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tv   KRON 4 News at 8am  KRON  April 29, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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at your local audi dealer. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news >> morning to you. we are working on a several stories this morning, including. >> the search for a killer. a woman has died in downtown san jose will have the latest. and tensions are rising across college campuses calling for an end to the war in gaza, including right here in the bay area will be live from uc berkeley and a's fans rallied in sacramento. they are still upset. >> about what's going on with the move and the fact that the
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a's get to plan sacramento while they're waiting for vegas. good morning. i'm darya and i'm james. so we'll get to those stories in a minute. here's a live look outside, though. we're going to start the hour with a check of the weather and all these skies. not one cloud data. it's looking sweet. yeah. good morning, james and ari, good morning, everybody. and that marine layer didn't really materialize much the way of fog either. the fog clouds of the coast even departed. >> hours ago, so enjoy pretty much wall to wall sunshine today with that breeze, that will be a cooling mechanism with us as well. >> temperatures aren't doing too bad at all. we'll show that in a bit right now that slow up in the northwest as what's driving some of these winds. but it's not going bring any clouds our way. meanwhile, here are those winds. you can see how the northwest a little bit and that will be pretty much loyally out of the due west as we get into the afternoon, going right through the quirkiness straight and you get an uptick this afternoon. here's half moon bay for, you know, fog this morning. no cioud cover just started off with mostly sunny skies. we've got 50's for temperatures right now. chilly. 48 for but that's the only exception here. everybody else into the
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50's and for the breakdown today will try 66 at high noon and 72 by 3. let's keep building on that. by the end of the week, talk about some lower 80's morning long range forecast in a bit. james and ari. all right. let's take a look at the commute for which isn't too bad. >> nothing to notable in the way here, especially at the approach to the bay bridge means to fremont street. just 18 not too bad of a backup there from monday morning. san mateo bridge has been pretty crowded, though, as you can see. it's a 23 minute ride. so definitely a sluggish commute here on the san mateo bridge. that's right. side of your screen while what a difference commuter action makes there. the richmond, sandra fell bridge has really lighten up. it was a heavy in the 7 o'clock hour. but now and during the 8 o'clock hour, it's down to 12 minutes for that ride from the richmond area to sandra fell. and then from iran, sandra fell or if you're heading even further north of here in nevada, heading over the golden gate bridge starting at highway. 37 down to this shot in the toll plaza. it's a 33 minute ride. so little sluggish a one-on-one. but once you hit
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the span and actually looks good on the golden gate. 802, is the time. and another developing story that we're continuing to follow as what's going on at cal berkeley, the uc campus has been the site of a camp in really a sit-in of students calling for a ceasefire in gaza for a couple of weeks. yeah, i was going say that protests now into its second weekend. so kron four's will tran is out there. >> on the university campus right now as we're approaching graduation finals. all of that will and what are you seeing? >> well, james, you can see the soon is moving about so classes. they are still ongoing. and graduation is just a couple of weeks away. the students walking around. they want to learn things. of course. but there are students inside that ensue. want to teach something. let me show you video of what's going on. you saw some of the tents right behind me in my live shot. here is video from just around the corner. it has turned into you can call it an encampment. there are dozens
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of tense at this location and i saw police officers go through their never had never had to interact. it's been peaceful. you can see a big bad or on sproul plaza. sproul hall saying some of their demands. one of the demands not on that banner is having uc berkeley acknowledge according to the protesters that what's going on in the middle east right now between israel and palestine is a genocide. so they want to continue this until their demands are met. a lot of the students are waking up, leaving the tense going into the classrooms while they're doing this. there are other people watching what's going on. james starry, i got a chance to track down a student who is looking to transfer to berkeley. here's her reaction to what's going on. >> think that there's different ways to help. i don't necessarily think that you have to pitch a tent, although that is an option. i thought about it last night. but i'm sure that they need
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food and that they need water and that they need a place to maybe shower and come back. so whatever i could do to help, i would. >> so you said that you might even think about joining them. if this continues after you yeah, i would see how i can help. she's actually up from los angeles right now and she's survey what's going on. and she says she's going to go back there to tell her fellow protesters. >> what's happening at u c berkeley? this is not just, of course, at u c berkeley in the bay area. this is also happening at stanford. yes, there have been arrests across the country, but for the most part, it has been peaceful. we have not seen a lot of damage and no damage here really at uc berkeley and get this james darya over my left shoulder sproul plaza is the epicenter. pretty much for campus and right next to the protesters. should anything happen so far? nothing has happened. you can see police officers are just feet away and ready to pounce
