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tv   KRON 4 News at 12 Noon  KRON  May 8, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ >> i'm trevor shirley in washington. we've now learned the pentagon halted shipments of some heavy weaponry to israel last over fears those weapons could be used during the invasion of rafah. i've got the latest details on that coming up just ahead. plus,
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streets swamped in the east bay. we have the latest on the cleanup after early morning water main break in richmond. >> and students sick in the south bay. we're live outside of a middle school after there were reports of people having difficulty breathing. >> from the bay station, you're watching kron. and news. >> thank you for joining us here on kron for news at noon. i'm justine waldman. we're going to start and the south bay where the fire department has reported that there was an incident at a middle school. multiple people having difficulty breathing. they're asking people to avoid the area. kron four's. charles clifford joins us at the scene there with a live report. thanks for joining us. >> well, good afternoon. well, the good news here is that no students were seriously injured. there were 2 kids who were transported hospital just as a the fire department has
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been investigating trying to figure out what the source of this contamination was that made multiple kids feel sick. >> the san jose fire department says that around 9 wednesday morning they started receiving calls about students here at sunrise middle school smelling an odor and feeling sick. full first alarm response was dispatched to the school. when we got here, we found that there was 8 students that had various complaints of dizziness, nausea, general, malaise, shortness of breath and the students had been pulled from the area where they originally smell the smell and they are in a safe area for us to assess. 2 students were transported to the hospital for evaluation of mostly out of an abundance of caution. they are expected to be ok, the remaining 6 students are also doing well know, faculty reported feeling ill. the fire department's hazardous materials team checked the area where the odor originated from possibly a science room. the exact cause of the smell is still under investigation. they suspect that carbon dioxide may have been a factor at current time. we do not know exactly what the source
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of the odor was. there's very common things that we try to rule out such as cleaning products. this school is clean on regular intervals with us and products like ammonia, etc. >> and they also scheduled to potentially an experiment with vinegar and baking soda for one of those volcano we're trying to isolate and rule out some of the most obvious things first, but we still don't know exactly what that was by late morning classes have resumed here at sunrise middle school, although parents who want to take their kids. >> home for the day we're allowed to do so. all right, back live now. the fire department wrapped up their investigation here just a short time ago. and they do believe that this was a science experiment in that room either from the day before yesterday. more this morning that had created elevated levels of co 2. >> in the room, they remove that source of co 2 that the levels back down to normal and didn't find any other contaminants in the air. but for now in san jose, charles clifford kron, 4 charles, thank you so much. >> now to a large water main
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break that caused a big mess this morning in richmond. the water rushing onto several streets. kron four's will tran has the latest. >> what you're looking at is the epicenter of the water main break. look at how the road just went up. i just talked to east bay mud. they said all that water was so strong that when it pushed stop, it also pushed roadway. so they are cleaning up the mess. i just found out that 21 homes along carlson and 45th to 47th. they will not have water at least the next 10 to 12 hours. so that should put them well in 2 the evening hours. so the afternoon they cannot use water, of course, because it's not available to you. now. i can tell you this all started at around 5 o'clock this morning when for some unknown reason the pipe just burst and they have an excavator on scene right now. they want to obviously break the roadway. get down there and then replace the pipe and
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then get the water back going. but when it was at its full steam, it sent thousands of gallons of water onto the roadway, which is why you see all of the mud. >> right here on carlson, they're actually cleaning up the mud just so they can get closer to the roadway and then do their work. >> this is a long stretch. so i'm pretty much standing on 45th right now will swing the camera over here. one direction of carlson is going. but this is being handled by east bay mud for several blocks because down at the other intersection, you can see them. they took it over as well. so one, they have to repair it and to obviously to find out the cause of all of this. but we do know that approximately 21 households don't have water. and if you do the math, who knows how many people are in each household, but it's safe to say maybe around 82 or maybe even more than 100 people woke up this morning trying to turn
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on the water. but instead of the water inside their home, it was outside their home in front of the street. you can see the excavator about to break ground. back to you. >> new at noon, google will be leaving one market plaza in san francisco when its lease expires next. april, a google spokesperson confirms with current crop for the company will move out of one markets peer tower later this year. but it's going to stay in one markets, landmark building employees who are based in one markets, peer tower will be moved to other nearby san francisco buildings. and in a statement, google says to us, we're focused on investing in real estate efficiently to meet the current and future needs of our hybrid workforce, we remain committed to our long-term presence in san francisco. the head of the berkeley unified school district is testifying before a republican led congressional subcommittee today. this is in response to recent allegations of anti-semitism in some of
