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tv   KRON 4 News at 630pm  KRON  May 9, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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>> the man accused of hitting 2 people, including a teenage girl and leading police on a chase through san francisco was arraigned in court today. authorities say 54 year-old rodney jefferson pleaded not guilty to several charges. prosecutors say he showed no remorse when he was arrested and instead went into a profane tirade about his driving skills. today the
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judge said releasing jefferson on bail was a clear risk to public safety. for more on this case and some other legal matters around the bay area. kron four's legal analyst michael cardoza joins us here in the studio. one of the big issues about this particular case, this started in one part of the city, went through north on to the embarcadero. eventually where he was arrested, hit and killed a hit injured. a 14 year-old girl outside the francisco middle school and the police called off the chase. and it seems like a logical thing to do because the city is not a place where you want to high speeding. no high-speed vehicle chase what do you think about that? but how did police handle that kind of a situation where some of these running off and and posing a clear danger and they can't really follow that person. well, it's a good tactic on behalf of the place. it's a good policy because as you say, >> you know, were crowded city have a lot of people here and was someone like this? i mean, hearing, you know, the
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profanity laced tirade. he women, obviously he's mentally disturbed right. when you act that way in a courtroom that tells you, howie is on the street, not come imagine. he's probably got into more than one dust up on the street where he's cut somebody off or something. then, you know, you give the highway salute pulling over chaisson you. to get back to your question. it's really good that they do that. but it is frustrating on the other side. not i grew up here in the bay area and then particular and san francisco and i always used to laugh. i go. hey, red light and a lot of san franciscans. so maybe not a lot, but just oh, that's a suggestion that i pass. i don't know where you're supposed to stop. just today i saw 2 people running red lights. yeah. it shocking. that may help people are driving nowadays it. but the thing about policing advantage they have there's the old adage, a radio cannot run. it
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can out run a suspect. so if they put the alert out, which is apparently what happened, right, they called off the chase. he still. >> allegedly driving recklessly on the embarcadero. other officers apparently crashed. he crashed into a vehicle. they were able to catch him at that point, right? because a radio call it gone out. and and so that you didn't have that chase proceed. >> smart. yes, it's fair, inspire. especially with a guy this dangerous because all you're going to do is get his adrenaline pumping even more and he's going to do more crazy stuff. it is frustrating, though. i know over in oakland, i was talking some officers and they told me, you know, i pull up to a burglary of a jewelry store. i pull up the guys walk out. they actually. gave them the insignia hand wave right and got in their car and drove off with a quick rate of speed and the police i can follow and that's against our policy. so a lot of crooks know that now and that's to their advantage. you know, i don't know.
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there's there's good in math and both and sort let's go law come down. my all right. let's move on to this other case that's getting some a piedmont wealth manager killed in oakland man, while driving on mother's day in a. >> this is back in 2021. i believe that he did serve 3 years, but then the made some kind negotiation. how the u.s. a suspect make in negotiation with the court itself without going through without the da getting involved in the world that is involved in the only way you can bypass the da's office. for example, of i'm representing someone in court and the da gives me a to work only an offer and go, wow. this case is not worth that. that's way too much time. i can turn to the court and say i am going to plead open to the court. but in order to get the court, then to sentence you have to plead to all the
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charges you can pick and choose. for example, the da says, well, well, just have you plead to the burglary that your offer. we'll give you 100 years for the burglary. but they're also charged with the robbery. i've got to plead my client to both charges to then have the judge sentence. so in this particular case, this defendant got 6 years, but they put him on a bracelet and that was down. i believe when he was still out. so by the time sentencing came around some 3 years later, the council, counted all that time. and i think he had one more day to go. and this is a really good judge. and that's a very busy department. a department, 11 and alameda county near the like she's a really good judgment is just one of those things. this sky sort of fell through the cracks. and and there's a family that lost a father and a husband forever, right? and
