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tv   KRON 4 News at 3pm  KRON  May 6, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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>> now from the bay area's local news station. this is kron. 4 news at 3. >> basically this shows where >> so guys light up the truck and then by the flames. >> now 3 and east bay business in turmoil as the owner claims he is the victim of arson. this incident leaving a number of tow trucks torched in a small business owner searching for answers this afternoon. thank you so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at 3. i'm justine waltman. and these fires happened over the weekend and the owner of this east bay towing company says several groups of men deliberately set his tow trucks on fire as kron four's
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theresa stasi reports. the owner thinks that his business was targeted. >> not one but 4 tow trucks. that's how many the owner of california towing says were set ablaze this past weekend. in this video, you can see a person going into the cab of the truck and then running off flames blowing out of the driver's side. we're standing in front of one of the tracks that was torched. yes. how are you? all right. sad. >> sad and. just thinking how how we start again. i mean, we've got one laugh. >> download as most says that he started california towing 9 years ago using a savings and loans from his family. he says he built a small but successful business from scratch. but now he says someone is trying to take it from him by destroying his for trucks. part drivers homes in concord and bay point. >> maybe just i would say yes
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for our weight competition. if i'm that was a zoning competition. and i'm i'm a lot that. i did anything wrong with them. i don't know we anything like that. so i don't have anybody that miami that back to into different occasions into the chop saw. >> he says he's worried about his drivers and their families in light right now. even light. he's not just me that they my chart spy. >> my they're finding especially wife and kids. they to scare contra costa fire protection district officials say that they are working on the case. >> but says that he has turned over video taken from the crime scenes of fire department say that they're going try to >> with the police department that they charge their best see if they can catch those guys in concord, theresa kron, 4 news. >> happening right now, a neighborhood in antioch is under lockdown as police are
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looking for a suspect. it's happening. the area gentry town drive and putnam street law enforcement right now is searching for a suspect who ran away from the area. they have named him as 28 year-old carlos palacios. they say he's 5 foot. 7 weighs 150 pounds has brown hair, brown eyes and a goatee. people in this area are being advised to stay inside. find the near safest place and stay there until law enforcement tells ok to come out. anyone who knows for the suspect is or encounter son should contact antioch police. we have some new details now from the south bay about one of those officers who was hurt in a shootout at a san jose hotel remains in critical condition this afternoon, but is now expected to survive. last week, 2 officers were shot responding to a domestic disturbance at the extended stay. america hotel, the santa teresa neighborhood, one of the officer suffered minor injuries. the other in critical condition. but again, as we're reporting, they are
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expected to survive. the gunman has been identified by police as kevin briones. also now in critical condition. the san jose police chief credits the 2 officers with saving the life of a woman and 3 children. the big story that we're following this afternoon now that hamas says it has accepted a cease-fire proposal, but israel is still moving forward with its planned invasion of rafah. our washington correspondent jessi tenure has the latest. prime minister benjamin netanyahu's office says right now israel has not accepted a deal with hamas. and the biden administration says officials are on the ground trying to help. >> we are at a critical stage right now. the israel-hamas war in gaza could be closer to an end. the terror group hhmas aanounced monday it accepted a cease-fire proposal at the white house national security adviser john kirby says u.s. officials are still reviewing it and will be encouraged when we get a deal in place and we
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can start seeing hostages get back to their families. the details of the potential cease-fire deal are still unclear. a spokesperson for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu called mosses proposal far from israel's necessary requirements. the news came just hours after israel dropped flyers ordering palestinians to start evacuating from rafah. a military operation in rafah right now >> would dramatically increase the suffering of of the palestinian people. on monday, president joe biden told netanyahu once again that his troops should not attack. >> but netanyahu in says taking rafah would ensure hamas cannot repeat. it's october 7th attack more than a million palestinians are still sheltering their problem. now, is there such? >> limited places for them to go inside gaza and there is no effective way to distribute distribute aid to rafah has been a main entry point for humanitarian aid to gaza. >> that's why u.s. officials
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are still hopeful for a deal to end the fighting. these fires absolutely achievable. the cia director is also in the region right now working on this deal. and netanyahu's office says in the meantime, israel will continue those military operations in rafah. >> in washington, i'm jessi tenure. >> the jewish community relations council of the bay area released a statement saying that it does not take positions on military did say part, though, quote, we believe that hamas as a terror organization must be removed from military and political control over gaza. and that all options must be exhausted to return. the remaining 133 hostages. we call in israel and the international community to maximize humanitarian aid to gazan civilians and urged the idf to exercise caution to minimize civilian casualties. and the latest details in the were coming as israelis in tel aviv are marking yom hashoah, which is the holocaust remembrance day. today's remembrances coming for the first time
