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tv   KRON 4 News at 11pm  KRON  April 29, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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11. now at 11, just how many officers are needed to protect a big city mayor san jose police officers association says >> it needs to be more than one. good evening. thanks for joining us here on kron for news 11. i'm noelle bellow and i'm grant lotus in the wake of last week's altercation between a man and the mayor's security detail, which is one person the police union is calling on the city of san jose to give the mayor. >> more protection kron four's. dan kerman reports. >> doing an interview, how are you doing it was last tuesday during a kron 4 interview with san jose mayor matt mahan. when an altercation erupted between this man. 35 year-old
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wesley pollard and the plainclothes san jose police officer providing security for the mayor. pollard was ultimately arrested and charged with felony resisting an officer by means of violence and misdemeanor battery and disturbing the peace. the incident went on for nearly 4 minutes before a community member helped subdue pollard. now in this letter, the san jose police officers association, he's calling on san jose's acting police chief and city manager to double the mayor's security detail. >> having only one officer's part of a security detail for ranking member of the city. i was not sufficient was unsafe. >> steve sisolak is president of the san jose police officers association. >> by doubling it increasing another we feel nurse eyes, another another set of readily available. definitely make everything safer going forward. >> in a statement, the san jose police department says it's reviewing the current procedures for the mayor's security detail. if they
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decide to bump up the number, it would not be unusual for a large city while san francisco police won't say how many officers are on mayor breed security detail. oakland police confirm the department generally provides to sworn officers for the security and protection of mayor thao. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> one of 4 children hit by a car over the weekend remains in critical condition tonight. happened saturday evening on foothill and stevens creek boulevard. investigators say a driver of the pickup truck crashed into another car, then hit a power pole, hitting those children who were on the sidewalk. the victims are 4, 7, 8.11 years old. all 4 were taken to the hospital. investigators did not say which of the 4 is in critical condition. the driver was arrested and police to suspect they were under the influence. and has been found guilty for a kidnapping back in 2008 and and attack in 2015.
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investigators say both crimes happened in berkeley in 2008 keith canard asberry approached a teenager near berkeley high school kidnapped and sexually assaulted her. then in 2015, barry walked into a home and attacked a woman. but she fought back asbury, ended up running out the front door best. a gator say justice was delayed in the 2008 case because the rape kit was not tested until 2014, 6 years after the crime. this resulted in mister asbury being allowed to roam free. searching for more victims which resulted in that 2015 attack. and alameda county jury found as very guilty of both crimes. he's set to be sentenced in late may. the nation-wide pro-palestinian protests are continuing this evening. students at san francisco state joined in today with a rally. they. >> later set up tents. we tried to speak with the protesters, but they declined it. you can see here some of the protesters have tagged certain buildings on campus. there. protests also continued
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on stanford's campus today. demonstrators want that university to divest from israel and to disclose their investments today. counter pressed or counter protesters showed up saying they also have a right to be on campus. >> live in great these people are taking advantages of the freedoms afforded by this country. white will simultaneously chanting death to america almost on a nightly basis. and so i think it's good for them to recognize that. maybe they should be thankful for the country that they're protesting in. >> both sides says sanford protested peacefully today. the demonstrations at u c berkeley will ramp up wednesday. this is a flyer being passed around the campus there. currently students are camping on campus, but wednesday, some faculty and staff are said to be joining the students in solidarity. this will be taking place at noon on the steps by sproul plaza for the latest on all
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things, israel and hamas in the college protests. make sure you head to our web site kron 4 dot com. >> new details tonight on a fiery crash that killed a family of 4. the alameda county sheriff's department has released some of the identities of 41 year-old teran george, 13 year-old rohan george and 9 year-old aaron george, the identity of the 4th victim has not yet been released. but sources tell kron for news it was the wife currency. jorge. today pleasanton police were back at the scene investigating this crash, notes and flowers now lined up along that crash site. police say the family was apparently returning from a birthday party when the electric car they were in swerved and collided with the tree and then caught fire. >> the man was arrested in san mateo following a routine traffic stop. police there say he had an active warrant out for his arrest. they say they found meth and other drugs in the car. this is last