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he's now 6 years later after walking around with an ankle bracelet for a while. a free man. yeah, that's that's not justice says that's not justice at all. but >> with. the charges, you know, it took a 6 year deal which was but top that the court could give it 6 years was the top can get many years. he should have done behind bars, right? exactly. all right. so what do you say about that? sometimes they get away from him. and then the we're talking about a car issues now. yeah, a lot of people talking about this tesla. went over double slide right? the driver allegedly. did it on purpose with his 2 children and his wife in the vehicle plunged over the side. helicopter rescue. miraculously, nobody was killed and only slight injuries. i believe to some of the people. no, no. had spinal injury, ok, haaretz pine level case from she's the one who is saying he should be set free district attorney of 7 tail
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county said it happens a lot of times and domestic type cases. here's a guy that obviously has some mental issues. there's no question about that. >> should he be punished for what he did? and i think the question is will come on now. you know, suicides, horrible, a new home. nobody does it. but you certainly help don't take your family with you know, i mean, you don't want to see it happen. but here's a guy that stress from work apparently looking at live for a and he decides, well, i'm just going drive off. that will slide. that's, you know, high one go in half moon and that's quite a drop. and like you said, miraculously, nobody died there. but now they are in court. they're trying to get him in a mental health court. if he goes there. for this crime, he served no time and there's been 2 psychiatrists has testified on his behalf of the hearing and one for the people and the
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judge has to make a decision. do i let him into mental court mental health and just having go to classes at the end of 2 years, the case gets dismissed and that cases 3 attempted murders for the four-year-old. the 7 year-old and the wife. so my guess is and i know this i if i were a betting man, i'd say i'm not you're going to be ended up in criminal court behind this where they can tend to your mental health. but you're going pay for this crime. that's what i thought often happens when somebody pleads insanity. >> they do go to task and arrow or some a mental health titution that's controlled by the state. and it's kind of a lock-up situation right when they are deemed mentally competent. then they go back to court to face the charges. well, that wasn't what they call 13, 6 th, which means you are such an on-campus meant has in essence, almost psychotic where you have no
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idea what your attorney saying to you and the car coach you you are not fit to stand trial. >> go off to napa state or wherever they put you when you are able to understand what's going come back. this guy understands and 2 of the shrink said that, you know, on medication, he's fine. we've got to keep my medication. you can imagine what a lot of people say, though, if he's on medication, isn't that sort of delusional? you've got a voluntarily take it out. can we trust to take it? but like i said, he has not didn't punish for this crime yet in the big deal is do we just send him to a mental health court and the wife saying no, sending back the kids missing minute him. i get that right lately. but on the other side of the coin. you've got to be real careful with this. and my guess is that this judge, we'll send in the criminal court, like you say, use that defense diminished capacity. when would we get a decision
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that do you i i think she's doing that tomorrow. let me say this within the next week, we'll know what she's going to do with him. and my guess is you're going to trial. go right to preliminary hearing. use that and use your psychiatrist to let a sentencing judge after you get convicted of these 3 attempted murders. if that happens, decide how that should affect your punishment. but we're not let you walk. from this type of crime no matter what the watch that and keep in mind, the wife. when they rescued her was screaming and these are what's called spontaneous statements. he tried to kill us. he and words to that effect. and that comes into evidence because she can refuse to testify. and the da has to be smart about it so wait a minute, didn't you say very spontaneously and emotionally, right? your husband did this on purpose and tried to kill you. i don't see him going anywhere but to trial. this is why so many people are interested in this
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case. it's a domestic situation >> oe'll see. we'll see how it turns out. yes, going to be interesting. all right. my as usual. thank you very much. vicki. all right, ken. yeah, very interesting underpinnings to that story. >> new big changes could soon be coming to your utility bill. that's because the california public utilities commission has approved a plan to implement a monthly fix charge for many california and our capitol correspondent wallace takes a closer look. >> well, here at the state energy building where the meeting took place, supporters argued the plan will benefit low income californians, but opponents say will hurt the very people. it was supposed to help the vote is 4, 0. the item passes with that vote. the california public utilities commission or cpsc approved a plan allowing major utility companies in the state, including pg and socal edison and san diego, gas and electric to impose a fixed charge on most of their customers, monthly utility bills. >> specifically the plan
