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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  May 8, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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>> tonight at 5.30, a local school districts faced harsh criticism on capitol hill today. berkeley superintendent in the hot seat facing questions concerning allegations of jewish students being harassed. kron four's terisa stasio has the latest. >> anti-semitic incidents in our schools are never acceptable and they are not who we are. berkeley unified school district's superintendent facing a steady stream of pointed questions. >> as complaints of surface concerning allegations of anti-semitism. >> on school grounds stand how this works. we have teachers that are teaching hate to our kids and showing it students being a feeling fearful for this. do they are the founder, this transfer to another school appears that just moving to another place. in this case yeah, i guess that's the question i what house is being resolved. >> if we have a concern or complaint about anti-semitism or any form of hate, we take
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it very seriously. we investigate and we take action pending the outcome of that investigate. all right. so i guess the action is not fine is just moving some place. i think it would. action is very subjective, obviously for more thole. also acknowledging the u.s. department of education has opened an investigation. >> saying that it is based on the district failing to address, quote, nonstop severe and persistent bowling in classrooms, hallways, schoolyards since the conflict erupted on october, 7th between israel and palestine, brick teachers that the war's consequences. >> for palestine are, quote, no water, no food, no electricity in, quote, whereas the consequences for israel are, quote, ceremony is put on hold travel advisories in place and city shut down. do you think that's a fair representation? the israeli palestine conflict? >> i not think that's a fair representation. >> several parents have detailed graphic cases of
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alleged discrimination against jewish students on various campuses. one parent said her child was threatened with violence for just being jewish. the berkeley unified school district issued this statement to kron 4 news about the superintendent testifying saying, quote, we have witnessed superintendent ford mortal demonstrate both compassion and strong leadership. she continues to meet with parents, students, educators and community groups representing all perspectives and has personally attended many community gatherings to share in the grief and hurt that defines the time. she has consistently and clearly articulated procedures for affected students, parents and educators to follow. in the newsroom. terry says stasio kron 4 news. >> meantime, happening right now in berkeley, educators and students are out marching after some say they've been facing intimidation and harassment for supporting the palestinian people during the war. president biden is
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pausing us arms shipments to israel. >> as israel prepares its possible robust military offensive in rafah. the president president biden has repeatedly said he is opposed to israel invading that city in southern gaza. the shipment was set to include about 3500 bombs. military officials are raising concerns about how weapons that large would be used in a dense urban setting like rafah. >> we have been very clear from here about our concerns about a major operations. we have been very clear from here about protecting civilians. >> this week israeli forces took control of the rafah border crossing into egypt and ordered the evacuation of about 100,000 people who had been staying there and keep it here on kron 4 on air and online for the latest info on the middle east conflict from the cease-fire talks to campus
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protests in more just head to our website. kron 4 dot com. >> investors who lost money in the collapse of crypto exchange ftx are getting all of their money back. the company's bankruptcy lawyers say customers will recover practically every dollar they invested. plus interest the refunds will be based upon their value just before ftx went bankrupt. a recent surge in the crypto market has driven values to triple what they were in 2022. victims will not benefit from that surge. the first checks start going out in few months. >> google will be leaving one market plaza in san francisco when its lease expires. a company spokesperson confirmed to kron 4 the company will move out of one markets spirit hour later this year. but we'll continue to occupy one markets landmark building employees who are based one market spirit hour will be moved to other nearby google buildings in san francisco.
