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tv   KRON 4 News at 6pm  KRON  April 30, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. >> now at pro-palestine protest continuing at colleges all around the bay area and across the country. encampments with protesters demanding a cease-fire in gaza taking over campus lawns nationwide. good evening, everybody. i'm vicki liviakis and i'm ken wayne from sf
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state to stanford. students are standing their ground when it comes to not ending their protests. >> one of their main demands more transparency from their school leaders on how money is being spent with foreign investors. and now students are facing possible disciplinary action kron four's lisa good and joins us now live from stanford's campus with more on the protests happening there. >> yeah, i've been out here all afternoon and just a few minutes ago, students completely left the encampment and are now outside of that for a rally with faculty and staff who are supporting them in their cars. now, this has been going on for the last couple minutes. we've heard that that he shared that they are very proud of the students. what they're doing here. >> and they also said that they're disappointed with the silence from the university. now, some students i spoke now, they are hoping that the university can be more direct with them when it comes to their student protesters
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continue to occupy their homemade encampment on stanford's campus at white memorial plaza and the possibility of receiving disciplinary action for being here is a concern start off with 19 for out of like 2 or 3 more. can't exactly remember who have gone letters from the office of community standards and are basically being put through their internal disciplinary process. >> the language is very student protester, grace smith feels those who have received these notices. >> have been treated and just and given little explanations were who have been put through this disciplinary process. >> either brown or black or muslim or out of or any combination of those things. and the few white students that have been are and design us students. and we think that is very deliberate. protesters say people like to have a clear understanding of the wrongdoings if they are to be disciplined, their policies on free speech are extremely
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white plaza is a free speech zone from 08:00pm to 08:00pm. >> and 08:00pm. however, what exactly does free speech constitute? what is it not constitute? we spoke with other students who did not wish to go on camera. one freshman tells me he doesn't believe the university should punish students participating because they aren't disrupting day-to-day activities on campus. but others feel differently. >> another student says while the students have a right to protest, they should not be allowed to stay at white plaza overnight. and during our broadcast, we did hear back university for comment and they shared a letter addressed to students saying they support peaceful expression of free speech and my closet. but there is a process to do so and only certain times designated for adding that overnight encampment here is prohibited and they will continue to submit suits names who are violating that as well. >> and they also added that there there was a report that individual wearing a hamas,
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similar bandanna walking around the area on campus. and they said they have submitted back to the fbi as well. live at staffer. let's get in kron. 4 news. all right. thank less left for that report. >> i think what important for the entire this encampment and other cameras around the country across the world, that not about the university not about it is going to get with the law. >> 10 snow cover the quad at san francisco state university. similar to statements being made at other college campuses around the country. these protesters say they're out here. they out there to push university officials and u.s. officials to disclose expenditures the college may have had with foreign investors.
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>> meantime, protests escalated at columbia university today. the school has started threatening to expel students after the students took over an administration building on campus, some of them forming a human blockade in front of the building and carrying furniture and metal barricades inside protesters telling the school it would have to forcibly remove them if they want them out. this comes after the school put protesters on a deadline yesterday to leave the encampment of around 110 tents set up on campus in order to avoid suspension. since then, some students party been suspended until next june. meantime, in our nation's capital, congress is taking on anti-semitism with a new bill that would make hate speech against jews punishable under the law. >> the house is set to vote this week on the anti-semitism awareness act. the bipartisan bill would codify the definition of anti-semitism by adopting the international
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holocaust remembrance. alliance's definition supporters say the move would give the education department more clarity and authority over anti-semitic speech at college protests. but opponents argue the bill is too broad and threatens free speech for all the latest information on the conflict and the israel-hamas war and the college protests. you can head to our web site kron 4 dot com. other news tonight, a man is dead after he hit a big rate while riding a moped near the >> bay bridge. it happened at 7.30 this morning on eastbound highway 80 at the connector ramp to southbound 80 in the macarthur maze. and no word tonight on what caused the moped rider to crash in the first place lanes were shut down on the ramp for about 3 hours before reopening. >> and historic step toward easing marijuana restrictions. the dea today propose reclassifying cannabis from schedule one to a schedule three-drug kron four's rob nesbitt. talk to the ceo of the national cannabis industry
