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tv   KRON 4 News at 9am  KRON  May 2, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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right now. there is a building on fire. this is in. >> the city right near jackson and leavenworth streets in the hill neighborhood. you can see the flames here coming from the roof of the building. this video posted recently by san francisco's fire department. officials unity is affected in that area. and as you can see, the flames and they're leaving pretty high. no word if there any injuries with this. obviously we're in contact with the u.s. just part of our will let you know, as we learn more. but that is happening right now in the city of san francisco. let's bring it back here into the studio. good morning. it is 09:00am i'm james fletcher. i'm stephanie lin. let's get your morning. started with a check of the weather and traffic agent day there. guys. we are looking at a day today that is going to continue to bring. >> plenty of sunshine with it. definitely a pleasant feel and just as warm as yesterday was you look outside right now at the transamerica building downtown san francisco showing off all that sunshine that we're tennessee for yet
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another day. little bit of fog in the mendocino coast line will drift our direction tonight into tomorrow morning. so do anticipate that still a bit breezy for the north bay and the coastline. but overall winds are calmer and temperatures just as warm. so another beautiful want to get out there. 50's to low 60's for current temperatures. san mateo at 64 berkeley and sonoma right at 60 degrees later on today. we'll be looking at temperatures in the 70's to low 80's for yet another one. michael. >> thanks, john. and good morning, everyone. it is 901. and taking a look at the traffic right now. things are starting to slow down from that morning commute. but we still see some small backups here and they're taking a look at your drive times crockett to the maze. 28 minutes, walnut creek to 5, 80 17 m nutes. castro valley to the maze. 24 minutes in stanley and or to the maze. 25 minutes once you get over to the maze in the bay bridge area, you can see things are pretty clear for the most part from the maze into the city. it's a 12 minute commute. so not too bad. taking a look at the san mateo bridge, 20 minute commute over that there is a
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disabled car on the right hand lane heading on to the peninsula. so keep that in mind. if you're heading westbound and it's actually the same situation on the richmond. sandra fell bridge. they're also seeing a delayed car. if you're heading over towards the north bay. but overall, 16 minute commute there. we take a look at that. golden gate bridge going to take gorgeous golden gate bridge. it is only a 27 minute commute into the city. i will send it to 2 at the desk. >> michael, thank you very much. and i know one is the time and developing news this morning. protests on college campuses are growing across the country, including here in the bay area, as are all calling for a cease-fire in gaza. and we do know some of those demonstrations have even turned violent involving law enforcement response. >> kron four's will tran is live for us right now at u c berkeley with the latest will what are you seeing out there? >> at the encampment is still here at uc berkeley, but it is peaceful. the police officers are not moving in. they are monitoring the situation. meantime, you can see the students walking to their
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classrooms. graduation is just one week away. but around the corner, the encampment about 70 tense still there. now, let me show you video to the south of us in los angeles at ucla. a different scene as in the overnight hours. police officers told the protesters there the pro-palestinian protesters that they had to disperse. they use their loudspeakers. and when they did not disperse after a certain amount of time, that's when they moved in. there was a clash between protesters and many of the police officers and others who did not push back. they actually locked arms, making it difficult for police officers to make arrests in the end. more than 100 people were arrested on the campus of ucla watching that situation very closely as well as universities across the country. president biden, he woke up this morning. he saw the footage. here's his reaction from a national news conference this morning. so
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let me be clear. >> peaceful protest in america. violent protest is not protected. peaceful protest it's against the law violence occurs. destroying property is not a peaceful protest. it's against the law. vandalism truss passion, breaking windows, shutting down campuses, forcing the cancellation of classes and graduation. none of this is a peaceful protest threatening people, intimidating people he's telling for people is not peaceful protest. it's against the law. the senate is essential to democracy, but the senate must never lead to disorder or to deny the rights of others so students can finish the semester and their college education. >> stern message from president biden and the same message actually about 6 o'clock this morning from governor gavin newsom. so take a look at your screen. he took the axe and released this
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statement. he says i condemn the violence at ucla last night. the law is clear the right to free speech does not extend to inciting violence. vandalism. lawlessness on campus. those who engage in illegal behavior must be held accountable for their actions, including 3 criminal prosecution suspension or expulsion. let me show you video of the encampment that's been a couple of weeks old at u c berkeley. it is at sproul plaza sproul hall. it is right next to the police department literally within feet. so police officers. >> can pounce on the situation. should anything happen? but so far they have not moved in. it is peaceful. despite a little skirmish last night where a couple of groups got into it and at least 2 people were injured. but the encampment remains this morning without officers moving back to you. >> all right. thank you very much. will. and in related news, richmond's city council has agreed to stop investing
