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tv   KRON 4 News Weekend  KRON  May 11, 2024 7:00am-10:01am PDT

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ck: thanks for coming along with today's adventure. from the columbus zoo, i'm jack hanna, hoping you'll join us next time when we go "into the wild." >> now on the kron 4 morning news. thousands of uc berkeley students are set to graduate amidst a growing pro-palestinian protest. we've got a live reporter on the scene with details. plus, it's
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the first day on the job for oakland's new police chief will tell you what you need to know shortly. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> good morning, everyone. and thank you for joining us on kron 4 morning news. i'm michael thomas. it is saturday. may 11th before we get started with the news. it's a gorgeous day outside. you can see that live view behind me. so let's check in with the weather center. good morning, dave sphar. what's the latest out there? well, good morning, michael. good morning, everybody. and for today, we've got ourselves a serious summer day in store for you. some of those inland highs will be reaching to around 90 91 today. so. >> get ready for summer time. gear will be looking to even warmer numbers along the coast. a little bit to getting through. well through the 60's. first things. first, the beauty shot that we have half moon bay. yes, some morning fog is greeting us this morning, but i worry that will mix out for us and we'll go to a sunny day, even at the coast of the major players sunup ugly. they're going up and around us. as you can see, we're going the dominance of
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high pressure right now. but successive systems expect only to hit the northwest and not dip as far south as they have been winds other fairly calm. but we have a persistent onshore wind throughout. not just today, tomorrow, but the week ahead. that's going to have moments. where will increase in intensity. and for today, you can pretty much count on kind of a local winds, but we'll see them a little bit more active tomorrow. that will act as a slight climate control. now temperatures are in the mid to upper 50's right now over most of the board, a yacht. 51 on half moon bay. but 59 hayward already up to 62 for any often, much the same as it was from yesterday, if not at a degree or 2. the breakdown today. hey, we're up to 86 by 2 o'clock in some clocking in at around 90. have more on your forecast for your kind of hot saturday coming up in a bit, michael. >> thanks, dave. well, happening today, uc berkeley is holding its graduation ceremony as scheduled, although pro-palestinian protests have forced other universities across the country to cancel their ceremonies at kron four's. tiffany justice is live there
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at u c berkeley. good morning, tiffany, what can you tell us? >> good morning. michael wright, uc berkeley continuing with their commencement schedule. you can see right behind us. crews have been setting up all morning long. the have all of the metal detectors out as well as graduates are set to walk around 10 o'clock this morning. you know, we do know that other universities have decided to cancel their commencement because of the pro-palestine protest happening on college campuses. and according to the university uc berkeley negotiations are still happening between the school and protesters. a spokesperson for uc berkeley saying that they do expect there to be protesters today calling for a cease-fire in gaza on this graduation day. we know other schools have canceled their main concert commencements, including usc because of the ongoing protests. you come in here at uc berkeley has been set up at sproul plaza and organizers say students are prepared to continue the demonstrations until uc berkeley agrees to divest money from israel. so we do know that thousands are set to
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graduate graduate today. the standard protocols will be in place. no backpacks, no signs, no banners. and there is a clear bag policy. back to you. >> thank you, tiffany. well, student protest against israel's war and gaza is also taking place over in the south bay at san jose state's campus. students. there have a list of demands that they want the university to abide by, but say that the school has not budged to kron. 4 jack malone has the latest from san jose. >> so students here at san jose state are going on day number 2 of the campus sit in support of people in gaza. now, as you can see, the san jose state university administration has already given to students warning about the policy regarding camping on >> some engaging in prayer and others sitting to show support as students protest the ongoing war between israel and hamas. c responsibility of.
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>> terrible genocide that is occurring in palestine and in the right now is a responsibility that falls on. >> all of our shoulder today marks day 2 of the sit-in at san jose state. students say this banner is the only communication the school has sent. that basically says that gatherings of any kind that are >> not approved will be met with a request to disperse. students have 6 demands for the school, including disclosing and divesting from any companies that benefit israel. >> we do not abstain ourselves from this. harmful to our community's well-being. they're also getting support from neighbors. and it's a great injustice to the palestinian people. nancy so says she lives in the area and wanted to show up for student protesters around the nation who are met with suspensions and even arrests. >> so we should support we got is because we don't have expulsion of all kind for but
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they do. >> students were on campus until late friday night and plan to protest all throughout next week. the university administration sent kron 4 statement saying in part we expect and anticipate that our students who participate in demonstrations will be peaceful and responsible. and the following the university's time place and manner policy. >> so students here at san jose state to me, they really are under no specific timeline as when they want to end the sit-in protest. meantime, the last of classes is on may 13th with graduation ceremonies happening over the next several weeks. for now, we're in san jose. jackie moment. kron 4 news. >> well, president biden's first stop was in portola valley to visit the home of billionaire coleslaw. his arrival was met with a group of protesters that were upset about the conflict in casa. take a listen. we want him to know that we do not support
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the genocide is happening right now and we want the donors to know that we hope that they would fund other things besides a war and the site's genocide. >> and so we're here today to just make sure he knows that people are unhappy about this genocide in palestine. >> well, after this, the president then left for a palo alto to visit the home of former yahoo. ceo mister meir. he's now headed for seattle for more fundraising this morning. well, after more than a year without a top cop, the city of oakland is finally getting its official new police chief that starts this morning. his name is floyd mitchell and his tenor as new police chief of oakland officially starts this morning. and a swearing-in ceremony is set for later next week. mitchell began his career with the kansas city police department over in missouri and also served as a police chief in temple, texas, as well as lab at texas. mitchell will be opd 14th chief in the last decade and says although he is an outsider, he already feels like he's at home and looks forward to getting to work.
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well, sticking with oakland news, the decision to change the name of oakland's airport to san francisco bay, oakland, international airport is now a done deal, but they're still a lawsuit in the process that's trying to prevent the name change as kron four's. dan kerman tells u.s. legal experts think it will go against oakland. those arriving at oakland airport friday may not have realized it. >> ak has a new name san francisco bay, oakland international airport. that follows final approval thursday by oakland, port commissioners. but legal experts predict the name change won't last because of the trademark lawsuit. san francisco has filed. i think san francisco is in a pretty strong legal position. uc san francisco law professor jeffrey left stunned, focuses on intellectual property trademarks, patents and copyrights. one of though, really worst points for oakland is that they seem to have been doing this in a conscious attempt to divert
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traffic away. >> sfo and in trademark case is the fact that the defendant is intentionally seeking to capitalize on the goodwill of the trademark holder is often a very important factor in trademark lawsuits. the port of oakland hopes the name change will attract more travelers. >> i don't think it is going to become a few different. fact, i don't believe any difference to people coming in to well, the name san francisco does carry some cash. a san francisco state marketing professor sue boat butts as online booking sites already show various options. when you enter san francisco and the name change won't impact the final choice. they want to have a bank each of those seated with francisco but just being recognized as one of option that is not granting has for passengers arriving in oakland friday. they were not happy with the change. i'm not really sure why they would do that. >> since there is a san francisco international, you don't want people getting confused. i think it making international. confusing. i
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want to revel particular >> a decision from the courts could be months down the road. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> well, speaking of san francisco airport, there is a big change over at sfo. the airport's director. i've are herro is retiring at the end of this year. now he's been the director there for almost a decade. he started the position back in 2016, but he started with the airport back in 1994. wow. that's a long time. now the search for his replacement will start in the coming months during which time he will remain in his position and oversee the transition. 2 new leadership to make sure everything goes well. well, google is set to lay off dozens of employees next month. the tech giant says it plans to cut more than 50 jobs as several san francisco locations. and this comes just after the company announced that it will actually be not renewing its prominent location at one market plaza near san francisco's waterfront. the reason, well, they say they're trying to cut the cost and layoffs are set to take effect june 9th. well, coming up on
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the kron 4 morning news, a judge is set to make a decision in the case against a man accused of driving his family off the road last year. we'll have those details >> plus, the well-known nonprofit habitat for humanity building new affordable housing for bay area. families in the east bay. we'll have those details after the break. and then we've got more information. and north, a veteran celebrated his 100 and 7th birthday. we were there and we've got details on all the action. >> lots of sunshine going on for you this saturday to little bit of a summer breeze there. 77 going on 11 2 o'clock. we're up to 86 some spots popping in about 90 a look at that flavor of summer. look at that flavor of summer. we come back. bu
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>> welcome back. your time is 7.13, while taking a look at the beach. it's been a hot couple of days across the bay area this week which led to dozens to bask in the sun over at alameda beach after a year of full rain and clouds. kind of good and bad. but take a listen to a beach goers had to tell us about the weather yesterday. >> likes to potts equals and led its really high. >> that is surely to i just wish that i could enjoy the beach every single day. yes, i miss living in the bay area and just having it right here. you know, at our disposal. >> so it's a real treat for us to be able to come out and go to the beach today. absolutely. >> well, as you can tell with that scream, she was excited in the ice cream. if you are headed to the beach to celebrate this mother's day weekend, the cdc says they want to make sure you're taking precaution. they've got some tips. they want keep
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cool. stay safe and pace yourself when you're out there also saying never leave your pets or kids in the car. and of course, stay hydrated and wear loose clothing. well, taking a live look outside at our sutro tower cam. you can see a lot of fog this morning day, but hopefully that sun's going to through. so we have no problem with all of that is the marine layer that kind of snuck in here a little bit there. she's all excited because i think she about popsicle futures. and it's a good thing to do because today. >> and i'm a guy like abandon a by the those water temperatures out there in the east bay a little bit. you're looking at mid 60's approaching their sits low early in the season. you know, by august and september gets a warmer. there's quite how are checking in here. look at the blue skies already in the city to give you an idea how that fog is peeling away most the traffic on our map is going up and around us get used to this. we're starting to get into the summertime pattern. now. today's the big punch, the big shake-up of the system and there were to pull back a little bit temperature-wise here, but have plenty of nice 80's all week long will noting
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the winds, those the onshore winds each day, they're going to kind of a big difference. there's a little climate control. what we're looking at, mostly as middle to upper 50's. 67 going on for antioch already racing ahead there. lower 50's up north 58 for san jose and 55. meanwhile for san francisco, not much to see except that marine layer that comes in at night. here's what happens at night. marine layer thickens up. sun comes up 04:00am tomorrow lap. their cause of operates away and we're back to mostly sunny skies even up the coast looking pretty good. although right now, little that fog is hanging around. look at the progress. the fog. it's too by monday spilling into the sacramento valley. there. the winds a little bit of a local breeze today. but then tomorrow they do a little better at that and get a little more intensity. may recall last couple of weeks here. we've got the middle of the week or so. we've got a pop of those offshore winds. we had it this last week, too. that looks like that's not going to happen. we're starting to get drier. so when that starts to happen, more and more that's going to be problematic again, we'll be watching the wind directions and how much winds we get
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because that could be an issue. all right. sunny, warm today. hot inland got a taste of summer again. some temperatures popping about the lower 90's tomorrow warm spring day. we'll call it because temperatures will backtrack a little bit to the mid 80's. and that sets the tone for the week ahead. mostly sunny and nice. a minor variation with those winds onshore. thank you. all week long, it looks like that's good news. and we've got 60's at the coast. 70's for the bay and 80's inland. again, they're going to vary day by day. that will be tracking for you today. 70's san francisco. 76 oakland, 87 san jose. and in the far east bay, a couple lower 90's pop. and then we get the middle to upper 80's up north and down south, only cooler place. there's along the coast and the east bay shoreline. we just showed you there, too. so the extended forecast, we have an idea what expect for the weekend spring warm spring and we should all run to the store and get those popsicles ice cream. maybe a some beer, some coax and, you know, enjoy the weather, right. there you go. the sugar high along with all the cool. so there you go. look at some salads and there. >> all right. thanks, dave.