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since the october 7th hamas attack that sparked that war between israel and hamas. in hostages square. a table was laid out to remember the people taken by hamas during the attack. they arrive to last. not from us travel. and it feels very meaningful to be here stay on your show >> we've just come to give oak. we just want everyone to that. we're screaming and crying and governing doing everything that we can. for all people in israel from around the world. >> the attack also killed more than 1200 people in israel making it the deadliest violence against jews since the holocaust and its stanford. a new display has been put up for the hostages who are still being held captive and for those who have been killed in captivity, about 250 people were taken hostage again, 133 still being held by hamas. >> each one of these people is
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leaving behind families that are waiting for hundreds of days for them to come on. and so have reserved seats to show that these chairs are reserved for them, that we are waiting anxiously for them to come home. >> and then we also reserved a signs over there. and better. >> effectively a vote, grave for those hostages who murdered a year while in captivity or before being taken captives and hamas is holding onto their bodies and refusing their families proper funeral and a proper goodbye. >> one of the goals of the display helping jewish and israeli students feel less isolated on campus. students at san francisco state continue to camp out on campus in the quad there support of palestine. demonstrators are demanding the university officials disclose financial times that the college may have with israel and divest
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students say once they see the university taking steps to meet their demands, then they will consider cleaning up their encampment. i once we start seeing implementation and we have a clear layout of those plans, have a schedule to know that not only have they agreed. >> but they're actually putting into action. our demand. then we can begin discussing the process suspending the camp ross >> sf state officials say they will respect the student's right to protest and will work to keep everyone safe. pro-palestine supporters have set up this a candidate uc berkeley and they're negotiating with school officials. so far there's no agreement reached that would end the occupation on campus. among the demands from the protesters. they want the university to financially divest from israeli interests, condemn what the israelis are doing in gaza. also, one students and teachers to be allowed to speak freely about the conflict without the fear of punishment. and today, columbia university canceled its large-scale university-wide commencement ceremony following weeks of
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pro-palestine protest that have just royle on the campus. students will still be able to celebrate at a series of smaller school-based ceremonies this week. and next, another campus shaken by the protests. emory university announced today that it would move its commencement from its campus quad in atlanta to a suburban area, but others, including the university of michigan, indiana university and northeastern have pulled off ceremonies with few disruptions and these pro-palestinian soon. activists at usc say they're not even after the la pd cleared up their encampment over the weekend. and this is students are preparing to graduate this week. officers moved in about 4 in the morning yesterday and alumni park has more than 100 protesters had pitched tents and were holding up signs. officers quickly cleared out the protesters. there were no arrests and this was the second police crackdown on campus in less than 2 weeks. stay with us here on kron 4 on air and online for the latest information on the war between israel and hamas. details
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about what's going on on the campuses. also the latest on hostages. it's all on our website. kron 4 dot com. we'll talk now about our bay area weather forecast with this lovely picture here. looking out towards the north bay. looks great out there today. nice and sunny and dave spahr as here in the weather center with what we can expect the rest of the well, getting warmer, justine, as we look ahead for the we've already got some high cloudiness here. that's what we'll see across most of the bay. >> in the south bay, we'll probably see a little bit more the way some over overcast or least mostly cloudy skies for the majority of the overnight, maybe in some patchy fog going on for some of those inland valley's most ratings in the 60's right now, 70 going on there for antioch. 59 san francisco, a 55 per half moon bay. we're still not yet out of the dominance of high pressure. it's working its magic in as a stretch to position itself just in time for the nice little warm up. we do see a pop of winds coming off shore solano counties looking at a wind advisory for most of
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wednesday. it hasn't yet developed in. most of the winds, as you can see, are pretty much on shore will be a little flip happening temporarily tomorrow. but really it's tomorrow night. that will happen. i mentioned earlier about some fog. we're going to see some of that develop early on around th peninsula. san francisco. but then we get past midnight. that's going to clear out a bit. and it's really in those some of those inland valleys, some of that fog patchy around there. we'll start our day. also be some accompanying cloud cover, particularly for the south bay. tonight we're talking 48 some early clouds, as we noted for san francisco. they'll be some of the fog, too. 48 for oakland, mostly clear. turning that way. cool 50 meanwhile for san jose, mostly cloudy and mild. little bit more on this warming trend this week and a bit. justine. >> thank you, dave. coming up here, government governor gavin newsom touting a tourism comeback. wait to see where he did this from and we'll see what the numbers show it. >> why they might not be telling the entire story. also turning historic buildings into homes by opposing groups are in agreement over a new california housing measure.
