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tv   KRON 4 News at 3pm  KRON  May 3, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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>> now from the area's local news station. this is kron. 4 news at 3.
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>> go to this call 1000 times and nothing ever goes wrong. and the 1000 first-time is this one. >> danger on duty to san jose officers have been shot during a gun battle. and now at 3, we're learning more about the person who allegedly shot them. thank you so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at 3. i'm justine waltman. we now know the name of the man who shot at the 2 san jose police officers late last night. he has been identified by police as 33 year-old kevin briones. now the shooting happened around 10, 30 last night at the extended stay. america hotel on the sand ignacio avenue in the santa teresa neighborhood. the city's police chief is saying at least one of the officers returned fire at that suspect and he is now in critical condition. we do have live team coverage on this story for you this afternoon. kron 4 s charles clifford is live where the shooting took place. he's been talking to witnesses about what they saw. some of what they're saying is how afraid they were. but we're going to begin with our rob nesbitt. he's live now at
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the san jose police department where officials just gave an update. we'll start with you, rob. what's the latest details right now? >> just seen according to police, there was a woman at the hotel who called police to let them know the onus was outside of hotel room. she called police because she had a restraining order against briones. the 33 year-old fire shots at 2 officers who responded to the scene. this is the mug shot of briones and police also released an image from the body camera footage moments before the suspect opened fire. jose police chief paul joseph says briones reach into a duffel bag. he was holding, took out a handgun and shot 2 officers, one with one year of police experience and the other with 3 years of experience, at least one of the officers returned fire on briones who jumped from a third-story window to get away but was found by police a short time later hiding in nearby bushes and was taken to the hospital where he remains in critical condition. both of the officers were also taken to the hospital. one of them
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was released this morning. but the officer with one year of experience remains in stable but critical condition. chief joseph says the woman with the restraining order was in the hotel room with 3 children, ages 8, 10 15, but none of them were hurt during the exchange of gunfire. i think the motives of a felon and abuse are bringing a stolen gun to confront a brave survivor and children sheltering in a motel room are self evident. >> it's clear to me that these lives were all in grave danger. and these officers of the reason they survived this horrific and traumatic incident. there are no words that can convey how thankful i am. that our officers. and the mother and children, they were protecting all made it to see the morning. thanks to the swift and courageous action of our officers. no one else was harmed and there's no ongoing threat to our community. >> chief joseph says that onus has an extensive criminal
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history. the 33 year-old was on probation and had 2 felony warrants for his arrest. now in the city of san jose shootings are an issue according to the chief 12 officers in san jose have been shot in the last 15 months. 5 of them have been hit by bullets. reporting live in san jose. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> rob, thank you. and as we continue our team coverage right now will go to kron 4 s charles clifford. he's been talking with residents in the neighborhood. they were told to shelter in place as the shooting was unfolding charles joins us from that neighborhood where the shooting happened. >> good right now along san ignacio here in southern san jose. take a look across the street there. you can see police cruisers. the investigation is still ongoing here at the stay. america. we did talk several neighbors who say that last night they heard at least 5 shots fired in in the area and they were told to
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shelter in place even though they had no idea what was going on. >> eric and all the lives here at the state america long. san ignacio avenue in san jose around 10, 30 thursday evening. she heard what she thought were fireworks outside. i thought i was dreaming. but a few minutes later, police knocked on her door and then all of a sudden about 2 later. >> and and i'm like, okay, i thought it was my my daughter's room. go to the door to yell at them. it was a cop. some like what's going on. their video camera. yeah, we're protected like everybody is what's going on. shelter-in-place lucky door. stay down into the low as you can. and then we'll be back to talk to you, erica. sheltered in place for about 90 minutes. she had no idea what was going on outside. eventually police returned. it came back and said that it was an officer-involved shooting. >> and took a lure information after she got the all-clear from police. she explored the 3rd floor of her building and saw what appeared to be the aftermath of the shooting. all i could see was blood and glass outside the room. so i don't know if it was in the room or in the hallway. erika