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>> well, hard hats, chainsaws and a lot of hammering. that's what you're going to hear. if you're over in the east bay as habitat for humanity kicked off its annual women's leadership. build in our kron four's philippe djegal was there and he's got all the details. >> 5 years ago before the first males were hammered into walls. around you, lisa and then is applied for home ownership at habitat for humanity. east bay, silicon valley's affordable housing community since under construction in walnut esperanza place. cody ceci will last year she was accepted as part of altercation and that is and partner, guillermo have put in about 250 construction hours to help build a new home, which they will race ace their 11 year-old son with special needs. i thought it was an amazing program. if there's way that i'll be able to stay in the bay area. >> and native, i'm from the bay area. it was going to be a
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program like is and her family are among the first of 23 family set to move into their homes next on friday during the nonprofits, 8th annual women's leadership volunteers joined for the first of 2 days, constructing walls for phase 2 of the project, which is scheduled for completion next year. training 19 homes for the rest of this development will be 42 homes her when we're down. and these women's leadership older more than just an event with weather and pandemic related construction delays, these volunteers are essential to completing this project to work. they're taking it level. there's nothing like being able to be part of building your home with so much love. i don't know many people that are able to see. >> say i built this house from the from the ground the second day of the event is next. friday and applications are still being accepted for the homes under construction for
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phase 2. >> in walnut creek, philippe djegal kron. 4 news. >> well, from the east bay over to the north bay santa rosa man celebrated a milestone birthday. get this. he turned 107 years old. his name is bob miller to celebrate his fellow residents over at the brookdale senior living center in santa rosa. they put together surprise that they hope he'll never forget. our kron four's rob nesbitt was there and he's got the details. >> happy birthday, bob. there's been a lot of milestone. birthdays celebrated at the brookdale shunning senior living center in santa rosa. but friday was the first time a resident celebrated their 100th trip around the sun. it's why health and wellness director heidi gallagher wanted to do something special for bob on miller. >> he's kind of quiet. but when you engage him, he's has a really wicked personality. he's very sweet. and we really enjoy having him here in our community. all miller wasn't exactly thrilled about the attention, ok, answering a few questions for the news or to get the attention of the now.
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but he did let his grandson, alex, all miller twig sing his praises. i think for me it's more how we chose to live his life with and his family and the people around him. the 107 year-old was a staff sergeant in the army during world war 2. he was stationed in europe and even fought in the battle of the bulge. a little chapter of u.s. history. refreshing to speak with somebody who >> literally lived in an era that is is gone and that he can still speak to that and explain what happened day to you. joined by his family friends, fellow residents in a service member of the army to celebrate his 100th the man of few words choosing just to to show his appreciation. thank you. you're very welcome. in santa rosa, rob nesbitt kron, 4 news. talk about a milestone. well, transitioning over to transportation. some bart trains will be shut down this weekend specifically between union city and south
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fremont at those stations. bart says that crews will be working on tracks and they do advise to use the buses because there will be a bus route taking over those train routes. however, monday morning, they say the trains will be back up and running. well, the san francisco bay ferry is planning some major expansions throughout the bay area. the board of supervisors there is planning to expand its and electrified transit by 2050. take a look. the agency currently operates in alameda, oakland, richmond, san francisco, south san francisco and the first expansion it's planning to do. they plan to expand to berkeley and redwood city then eventually to antioch in pittsburgh and also foster city. >> well, still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, a san francisco nurses giving back after she says the city's health department helped her and her family during a dark and her family during a dark time.
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♪ ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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>> welcome back. the time is 7.24. well, an investigation is underway over in san jose after a city contractor was found dead at san jose's animal care center. both san jose police and fire were on the scene investigating along with cal osha trying to figure out just exactly what happened. they say no animals were involved in the incident, but the animal care center was closed yesterday as they're still investigating. however, this morning, it does plan to reopen at normal hours as we get more. we'll keep you
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updated. well, closing arguments have wrapped up in the attempted murder case on the man accused of intentionally driving his family off of the 300 foot cliff with his family inside the car. take a look at the case hinges on the judge's decisions of what mental health crisis. amash patel was in when he drove the vehicle off highway highway one back in january of last year. his wife and 2 children were in the car when it plunged over devils slide over in san mateo county, they all survived. the crash into tells wife says she doesn't want her husband to be prosecuted. the judge could decide to divert patel's case over a 2 out of a criminal court and into the mental health treatment program. however, as of now, the judge says she will make a ruling next month on june. 20th. well, emergency crews had to rescue a climber from a cliff over and marin county. recently. authorities say they arrived after receiving multiple calls. the person was
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hanging off of a cliff at to malls. a point deputies lowered a tactical flight officer there to the scene at the edge of the cliff where they place the climber into a rescue harness. they were able to get the man down safely and he was taken to an off-site location. so as of now, all is good with that. >> really try to design waste out of office. >> well, still ahead, we introduce you to an asian american designers hoping to inspire a new fashion trend that reduces ways. we'll have that reduces ways. we'll have that after the break.
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>> welcome back. will now on the kron. 4 morning news. a reported burglary leads to the discovery of an illegal burn fighting ring. >> governor gavin newsom unveils his updated budget for the coming fiscal year. capitol correspondent eytan wallace. i'll tell you how large he says the deficit is and what programs he plans to cut. >> good morning, everyone. and welcome back. the time is 7.30. thank you for waking up with us. let's start this half hour. the 7 o'clock talking about the forecast with dave spahr over in the weather center. good morning, dave. what's it looking like out there? well, good morning, michael. good morning. everybody. and were treated some fog one on this morning. actually, a fog advisory happening at the coast and other covers portions of san francisco, even though >> some of the shots we have for you looking pretty dandy at that. going to a hot summer i mean, for did here's a look at half moon bay. this is one of the places where the fog advisory is. you can see it pulling away with low tide at
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places. well, nice calm. see where all at. that's very picturesque for you. and most of the traffic, the pacific. well, this is to zoomed-in, but it's really going up in around us. those big lows are dipping to the south the way we see before. although we do see some interesting rotation start to happen later on during the week. that will provide what would have been some light rain showers in this case is just going to be some cooling effects from the wind pattern we have mid to upper 50's across most of the east bay for right now. 67 going on for 50's up north and south. only a cool 50 going on for half moon bay. it remain cool all day today at the coast. but a breeze expected as we get to tomorrow, 86 by 2 o'clock. again, some spots a clocking about 90 91 this afternoon looks pretty good for the week get into all of that. plus your 4 zone forecast. michael. all right. let's take a look at those shorts. ready. >> well, talking about political news, governor gavin newson unveiled his updated state budget friday and it comes with the projected multi-billion dollar deficit. our capitol correspondent
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eytan wallace breaks it all down for you with some difficult decisions that the governor may need to make to close that gap. >> well, here it is. all 45 pages. the governor provided for his budget summary. it's a budget the governor says will protect key programs. one he acknowledges comes with its challenges. this is a >> this is a sizable deficit. governor gavin newsom not mincing words about his proposed budget for the coming fiscal year. it's a proposed 288 billion dollars spending plan that per newsom comes with a projected 27.6 billion dollar deficit. that figure is much more optimistic than that of the non-partisan legislative analyst's ofcice or who earlier this year projected the state faces a 73 billion dollar deficit. newsom believes that projection was way off because he anticipates the state will take in more tax revenue and the project. to balance the budget. newsom says he's taking action on several fronts, including the withdrawal of more than 12 billion dollars from the state reserves over the next 2 years. he's also proposing
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more than 18 billion dollars actual cuts, including reductions for programs on broadband access, water, storage and local and state public health departments. these are programs that i long advanced many of them. none of this is. >> kind work you enjoy but you've got to do we have to be responsible. we have to be accountable. he also plans to freeze 10,000 vacant state part of a move he says will save the state hundreds of millions of dollars what i want to know. >> but the alternative, you know, we can we can eliminate our expansion health care. we can eliminate. >> wages we can limit. we do furloughs into layoffs. we can do a lot of things i want to do those things. as for any plans to raise taxes, i do not support. >> and general tax increases period. as for his spending priorities, keeping core services and tact. that's newsom's message on ensuring the state continues to invest in education, public safety and what he describes as the central homeless and housing programs. we actually are increasing our low income housing tax credit. we mean business. we mean business
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about the housing element. we mean business about meeting your state mandated goals. but republican lawmakers believe the budget spends too much. they stress more spending does not always equal better results. give a bit more credence to what programs are we not seeing any significant results from looking much more? things like that to try to balance the budget. >> and now it's up to the legislature to review and work on this budget. lawmakers must pass of fully balanced budget. >> by june 15th, otherwise they will not be paid reporting in tom wallace kron 4 news. >> well, back here in san francisco, there's a new effort underway to address abuse and harassment in san francisco's political sector last week. more than a dozen people stepped up to the microphone and a special meeting organized by the san francisco democratic party. this all comes after recent allegations were made against prominent figures in local
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politics. the survivors of harassment shared their experiences and nancy tung, chair of the san francisco democratic party says it's a conversation that was long overdue. >> the party that time did not but this is something that i was very supportive of. what s wpc first came to us and given some of the recent events in the process. i felt like this was the time to act. not now, then when now the hope is to draft code of conduct that members of the democratic party and affiliated groups. >> well, by by take a listen. >> i i was i was overwhelmed by it. it was really something that we strove to do was to they get very survivor said trick. we had a a assault therapist on hand. we had marsy's law expert. >> san francisco representative nancy pelosi added her support behind the
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committee, sending a letter addressed specifically to tom urging the committee in part to, quote, implement a robust standard of independence, thoroughness and due process. as the efforts move forward. take a listen. it's the parties duty to >> address so that we could make sure that we have safe environments that are free from harassment, free from violence that people can exercise the right to be a part of the political discourse and that we continue to grow a generation of leadership of the democratic party. >> meanwhile, san francisco leaders also held their own hearing thursday night to examine how top officials have handled some of these cases nearly 5 years ago. san francisco founded the office of harassment and assault response and prevention team this week supervisor hillary ronen said she'll require the committee to report these things more often and in its efforts. well, more than 2000
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pot plants and 100 pounds of processed marijuana were seized friday at a santa clara county property near the san benito county line. the santa clara county sheriff's office says covert investigations unit of their offices have been investigating and focusing on this illegal cultivation operation for months, adding that they've arrested a total of 4 people. they've also recovered at least 2 pistols. well, 4 people were arrested and accused of trying to smuggle illegal drugs maguire correctional facility in redwood city. the sheriff's office says it found meth in an inmate's possession as he was being rebooked back in april. that's just a few weeks ago. investigators say they later learned that 3 people not in custody were actually involved in this crime. the inmate and the 3 other suspects are now facing multiple charges. well, an
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illegal bird fighting ring and more than $20,000 of stolen property have been recovered from a santa rosa home. police say they responded to a report of a burglary at a storage facility and ended up arresting audrianna make peters on one count of grand theft for the crime. detectives then searched her home that point that they found 1000 game birds, which they believed were being raised to fight. sonoma county animal services help to the removal of the birds along with 5 milner's horses were found there and 2 dogs. officials did arrest 2 other men involved with this for having bird fighting weapons and also being involved in the storage theft. well, a local family is now giving back and creating a legacy in the health care field after having their lives. what they say was changed to a free program that helps mothers. but the san francisco health department kron four's lezla gooden has that story. >> judy lopez is a san francisco native and has been a practicing nurse for over a
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decade. the mother to says it was a calling to get back and to help others. >> as a young child, i saw nurses in their uniforms and scrubs as heroes. and i still feel the same way today. >> while pregnant with her second son, julian, she ended up having him prematurely little does she know this was going to change her personal and professional life for ever. >> i found myself in the most wonderful time of my life. and the social worker and everyone was supporting me at the hospital, then realized i could benefit from having a service called field home visiting program where the nurse comes directly to your home. it's a free voluntary program. and with that guidance, i was able to feel. >> support the support she received came from a free program from others through the san francisco department of public health. she says the experience helped her navigate having a preemie and gave her the skills she would later use.
