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tv   KRON 4 News at 11pm  KRON  April 30, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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home. news 11. >> now at 11, 100's of new york city police officers marched into columbia university earlier tonight and clear 30, maybe 40 people from inside hamilton hall. this is video showing officers breaking in to the office. they're they're clearing away chairs from the steps. good evening, everybody. thanks for being with us tonight on kron 4 news at 11, i'm grant lotus and i'm noelle bellow. the university of columbia's administration building had been occupied by pro-palestinian protesters for more than 12 hours. demonstrators broke into that building early this morning and they were refusing to leave. >> police didn't give us exact numbers but multiple protesters being seen taken away on buses.
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>> yes, now they're going to clear the tense yet. hundreds of demonstrators who have been camping out on campus of columbia for nearly 2 weeks protesting. of course, the ongoing war between israel and hamas. some of them then broke into this hamilton hall overnight, damaging the building and other school property colombia's president asked police for their help tonight after saying there's really no other way to ensure safety and restore order on campus. law enforcement have been asked to remain on campus through may 17th, which is the last day of the university's graduation events. >> court for the entire this encampment and other cameras around the country across the world. that not about the university not about students,
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it is. going to get with the law? >> here in the bay area, pro-palestine protest continued out several college campuses. tense now cover the quad temperance risk of state university. the protestors. they're saying they're pushing university and u.s. officials to disclose expenditures. the college may have with foreign investors and at uc berkeley. more and more tents are being set up at being as the encampment at sproul plaza grows. it is in its second week. now tomorrow, faculty and staff are planning on joining the protest at noon. protesters are calling on the university to stop investing in companies that work with israel, especially if they're involved in making weapons of war. at stanford university students say they're concerned about disciplinary action from the school. students told us today. >> the school has been sending them letters. >> it start off with 19 for out of like 2 or 3 more. can't exactly remember who have
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gone. gotten letters from the office of community standards and are basically being put through their internal disciplinary process. the language is very big. >> the protesters say they want to have a better understanding of how exactly they might be punished. we've reached out to stanford about the ramifications and what they might be. but we have not heard back. 50 former google employees are filing an official complaint against the company for unlawful termination. 2 weeks ago, these employees held a sit-in protest at google offices in sunnyvale in new york. the company fired last week after they said they were able to find out which employees participated. yesterday the workers filed a complaint saying google unlawfully retaliated against them. the protesters want their jobs back and google to allow workers to protest without retaliation. for all the latest on the israel-hamas war in the college protest. you can head to our website kron 4 dot com. >> layoffs are not over for tesla. less than 2 weeks after
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cutting 14,000 jobs, the ev company is set to lay off hundreds more, including 2 senior executives, according to a report by tech site, the information elon musk sent a letter to those executives saying any employee who doesn't pass the excellent necessary and trustworthy test would be out of a job. a previous report by bloomberg says tesla could end up cutting more than 20,000 employees when all is said and done. no word on if any of those layoffs are here in the bay area. all right. let's talk weather as we take a live look here. the bay bridge toll plaza. >> still a lot of action here for the 11 o'clock hour tuesday. as we look towards tomorrow. >> lot of folks on the lawrence, maybe they'll be out and about tomorrow to going to be a nice day. yeah. should be sunny and bright. everywhere you go. i skies going start nice and clear in the morning across the entire bay area. you see any fog all be right along the immediate coastline. >> and it's only going to be patchy. and then we're going to clear things out. lot of
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sunshine coming our way tonight. clear skies outside. still a little bit of a breeze and that will be more of a factor. i think as we get in toward tomorrow morning in parts of the bay area, temperatures out the door mainly in the 50's now going to be a little chilly early on tomorrow morning. but that normally component to the wind that is going to keep it mostly cloud-free overnight. tonight. then as we head toward your day tomorrow, we've got a lot of sunshine coming your way as high pressure. yeah, that ridge starting to build in and that is going to bring with a lots of sunshine to the bay area and some warmer temperatures to probably going to see some places sneak in the low 80's by tomorrow afternoon. winds, though, will be picking up, especially in some of the interior valleys, get a county headed toward tomorrow morning. look at all the colors filling in. you get the read to get the purple. those are winds gusting 30 40 plus miles per hour there. the national weather service has issued a high wind advisory. they're starting tonight and continuing until wednesday. some of the gusts. 35 to 45 miles per hour. >> thank you, lawrence. so clean up from a large fire in concord is forcing a closure of the intersection of clayton
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road and park street. those flames broke out last night at an empty 3 story building just across from the concord bart station. the fire caused the roof of the building to collapse. no one was injured. the cause is under investigation. officials do plan to reopen that intersection sometime tomorrow evening. >> under the influence, north bay man is in custody tonight after police say he was firing his gun. they did a bunch of times. they say outside apartment complex while he was drunk. police say this is last night in sandra fell. that's where officers found 14 shell casings in the parking lot. police also found the suspect, they say passed out in his car. the man was booked into the marion county jail. at least one person has been injured after 3 vehicles collided. one of the cars flipped over, ended up on its hood here. the crash afternoon on silverado trail and not the county. a total of 7 people were in the vehicles. but fortunately, just one had to be taken to the hospital.