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also says she didn't sleep well last night that the shooting has left her shaken. i'm tired and to be honest with you, but my language. but yeah. >> all right. back live ignacio here was closed down for several hours earlier today. it has now reopened at this point. unclear how long the investigation is going to continue here. but for now in the south bay, charles clifford kron, 4 news. >> charles, thank you. and stay with us here on kron. 4 on air and online for the latest on the shooting. make sure you download the free kron. 4 app. you can get push alerts sent right to your mobile device. when news breaks. and now to a story you'll only see on kron 4 a store owner in the east bay sharing a frightening encounter where her employee was robbed at gunpoint. and this was not the first time this has happened to them. kron four's theresa stasi explains why the owner decided to speak up this time. and good and in this video from
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wednesday morning. you can see a suspect pull out a gun and point it at an employee. >> that employee works at one key supermarket in oakland's chinatown. the owner, shirley liu says robberies have happened here before, but this time the suspect took a lot of cash. several $1000. liu says that it is just too important now to stay quiet. well, almost every day, area maybe sometimes over sometimes the >> another way, some say pop. and she says when she opened her business 9 years ago, the neighborhood was safe. >> try to prob every phase, something pop coming we will already she says business has suffered. customers are too worried to come to her i don't want to coming >> because some thank yous says that employee was heading out to get fresh items in san francisco for the store when the man with the gun surprised him. >> she says police took a report, but she says much more
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must be done to protect chinatown. >> getting the fun authorities. no problem, but not these. so then >> she says chinatown needs foot patrols in the early morning specifically when employees go to run errands. she also says that the community deserves more arrests and prosecution of those committing the crimes and in danger the public. the easiest. they use the gun. >> so then just >> kron. 4 news reached out to the local police department. they say that they have an active and open investigation into this case. terry says stasio kron 4 news. >> all right. we'll talk about our weather forecast now with a live look here at the golden gate bridge on this friday afternoon. it's quite lovely out there. kyle is here now, but we can expect for our friday night. yeah. perfect day to day, though. beautiful temperatures. lots of blue skies out there as we take a live look from the east bay.
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notice how green everything is here. hinting at the fact they're going to get some rain. >> and that will make things even more green, right? as we head into next week. but here are current temperatures, 60 degrees in downtown san francisco. some nice 70's out there at 78 in santa rosa. 79 in antioch, 78 in concord as well. 65 in oakland. so looking good. but we do have this low pressure system sitting just to our north and west. you can see how it kind of scooted a bit closer to the coast. now you see that moisture plume right there. that is what's going to deliver us some rain, but it's not going to happen until the overnight hours tonight. so we have a nice evening out there. you can see again at stormtracker 4 just confirming that those blue skies are there. although the clouds are starting to move a little bit closer to us. we really want to see that until we get later into the night. we are seeing some of this wind pick up right now. once again, as we've had the last few days and as well, frankly have over the weekend, some kind of gusty wind that is out there. so tonight look at podcast. you can see those clouds starting to push along the coast. that's about 06:30pm, tonight. then we get into more
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of the 9.10, o'clock time frame. you start to see those clouds filling in an indication of what is coming our way. but as i mentioned, it is not until the overnight hours, but it will make for a soggy saturday. i'll be back in a bit. we'll track that hour by hour as he can make those weekend plans. great. coming up here, the protests over the war on gas are continuing to colleges across the country will see what's happening here in the bay area. >> and for the first time since a brawl gone viral, we're going to hear from san jose mayor matt mahan, how he's describing what happened. but first, a different kind of scare in the air assault, airplane. well, they're now on the rise with the latest data from the fbi. travelers be
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aware the fbi is raising awareness about assault on airplanes. federal crime is a serious issue in this kron. 4 sweep to call reports. >> women and minors who fly alone are often the victims. >> it happens more often than you think assault, misconduct does take place on the aircraft. that is something the fbi take seriously and we investigate predators typically count on potential victims to let their guard down on airplanes. and the fbi says the parents on opportunities to commit assault. people have a right to be safe board. any aircraft states are as high as they are going to play in. the fbi says in-flight assaults generally happen on long-haul trips when the cabin is dark, the victim is sleeping in the middle or window seat and covered with a blanket or jacket. >> waking up to their seatmates hands inside their