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wednesday during an operation where police were citing drivers for not driving safely. police gave out 32 citations in a few hours. they said they were mostly for cars, not stopping for pedestrians who are crossing and for being on their phones while driving. >> in san francisco, the sfmta is starting a new plan to enforce safer parking citations will be given the cars parked on sidewalks and bike lanes and in crosswalks sfmta says their goal is not to punish people but to increase safety on city, sidewalks and streets. >> our weather time here as we get a live look above san francisco on a monday night. chief meteorologist lawrence karnow is here to let us know how tomorrow morning with yeah. you know what? beautiful weather around the bay area today. tomorrow be a little chilly little bite in the air to start out your day with many temperatures beginning in the 40's. but often we go. we're going to see a lot of sunshine tomorrow. it is going to be a another nice day, although the winds are going
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to be a little breezy again by tomorrow afternoon. maybe a little gusty overnight tomorrow night. >> and wednesday morning, temperatures out the door right now. a lot of 50's across the board and a nice clear skies around the bay area. some really nice weather is starting out with the winds, their blustery this afternoon, a spot some 30 plus mile an hour winds along the coastline. now just beginning to calm down a little bit. you see the breeze continuing right along the immediate coast, but overall, high pressure going to be building in that ridge is going to keep us rain-free, at least for now, may be changing as we get in toward the weekend. one windy spot to worry about. and i think that will be tomorrow night. it will be a hard owards county. maybe some of those gusts. 35 to 45 miles per hour, especially as we head into early on wednesday morning. so watch out for that. good news is high pressure taking over the rain line to the north that will keep us dry and sunny and bright over the next couple of days. it was warm. temperatures maybe are coming our way. maybe some 80's. we'll talk more about that coming up in a few minutes. >> lauren, thank you. new temporary housing is coming to san jose county supervisor. cindy chavez unveiling the
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project at the salvation army emanuel house today. the campus will be getting a complete makeover. turning into 112 temporary houses, mayor matt mahan was there and spoke about the importance of public private investments. >> it's going to take all of us coming together with an all of the above approach from from the shelter to individual sleeping pods to more permanent long-term housing placements. we are using streamlining to our planning department thanks to state legislation to move these projects forward with less red tape to do it faster to do it. more cost effectively. >> the county of santa clara will invest 4 million dollars into that project. >> the celebration of life is being planned for glide co-founder, the reverend cecil williams. he died last monday at the age of 94. he was also a civil rights and lgbtq activist. the celebration of life will be sunday. may 12th at 01:00pm at the glide church on ellis street. happening
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tomorrow, the antioch library is closing to get its roof repaired. the work is scheduled to take about 6 weeks with the library, hopefully going to reopen june. 11th. the book drop will be locked in items placed on hold will not be available for pickup during the closure. >> even we spoiled for the jack adams of over bowls of steam like but this what i'm and that in black bean sauce, he served very into a waiting is now. local also the share. found home. >> that right. there is sophia bart's teen poetry contest winner. she was reading sunday at the yerba buena gardens in san francisco. sophia's first language is cantonese. she said she want to learn poetry as a way to express yourself and show her culture. she dedicated her poem to her
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grandparents, she says gave her a love of writing and poetry. still to come. on kron, 4 news at 11, the power of a wish here from bay area kids and families who have had theirs granted over the years. >> by make-a-wish foundation. plus. >> people that visit san francisco, one of the things they have to do while they're in san francisco's take a ferry boat to sausalito and spend the day here in this in the magic kingdom. >> the magic kingdom. what what what are we talking about? businesses and tourists alike are upset over the ferry closure in sausalito when that maybe back up and running. >> and how this sort w
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>> the police chief in the east bay is up said after person was released from prison early and then reportedly attacked 2 people. one of them was the chief piedmont's chief of police. jeremy bowers says willie gomer was behind bars for auto theft, robbery and kidnapping but was released early on parole when police say he recently attacked an elderly man at ace hardware in piedmont. this was friday when police confronted him. they say gomer broke into a home and threatened that resident before running off again. he then reportedly rented the chief bauers and bauers says he ended up fighting him for control of bowers patrol vehicle. >> when i look at that situation with the things i'm thinking, as you know, was he doing out? he's clearly a he