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but first, a big announcement from the golden state warriors. we're going to introduce you to the wnba teams. new general manager and her vision for the team success.
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>> in this bill that all right, the wnba golden state. he made a big announcement today. there's a new general manager and kron 4 s charles clifford introduces us to her. he's at chase center. >> well, a year from now, an as yet unnamed wnba expansion team will take the floor here at chase center. that team is owned and operated by the
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golden state warriors. and today they announced they've hired a general manager. he may 9 and has 10 years of experience in professional sports. she comes to the bay area from the new york liberty wnba team where she was the assistant general manager. she also spent 5 years as the usa women's basketball team assistant director 9 and said on monday that she's excited about this opportunity because it's a chance to build a team from the ground up. what >> brings me so much joy about taking this is that it's a blank campus and there are many that can go into building a masterpiece. first and foremost, i'm just building a foundation of a winning team both on and off the court. >> now the new gm said today that her first priority is to start hiring people. she needs to get some staff on board and then also start trying to find a new head coach for the team. >> we want the best coach and so with some flexibility from
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i think law weight or but we want the best person. >> now, so far, the golden state warriors have not announced what the name of the new team will be or what its mascot will be or what the color scheme will be. but hopefully we'll get that at some point later this year. but for now in san francisco, charles clifford kron, 4 news. >> today was the the rsa conference in san francisco. the annual cyber security expo returns to moscow new center for 4 days this week. speakers include officials from google, the secretary of state antony blinken is here and there will also be a special performance by alicia keys. >> some appear on the iconic golden gate bridge, a testament to america's greatness. california's greatest. we could be more proud to announce today. record breaking tourism numbers in the state of california over 150 billion dollars of tourism. spend unprecedented in our state's history.
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>> big story that we're watching this, that governor gavin newsom, when all the way to the top of the golden gate bridge to tout a huge tourism boost to california. the governor announcing the tourists have spent more than 150 billion dollars in california in the past year surpassing the 144 billion dollar record that was set in 2019. so they think this means that tourism is actually better now, then before the pandemic, governor newsom says that's not the only thing the state is retaining. it's keeping its title as the world's 5th largest economy. also growing in population for the first time since the pandemic. and according to the latest data, the travel industry supported about 1.2 million jobs last year. that's up 6%. tourists created about 4% more revenue than in 2023 and spent about 5% more. the report is crediting inflation for that with adjusted for inflation numbers, travel
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spending was actually down 14% from 2019. and although the governor chose to announce this tourism boost from san francisco, the city is still not seeing a full recovery from covid like the rest of california. san francisco may just over 13 billion dollars from tourists in 2023. that's about a billion more than in 2022. but still about a billion dollars shy of the pre-pandemic record that was recorded in 2019 of just over 14 billion dollars. the number of tense on the streets of san francisco. a pet, a new 5 year low. that's according to san francisco mayor london breed's office. it is saying that the city's tend count found 360 tents and structures on the streets across the city. and that represents a 41% drop since last july. the mayor's office cites increased efforts for offering shelter and housing as well as cleaning up encampments as factors behind the decrease in tents. the mayor's office also says the
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city. has placed about 500 people from encampments into shelters since the beginning of the year and converting historic buildings into housing. there's some new legislation that has just come out about san francisco be to bolster not only just downtown areas here, but also across the state. san francisco assemblymember matt haney introducing a be 30 68 today. he says it will allow state lawmakers to quickly green light office to housing projects, putting an end to lengthy and costly approval processes. you the action and the california preservation foundation. those are 2 groups and usually are at odds with each other. our co sponsoring this legislation, which also prioritizes preserving historic downtown buildings. the bill heads to the assembly appropriations committee for hearing on wednesday. live look outside shown us what the city of san francisco looks like right now. getting a lot of sun today. we have meteorologist dave spahr with