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clothing. we're under where is. he a self. the fbi says men are typically the perpetrators, women and unaccompanied minors are often the victims. the u.s. alters prey on people who consume alcohol and or prescription drugs to relax and unfortunately, let their guard down. this crime is shocking to travelers. just be aware your surroundings all the time. but i've never. >> had an issue with that are worried about it at all. last year, the fbi open 96 cases based on in-flight assaults. but investigators say many cases may go unreported because victims may feel embarrassed or do not want to cause a scene. even if the victim doesn't come forward on the flight. >> it's imperative that victim has come the victims making note of where they were sitting. >> who was involved in the incident who that person was a description and contact. the fbi agents could be waiting on the ground if alerted while the flight is in the air. >> philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. the pro-palestine
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supporters who set up an encampment at u c berkeley are negotiating right now with school officials. so far there's no agreement that has been reached. >> that would end the occupation on campus. among some of the demands from the protesters. they want the university to financially divest from israeli interest, condemn what the israelis are doing in gaza. they also want students and teachers to be allowed to speak freely about the conflict without the fear of punishment. and cleanup. is now under way following the chaos at the ucla campus. crews have been making repairs and cleaning up the remnants from a week-long demonstration on campus. more than 200 people were arrested during a raid yesterday. the aftermath left a massive amount of debris that was dismantled tents, leftover food, trash scattered all over the quad. officers had to clear out that encampment. we can see the cleanup happening here. there's also spray paint on the steps. and while the encampment was taking place
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classes on campus have been canceled, leaving students and staff who are not participating in the demonstration. very frustrated. >> i'm not here to judge what people do in the name of civil disobedience. but if you prevent students from getting an education, which they're paying for, it. and if you're preventing students from feeling safe and it's no longer civil disobedience on the social worker, i know about civil disobedience. that's not civil disobedience. no word right now on when classes will resume. >> usc now planning to host a coliseum celebration for the graduating class after canceling its mainstage ceremony a few weeks ago next. thursday night, usc will host the trojan a family graduate celebration at the la memorial coliseum. usc has been the site of these pro-palestine protests since last month when the university chose to paul the valedictorian speech over security concerns. the school first canceled outside speakers but then decided to scrub the main event staged event altogether. all right.
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let's get the timing for the rain coming our way on saturday. looks nice outside san francisco right now. kyle is here now to go over what we need to know for the weekend. yeah, it's kind of you didn't know. you wouldn't know, right, because it's so nice but we do know that we've got some rain coming in. >> it is going to be overnight tonight into saturday, looking out for. but we've got a half an inch and an inch of rain when it's all said and done. gusty wind will be part of this, too. that could slow down any travel you might have planned for saturday. so just be aware you might need a little extra time if you're going to be getting around the bay. all right. so here we go tonight, the clouds roll in, but we do stay dry. so that's midnight and get in the overnight hours. you see some of the showers start to make their way into the north bay. so this is about 7.45 in the morning. notice you see a little bit orange, their meeting, heavier showers. there is a very, very slight chance of a thunderstorm sell possibility. this is 11:00am now moving down into parts of the peninsula and the south bay. and then this is about 02:30pm, in the afternoon. bulk of this will get by the first part of the day. but as
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that qatar clockwise circulation kind of spins and drops to the south. we will see still that little chance, as you can see, popping up here of a shower or 2. but then it's all said and done in the evening. and then we have a nice sunday on tap, albeit a much cooler day here, the total. so again, this is pretty significant for us for this time of year. good system to get a little more rain and before it's all wrapped up, we've got some wind happening right now. that will be part of this is well, just to show you san francisco. obviously we're a little breezy there. you can see that with some the trees that are moving around. it does ramp down as we get into the overnight hours. but then notice tomorrow kind of picks right back up again because we have a frontal passage. you often get gusty wind with that. so you can see it here as a kind of picks up and then it ramps down a little bit the overnight and then it picks up again. has he cut into tomorrow? and that happens right through the weekend. so just be prepared for some of that wind temperatures are going to be dramatically dropping. so we look at san jose's example got up to about 76 today tomorrow high in san jose about 60