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in companies they say are involved in israel's violation of palestinian rights city leaders say the richmond will divest going forward from a list of companies. recognize includes airbnb, microsoft, motorola and others. last october, you may remember richmond city council members passed a resolution affirming the city support and solidarity with the palestinians in gaza. >> more than 1500 hotel workers and janitors marched the streets of downtown san francisco yesterday, demanding raises and better health care. the march started at union square and continue to market street with a block traffic and stop muni service on geary. union leaders say their current contract expires in august for 5,000 janitors and 10,000 hotel workers. workers say since the pandemic hotels have scaled back services and staff it. >> you know, corporations able to deal with and is down and
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they're able to do that by cutting staff and saving money so they they can conserve caused by doing that. whereas you know, as working people, i bill say the same our wednesday, the same. our groceries are going up, right? everything costs more. and we don't have a way of dealing pandemic out of the survive and >> the union president says they're hoping to go. she asians goes smoothly this summer and that a strike will not be necessary. >> well, fast food workers in oakland plan to strike today to protest health and safety concerns. so there's a mcdonald's play loco where employees there say that their stores have failed to protect workers and customers from hazardous conditions in a formal complaint to cal osha employees described seeing rats new billing on pieces of bacon and hamburgers that are ready to serve to customers play local workers plan to strike today at 3 o'clock. well, mcdonald's workers will be striking. they say at 4.30, both at their respective locations in oakland.
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>> and downtown francisco video captures a man assaulting 2 people, both elderly asian men. now this happened around 10, 20 yesterday morning at post in kearny streets near union square. you can see in this surveillance video, the man in a blue t-shirt gets out of a car shows the first victim and then tries to kick up. you can see that show happening just there. the suspect then goes after a second victim and pushes him to the ground. it gets back in his car and drives off. now police are describing the victims as a 59 year-old man and a 78 year-old man. they say this is an active investigation and are still trying to figure out if this was a hate crime. >> the auditor for the city of oakland has released a pretty hefty report detailing how the city missed out on millions of dollars in funding to tackle retail crime and covers theresa brings us the story. >> and so that's what stuck out to to me is >> no real process. guided buy a policy insistent on
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wednesday city auditor michael houston explaining his department's findings. >> and analyzing why missed out on applying for the state's organized retail theft prevention grant program or rtp the state budget act of 2022. allocated 242 million dollars to support local law enforcement agencies such as opd to help prevent and respond to organized retail theft motor vehicle theft and cargo theft. the audit showed 38 separate oakland city officials were emailed alerting them of grant monies ranging from 6 million to 15 million dollars at stake months before the deadline. however, auditor houston said that his team discovered a process that was at times chaotic and in the end never successfully submitted the required documents. he adds, although various departments played a role, he says that the mayor could have made a difference in the final
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outcome. say the but half >> and sizemore of the direct leadership in making sure that the grant application process was carried out successfully. you need to make sure that someone is in charge. and we spent, example, during the great recession. >> a lot of effort getting every penny from the obama stimulus from washington. and we just made sure that every detail was covered. we did rehearsals about filing. we make sure our web sites were up and running. we didn't take any chances at all. >> dan lin time is a former oakland city administrator and a current uc berkeley professor. he says that his team was able to secure more than 100 million dollars in grants during his tenure on it or houston says bottom line, the city could do more to secure critical grants. >> develop and implement a citywide grant management policy provides prescriptive
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guidance right including delineation of roles and response to the audit. mayor sheng thao center sunday mail saying that she takes ultimate responsibility for the failure to secure the grant monies and >> in the meantime, has been working hard to secure more funding to tackle crime in the newsroom. tree says stasio kron. 4 news. >> thank you, theresa to 9.10, is the time and in the east bay, the oakland ballers are moving forward with that 1.6 million dollar renovation at raimondi park. they released these renderings showing what the new home of the ballers will look like. once all that work is completed. >> so we're putting in place that are going to be done by local artists. there's going to be local food trucks and their own internal concessions to by lots lots of different, great ballpark food it's going to be it's going to be a good time. i think that's really what we're going for. we want to feel like a big love letter to oakland. >> well, opening day for the ballers is set for june 4th.