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includes a new flat fee of $24.15 per month. coming up to about $290 per year. in return, the utilities will cut their electricity prices by 5 to $0.7 per kilowatt hour. supporters say the plan will help pay for grid maintenance and in the long run will make it more affordable for californians who need to use electricity for green technology like overnight electric vehicle charging backers also believe it low income californians noting per the plan. >> those already enrolled in the low income, california. alternate rates for energy program or care will face a dramatically discount a monthly fee of $6. this is a fair proposal. >> implementing a reasonable fix charge that help support the fixed costs of the grid. we commend the cpc on taking action today in support of the fixed charge. >> and because of their action today, relief is coming to californians who need it most, but not everyone opponent help this demonstration outside the cpu see hearing demanding
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commissioners reject the plan. among those opposed shark thompson, a single mother from fresno who says people just like her >> will be hit hardest. i mean, that's an extra $24 that i would have to budget employee loans and our ted to make ends each week side, take a payday loan and then i'll pay it off at next weekend. >> you know it people are having to to choose one of these utilities over food and medicine. and that's just not right. this is unelected board. and this is the first time we've seen them have the ability to be able to come in and set up the statewide. and so for me, that's the biggest concern. it's appointed by the governor and they're going to set the what to say. >> you know, 2 or 3 years from now, they don't continue to raise that. the it impacts every single rate payer in california. >> and the governor's spokesperson said he's confident the plan will lower costs for millions of californians as eugenie. and so cal edison customers will see the plan take effect for them in late 2025 and pg and e customers will see the plan to cut for them in early 2026. reporting in sacramento wallace kron. 4 news.
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>> coming up, the giants look to sweep the rockies in colorado and come home on a mile high note next in sports. jason, tell chinese have enough offense to get it done.
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>> federal 4 zone forecast as we look at this, vicki, it looks like there's an attempted fog invasion taking place of the goal then air conditioner. lord said it is is she going to be effective or know if the heat's going not a real big run in the fall? i think you see that, though, really watch it develop, especially along the
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coastline, the valleys boy, it's going to be hotter tomorrow afternoon outside, though, right now, little fall, trying to form out there. we've seen the patch fog off the coastline. you see that then lair a fog trying to form. so it's not to be able to make its way well onshore. but yeah, it could help to cool us down in the coming days, at least along the coastline first than elsewhere, a cooler 57 degrees right now in half moon bay. 67 now in san francisco. you still got a lot of 80's in some of the interior valleys, 70's around the bay. high pressure is going to stay in control for another day or so. in fact, a very warm to hot temperatures inland. but cooler numbers along the coastline with some of that patchy fog. you see it right here as we head through the night tonight, a mostly clear early on that a couple patches trying to form and then by tomorrow afternoon, really kind rolling back on shore and thickening up outside. that being said a little bit cooler along the immediate coast. 71 downtown temperatures go about 65 in the sun. set a 66 elder, not a 65 daly city inside the bay. you'll find lots of 70's in anywhere away from the immediate coastline. those temperatures going to heat up in a hurry back. probably 80's
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and low 90's in the santa clara valley tomorrow afternoon, 90 in lamar hot. they're 90 in pleasanton. 91. if our friends in brentwood about 91 in fairfield, 87 in benicia back along the coastline. still some very nice numbers in the north bay. a warm temperatures out there. that's for sure. hot inland cooling down a little bit near the coastline. staying warm over the weekend, but cooling off a few degrees. more fog expected along the coastline. >> and now kron 4 sports. >> the giants were hoping to wrap up their road trip with a sweep of the rockies today out and how colorado and as i've said all week, they desperately need to stack wins against the bottom feeder teams in the league because they have already proven they struggle against good teams, but a similar problem reared its ugly head again today in denver from was a chilly day out there won't need that coat when you come back to the mel. nice and toasty hears having a 4th. no score. michael conforto. he gets the scoring
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going his second home run in as many days. it's one nothing giants. but that would be the only highlight for san francisco. 4th inning. kelly is diaz laces? a liner that rolls all the way to the wall? >> in comes another run. it is 2 to nothing rockies say manning sean, do charge. >> with this double down the line. >> want to keep rolling. rolling. rolling rolling. that makes it 3 to one rocky shot out, went biscuit. the ending continues this time. if brett and oil. oh, yeah, he got a hold of that bad boy. going to the cheap seats. the rockies had 7 runs on 8 hits in the 4th alone. the giants had only 7 hits in the entire game. colorado wins 91. the giants come back home friday night. they'll be taking on the reds. the nba draft is in about 6 weeks last year's draft