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association and has more on how the changes will benefit dispensaries. owners of cannabis businesses will tell you how hard the industry is hit by high taxes. it's part of the reason why the for 20 event in golden gate park was canceled this year. >> today's announcement from the federal government will help ease tax burdens. >> the cannabis industry celebrated a big win tuesday when the u.s. drug enforcement administration announces plan to move cannabis from schedule one status to schedule 3 ceo of the national cannabis industry association, aaron smith says for years marijuana has been viewed federally as having no medical value and a high potential for abuse. it seems absurd. but, you know, since the 70's cannabis has been a schedule, one substance alongside drugs like heroin lsd, president biden called for the review back in 2022. >> reclassifying does not legalize cannabis federally, but it would allow pharmaceutical companies to get involved with selling drugs in states where it is legal. it will also remove tax code called to 80 e on legal
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cannabis businesses. marijuana businesses are unable to deduct things like to rent their payroll marketing expenses. their compliance costs, the cost of the security cameras in their in their facilities. spark on 6 dispensaries in the bay area. and ceo eric pearson says 2.80 e has limited investors from taking cannabis seriously. he hopes becoming a schedule. three-drug will change that when that gets eliminated, it frees up capital that makes investors more interested. >> and investing in cannabis companies. that's capital comes in, which helps the industry, which is otherwise struggling from other taxes. the proposal must still be reviewed by the white house office of management and budget before can join the same classification as tylenol. >> the national cannabis industry association wants congress to go even further by removing cannabis from the controlled substances act. >> moving bo slide. kind of catches. the federal government say we're california was in the 90's. that does not cats, california and the federal government up to a california is now. >> i asked myth when he thinks
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the reclassification could happen if passed by the white house. he predicts changes before the november election. reporting in the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> developing tonight, the oakland city council just voted to approve a contract for a new oakland police chief floyd mitchell. under the terms of the contract, mitchell will receive an annual salary of more than $365,000. that includes annual salary of $325 and $45,000 coming from premium pay required by the contract between the city of oakland and the oakland police management association. will also receive a monthly car allowance of $750. >> more layoffs happening at tesla, not even 2 weeks after the company laid off at least 14,000 workers. the ev company is laying off hundreds more and that does include some senior exact not clear, though, how many of those layoffs are going to in here in the bay area. according to a report by tech site, the
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information elon musk sent out an email to staff saying, quote, we need to be absolutely hard core about head count and cost reduction according to a separate report by tech site, electric, tesla plans to lay off its entire supercharging team and its executives, which is about 500 employees happening tomorrow, golden gate ferry service between sausalito and san francisco is set to resume after the repairs wrapped up on the sausalito pier. >> very service has been closed for almost 2 weeks after damage was found. one of the piers piles. >> also happening tomorrow, the spare the air summer smog season officially starts said this summer. the agency is encouraging bay area residents to drive less and look for ways to share shorten or change their commutes to help reduce smog traffic and gridlock here in the region. they are reminding people that has seasonally warmer temperatures begin to set in the risk of calling spare the air alerts for unhealthy air
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quality. >> becomes greater. and with that, we're going to hand over to chief meteorologist lawrence karnow that looks more like hayes said, yeah, pollution out. look at it all actually around the bay area. now we've been so far so good. but when you get a big dome of high pressure sitting over head lot of times that could put a cap on the atmosphere and trap a lot of the blues down below. that's not setting up just yet. but those are things that happened during the summer months ahead out there right now. we've got the sea breeze blowing outside will be windy in parts of the bay area's we head toward tonight. overall air quality looking pretty good. we only see one center in oakland area that touched off in the yellow, some moderate amounts of haze showing up there. otherwise looking good as we look toward tomorrow as well. air quality will be fantastic. we've got a pretty healthy breezes around the bay area that tends to most. those blooms on out of here. looks like that will be the case for tomorrow, too. all right. now we're seeing those winds kind of picking up again. we've seen some a 20 mile an hour gusts along the coastline. we're going to see some stronger gusts. i think it's some of the interior valleys overnight tonight. but high pressure slowly building in