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>> still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, the effort to recall alameda county da pamela price moves forward. the word from legal experts on what comes next. and thousands are being dropped from their home insurance. how realtors say this could impact the housing market in the bay area. >> looking at a pretty comfortable day today, all in all some low 60's at the coastline. well, elsewhere in the bay got another afternoon of 70's to even low 80's. in
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>> all right. we are back here at 9.14 with a live look behind us of the golden gate
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looking so pretty out there morning. yeah, a lot of sunshine out there. john. good morning. yeah. and you know, if it's sunday at the golden gate, you're pretty much got it in most other spots. that's exactly what we've got going on here from the east bay hills. still looking nice and lush and green up in those hillsides. and guess what? we've got another dose of rainfall just around the corner. that's going to keep it that way for a little bit longer. >> skies may have been dry the past few days and will remain that way through friday. but rainfall on its way saturday winds a little bit calmer than they've been, which is a bit of good news. we do still have those blustery conditions at the coast. again, a warning does still remain, especially for the point raised coastline where it's windiest now. right now, this next storm is up in the gulf of alaska. it's a cold weather maker dives in towards friday night into saturday. and as it does so we've got widespread showers throughout the course of the day on saturday and take a look at all that blew up in the sierra. this is a late season cold storm right here. so more so snow in the sierra and for us in the bay area are rainfall totals on saturday and many areas are very likely
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to exceed our monthly averages for the month of may. normally over the entire month. this is what your rainfall looks like and we'll do this in the course of just a day. likely. so that is definitely something that is to be remarked. as for the sierra itself, a lot of snowfall at the very crest. you start to see that chance of around 2 feet of snow at those very highest elevations and snow level falls to some some very low elevations. do expect chain controls in effect. if you are heading up there and driving around on saturday. as for today, daytime highs are super pleasant. we're looking at a lot of 70's for your peak temps, napa. conquered each getting into the low 80's. and a look ahead shows temperatures remaining one more day on the mild side tomorrow before a big cool down on saturday. some inland areas will cool down as much as 20 degrees from today through saturday as the rainfall arrives, michael? well, thank you, john. good morning, everyone. it's 9.16 taking a look at the roads.
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things are starting to calm down as we get into the. >> more later hours of the morning taking a look at the south bay right now. it's a 44 minute commute from san jose to mountain view, not too bad. the 101. it's a 60 minute commute from san jose to menlo park. keep in mind there was an accident on the northbound lanes over near redwood city. it's been cleared up. if you're in that area, there's going to be some residual delays there. checking in in the dublin to fremont area. 27 minute commute. not too bad. and looking at some drive times for those heading out from livermore. 14 minute commute from livermore to dublin, dublin to fremont 27 minutes. san leandro milpitas. 44 minutes, they'll just a sunnyvale. 11 minutes checking in at the antioch area. it's down to 22 minutes from antioch to concord, which is great news and looking at westbound 80 crockett to the maze. 23 minutes. if you are emerging over towards that, richmond, sandra fell bridge 13 minute commute. they are dealing with a disabled car there at the toll plaza. so keep that in mind. if you're heading over pack some patients. lastly, that bay bridge, it's a 14 minute
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commute from the maze into the city of san francisco. i'll send it back to 2 at the desk. >> thank you, michael night. 17 is the time time to talk winners and losers on wall street. we have our financial expert, rob black joining us this morning on a day where the markets look pretty rob, what why the good news while the good feelings on wall street? >> yeah, it's it's kind of interesting to kind of doing well, doing well. now. inflation is a little bit of a bump. that's what the fed reserve said yesterday. jerome powell said we're going to keep interest rates here for not going to hike that felt like good news. but it looks like maybe september will be one cuts. we've gone from 6 cuts expected at the end of last year cut. it started the year to 2 cuts to one cut. but that's a good thing. that means things are falling apart. welcome up. 9% today doordash down 13% on bad numbers. i used company carvana 34% of winners and losers and it feels like a pretty normal health market that's holding up with higher interest i'm giving the stock
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market kind of a b plus right now. it's it's it's in a good place place. okay. not in a good place, though, apparently is peloton to see the headline that the ceo is going to be stepping down. >> and 15 person, the workforce to be gone. that's 400 real human beings of note. this was a pandemic. darlene stock. it once was selling for $151. now it's selling for $2.80 10, a lot of bad pr. let's just face the pandemic ended people went back jim's and it's an expensive luxury, so to speak, to have a bike that's going to become a, you know, co holder, my family set exercise equipment. okay. >> and then what's also this is kind of confusing to me because as more and more automakers are adopting the tesla charging standard, i would expect that they be ramping up building that charging network when building up that team. but what's this headline were? it says tesla is apparently gutting its