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treated the dubs pretty well. they ended up with brandon put jet ski and trayce jackson-davis. >> 2 guys who look to be on the way to having long successful careers this season. the warriors will likely only have one pick at 52. their first rounder conveys to portland unless it lands in the top 4, which is highly unlikely golden state started working out draft prospects today. we'll do so up until the draft and one person who had been in the past and most likely will be involved in this process this year is someone who doesn't wear a suit at the games is draymond green. i talked to warriors vp of basketball operations, kurt lake up about the process leading up to the draft. here's what he had to say about draymond involved. we do have players who tend to be around it. it depends on the timing of these workouts in the season. i think. >> historically draymond's been pretty involved. he just he loves to be around this sort of stuff and he loves the
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draft. so he'll come and watch workout. that's typically as we get closer to the draft and i think what's great about that, he'll see certain as a active player and someone to be in the locker room with that we might not focus on as and sometimes that's important. sometimes it's less important. but it's interesting. nonetheless, and he also talked to afterwards and get a sense for what they're like. >> catch most of that interview tonight on sports night live. the full inierview up on kron 4 dot com. 20 minutes. i'll it up. currently alright playoff basketball cavaliers. looking for redemption against the celtics game. 2 of the eastern conference semis 3rd quarter. jayson tatum gets the hoop and the harm for the three-point play. he had 25 7 in 6. but later, closing moments of the 3rd cavs up 9 donovan mitchell. drains the 3 at the buzzer. 29 7, 8, for spy to have extend their lead to 12
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4th quarter. now 18 point cleveland lead. caris levert knocks down to maybe 21 in 6 ferc harris, cavs, cruz one 18 94 kind of a shocker. they even up the series at one game apiece. >> game 3 is in cleveland on saturday. and unfortunately, we've got to end on a sad note. forty-niners hall of famer jimmie johnson, one of the nfl's best defensive backs in the 1960's. >> died wednesday evening. johnson played 16 years with the forty-niners here in 3 first team. all pro selections are made 5 pro bowls. the forty-niners drafted johnson in the first round of the 61 nfl draft. he started 205 games over his career and at 47 interceptions. second only to ronnie lott. he was adopted into the pro football hall of fame. >> in 1994 johnson was 86 years old. may he rest in
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peace? all right, guys, that's a look at sports. back to you. all right, jason, thanks for that. >> on the peninsula, the san mateo county sheriff's office is helping to reduce gun-related deaths by donating safety locks for patients. at kaiser permanente in redwood city, 100 safety locks are available to patients for a new gun. violence prevention program at the medical center. physicians will be able to offer the devices to patients who fill out a questionnaire asking if their firearms in their homes. doctors say they want to decrease gun injuries. >> it gives us an opportunity to engage in that discussion in non-judgmental way. just talking about how gun violence is real. it's the number one cause of death and children's and teens in this country. and so it's our responsibility to make sure that we're doing all we can to keep children safe. >> gun locks will be available for patients with appointments in the pediatrics, emergency and psychiatry departments. coming up. high school
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students are sharing their experiences of traveling across the world east bay across the world east bay youth. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ >> in san francisco, the children's play area at the helen wills playground is now open. it was closed as crews repair the torn down playground surface. it's now good as new. the park also has a basketball court community rooms and a picnic area. >> a group of high school students arriving back in oakland after spending 2 weeks across the world as part of an educational travel program.
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students from on high visited japan, taiwan and the philippines. today they stopped by elmhurst united middle school to share their experiences, inspire younger students to seek the same opportunities. >> the philippines island that it's kind of similar to my culture, which is a mexican culture. they have a lot of there. it is by letting them know that they have the opportunity to join. could be seeing that they get same experience needed. >> the pacific bridge cup club, a program that provides students with international travel opportunities, organize that great trip. you know, i i lived in the philippines for a couple years in the navy. and first thing i thought when i got there was this reminds me of mexico and it's just the land and the people they have heavy spanish influence because they were a spanish and great hospitality. both cultures absolutely. to my favorite places right? >> that wraps up kron. news at we have to see it. 10. >> but i
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: grayling stormy. >> that blistering cross-examination as stormy daniels returns to the stand.
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>> ann


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