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tv   KRON 4 News at 11pm  KRON  May 1, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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>> news station, this is home. 11.
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>> now at 11 video captures a man assaulting 2 people in downtown san francisco today. the person who shared this with us says both victims are elderly asian, met. thanks for being with us tonight on kron. 4 news at 11, i'm grant lotus and i'm noelle bellow. san francisco. police did not tell us if they're investigating this as a hate crime. but the incident happened around 10, 20 this morning. >> at post and kearny streets near union square. you can see in the surveillance video, the man in a blue shirt got out of his car, even shelves. this first victim nearly into the street and tries to kick him the suspect, then. chases him in street. suspect then goes after the second victim and pushes him to the ground. he then gets back into his car and drives off. police are describing the victims as a 59 year-old man and a 78 year-old man. they say this is an active investigation.
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happening now at ucla, tense time said >> really it's getting worse as police wait for pro-palestinian protesters to disperse. this is a live look from above courtesy of our sister station in la ktla, los angeles police first told protesters to disperse it. 8 o'clock tonight or risk getting arrested. but there is still a huge encampment there. and officers have not taken any aggressive action too clear the encampment. so a bit of a standoff there at ucla and we'll keep you posted as protests obviously are on college campuses all across the country. may first marks across the u.s. more than 1500 hotel workers and janitors marched the streets of
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downtown san francisco today demanding higher pay and better health care. >> kron four's sara stinson joining us live from the city with details on that. mark. sarah. >> hotel workers and janitors say they wanted to make a statement to their employers by marching on city streets in the statement they made blocking every single street even passing some of the major hotels down by union square wright has the evening commute started picking up. >> hundreds of hotel workers and janitors march through downtown san francisco wednesday afternoon, demanding more from their employers. >> so power we show you we? we show them that at this we united workers gathered at union square and marched down to market street, shutting down streets in suspending muni service on geary street.
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many held up signs that read one job should be enough. a lot of our folks work multiple jobs. they have to do. that is the tapia is the president of the union unite here local 2, she says since the pandemic, several hotels cut hours, we really believe that you should be able to work one job have to have the basic things that your having. you know, basically fair market >> current contracts are set to expire this summer for 5,000 janitors and 10,000 hotel workers in the bay area. contract negotiations are set to begin in august. many hotel workers say better health care is their top priority. when you have contract we need to have >> hackers is the main thing because i have my daughter will have a i do have problems like half. our pride >> up and i need medicine
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>> union leaders, they hope that negotiations go well this summer so that a strike is not necessary. i'm sara stinson reporting live in san apfrancisco. kron. 4 news. sarah, thank you. labor rights wasn't the only issue top of mind today. hundreds of protesters also marched in oakland's demanding an end to the war in gaza. kron four's dan thorn talked with organizers there who say today's rally. >> was a win. groups that this rally at the west oakland bart station claiming victory wednesday, businesses at the port of oakland canceled all work in anticipation of labor and pro-palestinian protests. we consider when we consider this a testament to the power of our community that bosses and employers rather than face a qr community would rather take that millions of dollars of of hidden profit. one seem highs with arab resource and organizing center says.