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the district's schools. this is coming a day after the department of education's office for civil rights opened an investigation into berkeley, unified lawmakers asking the superintendent how she has responded to claims that some jewish students have felt unwelcome in their classrooms. in part because of certain ethnic. the study teachings. >> distinguished the lessons that i believe you're speaking about. and think that curriculum, the lesson that are speaking about was a lesson said that was created in response a lot of curiosity, lot of questions and quite frankly, a lot of confusion for many of our students wanting to know what was going on. and so we had a group of history, teachers and social studies, teachers and ethnic studies. teachers created lessons that in response to that that is distinguished from barclays, ethnic studies curriculum. >> the appearance on capitol hill follow similar republican led congressional increase into antisemitism on college campuses, including a high-profile hearing that
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contributed to the resignations of the president of the university of pennsylvania and harvard. now the berkeley unified board of directors issued a statement in support of the superintendent. it reads in part, we have witnessed the superintendent demonstrate both compassion and strong leadership. she continues to meet with parents, students, educators and community groups representing all perspectives and has personally attended many community gatherings to share in the grief and hurt that defines the time she has consistently and clearly articulated procedures for affected students. parents and educators to follow. and as the war between israel and hamas continues now. so do the protests set major colleges and universities across the country? this is causing a lot of tension ahead of graduation ceremonies. some of been postponed. others have been canceled. these demonstrations even heaviest impacts here in the bay area. hundreds of students gathering at sproul
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plaza uc berkeley yesterday calling for an end to the war in the middle east. this large demonstration coming as israeli troops seize the palestinian side of the rafah border crossing. that's a vital entryway for humanitarian aid. those camping out are saying they've been protesting since the war started 7 months ago and they will continue to hold these rallies until there's a cease-fire. and during that rally, the encampment expanded with more tense. they're now going up in. this is all happening during finals week. >> know some graduating this semester, but none of that matters you know, people halfway across the world are, you know, are being killed just indiscriminately. >> campus police have been patrolling the area, but it seems as though as long as the encampment and the rally has remained peaceful students will be able to stay there. >> where millions of muslims around the world, not only for not
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>> also this afternoon, the investigation is reportedly now under way after this incident last month, the dinner for graduating uc berkeley law students got heated when a pro palestine, protester stood up and read a speech about ramadan in the war in gaza. the dinner was being held at the home of to berkeley law professors video shows one of them taking the microphone away from the student and telling her to leave their private home. uc berkeley now launching a civil rights investigation into allegations of harassment by protester. and the white house says recently paused shipments of bombs to israel out of fear that they could be used in the invasion of rafah, which the u.s. opposes cease-fire talks are continuing. and washington correspondent trevor shirley has more. >> and these developments come as israeli troops move into rafah against the wishes of the white house. >> according to our partners at news nation, the u.s. halted shipments of some offensive weapons to israel
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last week amid growing fears of expanded military operations in rafah. i don't have and i certainly wouldn't comment on specific cases or shipments, but i can reiterate is that our commitment to israel security remains ironclad. the shipment was said to include 1802,000 pound bombs and 170500 pound bombs. military officials raised concerns about how weapons that large would be used in a dense urban setting like rafah. we have been very clear from here about our concerns about a major operations. we have been very clear from here about protecting civilians for weeks, the white house urged israel not to expand the fighting into rafah, a tightly packed enclave in southern gaza. but this week, israeli forces took control of the rafah border crossing into egypt. we believe what they are saying that this was a limited operation, that it was to cut off that the movement, the traffic of weapons into
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gaza through the rafah crossing fears remain, though this could be the first step of an operation that more deeply in trenches. israeli troops in gaza. >> potentially derailing cease-fire talks and hostage negotiations. more in touch with our israeli counterparts. we're going to see how this unfolds. >> israel's ordered the evacuation of about 100,000 people from as the israeli military says it will continue, quote, targeted strikes reporting in washington. i'm trevor shirley. >> coming up, rent is rising, but wages are not. we'll take a look at the new numbers and where the bay area stands here. plus, a hit and run driver arrested after allegedly hitting 2 pedestrians, including a middle school girl. this happened at san francisco. we'll tell you about the chase that ran through the city. and farm workers and have today are getting new affordable housing will show you what it might look like.