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supercharger team. what's going on there? this is pretty alarming as an investor and it's a potential ev buyer. >> basically elon musk and his 500 member team made deals rivian but ford, gm, bmw, loosen nissan. they're all going to use that long magic wand that that they're superchargers have it and you can charge s led 40 minutes with 300 plus miles to maisie. it's convenient to the gold standard. it's the 21st century gas station. and earlier this week, i said you're all fired. so companies like rivian florida pmw. they have no one to contact and on top of it, any construction was going on with cities. they have no one to and this is a huge it was going to be point in 740 million dollars in profit basically the the nation's gas station for evs. and now you must just took turn. and it's it's is what people on my side of wall street are saying. biden gave
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a big chunk of the 7 half billion dollars infrastructure to elon musk's tesla helped build these out tesla for their part. they're saying we're going to build slower. i'm going to make sure that the ones that are operating efficiency fisherman 100% so. i just don't get it's like getting a big part of your business, it's light crime saying we're not going to sports ever again. likely what, it's a weird turn. interesting. okay. >> well, well, we'll have to wait and see what the fallout of that is. and then lastly, let's talk real quick with the time we have left the what's this headline? 21 billion dollar influencer industry has ad fraud problem. what's going on there? >> yeah, you know, influencers used celebrity influencers like michael jordan, george foreman. they selected goals and nike's. it's an industry that's grown from 1.6 billion in 2016 to 4 billion dollars by the end of this year. i think of it as smaller
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celebrities with more of a niche pitch. and what we're finding out is it states they're buying influence, influencer buying followers. they're manipulating their metrics. companies are trying to sell toothpaste or, you know, showed. is that having problem getting the right pitch and then every now and influence from it. like spot for michael wildfires like old. that's bad for the brand. so it's not maturing. terribly nicely. production was sued. she lost the government, took one-point-five million to her in a fine because she's pitching crypto. it's just the biggest example of the celebrities. they're not really celebrities and they don't have any management. and there's no rules and lot of manipulation of the data. interesting. okay. >> rob, thank you as always. fascinating. the stories you find. we're going to with rob again on a monday. so make sure you get your questions and comments you see his facebook, his x handle in his e-mail, rob at rob black, not calm. back at 9.24. in the
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north bay, an ambulance was stolen in santa rosa while paramedics were at the scene of a medical emergency. so here's what happened. it was a little before 8.45. last night on 4th street. here's a picture of the actual ambulance. the sonoma county fire district says the ambulances, paramedic was with the patient. while the emt was in the back of the ambulance. but they say the patient at one point suddenly jumped up, ran to the ambulance, hopped in the driver's seat and sped off with the emt. still in the back. police say they ended using spike strips to stop the ambulance and took that suspect into custody. 10
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people have been sighted in the north bay for overcharging customers for contract work as much as $50,000. in some cases, this is a picture from one of the sting operations conducted by law enforcement in marin and sonoma counties last month. and officials say all of the people cited were unlicensed contractors. and according to the contractors, state license board, unlicensed contractors have to charge no more than $500. and in these cases, they charge way more than that. >> in the east bay, the original creator of free comic book day officially host the event for the last time every year on may, 4th flying color comics and other cool stuff. that's the name of the store in concord celebrates free comic book day a day where you guessed it, free comics are given out to the public. the event was founded back in 2002 by the owner of the store, joe field. and it just grew in popularity internationally to include 2000 other comic book stores. but even with the success, the store's future in
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concord is uncertain. field says he is trying to find a new home for flying colors, but still isn't exactly sure where the final flying color comics free comic book day on saturday, we'll feature thousands of free comic books and special guest bobby rubio and accomplished animation artist whose work for pixar disney, nickelodeon and paramount. so check it out. coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news, san francisco city supervisor aaron peskin enters the race for mayor his plans to address the city's affordable housing crisis. that's coming up.
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>> we are back 9.30, is the
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time. a live look behind us here at the embarcadero in the bay on this thursday morning with her. just a gorgeous start to the day. beautiful blue skies up there, too. and hopefully that will last at least through tomorrow. john, i know we've got some rain for the don't expected on saturday, but yet today and tomorrow going to be gorgeous days. if you're looking for a weekend day to really catch the sunshine and warmth friday is your opportunity for it. this is your look outside at the embarcadero. lot of you walking around out there getting the jogs in. glad to see it. saturday is going to be a rest day for some of us. maybe even if it regardless. but we are looking out there a little bit of wind up on the north coast. still a blustery day for some of our coastal neighbors. the rest of us, though, absolutely gorgeous and warm 50's to 60's for a current temps, brentwood, europe at 71 now are for spot to get into the low 70's but certainly won't be the last. some of us will be rocketing past that 70 degree mark actually getting up to 80 this afternoon. i'll give your full forecast breaking down all the changes as we go. michael.