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us here so we can go over what's going on in the weather center getting a lot more to as we head into the rest of the weekend. warming up just a touch. it looks for tonight. we'll get a bit of fog, though, but that's going to be so much based centric that will be more inland. it looks like here's a nice live shot. >> coming a half moon bay. yeah. enjoy folks. sunshine is out looking pretty good. half moon bay, some high cloudiness looks like it's thinning out last couple shots. here's sfo behind. here's what we're watching. mostly cloudy for the south bay. it looks like that's going to develop after some of the bay fog patchy, late inland fog. the lookout for 2. but for this week, warming up inland explanation point 80's are back 70's 80's issue around the bay. we're talking thursday friday zone. so it's kind of a repeat performance from last week. we also see a pop in the winds up there to solano county as well. for the weekend. there. look sweet now, but we're watching to sometimes the models can flip on us a little bit. we do see a weak wave that does play out throughout the weekend. the numbers that change temperature-wise are very, very modest. we might see a little sprinkle up there in the mountains. so if you're
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headed up there to see what's left over from all this, that happened, you may do so. but some showers, you may get a bit while europe and some of the higher elevations there, we'll say mostly sunny back on the home front except a touch cooler for the bay that we experienced on friday. all right. temperatures right now we're at 71, antioch, most readings in the 60's. 55 half moon bay. 59 for san francisco. but not a big surprise. don't forget, we have those good, brisk onshore winds. the high has yet to place itself. ideally in the positioning process. that means tomorrow. in little thursday we'll get some of those offshore winds cooking in here. typical after you get kind of a storm in everything again, offshore winds and they'll pop a little bit. you can actually see him here. the first on short first trying to maneuver a little bit offshore. you can see up there to the north and solano county and then an earnest. here's the big pop. yeah. that's why they have a wind advisory in. it's basically all day on wednesday. it expires by thursday morning. so that will be watching out for that lows tonight. not too bad 40's and some lower to middle 50's going on. some of the fog and
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some cloud cover down south particular keeping temperatures supported. well, look at that extended forecast for you coming up in a bit. just >> all right. if you're thinking about skipping your upcoming appointment to might want to reconsider. still ahead, why more businesses are cracking down? i missed appointments and yelp has released its list of the top of the brunch spots in the country in the bay area spots that made this list for your money is next. for your money.
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more businesses are charging for missed appointments. the wall street journal reports that.
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>> what was once a practice commonly just usually used by doctors, dentists and restaurants has not become favored by salons. personal trainers and others thanks to technology that collects payment info up front and facilitates tracking know shows business owners are fighting back. all right. so, you know, just released this year's list of the top 100 brunch spots in the country. and there are 3 spots in san francisco on the list. one of them even crack the top 10. so at number 10, we have mister east kitchen. it's a time beating these fusion restaurant that's located on 5th street. and so mom, there's also the american cuisine restaurant. la right came in number. 68. it's in lower not pell on post street and then in the city's richmond district coming in 80th was local. it's a mediterranean brunch spot. local employers are looking to fill 800 positions throughout
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san francisco. and if you're looking for job, the city is hosting its 3rd annual hospitality and small business job fair, right in front of the ferry building. it's happening on wednesday. may 8th from 10:00am until one. organizers say they will be over 50 employers ready there to take your resume. and coming up here at 3 o'clock this afternoon, waymo expanding into the bay area where you might see some more driverless cars in the coming months. >> and cracking down on fentanyl. the latest bill signed by president biden that aims to bust major players in the drug crisis. plus, former president trump find again today. the latest updates from today. the latest updates from the hush money trial that's bladder leak underwear has one job. i just want to feel protected! especially for those sudden gush moments. always discreet protects like no other. with a rapid dry core that locks in your heaviest gush quickly for up to zero leaks.