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a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine. >> on the peninsula, there's new affordable housing coming for farmworkers in half moon bay, the san mateo county board of supervisors just approved millions of dollars for these new homes. kron four's. michael thomas has the story. >> approval would allow up to 50 new manufactured homes to be built in this area that you see to my left and specifically would help out those farm workers who are affected by last year's mass shooting. take a look. these are renderings of the new community put out by the san mateo county board of supervisors which approved close to 6 million dollars this week to build affordable housing for coastal farm workers. in total, the project
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will provide. 47 new manufactured homes built on 5 acres of city-owned land. the areas about a half mile away from downtown half moon bay and sits at the end of a cul-de-sac where million dollar town homes are located. carl bolton who lives in biden says he likes the idea as long as it's done correctly. i have watched the project goal. >> the entire time and i think we need affordable housing for folks we need. we need we need this. >> while the approval came just this week, the idea stems from a county commission report that was done almost a decade ago back in 2016, which found the need to improve the quality availability and affordability of housing for farmworkers in the area and last year's mass shooting confirmed that report when officials discovered just how bad living conditions were. mister bolton says he's okay with the idea but not everyone is fully on board. mean, >> there's some controversy among our homes association in terms of of the valuing our properties of things. but i think weldon development here
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this clean and a affective, it's not going to affect the certain currently, the project is still in the permit process. but officials say if all goes well, 28 of the 47 units will focus on ownership for farm workers using the california joe certain junior farmworker housing grant program. >> however, no eta has been given quite yet. multiple neighbors in the area tell me they're ok with this project and the idea of it as long as it's done correctly. however, no eta when construction would begin has been given. >> that's the very latest reporting in half moon bay, michael thomas kron. 4 >> all right. we'll talk about our forecast now with a live look outside here at the city of san francisco. it's quite lovely out there today. and we have meteorologist kyla grogan here now with details on what's going on, how to go. hey there. good, beautiful day out there. no doubt about it. the sunshine, warm temperatures. but we do have this a wind advisory for part of the base. if you walk outside today, you might notice that you start to feel a pretty brisk breeze going on. so the areas that are going to enter this wind
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advisory includes some of the north bay mountains. so we're talking those that are to the east of santa rosa, including in calistoga, saint helene, a sonoma and then also right along the estuary there, as you can see, parts above allay benicia heading out towards fairfield. >> you're going to be in this as well. and it goes until thursday at 08:00am. we could see gusts up to about 45 miles per hour. if you look at the peaks, you start to see that northerly flow atlas peak right now at 30 miles per hour coming over the last rumpus. 33, you can see some of this picking up with the one thing they have in common is the direction of the wind. so you see it really pronounced right now that northerly flow in napa fairfield in that 2021 mile per hour range, but pretty breezy throughout the entire bay area. so why is this happening we've got high pressure and low pressure, high pressure sitting off the coast. that's warming us up. remember, we've got clockwise circulation, counter clockwise circulation. those to come together and it drives little offshore wind. and that's what we're starting to see here that you get that northerly northeasterly flow that gets very dry and warm, so warms us
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up. but it also means watch out, folks, because your trash cans are going to be flying today, especially as we get later into the afternoon and evening. we could see some of those gusts get upwards of 40 45 miles per hour. so if you haven't already batten down the hatches now is your chance to do it. because here we go. as we get into the afternoon, you see especially and that north and east bay, some of that rain really getting going. we get the overnight, you think? well, it's going to pull back a little bit, but not a whole lot. you can still see quite a bit of wind even when we wake up tomorrow morning, it won't be until thursday afternoon that we really start to see this kind of wrap up temperature wise. obviously that off offshore wind which can see the breezier does drive those temperatures up and take a look at some of these numbers right now. we've got santa rosa at 77. we're at 76 in oakland. so we're already there. you know that we're going to get to some pretty interesting highs on the back a little bit. we'll talk more about those temperatures. back to you. >> 2 people, including a teenage girl are in the hospital after being hit by a hit and run driver in san francisco. police chase that
