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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  April 30, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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please call or go online right now to give. if operators are busy, please wait patiently, or go to right away. your gift will help kids just like me have the best part of our day. >> tonight at 5.30, california forever. the group working to build a new city in solano county has reached another milestone. indeed. they have submitted enough signatures to qualify for the november ballot. and kron four's. tiffany justice has details. >> the group says they have
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7,000 more signatures than needed and they're confident all 20,000 signatures collected will be verified. >> so i don't voters have made that first decision. and they have made loud and clear. over 20,000 to lionel residence have signed the petition. >> the campaign to build a new california city is moving for jan tram make ceo of california forever says they are gaining the support of locals submitting more than 20,000 signatures tuesday to qualify the east. a homes, jobs in clean energy initiative for the november ballot. 7,000 signatures. more. >> than was required. for the 1000 signatures are required. that's over 60 for something that was more than was required. >> it's now up to the solano county's elections office verify each signature. is there a 5 voters will decide whether to allow urban development on land currently zoned for agriculture. the new
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town is being described as a green city for up to 400,000 people in the san francisco bay area, the travis air force base as a group did address their concerns and plans and minimize the impact this development could have on local training flights. an exercise a place like this system. almost almost near not anyone. can't do so i'm i'm really just the storm is to do so much vacaville vice mayor greg ritchie endorsing the plan for the new development as does area resident ken cluess up as mansion is with california river. looks like these essentially a townhouse like to a lot like santana row. we have a you have top and you have stories below or offices or so i like the idea. not just a building, new housing building, new housing that doesn't take a lot closer, says he's concerned for his 2 grandchildren, one in college. now he says affordability of houses in
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california. >> is hard to obtain. also the idea that the housing is could be a for double. to me, that's big selling point. the group forever, california says it may take up to 30 to 60 days for the signatures to be verified. but again, they do say that they are confident. >> that the signatures will be verified and that the measure will make it onto the november ballot. reporting to justice kron. 4 news. >> 2 women are now say following a brothel bust in a san jose home. police got a tip back in november about suspicious activity at the home on 16th street. the investigation found a 53 year-old man as the primary suspect, detectives arrested him on april 19th searched his home and found evidence of a commercial brothel including all the money you see here. police also found the 2 women believed to be human trafficked at that home. according to police, the women are receining the help necessary. the man has been booked into jail, charged with
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pimping and pandering police in castro valley are investigating a solo crash that left a child dead. >> it happened yesterday afternoon in the northbound lane of how morris road. the chp says man was driving the car with the boy in it when he veered off the road, crashed into a power pole overturned and hit a tree. the boy died at the scene. his age and identity have not been released. the drivers in the hospital with serious injuries. the cause of the crash is under investigation. >> more than 600 muslims from across the state took part in the 13th annual muslim day at the capitol. they were there to advocate for several pieces of legislation, including a proposal to grant california public school students, an exemption from a physical education classes. if they're fasting advocates are also urging support for a resolution denouncing a surge in islamophobia amid the war in gaza. muslim community absolutely feels ignored. >> the reason it was 600 this
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year probably because so many of them wanted to be there and cushion calling for, you know, to calling for up to to be heard for themselves to be heard and intro lawmakers to listen. >> organizers hope their priority legislation makes it to the governor's desk. the recount in the highly contentious race for silicon valley. 16th congressional race is effectively half over. meaning santa clara county has finished its part of the recount. san mateo county officials say they'll be announcing their results tomorrow. kron four's catherine heenan joining us from the newsroom with the latest. yeah. and as you know, noelle, this is not the recount following the astonishing primary tie. >> between santa clara county supervisor joe submitting an and assemblymember evan low and the question of who will join sam liccardo on the november ballot. no final answer yet. as to who came out ahead. but after 2 weeks of counting, at least the end is in sight. santa clara county
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voting officials say their recount shows evan low picked up 11 additional votes. joe summit, ian gained 7. >> so low lead summit, ian, by 4 votes in santa clara county. but that does not answer the question of whether low one san mateo county still has more than a dozen challenge to ballots and official there told me today they have finished counting them but won't announce the results until wednesday after campaign attorneys and others get a chance to review the numbers. meantime, sam liccardo published an opinion piece today and which he again rejects claims that he's behind the recount because a former staffer named jonathan padilla requested it. he says the fact that padilla is a supporter of mine is not remarkable. every independent expenditure committee in history has been created by a candidate supporter. i think the cargo is doing the smart