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on the situation. back to all right. so calm and no face off there. thank you will. but elsewhere around the country, we have seen. >> shouting matches and in some cases, some confrontations with the police in arrests with these let's take a look at some of the video that we have from other universities around the country. there have been some sit ins, some rallies, some marches here. you can see protesters shouting, lots of signs, lots of noise. and in some cases, police in riot gear. you'll see that in just a moment. and then there have been in some cases, hundreds of arrests at these various protests that happened at college campuses across the country and james, you are saying graduation is coming and usc has already decided that they have canceled their main graduation ceremony because of protests that have been happening there. another story that we're following is another united flight that had to be diverted because of a mechanical issue. and it ended
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up landing here at sfo. there's a live look at sfo. what happened was this flight us. it happened. originally did in sacramento and it was going to denver. but yesterday it had to land at sfo because something was going on with the boeing 7.37, it's unclear exactly what it was. they just called it a mechanical issue and they said that the pilots did not have to make an emergency landing, but they did touchdown sfo safely with 160 people on board and then a transfer. those people too a different aircraft and they made it to denver about 2 hours later. >> well, the family of a man left in a coma for the last 20 days is suing east bay regional park. police and attorney for the family says that officers approached deontay fason at martin luther king junior regional shoreline park because his car had expired tags. police say that he tried to run off and ended up in the water. and that's when the family's attorney says officers tased him and he went unconscious. in the south
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bay. at least 2 people are injured. now in a santa clara county sheriff's patrol car collided with another vehicle. this was in san jose. police say happened at commodore drive and king road a little after 12, 30 yesterday afternoon. the crash caused a number of streets to be closed. only minor injuries were reported. it's not clear exactly what caused the accident, but we have reached out to the sheriff's office for comment. well, you know, when we hear back. >> time now is 807. and a woman was shot and killed near downtown san jose. and now police are looking for who did it. this happened in the area of north 4th and east saint james streets friday night around 09:00pm. that's when they believe she was gunned down. she was found in the street. and the shooter took off neighbors in the area say they did hear multiple gunshots and then the person got away. officers got to the scene around 6 in the morning saturday. this is san jose's 12 homicide of the year.
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>> now to an update to a story we brought you last tuesday. the naacp is now reacting to the incident in which a man attacked san jose mayor matt mahan sucide police officer who was there for his protection. kron 4 was interviewing the mayor on the sidewalk when that man who's now been identified as 35 year-old leslie poehler stop to confront the mayor and his staff. and that's when the officer stepped in told told that they were recording an interview and asked to move along in response, holder became confrontational and attacked that officer in response to what happened. the san jose, san jose silicon valley naacp released a statement questioning the officers, de-escalation training. you can see where it officer involved in the altercation did not clearly identify himself as a law enforcement officer. and it appears that there was no legal basis for instructing the pedestrian to move from his location in a public space. the pedestrians reaction should have been met with a more measured response from the officer considering
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the circumstances, end quote. >> oakland >> a's fans saying sell the team to the owner of the a's as they rallied in west sacramento showing up ahead of the rivercats game that was happening over the weekend to say that they're pretty upset that the a's are going to be allowed to play in sacramento for free using the facilities there while they wait for their new ball park to be built in las vegas. >> i mean, how is sacramento kings fans field? if if if another owner came about and say, hey, we'll let you play here for free. mean, that's what he's doing. like, yeah, you might be moving. john fisher is the 3 years. but you're also moving in the summer of sell the summer boycott. these fans are passionate and you think we're just going to go away because? it's an hour and a half away. and they're protesting. >> the city college of san francisco city college is moving now to allow non-citizens to vote in board
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elections. this policy is being proposed would allow all non-citizens city college students who are enrolled in classes in the previous or current academic year of an election to vote in that year. noncitizens would still need to meet other requirements for the elections such as being a san francisco resident. and of course, you have to be over age 18, although the city cop or 18, you have to be 18. the city city college of san francisco has endorsed the college this policy, but it still has not gone on to the board of supervisors to be considered as a potential charter amendment. and then a ballot initiative. in oakland, the restaurant horn barbecue is officially back open after that devastating fire. they experienced. >> and you can see here fans across the bay area came out to support its new downtown location. >> the fire took a lot out of us. you know, i mean, those are flash and location actually celebrating our 3 years. there and then to be able to open back up the bill
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to serve barbecue. you what it's about still bringing about family and li feel. from the old play couple. share it here to the new just be a great heart. you know, the community makes me emotional, man. i'm just grateful people showing up supporting us. >> well, a few things that did survive that fire, including restaurants, michelin, bib gourmet, big armand award and the american flag gifted to ship horn by a texas pit master. both are now on display at that new location on 8th and broadway. all right. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, a bittersweet goodbye for a candy shop in the north the owners say they forced to close.