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>> taking a live look outside now at downtown san francisco. another absolutely beautiful day out there today. it really calm in the day in terms of >> temperatures really pleasant, windy, but we are dealing with anything compared to the rest of the country, you know, have been really lord's going through it. i mean, deaths, destruction. it's been horrible. yeah, these last 3 weeks just been unbelievable. across the country's midsection. >> tonight, another very dangerous night get into a ruck. you can see numerous storms starting to pop up now. severe weather just breaking out again in the afternoon. he did. here we go. they've dsf tornadoes on the ground just in the last few weeks alone and more on the ground. now you see all the severe weather begin to pop up along that frontal boundary. they're making its way eastward and toward the northeast, too. look at all the reports of damage. some hail out there. numerous reports of tornadoes and funnel clouds all through that area and they continue to see issues tonight. in fact,
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tornado warnings are now being issued across parts of the sections as we're seeing some very strong storms moving on through right now. and you see some of the tornadoes that have been reported. some already up touchie ground. some of those areas seeing some damage now for some of that activity as well. and watching out for that as tonight is going to be another active night there across the country and further south, you can boy, you can see the hooks in these storms is what we call hook echoes. they're usually a signature of tornadic activity. these tornadoes have not touched down on the ground yet, although we're seeing some motion in the atmosphere, some twirling in the atmosphere, a signature of those tornadoes in those areas are watching that very closely tonight that go along with all the heavy rain and the gusty winds, wind gusting 65 miles per hour. plus, in spots and they're far from done. in fact, the storms likely continue to be dangerous tonight. and another round of those storms likely more dangerous again by tomorrow afternoon. just pushing further to the east. the city of richmond has
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passed a resolution for the state to jump start a non-profit electric company. >> to effectively replace pg and e the vice mayor says for years now, richmond has dealt with power outages as well as other problems, including the failure of pg need to supply energy to city parks. in a statement, the utility says it does not support the idea of a statewide public utility because pg and e says it would not benefit customers. taxpayers, local communities or california's economy. also enrichment nonprofit organization. pogo park is one of 10 million dollars state grant to build a brand new rex enter. that will double as an emergency shelter. it's going to be at harbor a park construction as you saw, was already underway and is expected to be completed by the end of this year. >> it is national nurses week a time to express gratitude for those who care for our community. the american nurses association is celebrating this week and throughout the entire month of may, we spoke
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with a registered nurse at laguna honda hospital who says she's hoping future generations will consider the profession. >> i we can reach out to. >> especially high school to really i'm kind of engage them and show them what the job is about. and all of the different possibilities that are available to us and that's what i love about. it is there's so many different opportunities and different specialties. >> this year's theme nurses make the difference honors the incredible nurses who embody the spirit of compassion and care in every health care setting. >> democratic senators and representatives are calling on president biden to act to protect a long term undocumented immigrants. the group wants the president to streamline pathways for legal status for undocumented spouses of u.s. citizens, family, caregivers and other long-term residents. basil, john reports.
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>> this is ridiculous where we stand right now. new jersey democratic senators cory booker and other lawmakers urged president biden to protect people were undocumented have been in the u.s. for a long this is the time for executive action. this is the time to stand up and do what is right. massachusetts democratic senator ed markey wants the president to streamline the process to legal status for undocumented spouses, caregivers and other long-term residents. but millions of undocumented immigrants currently live in fear of separation from their families are broken immigration system that lacks and due process, which needs many families with no escape from deportation. but some republicans question why the democrats who pushed for this do not urge the president to take action of the southern border. outrageous. missouri republican senator eric schmitt that says there are plenty of ways for the president to get immigration back, how it was under the
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previous administration. so my hope is that he'll come to his senses and actually, you know, reinstate something like remain in mexico or or help the border patrol agents by, you know, building more of the wall. but senate democratic leader chuck schumer criticized any republicans who talk about fixing the border when they have the chance to pass the border security bill months ago, the border building killed in congress will linger over them like stink on garbage. schumer says democrats will challenge republicans to join with them again on border reform. supporting in washington. i'm basil, john. >> state lawmakers battling over a major ballot measure that would make it tougher local and state governments to raise taxes. and former president trump back in court first criminal trial. the latest from the courtroom in the witness that took the stand.