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>> this sends a message that the u.s. government should stop giving millions to israel as the war in gaza continues. palestinian and oakland dock worker moussa der vis says he's standing with his union. i lw you local 10 in calling for an immediate cease-fire. bombs drop on people and kids women. >> killing he will read it to 300 people and is all but all of tax money is going to support israel. >> and united states need to stop doing hundreds also gathered at oakland city hall, including members of advocacy groups. >> like critical resistance and gabriel, oakland. >> organizers say there's a deep connection between organized labor and standing up for social justice and we know our unintentionally allow to continue feeding this. this genocide, not only in >> protesters say they believe their message for a cease-fire
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is increasingly being heard. but these rallies will not stop until a permanent solution is reached in oakland. dan thorn kron. 4 news. >> for weeks, students across the country and here in the bay area have been protesting, demanding their universities divest from israeli linked company is the latest group to join this effort. are students at santa clara university, organizers say with tensions high and universities all across the country, they were determined to keep this event calm in solidarity with the palestinian people. faculty joined the students today for a protest and teach in. they said the goal was education and discourse around gaza. >> we want to also call for change on campus in terms of having a university divest from any investments they have supporting the iowa. currently. we work closely with them to ensure that the
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goals of their activity could be met. at the same time, the university can ensure a safe environment given everything that's going on across the country. >> meantime, some faculty and staff joined student protesters over at u c berkeley today as well. this is the largest demonstration in the bay area. there's more than 100 tents outside of sproul hall. now, a spokesperson for the university says there have been no disruptions to operations and no violence. >> that every student no matter who they are. what they believe in. has a right to feel. respected. welcome in a true sense of belonging. >> some jewish students on campus, however, disagree. they say their safety has not been a priority for several months. tensions on campus have gotten the attention of the bay area, jewish community relations council. its ceo says it's non-students that are often at fault for escalating tensions. he's asking uc berkeley not to allow them on campus and it's been nearly a week since student protesters created an
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encampment at stamford. overall, students feel it's been peaceful, but some tell us they fear that could change one graduate student we spoke with says they've noticed additional security on campus. >> new cameras for surveillance around the area that is supposed to be for free speech under there. i demand that is supposed increase safety. however, we face, we feel more unsafe when they come and they bring cops near to us. basically saying thattis their property and that we should leave. he says happened multiple times during the morning. >> we did reach out to palo alto police who say they have not provided any assistance to the university at this time. now house lawmakers in dc are responding to the student protests by passing legislation to expand the definition of anti-semitism. it now goes to the senate. it's passed and signed into law. the bill would broaden the legal definition of anti-semitism to include the targeting of the state of israel. critics say this move
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would have a chilling effect on free speech throughout college campuses. >> earlier today, people in san francisco also marched in solidarity with the palestinian people from the mission districts. they walk to city hall. this is video of that from the citizen app. immigrant rights and worker organizations join together with anti war organizers. 2 demand investment in workers and immigrant communities and not bankrolling a war. richmond city council members have agreed to stop investing in companies that they say are involved in israel's violations of palestinian rights. richmond will divest from an agreed upon list of companies, including airbnb. microsoft, motorola, among others. last october, richmond city council members passed a resolution affirming that city support and solidarity with the palestinian people of gaza and stay with kron 4 on air and online for the latest info on the war. also, campus
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protests as well as the hostages that are still taking. you can head to our website kron 4 dot com. >> let's get you a live look now at sfo this evening. a dozen to hazy, but i see a plane taking off right there. >> there's a plane and here's a large chief meteorologist lawrence karnow with the wake-up forecast tomorrow. yeah. should be some great weather ahead as we're going to wake up not going to cold tomorrow morning. we may see a patch or 2 of fog along the immediate coastline that maybe hint of changes to come outside. right now, it is mostly clear and nice evening around the bay area. today's highs well above the average we're in the 80's and live more. 80 degrees. even 81 in concord, 81 in santa rosa. 68 very pleasant and san francisco. 73 in oakland, 78 in san jose. sea breeze doing its work right now. help to cool down the temperatures just a little bit around the bay area now. but so far, not much in the way of fog. we've
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got more of a northerly component, the winds, but high pressure in control. but that ridge, well, we've got a couple of systems that are rolling over the top of that one, making its way up toward oregon, washington right now that's going up the week and that ridge just a little bit. and that some changes by tomorrow afternoon, at least along the coastline will be warm inside. the valleys will see plenty of sunshine, some 70's and 80's again. but along the coast, couple patches of fog begin to move in, especially late in the day. so we're working on a beautiful day. 77 in san jose. 73 in oakland and 64 breezy in san francisco. >> thank you, lawrence. coming up, crews in the east bay conduct controlled burns to reduce wildfire risk. how long the projects going to last? >> plus, thousands of people are losing their home insurance. well, real leaders say this will also affect the housing market in the bay area. >> and a man takes off with an expensive toy. how the shop owner from daly city says he was tricked.