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>> we're learning different modalities like how can i keep him healthy and then still make sure that i was to keep myself healthy. and i was also in grieving stay. i had lost my mom that year. so it was a lot on my plate. but i didn't know that with a nurse coming to the home in my sacred space, my humble home that i felt supported. >> jenny, so inspired by the experience later became a public health nurse herself and didn't forget the program that poured into her. >> actually, the first job that i was hired for was with maternal child adolescent health, the same home visiting program that serves me in my most vulnerable time. so for me, it was such a gift and that little boy who was once a preemie in her lap. >> while she studied to become a nurse is now. 22 and just finished his first semester in nursing school. so i think definitely being in her footsteps is something that i a. >> and something and take pride in for sure. and i know
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that she, you know, loves and is something that we just kind of cherish. it's a special bond for us for sure. in san francisco. let's look good in kron. 4 news. >> well, switching gears to fashion. we all love fast fashion for changing styles and moods. but at what price do we like it? out? yesterday we met a woman who's making fashion that sustainable adaptable and cool the take a listen. >> so we called this year's campaign beauty in every stitch. bernice pan has a thing for style. she's a phd in fashion in of ages. is an organic cotton worried that fast fashion is creating mountains of discarded clothes dumped in places that are out of sight. out of mind. she looked for ways to look good and do good that all 100 billion garments produced every single year. yeah, on. yeah. of which most of it gets into the landfill or incinerators within one year
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of being produced as that, the waste that comes out unsold comments. bernice created a clothing company called deploy. sure the garments are sustainable and organic, but that's just part of it. >> and then you can actually take apart. and where it has almost a bike, a jacket. >> creating outfits that are well convertible. can take this each piece is adaptable and multipurpose. we really try to design waste out of office based in london from east pan travels, the world here in san francisco for a climate conference and the catwalk of for earth friendly factions. >> when he says sharing her id staying stylish while being ethical. >> co-authoring this book and even speaking to the un is actually dress will impact and where your values ultimately, byrne says we're hard wired to want to look and feel great
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and dressing up is certainly one way to express yourself. well, now you can imagine unlimited possibilities. i'm comfortable piece to laugh that sustainable in san francisco. vicki liviakis kron. 4 news. >> well, tune in to kron 4 every thursday this month for stories highlighting the bay area's api community. that was one of those stories all leading up to our special, which is airing on thursday night may 23rd at 06:30pm. the time is 7.42, going to take a time is 7.42, going to take a quick break and we'll be right choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel
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for any traveler you want to be... like quality inn, for the dad that gets every dollar and minute outta this family road trip! the day is upon us! book at hellllllooooooooo!
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>> welcome back. the time is 7.45. taking a look outside at walnut creek. a little bit more inland. every looks like 30 head now to enjoy their day because that sun is beaming down. dave spahr in the weather center, dave sutton looks like to you, michael, people are confused because it's not raining. i what's going on their son? yeah. i know rage road going to be crazy today as temperatures really start getting up there. dickie inland, you're looking at temperatures in the lower 90's. >> warming up to and yosemite and tahoe. here's a live shot of what's going on. just somebody still have mountain snows. hang on little bit. don't forget that melting process is going to feed the rivers and streams and so forth. so that's going to be some cold waters. therefore, much of the central valley, 68 san francisco. i'm sorry, sunday into monday at 68, 70 going on for a tuesday. a gradual warming trend you can see here through the week and that's going to remain pretty much the case all week for again tow. that's good melting forecast going on here. as far
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as the traffic in from the pacific. most of the action remains towards the north. but i do want to point out a couple of things as we go to the week-long forecast, let's get to the winds kind of on the home front. we have our afternoon breeze going on. kind of typical little bit more pronounced tomorrow. that's going to help keep temperatures peel them back a little bit and it's going to act as a climate control all week long. it looks like as well. here's the long-range forecast. want to mention you don't see much happening in the backyard. looks like about tuesday are so weak system drops south and can produce maybe some showers going on up there in the mountains a little bit. but it will readjust our temperatures. bring us back a little bit. now, the only thing about these fronts that's that's problematic for us is got to watch those pops of offshore winds. looks like we won't get any of that for the week ahead. that's good news. we got to watch out as conditions start to become more and more dry heading into next weekend. might have some clouds. issues will see if that materializes. but it looks like for now go to remain dry all the way
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through into next weekend, 70 of the 4 zone forecast. san francisco to the coast. we're taking care of the fog nicely but lower to middle 60's because you have that persistent onshore wind hanging around. 75 for burlingame to the south. let's to about 83 palo alto in redwood city in the south bay, 86 santa clara, 87 san jose, east bay shoreline already popping in the lower 80's here, tri valley, upper 80's. it looks like 88 walnut creek, 89 for conquered 73 for berkeley. isp couple in here. a nice grady ation here. 74 going on 89 fairfield, 85 for now. but in 88 for santa rosa, 7 day forecast today a hot day. mostly it's going to be into the 80's. got some flowers for mom. don't forget. that's tomorrow. and then we start to drop even further as we head into next weekend. there do have another success of system to watch out for michael looks dry. but you can see that the temperature correction. but 76 next saturday will handle. that's fine. you have so today, kind of it. we're looking at real summer and then more spring
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next week. i saw 91 in vacaville. yeah, today. that's why party's base maybe see that pop lower 90's. so probably >> test the a c o. yeah. not a good day to go for a run. probably just do it early. right. where broadcasters dundee right after 10 o'clock. yeah. all right. thanks, dave. >> well, sticking over in the east bay and talking some things that we're seeing over at the jail in the east bay, its training inmates for outside life of the first excuse me for outside life of the facility, which is the first time apprenticeship program. take a look for the last 3 months. inmates at santa rita jail have been turning. what a grass field lot was inside the jail into a construction site. then there have no background in construction, but they have been learning how to read blueprints and pour concrete. all good necessities for construction work in the classes were taught by a member of the laborers international union of north america. take a listen to what they had to tell us. >> anything from first aid sit
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and great check into construction fundamentals. >> now during the training, the 20 men were certified in the jobs that they learned, which means when they are released, they can go out and get a job at their local union offices and find work in construction that pays a livable wage. well, now to bay area baseball, the san francisco giants continue to struggle as they take on the cincinnati reds at oracle park kron four's erin wilson. she has all the highlights. >> well, friday night we had a little bit of everything happening in the bay, but we've got to talk some baseball because the giants are back at home for the first time in a while hosting the ransom night friday night, actually with a familiar face out there on the diamond. this casey he was brought back from sacramento with the triple-a team replacing nick kamen, who actually went on the aisle on friday. it maybe he could, you know, help spark the giants austin help logon live on friday. will the reds? they jumped out to a one. nothing
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lead thai restaurant. responded with this shot out to left in all the way over the a 6th homer of the season for that guy. the scores are tied at one 3rd now and man over tyler fitzgerald hits a flare into right. it falls harmlessly between 3 red defenders. and are almost comes in the floor the giant. they lead 2 to one. but in logan way out, has been struggling as of late and well. he gave the lead right back to the rate. the game is tied announce a man off with tj friedl. you see what he does with price of the laser in the gap in left center field and well. >> that put the reds up 3 to 2 in the reds actually added a run late in. they beat the faltering giants. what is going on out there with the giants? 42 was the final. it's all we have all tested back to you at the death. >> well, when we take a look at the a's, they were over in seattle taking on the mariners and really didn't go well for player. you know, seattle scored 5 runs in the 4th inning. the mariners did end up winning by a final score of 8 to one. >> the 2 teams, however, they
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do play again later tonight in seattle. so we'll see what happens well, in spite of all the outside noise that has been swirling around with the aces season, both on and off the field. there has been one consistent for the team and that's a stellar play from brent rooker who is reigning american league player of the week has been lighting up scoreboards all across the league this season. our kron four's kate rooney. she's got more details on it. >> for the most spans know brent rooker like this. but he does have a past. good dose car baker, us that. it's back in 2017, the collegiate player of the year from evangelical christian school in memphis, tennessee, was the twins first-round pick and was a 2 million dollar bonus baby. he made his debut with the twins in 2020, but it didn't stick. he got traded to the
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padres and then to the royals before being picked up by the a's in 2022. >> that's great for the a's. rooker has been a solid offensive contributor and brings with him a veteran presence on a young team learning on the fly in the big leagues after my first full season last year. kind of knowing what to expect coming into this year. had a better deal with the ups and downs knowing what it means to. >> show up and compete every day and try to get better and improve throughout the season is is huge or experience that points how the site of one of the i was optimistic both individually the team level things go well for so the reigning american league player of the week knows that to succeed in the bigs. you need to tinker constantly with your game. that's something he learned back in the little leagues and a knowledge that he shares with his teammates every day. >> johnson and justin is being made a pitch to pitch it back to about that you're trying to do that you know what individual that is out. there are also unique in and how they're trying to get you out that you're constantly trying to make adjustments and and
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and trying to change those small things. so not not reinvent yourself as a player, but to just give the best chance to have every single about. >> the success so far this season has surprised even a lot of baseball people, but not the aids. this good place times directly from players like rucker who don't let the outside noise that followed the franchise. this offseason affect their on-field work. and as long as he's playing in oakland, booker will continue to dictate that thought process to the young players on the team. yeah, it is special. it's it you know what we've got going on in that clubhouse mean a lot of makes. >> getting here, we're going to work together every day. i'm like i said, we like being around each other like spend time with each other. we like going out and winning together. i'm walking on the outside. something. a focus internally has been good for us. i think you know, a part of the reason why that success so far. >> all right. well, the time is 7.54. coming back. we'll is 7.54. coming back. we'll have more news.
