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tv   KRON 4 News at 12 Noon  KRON  May 2, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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we are. [announcer 1] ever since our tournament leader started dipping what appears to be a chicken tender in hidden valley ranch, he's just stopped playing. [announcer 2] to be fair, bill, it does look zesty. just hit the ball! sorry, sorry for raising my voice. hidden valley ranch. [announcer 1] only serious about flavor. >> the senate is essential to the market, but the senate must never lead to disorder. we're to 9 the rights of others so students can finish the semester and their college education. >> addressing campus
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demonstrations over the war in gaza. president joe biden delivering a message to americans. plus bike strips to stop an ambulance. why authorities had to take such a drastic measure. and a dangerous drive to school. what happened when a mother driving her daughter to class tried to get away from the shooting? we are live. >> from the bay station. you're watching kron. noon. >> thanks so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm stephanie lin. we start in the east bay. scary moments this morning as a woman and her daughter are caught in the crossfire of a shooting near bishop o'dowd high school in oakland. kron four's. charles clifford joins us live near where this happened. charles? >> well, good the good news here. no one seriously injured as far as we know. and bishop o'dowd high school not impacted in any way. but there
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are 2 people that were taken to the hospital. the police department is looking for whoever was involved in the shooting. around 7.45. thursday morning, a woman driving her daughter to school was caught in an exchange of gunfire here near 98 and cherokee. according to her husband, the woman tried to drive away, but their suv was struck by another car and flipped onto its side. the woman and her daughter managed to crawl away from their car. the driver of the other vehicle fled. >> pretty scary knowing that she was in his accident. everything. >> according to the woman's husband who drove to the scene, she and their daughter going to be ok, but were taken to the hospital just as a precaution or my daughter actually in the car while the gunfire was going. >> yeah. from what i was told, the other people jump to another vehicle and drove at this point. it's unclear why shots were fired or by whom. >> oakland police department is investigating but so far have not identified any suspects or motive. all right. with anyone with information
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is asked to contact the oakland police department in the east bay charles clifford kron. 4 news. >> charles, thank you for your coverage. fire crews have put out a fire at a three-story residential building. this is in san francisco's hill neighborhood at jackson street near leavenworth, san francisco. fire officials sharing this video on social media. you can see the flames shooting out of the roof. there. the police started at around 8 this morning causing some traffic delays the building has a commercial space on the ground floor and 2 floors of residential units above it. there were no major injuries, but 2 neighbors reported having some breathing issues due to the smoke. firefighters are checking for hotspots at this moment and the cause of this fire is under investigation. in downtown san francisco video captures a man assaulting 2 people. both elderly asian men. this happened around 10, 20 yesterday morning at post in kearny streets near union square. you can see in this surveillance video if you watch carefully the man in a blue shirt gets out of his
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car, shoves the first victim, as you see right there and then tries to kick him. the suspect then goes after a second victim, which will see in just a moment. he pushes that second victim to the ground before getting back into his car and driving off. police are describing the victims involved in this case as a 59 year-old man and a 78 year-old man. authorities say this is an active investigation. they're still determining if this was a hate crime. in the north bay, police arrested a suspect for trying to steal an ambulance in santa rosa. it happened just before 8.45 last night on 4th street. the sonoma county fire district says the paramedic was with the patient when that patient darted for the ambulance jumped into the driver's seat and then took off in the vehicle. police used spike strips to stop the ambulance before taking the suspect into custody. as the war in gaza continues. a cease-fire protests continue here in the states. congress saying it plans to launch an investigation into the college
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or university response to demonstrations unfolding on campuses nationwide. this morning, president joe biden defended the right to protest but not the right to cause chaos. >> let me be clear. peaceful protest in america. violent protest is not protected. peaceful protest she gets along. violence occurs, destroying property is not a peaceful protest against the law. vandalism, trespassing, breaking windows, shutting down campuses, forcing the cancellation of classes and graduations. not this is a peaceful protest. threatening people intimidating people he's telling for people is not peaceful protest. it's against the law. the senate is essential to democracy, but the senate must never lead to disorder or to deny the rights of others so students can finish the semester and their college education. >> from coast to coast, a number of schools are now