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>> new at 11, an ambulance was stolen in santa rosa tonight. while paramedics were at the scene of a medical emergency happened just before 8.45. on 4th street in santa rosa. the sonoma county fire district says the ambulance paramedic was with the patient. while the emt was in the back of the ambulance. that's when the patient suddenly got up ran to the ambulance, jumped in the driver's seat and sped off with the emt. still in the back, police used spike strips to finally stop the ambulance. they were able to take that suspect into custody. >> daly city toy store owner is hoping police can find the
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guy took advantage of him. still a toy worth more than 200 bucks right in front of his face. take a look at the surveillance video. the story posted this is from the location in the westlake shopping center. it shows the thief asking if you can siya toy behind the counter after the owner brings it to the counter. the man asks to see another item as the owner turns to get that guy just takes off boats with the $200 toy. we reached out to daly city police about this incident but so far have not heard back. >> and contra costa county firefighters are continuing the next phase of a 3 million dollar project to stop future wildfires. it's called fuel break. project were contra costa. fire crews worked to clear overgrown and dry vegetation to try and limit the spread of wildfires. work started in ross more and around sections of lafayette last july. that's 3 million dollar project funded by cal fire is intended to save lives and property within a 190 acre
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area. >> we're doing our >> preparedness before increased. fire season really kicks off. we're asking residents say make sure space is around the houses. >> the fuel break project will continue for the next few weeks. right now to the weather as we take a live look above the city on what was a. >> another warm day all across the bay. yeah. those warm temperatures do make you a little worried about fire season. but lawrence says something different on yeah. we may get a little rain that will hold that off a bit. of course, the hill still very green outside the on the long they'll be altering brown with the warmer temperatures as we get ready for summer time. but >> tonight, mostly clear skies around the bay area that will soon change, though. i'll show you that more in just a moment. but we're going get back into maybe some pretty decent weather is. we've got a significant rain event, especially for may. here comes all right in the forecast models you can see by tomorrow morning. not a bad day. some
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clouds begin to move up the coastline. most that patchy fog by the afternoon. some of the patchy fog moves along the coastline friday. kind of a transitional day. more cloud cover in the way of fog that you see the big green blob get very close to that. moving on shore, right as we head towards saturday morning. and that's going to be pretty good soaker 2, in fact, model starting a maybe as much as an inch of rain in some parts of bay area. more than that over some of the coastal ranges. and that is a very significant rain event, especially for may. temperatures tomorrow under sunny skies, a fight about 6, 7, degrees in the mission. a cooler along the coastline with a couple of patches of fog moving in there. 66 in burlingame, 65 south. san francisco. 72 in redwood city, the south bay enjoying some sunshine, upper 70's on the all day long and warm. going to low 80's into livermore and pleasanton tomorrow. 71 in union city about 79 in walnut creek, about 81 degrees in concord. so really some nice weather. another round. then temperatures going to start to change a bit, especially along the coastline and the bay. and then we'll cool things out a
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little bit more. a few more clouds coming our way on friday. expect some pretty good rain, especially on saturday morning. the good news is most of that comes through saturday morning by saturday afternoon. we start to dry things out sunday. cinco de mayo. here we go. get out there and enjoy lots of sunshine, but it will be a lot cooler. the second time this week a moscow and said, i'm ready, i'm ready for a good. all rain down like all right. thousands of homeowners in orinda. >> unfortunately are set to lose their insurance when state farm %nds its coverage this summer. >> now there are all kind of scrambling to find a new insurer. state farm first announced in march that it would be dropping 72,000 property insurance policies in california, mainly in areas prone to wildfires. a real id are in no date is recommending state farm customers sign up for california is fair plan. the state program is for california residents and business owners and urban and rural areas who cannot get insurance through a regular insurance company, state farm
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customer and orinda native david anderson says he's navigating his options. booker says i'm learning about the california fair >> let's talk in august. they'll give us enough time to can either. >> i guess that's the plan. gusts, the state department of insurance says the agency has experts ready to assist affected state farm customers. >> live look at the bay bridge plaza tonight. crews have closed some of the eastbound lanes on the bridge to do emergency repairs. caltrans says they won't reopen those lanes until 5 in the morning. caltrans plans to do the same repairs on the westbound lanes tomorrow night. so be aware of that. meantime, in pittsburgh, 4.4 million dollars is going toward improving 2 miles of road. those improvements near highway 4 are expected to take about 4 to 6 weeks with the majority of the work performed overnight. officials say they will start working on all of
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this later on thismonth. >> coming up in sports, the giants were back at fenway taking on the red sox will also check in on the a's and the earthquakes. jason dumas is next.
