 21 minutes to get from nevada down to the city. >> 702, right now. and the developing story that we're following is the continuing protests to sit in a uc berkeley. there are students intense there. they want a
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cease-fire do. the protests now into its second week. kron four's will tran. >> they're live on campus for us this morning. will. >> and james, with every passing day, the protest here gets a little bit bigger. you can see this is just a small corner of it. coming up at 8 o'clock, i will show you how much it is expanded over the past several days. in fact, we're at sprawl plaza. and if you've been here before, it is basically the epicenter of the campus and it spreads around this particular building. you can see some of them getting up at this very moment. more than have reaction from them coming up at 8 o'clock as far as what's happening uc berkeley, not alone in this a few miles away, doing the same thing at stanford. and let me show you video. it's also happening at approximately 80 universities, maybe even more than that across the country. many of them have never met each other, of course, but they stand in solidarity
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claiming that the universities are not acting in good faith on their behalf. as far as uc berkeley students and their protesters here, they want many things including uc berkeley to acknowledge that what's going on in the middle east right now is genocide between israel and palestine. they also have other demands, including that universities across the country acknowledge that what's going on with their money is not in their best interest and they want to cut ties, the universities to cut ties with businesses. they do business with israel as well as manufacture weapons. this is not going to end anytime soon. we do know that, you know, couple of times has been explosive but not a lot of damage. hundreds of people have been arrested across the country right now. it looks like it will continue indefinitely until the students get what they are looking for and get this. the key word is students a lot of times they're protesters of all ages. but in this
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particular case, the majority of them are students. they are not staying in campus housing. instead, they're staying in the tense waking up and going to class knowing that this is an inconvenience for them. but they stand on this. the university is also and they have a tough situation as well because? >> yes, they want peace. they want tranquility on the campus that they do know to be a university. also allows him to be free thinkers as well as enjoy free speech. this is happening right over my left shoulder right here, james and area. you can see the police department here in case anything should happen. they can pounce on it. and so far there's no need. >> back to you. you have very, very peaceful out well over there. but as will said, there have been many protests across the country, a different college campuses. so let's take a look at some video from those with students also demanding that their universities cut ties with israel. and you can see here
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some of the video from those protests in some cases shouting and in some cases churning 2 arrests. there have other encampments style. these are marches that you're seeing here with flag-waving gatherings. all the different campuses are seeing different about ways to react as well. here you see police riot gear and over at usc. i don't if you heard this, but usc we've have found that they're canceling their graduation ceremonies. the main graduation ceremony because of the protests that are going on there. we haven't heard of that happening at other universities, but we'll keep you posted. it's 705, and a developing story that we're following out of sfo is another united flight has been diverted because of a mechanical issue. this one, we're looking live sfo did start off from sfo. it started sacramento. it was headed to denver and it had to land at sfo. a boeing 7.37. with some type mechanical issue. what they won't say. all we know is
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the pilots did not have to make an emergency landing. they just needed to land. and so they landed at sfo with 160 people safely, then transfer them to a different aircraft. and they made it onto denver about 2 hours later. in the south bay. at least 2 people were injured in a senate will win a santa clara county sheriff's patrol car collided with another vehicle in san jose. >> this happened on commodore drive-in king road just after 12, 30 yesterday morning. that crash caused a number of street closures. only minor injuries reported. not clear exactly what caused that accident, but we have reached out to the sheriff's office for comment. we'll let you know when we hear back. meanwhile, a woman was shot and killed near downtown san jose. and police are still looking for a suspect this morning. this all happened in the area of north 4th and east saint james streets friday night was about 9 o'clock. the police found the victim in the street. they say the shooter ran from the scene. we did hear from neighbors who say they heard multiple gunshots except for santa like firecrackers. they weren't sure what was going on. they say officers were on scene until 6 in the morning on