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canceling classes and graduations because of these demonstrations that in some cases have gotten out of hand. body cam footage released by the new york police department shows officers breaking through barriers set up by protesters at columbia university. and why pd descending on campus tuesday night to clear protesters inside and outside buildings. as you can see there. >> and towards the end of this footage, officers can be used can be heard using a flash bang device. authorities arrested 100 >> police arrested dozens of protesters at washington university in st. louis, missouri video captures a 65 year-old history professor being taken down by police officers. you can see that happening there. a man wearing a yellow jacket identified by his wife as steve to marie. a 65 year-old history. professor as southern illinois university edwardsville can be seen recording the protest
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before being tackled to the ground the university issued a statement saying a total of 100 people were arrested, including 23 students and at least 4 employees, 3 police officers were injured. tensions also high at portland state university and across downtown portland overnight, a group of pro-palestinian protesters smashed buildings downtown, vandalizing the area. as you can see in these images here, some people started fighting. a woman says when she took out her phone to film the scene, someone knocked it to the ground. >> not to me and my boyfriend to the ground and started kicking else and hitting and we were kind of getting back up and some people came in repelled them and then attacked those people. times couple for a while. and we were saying back up and walking out of they attacked us again and took my bag. >> the psu library remains occupied. there has not been action taken so far to remove the protesters. the portland
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police bureau says they they do have a plan to de-escalate the situation. police arrested at least 132 people at ucla this morning. earlier, a crowd of more than 1000 people have gathered both inside and outside of an encampment. while officers spent hours warning of arrest over loudspeakers. if people did not dispersed following the arrests, workers entered the encampment site and started cleaning up hauling away sheets of plywood used to build a barricade and also sweeping trash from graffiti scarred steps. governor gavin newsom releasing a statement condemning the violence at ucla. it reads in part, quote, the law is clear the right to free speech does not extend to its inciting violence, vandalism or lawlessness on campus. those who engage in illegal behavior must be held accountable for their action, including through criminal prosecution suspension or expulsion. in the bay area. we know of at least 2 injuries following violence at a
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pro-palestine encampments on the uc berkeley campus. and this is video from yesterday afternoon, hours after this. police say a tussle started between 2 opposing groups, one group or told attempted to take a flag of the other. and hundreds of protesters marched in oakland demanding an end to the war in gaza. kron four's dan thorn spoke with organizers. groups that this rally at the west oakland bart station claiming victory wednesday. >> businesses at the port of oakland canceled all work in anticipation of labor and pro-palestinian protests. we consider this a when we consider this a testament to the power of our community that bosses and employers rather than face a qr community would rather take that millions of dollars of of hidden profit won't seem highs with arab resource and organizing center says this sends a message that the u.s. government should stop giving millions to israel as the war in gaza continues. palestinian
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and oakland dock worker moussa durbin says he's standing with his union. i l w you local 10 in calling for an immediate cease-fire. bombs drop on people on kids women. >> killing he will read it to 300 people and is all but all are tax money is going to support israel. >> and united states need to stop doing hundreds also gathered at oakland city home, including members of advocacy groups. >> like critical resistance and gabriel, oakland. >> organizers say there's a deep connection between organized labor and standing up for social justice and we know unintentionally allow to continue feeding this. this war genocide, not only in >> protesters say they believe their message for a cease-fire is increasingly being heard. but these rallies will not stop until a permanent solution is reached in
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oakland. dan thorn kron. 4 news. >> all right. let's talk about our forecast. as we take a live look outside at the bay bridge, bit of a breeze, as we could see out there. kyla. yeah, that's right. we are getting that onshore breeze back today. again, looking out for a breezy afternoon and obviously you can see the point already kicking up here, but we've got a pretty beautiful day out there and some really nice temperatures already. you can see we're in the 70's in many spots. 76 in antioch. 75 in santa rosa. but, you know, still some nice 60's around the bay itself. san francisco downtown just hit 64 degrees. 71 in san jose. so you mentioned a little bit of the wind, stephanie. you can see where this is starting to push. and as we get to the afternoon, we'll see it pick up yet again. been kind of our pattern last couple of days with that onshore flow. highs today will be above average. you can see the blue skies that are out there. so not surprising this time of year. we would normally low to mid 70's inland. but you can see spots like livermore looking out for 80 degrees today. san jose, 77, 78 napa and even san francisco looking at for 66
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and oakland about 70 degrees. stormtracker 4 showing a blue skies are looking good. we still have those clouds that are offshore. so that high pressure even though it's starting to push a little farther away from us is still protecting us from low pressure, at least for now. that is going to change. and of course, you probably heard about this little rain headed our way as we get towards the weekend. i'll be back in a little bit and i will track that for you and take a look at our 7 day forecast. back to all right. cuyler, thank you. coming up, a warning about unlicensed contractors over charging for services in the north bay.