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it is 7.56. well, mother's day is tomorrow in san francisco is hoping they'll spend it over in union square for union square in bloom. it's hosting. >> a mother's day concert in fashion show. this is video you see from last year's event. they're set to be bright floral display salsa dancing, live music as well as a bloom could toward our reveal. it's made by a local designer. another first 220 moms will receive a small little gift as well. so the event starts tomorrow. it's from to the afternoon to 05:00pm. so you can make it out. you should. >> well, still ahead in the next hour on the kron 4 morning news, another bay area university joins in on the
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campus protest. what students are saying and how they feel regarding the university going forward. plus, a bay area tech giant announces another round of layoffs. this time in san francisco. and a new lawsuit could prevent the oakland airport from completely changing its name. stay with changing its name. stay with us. we've got those det
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the kron 4 morning news. thousands of students are set to graduate from uc berkeley today amidst the growing pro-palestinian protests. we've got a live report coming up. and it's the first day on the job for oakland's new
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police chief will tell you what you need to know. and when he's officially started. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news >> well, good morning, everyone. and thank you for joining us on kron 4 morning news. i'm michael thomas. it's saturday. may 11th before we get started with the news you can see behind me. it's a gorgeous day outside. we've got that live look at over in the weather center. we've got dave spahr. good morning, dave, what can you tell us? all right. good morning, michael. good morning, everybody. and it is a sweet saturday going to be a hot one inland, though, expect some temperatures, the pop about 90 91 going on here. you get a little flavor of summer cooking here. just just think just a week ago it was that cold rain we're dealing with in snows up in the mountains, which >> will be melting. it looks like as we go forward. all right. here's the view that we have right now from half moon bay. some of that fog sticking around. we do have. >> officially up what is that? fog fog advisory going on through this morning, but you can see how starting to peel away very nice, including in
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san francisco, too. most the traffic from the pacific is going to really buy passes. we do see pieces of the low dropping south that will provide those onshore winds and there will be some fronts to make note of. we worry about that for offshore winds in their wake. so this week ahead, most winds look to be on shore. that will be a nice cooling mechanism as we speak. now, the winds are kind of variable, but they're calm the single digits. an afternoon breeze is expected today. a little bit more potent one tomorrow that will help with those temperatures a bit. bring him down 60's for most of the east bay 50's. meanwhile, up north and also the peninsula. 63 meanwhile for san jose, your comparison were trailing a little bit up in the north bay falling behind a couple degrees and the east bay shoreline. there. the breakdown today, 81 by noon by 3 at 86. again, though, looking for some spots to reach 90 91 in a bit. we'll take a look at your forecast for this weekend and what lies ahead into next week. michael. >> all right. thanks, table. get those shorts out. well, happening today, uc berkeley
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is hosting its graduation ceremony as scheduled. but as we know, some pro-palestinian protests have forced other universities across the country to cancel their ceremonies. kron four's tiffany justice. she's there live at u c berkeley. good morning, tiffany, what can you tell >> good morning. michael wright, uc berkeley continuing with their commencement as scheduled today on this saturday. you can see crews getting ready to work the stadium. they have put out metal detectors along with gates. we also saw about 20 plus highway patrol officers walking into the stadium today as well. you know, the commencement is going on here at uc berkeley, but we do know the other universities have decided to cancel. there's because of the pro palestine protest happening on college campuses. and according to the university negotiations here at uc berkeley are still happening between the school and protesters. we spoke with a spokesperson for uc berkeley who says that they do expect there to be protests called protesters calling for a cease-fire in gaza on this
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graduation day. we know that other schools have canceled their main commencement, including usc because of the ongoing protest encampment here at uc berkeley has been set up at sproul plaza. organizers say students are prepared to continue with the demonstrations until uc berkeley agrees to divest money from israel. but thousands are going to be graduating today set to walk and get their diplomas. but there will be standard protocols in place. no bags, no banners, no signs. and there will also be a clear bag policy in place. back to all right. thank you so much, tiffany. >> well, over the south bay students against israel's war in gaza are also taking place at san jose state's campus students. there have a list of demands that they want the university to abide by, but say the school hasn't budged. kron four's jacmel man has more details from san jose. >> so students here at san jose state are going on day number 2 of the campus sit in
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support of people in gaza. now, as you can see, the san jose state university administration has already given to students warning about the policy regarding camping on >> some engaging in prayer and others sitting to show support as students protest the ongoing war between israel and hamas. c responsibility of the terrible genocide that is occurring in palestine and in the gaza. >> right now is a responsibility that falls on. >> all of our shoulder today marks day 2 of the sit-in at san jose state. students say this banner is the only communication the school has sent. that basically says that gatherings of any kind that are >> not approved of will be met with a request to disperse. students have 6 demands for the school, including disclosing and divesting from any companies that benefit israel. >> we do not abstain ourselves from this. harmful to our
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community's well-being. they're also getting support from neighbors. and it's a great injustice to the palestinian people. nancy so says she lives in the area and wanted to show up for student protesters around the nation who are met with suspensions and even arrests. >> so we should support we got is because we don't have expulsion of all kind for that. but they do. >> students were on campus until late friday night and plan to protest all throughout next week. the university administration sent kron 4 statement saying in part we expect and anticipate that our students who participate in demonstrations will be peaceful and responsible and they're following the university's time place and manner policy. >> so students here at san jose state to me, they really are under no specific timeline as when they want to end the sit-in protest. meantime, the last of classes is on may 13th graduation ceremonies happening over the next several weeks. for now, we're in san jose. jackie moment. kron 4 news.
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>> well, president joe biden visited the bay area on friday yesterday. his first stop was over and portola valley and he was visiting the home of billionaire. they're not koslow. his arrival was met, however, with a group of protesters. there were set of the conflict in gaza. take a listen. >> we want him to know that we do not support the genocide is happening right now and we want the donors to know that we hope that they would fund other things besides a war. and besides genocide. and so we're here today to just make sure he knows that people are unhappy about this genocide in palestine. >> after this, the president left and headed for palo alto to visit the home of former yahoo. ceo meir. he's now headed over to seattle for more fundraising this morning. well, after more than a year without a top cop, the city of oakland officially has a new police chief and he starts this morning. floyd mitchell is his name in his tenure as the new police chief of
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oakland officially starts today. and a swearing-in ceremony is set for next week. mitchell began his career over in kansas city with the police department there in missouri. and he also served as a police chief in temple, texas, as well as lab texas. mitchell will be opd is 14th chief in the last decade. and he says although he is an outsider to the oakland area, he already feels at home and he looks forward to getting to work. well, sticking with oakland news, the decision to change the airport there. oakland airport to san francisc% bay, oakland international airport is now a done deal, but they're still a lawsuit on the table that's trying to prevent the name change and our kron four's dan kerman. he talks with legal experts who thinks it will go against oakland. those arriving at oakland airport friday may not have realized it. >> ak has a new name san francisco bay, oakland international airport. that follows final approval thursday by oakland, port commissioners. but legal
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experts predict the name change won't last because of the trademark lawsuit. san francisco has filed. i think san francisco is in a pretty strong legal position. uc san francisco law professor jeffrey left stu ned, focuses on intellectual property trademarks, patents and copyrights. one of though, really worst points for oakland is that they seem to have been doing this in a conscious attempt to divert traffic away. >> sfo and in trademark case is the fact that the defendant is intentionally seeking to capitalize on the goodwill of the trademark holder is often very important factor in trainwreck lawsuits. the port of oakland hopes the name change will attract more travelers. >> i don't think it is going to become few different. in fact, i don't think the big any difference to people coming into a the name san francisco does carry some cash. a san francisco state marketing professor sue boat butts as online booking sites already show various options. when you enter san francisco and the name change will impact the final choice they want to have a band coming see
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a different type of school, but just being recognized as one of option that is not bending has for passengers arriving in oakland friday. they were not happy with the change. i'm not really sure why they would do that. >> since there is a san francisco international, you don't want people getting confused. i think it making san francisco international confusing. i want to revel particular open. >> a decision from the courts could be months down the road. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> well, taking news over to san francisco international airport there. the airport's director eibar sotero is actually retiring this year and he's been the director there for almost a decade. he started back in 2016 in that position. however, he started with the airport back in 1994. so there is a search for his replacement. that's coming in the next few months. during that time, he will remain in his position and oversee the transition of new leadership to make sure that everything goes well. well, google is set
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to lay off dozens of employees next month. the tech giant plans to cut more than 50 jobs at several san francisco locations. in this all comes just after the company announced it will not be renewing its prominent location. lee's over at one market plaza near san francisco's waterfront. the reason why they say they're trying to cut costs in layoffs are set to take effect on june 9th. well, the time is 8.10, coming up on the kron. 4 morning news. a judge is set to make a decision in the case against a man accused of driving his family off the road last year. >> plus, the well-known nonprofit habitat for humanity building a new affordable housing for bay area. families over in the east bay. >> get ready for a flavor of a little bit almost like a winner last weekend. a look at the temperatures for today. 81 at high noon to 3 o'clock. 86 with some inland highs reaching 90 91. a
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>> welcome back. your time is 8.13 taking a live look how gorgeous that city skyline in san francisco. it looks like a beautiful day out there. but of course, i don't got all the details. dave spahr does. he's the expert. >> hey, good morning, michael. good morning, everybody. and that fog peeling away nicely is the shot. we can see it quite how are going on. nice blue skies in the background. meanwhile, mostly activity out the pacific. all the action is going remain up to the north. what we like to watch as those fronts but pass even though a little too much for us accept usher in some cooler temps in their arrival. it's on the back side. we got to watch those offshore winds that sometimes develops 60's right now in the east bay. 67 for antioch. 54 santa rosa. little
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cooler to the west. 61 for redwood city and 63 for san jose. not a lot to see on futurecast for its relatively quiet, but do want to see these pops here and the marine layer that happened overnight. you can even get a couple little sprinkles going on. you see that fog making its way inland, even as early as tomorrow. but more pronounced, though, by monday morning. nice, sunny afternoons, too. boom. there you go. right to the sacramento valley. there's the fog. make some progress being pushed by that onshore wind. that's an ok direction and that will help keep our temperatures a little cooler than today. today they're going a little crazy run. 90 91. but then we get to the rest of the week. we'll see a lot of 80's inland and even some lower 80's at that, too. by the latter portion week back to the winds i just referenced, we'll have kind of the typical spring breeze going on and you're going to get around water and some of the valley's particularly then it's a little bit more pronounced for tomorrow and that's kind of pencil it in for later during the week. we'll see some pops that happened of a good step onshore wind with that sunny and warm today, hot inland, little taste of summer. we
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back track a little bit tomorrow to the mid 80's or so. and next week, we're even looking at some lower 80's as well. that will be towards the latter portion of this week after a little front drops south. back to the day, though, 70 san francisco. 76 for oakland, 87. meanwhile, 4 san jose, we have a different set of crayons on this map. yep. there are some are heads. you can make oranges at least off to the far east. 91. they're going on for antioch, 88 for the livermore valley up north. we've got upper 80's also to the south bay, but still some green here along the peninsula as temperatures are more reduced in the 70's and 60's along the coast. there is the next couple of days. little hot today tomorrow about 85 82, though, for monday as we get a little bit of relief or get back to spring little too early for summer summer. summertime. yeah, you know, my aunt susie and uncle roland been asking me what's the best time to visit one lake weather wise, i guess next week could be a good one. >> yeah, actually it during the summer, you know, august is not too bad either. if they're in the city, you know, there inland at a different story. but the city not too bad. and lest you get stuck in
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one of those sultry summer nights and there's no winds at all. and even in the city, it's a bit on the warm side. so tell them to come both times. i get free dental now and it doesn't. rain due in august. yes, exactly. well, things day. >> well, heading over toward news. hard hats, chainsaws and a lot of hammering. that's what many people are hearing over in the east bay. neighbors are going to love that, but it's all for a good cause. the habitat for humanity kicked off its annual women's leadership to build and kron four's. philippe djegal all was there. he's got all the details. >> 5 years ago before the first males were hammered into walls. around you, lisa and then is applied for home ownership at habitat for humanity. east bay. silicon valley's affordable housing community since under construction in walnut esperanza place. cody ceci will last year she was accepted as part of occasion and that is partner. will have put in about 250 construction hours to help build a new
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home, which they wil1 race ace their 11 year-old son with special i thought it was an amazing program. if there's way that i'll be able to stay in the bay area. >> and native on from the bay area. it was going to be a program like is and her family are among the first of 23 family set to move into their homes next on friday during the nonprofits, 8th annual women's leadership volunteers joined for the first of 2 days, constructing walls for phase 2 of the project, which is scheduled for completion next year. training 19 homes for the rest of this development will be 42 homes here when we're down. and these women's leadership older more than just an event with weather and pandemic related construction delays, these volunteers are essential to completing this project to
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work. they're taking it to level. there's nothing like being able to be part of building your home with so much love. i don't know many people that are able to see. >> say i built this house from the from the ground the second day of the event is next. friday and applications are still being accepted for the homes under construction for phase 2. >> in walnut creek, philippe djegal kron. 4 news. >> well, heading over to the north bay, a santa rosa man celebrated a milestone birthday. take a listen to this. 107 years old. his name bob miller and to celebrate his fellow residents over at brookdale senior living center in santa rosa. they put together a big surprise. they say they hope he never forgets it in kron four's rob nesbitt. he was there. he's got the details. >> happy birthday, bob. there's been a lot of milestone. birthdays celebrated at the brookdale shunning senior living center in santa rosa. but friday was the first time a resident celebrated their 100th trip around the sun. it's why health and wellness director heidi gallagher wanted to do something special for bob on
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miller. >> he's kind of quiet. but when you engage and he's has a really wicked personality he's very sweet. and we really enjoy having him here in our community. all miller wasn't exactly thrilled about the attention, ok, answering a few questions for the news or to get the attention of the now. but he did let his grandson, alex on miller twig sing his praises. i think for me it's more how we chose to live his life of and his family and the people around him. the 107 year-old was a staff sergeant in the army during world war 2. he was stationed in europe and even fund the battle of the bulge. a little chapter of u.s. history. refreshing to speak with somebody who >> literally lived in an era that is is gone and that he can still speak to that and explain what happened day to you. joined by his family friends, fellow residents and a service member of the army to celebrate his 100th
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birthday the man of few words, choosing just to to show his appreciation. thank you. you're very welcome. in santa rosa, rob nesbitt kron, 4 news. >> wonderful milestone. >> well, switching gears to transportation. some bart trains are going to be shutdown this weekend, specifically between the union city and south fremont's stations. bart says crews are going to be working on the track. so they advise you to take the bus because they do have buses that wvll be taking over those train routes. however, monday morning, everything will go back to normal and the trains will be up and running. the san francisco bay ferry is planning some major expansions throughout the bay area. the board of directors there says it's planning to expand its electrifying and transit by 2050. take a look. the agency is currently operating in alameda, oakland, richmond, san francisco, south san francisco and vallejo. the first expansion. it's planning well, they want to extend over to berkeley and redwood city then eventually to antioch and pittsburgh as well as foster city. well, the time is a 21.