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saturday. this is the city's 12th homicide of the year. >> time now is 707. and we want to give you an update to a story we first brought you last tuesday, an exclusive with kron 4 because we were doing an interview with san jose's mayor. when we showed you this altercation that happened in san jose between that man that you see there and police officer, lewis protecting the san jose we were doing the interview and a 35 year-old man. his name is wesley pollard walked up and he stopped confront of the mayor and the staff and and apparently. >> while we were recording interview, they asked this man >> to leave. and in response he became confrontational and ended up attacking the officer. and in response, the san jose silicon valley naacp has just come out with this statement. on what they have to say about it. and in their view, they say the officer involved in the altercation did not clearly identify himself as a law enforcement
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officer. and it appears that there was no legal basis for instructing the pedestrian to move from his location and a public space. the pedestrians reaction should have been met with a more measured response from the officer considering the circumstances and quote. >> oakland >> a's fans who want the oakland a's owner to sell the team took their protest to west sacramento, which is where now the a's are going to be playing at. this was ahead of the rivercats game. one of the weekend that the fans were there laying out their signs and making their point that they don't like the fact that the a's can just set up shop there before they move to las vegas. >> i mean, sacramento kings mansfield, if if if another owner came about and say, hey, we'll let you play here for free. mean, that's what he's doing. like, yeah, you might be moving. john fisher is the 3 years. but you're also moving in the summer of sell the summer boycott. these fans
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are passionate and you think we're just going to go away because? it's an hour and a half away. >> they say they're going to keep showing up. it's only an hour and a half away. so and we know that these are special play there for at least a couple will continue to see what happens there with that argument. okay. >> let's head to the north bay now where after 27 years in business, the iconic candy store on main street in tehran is closing. a lot of people know and when it's really fun because it has the training kids like to go there in the old-fashioned candy. >> they say that it is a. >> the new rent prices, the old-fashioned prices they could afford, but that the hike in prices they can crop or sara stinson spoke with customers and the owner. >> after nearly 3 decades of providing sweet treats the candy store on main street in tehran is closing. the store was packed with people sunday trying to get their favorite candies one last time. iran is not to run without this candy it's a destination for the kids to come downtown and get
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candy.othis is kind of sad to see that like a childhood memories going away. the shop is a sweet childhood memory for the owner to cam heartbroken. and i really am i you this is been half of my life 16 years. jenny torres grew up in temple run and work to the candy store in high school in 2015 when the original owners wanted to sell, she left her job as a teacher and bought it at just 24 years old. i close up that night and i was a business tourists. as in the last 9 years, she's experienced the ups and downs of running a business in a seasonal tourist town. during the pandemic. you know, i moved heaven and earth to to stay here keep profitable and keep paying the rent. never miss a mint. torres says she was trying to renew her lease on main street. but when her landlord hiked the rent 60%, she says she made the difficult decision to close. once. i realize that they weren't really willing to negotiate. i haven't had a broken talk to them. then i realized that it was just going i was suarez
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says this has other small businesses on main worried about being pushed out to their nervous having one in the street, the such a high rate would cause their regular rate skyrocket. you know, as word got out about the closure, the support came flooding in from the community. a lot of people came and asked me what i needed, what i wanted. people offer to invest. people offer you know, pay the rent. a gofundme page was set up to save the candy shop. it's raised more than $6,000. tourists hopes one day she can open up the shop in a new location. but for now, it's farewell. was many of it has been coming to say goodbye to the candy look at that smile. i we going take away the smiles. torres is hoping to keep this sweet tradition alive by opening up another candy store somewhere else in town. >> with a different landlord, we reached out to her current landlord, but we did not hear back in time for this report. >> i'm sara stinson reporting in timber kron. 4 news.
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>> and there and they're all right. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. more money is coming to alameda county for childcare, but it didn't go without a fight in the state's high court will explain.
