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tv   KRON 4 News at 2pm  KRON  April 30, 2024 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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it to alameda county district attorney pamela price is fighting back against the group trying to recall her why she believes the effort to kick her out of office is illegal. plus low palestinian demonstrations heating up all across bay area universities. we're going to live from one campus where students are now taking part in the nationwide protest. and back on the water golden gate ferry service between sausalito on san francisco will soon be back up and running. we'll tell you when. >> station. he's calling for news. 2. >> thank you for joining us here on kron for news at to. i'm just involvement in our top story this afternoon. as that the state has now opened up an investigation into the group financing. the effort to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price. kron 4 super reports the california fair political practices commission is looking into potential violations of the political reform act.
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>> alameda county district attorney pamela price. as back in december, her campaign protect the wind for public safety filed a complaint with the california fair political practices commission against reviving the bay area. the political action committee finance, alameda for everyone safe is the group leading on tuesday during a news conference in oakland is price confirmed. the fppc has formally opened an investigation between. 2023, and october, november 2023, they donated approximately $578,000 to safe without complying with the laws that govern all political committees in california. in a letter, the fppc says it is investigating supporters to recall pamela price for potential violations of the campaign disclosure
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provisions. >> of the political reform act. but it has not made a determination about the possible violations have been a lot of financial irregularities, coupled with >> practices of the signature gathering company pci communications that literally paid for hundreds of people to come into our community and gather signatures using bait and switch tactics and misleading people and engaging in fraudulent signature gathering for a speaking ahead of tuesday's alameda county board of supervisors meeting where the board is set to vote on approving the registrar of voters certification. >> of the results of the examination of the petition to recall price. the registrar of voters determined earlier this month that the number of valid signatures were sufficient to call for a recall election. proponents of the recall also held a news conference
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tuesday. we here. >> all of that's why again, it pay have is talking about we call is going to happen. guess what? and you guys history. our public safety right the fppc investigation could take weeks to several years and penalties could range from a warning to fines. >> in oakland, philippe djegal, all kron. 4 news. >> the big story we're following is the student-led pro-palestine protests are continuing across the nation and here in the bay area at uc berkeley, demonstrators remain at in the camp meant on sproul plaza for second week. those involved are calling on the university to stop investing in companies that work with israel, especially they say if they're involved making weapons of war, students have been camping out since monday of last week. tyler gregory, the ceo of the bay area's jewish community relations council posted this following message on social media in
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response to signs at the uc berkeley protest. and it reads these berkeley signs are not pro-palestine their pro-hamas in support of terrorism against jews and do nothing to help the cause of palestinian statehood. there was a similar state at stanford demonstrators camping out there since last thursday. they want the school to disclose investments and cut any financial ties with israel. some jewish students say the campus protests have created an anti semitic atmosphere that makes them feel uncomfortable. and in some cases intimidated. >> live in great these people are taking advantages of the freedoms afforded by this country. white will simultaneously chanting death to america almost on a nightly basis. and so i think it's good for them to recognize that. maybe they should be thankful for the country that they're protesting and >> called stanford for palestine says 9 of their student members were cited by the university for disciplinary violations for protesting. we did reach out
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to stanford for comment so far have not heard back when we do, we'll let you know. and now san francisco state university students are taking part in these encampments kron four's terisa stasko joins us now live from the school's quad with details. how many students to think or their theresa? >> just came back in camp and you are talking about there's a couple 100 people. we've got some video that we want to share with you that i took just a short time ago. so you can see if your selfie students that are out here and again, similar to statements being made at other college campuses around the country. protesters say that they're out here. the push university officials on u.s. officials to disclose expenditures. the college may have a foreign investors divest. if those are controversial to their cause and as well as declared the occupation of gaza as the legal, not a designated spokesperson talking about there group's goals. and i spoke with tyler gregory with the jewish community relations council.