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thing, which is. >> he's trying to get ahead of whatever the results are because someone is going to win. that one is going to lose and where it's going to lose. made all probability try and blame liccardo the fact and said of the 3 person race. it's a 2 person race. michael yaki also agrees with la carte was called for. >> automatic recounts in a close election which may have lessened the political drama. >> because you want to kind of get the politics out of this and just getting into issue of voter integrity and every vote counts. i would hope that the california legislature after this would mandate as a as a requirement in the california electoral process that automatic recounts be available in united states house of representative races in the case of a tie as or as it was here. >> and of california does eventually mandate automatic recounts in state or federal races. it would also mean that a candidate or that candidate supporter would not have to come up with the cash in order
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to make that happen. this recount began april 15th. again, we might finally have a result tomorrow, grant and well. catherine, thank you. >> the new york judge has found former president trump in contempt of court for repeatedly violating a gag order. the former president was fined $9,000 which must be paid by friday. he was also ordered to remove offending posts from his truth. social account and campaign website by this afternoon. he did that. remove them. he publicly, though criticize the judge jurors and witnesses as well as others connected in the case in those posts. he also repost id, some content. the judge also threatened trump with jail time if he continues to violate the gag order. let's get you a check of your 4 zone forecast. taking a live look outside at the golden gate bridge where the sun has been shining. >> all day a beautiful day. if you are with us a short time ago, you heard lawrence.
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>> kind of teasing his next weather hit, which was really gripping, lawrence. it was like an episode of sopranos or 24, maybe you can hang it. you have to watch the next. yeah, you've got to you've got stay tuned, right? i mean, because really this could impact your weekend. the weather is going to be developing outside. yeah. could we get some rain moving in? well, in other parts of the country, they are seeing some severe weather. >> breaking out again, it has been a rough go here for about the last week or so. this is that time of year where the atmosphere gets very turbulent, especially across the country's midsection, one from kind of dying out heading east now. but then there's one coming right across the rockies. and there you go. all of a sudden you see that line of thunderstorms popping up and well, the threat for some severe activity in the increase as we head throughout the evening hours. you're going to see those pop-up thunderstorms already been reports. now some of tornadoes touching down in spots already their watches up. all new yellow there all across the country's midsection for more tornadic activity to continue throughout the night tonight and possible flooding to go
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along with that. so tornado watch is up until 11 o'clock tonight. places like topeka, kansas and a lawrence as well as we're going to see that heaviest storm of continue to march its way eastward and the possibility of more severe weather on the way. in fact, you can see the area of severe weather outlook. is bruce potential for more strong thunderstorms developing in these storms going to continue to impact that area. let's of the forecast models show you that front moving eastward again beginning to fall off and then you get a surge of moisture coming up on the south and there you go in the next 24 to 48 hours, we've got another series of storms rolling in. maybe the target of the heavier storms may be severe weather maybe headed toward texas. boy, it is going to be a scary couple of days here across the country's midsection. again, guys, back to you. all right, lauren, thank you. >> 450 homeless families in san francisco will soon receive financial help. they've been chosen as part of a five-year pilot program and study funded by google and local nonprofits. have the families will receive $1000 a
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month. the other half will receive just $50 a month. the studies aiming to discover whether guaranteed basic income programs can work to combat poverty and homelessness. the payments will be distributed exclusively to families who are about to lose access to city funded housing subsidies. the program is part of a broader 1 billion dollar effort by google to increase the bay area's housing supply. >> a group of nearly 50 mayors says in washington, d.c., this week there calling on congress to do more to help cities manage homelessness. the group wants congress to prioritize getting veterans off the streets. they say many are ineligible for federal housing assistance because their va benefits that puts them above the income threshold. >> this is america in the 21st century. no one should be an house. >> karen bass there from la. the bipartisan group of mayors is calling on congress to also work in a bipartisan way to help homeless veterans find housing. also a dc parents and
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their kids rallied on capitol hill. you see him out there there urging congress to prioritize resources for babies and families. a handful of lawmakers met with the kids and their parents and promised to dedicate more resources, including child care and mental health treatment for kits. >> we're demanding that are public servants and that policies that prioritize children's well-being care and strengthen the family. no child should able to reach their potential in this country because of insufficient resources. >> house speaker mike johnson and other republicans say it is the president's economic policies that are making life tougher for parents and their kits. >> coming up, it's been almost 3 years, but communities are still recovering from the caldor fire. how one group is helping to get people back into their homes and paying more at the pump. while oil
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companies pocket the profits coming up. the new revealing data.