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>> thousands of homeowners and are set to lose their insurance when state farm ends its coverage this summer. and now they are all scrambling to find a new insurer. kron four's gayle ong reports. i think our government has to get involved. >> this is it's a problem. people need have insurance for their homes were burned or cold around is a realtor at coldwell banker realty basin a city at the top of the list of state farm customers scheduled to be dropped this summer. cold around is not only helping clients navigate the home insurance crisis. just got a text from my neighbor the other day. and he was one of the many homes that have been dropped by state farm by advised him to speak to a reputable broker locally and sorted out with him and get on the list for the fair plan before his termination. the fair plan is available to california residents and
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businesses in urban and rural areas who cannot obtain insurance to a regular insurance not freaking out. i'm worried, but you know, state farm customer and opened a native david anderson is also navigating home insurance coverage options for the booker says i'm learning about the california fair let's talk in august. they'll give us enough time to. >> can anderson is not alone. i was not able to get if you stay farm. i was also turned down by geico. so i'm not really sure what to do. nicole bought a condo in oakland last year and is still searching for home insurance, know online and everything people are just asking, you know, who will ensure us? where can we get insurance? and i just don't know people who have single-family homes, you know, who don't have any coverage or safety. i'm not really sure what they're supposed to do. last month, state farm, the illinois based company and california's largest insurer cited soaring cost the increasing risk of natural disasters like wildfires and outdated regulations as reasons it won't renew the
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policies of thousands of homes back at coldwell banker realty colder own says while deals on homes are still being made. >> this home insurance crisis will impact the real estate market as insurance as a key requirement to carry a mortgage for a home. we have to make sure that the buyers are way or >> and get quotes before we go into contract. so that ideally before we go into contract so that they know what they're getting into. meantime, the state department of insurance says the agency has experts ready to assist affected state farm customers. >> reporting in orinda gayle ong kron. 4 news. >> let's talk about our forecast now as we take a live look outside at the golden gate bridge. looking nice out there. let's check in now with cuyler for more high pay their yeah. i'm getting really, really used to this beautiful sunshine. these warm temperatures and you can see those blue skies as we take a look at the golden gate bridge. it is just beautiful today. temperatures reflecting that we're going to have another warm one out there. we're in the 70's in many spots already 60 still in san francisco to oakland and half
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moon bay. 57 degrees because the coast is one place that will stay a little cool today because of that onshore flow. this is the difference in temperatures in 24 hours ago to now. and with a few exceptions, we're running a little bit warmer in spots like the north bay. and about even so that tells you they're going to have another those above average days. so highs today. this is what we're looking out for. you can see some inland spots. she probably get close to that 80 degree mark, if not make it in the inner east bay and particularly north bay. but despite like morgan hill to, i think you'll make it a mentor going to have the wind back. we do have the wind that is at the coast. so this is specific as forecast. you can see some of that sustained wind getting up to about 20 miles per hour. and that kind of plays out here as we look at future wind again, very gusty afternoon. and even as we get into tomorrow, the next couple of days, we're going see this repeat as we work our way into our afternoons. okay. let's talk about the rain that everybody's heard about these are the totals are looking out for. so between about a half an inch and an inch of rain, that's pretty significant for this time of year. timing
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wise. we're looking out for this to start overnight friday. so by friday in the evening we start to see the clouds move in. that's about 9.30, so that we get home, ok, no problems there. it's in the overnight hours. you can see about 04:00am there. the showers start to roll through the north bay. this is when we wake up saturday morning. so some pretty significant rain rolling through. and then it does kind of wrap up as we get later into the day on saturday. and then that does clear out and give us a pretty nice sunday. so when it's all said and done overnight friday into saturday, is your timing totals, most urban areas, about half an inch to three-quarters of an inch little bit more than that. our coastal ranges. this is beneficial rain, right? we could use it, especially heading into our warmer season because certainly slow you down and any plans, travel plans, particularly on saturday and obviously we're going to knock those temperatures down very dramatically and will stay pretty cool as you run through the weekend will be till next week that we start kind of get back to those nice seasonal temperatures. >> all right. thank you so much. i have my umbrella handy. the auditor for the city of oakland released a report detailing how the city missed out on millions of
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dollars in funding to tackle retail crime. kron four's terisa stasio has the story. >> and so that's what stuck out to to me is >> no real process guide. it buy a policy insistent on wednesday city auditor michael houston explaining his department's findings. >> and analyzing why missed out on applying for the state's organized retail theft prevention grant program or rtp the state budget act of 2022. allocated 242 million dollars to support local law enforcement agencies such as opd to help prevent and respond to organized retail theft motor vehicle theft and cargo theft. the audit showed 38 separate oakland city officials were emailed alerting them of grant monies ranging from 6 million to 15 million dollars at stake months before the deadline.