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>> a college should a place where students are protest like always are clearly on are intent on educating people and providing for the media committee. >> we understand that there are legitimate policy disagreements around israel's war in gaza against hamas. that's ok, we're allowed to disagree about how that war should be prosecuted. what's not acceptable is targeting other students or minority populations on the campus. >> and back here at san francisco state university just a short time ago, i got a statement from campus officials saying to make, quote, we will respect the rights of students to peacefully protest and will work to keep them and the entire campus community safe. coming up, a kron, 4 news at 3 o'clock. i talked with a constitutional law professor
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to get his thoughts on how campuses across the country are trying to strike that balancing act between students in the right of free speech as well as keeping students safe. reporting live here in san francisco. back to just a theresa, thank you and stand-offs between these pro-palestine protesters and u.s. college administrators. >> appears not to be coming to a head at columbia university in new york. protesters took over a building this morning by barricading themselves inside. this is coming a day after demonstrators ignored an ultimatum to abandon their encampment. the school has promised they would face expulsion. police moved to clear this encampment at yale university in connecticut and also at northwestern university, which is outside of chicago. school officials and protesters have the reach an agreement to allow the demonstrations through the end of spring classes. lawmakers on capitol hill are watching all of this closely. >> this is not the free marketplace of ideas. this is open threats to jewish
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students because of their faith and the rampant anti-semitism. requires action by the federal government. >> but democrats say that this legislation is not the answer, saying that they are constitutionally bound to protect free speech. more importantly wanted to speech, which they do not agree on and congress is taking on anti-semitism with the new bill that would make hate speech against jews punishable by law. the house is set to vote this week on the anti-semitism awareness act. the bipartisan bill would codify the definition of anti-semitism by adopting the international holocaust remembrance. alliance's definition. supporters say the move would give the education department more clarity and authority over anti-semitic speech at college protest. but opponents are arguing the bill is too broad and threatens free speech. stay with us here on kron 4 on air and online for the latest information on the war between israel and hamas from the campus protest to the war in gaza will also
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get the latest 2 on the hostages go to our website. kron 4 dot com. and that will go to the east bay where a massive fire burned a commercial building in concord. nearby. roads still closed. this is impacting drivers right now as we head into the evening commute across charles clifford live for us now in concord with details on this huge fire from earlier this morning. still having an impact now. >> yeah, it was a dramatic sight late last night early this morning. take a look across the street behind me. there. that is what's left of this three-story building is actually still some smoke coming off of it. fortunately, no one was injured, but there are still some road closures in place here. evening fire broke out in this vacant three-story building at the intersection of clayton road and park street in concord. >> is just across the street from the concord bart station, according to contra costa county fire. there were no active fire alarms or smoke detectors inside the building which allowed the flames to grow unchecked until a passerby noticed smoke and called 9-1-1. when there's
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system alarm in place. >> we only get the call a good citizen lets us know. >> when fire crews arrived on scene, they searched the building and will recognize no one was inside with defensive because i was going to be a safer way to fight the fire. the fire eventually grew to a second alarm. the roof also collapsed, but crews were able to contain the blaze by about one tuesday morning. they were also able to keep the fire from spreading to other buildings in the nearby bart station was not impacted. crews are now keeping an eye on the building to make sure the fire doesn't kick back up again. they're still going to be a few hot we're monitoring, but the fire is out at this stage, just do a mop up making sure those hot spots don't reignite the exact cause of this fire is still under investigation. all right, back live now, if you're in the area here in concord, a portion of sunset avenue e street and clayton road around fire. >> or this that area still
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closed, just keep in mind, there may be some delays are trying to drive near. >> now charles >> charles, thank you. you know, to a dead gray whale that washed up off the coast of alameda likely died from a vessel strike. that's according to the california academy of sciences on april. 20th, the great well identified by scientists as a 40 foot adult female washed up off the shore of crown beach was then towed to angel island, the state park where scientists performed necropsy and that determined that the whale likely died due to blunt force trauma from a vessel strike. however, the official cause of the will staff could not be fully determined due to its decomposed state and body position. golden gate ferry service between sausalito and san francisco is scheduled to start up again tomorrow. the commuter ferry service posting on x saying that repairs to the sausalito pier were done this week. ferry service has been closed for about 2 weeks