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driver through the tenderloin all the way from north beach. before this chase came to an end right here outside of our kron 4 studio along the embarcadero kron four's. dan kerman has the story. >> it's here along the embarcadero at green street where san francisco police took the hit and run suspect into custody. this after at least the 3rd incident of the day when the white mustang he was driving slammed into this parked car. no one was injured at this location, but that's not the case at the other locations put >> and i'm like police say. it all began just before 08:00am the suspect's vehicle hit a pedestrian near jones and market tire tracks are clearly visible. the victim, an urban alchemy employee, was taken to a local hospital and will survive. police say a few blocks away. officers spotted the suspect's vehicle driving recklessly when the suspect failed. the yield when officers initiated a traffic stop. police say a vehicle
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pursuit began about 9.30. the chase reached francisco middle school. it's their police say the suspects vehicle hit a 14 year-old girl who was crossing francisco street from the main campus to the auxiliary campus. so they got was crossing the street from building to building and was in the crosswalk. >> and the guy was running out of, you know, running. because the police often. so put the good here. we have a good he can run supervisor. aaron peskin who represents that neighborhood says the girl was taken to san francisco general hospital with a fractured shoulder and ankle. but will survive. it's at that point. police say they shut down the chase to to safety concerns. >> minutes later, officers spotted the suspect's vehicle stopped in embarcadero in green. it's their they took the suspect into custody. francisco police are allowed to conduct vehicle pursuits under certain circumstances with these chase protocols
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followed in this case. supervisor peskin says both he and the police are evaluating that right now. >> in san francisco, dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> still have the latest on the baltimore bridge collapse as the recovery operation has now come to an end. and the cdc is warning the public about 2 new covid variants. what we need to know ahead of our summer plans.
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health this afternoon. the cdc is warning the public about 2 new covid variants that could fuel a summer surge in cases. the omicron subvariants have been nickname. >> flirt due to the mutations that are on the strain. public health officials say that these variants could be more contagious than previous strains and are better at infecting people who have been vaccinated. some of the symptoms of flirt include fever, cough, and loss of taste and smell for your money. this afternoon, investors who lost money in the collapse of the crypto exchange ftx are supposed to be getting all of their money back. the company's bankruptcy lawyers say customers will recover practically every dollar that they invested. plus interest the refunds will based upon their value just before ftx went bankrupt. a
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recent surge in the crypto market has driven values to triple what they were in 2022. victims will benefit from that surge. the first checks are going to start going out in a few months. rent continues to outpace wages, rent prices in the u.s. story. 30 1% since 2019, while income only grew by 20% over the same time period, according to zillow, rent has increased more than wages. and 44 of the 50 largest metro areas, the median rent in san francisco as a little over $3,000 a month. california representative eric swalwell along with other u.s. representatives have introduced a bill that will make buying a home easier and more accessible for teachers. that's what they say. the educator down payment assistance act would give local governments the ability to offer down payment assistance. this will provide aid to full-time public school educators and school staff who do this when they buy their first home with rising costs of rental properties. teachers
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spend about half of their salaries on rent. this bill will help provide teachers with some of the resources they need to afford homes in the neighborhoods where they teach. next. at noon, we're honoring nurses during nurses appreciation week. we're going to chat with bay area nurse about what it's like on the job these days after the break.