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however, auditor houston said that his team discovered a process that was at times chaotic and in the end, never successfully submitted the required documents. he adds, although various departments played a role, he says that the mayor could have made a difference in the final outcome. say the but half and it's a size more of the direct leadership in making sure that the grant application process was carried out successfully. you need to make sure that someone is in charge. and we spent, example, during the great recession. >> a lot of effort getting every penny from the obama stimulus from washington. >> and we just made sure that every detail was covered. we did rehearsals about filing. we made sure our web sites were up and running. we didn't take any chances at all. >> dan lin time is a former oakland city administrator and a current uc berkeley professor. he says that his
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team was able to secure more than 100 million dollars in grants during his tenure on it or houston says bottom line, the city could do more to secure critical grants. >> develop and implement a citywide grant management policy provides prescriptive guidance, right including delineation of roles and response to the audit. mayor sheng tao santa is an email saying that she takes ultimate responsibility for the failure to secure the grant monies and >> in the meantime, has been working hard to secure more funding to tackle crime in the newsroom. tree says stasio kron. 4 news. >> still ahead, francisco city supervisor aaron peskin enters the race for mayor his plans to address the city's affordable housing crisis. and with summer just around the corner, a look at the best type of sunscreen for your health. for your health this
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afternoon with summer. just around the corner, there's a new guide for sunscreens the environmental working group analyzed the ingredients in 1700 sunscreens and they found many of the safest choices were mineral-based instead of chemical based sunscreens mineral sunscreens work by physically deflecting and blocking the sun's rays. researchers say they also are not absorbed into the skin. something we didn't commonly found in chemically based some sunscreens have been linked to both human and environmental concerns. health professionals
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are lowering the recommended age for regular cancer screenings for women. the u.s. preventative services task force changing their 2009 recommendation when they raise the suggested age for routine mammograms from 40 to 50 years old, they felt at that time the testing early would do more harm than good. but rates of cancer diagnoses are increasing by 2% a year from 2015 to 2019. they now recommend women start screening at the age of 40. >> it's very important. it's well demonstrated getting annual screening mammogram at age 40 does the deaths due to cancer. and it's also important for people realize that the incidence of cancer in young women in their 40's has been increasing since 2015 by about 2% per year. >> the guidelines say women over 40 should get their mammograms done every other year. doctor hedrick says more lives can be saved if when they get their screenings
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done. annually. if you're wondering about insurance, she says the affordable care act requires some health insurers to cover screening costs. cited 10 people in the north bay for overcharging customers for contract work. this is an image from one of the sting operations conducted by law enforcement in marin and sonoma counties last month. officials say all the people cited were unlicensed contractors, according to the contractors, state license board. unlicensed contractors have a charge limit of $500. the victims in this case were charged far higher amounts. coming up next year at noon, more of lives lost to a bridge collapse in baltimore as the recovery effort continues. >> plus, new hope for displaced residents in on maui. a look at the new interim housing being provided interim housing being provided for wildfire survi salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks?
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salonpas, it's good medicine. with cascade platinum plus, i have upped my dish game auntie, in that dishwasher? watch me platinum plus gives you the highest standard of clean, even in your machine. clean enough for you? yeah! scrape. load. done. cascade platinum plus.
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alameda county district attorney pamela price. one step closer to a recall election. the question remains about when that election would be held. kron four's dan kerman spoke with legal experts about prices prospects and how a lawsuit might affect the recall. >> reviser held pfizer merck, his supervisor, 10. all right, kirsten, yes, president island, yes. >> motion with alameda county supervisors voting to accept ballot signatures as certified by the registrar of voters. the attempt to recall district attorney pamela price moves forward, creating an ever more uncertain future for price.