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>> following months of controversy, waymo has announced it will begin expanding into the peninsula. the company will soon begin testing its driverless cars and 7 bay area cities kron four's will tran has the story. >> things could look very different. 10 years from now because if you are driving around with a driver in front, how 2024 came up, so what's going to happen is the waymo is heading south as far as the in san francisco and they got the green light from the california public utilities commission as well as the dmv to expand down the peninsula. not everybody is happy about it. said county actually trying to push back on it. but ultimately the state said it was ok for them to do that. >> despite all the controversy that has surrounded in san francisco a couple of months ago, we saw waymo vehicle set
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on fire in san mateo county. they actually did want it to happen for several reasons. >> they cite that they don't think it's >> in a car without a driver if you're coming from francisco down to left. way speed, they say, obviously there's an accident. >> it will be a real thing at freeway speeds. but nonetheless, the state says it's ok. >> waymo will star in a couple of weeks in many cities along the peninsula, including early game millbrae south san francisco daly city. and the goal is obviously to keep moving south and ultimately into santa clara county. i can tell you that for now when it starts, it's going to be employees only so you have to work for waymo. all goes well, you too. can call for a driverless taxi cab. >> happening tomorrow, the man accused of killing a shop
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owner in san francisco's richmond district will have his first preliminary hearing. santos de la rosa's accused of beating to death. 6 year-old johan us to all day with a baseball bat outside of a convenience store on balboa street. this happened in august of last year. that's when police say the victim tried to stop de la rosa from shoplifting and he died of his injuries 5 days later. de la rosa faces several charges including murder and assault with a deadly weapon. he will be in court 09:00am tomorrow morning. lawmakers and advocates are praising the passing of a new law aimed at saving lives and cracking down on people make fentanyl. recently, president biden signed off the fend off fentanyl act signed into law. this new law will crack down on criminal organizations from the chemical supplier. sunshine up to the mexican cartels and also targeting the manufacturers, financial assets. government data showing 80,000 americans died last year of an opioid overdose. many of them for
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fentanyl related. that is not for the faint of heart. this is a marine. i'm with the washoe county sheriff's office on its way to a polar plunge when it sailed into some rough waters on lake tahoe for the weekend. the storm that blew through here on saturday caused the water on the lake to get choppy. deputies joke. those who get seasick easily should not apply the weekend. weather also brought snow to the nearby mount rose summit. the area reported as much as 26 inches of snow in the 24 hour period. and we'll talk about the snow that sticking around for may. you don't see any here. pretty in san francisco right now. we have dave spahr in the weather center with details on the snow in may. not bad. >> we've got going on even in yosemite national park is the snow kind of hang around a bit. fresh snow. my dad, not
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just the old ice that was around before we have the ice before. but now we add to this and what's nice is it's the stuff we're going to be later on for central valley when this starts to melt and fill up the creeks into rivers and all that stuff. good news is we do have a heat pump like we had before, but nothing too nothing too major. we don't want too much melting too quickly for talking about. they are in numbers this week being in the 90's. they would cause too water being released to quickly here. look at the numbers, by the way, 4 54 going on for wednesday thursday about 59 a look ahead back on the home front. we're at 59 by 11 o'clock by 10, partly cloudy, a 53. we do see some fog developing cover, san francisco and off towards the coast of the peninsula. bit. then later on, we'll see cloud cover for the south bay and some of that fog for some of the valley's well inland. here's the tonight planner. we've got to go for your early clouds and cool. we've got 50's and 60's at work here clear for the bay. but some south bay clouds developing by midnight looks like and that's going stick around all
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overnight. some patchy inland fog reading you tomorrow morning, nice mild temperatures in the 40's, but warming up in a big way when run through futurecast winds on shores been the program. that tends to be a nice little climate correction, but we get to wednesday. here's your offshore winds popping and they do have in sullivan county issued by the sacramento office, a wind advisory will be mostly on wednesday, a little bit late on thursday, tuesday to early on thursday. we'll take extended forecast coming up in a bit. justine. >> all asian american pacific islander heritage month and over the weekend, a korean american nonprofit celebrated 10 years during a fund-raiser. the korean american community foundation of san francisco hosted its 10th annual hanukkah last night at the ritz carlton. the event raises money for translation services, grocery deliveries for elder korean americans and scholarships for students this year. the gala recognize judge lucy koh with a trailblazing award. she is the first korean