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>> 14 is that i'm looking at the weather and it was seriously a glorious gorgeous really work out for you, ok your visit? beautiful. i know he goes out occasionally let the time to time. yeah, i was both in the inland valleys. >> in walnut creek area that also out of mere woods because both places with beautiful everythings o green out there yet while no rain will do that, you so that's the thing. we get the fire season. all the stuff is growing view of the future of fuel of the future. but yeah. >> it looks sweet today. good morning, everybody. and this is half moon bay for you. the earlier today, where was the fog clouds? not really there. we have the onshore winds, though. that will be there for the next about 2 days. this is the slow up towards the north providing the cool onshore winds. speaking of which let's going for you get a general idea. we're talking about about a 40 hour time period.
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then comes the flip boom right about there. you can see in solano county, particularly that's where you start spilling into. also the sacramento valley. it's an offshore direction, but i think our environment can handle what right now. there's no talk of fire watches or anything early into the week. mostly sunny and mild cool breeze that we talked about getting to about 80 on wednesday because the winds are going to shift die down a little bit too late in the week. let's keep that going lower 80's, lots of sunshine now for this weekend. there is a system a drop south will call variable clouds shower. put question mark there because not really sure how that's going to come together. cool again. we know that 60's are back and that's going to be a big drop of almost 15 degrees or so for the inland valleys. so it's a little shocker for you compared to how it's going to be towards the latter portion of the week. 65 san francisco about 71 on for oakland, 72 san jose keeping the sunshine for everybody. middle 70's to the far east bay for highs today. 73 at the santa rosa. very palatable. a cool 68 thank
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you. onshore winds and 65 for san francisco. much the same as we look ahead to the next couple of days. and then wednesday, here comes the flip to some lower 80's. we'll have more on your extended forecast in a bit. james darya. all right. thanks a lot. take a peek at the commute for you now. and it looks like traffic is. >> clear out of the bay bridge saturday. only 18 minutes now to get from oakland into san francisco from the maze. that is to fremont street. so not bad. there were also looking at a nice ride on the san mateo bridge where it's better now, it is know that. actually, 23 minutes to get from hayward out to foster city. so definitely some improvements there. we're also seeing some slow and go but moving faster conditions here at the richmond, sandra fell bridge toll plaza 40 minute drive for you. and then our last stop under clear blue skies. we've got southbound 1, 1, right across the golden gate bridge, which is zipping right along about 32 minutes to get from the battle down to the toll plaza there in the city. >> it is a 17 and on the peninsula. redwood city officers have arrested a
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teenager for selling fake apple earphones on facebook marketplace. and you can see what the apple, the new ones over the air. look, it's called air pod max. >> and these ones that they found had real serial numbers. >> that you could look up on apple's website, but those serial numbers were actually taken from actual apple products. and so they weren't associate with a warranty and be the invalid. if you bought it wasn't the real product. and investigators found multiple listings for other fakes. and then they went undercover. and that's when they arrested 18 year-old jose on how sanchez and they served a search warrant at his alma. they found about $2000 worth of counterfeit merchandise and he was arrested and booked into the san mateo county jail. >> 18 right now in the north bay. 27 years in business. generations have been going to iconic candy store in the little town of timber on main street. but no markets closing at the owner says a major
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right to rent increases what's forcing them to close up shop. >> for sarah stinson takes a look. >> after nearly 3 decades of providing sweet treats the candy store on main street in tehran is closing. the store was packed with people sunday trying to get their favorite candies one last time. iran is not to run without this candy it's a destination for the kids to come downtown and get candy. this is kind of sad to see that like a childhood memories going away. the shop is a sweet childhood memory for the owner to cam heartbroken. i really am i you this is been half of my life 16 years. jenny torres grew up in temple run and work to the candy store in high school in 2015 when the original owners wanted to sell, she left her job as a teacher and bought it at just 24 years old. i close up that night and i was a business tourists. as in the last 9 years, she's experienced the ups and downs of running a business in a seasonal tourist town during