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>> 7.14 right now and it is gorgeous. and then some couldn't ask for a better weekend. the sun was out and it wasn't terribly, wasn't too hot either, which is kind of all hovering there in them. low 70's. yeah, the mid 70's and now you're waking up to sunshine, which, you know, we wake up. it's dark out. so we're never really like 07:00am hits or whatever it now, his stargazing great for
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the sun gets here. yeah. it's kind of cool. yeah. james and darya. good morning. good morning on this goldilocks type of forecast. >> the james is painting for. you're going to keep that going all week long shot from mount tam. check it out. just a bit of haze off towards the distance. there. it's a mixing will probably get this cleared out a little bit better. but it's a sweet start your week. we do have those onshore winds. we did discuss this is the slow up towards the north. so it's kind of unfinished business. after that's done. high pressure kicks in 2nd half of the week. dry warming up a little bit more. so not really a heat. spike heat spike, maybe with this kind of set up if we're july or august, that might be. but a look at those winds again, pretty much remain onshore. and it's most pronounced at the coast. so not only are the numbers somewhat modest because of all of this climate control in the 50's that has an extra little chill to you as well. so we headed out to that jacket on there and a sweater. now, here's a look ahead for the week. we've got mostly sunny skies going on. cool with the cool breeze at the coast. 70's for the bay and 80's inland by wednesday. we keep that trend to the latter portion a week. that includes
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friday, by the way. and then the weekend things change. now we have to mention least verbally here, maybe a little shower thrown in here, but we'll call variable clouds on balance. not a major deal with this, but it is a cool down from where we stand by. the latter portion weeks go back down to the 60's again. alright for today. 65 san francisco. 72 for san jose will do about a 74 oakland on the big board. there you have some middle 70's. these will be climbing throughout the latter portion week, particularly. we'll have more in your 4 zone forecast in check and that extended to james and darya. ok, thank you very and let's take a look at the traffic right 7.16 is pretty much the heat of the commute here for the gold. i mean, for the bay bridges, you can see. >> but still, it's only 60 minutes which isn't bad. and you have the sunshine to keep you company and all of your new friends in traffic. same thing at the san mateo bridge westbound 92. you have plenty of company and rolling safely probably a little bit below the speed limit because it's a 26 minute ride over at the richmond, sandra fell bridge. this is actually not so bad
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has been going back and forth between 13 in 15 minutes in now at that sweet spot. just awaiting a couple of seconds to get you through the toll plaza there. a cause. there's only a few lanes over the golden gate bridge, gorgeous. and a 25 minute ride from highway. 37 all the way down. one on one to the toll plaza where you have the delight of the view and then payment, which is 9, something i know how they do it on fast track. so it feels painless, but it's not. >> all right. time now, 7.17, and for your money. this morning, women were the driving force behind this weekend's box office. and all eyes are on the federal reserve's interest rate decision and jobs data on wall street this week. so lots to talk about jane king joining us live from new york with that at the nasdaq aj. james, good a lot of moving parts this week. so the federal reserve meets will probably not make any changes to interest. rates will find for sure. wednesday afternoon. we also have a monthly jobs that will be out friday, 250,000
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jobs expected. >> and we'll just throw it one. amazon reporting their earnings as well this week. well, 42% of americans support the u.s. government's tiktok ban. a survey of 2000 americans conducted by talker research found only 23% of all those polled are against it. 31% had no real opinion. interestingly, 42% of gen z and 35% of millennials respondents say they regularly use tiktok but still 36 to 40% of them support the ban. now the research was conducted just before president biden officially signed the bill which gives tiktok's parent company bytedance 9 months to arrange a sale or face a ban in the u.s. larosa realty says the home buying and selling market is ripe for disruption, especially from a i ceo. joe rosa says his firm is created their own ai program for agents to request. >> we want to quit opportunity for a judge to work smarter, harder we both the phenomenal system that allows the 80's to be able to do that as well as we've now start to focus on the consumer side.