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61% of recalls nationwide in this time period resulted in removal. cause an uptick, 6% or so resulted in resignation before the recall. so they are very successful as a rule. joshua spivak is a senior research fellow at berkeley laws, california constitution center. he says while recalls overall tend to be successful, it's more of a 50, 50 split in california. alameda county supervisor still have to decide whether to call a special election or let the recall happened during november's general election. spivak says that could impact the outcome. they seem to survive better when it's a special election. in a statement prices, if a recall takes place, it should happen during the november general election. but she maintains the recall is illegal because the county registrar of voters didn't follow its own charter by allowing more than 10 days to count signatures and by allowing out of county residents to gather those signatures. but so far her campaign is not filed a lawsuit against the county. i
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will support this motion and hopes >> that occasion is filed. so he get clear direction its meeting tuesday. one supervisor hope the lawsuit would happen. so a judge could weigh in. but legal experts say even if that happens, it's unlikely prices campaign would be successful. i believe that the end of the judges unlikely to say that the board was wrong when it chose to follow state law rather county ordinances. alameda county supervisors will set a date for the recall at a special meeting on may 14th. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> is your local election headquarters? we continue our coverage of the top candidates running for san francisco. mayor in a move anticipated by political insiders board of supervisors. president aaron peskin announced his candidacy. i sat down with peskin about why voters should trust him to leave the city. >> san francisco aaron peskin
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is going to look like a caring city gets things candidate aaron peskin projecting confidence as he enters the race for mayor. i've stood up for safety, stood up against hate crimes. the president of the board of tested lawmaker entrenched in the rough and tumble world of city politics for more than 2 decades representing high-profile areas like chinatown, fisherman's wharf, union square and the financial district. we need a neighborhood mayor with experience to rebuild our city. >> from the ground up. >> his past battles with sobriety now part of his campaign message. i know something about recovery of san francisco is going to recover. let's bring positivity to this i'm tired of and in a race dominated by centrist democrats, jostling for the spotlight. could peskin is distinctly progressive stance, seized the attention of voters being progressive has really been
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about listening to and bringing governmental action to folks who need the government the most. we need a leader will fix our city for everyone. >> not one who are in it for the many to please. outlining 18 policy proposals, including increased police staffing. >> expanded red control and notably 15,000 new affordable homes using tax deferred financing. the city has a lot of luxury housing and the city has also been able to maintain singer as can see hotels for the poor service. but the missing middle needs to be addressed. pushing back against critics who accuse him of blocking housing development. the ordinance is finally next item earlier this year. city supervisors passed haskins measure imposing density limits in several historic neighborhoods. our neighborhoods are the envy of people around the world. it's not a one size fits all solution on the fentanyl crisis. i support arresting
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anybody who deals fentanyl or other. >> life-threatening drugs. drug users. on the other hand. >> need. >> services. i asked him if he agreed with challenger mark farrell's promise to clear city's homeless encampments in 6 months. false or fake promises, we need a place for those people to go because what happens in encampments week is people are pushed from one neighborhood to another. that is not a solution. a solution is 2000 shelter beds and i have a plan for that. the great ideas. and but why were you able to achieve them as the president? the board of supervisors to supervisors can pass laws, but the captain of the team, the quarterback of the team in san francisco is the mayor. >> i know how government works. i have deep connections in every department and i think i can bring that to bear as mayor. >> in san francisco, stephanie lin kron, 4 news. and also in the running for san francisco, mayor current mayor london
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breed city supervisor ahsha stuff. it former interim mayor mark farrell and nonprofit executive daniel lurie to learn more and watch our one-on-one interviews with the candidates. you can head to our web site kron 4 dot com. and a big development in the race to replace congresswoman anna eshoo after a recount spanning 2 counties was completed. assemblyman evan low narrowly beat out santa clara county supervisor joe submitting and who is now out of the running. it came down to low getting just 5 more votes than submit ian. now low in the car do face off on the november ballot. some indian issued a statement congratulating both low and the car do he said he's disappointed but looking forward to continuing the work serving the voters of santa clara county. in contra costa county, firefighters are continuing the next phase of a 3 million dollar project to stop future wildfires. contra costa. fire crews will work to clear overgrown and dry vegetation. work began in ross