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degrees. so not a whole lot. here's a quick look at your forecast to show you once the rain passes us by cinco de mayo does dry out but stays cool. we'll start warming up as we get into next week. really warming up as we get into wednesday thursday and friday. back to you. >> all right. still ahead here data is showing more young people taking up trades. why experts say trade schools becoming more appealing. 2 high school graduates. and cracking down on junk fees in the service industry. the new restrictions on restaurants that will start this summer for your money is next. for
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your money. this afternoon. gen z is turning to trade schools over traditional four-year colleges. there's currently a 37,000 job shortage in the trade in the street. >> and many gen x-ers are trying to fill that void experts say the trade industry is very attractive to these younger generations because it gives them the opportunity to streamline their ticket into the middle class without taking on a large amount of debt. >> the automotive tech i could have on work at different dealerships from honda mercedes benz and allows him to the line and then got to own the companies of and me doing this. i can pass it down to my kids. >> experts say one of the reasons the industry is seeing a spike as the influx of electric vehicles. they say that creating a growing need for automotive technicians all across the country. there's a push right now to crack down on so-called junk fees. it's now extending into the dining industry under a new california law restaurants
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would no longer be able to charge customers, surcharges or service fees. that same bill also prohibits hidden fees related to online purchases such as concert tickets or hotel rooms. businesses are now required to disclose all charges ahead of time. this new law will take effect july 1st. >> coming up, women don't pop ups are popping up in san jose. the latest effort to revitalize downtown. happening today. also cracking down on the opioid epidemic. the quarter million dollar lawsuit against a major pharmaceutical company and 4 arrests thousands of dollars in stolen goods. the big auto burglary bust. san francisco police
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>> 4 people have been arrested in thousands of dollars worth of stolen property has now been recovered on wednesday, san francisco police officers responded to a report of an auto burglary in the area of steiner and grove streets near alamo square. police tracked down the car and found 4 suspects inside. there was a brief chase. and then all 4 men were arrested. officers say they found a gun and thousands of dollars worth of stolen property from 2 auto burglary incidents. the men face charges now including burglary receiving stolen property, carrying a concealed firearm and carrying a loaded gun with the intent of committing a felony. and it's been a little more than a week since this now viral altercation was caught on camera during an interview
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with kron 4 san jose mayor matt mahan disrupted by random person who was walking down the street. it leads to a brawl between the man and the mayor's security detail. and today for the very first time we've got a chance to talk with san jose mayor matt mahan about this. and i asked him what he saw happen. well, yeah, it was a threatening situation. yeah. i was trying to do an interview with a kron 4 reporter and was repeatedly interrupted and when we tried to ask the individual to continue the interview. >> things very turned violent in given time. >> sent. >> essentially, you know, this individual what back and forth along the street and interrupted the interview a few times, which is which was shocking, frankly. and it was certainly not not a great situation. and what i saw from our security detail was himself identified himself as a police officer verbally asking individual to step back a couple feet because he was
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very close to and then he will. and then my security detail was assaulted multiple times. he did everything in his power to de-escalate first verbally and then physically despite being repeatedly assaulted. it was it was a jarring situation. i hope this other individual gets the help that he needs. and i'm i'm grateful to my security detail and look, i'm cognizant of the fact privileged to have an armed guard with me when i'm out in you know, carrying out my duties as and there's an investigation and they'll be more details that i'm sure our department will release once that independent investigations. don, there were multiple. >> eyewitnesses you know what was frustrating to be interrupted? i certainly didn't think that that asking the individual to allow me to continue the interview would provoke a violent reaction. >> so wesley pollard has now been charged with battery, disturbing the peace and threatening a police officer.