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>> he says the ai can help the agents do their jobs more efficiently so they can help the consumers find itself the best that they can and women drove the weekend box office in gm. amazon studios is gambling big on sunday led challengers opening the art house leaning film and theaters rather than streaming. now, the romance, tennis trauma grow 6.2 million on friday. more than half the audience was female. more than two-thirds were between 18 and 34 and sunday has huge social reach 184 million followers on instagram live from the nasdaq market site. i'm jane king back to james. all right, jane, thank you very much. >> time now is 7.19, san francisco man now been sentenced to 10 years in prison for trying to hire an undercover fbi agent to murder his ex-wife. allen. the son was in a years long legal battle with his ex-wife for custody of their 2 children. investigators say his original plan involved bribing immigration agents to deport his ex to her home country. they say he then plotted to killer in 2022, the fbi says
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that piece and met with one of their undercover agents and wired a total of $23,000 to one of the agency's bank accounts. >> police have arrested 2 minors for a carjacking and robbing a person in valais. the victim was sitting in his car near holiday street and cassidy street on tuesday night when a person walked up, man walked up with a gun and then was able to take off with that car, which is a dodge avenger. 2 days later, police spotted that stolen car and they gave chase. the chase ended in berkeley when the driver crashed into another car. and then to people jumped out of that stolen car, ran across the highway, trying to get away. police ended up catching arresting them and they were 2 miners who were booked into the county juvenile detention facility. on the peninsula. redwood city officers arrested a teenager accused of selling fake apple
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earphones on facebook marketplace. the air pod max earphones have a real serial number and that could be looked upon apple's website. but the serial numbers were taken from other actual real devices. and so if you buy that one, anything associate with a warranty is invalid and not really from apple. it's just as the serial number. and after an investigation, the investigators found multiple listings of other fake items and then didn't undercover operation and they arrested 18 year-old jose on how sanchez they also served a search warrant. i'm on a residence and found more than $2000 worth of counterfeit merchandise that they seized. and sanchez was arrested and booked into san mateo county >> well, the city college of san francisco is moving to allow non-citizens to vote in board elections. so the policy proposal would allow all non-citizen city college students who are enrolled in
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classes in the previous or current academic year, too vote in their elections. noncitizens with still, though, need to meet other requirements for the elections like being a san francisco resident. it being over the age of 18, although the city college of san francisco endorsed the policy, it still has to be approved by the board of supervisors. it's going to be considered as a potential charter amendment or a ballot initiative. we're going to take a break at 7.22. but coming up on the kron 4 morning news, thousands of students were in san jose showing off their engineering prowess. >> at a conference we're going to tell you about that and hear how this conference is. helping them lea7.25.
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is the time in the north. a local business is now taking a hit as the sausalito ferry is still closed for commuters and tourists. >> the closures are now into their second week after an inspection found that one of the pier pilings was damaged at the ferry terminal. a spokesperson for the ferry says they can only work during low tide. so repairs are taking time. people living in sausalito say this is a big loss for them, not just for their town, but for anyone who wants to visit. >> think everybody's businesses affected. 15 or more per cent. people that visit san francisco, one of the things they have to do while they're in san francisco's take a ferry boat to sausalito and spend the day here in the in the magic kingdom. and that's what this is. >> well, the golden gate ferry is hoping to have the service
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there at the terminal back up and running by next week. fingers crossed that that happens. repairs are being made, obviously. and while that's happening, a transit buses taking passengers across the golden gate bridge 7.26. is the time in alameda county. taxpayers are going to see a sales tax increase. >> to create more money for childcare, its measure c which is a 20 year half a cent sales tax increase that the voters passed in 2020. but it was on hold because was challenged by alameda county taxpayers association. the california supreme court just upheld that measure. so now it's going to happen. the money will divided into 2 accounts, 20% goes to pediatric health care, overseen by a citizen oversight committee and then 80% of the money goes to childcare. preschool and early education. and that will be administered by first fight. alameda county. it's 7.27 coming up on the kron. 4 morning news. san francisco apparently is seeing a drop in car break-ins, but it was just
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a car break-in of. >> yet another famous notable >> yet another famous notable person when they vis it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want.