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still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, a san francisco nurses giving back after she says the city's health department >> helped her family when she was in need during a dark time. we'll have those details after the break. welcome back.
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it's a 24 over in the south. investigation is underway in
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san jose after a city contractor was found dead at san jose's animal care center. >> both san jose police and fire were on the scene investigating along with cal osha trying to figure out exactly what happened that still they're still investigating. however, they say no animals were involved in the incident. but the animal care center was closed yesterday. however, this morning, it does plan to reopen for normal operating hours as we get more on that will keep you updated. well, closing arguments have wrapped in the attempted murder case of the man accused of driving or potentially driving his car off of a 300 foot cliff with his family. inside the case hinges on the judge's decision of what kind of mental health crisis. amash patel was in while he drove off of highway one back in january of last year. at the time his wife and 2 kids were in the car when it plunged over devils slide in san mateo county. they all survived but tells wife says she does not want her has been prosecuted. the judge could decide to divert patel's case
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out of criminal court and into a mental health treatment program. however, as of right now, the judge says she'll make a final ruling on june. 20th. well, emergency crews had to rescue a climber from a cliff over in marin county. authorities say they arrived after receiving multiple calls of there's a person hanging from a cliff tamales point. deputies lowered a tactical flight officer there to him at the cliff's edge, but place the climber onto a rescue harness. the man was then taken to a safe location right after that. but a scary sight. >> really try to design waste out office. >> well, still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, we introduce you to a asian american designer hoping to inspire new fashion trends that reduces waste that more after the break.
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teens have drama. one more minute!
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braces add more drama. ahh! how does anyone do this?! invisalign is better oral hygiene, and no drama. crème on the left, i program you to think for yourself my boy. you're sure that's a good idea? what's the worst that can happen? i'm going to twist on it. hello, father. yeah, absolutely not. he's perfect! if you feel like things don't add up right now... you're not alone. rent is up, and every family outing costs an arm and a leg. well, we want to help. so when prices go up, we find new ways to go low. and now, we've lowered the price on hundreds of your favorite products. designing something beautiful is easy. designing something beautiful with great quality for a low price? that's a different story. it's why we're here. that's a promise. not a promo.
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>> now on the kron 4 morning news, a reported burglary leads to the discovery of an illegal bird fighting rain. >> governor gavin newsom unveils his updated budget for the coming fiscal year. capitol correspondent eytan wallace. i'll tell you how large he says the deficit is and what programs he plans to cut. >> well, good morning, everyone. welcome back. it's 8.30. thank you for waking up with us on the 2nd half hour of the 8 o'clock hour. taking a look at the live view behind me. you can see it's a gorgeous day and we've got dave spahr in the weather center. good morning day. what's the weather looking like? lots of sun. okay. good morning, michael. good morning, everybody. going to be a hot summer day today. it
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looks like a little early for the season. it with lots of sunshine going on for you today. little bit that spring breeze will have with it a little stronger looks like for tomorrow. now we do have a a going on a fog advisory that's going remain for next few hours until 10 o'clock now, half moon bay was a little clearer about an hour or so ago. you can see the fog kind of returning and that shot there a bit most the traffic from the pacific remains up towards the north. now readings now we're we're in the 60's already up to 71 for any act. we have 50's for the north bay 63%, jose and again, some 50's hanging on to san francisco in the peninsula. let's try 81 at high noon. 86 going on by 3 o'clock. some spots, though, will make it to 90 91 next couple of days. there's your bank. a foggy can notice there. the golden gate. 85 on sunday and by monday and about 80 tuna taken note of that, we're going to see that from the week ahead. and as we get into the week ahead, will have some winds working on shore. thank you. not offshore. and that will help kind. of course, that will have more details in your 4
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zone forecast too, michael? look forward to that. well, turning to political news, governor gavin newsom unveiled his updated state budget friday and it comes with a projected multi-billion dollar deficit. >> our capitol correspondent eytan wallace breaks it all down with some of the difficult decisions that may be needed to close that gap. >> well, here it is. all 45 pages. the governor provided for his budget summary. it's a budget the governor says will protect key programs. one he acknowledges comes with its challenges. this is a >> this is a sizable deficit. governor gavin newsom not mincing words about his proposed budget for the coming fiscal year. it's a proposed 288 billion dollars spending plan that per newsom comes with a projected 27.6 billion dollar deficit. that figure is much more optimistic than that of the non-partisan legislative analyst's office or who earlier this year projected the state faces a 73 billion dollar deficit. newsom believes that projection was way off because he anticipates the state will take in more tax revenue and
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the project. to balance the budget. newsom says he's taking action on several fronts, including the withdrawal of more than 12 billion dollars from the state reserves over the next 2 years. he's also proposing more than 18 billion dollars actual cuts, including reductions for programs on broadband access, water, storage and local and state public health departments. these are programs that i long advanced many of them. none of this is. >> working. enjoy but you've got to do we have to be responsible. we have to be accountable. he also plans to freeze 10,000 vacant state part of a move he says will save the state hundreds of millions of dollars what i want to know. >> but the alternative, you know, we can we can eliminate our expansion health care. we can eliminate. >> wages we can limit. we do furloughs into layoffs. we can do a lot of things i want to do those things. as for any plans to raise taxes, i do not support. >> and general tax increases period. as for his spending
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priorities, keeping core services and tact. that's newsom's message on ensuring the state continues to invest in education, public safety and what he describes as the central homeless and housing programs. we actually are increasing our low income housing tax credit. we mean business. we mean business about the housing element. we mean business about meeting your state mandated goals. but republican lawmakers believe the budget spends too much. they stress more spending does not always equal better results. give a bit more credence to what programs are we not seeing any significant results from looking much more? things like that to try to balance the budget. >> and now it's up to the legislature to review and worked on this budget. lawmakers must pass a fully balanced budget. >> by june 15th, otherwise they will not be paid reporting in tom wallace kron 4 news. >> well, there's a new effort underway to address abuse and harassment in san francisco's political sector last week.
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more than a dozen people stepped up to the microphone and a special meeting organized by the san francisco democratic party. this all comes after recent allegations were made against the prominent figures in local politics. the supervisors of the harassment shared their experiences and nancy tung, the chair of the san francisco democratic party says it's a conversation that was long overdue. take a listen. >> the party that time did not but this is something that i was very supportive of. what s wpc first came us and given some of the recent events in the process. i felt like this was the time to act. not now, then when. >> well, organizers hope to draft a code of conduct that members of the democratic party and affiliated groups will really abide by. take a listen to more of what she had to say. >> i i was i was overwhelmed by it. it was really something
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that we strove to do was to get very survivor said trick. we had a a assault therapist on hand. we had marsy's law expert. >> san francisco representative nancy pelosi added her support behind the committee, sending a letter addressed specifically to town urging the committee in part to, quote, implement a robust standard of independence thoroughness and due process. and quote, as the efforts move forward. >> it's the parties duty to address so that we could make sure that we have the safe environments that are free from harassment, free from violence that people can exercise the right to be a part of the political discourse and that we continue to grow a generation of leadership of the democratic party. >> meanwhile, san francisco city leaders held their own hearing thursday night to examine how top officials have handled some of these cases nearly 5 years ago. san
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francisco founded the office of harassment and assault response and prevention. this week supervisor hillary ronen said she'll require the committee to report more often on its efforts. more than 2000 pot plants and 100 pounds of processed marijuana were seized on friday at a santa clara county property near the san benito county line. the santa clara county sheriff's office, covert investigations unit says they that they've been focusing on this illegal cultivation operation for months, adding they've already arrested 4 people and a total of 2 pistols were recovered. lots going on. an illegal bird fighting ring and more than $20,000 in stolen property have been recovered from a santa rosa home. police say they responded to reports of a burglary at a storage facility and they ended up arresting audrianna nick peters for a one-time count of grand theft for a crime. now detectives say they searched her home. at
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that point. they found 1000 game birds, which they believe we're being raised to fight. so sonoma county animal services did step in. they helped her move. those birds along with 5 milner's tour says and 2 dogs that were there on the property. officials did arrest 2 other men that were involved with this having bird fighting weapons and being involved in the storage theft. well, a local family in san francisco is giving back and creating a legacy essentially in the health care field after having their lives change through the process of a free program that helps mothers by the san francisco health department kron. 4 s lezla gooden has that story. >> judy lopez is san francisco native and has been a practicing nurse for over a decade. the mother to says it was a calling to get back and to help others. >> as a young child, i saw nurses in their uniforms and scrubs as heroes. and i still feel the same way today. >> while pregnant with her second son, julian, she ended
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up having him prematurely little does she know this was going to change her personal and professional life for ever. >> i found myself in the most wonderful time of my life. and the social worker and everyone was supporting me at the hospital, then realized i could benefit from having a service called field home visiting program where the nurse comes directly to your home. it's a free voluntary program. and with that guidance, i was able to feel. >> support the support she received came from a free program from others through the san francisco department of public health. she says the experience helped her navigate having a preemie and gave her the skills she would later use. >> we're learning different modalities like how can i keep him healthy and then still make sure that i was to keep myself healthy. and i was also in grieving stay. i had lost my mom that year. so it was a lot on my plate. but i didn't know that with a nurse coming to the home in my sacred
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space, my humble home that i felt supported. >> jenny, so inspired by the experience later became a public health nurse herself and didn't forget the program that poured into her. >> actually, the first job that i was hired for was with maternal child adolescent health, the same home visiting program that serves me in my most vulnerable time. so for me, it was such a gift and that little boy who was once a preemie in her lap. >> while she studied to become a nurse is now. 22 and just finished his first semester in nursing school. so i think definitely being in her footsteps is something that something and take pride in for sure. >> and i know that she, you know, loves and is something that we just kind of cherish. it's a special bond for us for sure. in san francisco. let's look good kron. 4 news. >> well, shifting gears over to fashion. we all love fast fashion, right, for changing styles and moods. but at what
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price do we like it? yesterday we met a woman who's making fashion that sustainable, adaptable and cooled abboud are vicki liviakis has those details. >> we call this year's campaign beauty in every stitch bernice pan has a thing for style. she's a phd in fashion. innovation an organic cotton. worried that fast fashion is creating mountains of discarded clothes dumped in places that are out of sight. out of mind. she looked for ways to look good and do good that all 100 billion garments produced every single year. yeah, on. yeah. of which most of it gets into the landfill or incinerators within one year of being produced as that, the waste that comes out unsold comments. bernice created a clothing company called deploy. sure the garments are sustainable and organic, but that's just part of it. >> and then you can actually take this apart. and where it
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has almost a bike, a jacket. >> creating outfits that are well convertible. can take this each piece is adaptable and multipurpose. we really try to design waste out of office based in london from east pan travels, the world here in san francisco for a climate conference and the catwalk of for earth friendly factions. >> when he says sharing her ideas staying stylish while being ethical. >> co-authoring this book and even speaking to the un is actually dress will impact and where your values ultimately, byrne says we're hard wired to want to look and feel great and dressing up is certainly one way to express yourself. well, now you can imagine unlimited possibilities. i'm comfortable piece to let that sustainable in san francisco, vicki liviakis kron. 4 news.