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after damage was founded. one of the piers piles, a transit bus had been taking passengers across the golden gate bridge but again, it's back open starting tomorrow. coming up, california attorney general rob bonta hosting a roundtable discussion with south bay community leaders. details on their efforts. >> to prevent gun violence in our communities. and san francisco raising awareness about hepatitis b, the new resolution to declare the month of may hepatitis awareness month. and the campaign to build a new california city is moving forward. what happens next? now that the group, california now that the group, california forever says it has enough
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>> california forever. the group working to build a new city in solano county has reached another milestone. they have received enough signatures to qualify their initiative for the november ballot. they made the submission today to the county's election office and kron four's. tiffany justice has the latest. >> the group says they have 7,000 more signatures than needed and they're confident all 20,000 signatures collected will be verified. >> so i don't voters have made that first decision. and they have made loud and clear. over 20,000 to lionel residence have signed the petition. >> the campaign to build a new california city is moving for jan tram make ceo of california forever says they are gaining the support of locals submitting more than 20,000 signatures tuesday to
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qualify the east. a homes, jobs in clean energy initiative for the november ballot. 7,000 signatures. more. >> than was required. for the 1000 signatures are required. that's over 60 for something that was more than was required. >> it's now up to the solano county's elections office verify each signature. is there a voters will decide whether to allow urban development on land. currently zoned for agriculture. the new town is being described as a green city for up to 400,000 people in the san francisco bay area. but it has faced some opposition. representative john garamendi speaking with kron 4 in january saying he has some concerns over water use and funding for schools and a local fire department. the travis air force base as a group did address their concerns and plans and minimize the impact this development could have on local training flights in exercises. you can't a place like this system. almost
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almost near not anyone. can't do so i'm i'm really just the storm is to do so much opposition. >> vacaville vice mayor greg ritchie endorsing the plan for the new development as does area resident can include up. end mansion is with california river. looks like these essentially telling like a a lot of her like santana row. we have a you top and you have stories below or offices or so i like the idea, not just a building, new housing building, new housing that doesn't take a lot closer says he's concerned for his 2 grandchildren, one in college. now he says affordability of houses in california. it's hard to obtain. also the idea that the housing is could be a for a double to me, that's big selling point. the group forever, california says it may take up to 30 to 60 days for the signatures to be verified. but again, they do say that they are confident. >> that the signatures will be
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verified and that the measure will make it onto the november ballot. reporting to justice kron. 4 news. >> today, california attorney general rob bonta hosted a roundtable discussion with south bay community leaders highlighting the ongoing efforts to prevent gun violence and identify the best practices to help keep communities safe. his focus was on giving locals the tools necessary to stop the shooting before it happens as well as implementing rules and other cities. >> we status quo, state of affairs where we have more mass shootings in a year than days in the calendar year where leading cause of death for our youth. is gun violence. where we lose 45,000 people each year to gun violence. we have more guns in more places and that creates more gun violence and morgan death. >> bonta says investing in communities will be to meaningful change. san
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francisco supervisor joel and gardea wants to raise awareness about hepatitis b. he introduced a resolution to call the month of may hepatitis awareness month in san francisco, he says there's a dire need to address the rising rates of hepatitis b and c hepatitis is caused by a virus in the blood. he also wants the state public health department to expand services to treat people and expand awareness. he says the api community is at risk for getting hepatitis b and c. >> only 6% of the u.s. population is a a p i but that 6% accounts for 58% of americans living with hepatitis b, san francisco has one of the largest api populations in the nation which makes hepatitis b awareness and essential local issue. >> and that's mated one in 12. americans have hepatitis b at the majority of them are not even aware that they habits.