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the pandemic. you know, i moved heaven and earth to to stay here keep profitable and keep paying the rent never miss a mint. torres says she was trying to renew her lease on main street. but when her landlord hiked the rent 60%, she says she made the difficult decision to close. once. i realize that they weren't really willing to negotiate. i haven't had a broken talk to them. then i realized that it was just going i was suarez says this% has other small businesses on main worried about being pushed out to their nervous having one in the street east, such a high rate would cause their regular rate skyrocket. you know, as word got out about the closure, the support came flooding in from the community. a lot of people came and asked me what i needed, what i wanted. people offer to invest. people offer you know, pay the rent. a gofundme page was set up to save the candy shop. it's raised more than $6,000. tourists hopes one day she can open up the shop in a new location. but for now, it's
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farewell. was so many of it has been coming to say goodbye to the candy look at that smile. i we're going to take away the smiles. torres is hoping to keep this sweet tradition alive by opening up another candy store somewhere else in town. >> with a different landlord, we reached out to her current landlord, but we did not hear back in time for this report. >> i'm sara stinson reporting in timber kron. 4 news. >> 20 is the time and the nostalgia days of hanging out at the mall might be making a comeback. recent reports show that malls across america are actually becoming sort of new destinations for local restaurants and breweries and entertainment. things like top golf and arcades. so this trend is not a return to the food courts of the 80's 90's into thousands. but more of a and array of choices higher and things like sushi bars are local microbreweries. recent data shows traffic at lower and and top tier malls were
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actually up compared to pre-pandemic levels. and the one thing that could be driving more people to go back to the malls is spending more time at the food options. >> so can it work? yeah. its kind of like musical artists that keep reinventing themselves, they can last for a long time. the ones that are just in that narrow lane. >> they have a shorter rise and same way with restaurants, same way with restaurants and malls. and well, the other thing is that people of all generations are looking for a sense of community other on the back side of the pandemic >> local mall is one option, least according to the research from a deloitte area. >> gas prices are going down. probably not enough for, you know, compared to last week. the cost is down $0.3. what are we going to do with 3 pennies. taking a look at the prices around the bay right now, the most expensive gas, napa and san francisco counties at 5 65 on average. you can see 5 says 66 to be exact in napa, alameda and
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solano counties are going for about $0.10 less there. a gallon contra costa not too far and the cheapest i can't use or cheap 5.48. in santa clara county, california remains well that top states as far as gas prices go with the most expensive gas averaging 5.40, a gallon. a 22 right now. and coming up on the kron 4 morning news, san francisco. says they've seen a drop in car break-ins that are reported last year. but whenever somebody big comes to town and notable and they get broken into law, that makes news. we'll take a look at wher
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>> we're back in a 25 and uc san francisco broke ground over the weekend on a massive 4.3 billion dollar hospital of the future the new building aims to increase bed capacity and operating rooms and emergency care. these are some of the artists renderings of what it might look like. a spokesperson says the project will create more than 1000 jobs and invest 20 million dollars in public transit improvements around the area. it's a 15 story building slated to open in 2030, at the university's flagship campus. seafood city is opening up in daly city. the american grocery chain that specializes in filipino products is opening a city or in a city with one of the largest filipino communities in the bay area and the country. the daly city store is opening soon according to the website. and the city manager, though, wanted to make a
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clarification. they tell kron 4 that the web site's location of this new store on saint francis boulevard is incorrect. the actual new location will be at the saint francis square shopping center. so similar names, just a little confusion there. daly city officials say that roughly 34% of the city's population is of filipino descent. and there are already 6 seafood city locations in the bay area. >> happening today, barerra rapper mistah fab host event giving educators the chance to address and share coping strategies for dealing with mental health, the motion of emotion. it's called invites man of color who work in education to come to generations thrive in oakland for an hour-long conversation on emotional intelligence and it's free and open. the event starts at 5.30. it's a 27 and coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news. thousands of students are in san jose. they were showing off their
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engineering skills >> and a big famous conference. we'll take a look at what they have invented.