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>> well, tune in every thursday on kron 4 this month for stories highlighting the bay area's api community all leading up to our special, which is airing thursday night. may 23rd at 06:30pm. >> well, nice little warm up going on for today. then we'll kind of pulled the plug on a little bit as we get into next week. it's a more moderate temperatures relatively speaking as we get into next week, complements of an onshore wind ch
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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>> welcome back, everyone. it is 8.44 taking a gorgeous look this morning at that skyline. we're going to take a look at some more weather days. >> and i don't here's what we've got going on right now at this is tot not tahoe, excuse me, yosemite national park. but general ideas to drive home still got the snow on the ground. remember, that's going to be liquid cold water for area rivers as we go forward with this for more melting. look at this. going up to about 70 come tuesday. we're starting in the short sleeved what they're up there. even this early into the season upstream, we're going to watch a series of systems drop south. probably the most pronounced will be around thursday or so. every time he's come through, you get some cooler weather and the advance of it. that's great. but got to watch that afterwards. we don't get that offshore. wind looks like we won't from the week ahead. but that's will be monitoring really for the next few months. little bit of an afternoon breeze going on. no major deal because they were not actually seeing temperatures respond to that, which we will see tomorrow will back off a little bit
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more. so kind of shave the lofty highs of the lower 90's and get back to the business of the middle 80's with all of that. still a little bit on the warm side for this time of year, but not its not as dramatic. here we go you can actually see the outline of some of these fronts like there we get to tuesday. there's the reduction of temperatures we see for the middle to latter portion of the week, worried about always that offshore wind that you can see the pulsating marine layer each go around. cloud cover for next weekend and maybe a little bit. but it looks like a remain dry for now. not bad on those temps, not as hot as today, but at least we'll see a lot of near about 80 or so going on well inland. so it's a nice dry week. coming up ahead, 70 going on for san francisco to the coast because of those onshore winds. kind of chilly in spots, lower 60's and that 75 for burlingame. 77 foster city palo out to about 83. meanwhile, the south bay upper 80's east bay shoreline. look at this. already. get into the lower 80's here. meanwhile, tri valley, you've got the upper 80's with a couple of
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pockets of 90 here. and there 89 conquered walnut creek. 88. 75 richmond, the late. 74. thank you. onshore wind. now 89 or so for fairfield vacaville. 91 now 85 88 for santa rosa. let's make a bit more palatable for mom tomorrow. show we okay. we'll try 85 tomorrow. little cooler there. not too bad for the week ahead. lots of 80's and even another reduction of looks like as we head to the end of the week. 76 by friday. so setting us up for another fine weekend. coming up. >> all right, everybody. well, it is national mom. dogs day and joining me this morning, our kelly and andrea. >> talk about this. a little wide shot. we've got all of this little guy's getting getting cut off. you want to sit on the couch. talk about you guys are from the organization muttville senior dog rescue tomorrow is mother's day. but today is dog mother's day. right start with you. talk a little bit about this organization. sure. so kelly and i are.
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>> from my we met. there are best friends and very, very proud dog but bill specializes rescuing and rehoming senior dogs. so age 7 and older and the dog that we have in the studio with this. these are senior dogs that were rescued because they see here i know we can get them on camera because he's kind of lower. but it says rescued and loved so yet. so unfortunately, she's missing the camera. but this is she was rescued from the 2019 sonoma and made her way to michael senior dog rescue into my heart and into my life and >> i've never been happier. then this is harry. he's my little slice of the he was rescued from senior dog rescue about 2 years ago. so he just turned 10. and when he's about 11, we think and talk about, you know, for people who are at home, maybe they're contemplating getting a dog. you guys have an adoption option essentially right on saturdays. crack. talk a little bit about that so it's
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appropriate for national dog mom. stabbed course. you're an aspiring dog mom or even aspiring dog died. >> come on down to muttville were at 2, 5, 5, alabama state street says alabama and 16th in francisco. our open from 11 to 2 today. so and what sort of it like you go there you see all these cute, gorgeous little dogs. you guys are expecting everybody to fall in love and take one home. what's that process like? if you do want to take one home? yeah. so the best part about coming to bill is due to step the common. all the dogs are outside. they're having a good time. >> you can go up to our doggie left and really see who comes n is drawn to you and who you're john, too, as well. so unlike other you get to kind of meet all the dogs at and it's just it's just a wonderful event. even if you're not ready to adopt and you want to become a foster he's got a volcano. sure that, know, you and talk about you guys actually have started a community of your own for when it comes to dog moms and walking like that. look at
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what's coming she that while she will go home with yes, so we we're about like i said, we're best most of our time spent together is actually just doing dog mom. stuff is kind dog moms are kind like that. identity honestly, i'm so we love spending time with our doors. park is a big. >> i'm a big winner for us. we also love going to baker beach and in fact, later today, my partner and i are going to take the convertible up to smallest. they are back. so you can i go. i'm >> how important is it for people to realize, you know, senior dogs also need to be rescued and there are so many out there that are looking for a home. oh, yeah. go to. >> you know the story they buy these $1000 dogs and stuff. talk a little bit about the importance of some of the senior dogs are still looking. yeah, it is just so incredibly important right now, especially to adopt a senior dog in municipal shelters across the state. a senior dogs just don't even get a and
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lest, you know, they come up bill. and that's why we love being a part of the medical community because they kept out of chance and the stock deserve to be loved. they so much joy to your life and people are able to see that. so it's every saturday. yeah. talk about the location and the time again. in case people missed go ahead. 2, 5, 5, alabama street, the cross streets are 16th in alabama and san francisco. okay. and it starts at what time it ends at one 11, 11 to 2 and its use it every saturday, every saturday come on down. and it's going to be a beautiful day today. so we hope to see so many of you out there adopting these wonderful dogs. we have over 70 dogs waiting to find their forever home. so come on down and find your perfect i know when you adopt a dog, for instance, you know that you have no experience. what should people expect? what should be the number one thing that they're, you know, need to be prepared for? yes. so that's one of the beauties of adopting a senior dog. a
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lot of these stocks have been in homes before. so they're already, you know how strange and they know how to be around people and so you can see here. yeah, they're just very relaxed. obviously, they're the stars here so, yeah, you can expect a number of things when you're adopting any dog, but a senior dog is especially easy job to it. you know, let's say that they decide to adopt there at the location to you guys. give them, let's say pam blitzer, pointers like, hey, you should go here on his matter. she's mad because you know, pointers of you should go buy this. you should go by that or is or shelters that help out with starter kits or anything like that. will for seniors for seniors program. if your seniors, 62 and >> yeah, we actually send you home with the welcome kit commissions fees are waived mom, but yeah, it will provide our adoption kit includes a list of kind of must haves, including that the diet that the dog has been on altar. could help the transition to like a dog yeah, ok? well, as
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you all can see, these ladies love their pets. they love their dogs and their partners or behind the camera, just smiling and glowing. hopefully taking instagram videos for their social media. you guys have any social media handers for bill that you would like. get more if you want to just laugh every day and just scroll please come following that model f. >> on we always post dogs are available for adoption, too. that's great way to see if the same one for you. and lastly, i would have europe you to just one more time. somebody missed it time and place today of where they can go to see all of these. >> cute little furry animals come on down to celebrate national dog. mom's though. and san 2, 5, 5, alabama street, the cross streets are 16th in alabama and all right. well, thank you, ladies for joining us. thank so for having year. looking to get a dog. this would be the perfect opportunity.
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>> we will be right back after a short break. keep hitting you.