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more and around sections of lafayette last july. the project funded by cal fire is intended to save lives and property within 190 acre area. >> preparedness before increased. fire season really kicks out. we're asking residents say make sure space is around the houses. >> the project continues over the next few weeks. let's talk about our forecast now as we take a live look outside at mount tam looking nice and blue out there. let's check in now with kron 4 meteorologist kyla grogan their beautiful day out there. and a beautiful day here. you're looking live at yosemite at half dome. and of course, we watched all the snow pile up over the season and now we watch the kind of melt. >> but we've got a little snow this weekend. everybody. can you believe it's may and i'm showing you a winter weather advisory. you can see there it is all the way down the sierra there. it's going to kick in at 11:00am on saturday. go through 08:00am on sunday as
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the system comes in the same with giving us some rain. we're looking out for 4 to 8 inches of snow above 5,000 feet up at the peaks. we could see about a foot of new snow. believe it or not. snow levels are going to start between about 68,000 people. they will lower as those temperatures start to lower. we get into that overnight saturday into sunday slick travel conditions on the roads and gusty wind about 30 to 50 miles per hour. and just to show you a kind of zoom this out to show you, this is going to be a pretty impact. the west coast storm all together. you can see the snow from this system rolling right across the parts of utah and even into a colorado. so this will be likely our last snow for the season. let's look at future cast. you can see how this rain starts to show up in the bay as we get into that overnight friday and saturday and they become snow, as you can see as we get into saturday about 11:00am rolls right through the evening of saturday and into sunday before it's all said and done. so if you are headed this way this weekend, please be mindful of the fact that travel could get a little difficult on saturday, especially through sunday morning. i'll be back in a bit. we'll talk more about that. rain heading to the bay. all right. great. thank you.
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more projects on maui will provide homes for hundreds of displaced residents after deadly wildfires swept the area. >> the governor and maui county officials say priority will be given to residents who did not get federal aid. max rodriguez has details. >> the governor visi ing a couple of sites where residential communities are being developed. one here in wailuku and another one in west maui. the goal is to house 500 families. once the projects are completed. >> for josephine frazier india's and their 2 young children. finally a sigh of relief. the la hina natives getting a key to a home in wailuku after moving from hotel room to hotel room, at least 9 times since the august wildfires. there was a lot of times where we had to think about whether that we're going to leave the island and not be home because we didn't know what was going to happen there with the first family to
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receive the keys for the k omalu. he a community. >> being developed by the state county, hawaii community foundation and the council for native hawaiian advancement. meanwhile, a blessing for the call. i call a site in west maui. >> state officials say a neighborhood made up of 450 modular home units will soon fill this empty land. >> the first 100 or so units should be available. the first week of august. >> and then the first phase of 270 units will be available through the month of august. the additional 180 units will be then be available. probably 2 to 3 months after >> the dhs deputy director says they are working on launching up the cations for potential residents on june. first priority will be given to displace residents from the wildfires that are ineligible for fema aid and on the state's dime for shelter. at last check, about 765 families are still living in hotels.
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the governor anticipates just about a quarter of will still be in need of transitional housing once called ola opens in august. we think it's closer to 135 families. >> that not female eligible for housing and their numbers of the higher. but that's why building housing right here behind us and making sure we have partnerships. we're going to go this afternoon. it's so critical. >> now we're told 50 modular homes just like this one will fill up 17. lots here in wailuku. expect the project to be finished by july reporting from wailuku max rodriguez >> developing news now. authorities recovered the body of a 5th person after the collapse of the francis scott key bridge. officials identified the body wednesday as 49 year-old miguel angel luna gonzalez of glen burnie, maryland, 6 members of a were roadwork crew plunged to their deaths march. 26 when a container ship lost power and crashed into the bridge. they
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were all latino immigrants who came to the united states from mexico, guatemala, el salvador and honduras. >> coming up, how the earthquakes gearing up for saturday's column. california clasico against the galaxy. plus crime for honors the bay area's api community this month. how a south bay library is honoring the cultures of south asian countries.
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hi, i'm katie. i live in flagstaff, arizona. i'm an older student. i'm getting my doctorate in clinical psychology. i do a lot of hiking and kayaking. i needed something to help me gain clarity. so i was in the pharmacy and i saw a display of prevagen and i asked the pharmacist about it. i started taking prevagen and i noticed that i had more cognitive clarity. memory is better. it's been about two years now and it's working for me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. i'll be honest. by the end of the day, my floors...yeesh. but who has the time to clean? that's why i love my swiffer wetjet. it's a quick and easy way to get my floors clean. wetjet absorbs and locks grime deep inside.