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>> it is officially national nurses week a time to express
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gratitude for the people who care for our community. and joining us now live is catherine mckerrow, a registered nurse. she works at laguna honda hospital in san francisco. kathleen, thank you for joining us. thank you for having me. and happy nurses week to all the nurses out there the worley. so what's it like to be a nurse these days? you know, it's challenging. i've been a nurse since 1990, was born and raised in the bay area, went to nursing school here. and i've seen a lot of changes throughout the >> for the better some not so much for the better that hopefully i can. >> speak to a little bit later. okay. well, it's still got start. what's what's for the better? what has changed since you entered the field? >> as far as how you know how you actually do your job. and you know what the appreciation that you get yes, i think that there improvements >> technology, definitely. and in charting also, i believe that improvements in the
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treatments provide to our >> i think covid is a really good example of and there was such a vigorous research that was done with the beginning covid that we were able to see in patient care and actually, you know, mortality, which is really exciting. does that alarming that like break times something and got to go back all right to get me. okay. got she's got so i get this asked. >> about myself a lot and i wanted to bring it to you. people like. >> you know what? what would you recommend to someone who wants to get into journalism? how how what would you recommend to someone who wants to be a nurse? is it something that you up profession that you think people should be entering into and what kind of advice would you give them? >> yes, i would love for the
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younger generation to consider. nursing is a profession. i we can reach out to especially high school to really i'm kind of engage them and show them what the job is about. and all of the different possibilities that are available to us and that's what i love about. it is there's so many different opportunities and different specialties, different roles that people can do. and they are saying when i went to high school, i went to saint francis high school down in mountain view it was one of the sisters, their sister mercedes, who connected me with a long-term care facility to do volunteer work. and that's where i saw. wow, this is like something that i'm really interested in, especially older people, something that i wanted to as a profession. and so i think high school is the time to really try to engage people and then we've had people like
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come through our hospital that have had other careers first and decided to go back to nursing later on in life. and so i think that's one of the great things about it. but i would say engaging high school students are really mentoring them and showing them what it's all about getting want their young. >> do you do you think that being a nurse is a, you know, family-friendly job someone. i don't know what you're. your relationship status is or if you have kids or anything like that. but for maybe a your colleagues that you work with, is it something that, you know, people can try to find a balance with like a work life and home life. >> yes, there's definitely a work life and home about that can be achieved a and many of our nurses, the, you know, typically in there's 3 different but nurses some hospitals have 12 our ships where there's really just the
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2 ships on night shift and a into evenings it can be the amount of time that you want work. and i think also where you want to so, you know, work across the united states and then we also you know, many nurses that come from out of the area work at laguna honda. so it's quite flexible. i for me working as a nurse, one of the things that had to learn through the years, it's also, you how to the stress level and trying to not bring home the job worries into my home life and personal so that's something i think people, you know, need to keep awareness about that. that is a very relay double, i are a lot of high stress positions. what would you want someone to know who is thinking about being a
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nurse about. >> what they might experience when they're in the hospital when it comes to being appreciated. >> yes, and so right now we're going through challenging time at the san francisco department of public we are working through negotiations now with our registered nurse contract. and unfortunately, a lot of our nurses aren't feeling appreciated right now. but i think in what is important is to really recognize. what we do for the hospital as well as the other frontline care providers because we licensed vocational nurses. we have certified nursing assistants and then all the others that contribute to the care of the patient. and just 2 really the dedication that everybody provides in making sure haitian have good and that gets the quality of care that they deserve.