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>> welcome back of the time is 8.55. will stern grove music festival has revealed its lineup for 2024. take a look at on your screen. there. >> there's something for everyone really. we've got tegan and sara lucinda williams, alex g and the san francisco symphony are all just some of the acts that are set to play among the eucalyptus trees in stern, recreational grove, the best part all the shows are free and they will all be taking
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place every sunday afternoon from june until august. this is the 87th stern grove music festival. tickets are first come first serve on the festival's website. well, mother's day is tomorrow. and san francisco is hoping that you'll spend time in union square because union square in bloom is hosting another mother's day concert in fashion show. this is video for last year's event. actually, there's going to be bright floral display salsa, dancing, live music as well as a bloom could tour gown reveal made by local designer the first 220 moms getting there actually receive a gift. so again, this event is tomorrow from 02:00pm to 05:00pm. and you don't have a well, you may learn. still ahead on the next hour kron, 4 morning news, another bay area university joins in on the campus protest. what students are saying and what they are hoping to get from university going forward. >> a new lawsuit could prevent
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the oakland airport from completely changing its name. stay with us on kron. 4 morning news. we've got those details in the next hour. now
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on the kron 4 morning news. thousands of students are set to graduate from uc berkeley this morning amidst a growing pro-palestinian protest. we've got a live reporter there on the scene. and details coming up. plus, it's the first day on the job for oakland's new police chief will tell you what you need to know starting this morning. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the
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kron. 4 morning news at no. >> good morning, everyone. thank you for joining us on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm michael thomas. today is may 10. 11th may 11th. it's 9 o'clock this morning. you can see behind we've got a live look outside. it looks like a great day. but over in the weather center, we've got dates part. good morning, dave. what's it looking like out there? good morning, michael. good morning, everybody. and looks pretty sweet for you today. >> going to a little bit warm, though. in those inland valleys, there will be turning the temperatures up to the lower 90's. and now we're talking about mountain snows from last week. well, that's spring. it's not always consistent. and we have today the warming trend, there is also the one we talked about the dense fog advisory that's around for another hour in here. in the case of half moon bay and actually opened up earlier. and some of the fog has returned. just mixing around a little bit. going to be a sunny day. it looks like for today. no problems. even upstream looks like smooth sailing in our wake. we have single digits to calm conditions for those winds. we do see an afternoon breeze start to build little bit
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little bit more pronounced tomorrow is going to help with those temperatures. 71 already any act middle to upper 60's going on. the east bay stole the 50's up north. 68 for san jose and 62 going on for san francisco. we're trailing and much of the bay you can see by a couple of degrees for today. going to see some of those lower 90's well inland, but thanks to some onshore winds will see a backtrack a little bit into the week ahead. looks pretty good. will say the warm side of spring, but not as hot as today. so you a little flavor of summer. more details in your forecast and a bit. michael. >> all right, dave, thanks so much. well, happening today, uc berkeley is holding its graduation ceremony and as scheduled. but as we know, some pro-palestinian protest have force universities across the country to cancel their ceremonies. live this morning there on the scene as kron four's tiffany justice. good morning, tiffany. how's it going there this morning? so far? good morning, michael. yet uc berkeley continuing with their commencement today as scheduled see. >> many of the families are
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already arriving here, waiting to get into the stadium. >> and crews have been setting up all morning long with metal detectors, gates. and we also saw about 20 plus highway patrol officers walking into the stadium as well. so there definitely is security here. you know, the commencement going on here. but other universities have decided to cancel. there's because of the pro-palestinian protests happening on college campuses. according to the university, uc berkeley and negotiations are still happening between the school and protesters. a spokesperson for the school says that they do expect there to be protesters calling for a cease-fire in gaza. this graduation we know other schools have canceled their main commencement, including usc because of all of the ongoing protests. the encampment here at uc berkeley has been set up at sproul plaza. organizers say students are prepared to continue the demonstrations until uc berkeley agrees to divest money from israel. thousands are planning to graduate today walking, grab the diploma, but
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the standard protocols are in place. they will that will not allow any backpacks, no signs or banners. and they're also be a clear bag protocol in place. back to you. thank you, tiffany. well over the south bay student protest against israel's war in gaza are also taking place on the san jose state's campus. >> students there have a list of demands that they're asking the university to abide by. but they say the school has not budged. our kron four's jack moment has details from san jose. >> so students here at san jose state are going on day number 2 of the campus sit in support of people in gaza. now, as you can see, the san jose state university administration has already given to students warning about the policy regarding camping on >> some engaging in prayer and others sitting to show support as students protest the ongoing war between israel and
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hamas. responsibility of the terrible genocide that is occurring in palestine and in the gaza. >> right now is a responsibility that falls on. >> all of our shoulder today marks day 2 of the sit-in at san jose state. students say this banner is the only communication the school has sent. that basically says that gatherings of any kind that are >> not approved of will be met with a request to disperse. students have 6 demands for the school, including disclosing and divesting from any companies that benefit israel. >> we do not abstain ourselves from this. harmful to our community's well-being. they're also getting support from neighbors. and it's a great injustice to the palestinian people. nancy so says she lives in the area and wanted to show up for student protesters around the nation who are met with suspensions and even arrests. >> so we should support we got is because we don't have
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expulsion all kind for that. but they do. >> students were on campus until late friday night and plan to protest all throughout next week. the university administration sent kron 4 statement saying in part we expect and anticipate that our students who participate in demonstrations will be peaceful and responsible and are following the university's time place and manner policy. >> so students here at san jose state to me, they really are under no specific timeline as when they want to end the sit-in protest. meantime, the last of classes is on may 13th with graduation ceremonies happening over the next several weeks. for now, we're in san jose. jackie moment. kron 4 news. >> well, president biden visited the bay area on friday yesterday. his first stop was in portola valley. he was set to visit the home of billionaire the not a collage. during his arrival, he was met with a group of protesters that you see there that were upset about the conflict in
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gaza. we spoke with one who had this to say. >> we want him to know that we do not support the genocide is happening right now and we want the donors to know that we hope that they would fund other things besides the war and the site's genocide. and so we're here today to just make sure he knows that people are unhappy about this genocide in palestine. >> now after this, the president did and head over to palo alto. at that point, he visited the home of former yahoo ceo marisa mayer. and he's also heading to seattle this morning for more fundraising. well, after more than a year without a top cop, the city of oakland finally has an official new police chief that starts this morning. his name is floyd mitchell and his tenure as the new police chief and the city of oakland officially starts this morning. and the swearing ceremony will that set for next week? mitchell began his career with the kansas city police department in missouri and also served as the police chief in temple, texas, as well as lubbock, texas mitchell will be be opd is
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14th police chief in the last decade and says although he is an outsider of oakland, already feels like he's home and he's really ready to get to work. well, sticking with the oakland area news there. the decision to change the name of oakland's airport to san francisco bay oakland international airport is now a done deal. but there's also a lawsuit on the table that's trying to prevent the name change and kron four's. dan kerman tells u.s. legal experts think it will go against oakland. those arriving at oakland airport friday may not have realized it. >> ak has a new name san francisco bay, oakland international airport. that follows final approval thursday by oakland, port commissioners. but legal experts predict the name change won't last because of the trademark lawsuit. san francisco has filed. i think san francisco is in a pretty strong legal position. uc san francisco law professor jeffrey left stunned, focuses on intellectual property trademarks, patents and copyrights. one of though,
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really worst points for oakland is that they seem to have been doing this in a conscious attempt to divert traffic away. >> sfo and in trademark case is the fact that the defendant is intentionally seeking to capitalize on the goodwill of the trademark holder is often a very important factor in trademark lawsuits. the port of oakland hopes the name change will attract more travelers. >> i don't think it is going to become few different. fact, i don't believe any difference to people coming in to well, the name san francisco does carry some cash. a san francisco state marketing professor sue boat butts as online booking sites already show various options. when you enter san francisco and the name change won't impact the final choice. they want to have a band coming see a example school but just being recognized as one of option that is not granting has for passengers arriving in oakland friday. they were not happy with the change. i'm not really sure why they would do that. >> since there is a san francisco international, you don't want people getting
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confused. i think it making international. confusing. i want to revel particular >> a decision from the courts could be months down the road. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> well, meanwhile, over at sfo, there's a big change. the airport's director eibar sotero is retiring this year at the end of the year and he's been the director there for almost a decade since 2016 he started at the airport back in 1994, a search for his replacement will actually start coming in the next few months during that time, however, he'll remain in his position over see things in the transition to make sure everything goes well with the new leadership. well, google is set to lay off dozens of employees next month. the tech giant plans to cut more than 50 jobs at several san francisco locations. and this all comes just about a few days or so after the company announced it would not be renewing its prominent location at marketplace plaza near san francisco's waterfront. the reason why
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they say they're trying to cut the cost in layoffs are set to start on june 9th. well, coming up on the kron 4 morning news, a judge is set to make a decision in the case against a man accused of driving his family off the road last year. >> plus, we'll know more on the nonprofit habitat for humanity who's building a house for the housing area in east bay. that more after the break. plus, we'll hear from the north bay veterans who celebrated his 100 and 7th birthday. >> wow 107. ok for today? we have temperatures lower than that. a lower 90's. we're expecting well inland today about 85 or so by 4 o'clock. a little cooler tomorrow than a check of your forecast to come
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>> welcome back. it's 9.13. well, it is been extremely hot the last couple days, at least for the bay area this week led to dozens of people heading over to bask in the sun at alameda beaches. see that there. and this is all after a year full of rain and clouds. we spoke with some of those beachgoers. take a listen. and you know, it's it's going to be kissing here all morning. >> likes to eat close and led its really high. >> that is surely to i just wish that i could enjoy the beach every single day. yes, i miss living in the bay area and just having it right here. you know, at our disposal. >> so it's a real treat for us to be able to out and go to the beach today. absolutely. >> see that. i like sing about all morning. now, if you're heading to the beach to celebrate mother's day weekend, the cdc says they want to remind you some tips so you want to keep cool, stay
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safe and also pace yourself when you're out there on the water, never leave any pets or kids in the car. and of course, stay hydrated and wear loose clothing. but talking about all of this gorgeous weather taking a live look right now at mount tam. you can see the gorgeous city of san francisco i believe that's the bay bridge, right team. >> yeah, that is off the list and show you a little bit of that fog. that remains a it's peeling away a little bit, michael. and we're going to go into a mostly sunny mode for today. by the way, take a that they water still, but on the chilly side because it still may. we're talking lower to approaching middle 60's at that. so it's not august yet. so remember, that's a bit on the cool side. good morning, everybody. lots of sunshine for the east bay shoreline to we'll see some of these numbers here along the east bay shoreline. go well in the business of the 80's for today. most the traffic and the pacific up and around our high destroying its job for today. a check into those numbers. 71 for antioch, most east bay readings in the 60's trailing up the north bay still in the upper 50's 62 san
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francisco. 68. meanwhile, 4 san jose cleared up nicely for the afternoon. then tonight it comes back again. i don't. michael, good to see you. all right. we're back anyway, here's back. 2 of the marine layer starts to thicken up a little bit overnight. maybe some coastal sprinkles here, too. so my dirty up the car end up getting it. watch today. just a little bit there. there's the fog progress you can see in the sacramento valley actually does a stronger job. looks like on monday, spelling right in there really nicely there. so we get into that type of pattern, particularly compliments with an onshore flow with that. so the winds today, yeah, they're going to do that, but not too intense. just an afternoon spring breeze to that. almost like a summer breeze. and then a little bit more pronounced. it looks like for tomorrow, going right across the golden gate through the carquinez strait. today, sunny and warm. they say hot inland will say with some lower 90's going on. they will taste of summer than warm spring day tomorrow for mom, we've got the temperatures backtracking a little bit to mid 80's and the next week. there's kind of a weak system
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by midweek that will give the 2nd half of the week a little bit in the way of some cooler temps bringing us down maybe around 80 or so and lower 80's at that. and that's a decade shaved off of today. but today's kind of an outline are with all of that forecast today. we've got san francisco at 70 mostly sunny and mild. 76 oakland, 87 san jose. and look at that. we had a breakout. the darker reds in the paint box. 91 antioch. meanwhile, middle to upper 80's up north and also down south and a bit. of course, we'll have that extended forecast for you. kind of wishy-washy numbers jumping all over the place. but today is the hot stuff. this is heat. miser is day. >> probably the perfect day to fly out, right, because our cause and lays from those rains or other. so by the way, since mention sfo, there are some minor delays are like 20 minutes or so. but that's construction belated. that's what i'm actually taking. my my 2 best friends drinking tracy to the airport. so good. and yeah, that's not going to be a major deal, though. it's only a minor deal not me. i just pull up. drop okay. there. ya have lunch with them. or they they love their all right. thanks, dave. well,
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taking things over to the east bay hard-hat chainsaws and lots of hammering. that's what you may hear if you're in the east bay as habitat for humanity kicked off its annual women's leadership, build. >> kron four's philippe djegal was there and he's got all the details >> 5 years ago before the first nails were hammered into walls. thanks, around you, lisa. and then is applied for home ownership at habitat for humanity. east bay, silicon valley's affordable housing community since under construction in walnut creek esperanza place. cody ceci will last year she was accepted as part of altercation and that is partner. will help put in about 250 construction hours to help build a new home, which they will race ace are their 11 year-old son with special i thought it was an amazing program. if there's way be able to stay in the bay area. >> and native on from the bay area. it was going to be a
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program like is and her family are among the first of 23 family set to move into their homes next on friday during the nonprofits, 8th annual women's leadership volunteers joined for the first of 2 days, constructing walls for phase 2 of the project, which is scheduled for completion next year. training 19 homes for the rest of this development will be 42 homes here when we're down. and these women's leadership older more than just an event with weather and pandemic related construction delays, these volunteers are essential to completing this project to work. they're taking it to level. there's nothing like being able to be part of building your home with so much love. i don't know many people that are able to see. >> say i built this house from the from the ground the second day of the event is next.