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make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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>> 7.29. right now. want to get a look at the weather which all around the bay is just gorgeous today. yeah, absolutely. and it looks like more of that this week. we've got dave spar with the weather check. good morning, dave. well, good morning, james and darya. good morning, everybody. even with an onshore wind, other marine layer is really departing allowing all the sunshine even at first light that we're seeing around the bay and at the coast as even though we do see all the sunshine that you will see, temperatures will be a bit on the cool side. we're at 52 right now. half moon bay, lots of 50's across the breath of the bay. in fact, only holding on to 40's and a
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couple pockets in the north a little bit. the east bay, too. there's the shot coming in from half moon bay and already sunny skies prevail. here's a quick contrast we had from 24 hours ago. a little warmer across a good piece of geography, although the could see up to tri valley. little cooler this morning in some spots there. so what's driving all of this? is that low to the north kind of unfinished business keeps temperatures down a little bit from what they will be. and later in the week, we do see a nice warm up, get some 80's back in the driver's seat. there are your winds kind of variable right now, but they will be a bit more noticeable at the coast and parts of the bay. we have 62 one on 11 o'clock. 71 by 2 o'clock and a nice warm up for the latter portion of the we could have more on that. plus, what looks like into your weekend, james darya. all right. thank you very much day. check the bridge is for you this morning. beginning with the golden gate bridge where you can see traffic on 1, one southbound moving fairly well. >> it's about a half hour. 29 minutes to get from highway 37 in novato to the toll plaza there on the san francisco side of the spam. the writ the
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law should go backwards here and show you actually the richmond, sandra fell bridge where we're seeing about 14 minutes to get from richmond out towards marin county. little bit of a backup here at the toll plaza. but otherwise you're doing ok? it's about 27 minutes across the san mateo bridge highway. 92 westbound from hayward to foster city. so getting close to about a half hour drive time there. and it's running about 20 minutes to get from the macarthur maze in oakland across the bay bridge into san francisco. so plan accordingly. >> time now 7. 31 and in the south bay for 37 years, thousands of students around the world have come to northern california and to downtown san jose to show off their engineering skills. that's pretty cool. it's called the tech challenge. and this year's event brought 2000 students together for this competition. kron four's jack molmud was there. >> over 500 teams of students from around 144 different schools from the bay area. and northern california joined together here downtown san jose for the 37th annual tech
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challenged. but the tech projects they're working go back months. >> we're means the end of the school year. but for these kids. >> really, fun. >> challenging the 37th annual tech challenge in downtown san jose. well, months in the making doesn't feel like your usual homework assignments, israeli and as an opportunity from students all over northern california to showcase their amazing engineers feel i belong core helps protect challenge on every single year. this is her 11th and she says every year is a different theme. this year's theme is space. >> she adds that every year is special. they started as early as october. >> at the end of the project, they come here to showcase everything they've built for long court. it's a pivotal moment for kids anywhere from 4th grade to senior year round for me. i really love to see all the amazing things that the kids create. it really gives me a lot of hope for the future of our world. >> what the future can wait because now it's time to show off. target twice into 3
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different platforms. this group of spaceship for their style could middle school and east side. san jose. these kids started building their catapult last summer. how do feel about winning really great. really great. then they'll all their targets besides one and get a medal beyond infinity. astronauts and alien from outer this team is from randall world languages. school in milpitas. pretty good because it even like. >> it was also pretty consistent compared their accomplishments and happy for the opportunity to show their talents to families all over northern california. where i'm at mister can chew. >> was the one. so yes, can too. >> well, the theme of this year's annual tech challenge was space, but organizers are dropping back next year's theme could be something that has to grab it's, quote, gravity is your friend. we're in downtown san jose. jack
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moment. kron 4 news. >> 7.34 right now and watch this. a number of cars engulfed in flames and san francisco's tenderloin district yesterday morning all around the same for cars we're seeing on fire. and this is about 5 in the morning from the citizen app. this is near van asset, hickory and rose streets. and then also there were fires in cars on jones and eddie street and in the area of hay. and octavia and market street, nobody was hurt, but somebody may have towards these cars. so police are now investigating what happened. police have arrested a homeless man for attacking 2 people, including piedmont's police chief during something that started on friday at the ace hardware on grand avenue in piedmont where police got a call that there was an elderly man who was hit there from behind by somebody and they identified the suspect as willie gomer who ran next door to that business gomer. they thought it was reported he might be under the influence of something. so police showed
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up and they say that he attacked the officers. they responded with pepper spray and a taser, but he was able to break free and ended up breaking into a home and threatening a resident. there. then he took off outside and was confronted by piedmont's police chief jeremy bowers. you see a picture of him here. gomer manage somehow to get into chief bowers police car. bowers ran around to the other side of the police car and he was able. it to get him. but it police chief was attacked in the process. they did end up arresting governor. >> saturday marks one year since brown was killed outside of a walgreens in san francisco. we have security video from last april during that exchange where private security guard claims that brown was shoplifting during that confrontation. the security guard, michael earl, when anthony shot brown as he tried to leave the business a second time now, the da's office in the end did not
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charge anthony because he was arguing self-defense claiming that brown allegedly threatened to stab him. brown was later found to be unarmed and in the end, walgreens, the guard and the company that employed that guard were all fined. now brown and black transgender man was on housed at the time and a volunteer organizer for youth women's freedom center issued a statement saturday writing in part, quote, bancos life was worth so much more than what it was taken for in the face of adversity. he was resilient and courageous. he fearlessly fought for the rights and dignity of trans people. on the peninsula. san mateo county deputies arrested a man accused of taking a child very same day. she was reported kidnapped. so deputies say the woman approached them outside their headquarters on north fair oaks saturday afternoon to say that her 4 year-old daughter have been taken from her by the child's father. they say that man's car was spotted driving down el camino real. he was taken into custody and that child was returned unharmed to her mother.