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>> a 29 right now. we're talking about the weather and how gorgeous it is. plus, we've got kind of a real warm up coming. have a week ahead. looks great. dave spahr with all those details a day. >> hey, good morning, james and ari. good morning, everybody. pretty much been cloud-free as we started the day even around the bay in the coastal areas. so not much a marine layer to kind of deal with, even though we do have those offshore winds are going to be active this afternoon and in through tomorrow as well. there's a quick snapshot of where we stand right now. the kind of variable for now, but they will pick up from a
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trend that comes onshore today tomorrow that should start to flip by tomorrow night into a wednesday weather. there's a live shot of the east bay shoreline now and you can see the blue skies, blue bay all working in tandem in this forecast. 50's on the board here. that's 62 already for antioch, mid to upper 50's line up the east bay shoreline there with 50's up north too. if a comparison we're pretty close. striking range, a degree or 2 from the numbers yesterday. let's try 66 at high noon to 3 o'clock. 72, mostly sunny skies prevailing look ahead. this is what we've got going on. mid 70's until we start to see about 80 by wednesday. have your extended forecast and also look into that for zone as well. james darya. all right. thank you very much day. let's check the roads are a quick. the bridges this morning looking pretty good. the bay bridge. just 17 minutes to get from oakland to san francisco. >> no major issues on the span's here making good time. we're also looking at the san mateo bridge westbound 90 to about 20 minutes to get from hayward out to foster city. you can see the traffic's
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moving along. no real big delays. the richmond, sandra fell bridge west bound 5, 80 14 minutes to get from one into the other in the marin county. all in all, not bad. once you get past the toll gates, you're moving pretty swiftly across that span. and that's the case here for the golden gate bridge as well. you're southbound ride from marin county into san francisco, moving along 37 minutes or 36. 27 minutes to get from 37 to the tolls. a 31 and james is right up your biggest event rhino. although the stuff you invent tends to be already invented so these kids, what they do is they all come to san jose every year. >> to show the latest and greatest in engineering. oh, i love this. this is called a tax challenge. and this year they brought together. what about 2000 or so students to the competition and crawford's jack moment? was there. >> over 500 teams of students from around 144 different schools from the bay area. and northern california joined together here downtown san jose for the 37th annual tech
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challenge. but the tech projects they're working go back months. >> i means the end of the school year. but for these kids. >> really, fun. >> challenging the 37th annual tech challenge in downtown san jose. well, months in the making doesn't feel like your usual homework assignment. this is really an opportunity from students all over northern california to showcase their amazing engineers feel i belong core helps protect challenge on every single year. this is her 11th and she says every year is a different theme. this year's theme is space. >> she adds that every year is special. they started as early as october. >> mean, at the end of the project, they come here to showcase everything they've built for long court. it's a pivotal moment for kids anywhere from 4th grade to senior year round for me. i really love to see all the amazing things that the kids create. it really gives me a lot of hope for the future of our world. >> what the future can wait because now it's time to show off. target twice into 3
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different platforms. this group of spaceship for their style could middle school and east side. san jose. these kids started building their catapult last summer. how do feel about winning? really great. really great. then they'll all their targets besides one and get a medal beyond infinity. astronauts and alien from outer this team is from randall world languages. school in milpitas. pretty good because even like. >> it was also pretty consistent compared their accomplishments and happy for the opportunity to show their talents to families all over northern california. at mister can chew. >> was the one. so yes, can too. >> well, the theme of this year's annual tech challenge was space, organizers are dropping back next. year's theme could be something that has to grab it's quote, gravity is your friend. we're in downtown san jose. jack
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moment. kron 4 news. >> 34 i mean, it depends where you are. gravity's your front. anyway, check this out. these cars caught fire, go and found engulfed in flames in san francisco in the tenderloin district yesterday, there were a number of cars for on fire in this video from the citizen app. this is about 5 in the morning. and as the area of west of vaness hickory and rose streets and there were other cars that were found on fire on jones and eddie street and the area of hate and octavia and market street, too. so now police are trying to figure out who set these fires. nobody was hurt. it was parked cars. police have arrested a homeless man for attacking 2 people, including piedmont's police chief. at ace hardware on grand avenue. in piedmont, the police were first got a call that there was an elderly man who was struck. he was hit from behind by someone and that person s identified as willie gomer. they say that iran next door as so when the police got there, they found him they say