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>> tonight, alameda county supervisors unanimously decided there are sufficient legitimate signatures to move forward with the recall of the district attorney pamela price. the board will now meet on may 14th to set a date for this recall. if it's successful and prices voted out of office, it will be up to the board of supervisors to a point someone to take over for the full story. you can head to our website kron 4 dot com. the lack of leadership in a lack of guidance, according to a city audit. those are the reasons oakland missed out on applying for the state's organized retail theft grant. >> according to this audit, city officials learned about the grant in april. and the oakland police department immediately started preparing an application, but the city's economic workforce development department didn't begin working on an application until june. this is last year. in the end, the audit found no one knew who was actually in charge of applying for this.
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staying in both departments struggled to submit different elements of the application even when the july 7th deadline had passed the audit noted the application may have been submitted on time. if mayor sheng thao had exercised more leadership. and oakland bee keeper is frustrated, too or beyond that after somebody stole a colony of her bees, including the queen. yeah. pretty bizarre theft. it happened minutes before this woman was set to host a honey tasting event for >> the neighborhood and kids kron 4. sarah stinson reports. >> meet the the lady. that's what susan donoghue is known as in her rockridge neighborhood in oakland where she's been living for nearly 3 decades be keeping is a real source of peace for me. donahue often host honey tasting events made from the 25 hives. she manages trying teach the kids and families
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different. >> color and flavor and texture of honey. she was getting ready to do just that on saturday. she says she placed a brand-new be observation of i've like this one on a table in front of her home and then went back inside to grab the honey. i had heard. >> somebody say, hey, look. >> freebies. it's then she realized someone pulled up and stole her colony of 15,000 bees along with its queen bee. it's the pink one on your screen. donahue says the thieves not only stole from her, but also from the kids who came for the experience having to explain to them somebody would steal. these is really >> disheartening to me. do you explain to me what this bees are theft does to the bees left behind these that are left behind? >> we'll survive because i'm here. managing them that these
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that went in that hive. probably are going to die. she says she's heard of home and car burglaries in our neighborhood before. but now to be a victim of get another oakland crime. >> fields to feeding. >> just getting tired the cycle. we're not coming out of hand feeling really and represented policymakers. donahue filed a police report online. she's not heard anything back. >> i'm sara stinson reporting in oakland kron. 4 news. >> well, tonight we're learning what may have caused the death of a great whale that washed up off the coast of alameda, california academy of sciences says it was likely hit by a ship, the 40 foot whale was found on crown beach earlier this month. the official cause of death couldn't be fully determine for sure. do they say because of its a compromised state? >> take a look at this pier.
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39 says more than 800 sea lions were out today soaking up the sunshine that sea lion counts is the highest. it's been in 7 years at the pier. they credit the abundance of sea lions to a larger population of anchovies available to eat this year. up next, when the sausalito ferry will finally be allowed to hit the open waters again. >> plus, neighbors reacting tonight after a brothel bust at a san jose home.