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>> thanks good morning, everyone. it's 9.31. taking a look at the roads right now. our bridges look great the bay bridge. it's only a 15 minute commute over that. taking a look at the san mateo bridge, you can see it's a 15 minute commute. there's no brake lights there and moving up north a little bit at the richmond, sandra fell bridge 13 minute commute. there isn't this disabled car at the tolls. so keep that in mind as you're heading out. and lastly, that golden gate bridge, you can see it's a 21 minute commute into the city. i will send it back to to the desk. ok? thank you very much, michael. at 9.30, let's turn to another big story this morning. thousands of homeowners in red are set to lose their insurance now and state farm ends its coverage this summer. >> now they're all scrambling to find a new ensure. that's a really tough situation out there. this insurance crisis is impacting the real estate industry. >> kron four's gayle ong reports. i think our government has to get involved. >> this is it's a problem. people need have insurance for their homes were burned or cold around is a realtor at coldwell banker realty basin a
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city at the top of the list of state farm customers scheduled to be dropped this summer. cold around is not only helping clients navigate the home insurance crisis. just got a text from my neighbor the other day. and he was one of the many homes that have been dropped by state farm by advised him to speak to a reputable broker locally and sorted out with him and get on the list for the fair plan before his termination. the fair plan is available to california residents and businesses in urban and rural areas who cannot obtain insurance to a regular insurance not freaking out. i'm worried, you know, state farm customer and opened a native david anderson is also navigating home insurance coverage options for the booker says i'm learning about the california fair let's talk in august. they'll give us enough time to. >> can anderson is not alone. i was not able to get if you stay farm. i was also turned down by geico. >> so i'm not really sure what to do. nicole bought a condo
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in oakland last year and is still searching for home insurance, know online and everything people are just asking, you know, who will ensure us? where can we get insurance? and i just don't know people who have single-family homes, you know, who don't have any coverage or safety. i'm not really sure what they're supposed to do. last month, state farm, the illinois based company and california's largest insurer cited soaring cost the increasing risk of natural disasters like wildfires and outdated regulations as reasons it won't renew the policies of thousands of homes back at coldwell banker realty colder own says while deals on homes are still being made. >> this home insurance crisis will impact the real estate market as insurance as a key requirement to carry a mortgage for a home. we have to make sure that the buyers are way or >> and get quotes before we go into contract. so that ideally before we go into contract so that they know what they're getting into. meantime, the state department of insurance says the agency has experts ready to assist affected state
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farm customers. >> reporting in orinda gayle ong kron. 4 news. >> from poise your local election headquarters and a big development in the race to replace congresswoman anna eshoo after a recount spanning 2 counties was completed. assemblyman evan low narrowly beat out santa clara county supervisor. joe, some indian who is now out of the running. it came down to low getting just 5 more votes in some indian. before that, there was plenty of drama in the recent weeks with lows campaign trying to halt the recount. they blimps former san jose mayor sam liccardo, who finished in first place for indirectly asking for the recount to improve his chances, which ricardo did deny. so now low in the car to will face off on the november ballot. some indian issued a statement in response to all this congratulating both low and the smitty and says he's disappointed but not sad saying he has wonderful work to keep him engaged in santa clara county. >> well, in contra costa county firefighters are conducting their next phase of
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what is a 3 million dollar project to stop future wildfires. it's called a fuel break project and that's where contra costa fire crews worked to clear overgrown and dry vegetation and try and limit the spread of wildfires. should they break out? began in ross more around sections of lafayette last july, the 3 million dollar project is funded by cal fire and it's intended to save lives and property within 190 acre area. >> we're out doing our preparedness before increased. fire season really kicks out. we're asking residents say make sure space is around the houses. >> 9.35 at the time. the field break project, by the way, will continue for the next few weeks. >> park officials in the east bay are reminding visitors to be on the lookout for these guys. rattlesnakes when you're heading outdoors, these animals are becoming more active. experts say as they emerge from winter hibernation officials say if you spot one,
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please leave it alone and move away as quickly as possible. if you do get bitten by a rattlesnake, just remain calm. avoid running and you should get medical help immediately. try calling 9-1-1 on your phone. >> and union city police are asking the community for their help to find this teenage girl that's been missing since wednesday. and gonzalez is 15 years old, 4 feet, 8 inches tall and around 180 pounds. authorities say she was last seen yesterday at 11:00am at james logan high school in union city gonzales. so was last seen to be wearing a black jordan brand sweatshirt and black jordan, 10 issues. if you think you have any information on this, please call 9-1-1 to reach out to union city police. sheriff's deputies discovered a man's body. it appeared that person appeared to have drowned in a fremont creek on tuesday. east bay regional parks employees and reported a man near 3rd and i streets in fremont trying to cross the creek and was seen struggling in the current multiple agencies from