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don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. >> house speaker mike johnson has survived a motion to remove him from his speakership. the motion was brought forward by fellow republican marjorie taylor. greene. but it was tabled thanks to a 395 to 43 vote. 11 republicans and 32 democrats voted to oust the speaker. johnson avoided being the second speaker to lose the job in less than a year after kevin mccarthy was removed in october. >> adult film star stormy daniels is expected to return to the witness stand tomorrow in the hush money trial of former president donald trump. court was closed today, but yesterday daniels went into explicit detail about an alleged encounter with the
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former president. trump denies it happened according to people inside the courtroom, the former president's kowal shook his head and muttered as daniels described the incident, she says happened nearly 2 decades ago. trump is facing 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in an attempt to cover up the payments to daniels during his 2016 election campaign. he has pleaded not guilty if convicted. trump faces 4 years in prison. >> president biden will be back in the bay area for a couple days. this week is expected to fly to san francisco tomorrow and then friday, he is set to attend to campaign receptions. >> kron 4 is your local election headquarters and now to a big fight over a major ballot measure that would make it tougher for local and state governments to raise taxes. today, the california supreme court officially took up a governor newsom backed lawsuit calling on justice is to remove this measure from the ballot. >> kron four's capitol
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correspondent eytan wallace reports. >> meeting in san francisco justices on the california supreme court heard arguments supporting and opposing the taxpayer protection and government accountability act. we're tpa. they specifically must decide whether to take it off the november ballot. the proposed measure already qualified for the upcoming november ballot with more than 1 million signatures turned supporters note, if passed, the measure would require voters to approve every new state tax increase or new state fee proposed by the state legislature or local governments. it would also change the voter threshold for local citizen run tax initiatives from a simple majority to at least two-thirds majority needed to but governor gavin newsom and democratic members of the legislature say the measure is government from doing its job. that's why newsom says he filed a lawsuit asking the california supreme court to consider removing the measure
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from the november 2024 ballot. attorney mark or printing represented the governor during oral arguments at the high court. if taxing subject to voter approval. >> it might become impossible and it would certainly be delayed for for the legislature to try pass a balanced budget, raise revenues that are necessary on the other side, attorney thomas hi-tech represented the measure's proponents, including the howard jarvis taxpayers association. >> they want the measure to remain on the ballot, our constitution since its inception. >> has stated that all political power inherent in the people. >> what tpa does recent war, not only the people's power to have check and balance on that requires the legislature to be part of that process. that's accountability. assembly speaker robert remus and former senate president pro tempore toni atkins signed onto the lawsuit, urging the court to strip the measure from the ballot. they wrote
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the amount of harm this measure could cause is vast and would hamper local government in our state's ability to function. but republican assembly minority leader james gallagher disagrees. he says the governor is trying to take away the voters ability to decide for themselves. he's fine with taking away your right to vote. >> on the ballot in november. so, look, i think people see the hypocrisy and they're just not buying his books. >> now the ball is in the court of the 7 justices on the state supreme court. among their options. they could strike it from the ballot, which means it would not go before the voters in november or they could do some variation allowed to go to the people for a vote on november. 5th. >> but maybe take one or more provisions out. yes, this is a precedent setting case. however, they decided in the court is expected to make a final ruling by late reporting in sacramento, eytan wallace. >> kron 4 news. >> a new bill is aiming to make housing more affordable for teachers. california representative eric swalwell introducing the educator down payment assistance act. this
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will provide aid to full-time public school educators and school staff who are first time home buyers with the rising cost of rental properties. teachers spend nearly half their salary on rent. this bill is aiming to help provide teachers with some of the resources they need to afford homes in the neighborhoods where they teach. >> i whether time here as we take a live look outside, this i believe the richmond, sandra fell bridge wednesday as we get set for the latter half of the week. maybe an eye towards the weekend. mother's day. lot going on. a lot is going on, lawrence. i'm hoping we're just going to copy and paste. yeah. that's why we're going crank the temperatures up a little bit more outside. so yeah, these numbers even along the coastline, we may sneak a couple of 70's in tomorrow, but maybe after that, we may see a little fog make return. we'll show you more of that in just a moment. but out the door right now. nice evening out there. nice night. go out for a walk. if you head on out by the bay. not bad at all. a beautiful look at we've got.