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that he attacked the officers. so the officers say they used pepper spraand they tased him. but he was able to break free, broke into a home threat to residents and then took off from there. and when he was outside was confronted by piedmont's police chief jeremy bowers and somehow he managed to get in to the chiefs police car. but >> the chief ran around to the other side and that's when the guy jumped out of the car anyway. gomer was eventually arrested on several charges and all the police are okay. >> well, saturday marks one year since brown was killed outside of a walgreens in san francisco security video here from last april shows the day it happened. the private security guard involved claims that brown was shoplifting in that confrontation. now the guard, michael earl, wayne anthony shot brown as he tried to leave that store. the da's office did not try anthony because he said he was acting in self-defense, claiming the
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brown allegedly threatened to stab him. brown was later found to be unarmed walgreens to guard and the company that employed that the art were all fined. brown, a black transgender man was on house at the time and a volunteer organizer for young women's freedom center issued a statement saturday writing in part, quote, bancos life was worth so much more than it was taken for in the face of adversity. he was resilient and courageous. he fearlessly fought for the rights and dignity of trans people. >> it's 8.36, right now. and the police say that car break-ins are down in san francisco, but another notable person had stuff stolen. and it was when southern california congressman adam schiff was at a fundraising dinner. we found out his stuff was stolen because he showed up to a fancy dinner in casual staff. that's all he had left because somebody broke in and stole the luggage from his car while it was parked in a downtown parking garage. it turns out they say that auto sets are actually down in san francisco, according to their
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data vehicle, property theft is down. 58% from this time last year. and the auto shops are seeing it to jay tease. auto repair says there's that used to see a lot of cars coming from broken windows. but now there are fewer 8.37 right now and local businesses are taking a hit because the sausalito ferry remains closed. the closures are in their second week because inspection found one of the pier pilings was damaged so they can't run that. instead, you got to hop on a bus. so some commuters are taking buses, which is i'm fine, but actually sausalito is suffering because it's not just commuters, but it's a a lot of tourists who use the ferry. so they're noticing the businesses affected. >> well, i think everybody's businesses affected. 15 or more per cent. people that visit san francisco, one of the things they have to do while they're in san
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francisco's take a ferry boat to sausalito and spend a day here in the in the magic kingdom. and that's what this is. >> if you want to get their back in your tourists to use the the buses for at least they think maybe another week, i think and the estimate right now is maybe that appear will be repaired by next week, which would be pretty quick. israel still because they can only do it during low tide. that's right. now one more big news for california electric vehicle owners. governor gavin newsom announced that tesla superchargers are opening to non tesla vehicles. >> this is part of the governor's plan to deploy thousands of new public chargers statewide. the governor says it's all to help make california the most extensive charging and refueling network in america. the governor tweeted that when the search is or when the switches official, there will be more than 105,000 public ev chargers. the governor's office released a statement noting that for every 5 gas stations in california, there are now one electric vehicle fast charging stations. well,
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april is world wish month and make-a-wish greater bay area is celebrating 40 years in operation in this area. the organization held a reunion in san jose for families who have their wishes granted over the years. families like veronica johnson, her 2 year-old son was granted a wish before he passed away in 2000. his wish was to see mickey mouse. >> to not even think about doctors and what not knowing that we have that open heart coming coming up a week you know. it changes your your way thinking after the power of a wish. all right. you don't take anything for granted >> veronica is now an active volunteer who raises funds for make a wish. >> a celebration of life is planned for glide co-founder reverend cecil williams. he died last monday at the age of 94. he was also a civil rights, lgbtq activists. clyde
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just announced on social media. they're going have a celebration of life for everyone who wants to attend. it's sunday. may 12th at 01:00pm at the glide church, which is on ellis street in san francisco. >> well, megan, the stallion's hot girl summer tour is coming to chase center. the 3 time grammy award-winning artist is going to be performing on june 23rd tickets are going to be released today at the lowest price without fees is about $70. they're pretty happy now that they've broken the world record in san francisco for what you asked the world's biggest s'more. that's what you see. that person grabbing a chunk of graham marshmallow. chocolate goodness. and it's so thick. the graham looks like a he's more steven durfee
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from dandelion chocolate created. >> this world record s'more. this was a traffic traffic experience yesterday, 7 by 7. we're talking 7 p 7 feet. >> the craft experience host a chocolate makers from around the world this weekend at the palace of fine arts where artisans came from as far away as new zealand korea, even from they are all featured in the marketplace hosted by san francisco's dandelion chocolate with all of them showing off their chocolate wears to cool. >> a 41 is a time and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, we're going to take a look at all the new players drafted by the forty-niners.