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>> it appears that the supreme court may rule in favor of cities in the case of whether to allow punishment for unhoused people who are sleeping outside when shelters are at full capacity in the bay area. san francisco officials say they've been blocked from enforcing camping regulations because the city does not have enough shelter space for the homeless population. california's lieutenant governor has been paying close attention to the hearings in this case. >> it does appear as though the court is going to side with the cities and when they make this decision, if it goes that way, that ability to clear encampments when necessary by the city's he's probably going to be restored. the decision from the supreme court is expected to come down later this year. >> in the east bay personnel is recovering after being shot in oakland. police responded to emergency calls on rosedale street about 2 o'clock
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saturday morning. they said a number of cars have been struck by bullets. police say they were informed of one victim who took themselves to the hospital. that person is recovering. the investigation is still ongoing. >> time now and >> while visiting san francisco as southern california congressman adam schiff had his car broken into. yeah. and this was just before attending a fundraising dinner for his senate campaign with kron four's lezla gooden with the story. adam ship is currently running to fill the late senator dianne feinstein, senate seat. >> and was in san francisco making several appearances. he was dining at the thing restaurant when his luggage was stolen while his car was parked and a downtown parking garage, his luggage allegedly in view on facebook. the democratic congressman posted this picture at the restaurant and a hiking best, which is a more casual look than what he's typically seen. it. we reached out to the san francisco police department about the theft and they tell
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us there's no report related to this incident, according to sfpd crime data vehicle, property theft is down by 58% from this time last year and a good thing. kuz kuz ellen stopping them from from from. >> continue to do it. >> a trend that jt auto repair says they have noticed define last had leave and cars come in for for when the repairs? well, we've got a lot a lot of cars coming in for best of before. but but now we don't see any haven't seen any for since the beginning of the year. >> plus, getting kron 4 news. >> well, library is closing tomorrow to have its roof repaired. that work is scheduled to take 6 weeks with the library reopening on june. 11th, the book drop will be locked and items placed on hold will not be available for pickup during that closure. so just keep that in mind. some 40 right now. and april is world wish month and
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make-a-wish greater bay area celebrating 40 years. >> in the region, the organization held a reunion in san jose for families who had their wishes granted over the years. for example, veronica johnson and her 2 year-old son was granted a wish before he passed away in 20 in the year 2000. his wish was to see mickey mouse. >> to not even think about doctors and what not knowing that we have that open heart coming coming up a week you know. it changes your your way thinking after the power of a wish. all right. you don't take anything for granted. >> veronica is now an active volunteer and fundraiser with make-a-wish as so many others are with them. april is being recognized as arab american heritage month. governor newsom signed up rockaway proclamation making that official in california. the governor says diversity is our
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state's greatest asset any and california is fortunate 4 in measurable contributions that arab americans have made to society. president biden also issued a statement recognizing arab american heritage month. >> going to take a break here at 7.41, but still ahead on kron 4 morning news. the giants are on a roll after winning back-to-back series. we're going to show you the highlights from their latest game against pirates slash staying connected at 30,000 feet. the airline that's getting passengers connected to the internet faster than