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>> if you've filled up your car lately, you've likely noticed it is not cheap to do so. over the last month, average statewide gas prices. >> have gone way up. leveled off a little bit lately. but for the past month. i definitely up up up will now the head of california's oil watchdog division is out with new numbers that he believes show oil companies are raking in the profits. while we feel the pain. capitol correspondent eytan wallace reports.
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>> there's urgent need to protect california consumers from price down. that's the message from time. milder director of the state's brand new oil watchdog agency known as the division of petroleum market oversight. since its creation last summer. the division has been collecting data from the oil industry and working with the california energy commission to determine whether or not to annex some sort of penalty on oil companies if they are found to be taking part in price gouging. we are working to provide active oversight and to make sure that the market it's setting the prices that these are fair prices. milder says while it's too early in the data collection process to conclude whether price gouging is taking place, he says he does have some early concerns. californians have been paying too much at the pump for too long as of today, the state average cost of regular unleaded gas is five-dollars $0.39 per gallon. milder note over the last month between late march in late april, gas prices on average, increased by $0.44 in the state. but he
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says that the same time the price of crude oil in the market increased by just $0.3 while the industry margin, which is how much is made per gallon went up by $0.41 his conclusion. the recent price spikes really profits. thanks for industry. looking at the data, we're seeing some clear fronts. >> when prices at the pump went up over last month. that was because the oil industry profits but those in the oil industry say it's not as the scenes. the date is there. price gouging is not happening. 7 slagle is with the western states petroleum association representing oil industry stakeholders over the past month. >> there was a number of refineries that were off line maintenance. and when you refineries down supplies shrink you know, any commodity when you have less supply the needed, the costs, you know, typically will go up. and that's probably a lot. what we saw his position is that the state should invest in more oil production to drive down costs. the city, california has been the last couple years implementing policy after
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policy that's meant in production in but in the end, what consumers care about, they care about higher costs and that is the path our state has its own and to the state conclude price gouging is taking place. the california energy commission would still need to determine what if any penalty. >> would be imposed reporting at the state capitol. eytan wallace kron. 4 news. >> it has been almost 3 years since the caldor fire burned through more than 220,000 acres, humanitarian organization is stepping in to help those still affected. veteran lead team rubicon is helping people grizzly flats. clear out thousands of hazardous trees so they can start rebuilding trees and debris have been removed from nearly 500 properties so far. but some homeowners say they're still a lot more that need to be removed and the cost to do so is a major roadblock. they got hazard trees around here. so if you rebuild a home and then all of a sudden the tree breaks down the slams into your roof. >> then you're going to get
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that repaired. so what we're trying to do is make a safer environment for people out here. we're here to help florida. we're doing this at no cost them. no cost anybody. >> team rubicon says it can cost anywhere from 1500 to $3,000 to remove just one tree and doing this at no cost is vital to these families. >> taking a live look outside now from our mount. >> it's okay. i was like is established as we look at the elbow side and now mount tam cam. >> we have a lot of green going on. a lot of blue sky. lot of sunshine. it's so nice. >> the weather the last several days. it has been so nice. but there's this looming threat. it could rain this weekend. last time we went to lawrence said it wasn't going to do that. so bad. just like yeah. oh, no. here we go. yeah, we kind of we we kind of held to the end right? but this is really important. i mean, a lot of things going on this weekend. we've got cinco de mayo. we've got people wanted to get out and enjoy
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and celebrate and we've got maybe a significant storm coming our way. and we were worried about that yesterday. now the models of all come together now and they're pointing toward, yes, the possibility of some rain out there right now. it is breezy around the bay area. we've got clear skies wherever you go. here's the long-range forecast model yesterday. i showed you the american model tonight. this is the european model yesterday that was showing next to nothing with rain at all. but watch what happens here as it's made a big change as we get toward tomorrow. another beautiful day, just breezy along the coastline, of course, in the east bay, too. then as we get enough from a lot of part of the week, things change get into late thursday and friday. start see a couple clouds off the coastline and then we get your weekend and there you go. look very similar. now to the american model, bringing that rain to the bay area as we head toward the middle of the day in the afternoon on saturday as we get into sunday news, a chance of maybe a lingering shower. but i think mainly just widely scattered if we see anything at all. so i think really it's the saturday that will be the problem that is going to be