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look at that! swiffer wetjet.
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week marks the start of asian american and pacific islander heritage month. >> throughout the month of may, we highlight the bay area's diverse asian communities at san jose state. and exhibit at the library is celebrating south asian culture. kron. four's jack moment has the story. >> well, the region known as south asia makes up 7 different countries in the library. curator here at the king library at san jose state says she wanted to include the religions in the foods that make up each of these cultures. she wanted to also consults with families living here in the bay area who also have ties to those countries. that's really cool. yeah. so these 2 things are lincoln. yes, and this is also from sri lanka up into the immersive martin luther king library at san jose state university in may. >> and you'll find an exhibit quite like no other. i think that could be very montr of roy is a library in here and she curated this exhibit on the 5th floor. it's titled south asians. >> of silicon valley, afghanistan, bangladesh, nepal, india, pakistan, sri
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lanka. he's or nearly all the countries that make up the region of south asia, a region roy says needs more attention in the south bay. she says at least 20% of people who live in santa clara county are of south asian origin and more than 60% of international san jose state students are from south asia, but yet so many of them have struggled to find a voice to find themselves being represented well in mainstream what was born and raised in india. and she says having other south asians like herself in silicon valley added more reason for this project. these things help them feel more empowered that we are represented actual case at this exhibit, you'll find the sports the food know what to do signing and the religion sick man will never will never see them determines it's part of their faith. roy highlights the for south asian religion seen in the south bay islam hinduism. jane isn't and buddhism. what we really enjoyed in our experience of doing this research in this project was how welcoming each
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community was 2 market in fremont is run by these 2 brothers. a lot i've made from afghanistan to the united states because my son is. >> is down from some of that, you because it was like years senate estate time. >> i at the library. >> moises highlighting businesses and communities of these nationalities here in silicon valley makes this project more personal that are. >> it's 2 types of you know, i think impressions about the community. but once this kind of work gets done, people see who they really are. you know, she also wants this exhibit to be for everyone, but is also happy to see her culture and others in the south bay on display. >> in san jose jackie moment kron 4 news. >> the exhibit south asians in silicon valley will be open through may 31st. and remember to tune into kron 4 every thursday this month for stories highlighting the bay area's api community all leading up to our special airing on thursday. may 23rd
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at 6.30. let's check in on our weather conditions as we take a live look outside at coit tower. beautiful blue skies up above. what do you think? i'm a great day to get outside. yeah. great day to get outside today and tomorrow. really we're going to hang on to these blue skies. but the temperatures are going to a very big change. once we head to the weekend, we've got some rain coming into the blue skies now are taking berkeley's example here looking out for about 67 degrees today. 71 on friday. and then you can see the drastic drop in temperatures for saturday. just a high in the upper 50's recovering slightly as we get into sunday but still staying well below average in the reason for that is because of that rain that's going to roll through. let's look at temperatures right now of fremont. 74 degrees. we're at 68 alameda. you can see berkeley is up to that 67 degree. mark 78 in fairfield and about 75 in nevado and santa rosa. so we're off to the races with some nice temperatures are high. pressure is actually retrograde mean it pulled back a little bit from yesterday. and as we work our way towards overnight friday into saturday, you can see this low pressure starting to move in.
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that is when those cooler temperatures are going to come in andiof course, some rain that's going to a company that front as it rolls by once it's gone, this high pressure which will have hung out here the whole time will start to rebuild a little bit as we get into next week. and that will change things. but between now and then we've got some rain to pick up. you can see it's going to be pretty significant for the west coast. the pacific northwest places, you know, particularly salem, oregon, looks like it could get about over 2 inches of rain. same story in eureka for us. it's going to be more in that half inch to 3 quarter of an inch for it. unless you're out in the santa cruz mountains or the north bay mountains, in which case we could see a little bit higher than that. timing wise, we get through our thursday. just fine. our friday looking good until the evening. and then the clouds roll in. that's about 8.30, here comes the rain in the overnight hours. that's a very early morning hours of saturday morning. but this is likely you're going to be up and about about 09:00am. you can see some of those heavier showers rolling through 1 o'clock. you can see that things do lighten up a bit. but there's a little back and kind of spinning as this system works its way out by sunday. we will be looking
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good. now one of the other bonuses of rain here except, you know, in addition to just being beneficial to get this time of year is that by the time we get to saturday when a knock those allergies down, like me, you've been dealing with that. that should help out a little bit. but the temperatures will be chilly to get that benefit. notice inland spots only getting up to about 60 degrees on saturday. so sunday will be sunny and dry. a better day for your outdoor activities. but it will be a cool day. so just keep that in mind. we will start to warm up by midweek next week. it looks like we'll have some really nice weather in our hands once again. all right. thank you. now to bay area sports as one of the biggest regular season matches on the mls calendar every year for soccer fans, the earthquakes or host a rival la fc in the kelly this weekend. kron 4 sports reporter kate rooney spoke with the coach. this saturday. the stands behind me here at levi stadium will be filled not with football fans, but with football fans as the california classic overturns to santa clara.