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alameda county responded to the report after hours of searching, authorities were able to find the body and pronounced the man dead. officials are still investigating but say there do not seem to be any signs of trauma or foul play. >> 10 people now been cited in the north bay for overcharging customers for contract work. some cases by as much as $15,000. this is a picture from one of the sting operations conducted by law enforcement in marin and sonoma counties last month. officials say all of the people cited for unlicensed contractors, according to the contract state license board, unlicensed contractors can't charge more than $500. but in these cases that charge way more than that. well, a daly city toy store owner is hoping that police can help find the man took advantage of him and stole a toy with more than $200. so this was surveillance video of the store that's located in the westfield shopping center and watch the shopper is going to ask the owner if he could take a look at a toy from behind the counter when they on goes back to get it. the shopper grabs
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that $200 toy in runs away. we did reach out to daly city police about what happened so far. we haven't heard back. well with the alameda county district attorney pamela price. one step closer now to a recall election. the question still remains when will this recall election be held, right? well, kron four's dan kerman spoke with legal experts about prices prospects and >> how a lawsuit might affect the recall. >> so rivers are held pfizer merck, his supervisor, all kirsten, yes, president island, yes. >> motion passes with alameda county supervisors voting to accept ballot signatures as certified by the registrar of voters. the attempt to recall district attorney pamela price moves forward, creating an ever more uncertain future for price. 61% of recalls nationwide in this time period resulted in removal cost up 6%
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or so have resulted in resignation before the recall. so they are very successful as a rule. joshua spivak is a senior research fellow at berkeley laws, california constitution center. he says while recalls overall tend to be successful, it's more of a 50, 50 split in california. alameda county supervisor still have to decide whether to call a special election or let the recall happened during november's general election. spivak says that could impact the outcome. they seem to survive better when it's a special election. in a statement prices, if a recall takes place, it should happen during the november general election. but she maintains the recall is illegal because the county registrar of voters didn't follow its own charter by allowing more than 10 days to count signatures and by allowing out of county residents to gather those signatures. but so far her campaign is not filed a lawsuit against the county. i will support this motion and hopes >> that occasion is filed. so he get clear direction its
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meeting tuesday. one supervisor hope the lawsuit would happen. so a judge could weigh in. but legal experts say even if that happens, it's unlikely prices campaign would be successful. i believe that the end of the judges unlikely to say that the board was wrong when it chose to follow state law rather county ordinances. alameda county supervisors will set a date for the recall at a special meeting on may 14th. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> 9.39 is the time in the south bay. san jose. police are going to be taking a different approach to this year's cinco de mayo festivities after getting some backlash last year this year, police are actually going to be cruising right along in this weekend's low-rider parade. so that will be kind of fun to see. sunday's parade pays homage, of course, to the mexican roots and history of east san jose. last year, you may remember a law enforcement closed down some of the highway ramps near that event which lawmakers called racist
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and discriminatory because it singled out mexican americans. the city recently lifted its cruising band in 2022. and this year we just said the police are actually going to take part in that parade. >> all right, taking a live look now at the bay bridge plaza. some cars starting to cluster up there on the roadways. now, a reminder that the westbound lanes on the bridge tonight will be closed for emergency repairs. caltrans says they won't reopen those lanes until 5 in the morning tomorrow. meantime, in pittsburgh, 4.4 million dollars are going toward improving 2 miles of roadways. now, those improvements near highway 4 are expected to take about 4 to 6 weeks with the majority of the work performed overnight. officials say they will start the work later this month. >> in the north bay, the smart train system just saw a record-breaking ridership smart, which stands for sonoma-marin area rail transit reported more than 80,000 passengers in the month of april. transit officials say these numbers are due to their
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recent change, offering free rides for anyone under the age of 18 and over the age of 65. they add riders this year have eliminated more than 17 million car driven miles and added, quote, smart offers a greener and more convenient way to travel and is connected communities which helps economic development. >> still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, it's been a year now says the national guard was sent into san francisco's tenderloin district to combat the drug crisis. we take a look at the impact. and after the break, one bay area, a national monument is getting an expansion. we show you where. >> and today is a cool and at the coast with those low 60's elsewhere in the bay area, though, a lot of 70's to another day of even some low 80's. that's not gonna la