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we're taking a live look outside right now across the golden gate bridge. beautiful day out there today. sunny, still kind of windy meteorologist programs here now with details on the breeze. yes, that is the reason, although little aggressive this breeze, that's what my >> it does feel like it's a little less breezy than yesterday, but i don't think we're done yet either, folks. so you can see 70 miles per hour in san francisco, 60's oakland, obviously more out at the coast. and if you get off sure, you take a look at the buoys. there are even higher. in fact, it's downright almost dangerous out your leak out in the ocean right now. >> but we are looking at kind of a breeze happening right now in francisco and obviously really beautiful blue skies, too. what's happening is high pressure is once again in control. and that means sunshine today. it also means we're going to be warming up over the next couple of days because that high pressure strengthens a little bit and kind of hangs out. you can see the effects of it right here. all the cloud cover is pushed way off shore. and we're just asking in the sunshine, not just here, but all across
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california. so we are warming up 70 degrees in san jose. 72 in fremont 71. look at the 71 club. there's a lot of you there in the east bay, dublin livermore, concord, pittsburgh, fairfield 73. but we've got some nice 70's up in the north bay to 73 in santa rosa. and you can see 70 in napa, sonoma and nevada are looks like i won the lottery there at the but we are obviously a little cooler out of the coast point raise now just 58 degrees downtown san francisco about 61. all this means you're going to the baseball game tonight over in oa land, looking pretty good. just take your jacket because of those breezy conditions about 06:40pm. i'm expecting about 65 degrees. let's stick with oakland as we take a live look from the east bay where it's awfully pretty today and talk about temperature trends because i mentioned will be warming up tomorrow. you can see wednesday, thursday, friday, staying well above average. and then we just kind of fall off the cliff. we get to saturday because that high pressure breaks down. and once that happens, we start to have a little front that wants to track through some taking into friday. you start to see this front coming together. models are kind of going back and
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forth with this. but right now they're a little more bullish bringing us little rain. yeah, a little snow to the sierra now. they may pull back on when we get into the next day or 2 with something to keep an eye on. but we didn't really have a chance of that shower coming in on saturday into sunday morning. and what it really does, though, is not those temperatures and you can see inland from 78 to 62. that's a little drastic. we will start to pick it up again as we get into next week. but the temperature rollercoaster rides continue. there is a new memorial on display at sycamore park in davis honoring the life of kareem abdul najim. one of the victims killed in the davis stabbing spree. >> last spring, a bench now sits where the 20 year-old uc davis student died. he was 6 weeks away from graduation when he was attacked while riding his bike through sycamore park. hundreds of people, including the uc davis marching band, joined his family members and a procession as they remembered kareem's life. >> we all someone on april. 29 last year. that and i we lost
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our son and you lost a friend student. i'm to slo. they've a citizen. >> people also gathered over the weekend at davis's central park to honor 5th year old david bureau. the second victim killed in those stabbings from a year ago. creams family says this latest memorial will stand the test of time and serve as a reminder to the uc davis community of the importance of protecting future generations of students. still ahead, breaking recent trends, california sees its population grow. >> what officials are saying is causing people to move back to the golden state. plus, more job cuts of tesla, including 2 top execs which including 2 top execs which departments are impacted.
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layoffs are not over for employees working at tesla, not even 2 weeks after laying off at least 14,000 workers. the ev company is laying off hundreds more. >> including 2 high-level executives, the executive director of tesla's supercharger group and the head of new products. according to a report by the tech site, the information email sent by elon musk to those executives now leans room for even more layoffs to come calling the cuts. absolutely, saying that any employee who does not pass the excellent necessary and trustworthy test would be out of a job. a previous report by bloomberg says tesla could end up cutting more than 20,000 employees in total. today is
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the deadline for college students to qualify for federal loan forgiveness, students who are enrolled in income driven college loan repayment plans for the public service loan forgiveness program are eligible. some parents who borrow through the federal family education loan program can also get this break. the biden administration's loan forgiveness can cover some or all of remaining college loan debt. coming up here this afternoon, people coming together at the state capitol. the speak up for civil rights, freedom of religion and inclusion. this is all part of the muslim day celebrations. >> and former president donald trump back in court today as the judge makes a ruling that he violated the gag order. plus the san jose police officers association says the city needs to bolster the mayor security after a man fought an officer who was guarding him, why they say adding extra security could adding extra security could he
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>> in the south bay, the san jose police union thinks that the city should give mayor matt mahan more protection. they're making this request after seeing what happened during a kron 4 interview last week when a man started fighting with the police officer who was assigned to protect the mayor. kron four's. dan kerman has the update. >> doing it was last tuesday during a kron 4 interview with san jose mayor matt mahan. when an altercation erupted between this man. 35 year-old wesley pollard and the plainclothes san jose police officer providing security for the mayor. pollard was ultimately arrested and charged with felony resisting an officer by means of