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here. we've got a weak system up to the north once that moves through. i think tomorrow that ridge kind of settles in that is going to warm up the temperatures around the bay area likely going to start talking about some numbers running up in the 80's by tomorrow afternoon, at least for parts of the bay area tonight. if you're stepping out the door, a little breezy in spots. nice and clear, though, just a little windy along the coast. thank you, lawrence. coming up, one of the 2 counties involved in the recount for california is 16th congressional district race has finished tallying the numbers. >> it's not a final answer, but we have progress. >> plus, this state's investigation into the group that's paying for the effort to recall alameda county, d a pamela price. as gas prices remain high, the head of the state's oil watchdog agency says he's concerned the oil industry's raking in profits. >> while you feel the pain at the pump capitol correspondent wallace. we'll hear from him. plus how the oi
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>> state attorney general rob bonta held a roundtable discussion with south bay leaders today about continued efforts to try to stop gun violence. montas focus was on equipping local agencies with the tools necessary to try to stop the shooting before it happens as well as implementing rules in other cities. >> we status quo, state of affairs where we have more mass shootings in a year than days in the calendar year where the leading cause of death for our youth. is gun violence. where we lose 45,000 people each year to gun violence. we have more guns
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more places and that creates more gun violence and morgan death. >> mata says investing in the community will lead to meaningful change. >> 16 people were hurt after a u.s. c. >> again, 16 people hurt after a usc bus crashed with a light rail in la. it happened just before noon near the usc campus. 2 people were on the bus at the time wanted serious injuries. the other more minor injuries. police say several people were hurt on the train which had about 30 passengers at the time. >> all new u.s. cars are going to be required to have automatic emergency braking systems by 2029. federal officials unveiled finalized new regulations yesterday. automatic emergency braking sensors hit the brakes to avoid a collision. if the drivers not able to do so in time. >> well, 8 bb as they call it is already very common in new cars sold in the u.s.. >> officials say the new regulations will save hundreds of lives auto insurance rates
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are going up according to government data numbers show a 22% increase compared to this time last year, which is the biggest spike since the 70's, the average premium for full coverage is more than $2500 nationwide. experts say one of the main reasons for the spike, it's due to the rise of advanced technology in cars, making them more expensive to fix riskier to cover for insurers. alameda county district attorney pamela price is fighting back against the group that is trying to get her recalled. >> yeah. just moments ago, the board of supervisors have voted to certify the results of that recall election. we've been telling you about. meantime, the state has open investigation into one of the groups behind the recall. price says in december her campaign filed a complaint against the political action committee financing. the group that is leading the recall effort against her in a
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letter, the california fair political practices commission says that it's investigating potential violations, but that it's not made a determination. 2023, and october, november 2023, they donated approximately $578,000 to safe without complying with the laws that govern all political committees in california >> the registrar of voters determined earlier this month at the number of valid signatures on the recall petition was sufficient to call for a recall election. supporters of the recall also held a news conference today. >> we are here all of that's why again, did miss payment is not about? we call is going to happen. guess and you guys
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history. our public safety pointing >> the recall investigation could take up to several years and penalties could range from a warning to fines. but it will not have an impact on the recall effort itself. >> we told you this earlier, but the major development that happened in the effort to recall the is has just happened in the last half hour. yeah, that's because the alameda county supervisors have accepted the registrar of voters certification that there are, in fact enough legal petition signatures gathered to force a recall election kron four's dan kerman has been following this all day. a fast-moving developments here, dan, with this, decision by the board of supervisors. that's right. the vote by the board of supervisors was unanimous. the board moving the recall forward. >> this after nearly 3 hours of public comment from both sides on the issue. pamela price's futures, alameda county's district attorney hangs in the balance. >> alameda county's board of
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supervisors has accepted the certification of the registrar of voters suggesting there were enough legal signatures to force a recall. this after several hours of public comment from those behind the recall. and those backing the deviation. this is a frivolous, fraudulent and road or only u.s. election. >> campaign to recall da price. alameda county is at a re us but da price been in office. i have no trust in pamela price. ask me, i am a victim's family. the problem is not pamela price. the problem is the people who are getting locked the people who are using drugs. and are out the streets and they're creating all kinds of crime. now that the board is move forward to certify the results, they will hold another meeting on may 14th to set a recall election. >> the special election can be set 88 to 125 days in the future. alternatively, the recall can also take place