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>> featuring heated mls rivals. the san jose earthquakes and la fc. now this time around, it won't be a clash of 2 titans. la fc are currently 5th in the western conference standings while san jose has had a disappointing season so far and they are at the bottom of the western conference, mls standings. but this isn't always exciting environment with a raucous crowd. the quake said they're excited for saturday's match. the onus is a really good on the field last year was hopefully this year will be amazing this game against lsu. couldn't come at a better time. >> couldn't come at a better time for us. to be in this environment, which we enjoyed so much last year. >> the stadium, this fan base is community however, the weather is going to turn out were. >> we're we're >> we know this is a this is a game we take personal doesn't matter the points. the table. this is about on the given night. who wants it more we're excited for this opportunity play unfortunately for san jose fans this saturday
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probably won't mark the debut for aaron on lopez. the 23 year-old midfielder from argentina, nephew of legendary diego maradona who just signed with the club last week. however, they will be introducing lopez on the field in a special ceremony at halftime. >> at levi stadium, kate rooney kron 4 sports. >> kate, thank you. when the east bay, the oakland ballers are moving forward with a 1.6 million dollar renovation on raimondi park. they released these renderings showing what the new home for the team will look like. >> we've got some murals that we're putting in place that are going to be done by local artists. there's going to be local food trucks and their own internal concessions to by lots lots of different, great ballpark food it's going to be it's going to be a good time. i think that's really what we're going for. we want feel like a big love letter to oakland. >> sounds exciting. opening day for the ballers is june 4th. coming up next year at noon, a worldwide tradition that started in the east bay
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comes to an end this weekend at the store that started it all.
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>> in the east bay, the original creator of free comic book day officially host the event for the last time every year on may, 4th flying color comics and other cool stuff. that's the name of the store in concord gives out free comic books to the public. now the event was founded back in 2002 by the owner of the store, joe field. it grew in
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popularity internationally to include 2000 other comic book stores. but even with the success, the store's future in concord is uncertain. fields says she rather he is trying to find a new home for his business. saturday's event will also feature special guest bobby rubio and accomplished animation artist who has worked for pixar. sounds like a lot of fun. airbnb wants you to live like your favorite icon. the company is introducing their icon experience packages that allow users to spend time in exotic locations. these include a floating house from the animated pixar movie up a re creation of marvel's x mansion in westchester county, new york. how cool was that? and a chance to spend the night in the ferrari museum in italy. plus, a stay in the minneapolis home featured in the film classic purple rain. new experiences are set to be released throughout the year.
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how cute is that? could this could these be the pets of the future, the u.s. based robotics company. boston dynamics revealed a shimmering blue costume for one of their robotic dogs to coincide with international dance day. wow. it looks like something out of a pixar film. the video features spot one of the company's dogs dancing in a furry costume alongside another robot. that's adorable. boston dynamics as the movement or rather the moment explores the intersections of robotics, art and entertainment. so creative. well, that will be off from the newsroom today. thank you so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm stephanie lin. remember take good care of yourselves and enjoy this beautiful weather live in the day is next. >> hey, thank you so much, stephanie. we have an incredible show today lined up for live in the bay. we're getting a live studio performance. we're talking about some sweet treats and the food and wine festival that you don't want to miss that you don't want to miss all of
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you're now tuned in to live in the bay and we have a great show for you today. coming up, it's the broadway revival of funny girl. we get a live performance in studio and chat with the stars of the show. grammy award winner melissa manchester and catarina mccrimmon and its national meditation month. we're getting tips on how to incorporate easy. moments of meditation for everyone's busy life. >> then the festival celebrating diverse food, wine music and more the psc food and wine fest is bringing together the community for a fun lineup of events happening we


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