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44 and for your health. april is stress awareness month. and if you are feeling some stress, clearly you're not alone. the american psychological association says that 3 in 5 adults they surveyed don't talk about stress because they don't want to burden others and sound like another complaint ers are they need some help. the 3rd of those people surveyed the adults say they have too much stress in their day. they just say it's so much stress that they can think about the future. i think that makes the stress actually. but we spoke with kaiser permanente's director of mental health on ways to help de-stress your daily life. >> you know, opening up a space for people to really talk about what's on their mind, what's going on in their personal lives. and then also just checking in to see me up ourselves. are we taking care
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of ourselves? are we getting some exercise? are we getting enough sleep? are we checking in with our own, you know, support systems, our friends and our family, our loved ones. are we eating, you know, helping good foods that share bodies? are we connecting with all of these things can really help and make an impact. >> and another tip squeeze in time for relaxation. that can really help your heart. it reduces stress and muscle tension as well. just around the corner this week. cal fire is urging you to take a look at your home and make sure that your property is protected in the event of a fire you want to for number one, remove dead vegetation from around your home. keep your grass if you have and a lawn anymore. lot of people don't but make sure that early in the morning and get that taken care of d clutter around your home. make sure that nothing is near your home. the 5 feet. they says the minimum and that will prevent like if
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you know of cause a fire and embers fly through the air, they could ignite something. your home. your home catches fire like that. now, how about your fence? it's time for an upgrade. change out would with non combustible material. and you can also install dual or multi pane windows. those actually help prevent fire from getting inside your home. >> good tips. alright at 8.46. let's get over to the weather center because, you know, days been tracking what is become just nothing but like a dry forecast going and mays on the >> yeah, james and ari, good morning and good morning. all we jump real quick 70 with a still the snow leftover not for much longer, but at least the looks like it's there at this hour and will probably remain for the week. there is a chance. a little dusting, though, also in tahoe to this weekend. but it's going to be very, very, very high up with all this may be 8,000 feet dropping maybe to 6,6500 feet or so. we have temperatures in the 50's just about the next couple of days here. thursday. we're up to about 61 or so. so
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pretty mild week in store getting into spring-like weather. but we still have those onshore winds here they are. you most pronounced at the coast as you'll notice. but look what happens us. a lot offshore winds start to develop here. very typical as the high gets placed, right? this is a by wednesday morning. and then we're in that little warming trend. he pump will call it here. this is what happens over the big map. that's the heat pump we're talking about. it gets broken as we get into the weekend with a front dropping south. now the models are not unclear agreement on what's going to happen with this, but it looks to be fairly dry. maybe a couple spotty little showers. we a little closer. we get more details on that. it looks drier, though, heading into the next week. earlier model runs had some rain showers and their 4 zone forecast covering a this monday. we'll do about 65 at the sorry in san francisco at the coast. upper 50's coupled with that chilly winds and all of the sun for you. 64 burlingame, 67 foster city, palo alto at 68 in the south bay, lower 70's at work here.
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san jose east bay shoreline near 70 tri valley into the lower 70's. pretty much the same. both on the east bay shoreline. and there you can for tri valley. so we'll see some better decoupling we get later in the week. 74 walnut creek, 68 billy host, 77 fairfield map. but somebody 3 along with santa rosa, we get to about 80 or so come wednesday, keep that gravy train role in the next couple of days. and one thing is sure is when that front gets here, we'll see temperatures drop a bit with some variable clouds at work, at least. but that may be a little shock to the system. so prepare, according with an extra jacket or so, james. all right. thank you very much, dave. looking at the roads this morning. the bridges look pretty good. we've got a 17 minute ride here from the maze to fremont street. >> across the bay bridge. so all in all shaping up to be a better and better commute here by the minute. so that's good to we're also tracking improving conditions to at the san mateo bridge westbound 92 from hayward out to the peninsula. only about 20 minutes to cross that bridge. the richmond, sandra fell west
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bound 5.80, only 11 minutes now to get from the toll plaza enrichment out towards the peninsula and highway 101 there in sandra fell. so that also improving for you this hour. and then our final stop. the golden gate bridge where it's just 23 minutes. it was better than a half hour to get from novato to san francisco. but now just 23 minutes and again, improving hope for that number to go down the next time we check in. all right from traffic. let's get to sports and the nfl draft continuing into the weekend. the forty-niners introducing their first-round pick wide receiver ricky pearsall to the bay area. you see that video there and then on saturday that he picked up 5 more players with 3 of those coming in the 4th round. so let's take a look. first steps. the forty-niners just wait for safety. malik staff and with their first pick in the 4th round, he'll provide depth to the forty-niners defensive. backfield. we're also building up the offense to with the second pick in the 4th round. the team selected running back isaac or out of louisville, 6
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feet. 221 pounds. >> he's a prototypical kyle shanahan's running back. so he's got pushed quick decision-making at the line blocks. you can catch the ball out of the backfield. so all in all, not a bad choice. there. and with their last pick in the 4th round, the niners chose wide receiver jacob cowing from arizona in the 2 seasons yet with the wildcat . he caught 175 passes for more than 1800 yards. and a whopping 20 touchdowns. and then in the 6th round, the niners chose offensive lineman jarrett, kingston. he stands 6 feet, 4 inches, 305 pounds. he played washington state before transferring to usc last year. he's a versatile lineman. he can play all positions up and down the line. so again, a choice hopefully kyle shanahan can use come the fall. and then finally in the 7th round, they picked up linebacker tatum, bethune out of florida state. nice to have a little extra help there at the linebacker position with gregory laws. we know out for a big part of the season. >> let's talk baseball too.