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during the november 5th general election, which would save the county a boatload of money. if the recall is successful in prices voted out of office, it will be up to the board of supervisors to appoint someone to take over the appointed da will serve 2 years until the next general election in november of 2026, whoever wins that election, we'll finish out prices term, which runs until january of 2029. now supervisors. no, the da has said the recall was illegal because the charter was not followed. >> one supervisor even noted they hope someone files a lawsuit so the courts can rule on whether that is true in the meantime, those supervisors will push forward. they will meet again on may 14th to set a date for the recall in the newsroom. dan kerman kron. 4 news, right? and we'll continue to follow that now to our 4 zone forecast. a live view can see. >> much of what the wind is doing said for that poor little tree right on the
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breeze was a it was a nice day today. but the lawrence is here with the news about to rein in our future. yeah, we could see a couple raindrops coming our way. the model starting to come together a bit on that right now. it's been really sunny. and that breeze, of course, kicking up again. we're going to see more of that as we head through the night, in fact, that when likely going intensify at least in parts of the bay area, some of the interior valleys show you more in just a second. but out the door now you've got a nice afternoon outside. sure that breeze is blowing up toward the sfo. right now. you've got clear skies. but look at the winds kicking around that little treat up near sfo. and so, yeah, we've had some of those 20 some 30 mile an hour gust near the coastline today. as we take you through the night tonight, here's the forecast and you see these winds begin to shift more of a northerly direction here. offshore wind developing in a county. some of those winds forecast between 30 to 40 plus mph there as we head toward early tomorrow morning. so, boy, you've got travel that way. are you expecting do a comeback from the central valley? be prepared? you're likely to see some gusty winds. so if you've got a truck, high profile vehicle, be very, very careful, expecting some of those winds
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sustained about 15 to 25 miles per hour, gusting as high as 45 miles per hour, especially in the early morning tomorrow. and then i think it begins to ease by tomorrow afternoon. right now we've got a bit of onshore breeze and that is bringing with it some cool air off the ocean waters. otherwise we are fog free right now. that's way it is likely going to stay really nice day around the state, although you can see another area of low pressure swirling up the oregon washington border. they're bringing them some more showers, even some more snow across the high mountains. overall, the pattern looking good for us. high pressure going just kind of nes living over another day here. so that is going kind of crank up the temperatures. i think by tomorrow afternoon we start talking about some numbers sneaking up in the low 80's around the bay area about this weekend. you remember yesterday we're talking about one model of saying, yeah, we're not going to much of anything. the other was saying we're going to get a whole lot of rain. they finally come together. one idea going tell you what, that is a few minutes. okay to compromise between the americans and the europeans together. thanks,
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lawrence. okay. coming up, san francisco's mission district set to get some new affordable housing will tell you when construction is expected to start.
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>> more than 30 million dollars in state funding is going to go towards building affordable housing. >> in san francisco's mission district, the money will be used to develop casa de latte. it's located on south van avenue and it will provide 168 affordable homes to low-income families, formerly homeless families and people living
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with hiv earning between 25 to 80%. the san francisco area median income. the project is expected to begin construction in the winter of 2025. a group of nearly 50 mayors are in washington, d.c., this week calling on congress and the white house to do more to help cities manage homelessness. the group is calling congress to prioritize getting veterans off the streets. they say many veterans are ineligible for federal housing assistance because their va benefits put them above the income threshold. >> this is america in the 21st century. no one should be an house. >> the bipartisan group of mayors is calling on congress to also work in a bipartisan way to help homeless veterans find some housing. >> still ahead tonight on kron, 4 news at 6 in san francisco city leader bringing more awareness to the rise in hepatitis b cases. the group
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he says is most vulnerable. plus, today's deadline for college students to qualify for student loan forgiveness so you can find out you qualify. and california's population is getting bigger. we have the numbers
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>> breaking news we're following out of new york city police officers from nypd have begun moving in on protesters have been occupying part of columbia university. they have taken over hamilton hall, which is an administration building there. and they say they will not leave until their demands have been met. campufi


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