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violence and misdemeanor battery and disturbing the peace. the incident went on for nearly 4 minutes before a community member help subdue pollard. now in this letter, the san jose police officers association, he's calling on san jose's acting police chief and city manager to double the mayor's security detail. >> having only one officer's part of a security detail for ranking member of the city. i was not sufficient was unsafe. >> steve sisolak is president of the san jose police officers association. >> by doubling it increasing another we feel our set eyes another readily available. definitely make everything safer going forward. >> in a statement, the san jose police department says it's reviewing the current procedures for the mayor's security detail. if they decide to bump up the number, it would not be unusual for a large city while san francisco police won't say how many officers around mayor breed security detail. oakland
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police confirm the department generally provides to sworn officers for the security and protection of mayor thao. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> in the east bay, a child died after a vehicle veered off the road and crashed into a power pole in castro valley. ts happened yesterday afternoon around 4.30, police say a man was driving a black honda accord with the juvenile passenger in the seat when for some reason the vehicle left the roadway and crashed into a power pole. the child died at the scene and the driver was taken to the hospital with major injuries. the collision is still under investigation. all lanes on the bay bridge have now reopened. and this is coming following a fire this morning that temporarily shut down several lanes. the chp sharing this photo saying all the lanes were reopened by noon. this happened just west of treasure island road. it's unclear what caused the fire or if anyone was injured. san francisco police are looking for a hit and run driver who
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hit and killed a pedestrian in february. here's a picture that police provided of the car. this was the night of february 25th, a man crossing the street was hit by a dark colored toyota camry, possibly 1997 to 2001 model. the victim later died at the hospital from injuries. investigators say the car should have significant front end damage, including damage, headlights and also should be missing. the toyota emblem off the hood. if you have any information should call sfpd hundreds of californians of the muslim faith wrapped up a full day of advocacy at the state capitol. more than 600 muslims from across the state took part in the 13th annual muslim day at the capitol to advocate for several pieces of legislation, including a proposal to grant california public school students and exemption from physical education classes. if they are fasting advocates also urging for support for a resolution denouncing a surge in
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islamophobia that the war in gaza. >> community absolutely shows art. the reason it was 600 this year probably because so many of them wanted to be there and cushion. calling for, you calling for up to to be heard for themselves to be heard and intro lawmakers to listen. >> the advocacy day was put on by the council american-islamic relations in california. organizers hope that their priority legislation makes it to the governor's desk. and california is going into the drug business to combat the ongoing fentanyl crisis. this kron four's rob nesbitt reports. governor gavin newsom says the state will begin selling its own generic version of narcan. >> on monday, governor gavin newsom announced that his administration has secured a cal rx branded over-the-counter naloxone for $24. a pack. that's how much the state will pay. but doctor mark galli from california, health and human services says
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most of the twin packs used to reverse an overdose will cost consumers. nothing in san francisco. you picked one of many harm reduction or substance use disorder service providers. >> public health clinics. some of the commercial clinics will provide narcan. >> to make it available free of charge. the goal with the program, according to governor newsom's office is to make sure lifesaving medication. >> doesn't result in people going into debt. i spoke with bronze, courtney, from the hiv education and prevention project of alameda county or helped pack about the financial struggles. those facing addiction often face. some folks were talking about like, am i going to eat? >> or am i going to have narcan or am,i going to have, you know, some basic needs some hygiene stuff or my going to have nor can he does harm reduction, work out in the community and non-clinical settings to have pack. >> harm reduction has become a contentious topic when it comes to dealing with addiction. >> san francisco mayor london breed spoke out against it
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earlier this year because you know reduction from my perspective is not reducing the harm. >> those who work in reducing drug overdoses by handing out narcan disagree, referencing years of research and statistics. it's about giving people education information and access to resources that literally keep them alive. >> that's what harm reduction is about. governor newsom's office says the orders have been made for the cheaper narc can and should be arriving as early as next month. >> reporting in the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> a major antitrust class action suit is alleging that 6 major hotel chains colluded to fix prices for the rooms, using artificial intelligence. the suit is alleging that a minnesota-based company. and a company that has offices in san francisco created this ai software and advertised it so that hotel operators could gain a competitive advantage the suit is targeting these hotel chains on the screen right now. alleging that these competitors provided sensitive