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>> because it was a great weekend for the giants. they beat the pirates at home and a series sweep to kron four's. kate rooney has highlights. >> it seems the san francisco giants may be finally hitting something resembling a strike for the first time this season. the giants won back-to-back series, their defense and pitching really seems to be coming together over the last 7 starts. giants pitchers have a combined 0.9 5 e r a and while there's still a little bit to be desired when it comes to offense, there's some flashes happening that are encouraging for this team. for example, the giants hit back-to-back home runs for the first time all season tire estrada and make us trump's going yard for the orange and black. while the players say they're encouraged after this. homestand manager bob melvin says, of course, there's still plenty of room for improvement. we've been i mean, you look at the stats across the board, whether it's pitching numbers were the offensive numbers. it has great. >> but this it here, right 500 or game below it in. we know there's a lot more in there. it's not horrible place to be.
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that's all you're trying to do is when you know, there's going to be tough ones like today where you got to just ride it out and make sure that you finish. i thought the guys, great hall really well, you know, keep secret. >> so to to be in that situation, have a slow heartbeat still want to execute. is this huge profits for us? we're all coming together playing we're nice. nice because of the. >> it can win. matched a career-best 6 innings pitched and allowed just 3 hits. also tying a career best. now the giants are headed off for a 10 game road trip which kicks off on tuesday in boston. >> all right. that was the giants. let's talk the a's now. they were taking on the orioles in baltimore. it was a close game. the a's 2 runs and a lead in the 3rd. but bit later, oreos would catch up. and then top of the 9th. good news for the a's. have one more shot to win it and they did with the high deep ball to center left field. kyle mccann. >> that one's gone athletics
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win 7 to 6 years. that shot. watch. as you by at the is now back on take on the pirates tonight. first pitch at 6, 48. 53 right now. and coming up on the kron 4 morning news. the cost of living is forcing retirees to go back to work. >> we're going hear from a woman who says that she to go back to work after her social security benefits. >> we're no letting her make ends meet.
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>> it's 56 right now for your health. you shower every day. experts say that it's really not necessary for your health. a new york post brought some
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experts together and they all agree that it's not necessary for health. i mean, hygiene at all that your choice. but they say daily bathing actually strips the protective microbiome that we have on our skin. so they really say it's best actually not to do it every day. they say that opt for a bacterial spray to reduce or neutralize your body odor. natural smell. it. you might get and it's better for your skin that way. >> all i heard was i don't need to share of it i times. we're going take a quick break. but coming up in the next hour of the kron, 4 morning news protesters are still out there. >> at uc berkeley camping demanding the university called for a cease-fire between israel and hamas were going to be live on campus with what you need to know. plus, a popular candy store in the north bay closing after nearly 30 years in business. why the owner says they were forced to do so and a's fans
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continue to call for the team's owner to sell the team. why they're not too happy about the temporary move to west sacramento. we'll be right back.
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>> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at know, and the big stories that we're working on this morning. police are looking for whoever killed a woman in san jose. downtown will have the details. meanwhile, tensions are rising on college campuses across the country. >> calling for an end to the war


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