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wasn't in a space where you quite frankly should be in public based off his actions. >> chief powers says go mers full term would have kept him in prison until 2025. gomez is now in the santa rita jail and facing new charges of assault. that's in addition to his previous issues. >> take a look at this. santa rosa. police say a man used this soared while stealing and alcoholic beverage from a restaurant. police say they were called to the business on 4th street. their old courthouse square yesterday. that's where an employee told officers the man threatened an employee with that sword. police arrested the suspect after identifying him in some surveillance video. >> local businesses and commuters are taking a pretty big hit as the sausalito ferry service has been down for 2 straight weeks now. the ferry stop running after an inspection found one of the pier pilings in sausalito was damaged. people living and
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working there say it's a big loss. >> we missed people walking in town and and and going to jobs stores. and it's just a shame. and and for for one reason, it's inexcusable that that for all these years, we've always been able to have the ferry boat come here. now today because he's problem the dock. we can't fix it quickly. enough. it's a. >> indeed, ferry spokesperson said they can only work during low tide. so that is part of the reason why repairs are taking a long time. they hope to be able to reopen the ferry service sometime later this week. >> let's get your check of your 4 zone forecast now taking a live look from our mount tam cam. the bay looking all sparkly. yeah, that's the route that the ferry would take help. >> to get to the city. but hopefully they get that. >> back operation will soon large going to be good weather
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for getting out on the gorgeous weather out there. maybe a little windy as you head toward the afternoon, but really still lots of sunshine out there. no fog to speak of tonight. nice and clear around the bay over northerly component, the wind developing. and that's going to keep your skies mostly clear. but a lot of part of the week, not so much as we're going to see a big change in the weather pattern. but tonight, yeah, we've got a little breeze out there along the coastline tomorrow, mostly sunny, some gusty winds developing and some of the interior valleys by tomorrow afternoon, especially in solano county, warming trend over the next couple days. the chance of some weekend showers. there's that real possibility. more on that in just a moment. but you can see right now the winds coming in mainly out of the north and that continue to bring us a beautiful day today. lots of sunshine for tomorrow. we see those normally winds continuing outside a little breezy along the coastline. as we get the following day. still looking good out there. wednesday looks fantastic. it's when we get toward the weekend. yep. the cinco de mayo weekend when you know, well, one of the models wants to bring a significant rain event into the bay area and even some snow into the high
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country. how about that? we're going to be sort of the south of this. of the wants to bring that rain. another model wants to keep it dry resort that over the next couple days. but right tomorrow should be a decent day 60's in the san francisco 50's and 60's a little breezy coast side to find more sunshine, less wind inside the 64 degrees and no rain. nice day. 65 in burlingame. then we start to warm those temperatures up head down the peninsula south. they should enjoy a lot of 70 sunny skies all day long about 74 degrees in campbell, 72 in san jose about 73 degrees in santa clara, mid 70's in the interior valleys tomorrow afternoon. 76 in livermore about 75 degrees in pleasanton. 76 in concord and about 70 degrees for our friends in berkeley. winds likely to kick up in the slot a county. so traveling that way, especially head to the sacramento valley. be careful. those winds get a little blustery by tomorrow afternoon and only picking up steam as we head into wednesday morning next couple days. yep. we're going to warm those temperatures up as high pressure builds overhead. maybe some 80's popping up on wednesday and thursday. friday. we start to cool.
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probably late the day we're gonna start talk about some clouds. and yes, there's a slight chance we could be talking about some rain next weekend. so right now we're enjoying that. sunshine will see this forecast a little clearer as we get a little bit closer. the next couple of days i've been seeing people on. >> in the park soaking up like, really, really enjoying it. >> i've been i haven't been one of and going to get you out when look at that, 76 where that's read a report yeah, we'll do. thank thanks. >> make-a-wish greater bay area is celebrating 40 years in the region. and today is world wish day over the weekend, the organization held a reunion and san jose for families who have had their wishes granted over the years myself in our photo journalists, rudy garcia have the chance to chat with some of them about the importance of wishes. >> so what was your wish what do you remember most about i wish to go lines to faced
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>> they said they could he could. they can like. >> what new to us to go to highlight to that a hotel i lanny, i could stop thinking about that. are the men for that period of time. and if i needed to take pills every day, i didn't like feel stress about thinking about the trip. i'm just so grateful. i got to me, you know, you know, my favorite player and >> everything that they're doing for, you know, people around the world. it's it's more than impactful. you know, it's changing people's lives. >> whether it was 2 months ago or 20 years ago, those his wishes have been granted. never forget how it felt on saturday, families from across the bay area got together at top golf, san jose to share their wishes and get to know one another. i'm so grateful for today and i so lucky to be able to celebrate with my make-a-wish family. i i'm i'm a make-a-wish mom for life.