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data about their room availability, the demand and pricing and the software would then give individual pricing recommendations designed to maximize their profits. the suit alleges that there was price fixing in san francisco, alameda marin, san mateo and contra costa counties charging the highest or near highest average rates for hotel rooms. a popular italian restaurant in san francisco is going to be closing up che fico al muntari operate downstairs from its more expensive counterpart. chief eco the affordable restaurant is known for providing to-go services and pantry items. but the owner now saying it's been hard managing the more affordable restaurant downstairs post-pandemic, but it's not going to go away from long. the owner says it's going to merge with its upstairs restaurant. no word yet on when that will happen. and now it's been almost 3 years since the caldor fire burned more than 220,000 acres and some communities are still
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facing some major barriers as they tried to recover from all of the damage, hazardous trees and debris have been removed from nearly 500 properties through fema. so far. but some homeowners say there are still thousands of trees that need to be removed and the cost to do so is a major roadblock. that's where veteran let humanitarian organization team rubicon is coming in. they're hoping. but those a the live in the grizzly flats can clear out the remaining hazardous trees so they can get out of temporary housing trailers and start rebuilding. >> they got hazard trees around here. so if you rebuild a home and then all of a sudden the tree breaks down the slams into your roof, then you're going to get that repaired. so what we're trying to do is make a safer environment for people out we're here to help florida. we're doing this at no cost them. no cost anybody. >> the team says it can cost anywhere from 1500 to $3,000 to remove just one tree and doing this is no they're doing
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it at no cost. and that makes it really important to help out the families. crews are going to be coming up to grizzly flats on a rotation over the next few weeks to help out. air quality management district is announcing the start of the summer spare the air smog season officially begins tomorrow. this summer. the agency is encouraging bay area residents to drive less and look for ways to share shorten or change their commutes to help reduce smog traffic and gridlock in the region. they're reminding people as a temperatures start to get a little bit warmer. the risk of calling a spare the air alert for unhealthy air quality becomes greater and we have called broken. here now with details on what's going on with our weather, we start may tomorrow. can't believe it. i a that's right. >> we are looking at really a star quality today. i just checked and we're looking pretty good. in fact, this week is looking like it's going to be a pretty good week for us. storm tracker forecast showing you the obviously we're basking in the sunshine
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right now. so that has been kind of nice. wind has been picking up a little bit here, but temperature rise over the next 3 days. we're going to go well above average. you can see our inland spots getting in the upper 70's, even potentially the 80 degree mark. so there's that that we have a beautiful day out at sea air as well. i just wanted to mention this because over the next few days this year is going to be sunny. it's going to be gorgeous, no issues. but just as we are looking out for the potential of a little rain this weekend, you can see the model's picking up on the idea of maybe a little snow this weekend. now we're a little too early to lock that in, but it caught my eye because if you're going to be traveling in that direction, you know, you just want to be aware that there's a possibility. now, some of this may be very high elevation snow if it comes together, but it does mean that you could get some slick road conditions out there, right? so just want to make sure the timing is saturday afternoon through sunday morning. and if your plans take you to the sierra, you definitely want kind of check in with me on the weather as we get into thursday and friday to kind of locked this system meanwhile, back in the
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day, we are having a lovely day. as i mentioned, we've got a warm-up on the way and that slight chance of showers as well. over the weekend. have details on that and come back with your seven-day forecast. >> thank you. former president donald trump has been found in contempt of court for violating a gag order in his hush money trial in a written decision. the new york judge presiding over the trial says mister trump violated the order 9 times. the former president has now been fined $1000 for each violation. so $9,000 under the gag order. mister trump is not allowed to comment on witnesses. jurors, court staff and lawyers and he spoke in the courts hallway about this this morning. >> this is a disgraceful case. it's a disgrace. and the new york state and city courts is >> world, the case is including the civil case. they controlled by
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>> prosecutors say trump violated that glg order through social media post. the trial resumed this morning with the questioning of michael cohen's former banker. he's the 3rd witness to take the stand in this case. more people are moving to california. fewer people seem to be leaving the state. that's according to the california department of finance last year, california's population increased by 67,000 people. the growth being attributed to an increase in legal for an immigration and the natural population just increasing. this is the first year since 2020, but the state has seen a net increase. so welcome to the golden state's coming up. >> the latest winner of a billion dollar. plus the powerball jackpot has come forward why he is very deserving up this grand prize and we're facing a vet sort shortage across the country, but it's not because people don't want to become doctors to animals. we'll explain what they say is really causing this shortage. power of a wish
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fairy of children and family sharing their dreams come true. thanks to the true. thanks to the make-a-wish foundation. ♪(clapping)♪ ♪(percussion)♪ ♪cause you're free♪ ♪to do what you want to do♪ ♪do what you want♪ ♪do what you want♪ paula's choice. known for its iconic 2% bha liquid exfoliant, has done it again. introducing new mandelic and lactic acid exfoliant. it's helped turned my skin from this to this,
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and my skin feels so much smoother. from the trusted experts in skincare ingredients. available at and sephora.