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>> new this morning, we are testing some of the fastest internet speeds available on an airplane. rich demuro takes a look in tech smart. >> hawaiian airlines, one of the first to offer super speedy satellite internet from starlink on their flights. recently, i got on board to try it out. i've been on plenty of flights before, but never one like this. never had a fast internet on a plane. excited. hawaiian airlines among the first equip their planes with starlink internet. >> a network of low-orbit satellites providing fast connectivity around the globe. upgraded planes are marked with a starlink sticker at the entrance. hawaiian brought me on board to try out the first things first as a nerd. >> i've got to test the 250 look if you have that at home we are halfway across the
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pacific between i tried uploading and downloading large files playing games, streaming movies and even a peloton workout on demand. we're already streaming. so if you forgot to download a movie. there's no need to download any more. you can just watch whatever you want. it all worked flawlessly with speeds well over 100 megabits per second. it is really important for us is a smaller airline. just think level of service. hawaiian airlines ceo peter ingram. you think about the real early generations of conductivity on the common was it was terrible. this connection is seamless and starts the second. you get your grateful from guest and flight attendants, right? they really impressed by the quality of the internet saying all this internet so fast, don't have to plan ahead. so i see a world where those
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in-flight entertainment systems probably going by the wayside. starlink is free and why plans to keep it that way. we figured since we war later to the party, a providing and the honor of playing just jump to offering the very, very and offering a complimentary and letting the rest of the market go up. >> hawaiian continues to outfit their planes. so not every flight will have starling just yet. and while you can connect multiple devices for free and there are no data limits, they do ask the pastors are frein for making voice or video calls live streaming from their seats and offensive content is not allowed. i'm rich demuro and you are tech smart. you see the can of worms. ground will. but you see what happens, right? you know, suddenly everyone's going live streaming live stream might stop. okay. >> let's get over to the weather center. good morning, david james and darya. good morning and good morning, everybody. just check in on what's going on with the
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yosemite. here is a beautiful sunrise starts the day a little bit. the way some high cloudiness and >> little the way of some snow kind of hang around. just a touch with forecast in tahoe. look like following we got going on 50's getting some lower 60's by the time we get to thursday. now, keep in mind with this. we we still may pick up potentially a little dusting this weekend with a system where watching dropping south. but it looks like those snow levels to be very lofty up there around 8,000 near 9,000 feet. so the season is definitely changing. and as that low brushes off high pressure for a little while, they'll be some offshore winds, temporary pop. we'll be fol owing that as we get into the season and a front drops south with cloud cover. might get maybe perhaps the pitter patter of some rain with all of that, still waiting for the models to get some consensus here. 65 san francisco. we've got 50's at the coast because of those winds. so it will be extra chilly. 64 burlingame, 67 foster city, 68 for palo alto, 70's pop in the south bay here. those 72 for san jose east bay shoreline, nearly 70 here, tri valley.
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you've got the lower 70's for today. 74 walnut creek. 75 for conquered. 68 for berkeley and 60 along with 77 fairfield, 73 napa and santa rosa. you're looking at 73. left-hand side of your screen is still the leftover 70's. when we pop into the 80's. that's wednesday. thursday, friday. but then by the weekend, major dropping out some cloud cover with this as well. and we're going to keep it rain-free for right now. just a word to the wise we have to at some raindrops on there, depending on all the models fair. coming up, james darya. let's take a look at the traffic as you can see here, the approach to the bay bridge looks pretty good. 20 minutes. so you do have a little bit of a wait there. but >> it's sunny and nice out. so past that. i'm doing something fun sitting in the car, maybe san mateo bridge westbound. 92 is the right hand side. and that drive down. got a little longer to it said 25 minutes right now the left hand side is a breeze, but nobody needs to go that way. apparently.