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nice clear skies and look at the flag. here is really the wind subsided, at least here by the bridge, at least right now. but we'll see those winds kick up again overnight tonight. and it's small boys. temperatures. they really jumped in spots today. 15 degrees warmer in hayward, 14 degrees. warmer in san francisco and 10 degrees warmer in napa. so really nice numbers out there all across the board. temperatures as high as 76 degrees in san francisco. well, above the average 81 in oakland and san jose, 78 lamar, 80 in concord and 83 degrees in santa rosa. so tonight going to see those nice clear skies. we are going to see those gusty winds returning, especially in the north and the east bay. and then tomorrow, sunny, all the way to the warm, too. but late in the day, we may just see a couple of patches of fog return along the coast and more fog expected over the weekend out the door right now to 71 degrees in pacifica. 73 in 7 tail. 76 in san francisco, 79 in berkeley, 80 right now and nap and 78 in petaluma. really nice weather all around high pressure overhead. that ridge will strengthen the 7 self up to bring us some nice offshore
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winds will continue throughout the night tonight, getting gusty spots in the north and the east bay. but you see that track boy that takes right off the coast. that means we're going to be left with lots of sunshine around the bay area again tomorrow. so expect some very warm temperatures. even sepsis can go to downtown. you're talking maybe about 70 degrees little bit closer. the coastline, a little cooler. 73 in golden gate park, 70 in daly city, about 70 half moon bay tomorrow. 75 in not millbrae and also san bruno. 76 in burlingame. well, these temperatures heating up nicely down the peninsula. 80's in the south bay mid-eighties. they're almost 89 degrees in milpitas about 89 in livermore, 89 in pleasanton. so these temperatures getting close to some a hot 90 showing up around the bay area. maybe we do see that. click over another windy morning tomorrow morning. i think across parts of the north bay slama county, you're going to see some gusty winds here. maybe some 30 45 mile an hour gust there. watch out for that, especially in the morning. then that begins to subside by the afternoon. little bit of a sea breeze actually kicking in late today. now help to cool you down. but here it is. here's your forecast heat things up
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the next couple days, especially inland, sunny and hot in the interior valleys on friday. then we cool down a little fog returning the coastline that slowly creeping further onshore into sunday, which happens to be mother's day, too. so some to think about little fog along the coastline. it's going to be cool for moms there. if you're worried about that, stay inside the bay or the value of have plenty of sunshine and warm weather. a that's a mom wants because it's hot where she lives. that's right. that's it's all about what moms want. cool stuff. take her out. ask her. don't assume
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>> san jose mayor matt mahan
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join city officials. look at the mayor. get his hands dirty releases gloves. they plan to 29 trees along the cia will of business district today. the green initiative is part of his plan to beautify undeserved neighborhoods. the mayor says the concrete surrounding businesses in the area can be a detriment to foot traffic because the pavement, it increases the temperatures and as it gets hotter, this becomes more of an issue and it is a common sense that planting trees will help cool down the neighborhood. >> the business association, this neighborhood literally feels the >> raising concerns last year about heisler impacting their day-to-day lives and activities. we're all of us. it the difference between supporting our small local businesses getting out. >> and building connections are staying inside. >> hands beautification initiative also hosts cleanup events every saturday across
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the city. volunteers can sign up online if they'd like to help out. need some shade these days. 100 1% no better time. good. all right. that wraps up kron 4 news at 5. a lot more ahead on kron for news at 6. vicki and ken are here with. >> what's going well grant. here's what's going on for kron. 4 news at 6 o'clock covid-19. if you recall. >> you know, prevented tens of thousands of high school students from being able to walk across the stage for a classic. a graduation ceremony will now 4 years later. the same students are concerned that they could be missing out on a second commencement this time because of encampments on campus and cat on the peninsula now has thousands of dollars in medical bills after its owner found out it had been shot. >> his road to recovery in the search for the shooter. i'm ken wayne and i'm vicki liviakis. the news at 6 is next.
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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. >> now at 6 questions tonight about whether a steering malfunction on electric vehicle was responsible for a crash that killed a family of 4 in the east bay. good evening, everybody. i'm vicki liviakis. i'm ken wayne. that crash happened last month in pleasanton as kron four's. dan kerman tells us tonight there've been several complaints filed with federal regulators over steering issues with what's called the vinfast vehicle. the complaint filed with the national highway transportation safety it's a questions whether vehicle technology may have caused the car to lose control and hit a pole and


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