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with the latest forecast models from the american model still showing less amount than yesterday. yesterday was showing about an inch to about an inch and a half days backed off on that just less than an inch in most spots will maybe an inch over the mountain tops the european model. now showing next to nothing. now it's upwards of a half an inch or so and even more in spots. so i think we're starting to narrow this down and get to where we're going need to go to get the forecast but together. but if you have plans on saturday, be prepared. it looks like we could see some rain moving in during the middle of the day. tonight. we're going to see the winds continuing. the sky's going stay mostly clear temperatures as we head toward tomorrow. going to be nice. in fact, some of these numbers by tomorrow afternoon under sunny skies, warming up nicely, even in san francisco, upperr60's in the mission. 68 degrees in san francisco about 66 in golden gate park along the coastline, still breezy and cooler their 50's and some mid 60's inside of a warm-up very, very nicely. in fact, about 74 in palo alto tomorrow. 72, it would side the south bay got a mix of 70's and some 80's by
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tomorrow afternoon and i think is getting the east bay. you can see those nice numbers as well. 81, a little more about 74 in hayward, 79 degrees in dublin, 79 in walnut creek about 81 in concord. so really just some nice weather, windy in spots, especially in solano county, get back toward the coastline. got some nice weather out there for you. but here we go. the next couple days, it's looking like some nice weather. but then after that, things change on friday, clouds roll in that chance of rain looking more probable now as we head in towards saturday sunday and then maybe just a scattered shower, not a washout. saturday could be more of an issue. do you think you can get out early saturday and get some donor? i would get really early if you're going to go out because by about 10 o'clock or so, that's when things are starting to point toward rain. >> moving in the north bay, first in spending across the rest, the bay area throughout the afternoon. good to know the timing on that. things aren't >> the head of nasa is urging congress to approve an emergency request to help counter possible threats from russia. nasa administrator bill nelson says the u.s. and russia have maintained the international space station so
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far with no hiccups. but in the past week, russia vetoed a united nations resolution aimed at preventing a nuclear arms race in space. >> we could be an emergency situation that we have to get this structure that is as big as a football stadium down and down safely in 2031. >> nasa already has plans to decommission the international space station. meanwhile, nelson also told congress the u.s. is racing against china to get the south pole to get to the south pole of the moon. nasa plans to land the first astronauts near the lunar south pole in 2026. >> coming up next, why it may be time to pay the sea be time to pay the sea creatures a visit. ness.
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>> today is national. adopt a shelter pet day one in 5 pets in the u.s. is in need of a forever home. and according to a report by mars petcare adopting a new little friends could help stronger bonds with people around you. the report found 73% of pet parents have connected with somebody of a different generation culture or ethnic background because of their pets. if you're interested in fostering or adopting, you're urged to visit your local shelter. >> it's a good time to also visit the sea lions on pier. 39, don't think you can adopt these guys, but officials say the sea lion count is the highest. it's been in 7 years right now. pier 39 sharing this photo on social media showing some of the nearly 850
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sea lions currently bay than out there enjoying the sunshine. morsy. lions are lounging at the pier right now because there's an abundance of anchovies this year. that's according to officials with the pair were also in popping season for these guys as well. so obviously, always good to keep your distance no matter what. but called a look school to look at. also a great to hear as we bring vicki and ken, that. >> it's a good season for anchovies ou because we all know how important that in this area. not just for sea lions, i the pizza. well, could these 2 guys on for kron for news at 6, a historic proposal from a. >> it could ease marijuana restrictions all across the country. we're going hear from dispensaries here in the bay area about how their tear businesses will benefit. plus, a few moments ago, the alameda county board of supervisors voted to certify the results
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of the recall petition against district attorney pamela price. >> we have the latest on what happens next. i'm ken wayne and i'm vicki liviakis. the news at 6 is next.
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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. >> now at pro-palestine protest continuing at colleges all around the bay area and across the country. encampments with protesters demanding a cease-fire in gaza taking over campus lawns nationwide. good evening, everybody. i'm vicki liviakis and i'm kenne


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