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febreze! your bathroom... needs febreze small spaces... the always-on, odor-fighting air freshener you set and forget. no outlets used, no batteries needed, no effort required. so your bathroom stays continuously fresh for 45 days. that's the power of febreze small spaces. >> make-a-wish greater bay area celebrating 40 years in the region in april is world wish month the organization held a reunion in san jose for families who have had their wishes granted over the years. kron 4 noelle bellow at our photo journalists, rudy garcia spoke with several families b% about how these wishes helped out their kits. >> so what was your wish what do you remember most about i
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wish to go lines to chased >> they said they could that. the he said they can. like? >> what new to us to go to hawaii to that? a hotel? i i could stop thinking about that meant for that period of time. and if i needed to take pills every day, i didn't like feel stress about thinking about the trip. and i'm just so grateful. i got to me, you know, you know, my favorite player and >> everything that they're doing for, you know, people around the world. it's it's more than impactful. you know, it's changing people's >> whether it was 2 months ago or 20 years ago, those his wishes have been granted. never forget how it felt on saturday, families from across the bay area got together at top golf, san jose to share their wishes and get to know one another. i'm so grateful for today and i so lucky to be able to celebrate. >> with my make-a-wish family,
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i i'm i'm a make-a-wish mom. for life for annika johnson was there for her son. he was 2 when his wish was granted in the year 2000. >> he passed away just 10 days after meeting mickey mouse to not even think about doctors and what not knowing that we have that open heart coming coming up a week you know. it changes your your way thinking after. >> the power of a wish, right? you don't take anything for granted for annika and other families celebrating world wish feel the community make a wish is built. >> helps keep a smile their faces. so i'm happy to be alive and be a survivor. and i want to celebrate with other families and other former make-a-wish kids. >> 40th make >> that was noelle bellow reporting for us. and there are about 350 wishes granted each year. so nearly a wish a day right here in the bay area. now to the east bay with the and library is closed as that having its roof repaired
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the work should take about 6 weeks. the library has set a reopening date of june. 11th. the book drop off will be locked and items placed on hold will not be available for pickup during the closure. so the united states is facing a vet shortage. that's like the doctors for animals. there was a report by the mars veterinary health that's estimating we're going to need additional 55,000 vets by twenty-thirty in order to meet the demand for animal care and it would take 30 years of graduates to meet the industry need for vet techs over the next decade. the first thing the studies pointing out is that they're just more people are becoming pet owners that's creating a supply and demand issue. it's also really expensive to come of that in order to meet demands of all those free patients who have to have 4 years of college. then another 4 years of vet school and even more if you want to have a specialty. also many take on a lot of student loan debt to do this. but paying for school is not the only issue either. it's also
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about how hard it is to get in. >> but it is not the case that that schools are going wanting for students. they have way more applicants than they can accommodate. and in fact, you probably heard this the saying it's hard to get into that school. that medical school. >> so that health institute is saying even with the new graduates that are coming over the next decade, a shortage of 24,000 companion animal that is expected by 2030. they are suggesting that bet schools work to train up more of that tax so they can help with the workload. walmart is shutting down all of its health care center's the major retailer is operating up. 51 walmart, health clinics and virtual health services and 6 states. >> there are no locations of california, but walmart. walmart says it was it difficult decision, but the clinics were just not profitable. the retailer says it will continue to operate pharmacies and optical centers throughout the country. even in southern california. women
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no longer have to make the first move on the dating app. bumble. the popular dating app is changing its core feature of only allowing women to make the first move. the app is now giving men the opportunity to initiate the interactions bumble, calling this new feature opening move senate. let's of women said a prompt to let men know that they can make the first move. it's all part of a larger relaunch of the app. this change is coming as dating apps are trying to stay relevant. some single say they're just burnt out with online dating and they're seeking more in-person connections. hold onto your hats today. it's windy with this live look outside here at the embarcadero cruise ship arriving with flags showing us what's going on outside. still pretty breezy out there. kyle is here with details. too bad, but we definitely have that onshore push that's happening to the coast is where the breeze it is. and you can see it there in san francisco, half moon bay point race. >> but notice nevado now up to about 17 miles per hour as well. and speaking of wind, we