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>> neighbors in san jose tell us a brothel recently busted
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off 16th street had been in business since last year. san jose police say they arrested a 53 year-old man 2 weeks ago and found 2 women at the home who they believe to be human trafficking victims. kron four's jack moment reports. so it's a peaceful night here on 16th street in san jose. but just 2 weeks ago. >> this house right here that's moving out was the site of a police raid where officers say they busted a commercial brothel. >> police say they've been looking at this home of 16th and saint james since november. tuesday moving dropped. the men here. speak mandarin and tell me they were hired to move belongings out of here. they say they don't know anything about what happened here earlier in a broad week or 2 ago or use in its recently moved into the neighborhood and says a bunch of police officers showed up 11:00am several days ago busting what they say is a commercial brothel. >> disturbing details to shun who is a san jose state student. >> for sure, show. i mean, like any crime is a concern to especially since i live like
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right across the street, police also arrested shoe chain the 53 year-old man now charged with pimping and pandering. they found 2 women living in the home who they say are possible human trafficking victims along with a bunch of cash and has been called off to allow members of includes by say this has been going on for months. it bound to have eye. it's been going off to fight 4th of july last year. anthony garcia has lived next door here all his life and says he's seen men come and go out of this house since last summer. just wants a life safety for my sister and my niece and stuff. and while the investigation is ongoing, garcia says now. >> he has some peace of mind. so now that they're out here, i'm like a sigh of relief. in san jose. jack moment. kron 4 news. >> state and community leaders are coming together to address gun violence in san jose, california attorney general rob bonta held a roundtable discussion today highlighting ongoing efforts to prevent gun violence and to identify best practices to keep communities
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safe. the focus is to make sure local law enforcement have the necessary tools to stop the shooting before it happens. >> we status quo state of affairs where we have more mass shootings in a year than days in the calendar year where leading cause of death for our youth. is gun violence. where we lose 45,000 people each year to gun violence. we have more guns in more places and that creates more gun violence and morgan death. >> bonta says investing in the community will lead to meaningful change. >> happening tomorrow, regular ferry service will resume finally between san francisco and sausalito golden gate. ferry service said to be suspended april 19th after damage was found. one of the piers pilings, the shutdown could an end soon enough for frequent riders? >> when little guys are not in
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school, they get through so it's a family i know people that we appreciate it. i think moving your bike on their last >> you can bring your bike on there. and yes, the kids do love can confirm repairs were completed. thanks to exceedingly low tides the last couple of days during work hours and again, regular service will pick back up tomorrow morning for commuters and tourists. >> the couple of nice days to a ride. the ferry is our weather continues to be really nice is a live look at quick tower tonight. yeah. warm out there on the bay. at least relative to what it could be. chief meteorologist lawrence karnow back with us now to talk about the warm temps and when they could be change. yeah, we're going to heat things up the next couple of days. high pressure sits over head a little bit of a northerly the boat and the wind. so here we go. really nice weather. if you want to get out there on the bay. certainly some nice weather to do that as well will be breezy
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at times. no, getting around that or see that sea breeze in the afternoon. little gusty winds inland, especially tomorrow morning. but overall, it is clear as can be right now. and that's why it's going to stay long-range forecasts. this is where it starts to get interesting. again. high pressure overhead. this is the european model yesterday. it was keeping us dry. the american model was saying very wet. well, things have changed. now. these models of started to come together like they usually do as we get a little bit closer tomorrow, looking like a nice day around the bay area, a little more like above the wind thursday. high pressure starts to break down just a little bit. still a gorgeous day. and then as we get into the weekend, here comes we've got storm clouds rolling into the bay area. some rain possibly moving in the bay area during the middle of the day. snow in the high country. if your head up in the sierra nevada be aware of that is likely to see that snow continue into sunday as well. maybe a scattered shower in the sunday around the bay area. rainfall amounts. yeah, you're going to see a pretty good soaker for all comes to maybe half an inch 3 quarters inch in parts of area. this is backed off a little bit from yesterday, but still, that's a lot of rain from 8 out the