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he is currently out on bail his next day in court will be later on in july. now to the north bay where a second lawsuit has been filed against benicia unified, claiming that the school district swept teacher abuse accusations under the rug. this is a new lawsuit which is similar to the first one. it looks to hold the district accountable for hiring former teacher matthew shelton. the suit filed by 3 additional use claims the district failed to report shelton's alleged abuse of students to protect its reputation. shelton is charged with 7 counts of molesting a child is due in court for a preliminary hearing on monday. teachers and campbell are asking leaders of the campbell union high school district to use money to keep staff from leaving. the teachers say with the area's high cost of living and ongoing teacher shortage, the district can afford to lose. and the more teachers. >> and so hope that the teacher can for the district reverse the teacher people
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were gathering to express our displeasure with the district's 0% salary and their unwillingness to consider incentives for teachers who are servings are most vulnerable students. >> teachers also calling for smaller class sizes and improved classes for english language learners. and in the east bay hair stylist has now been arrested and is accused of disturbing crimes. concord police say the owner of chi hair salon committed several assault, including rape kron four's. dan thorn has the story. >> investigators say this conquered hairstylist. 41 year-old cheat who has been arrested and charged with multiple counts of assault. the allegations include rape, unlawful intercourse and lewd acts with a child. police say
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who committed the acts inside of his business on clayton road in concord. that's my reaction is just, you know, ab so absolutely disgusting. victoria por 10 ye was a client of who's who says he did good work but sometimes exhibited strange behavior. pertain ye is also a therapist who feels guilty for suggesting others seek out his styling services and for families who may have been victimized. i think i'm a little bit in shock right now about the children are kron. 4 went to the salon thursday afternoon and a woman who appeared to be a worker refused to talk with us when she was leaving and locked the doors behind her. investigators believe there may be more victims than children's lives will be ruined forever. >> and the trauma is unspeakable. >> that was our dan thorn reporting for us to is still in custody on $275,000 bail
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concord police are urging anyone with information to come forward. now for your health as california's attorney general rob bonta announcing a nationwide settlement worth more than a quarter billion dollars with. and neil pharmaceuticals for its role in the country's opioid epidemic. bonta alleges that this company failed to properly monitor and report suspicious opioid orders. the company will be expected to ride more than 270 million dollars with 180 million going towards opioid overdose reversal products. the city and county of san francisco is accused of dumping almost 2 billion gallons of sewage into the bay. the environmental protection agency filed a federal complaint against san francisco yesterday alleging the city has dumped more than 1.8 billion gallons of sewage into creeks into the bay and also into the ocean. sewage contains diseases like e-coli, illness. the epa also says the sewage is interfering with
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water activities and also protecting aquatic life. they're saying now supporters here for local urban farmers today at the florence fang, community farm in san francisco. local farmers came to hear from the u.s. department of agriculture. the usda wants to support local farmers to bring about more food security for families. the goal is to support farmers that live in larger cities. >> so we need to make sure that we highlight we support and we grow. it. continue to let the folks know how important urban ag is for all of us. we know that does our islands without and security. this falls into right. so we want to make sure that we limit that as >> there is a usda urban service center oakland for farmers to go to to get loans. learn about new practices and learn about risk management. the usda wants more farms like florence fang to sign up for support the florida thank community farm grew more than
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15,000 pounds of food for local families. they're saying it's a great example of urban agriculture. happening today. san jose city officials are kicking off a new program to revitalize downtown. they launch 5 new pop-up shops. it's part of the cities storefront activation program, which they hope is going to reduce commercial vacancies anp also improve public safety >> the idea is to support them at the beginning of their journey, reduce barriers to entry as much as possible so that they can test their ideas and learn and adapt and get to self-sufficiency and become totally self sustaining and growing businesses creating jobs and unique products and services for our community. >> the mayor says these 5 pop-up shops will philip 2 storefronts. when he started, he said there were 80 vacant storefronts. now they're down
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to 70. his goal is to reach 0 in san jose. san francisco off of focusing on empowering downtown businesses. mayor london breed and senator scott wiener announcing new plans for an entertaining zone downtown. they say it will allow restaurants and bars to sell alcohol during outdoor events. >> and hang out with your friends and have a beer. >> and listen to music without going through some lengthy city process sound permit drama, stuff. i am trying to get rid of the bureaucracy which takes away the fun in what so many are small businesses are trying to create to continue to ensure that the vibrancy and the excitement of why people love san francisco remains. >> state senator scott wiener says this is a way to empower local businesses and bars right now. schroder's harrington's and royal