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>> we're back at 9.44. and later this morning, president joe biden is expected to sign some proclamations that will expand to national monuments here in california. one is the san gabriel mountains, national monument that will be expanded to buy nearly 110,000 acres. he's also going to expand borders of the berryessa snow mountain national monument by 13,000 acres. both of those, by the way, were initially designated as monument by president barack obama and exact time on when that proclamation will be signed. hasn't been released just yet. but that's good news. national parks, national monuments get bigger. yeah, after great news. absolutely. well in contra costa county firefighters are continuing the next phase of a 3 million dollar project to stop future wildfires. >> it's called the fuel break project where contra costa
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fire crews worked to clear overgrown and dry vegetation to try limit the spread of wildfires. work began in ross more and around sections of lafayette last july, the 3 million dollar project funded by cal fire is intended to save lives and property within 190 acre area. >> we're doing our preparedness before increased. fire season really kicks off. we're asking residents say make sure space is around the houses. >> the fuel break project continues over the next few weeks. >> well, the department of water resources conducted its 5th snow survey of the season out there at phillips station. and i do you see in the shot there, a special guest join them keeping an eye in the making, but he stayed in line it's not every year that the dwr actually does. the snow service in may because in some cases or snow snow out there. but there was this year. and so the dr w was out there. the dwr was out there. they
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measure 2 inches of snow and one inch of water content, which is about a percent of average for may, at least out there. phillips station statewide, though, as we know, the snowpack is right around. 97% of average. we here in northern california have done much better well above average. so we had a pretty winter know them. and that's all a good sign. hopefully, absolutely. john sanders actually more snow coming this weekend. okay. john, tell us a bit more about that. yeah, they always do that snow survey right before get a little extra. but yes, we are looking at another dose of snow phillips station. it will be a few inches of it. >> so it's going to look a little more wintry out there again, here's half moon bay, which is not going to like wintery but will be a little bit. stormy comes saturday as we look at winds and rain pushing in from the north and west. as for today, nice sunshine, a little bit. blustery along the coastline. we still do have those gale warnings in effect for a lot of areas. point raise has been exceptionally windy as a late now that low pressure area
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centered up in the gulf of alaska is going to drag in with that. a lot of cool air our direction and along with that is going to come a cooldown of around 20 degrees for some of our inland areas in saturday, going to be our rainy one for the bay and snowy one for the sierra. you see all that blue in those upper elevations clears out by sunday, rainfall totals for the bay could exceed our monthly averages for the entire month of may in just a single day. now, i will admit this is at the upper end of where i think we're going to be as far as rainfall goes. but that could be pretty impressive if we do see upwards of an inch of rainfall in some coastal areas this year, it's not going to be inches but feet of snowfall at the very upper elevations and snow at some pretty low elevations anticipate chain controls in effect, starting late friday night through saturday. as for today, you'd never know. winter is making its return. napa conquered antioch in the low 80's 70's for most of the rest of us. and temperatures remain pretty steady today and tomorrow after that, though, we fall off that temperature. cliff,
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it's low 60's on saturday and sunday, saturday being the one with the showers. michael. thank you, john. >> good morning, everyone. it's 9.48. taking a look at your roads right now. things are actually running pretty smoothly unless you're using 6 ad and i'll get into that in just a second right now. livermore to dublin, 13 minute commute, dublin to fremont 40 minute commute. there is an accident on the southbound lanes of 6, 88, 80 leandro to milpitas 40 minutes. just your morning traffic and milpitas to sunnyvale. 9 minutes. taking a look right now as we're talking about dublin to fremont. so it's 40 minutes that's probably going to grow. there an accident that they're dealing with. chp says it could be some delays for at least the next 20 to 30 minutes or so. taking a live look at the bay bridge. it's pretty clear for the most part, 14 minutes into the city of san francisco from the maze. taking a look at richmond, sandra fell bridge an 11 minute commute. there. so no delays and taking a look at the san mateo bridge, 16 minutes to get on to the peninsula from 8.80, checking
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in over the antioch area. it's 25 minute commute from antioch to concord. and lastly, checking in westbound 80 crockett to may's. it's about a 17 minute commute this thursday morning. i'll send it back to to the desk. >> okay, michael, thank you. 9.49. the time it's been one year since governor newsom ordered the national guard and the highway patrol to step in help san francisco crackdown on drug dealing, especially in the tenderloin right kron four's justine waltman breaks down the numbers to see if the move has made a difference. >> when this operation started accidental overdose deaths in san francisco are up more than 40% between january and march of last year, 200 victims died from accidental overdoses, mostly from fentanyl and mostly in the tenderloin increased patrols in that neighborhood are apparently leading to more product being seized, but it might not be making much of a dent in death prevention. >> more than 42 pounds seized in the roughly 10 block radius. that is san francisco's tenderloin district. the governor's