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>> capping the carol registered nurse, but the hospital in san francisco. thank you for joining us. so we can learn a little bit more about your profession during national nurses week. thank you so much for having me. really appreciate it. good luck out there. thank you. best with today. say few okay. kaiser permanente in northern california. hospitals have been recognized amongst the best in the united states for for providing exceptional care to parents and their newborns. this according to a newsweek magazine list of america's best maternity hospitals in 2024. 13 kaiser permanente. northern california hospitals received this for us to just designation, including san francisco, san jose redwood city. is there some others on their? this is the 50 year kaiser permanente. northern california hospitals have been recognized for meeting the standards for maternity care, such as low rates of elective early deliveries and following important safety protocols to protect new parents and their babies. a live look outside
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right now showing us what's going on across the golden gate bridge. little breezy lots of sunny skies. we drops. cocoa can hear no details on what's going and that is sunny and francisco checkout half moon bay. here we are getting a little bit warm at the moment. it is really lovely out there. just blue skies as far as the eye can see. >> i mention we're getting a little right now at 72 degrees. we're at 75 in fremont. you can see some nice temperatures in downtown san francisco. just say the 72 degree mark. 76 in oakland and 77 in nevada and santa rosa. so we're off to the races with temperatures today. looking out for highs inland, it could reach as high. >> as the 80 degree mark, even perhaps up in the north bay. we could see some of those low 80's. same story in san jose looking over at 81. but even around the bay itself, we're talking some upper 70's and the 80 degree mark possible. so all of this has to do with high pressure that is sitting right offshore here. you've got to get a sense of that little bit of ridge as we see where the cloudless skies are throughout, not just the bay area, but also the entire
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state of california. we're looking good. we do have that wind to contend with today. we are under a wind advisory and as you can see here, other than that, temperatures are really going to start soaring as we get into thursday and friday looks like this peaks thursday into friday and then we will pull back slightly as we get to the weekend. but i got to say it's above average. as far as the eyes can see. i'll be back in just a little bit. talk more about your seven-day forecast. all right. thank you so much. we go on some developing news right now. tiktok is suing the u.s. government. >> this after president joe biden signed a law forcing the chinese owned app to sell 2 u.s. company or it would be banned here. kron four's catherine heenan reports. >> we're in some very unusual territory. the u.s. government has passed a law that effectively gives it the right to take away one of the most popular social media apps in the world in arguing against the new law. tiktok says its app is an important avenue for
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expression. >> pointing out that more than 170 million people in the u.s. use. it roughly half the country. it says that by taking away the government is infringing on our first amendment rights. meantime, is there really a significant security threat posed by tiktok? >> what i think is interesting here is that the for the last few years now the government keeps saying there is a national security concern with tiktok and we've heard this now under republican and democratic presidents and in both cases, we have not gotten the details, right? the government has not made its case to the american public about why this hugely popular app should be banned. it just teams, gesturing and national security. and i think that's part of why this case is going to be so fascinating. >> there were renewed calls to ban tiktok after the october 7th hamas attack. some users saying more anti-semitic content was showing up. others
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argue the new law is an attempt to suppress pro palestine voices. in any case, the fallout from a trial could reach far beyond tiktok. one of the things that tiktok makes the case about in its. >> filing against the government. is that a number of other social media companies and apps in general would need to be banned under these rules that the government has set out effectively it saying that if you're going to treat us all fairly, which, you know, the constitution says equal protection under the law. then it's not going to just be tiktok tickets band. it's going to be a lot of stuff. and i think that is going to be an interesting part of the debate as well. if the law does not go away, he ensure thanks tiktok would just leave the country. no sale. >> but many would be surprised if this does not end up before the supreme court. catherine heenan kron, 4 news.
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>> turning now to more national moos. the body of the last missing construction worker killed in the collapse of baltimore's francis scott. key bridge in march has now been recovered by officials as demolition crews are now preparing to use explosives in the ongoing cleanup effort. the steel spam landed on the ship's bow after it lost power and crashed into one of the bridges support columns. this happened on march. 26. since then, the ship has been stuck amid that wreckage and baltimore's busy port has been closed. 6 construction workers who were killed in that collapse have now all been found. the body of that final victim was recovered on tuesday. all of the victims were latino immigrants who are working and overnight shift filling potholes on the bridge. >> details on apple's new ipads. plus, a new feature to help you find that misplaced. apple pencil. i'm rich demuro.
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that's coming up in rich on tech. >> also ahead, the san jose sharks snagged the number one pick in the nhl draft, giving them a chance to pick first overall pick. we're here to the team's general manager says wants to sink his teeth says wants to sink his teeth into.