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american woman to serve as a federal judge on the 9th circuit court in california. and make sure you join us every thursday this month for stories highlighting the bay area's api community. it will all lead up to our special that airs thursday may 23rd at 06:30pm. former president trump has been fined for a 10th time and also now threatened with jail time for violating the gag order in his hush money trial in new york city. the judge presiding over the case fined him $1000 today. while jurors heard testimony for the first time about the financial reimbursements at the center of the case. this is coming after trump criticized the jury selection process in the tv interview claiming without evidence that the jury was stacked with democrats. the judge imposed a gag order meant to barr, the former president from making any inflammatory statements about the trial outside of court. and with election day now, 6 months away, there is a new decision desk headquarters and
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newsnation polling numbers that are out showing how voters feel about the border and how the issue continues to emerge defining issue in the race. when asked about 4 different issues and which one stood out as a bigger problem to them? almost half of the 1000 registered voters said that inflation was there. main issue here, while 30% pointed to the border. and as far as how to take on that issue, 30% favored shutting down the border. 18% push for building a wall. and then at 16%, voters liked expanding green card and visa availability or prioritizing funding for federal border agencies. and since election day less than 6 months away, almost half of those polled believe the former president trump is the best candidate to deal with the border issue. well, 26% picked president joe biden and you can read the full results of this poll right now on kron 4 dot com. disgraced theranos ceo elizabeth holmes. she is
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now had her prison sentence reduced by 4 months, according to the bureau of prisons, inmates can get time taken off when they complete certain prison work programs. it's unclear why her time was reduced for 4 months in november of 2022. host was sentenced to 11 years and 3 months behind bars last july. that sentence was reduced by 2 years. she was convicted on 4 counts of wire fraud for letting doctors and patients use her company's blood testing services. while knowing that the company was incapable of producing accurate results. so homeless is now set to be released in august of 20. 32. some shocking video now to show you of an attack in pennsylvania. pastor during the sunday sermon. the entire thing caught on camera during the church's live stream a warning here. before we play it, this video can be viewed as disturbing.
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>> okay. so that's the pastor. glenn germ. and he says the gunman smiled at him before squeezing the trigger. police say the gun was loaded but it failed to go off deacon clarence mcallister is credited with tackling the attacker and grabbing the gun. police say that they found the of the gunman's home nearby. but no motive has been released. cinco de mayo is celebrated throughout the bay area over the weekend and in san jose every year the event brings thousands of people to downtown to celebrate and we were there to capture all the fun and festivities. kron four's jeff moment takes us there.
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>> usually more than 1000 people paraded through the streets right here in downtown san jose along cesar chavez plaza to celebrate cinco de mayo. but things here in san jose didn't totally go off without a hitch center that police had to detour section of santa clara street. what they want side. >> with a long before san jose police did this section of santa clara street claiming sideshows took over the area after an afternoon of cinco de mayo celebrations. the road backed up with burnouts honking, cheering. but earlier in the day, both >> yeah. what are you guys doing today with >> the >> we say really have you know, marco scalp on san jose. born and raised says he's happy the city is working to put a bigger cinco de mayo celebrations every year.
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>> you know my today's the day, you know, we're all the >> they would like and all the political. >> music and food. >> that silva came to cinco de mayo at cesar chavez plaza to sell her jewelry. and so san jose's come a long way and how it that way. it. >> all >> guys today. >> he says, though, for everybody else out about >> they >> now that detour on santa clara street bystanders police cars, a backup of cars for at least several hours. we're in downtown san jose. jackie moment kron 4 news.
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>> breaking news now just into the kron for news stream out of the south bay. there's a severe traffic alert that's been issued for a crash with injuries on the northbound and southbound lanes of 80 and highway 101. in san jose. all the southbound lanes are blocked. some of the northbound lanes are blocked as well. this is according to the chp drivers. you should expect some delays used a different way to get around and avoid that area of possible. again, it's for the north and southbound lanes at 80 at highway 101 in san jose. there's no estimate right now as to when that roadway will be open. we'll keep you updated right here on kron for news this afternoon. and you can always get new details on our website. kron 4 dot com. summer break can be challenging for students who rely on school lunch. coming up, the plan from bay area cities to make sure that kids facing food insecurity. >> we'll get enough to eat even when they're not in school. and its drinking water week. how cities are encouraging people to conserve water. you how this next?