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exchange are. >> on front street and those are the 3 bus-nesses that have been chosen to sell alcohol outside. the legislation will introduced at the next board of supervisors meeting next tuesday. that's may 7th. the richmond, san pablo, cinco de mayo parade that's scheduled for tomorrow has been postponed because there's rain come in. the parade planning committee says the weather could have created some unsafe conditions. so sunday's festival as skill still scheduled as planned. but the parade, it's going to be postponed until september. all right. we'll talk about our forecast now with this live look outside breezy shop, a beautiful here in san francisco. pilots here with details. >> about the parade. i know i know cinco de mayo itself, though, is looking pretty good. we're also going to get some snow this weekend in the sierra. so want to talk about that really quickly we take a live look here from diamond peak. you can see just an absolutely beautiful placid lake today. gorgeous out there. but we do have a winter storm warning now up for areas
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in and around tahoe that kicks in at 11:00am on saturday and goes through 08:00am on sunday. you can also see high wind warning as you get over to the nevada side of the lake and a little bit further to the north of truckee, you can see that one is a winter weather advisory. so this is all to say they are getting some snow this weekend to the tune of upwards of a foot potentially foot and a half up at the peaks about 4 to 8 inches above 5,000 feet. the snow levels will start dropping in the overnight saturday into sunday. gusty wind will be this as well with this as well. so you can see your future cast. the rain kind of hit us in the overnight early morning hours. and then as we get into about that 11:00am time frame. that's we're going to start to see that snow start to kick up in the sierra. and it's going to be a pretty interesting storm to watch a storm. it's not out of the ordinary completely that we get this, but it is kind of an unusual thing to get such a big hit all at once here. but here we are in future cast, though, on sunday. you can see that everything does start to clear out. i mentioned the snow totals. you can see this is a cold system. so it's also bringing it to places like upper lake. they should get some snow, too, but it will be
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the peaks that will see the biggest totals here and also they're going to see an incredible temperature job just like we are. take a look at the highs saturday. 45 in the high on sunday. just 39 degrees. i'll be back in a bit. we'll track the showers here in the bay area. take another look at your seven-day forecast. thank you so much for national small business week, apple launched its first ever made for business series. >> highlighting small business owners, the event kicked off that apple's union square location last night. it was streamed all around the world. the first business to be showcased was the filipino fusion restaurant scene you're seeing sick at the co-founder was joined by golden state warriors hype man, franco, fun to talk about how the popular food truck grew into a brick and mortar restaurant. and the owner says that he's just thrilled to be recognized by apple on a global scale, especially at the beginning of a api heritage month. >> it's an honor, you know, i think we're here right in the middle of san francisco in union square. this is not only
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like a a worldwide event, but it's obvious all also the first. >> the first of its kind. so we're kind of like, you know, warm enough for everybody come after >> apple plans to highlight other small business owner said at stores throughout the month. >> and may is asian american native hawaiian pacific islander heritage month. a new study has just been released looking at the impacts of leadership on young asian women and identified youth. it's called why we lead more than 2000 students participated in the during kron. 4 to the co-ceo of girls leadership who led the story u.s. study joined us and she says that she learned culture and lived experience impacted. the pursed participants definition of leadership. >> study participants, i'm not seeing leadership the same way that their teachers do generational immigration status. very influences their experience in schools. so, for
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example, 90% of first generation study participants have experienced by compared to 64% of 3rd generation participants. >> so the study also showed the school was a great place of support, but also a place that students received by us. it concluded the school should create mental health initiatives and raise awareness on campus to help break down stereotypes. this weekend. oakland is hosting a street fair to celebrate a api heritage month. there will be local vendors and performers, including line dancers will take place on 10th street. kron. 4 will be honoring and highlighting asian american pacific islander heritage all month long. make sure you watch our special, which will kind of conclude our coverage coming up thursday may 23rd at 6.30. >> how does a night at the house from upsound airbnb introduces a new category inspired by movies,
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celebrities and more. i'm rich demuro. that's coming up in rich on tech.