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teacher: ...but it's still true. there are four states of matter. there are solids, liquids, gases... teacher: trevor? teacher: not quite? plasma. teacher: lights please. teacher: now, states of matter are comprised of relationships between molecules. teacher: molecules' relationships... nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen anxiety. teacher: saved by the bell! ♪ (ominous music) ♪ it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. tide pods child-guard pack helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging. >> now in bay area, sports and the san jose sharks have a
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great advantage going into the nhl draft. the summer sports director jason dumas has the details. >> we had the nhl draft lottery on tuesday afternoon san jose high-level talent in a major way up and down the roster. and guess what, someone was looking out for them. >> the first overall selection in the 2024 nhl draft belongs to the san jose sharks. >> there you have it. the sharks will have the first pick in the nhl draft. this june will have an opportunity to draft someone with a last name. you may have heard macklin celebrini. he is expected to be the first overall pick. he is the son of rake celebrini the director of sports, medicine and performance for the golden state warriors there. the family is in boston after they won the title in. 21. there they are behind for larry o'brien. trophies. obviously macklin is very familiar with the bay area. now he played
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juniors in illinois and then played his college hockey at boston university. here in these highlights. he's numb 71 is a very, very talented two-way center. he says he can impact a game, both offensive lee and defensively. the draft is on june 28th in sharks. general manager mike greer all but said celebrini is his guy. i think he's going to special mentality. >> to make make himself better, push himself super brings it every day in already has a 17 year-old kid is going a great level of professionalism, tombs. i think he gives himself every chance to succeed your thank you for us. it gives you know, the along with, you know, logan and granted you know, possibly have. another. you know, another really good center down the middle. you
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know, it's exciting. >> other news, the a's they lost to they lost and then they have a double header against the rangers today and the giants. they snapped a four-game losing streak against the rockies they'll take them on again tonight that look at sports. >> all right. we'll take a live look outside right now here at san francisco international airport. looking good out there. even from this point of view, sunny skies, usual, suppose you a little clouds or fog there in corner, but not today. and it's so warm out there. kyla. yeah, beautiful, breezy and warm. that's really our story today. let's start with a look at state. temperatures can see 70's down in los angeles, bakersfield, fresno, sacramento, at 74 degrees right now. and in san francisco, downtown's at 72 sfo is a little bit warmer than that. it's 74, but you can see we've got some more spots like oakland right now reporting 76 degrees, hayward, 78 kind of interesting where the warmth is today. it's not so pronounced inland. >> you can see 71 degrees out at half moon bay. so the blue
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skies the first thing you notice when you walk out the door, you're also going to start to feel the wind a little bit. we do have part of the bay under a wind advisory are north bay mountains. and also if you're heading along the estuary, that part of solano and yolo counties, warming trend is going to peak thursday into friday, a bit cooler by sunday. but this sunny forecast, we're sticking with us for a bit. i want to take an example of napa today. you know, averages about 75 are looking at for 79. look at the overnight lows, though. just 60 want to decrease when it should be about 48. by time we get to thursday friday, even into saturday here, the example of napa. you can see those temperatures getting up into the mid 80's. as i mentioned, we do pull back a little on sunday but still well above average. so what's going on here? it's all about high pressure. that's what's happening. you can see it kind of builds up as we work towards friday. and then what's interesting is it does retrograde a little bit kind of meet up with some more high pressure as we get into next week. so that's why we're seeing that persistent warmth. you don't see any of those blues and greens coming down as we look at temperature
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depiction and you see just that that high pressure stays in control. so here it is, that ridge that is right there. that means sunshine. but the low pressure also means the wind gradient. so current wind right now showing we've got 2021 miles per hour out of the north and spots like knapp and fairfield. and if you are in the north bay, you can see i zoom in, this is the area into the wind advisory right there in those mountains to the east of santa rosa and also spots calistoga sonoma. and then also, as i mentioned, you know, play fairfield benicia. you are under that, too. and it goes until. >> 08:00am tomorrow morning. so just be ready that we could see gusts upwards of 40 miles per hour. now, the warm up thursday into friday. >> saturday. pretty warm day, too. but you can see just above average and sunshine as we roll across the next 7 days. thank you, kyla. we have details now on apple's newest ipad and new features that will help. >> you find your misplaced apple pencil, rich demuro explains in today's tech smart. >> the ipad is getting some upgrades with new display
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technology. plus a processor that's faster but uses less energy. and in all new apple pencil is finally getting find. my built in which means hopefully you'll lose it good morning. welcome to apple park. in a pre-recorded event in there now signature slick transitional style. >> apple unveiled new ipads, updated editing software and a new apple pencil. this is the strongest ipad lineup we've ever have. first up the ipad air, which is now powered by the m 2 chip and is 50% faster than before for the first time ever. ipad air comes in 2 sizes. it still comes in the familiar 11 inch model, but also a new larger 13 inch model. the cameras been moved for easier video chat in landscape mode. 2 colors include blue and purple prices. start at $599 and
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$799. >> next up to ipad pro's also in 11 13 inch models, the new ipad pro. he's even thinner than the ipad nano, which makes it the finnish apple product ever. they have a brand new m for chip inside, which is 50% faster but uses less energy >> plus, led screen technology. they start at $999 and $1299 with a storage of 256 gigabytes. as for the new apple pencil, it's going pro. the new version lets you squeeze to bring up tools. plus there's new haptic feedback. it sells for $129 and has find my built-in. she can locate it more easily. finally, apple dropped the price of the 10th generation ipad launched in 2022, it's now $349. this beans, third-party retailers will likely sell it for even less.