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>> thousands of law enforcement officers from across the state gathered at the state capitol today to pay tribute to their fallen comrades killed in the line of duty. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace was at the ceremony and shares why one of the sheriffs in attendance called out state leaders. >> outside the state capitol, the sound of bagpipes marks the beginning of the somber ceremony paying tribute to the more than 1700 california peace officers who died in the line of duty. on hand here
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about 2000 people from the law enforcement community, members of the legislature and loved ones of the fallen, all to commemorate those who never made it home. >> among those who spoke, california attorney general rob bonta. they were called to get there. >> careers and their lives to something bigger than themselves. to make the world a better. safer place. for all of us. for that. california, his attorney their death. >> governor gavin newsom did not speak at the ceremony but met with law enforcement families. and later an american flag at the peace officers memorial just across from the capitol. of course, the ceremony pays tribute to all california peace officers killed in the line of duty. but today's especially about 7. >> who lost their lives in recent years. among them, the late officer gonzalo carrasco
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junior of the selma police department in the central valley. he was shot and killed last year responding to a call just one month before the birth of his baby boy maximus. ross junior. his family honored their forever hero and so did police chief rudy al cross all like so many of our other phone conference. it in my xyz slowed their community after his remarks. he spoke with us about why he hopes the people of california, appreciate the service and sacrifice of officers like gonzalo carrasco junior. not many people can do something you are committed to doing something bigger themselves and these brave heroes take and sacrifice everything to do that. >> it says so much about the character of the person who they are and their family should be absolutely proud of that. other law enforcement leaders in attendance, including riverside county sheriff chad bianco did not shy away from criticizing state leaders while he did not name names. he argues policies
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that have come out of the legislature are too soft on crime. >> and it made california less safe and we don't feel like we're getting the support, whether it be verbal or real from our lawmakers here in sacramento. it's it's almost like a knife in the back because we're doing everything we can to protect them. and we're not getting the same in return. but for this police chief today is all about remembering the fallen like carrasco junior, making sure his memory lives on forever. he'll always be with us. at the state capitol. a tonn wallace kron. 4 news. >> for your health this afternoon, at least a dozen people have become sick by e coli outbreak that's linked to organic walnuts from central california. they were sold in half pieces from gibson farms based in hollister. the fda says they were sold in bulk bins at natural food stores like whole foods. the walnuts were sold in several states, including california. 7 people went to the hospital to have
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developed a dangerous form of kidney disease. the products have expiration dates between may 20st and june, 7th. drinking water week is now underway in the city of santa clara has some tips now on how to safe water. one is to rethink home landscaping in general homeowner should only water from 06:00pm until 09:00am. and people who live in santa clara should be aware that outdoor watering is banned in the city between 09:00am and 06:00pm. using water wise plants in california. native plants is another effective way to reduce water. homeowners should also fix leaks as soon as they're spotted. take quicker showers rather than taking a bath and turn off the water while brushing teeth. washing your face or shaving. your legs or face the san francisco free summer meals program returning this year, starting june 10th through august. 16th children and teenagers who are all under 18 will be able to get free breakfast and lunch. there
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will be more than 75 locations handing out food throughout the city last summer. more than 85,000 meals for passed out and you go. you can go to our website kron 4 dot com to get more information. kids in berkeley will be able to get free breakfast and lunch the summer to berkeley unified school district announced it will be participating in the federally funded seamless summer option. all students aged 18 or younger can participate regardless of whether or not they are enrolled in public school, meal distribution will be held. the 3 different schools and the berkeley public library starting june 5th, the program program will run through august 9th. let's talk about our weather right now live. look here at the transamerica pyramid in san francisco, breezy out there today. dave, are you thinking training? every time i see that. i think john, that rihanna or does i know you're just like, wow, geometry again, i never like know which of those >> you know, i like the numbers little better