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>> airbnb unveiling some new features that as a supposed to make it a little bit easier for people. her traveling in a group and the company is offering some experiences. they're calling it icons. rich demuro gives us a look. >> at an event near hollywood, airbnb introducing new features to make group travel easier and new places to book that are out of this world. i think that we're trying to do is just bring magic into the river. airbnb co-founder brian
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chesky making the announcements. tara, thank you. and come this far with airbnb when you started it. when i inflated 3 air mattresses, my roommate absolutely not the platform now synonymous with vacation rentals. we've got places in more than 200 countries around the world. >> tens of thousands of cities, 80% of airbnb business is group trips. new tools make it easier. this includes shared wish lists and the ability to let the people you're traveling with. join the reservation. that way traveler sees the same information from the host of out the out check again had opened the door. that kind of thing. but the biggest wow, a new category called icon. whimsical places to stay inspired by famous movies, people and places. >> airbnb recreated the house from the disney pixar movie up. it will be located in new mexico. if you're a fan of the
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movie, you're going to love this house. every single detail from the pictures to the chair lift is just as you remember from the movie other experiences, including x men, mansion in westchester, new york. it looks like a cartoon. prince's purple rain. house, a ferrari museum in italy and a night in the locker room at one of the most famous museums in france, experiences that are unlike any other and many ways are often only exist in your imagination. but we were able to make them real. many are free. all are under $100 per guest, which means they will be tough to book. >> guests will be picked on a variety of factors. if you, if you get it, you get a golden electronic ticket and hopefully have the experience of a lifetime. it's unique new offering. it certainly does feel like it's largely about the buzz. that's not to say that's clearly they see value in but, you to be seen as to how it all plays out, i icons
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a way to stand out as competition in the rental market heats up. >> the oakland a's want to get fans into the stands. the summer pass offers only $99 and it's valid for 45 a's home games that are happening between may first may 21st and august. 25th may 21st in august, 25th. so it does include up to 4 guest passes. also at these discounted rates. the seats are for the oak lending that's down the left-field line. and as we know, the 2024 season is the a's last in oakland before the team moves to sacramento in 2025. and then at some point in las vegas, the team has won 6 of its last 7 games. the summer passed what be on sale until tomorrow. there is a limited quantity available. pilots here before we a chat with her. we'll take this live look outside so we can see what beautiful day it is. this time tomorrow won't look like that because it's going to go
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over the rainforest for saturday. yes, but then everyone has weekend plans, right? i'm sure you do, too. and you want to know when do you kind of want to be outside when you not want to be outside? ok, short answer to that is saturday is going to get the rain 1st half of the day. >> it's going to be rainy as part of it. but let's take a look at this big picture. you see our high pressure, which is the thing that's been keeping us kind of dry, warm and sunny and it has migrated all the way out here in the pacific. what's interesting about this weather pattern is while the low pressure is going to bring the rain and move in, high pressure is going to hang out here and then rejoin us. we get into next week and actually warm us up yet again. so tonight we're going to see those clouds start to move in. but as you can see, they are still well to the north of us right now. you can see that moisture plume that's associated with it. so that really won't get to us until later in the evening. as you can see right now, you know, looking great, we do have a little wind out there. blue skies here at the golden gate bridge. temperatures have been warming up very nicely. you can see we are in the upper 70's in spots like livermore, concord, santa rosa. 75 in san jose. so above
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average day again for most spots, low pressure, as i mentioned, is going to be on the move. so today, the sunshine courtesy of that high pressure and then tomorrow as we get into our day, we're going to be dealing with some showers and then behind that, a really cold air mass coming in, which means that we're going to cool down tomorrow, too. i mean, rather dramatically as of mentioned earlier. let me show you futurecast. the timing see can make those plans. tonight. the clouds rolling in. that's about 10 o'clock tonight. you see the showers coming in in the overnight. so 07:00am north bay. you're going to be dealing with those showers. some of them could be heavy and then they move right down through the peninsula in the east bay. that's about 10:30am, now taking into the noontime hour. you get the idea it's going to roll through here and then in the afternoon as we get to about 4.30, still a little bit of a chance of a shower as the system starts to work its way past us. but by the time we get to sunday, which is our cinco de mayo, we drying out, although we'll still be a little cool. these are the totals for our rain. so it will be significant to make sure your >> patio is ready. your home
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is ready. you're going to get. we haven't had a little rain in a while. so kind of think that through your plants are going to like it. if we're talking about napa as an example, temperatures dropping as i mentioned and today we're in the 70's about where we should be this time of year. tomorrow we're looking at for highs in the 50's it's going to be a little dramatic. we will start to improve those temperatures, though. look what happens we get to next week. we're right back up to those above average temperatures and lots of sunshine on the way. so let's put it together in your seven-day forecast. tomorrow is the very cool and rainy day sunday, cinco de mayo. we will start to dry out and we won't really warm up still well below average, but still not a bad day for outdoor activities monday because kind of start our journey of warming up that are really kicks in as we get into wednesday thursday and friday. you can see inland looking out for mid 80's. that will be an interesting week ahead. back to you. all right. >> a star witness for the prosecution is now testifying at president trump's hush money trial in new york is