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>> you can preorder these apple products. now they're available next week. that's rich on tech. i'm rich demuro. >> nintendo says it will announce its plans for the successor to the nintendo switch by march 2025, the company also says there will be no announcements about any new hardware at its been 10 do direct event in june. the company first launched that switch in 2017. and it expects to sell 13.5 million more devices this year. some video game experts are believing that this upcoming announcement might limit sales of some fans. wait for the next council to come out. and next at noon. keep your friends close and your enemies closer instacart now joining forces with the very unlikely competitor. >> in order to deliver groceries and meals.
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>> san francisco based instacart expanding into restaurant takeout through a new partnership with uber eats in the coming weeks. instacart will add a restaurant delivery features. the listings of restaurants will be provided by uber and the food we picked up and delivered by uber eats drivers. why the financial deals of the financial details of the deal are unclear. uber and instacart claim there will be no changes to customer pricing or courier payouts. this partnership is an unexpected move as both companies compete for grocery delivery customers. but this
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allows instacart add a new service without building it all from scratch. and you can now buy concert tickets for dozens of artists for just $25. this is part of live nation's concert week. some of the artists that are offering these a bargain prices include janet jackson blink one 82 corner, luke bryan room. 5, the doobie brothers are slots of others. the sale will go on media's 42nd annual camp fest is at the palace of fine arts. the 10 day event kicks off with screenings and admissions of that film admissions. granted, there is also opening night gala at the asian art museum can fest showcases music, food and interactive workshops goes on through may
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19th. and nfl fans are going to wait a whole other week to get the release of next season's schedule. the league announced the full slate is going to come out a week from today. may 15th. and this is the latest that the schedule has ever been released since 1990, reports are saying this could be due to the league's christmas plans. and there are some talks that they might play 2 games on the holiday, which falls on a wednesday this year. but the league had already said that it would even have christmas games if that day fell on a tuesday or wednesday. so we'll just have to see how the so plays out. that's it from the newsroom today. thank you so much for joining us. i'm justine waldman. i'll see you again during kron for news at 2, 3, but for now live in the bay is next. thank you so much. justine. we have such a great show coming up today on live in the bay. we're talking about an epic race that's running through the city. >> how important your superpower? and for mental
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health awareness month, some toys. >> that initiate conversations >> that initiate conversations with some kids. stay dupixent helps people with asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. and when you can breathe better, what isn't better? this is better. this is better.
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that's better. and that. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. it works with your asthma medicine to help improve lung function. that's pretty good! dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's proven to help prevent asthma attacks. it can reduce or even eliminate oral steroids. and doesn't that make things better? dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. when you can get more out of your lungs, you can du more with less asthma. and isn't that better? ask your doctor about dupixent, the most prescribed biologic in asthma.
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everyone to live in the bay. we have a great show for you today. coming up. >> this spirited race that's been a staple of the city since 1912, we're gearing up for the celebration, a bay to breakers. >> a is national mental health awareness month. we're learning about some toys that can help kick start health and wellness conversations with the kiddos. plus, the big apple event unveiled their latest products. details on the features coming to the ipad users will definitely be excited about.


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