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door right now. it is dry. it is clear. slow going northbound there on the golden gate bridge is they're doing some work out there for tonight. but overall, i we're going to see some increasing winds getting gusty in spots in some of the interior valleys. but this weekend, yeah, here comes the chance of showers on the way some warm weather. the next couple of days. so that being said, our temperatures are going to look like this for tomorrow. but on downtown temperatures go about 69 degrees about 70 in the mission. 65 degrees. golden gate park, 70 degrees in the marina coast. there are still a little cool out there. that breeze will be blown just a bit 50's and some 60's there inside the bay about 60 degrees in burlingame working their way down the peninsula. really some nice weather tomorrow should be clear as can be about 74 in san carlos. 71 in foster city about 73 degrees in mount to the south bay are can 70's 80's now by tomorrow afternoon. really comfortable weather out there. warming the interior valleys. 81 little more, 80 in pleasanton about 80 in concord. 75 in berkeley. a little windy, though, as you
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get toward the interior valleys by tomorrow afternoon, especially through the delta, the back toward the coastline, pretty comfortable out there, even out toward the beaches numbers the next couple days. very nice that we start to cool down much cooler into the weekend. not only that looks like a good chance of rain. now on saturday, looks like we'll dry things out. maybe some scattered showers on sunday but doesn't look like much. and this isn't a thunderstorm coming for us look like it right now. but i mean, at this time of year, if you start to get some rain to get a little break and get some heating in the afternoon, we could see some thunderstorms rolling through 2 different lucky. >> you're welcome. >> well, it's baseball weather and the oakland ballers have a home. they can officially go ahead and call raimondi park their place today. the oakland city council approved the 1.6 million dollar plan, the team's footing the bill and ballers executives say they are eternally grateful too. the city residents and fans who have helped them the ballers of the bees as they're known will be dropping new
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renderings of the park tomorrow to pick them up. but then you can look at them. the opening day is on june 4th. they'll play almost 50 games there. >> these suddenly red hot a's look to continue their winning ways tonight against the pirates. we've got jason dumas here to tell us if they were able to run down the bucs, get the win.
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> the giants are hovering just below 500 begin a 10 game east coast road trip today beginning at one of baseball's greatest venues, fenway park. i know it's a long season, but
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the next 2 weeks, they could go a long way into projecting how this season can play out for giants and it's their first time playing at fenway since 2019. the red sox have bounced back from a poor season. they are 3 games over 500 and in 3rd place that least. you've got to yankees. you've got to orioles now the sox. they jumped all over. logan webb. >> 2 on 2 out for rob refsnyder. he rifles a shot up the middle middle tyler o'neill. he scored the red sox are up one to nothing. sox at another in the second 2 outs for jarren duran. he hits a soft grounder up the middle. reese mcguire scores. it's 2 to nothing from add-on in the 3rd is reefs. snyder again, little chopper to it's going to be said it's good enough to plate another run. red sox rolling 3 to nothing. now. will your abreau? he was the one who knocked logan webb out of this game. he smokes that
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one to the right corner. in comes another we have got roughed up. he gave up 4 runs, 9 hits in 3 and two-thirds innings as the giants. they lose 4 to nothing. >> let's head to the town a's hosting the pirates tonight at the coliseum looking to make it 2 in a second inning. >> we have a tie game to offer tyler nevin first. he hits a flare out to right. that brings in the go ahead. run a's lead 2 to one same score in the 5th. jj bleday. can't leave it over the plate like that. he hits it into the budweiser seats. his second of the season, if 3 to now his next time up. let me do it again this time. dead center. man. he had a good game. his first career to home run game a's, win 5 to today. look for the sweep tomorrow. i let's head out to msg. sixers on the
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brink of elimination trying to fend off the next spending great perry's you've got the sixers off to a great start and finish. you'll see that later off the turnover. that guy in the open court catching sixers were up 9 after one jalen brunson. he's proved a he is a gamer himself. stop popped, open up, shot. you really get. that's a rough ride you. get new york, max going with the theme. all right. joel embiid. he wasn't great today. mitchell robinson plus it from behind og anunoby with the steal. knicks are up 5 a minute. 30 left. everybody in madison square garden is going crazy. but then tyrese maxey set brakes. pump your brakes from the logo coming off 3 of those. >> you've got a tie game with about 8 seconds left. jalen brunson wants to be the hero.
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he gets to a sweet spot, but amazing defensive play. he gets the block so anyway. 61. >> overtime we've got to see
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: occupy u. invasion. the barricades. and the hero students who tried to keee


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