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office and law enforcement agencies are celebrating what they consider to be a positive milestone in a public safety partnership. it was one year ago on may first 2023 when the governor authorized the california highway patrol and national guard to crack down on drug dealing in the city. their goal to target traffickers disrupt the dealers and sees the supply. since then, the joint task force has issued more than 6200 citations arrested. more than 500 people recovered more than 100 stolen vehicles. and most importantly to their mission captured nearly 700 pounds of fentanyl in total. that's enough to kill almost half the country. city leaders are praising the progress made in the first year of this partnership. police chief bill scott says the amount of fentanyl pulled off the street is, quote, unprecedented and that they're going to continue to crack down on dealing in the statement. district attorney brooke jenkins says,
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quote, the resources that the governor provided san francisco to ramp up our efforts to disrupt and dismantle open air drug markets has been invaluable working together. we're making a difference in the tenderloin drug conference cations maybe at unprecedented levels. however, when you look at drug overdose deaths, there's not much difference. this partnership program between agencies was initially announced just last year after san francisco announced accidental deaths from drug use went up 40% between january and march of 2023. in that period, 204 people died from an accidental overdose in san francisco. that's according to the medical examiner's office. compare that to the same period this year. deaths are down, but not by much so far this year, there have been just 5 fewer deaths from accidental overdoses. the governor's office is also crediting the first year of this partnership for other significant crime statistic improvements in san
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francisco. >> for the 1st quarter of this year, property crime is down more than 30% and violent crime is down almost 15% in the newsroom. i'm justine waldman. kron. 4 news. >> justin, thank you. 9.52. this morning. we'll be right back.
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>> for your health. more than 16,000 pounds of beef recalled nationwide over e-coli concerns. officials say this beef was shipped to wal-mart stores across the country. the brand to watch out for is called all-natural. you can
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see the packaging right there on your screen. what's going to come up in just a moment? there. cargill meat solutions is the meat distributor in pennsylvania who recalled this be. >> take a break or 9.55. but coming up on the kron 4 morning news protests continue with college campuses nationwide, including right here in the bay area. catch up with protesters have been camping for a week in support of palestine will have report on plus, janitors and hotel workers calling for better pay and benefits as they try negotiating new contracts and avoid going on strike. meanwhile, an audit sheds light now on what caused the city of oakland to miss out on grant money that could help them combat retail crime. we're going to hear what the we're going to hear what the auditor had to say.
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>> from the station. you're watching kron 4 morning team. >> good morning. thank you for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm james fletcher and i'm stephanie lin in for darya. thank you so much for joining us today. got lots to talk about from the weather. that's certainly going to be come this weekend to the news to michael, what he's working on this. now there's a fire happening in san francisco. one of the neighborhoods far from here. so we've got details on that isco fire departments currently trying to get that blaze out. ok, are some more on that in a minute. all right. and show we could start with john that. let's do it. we're looking at another gorgeous day out there today. something that enjoy specially considering saturday may not be so gorgeous anymore. this
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is your look outside right now a tower which is under all the sunshine you could ever want. we're seeing that up and down the coast to tomorrow morning. i'm expecting a bit of a foggy start so hopefully you've enjoyed this nice clear start. we've had this morning, little blustery at the coastline, but most of us are actually fairly common at this point. temperatures are hovering right up next to that 70 degree, mark, if not getting there, brentwood, fairfield and vacaville or for spots in the 70's soon to be followed by most of the rest of us really daytime highs today will reach the low 80's at the warmest. i'll be breaking down this big weekend cooldown. and yet another chance of rain all still ahead. back to you. all right. thank you very much, john. let's get to that breaking news this morning. that fire that michael is talking about the broke out a short time ago in a building in san francisco's not hill neighborhood. right. kron four's. michael thomas is in the studio for us now with those breaking details. michael. >> hey, will you know this fire started at around 8 o'clock this morning. we've got video. take a look. this is near jackson and laden's worth street. this is video posted by the san francisco


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