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do have a wind advisory, but this kicks in 11 o'clock tonight. and as you can see, it's for inland spots in and around sacramento points, north and south. and then for our viewing area for solano and yolo counties. and the interesting thing is this is not for the onshore wind we're experiencing now. this is for some offshore wind that's going to be developing in the overnight hours with a could see gusts up to about 45 miles per hour throughout the day tomorrow to about 5 o'clock. so it's going really interesting here with the win. let me show you this. so we have an onshore push that's happening now. you see the areas in red, right? it's coming from the ocean going on shore now. going to take you into overnight and into tomorrow. notice we start to get a northerly wind component g from inland spots and then we get tomorrow after noon and they both get going. we've got on shote flow happening. weve got northerly wind happening. so the takeaway from this is we're staying breezy for now just today and tomorrow. but you can see on thursday as well. we get or return again of some of that gusty wind coming onshore. so that's going to be part of our forecast that certainly i've watching this
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flag kind of pick up as we go throughout the afternoon. i'm starting to see a little bit more coming in now from off the water. temperatures are really nice right now. low 70's inland. we've got some 60's around the bay. 55 out at half moon bay. so tonight is going to be another lovely kind of clear night with no worries about any fog or maybe just tiny coastal clouds. that's about it. temperatures also will be kind of nice and then tomorrow, watch what happens we start to warm up, which means we're going to see upper 70's low 80's inland. we should get to some 70's around the bay itself. the only place that really won't warm up will be the coast because of that onshore wind kind of bringing in that cooler air mass. so we have the warmer weather wednesday, thursday, friday. we've got a little front tracking through saturday bringing us a shower chance and really knocking those temperatures down and we shall stay cool as we go through the weekend. next week, though, start to rebound as we get ay. wednesday. back to you. >> thank you, up next today is national adopt a pet today how you could help a furry friend.
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find a place to call home find a place to call home forever. did you know some dish soaps don't remove all the grease, even with scrubbing? whaaat? i just cleaned those! try dawn platinum. it removes 99% of grease and food residue. that's why dawn is trusted to save wildlife affected by oil. dawn platinum cleans to the squeak.
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is national adopt a pet day. one in 5 pets in the u.s. are in need of a forever home. according to this report from morris pet care, adopting a new. could help you form a stronger bond with the people around you. the report found 73% of pet parents have connected with someone of a different generation culture or ethnic background because of their pets. if you are interested in fostering or adopting, you should visit your local pet shelter. and
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the most recent billion dollar powerball jackpot winner has come forward. this is 46 year-old charlie safe. and he's an immigrant from laos, has been battling cancer for the last 8 years. he says that he his wife and a friend all chipped in 100 bucks for the tickets and they're going to split the money and he believes that he manifested the big win, revealing that in the weeks leading up to the drawing, he wrote out the numbers for the game on a piece of paper and then slept with it under his pillow in prague, the jackpot had a cash value of 621 million dollars before taxes he won in oregon. and you have to come forward in that state. and you've got to hold up the big check. don't go anywhere. we have another hour of news ahead for you here on kron 4, including free speech or hate speech. the question that a swirling. >> as another bay area university, the students there are joining the nationwide pro-palestine protest. we're
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going to live to san francisco state. plus a investigating a recall why a state agency is now looking into the group that's paying for the effort to recall. alameda county's district attorney. i'm justine waldman, kron for news at 3 is waldman, kron for news at 3 is next. i'll be honest. by the end of the day, my floors...yeesh. but who has the time to clean? that's why i love my swiffer wetjet. it's a quick and easy way to get my floors clean. wetjet absorbs and locks grime deep inside. look at that! swiffer wetjet.
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>> now from the area's local news station. this is kron. 4 news at 3. >> thank you for joining us here on kron for news at 3. i'm justine waldman. we're going to begin at san francisco state university where pro-palestine protesters are camping on the quad. they have a list of demands for


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