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for annika johnson was there for her son. he was 2 when his wish was granted in the year 2000. he passed away just 10 days after meeting mickey mouse to not even think about doctors and what not knowing that we have that open heart coming coming up a week you know? >> it changes your your way thinking after the power of a wish. right. you don't take anything for granted for annika and other families celebrating world wish feel the community make a wish is built. >> helps keep a smile their faces. so i'm happy to be alive and be a survivor. and i want to celebrate with other families and other. >> former make-a-wish kids. >> 40th main goal is. >> i guess i really enjoyed my saturday. there are about 350 wishes granted each year. so nearly a wish a day here in the bay area. >> great organization. super cute kids. new at 11 to oakland high school basketball teams were honored in sacramento today. the girls
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team from oakland high. the boys team from oakland tech. >> boost won their state championship game. so both teams got to pose for pictures on the assembly floor assembly member mia bonta and senator nancy skinner hosted them another big congrats to the squats for bringing home st-te titles. >> next in sports, the a's back at the coliseum tonight hosting the pittsburgh pirates. sports director jason dumas has highlights.
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> it's been a trying couple of years for the oakland a's. there's no need to rehash it
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all because it's been well publicized but lostsin some of the drama is the fact that this year's team has a bunch of guys who play really hard and guess what, it's showing in the standings. let's head out to the town as oakland hosted pittsburgh tonight and they're coming off of a series win against baltimore. baltimore, i think led the majors in wins last year. good team. bottom of the first. down a run. tyler, nevin says, you know what? this kind of staying up. clears the wall. but eventually take a lead on a couple of sac joe boyle. he was solid on the bump tonight for oakland here in the top of the 50 strikes out michael taylor. he threw 5 innings of one-run ball and struck out bottom of the frame a's up by 2 man on for. >> truly ruiz. and almost gets out of the park hits the wall. he's good for a double, though. and a couple runs
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score a pad that lead to 3. they go on to win 5 to one game 2 tomorrow. >> the nfl draft has come and gone and the forty-niners now look ahead tea's which started about 3 weeks in one forty-niners. great is very excited to see what the red and gold are going to do this upcoming season. and that is defensive hall of famer and super bowl champion bryant young kron. 4 sports reporter caught up. kate rooney caught up with bryant and talk about the upcoming dwight clark legacy series. but he also talked about the niners first-round pick, ricky pearsall. >> think that he's a great piece in addition to what the cows already doing this offense and the people that surround them. i'm just another weapon in the arm. income using and spread the ball around. and so the guys that were you know, guys, do a
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great job just by wearing talent and and picking that's going to enhance the team. and so i'm looking forward to all the guys that got drafted, you know, be a part of this organization. >> all right. former saint mary gail and lindo high school grad, aidan mahaney. he's picked his next kool-aid announced today that he will be transferring to the 2 time defending national champs university of connecticut. mahaney was 2 time first team. all wcc player at saint mary's and his hometown. he averaged 14 points per game in his 2 seasons, mris that he chose uconn over the likes of kentucky uva incre in and he says he wants to compete for a national championship and things you kind of gives him the best chance up becoming a pro. so congrats to miami. you know, he. born and raised in the bay area, but he's flying the coop to to go to storrs. connecticut kids are moving
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all over transfer portal. great free agency. we hope to catch a way to next week. i chat with him today. he's excited. >> that's all we've got. thanks for joining us here. >> have a good night, everybody. appreciate you watching. it's not just designed to look good. it's built to command attention. it's not just a comfortable interior. it's a quiet refuge. ♪ ♪ they're not just headlights. they light the way forward. the fully electric audi q8 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: blowback. >> you train the puppy, don't shoot the puppy pair because they go by the governor is doubling down.


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