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and taking a look at the richmond, sandra fell bridge. it's lightened up 13 minutes. so the drive time there is a easy now. boy, a traffic has really cleared out in that spot. and then if you're heading over the golden gate bridge it's also really nice here on the deck. left-hand side is the traffic coming into san francisco. but farther up, i want to one southbound. that's where it's a little bit slower because you can see highway 37 of the tolls. the commute has grown there to 33 minutes. >> all right. it is 7.49, let's talk about the forty-niners. the nfl draft continued into the weekend and the team introduced their first-round pick wide receiver ricky pearsall to the bay area. you can see there on saturday. they actually picked up 5 more players with 3 of those pics coming in the 4th round alone. so let's tell you about that. first up, forty-niners took wake forest saf'ty malik with with their first pick in the 4th rounds. he provide some depth to the forty-niners defensive backfield. so >> excited to have him on board. they then went offense
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with the second pick in the 4th round selecting running back. >> isaac guerendo out of louisville, the 6 foot 221 pounder is a prototypical kyle shanahan running back. he's a quick decision maker at the line he blocks. you can catch the ball out of the backfield. so everything that looks for in a running back and with their last pick in the 4th round. the niners chose wide receiver jacob cowing from arizona in his 2 seasons there with the wildcats. he caught 175 passes. >> for more than 1800 yards in a washington 20 touchdown. so a powerhouse there. and in the 6th round, the niners chose offensive lineman jarrett, kingston, he's 6 foot 4, 305 pounds and played a washington state before transferring to usc last year. he is a apparently a versatile lineman who can play all the positions up and down the line. so another tool for kyle shanahan next year. and then finally the 7th round. they picked up linebacker tatum, the out of
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florida state. so nice to have some extra help there at linebacker position with craig greenlaw out for a big part of the season. so we'll see if they all can plug himself. wilson to the scheme. the dial up to point. >> let's talk baseball, too, because it was a great weekend for the giants. they beat the pirates at home sweeping the series kron four's. kate rooney has highlights. >> it seems the san francisco giants may be finally hitting something resembling a strike for the first time this season. the giants won back-to-back series, their defense and pitching really seems to be coming together over the last 7 starts. giants pitchers have a combined 0.9 5 e r a and while there's still a little bit to be desired when it comes to offense, there's some flashes happening that are encouraging for this team. for example, the giant hit back-to-back home runs for the first time all season tire estrada and make us trump's going yard for the orange and black. while the players say they're encouraged after this. homestand manager bob melvin says, of course, there's still
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plenty of room for improvement. we've been i mean, you look at the stats across the board, whether it's pitching numbers were the offensive numbers. it has great. >> but this it here, right 500 or game below it in. we know there's a lot more in there. it's not horrible place to be. that's all you're trying to do is when you know, there's going to be tough ones like today where you got to just ride it out and make sure that you finish and >> i thought the guys, great hall really well, you know, keep it secret. so to to be in that situation, have a slow heartbeat still on to execute. is this huge profits for us? we're all coming together playing together. we're nice. nice roll because of that. >> it can win. matched a career-best 6 innings pitched and allowed just 3 hits. also tying a career best. now the giants are headed off for a 10 game road trip which kicks off on tuesday in boston. >> well, coming up in the next hour of the kron, 4 morning news. could we see gas prices dip under five-dollars soon? i will tell you how much you're going to pay to fill up a tank going to pay to fill up a tank this
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars
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>> experts are advising you check your cash. cause a dollar may be worth a lot more a buck. currency collectors aimed to pay thousands of dollars for rare misprinted one-dollar bills. 2 sets of one dollar bills were printed in 2014. and then again in 2016 and each batch there were more than 6 million misprinted bills that went out into circulation dollars were accidentally sent out with duplicate serial numbers. and while the u.s. bureau of engraving and printing did not catch this mistake, currency collectors did catch it. there
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are currently 6.4 million pairs of one dollar bills with matching serial numbers. and collectors are hoping to find as many matching pairs as they can. only 9 pairs of the match so far. so there are a lot out there. one collector sold a pair of matching serial numbers for about $6,000. so that buck in your pocket could be worth a lot more 7.56. and coming next on the kron morning news, we're going to take a look at what's going on at u c berkeley. there are protesters camping outside. >> as they have been for a long time, we're going to talk about what they want and how this is a trend nationwide. and a popular candy store that's been in operation in the north bay town for 27 years has to close up shop. we'll tell you why. plus a's fans are continuing to call for the team owners to sell and continuing to protest. we're going to show you why they
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everyone needs a place to recharge. how we get there matters.
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get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news >> morning to you. we are working on a several stories this morning, including. >> the search for a killer. a woman has died in downtown san jose will have the latest. and tensions are rising across college campuses calling for an end to the war in gaza, including right here in the bay area will be live from uc berkeley and a's fans rallied in sacramento. they are still upset. >> about what's going on with the movd


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