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somewhere else, a person or something. but i can still visualize things like got the jewels for you. hear justine. get ready for a warmer week. coming up. >> here's a look at san jose state to meet a logical departments with a camera out there. take a look at the nice, deep blue skies not going to last all night tonight. sorry, it looks like some cloud cover is going to develop there tonight and kind of linger a little bit tomorrow morning. here's what we have for the next few hours for you. getting back to the business, the 50's fairly rapidly here. once we lose the daytime heating and 7 o'clock sun setting about that time or so. 59 53 at about 10 o'clock and variable clouds, maybe call. let's go into this fog business. looks like some developing right here along the coast, san francisco, but temporarily we approached the witching hour that clears out and then spreads out a little bit in the south bay in some of those valleys, you can see well inland in the east bay temporarily. again, by the time the sun's up that clears on out. so we've had onshore winds all day today. we're going to have them tonight tomorrow. yeah. and then it starts to flip more offshore solano county. you've got a wind advisory looks like for
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just about all the day wednesday that she starts late on tuesday and then expires early on thursday. a look ahead. we're talking just to mention some of that patchy inland fog there this week. it's a warming up story 70's and then popping to about 80 or so inland. that's thursday. friday with 80's going on inland, too. look sweet for this weekend, but we're watching, ok, he's a weak wave that comes by and maybe some scattered clouds might be with this in a slight reduction of temperatures. but more important for the mountains, you might pick up potentially a shower this weekend. that's on sunday. but we'll see if that holds together. this here is a troubled area right here in the center of the country. remember the storm we had over the weekend? this is where it is. it was all written rotation and brought up that moisture from the gulf of mexico. cold air canadian cold air. it's always contrast as what we look for to create weather and that it is storing tornado watches have been posted for oklahoma, kansas, severe thunderstorms up to the canadian border. we'll take a look at your seven-day forecast in a bit. justine.
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>> dave, thank you so much. up next, fashion's biggest event of the year is happening right now. we'll tell you the a listers were there and we'll listers were there and we'll see what they're wearing. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling.
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visit to learn more. doc? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ yes, ahh!! mom: what is going on with you? get out! andy! get out of my room! get out! mom: andy. fight! fight! i didn't say anything. yes you did. ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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berkeley humane society's pints for paws event is coming up next month on june. first, tickets costs. $95 and that will get you a belgian style glass with unlimited tastings of local craft beers, wines and ciders to celebrate the berkeley humane society is waiving all adoption fees for the month of may. so you've been waiting. get up at now. might be a good time. >> i'm just guy. we're in
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front of the director of this movie. just so happened to have a major crash. >> we need to keep super cool. >> to make because i don't. >> the fog i rising to the top of the box office over the weekend. ryan gosling and emily blunt the film there that they made brought in 28 and a half million dollars in its debut. the runner-up this weekend was a special may the 4th release of star wars episode one, the phantom menace, the 1990 film brought in 8 million dollars. and happening right now, it's the met gala which happens every first monday of may. they have rolled out the red carpet. the stars are starting to arrive there coming out of the hotel. look at all fly. the event starts at 6 in new york and thhs year's theme is the garden of time. and according to vogue, some of the crazy outfits this year go includes some floral and botanical looks. i saw some birds and crows on it already. this is a
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last year's look. several can now old old stuff, old fashion is already like on the sale rack. this year's host include zendaya's was from the bay area sunday as and i z jennifer lopez and bad bunny. so i was just looking instagram day for and like my feeds are all like that. that's what they're wearing. giving me just such great inspiration for new year's eve this year. you're pretty fly over their yourself to feel for the warming weather there. we should have gone. yeah. okay. we want regarding a little dark but you're all lit up. right? summertime is here. late spring. >> and that's what we got in the forecast here. you see temperatures drop as we go to the evening. some cloud cover watch out in the south bay highs tomorrow. get a load of this. the 7 day forecast ready for summer. a little flavor of late the tour spring. we'll call it a tease right into the weekend. saturday. looks like it holds. watch out for sunday. a little pullback. maybe a shower up in the mountains as a little addendum to that just
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>> dave, thank you. and thank you so much for joining us this afternoon here on kron 4. i'm justine baldwin. appreciate your time. see you back tomorrow to start at back tomorrow to start at noon. and then a 2, 3,
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have you had a good relationship in the past? sharon mitchell: linda has been envious of me most of her life. narrator: hot bench. judge rachel juarez. judge michael corriero. judge yodit tewolde. three judges. three opinions. one verdict. this is "hot bench."


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