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former campaign press secretary. hope hicks took the stand today. she took questions about. >> the inner workings of the campaign before the 2016 election. also her knowledge of the deals to pay the national enquirer to kill stories about the former president's relationship with stormy daniels and also playboy model karen mcdougal. the former president is facing 34 counts of falsifying business records to cover up hush money payments. he has denied the charges. 209. that's the number of days that have passed since more than 250 hostages were seized in hamas is deadly. october 7th attack. and as of today, more than 100 hostages remain captive. news nation's robert sherman reports there are some new hostage details being released about trying to get those hostages freed. the latest hostage release and cease-fire deal is on the table in front of hamas. >> and israel's position is this. they've come to the table. they've compromised. they believe at this point
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there's not much more they can do. >> with these negotiations, the only thing preventing a hostage deal is hamas. israel has come again and again to the negotiating table and has made very difficult concessions on our end to bring our people home. >> if there's no deal, the next step is an operation in rafah, something the u.s. is concerned about to the humanitarian situation there. new un report suggesting would take at least 16 years to rebuild homes in the region. even if the war ended today. right now, american officials are focused on getting more aid into the enclave with the u.s. saying this week a convoy was attacked by israeli settlers. but then hamas tried to seize it. >> and that aid was intercepted and diverted by hamas on the ground in gaza. and ultimately the un is is is either in the process or has by now recovered that aid but it it was an unacceptable act by hamas to diver the safe
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to, to begin with, to, to seize for months on end, we've heard israel accusing hamas of doing this. >> this marks the first time that we've seen u.s. officials acknowledge they call a widespread case in tel aviv. robert sherman, news nation. >> bay area, air quality officials are accusing tesla, persistent air quality violations. they say the tesla is emitting harmful contaminants into the atmosphere. the chemicals are coming from paint shop operations at tesla's fremont facility. officials are seeking an abatement order to require tesla to come up with a plan to lower emissions. if it moves forward, the public will be able to attend that hearing and comment on the alleged violations. >> alright, may the 4th be with you. how you can celebrate national star wars day here in san francisco. it's friday. so that means the 3, a 3. it's next.
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>> all right. welcome back, everybody. it is time for the 3 at 3. little fun on friday, right where take a look at some video. finally. favorite her too. and i especially love this because our producer some amazing animal video which i love. check this out. you guys. this is a new baby monk seal. look at the little guy born in hawaii. they're one of the most endangered species on the world, the beach where it was born. it will be closed for the next couple of weeks to keep the pup safe. reminder, you always want to leave them alone. it's a felony, in fact, to harass a monk seal and they're called the monk seal is looking at that because they have folds
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of skin around their necks. that kind of look like the kowal of a monk's robe. no, you know, do that. alright, may the 4th be with you. tomorrow is national star wars day. >> and actually, a few years ago, the california legislature voted to actually designate tomorrow a star wars day. and this year, the phantom menace. yes, turns 25 and great. the alamo drafthouse in san francisco's hosting a 20 hour marathon. it starts tonight. and so after lot, a star wars. i don't think i've ever star wars movie. you have i don't think i have. i mean, i'm not like a fan, but i definitely enjoy having you like u.s. lives. kind do? i think, you got to catch up on that. maybe this weekend when it's as you just go now to the draft 1000, just take it all and yet going one guard started 0 and go through all of them. all right. we've got one more for you. and this is another front animal. and take a look at this little guy. the houston zoo.
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>> is welcoming a baby giraffe. now a fun fact. i said this little guy, but this guy weighed 160 offense. >> and stands at 6 feet when they're babies can imagine. i would like to my spirit animal. oh, my yeah. so it's a whole lot of to you. you know, here's the funny thing, my best friend. when i is she might be watching live in the bay area. but when i was a kid, we live in a different state together. murray. she loved giraffes and i used to buy early draft things for all birthday party. up so whenever i see giraffes, i always think of her because it was like her thing man was giraffes. i'm worried if you're watching, she's an antioch. hello there been a great week. it has. and little bit of rain okay, but let's go that. got one day rain, you guys tomorrow and then it will be all kind of done is give you a little chilly on sunday saturday and
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sunday. but then we're going to warm up. we've got a beautiful week ahead. my our beautiful week ahead. my our are here. see him monday.
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he asked if he could borrow these cards. the defendant later called you and told you that he lost your cards. and you claim that he gave these to you. i lost my cards. narrator: hot bench. judge rachel juarez. judge michael corriero. judge yodit tewolde. three judges, three opinions, one verdict. this is hot bench.
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your honor, this is case number 9


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