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>> and >> now kron 4 sports. >> the giants on game 2 of their east coast road trip looking to bounce back from a loss against the red sox and get a much-aeeded win at fenway. it was a party outside of fenway for this one. boston is a fun city. always
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something going on. 3rd inning. no score. tom murphy. it's the thrill of a lifetime. he hit one over the green monster. i've set up there. really one. nothing giants top of the 4th giants down 2 to one man on second and 3rd, mike yastremski. asked about his textbook but as you can lay down. have a tie game after run-scorer. yes, his mom's loving it. 3, 2 red sox. now jarren duran. he killed the giants on tuesday. continued that trend. today. he rips a shot to right that plates. another run your and had to stand up. triple lead 42. that's all the sox really needed. the giants could only muster 2 runs on 5 hits case in point, jorge soler shows the team's frustration is going to hit a laser to 3rd.
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what play and has served to take off after that. look at 11 and gets you angry and look at the dozens. give like giant. they lose this 62. all right. let's head out to the town game 3 of series with the pirates, former giant ross stripling on the mound for oakland. hasn't gotten a win since october. first 2022 with the blues. a second. no score. abraham toro hernandez sends one out to center field. >> that's his 3rd home run of the season. the a's go up one to nothing. but the approach of 3rd inning, tyler nevin who has cook. bro. that is out here. 384 feet into the cheap seats. every seat, 16 seed at the coliseum. you it's 2. nothing changed. meanwhile, strippling does and he's lost his last 10 starts. he pitched 6 scoreless innings. he only gave up 3 hits and for good
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measure, the a's add on in the 8th kyle mccann. he wrote a single to right that plates. another run a's, win it 14, nothing. they complete the sweep against the pirates. they've won 6 of their last 7 games. great stuff. there. all right. levi stadium. it will be rocking this saturday for the annual california clasico. it's one of the biggest regular season matches on the mls calendar every year, earthquakes they're hosting la fc. it's been a rough year for the earthquakes. there currently last in the western conference standings. but today head coach lou chi gonzalez said playing a team like la fc and getting a win can turn around the season. >> this is game that is really important that can sparked moments and that we want to continue going in the right direction. but it's not a given that the pfizer it's just it's another but at the end of the day, like we want to approach and knowing that there's a lot of steps in our
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journey this season. but this is one that i don't have to say much. these guys are so excited to play in this stadium was like i said, this environment against this opponent. i mean, it doesn't get better than this. so we're excited about that. >> lucia gonzalez, steve double she was telling me how to pronounce the guy's name. >> during the south usa inc trial. but he was thinking kim cattrall cut raul. but steve kerr out any way they looked alike. yeah, little bit. double game right there. >> so it should be you a big match. you get a good one, oakland ballers game or what we get covered. yeah. what's the battle i get it a you know what? we're going to let them build over will probably see them there. we've got to pro teams in though they'll get our attention. probably one a leita coop. well, i would get the ball is jersey with the bees? yeah. call thank thank you. we've got for tonight.
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appreciate you being with us. 7. goodnight. be safe. we'll see you back here tomorrow. next. next. stop. we got it? no. keep going. again... [ gasps ] next. if you don't pick one, i... am i keeping you from your job? next. stop! do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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>> announcer: mayday mayhem. the new police tactic. coast to coast chaos.


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