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friday and applications are still being accepted for the homes under construction for phase 2. >> in walnut creek, philippe djegal kron. 4 news. >> well, from the east bay to the north bay and santa rosa, there's a man there who celebrated a huge milestone birthday, 107 years old. think about that. a long time. his name bob miller and to celebrate his fellow residents over at brookdale senior living center in santa rosa. they put together a huge surprise when that they say they hope he never forgets kron four's rob nesbitt with there was there. he's got the details. >> there's been a lot of milestone. birthdays celebrated at the brookdale shunning senior living center in santa rosa. but friday was the first time a resident celebrated their 100th trip around the sun. it's why health and wellness director heidi gallagher wanted to do something special for bob on miller. >> he's kind of quiet. but when you engage him, he's has a really wicked personality. he's very sweet. and we really enjoy having him here in our community. all miller wasn't
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exactly thrilled about the attention, ok, answering a few questions for the news or to get the attention of the now. but he did let his grandson, alex on miller twig sing his praises. i think for me it's more how we chose to live his life with and his family and the people around him. the 107 year-old with a staff sergeant in the army during world war 2, he was stationed in europe and even fought in the battle of the bulge. a little chapter of u.s. history. refreshing to speak with somebody who >> literally lived in an era that is is gone and that he can still speak to that and explain what day to you. joined by his family friends, fellow residents and a service member of the army to celebrate his 100th birthday the man of few words, choosing just to to show his appreciation. thank you're very welcome. in santa rosa, rob nesbitt kron, 4 news. >> raising 107. well from the
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north bay now talking about transportation. some bart trains will be shutdown this weekend, specifically between union city and south fremont. those stations are all closed parts as crews are going to be working on the tracks. however, they are asking people to use the buses. they say that buses will be taking over those train routes. however, monday morning the trains will be back up and running for those writers. well, the san francisco bay ferry is planning some major expansions throughout the bay area. the board of directors says it's planning to expand and electrify transit by 2050. take a look. the agency is currently operating in alameda, oakland, richmond, san francisco, and south san francisco, along with toledo. the first expansion that they're planning to do. they want to expand to berkeley into redwood city, then eventually over to any act in pittsburgh and also foster city. so we'll hope to see that soon. time is 9.22. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. a san francisco nursed is now giving back after she says the city's health department department >> helped her and network is no network for business.
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>> welcome back. the time is 9.24. well over the south, an investigation is ay in san jose after a city contractor was found dead at van jose's animal care center. both san francisco excuse me, san jose police and fire department where they're investigating along with cal osha trying to figure out exactly what happened. it's still under investigation. they say no animals were involved in the incident. but the animal care center did close yesterday. however, this morning, it does plan to reopen for normal hours. well, closing arguments have been
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wrapping up in the attempted murder case of the man accused of intentionally driving his car off a 300 foot cliff with his family inside the case hinges on the judge's decision of what kind of mental health crisis. amash patel was in when he drove off highway one back in january of last year. his wife and 2 children were in the car at the time when he plunged over devils slide over in the san mateo county, they all survived and that tells wife is now saying she does not want her husband to be prosecuted. the judge could decide today for patel case out of criminal court and over into mental health treatment program. however, as of now, the judge says she will not be making any decision or ruling until june 20th. we'll take a look at this. emergency crews had to rescue a climber from a cliff over in marin county. authorities say they arrived and was after receiving a dozens of calls about a person that was hanging from a cliff over at tamales point. now, at the time, deputies lowered a tactical flight officer to the
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cliff's edge where they placed the climber into a rescue harness. and as of now, the man is safe. they then took him from the harness over to a safe location. >> really try to design waste out of office. well, still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, we introduce you to an asian american designer hoping to inspire a new fashion trend that reduces waste that more that reduces waste that more after the break.
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dupixent can help people with asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. so this is better. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath,
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tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. >> now on the kron 4 morning news. a reported burglary that leads to the discovery of an illegal burn fighting ring.
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>> governor gavin newsom unveils his updated budget for the coming fiscal year. capitol correspondent eytan wallace. i'll tell you how large he says the deficit is and what programs he plans to cut. >> good morning, everyone. and welcome back. i'm michael thomas. thank you for waking up with us on this 2nd half hour of the 9 o'clock hour. taking a look outside. you can see it's gorgeous behind me over in the weather center. we've got dave spahr. good morning, dave. >> hey, good morning, michael. good morning, everybody. in a pretty sweet saturday for you to if you've been waiting for real flavor of summer or a tour spring or whatever you want to call it. we've got a flavor of it, particularly today as we push some of those inland highs near about 9 to give you a chance to check the ac out in case you haven't already make sure that's working properly. there's a shot of half moon bay and the fog with us. yes, they have a dense fog advisory. another half hour to go here might repeat that again tomorrow. we do have stronger onshore winds at work tomorrow. most of the traffic from the pacific remaining far up towards the north. we're getting the influence of this high
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pressure zone. readings already popping it. 74 for any act. most east bay readings in the 60's. while we're still hanging on to a mostly upper 50's up north with the battle at 61. now, 64 even san francisco with 68 for san jose with this wall to wall sunshine. 84 at 1 o'clock by 4 o'clock. 85. but that is on kind of book ends of the big-time warming. we expect some lower 90's today. and here's a sample the next few days. there's the golden gate bridge just checking in one of the towers. 85 by tomorrow. and for your monday down to the lower 80's. again, we'll be watching to the front, probably the middle of the week. that will correct temperatures yet again. lot of 80's expected for the week ahead. so but on the warm side, but still pretty good for this time of year have more details on that and a bit. michael. >> thanks, well, moving over to politics news now. governor gavin newsom unveiled his updated state budget friday and it comes with a projected multibillion-dollar deficit. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace breaks it all down for you with some of the
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difficult decisions that may be needed to close this gap. >> well, here it is. all 45 pages. the governor provided for his budget to budget. the governor says will protect key programs. one he acknowledges comes with its challenges. this is a >> this is a sizable deficit. governor gavin newsom not mincing words about his proposed budget for the coming fiscal year. it's a proposed 288 billion dollars spending plan that per newsom comes with a projected 27.6 billion dollar deficit. that figure is much more optimistic than that of the non-partisan legislative analyst's office or who earlier this year projected the state faces a 73 billion dollar deficit. newsom believes that projection was way off because he anticipates the state will take in more tax revenue and the project. to balance the budget. newsom says he's taking action on several fronts, including the withdrawal of more than 12 billion dollars from the state reserves over the next 2 years. he's also proposing more than 18 billion dollars
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actual cuts, including reductions for programs on broadband access, water, storage and local and state public health departments. these are programs that i long advanced many of them. none of this is. >> working. enjoy but you've got to do we have to be responsible. we have to be accountable. also plans to freeze 10,000 vacant state part of a move he says will save the state hundreds of millions of dollars what i want to know. >> but the alternative, you know, we can we can eliminate our expansion health care. we can eliminate. >> wages we can limit. we do furloughs into layoffs. we can do a lot of things i want to do those things. as for any plans to raise taxes, i do not support. >> and general tax increases period. as for his spending priorities, keeping core services and tact. that's newsom's message on ensuring the state continues to invest in education, public safety and what he describes as the central homeless and housing programs. we actually are increasing our low income housing tax credit. we mean business. we mean business
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about the housing element. we mean business about meeting your state mandated goals. but republican lawmakers believe the budget spends too much. they stress more spending does not always equal better results. give a bit more credence to what programs are we not seeing any significant results from looking much more? things like that to try to balance the budget. >> and now it's up to the legislature to review and worked on this budget. lawmakers must pass a fully balanced budget. >> by june 15th, otherwise they will not be paid reporting in tom wallace kron 4 news. >> well, shifting gears to politics back here in san francisco. there's a new effort underway to address abuse and harassment in san francisco's political sector last week. more than a dozen people stepped up to the microphone and a special meeting organized by the san francisco democratic party. this all comes after recent allegations were made against prominent figures in local politics. the survivors of
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harassment shared their experiences and nancy tung, the chair of san francisco democratic party, says it's a conversation that was long overdue. take a listen. >> the party that time did not but this is something that i was very supportive of. what s wpc first came to us and given some of the recent events in the process. i felt like this was the time to act. not now, then when. organizers hope to draft a code of conduct that members of the democratic party and affiliated groups will abide by. take a listen to what else she had to say. >> i i was i was overwhelmed by it. it was really something that we strove to do was to get very survivor said trick. we had a a assault therapist on hand. we had marsy's law expert. >> representative nancy pelosi added her support behind the committee, sending a letter
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addressed to urging the committee in part to quote, implement a robust standard of ce, thoroughness and due process. as the efforts move forward. take a listen. >> it's the parties duty to address so that we could make sure that we have the safe environments that are free from harassment, free from violence that people can exercise the right to be a part of the political discourse and that we continue to grow a generation of leadership of the democratic party. >> meanwhile, san francisco leaders held their own hearing thursday night to examine how top officials have handled some of these cases nearly 5 years ago. san francisco founded the office of harassment and assault response and prevention. this week supervisor hillary ronen said she'll require the committee to report more often on its efforts. >> well, an illegal bird fighting ring and more than
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$20,000 in stolen property have been recovered from a santa rosa home. take a look. police say. >> they responded to a report of a burglary at a storage facility and ended up arresting audrey peter's on the count of grand theft for the crime, detectives then searched her home. at that point, they found 1000 game birds, which they believe we're being raised to fight. sonoma county animal services did step in and help remove those birds along with 5 milner's tour says and 2 dogs. officials add that they did arrest 2 men involved in this having bird fighting weapons and also being involved. and the stories that. well, a local family is now giving back and creating a legacy essentially in the health care field after having their lives changed by a process. that's a free program that helps mothers in the san francisco area all put together by the health department kron four's lezla gooden has those details. >> judy lopez is a san francisco native and has been a practicing nurse for over a
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decade. the mother to says it was a calling to get back and to help others. >> as a young child, i saw nurses in their uniforms and scrubs as heroes. and i still feel the same way today. >> while pregnant with her second julian, she ended up having him prematurely little does she know this was going to change her personal and professional life forever. >> i found myself in the most wonderful time of my life. and the social worker and everyone was supporting me at the hospital, then realized i could benefit from having a service called field home visiting program where the nurse comes directly to your home. it's a free voluntary program. and with that guidance, i was able to feel. >> support the support she received came from a free program from others through the san francisco department of public health. she says the experience helped her navigate having a preemie and gave her the skills she would later use. >> we're learning different
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modalities like how can i keep him healthy and then still make sure that i was to keep myself healthy. and i was also in grieving stay. i had lost my mom that year. so it was a lot on my plate. but i didn't know that with a nurse coming to the home in my sacred space, my humble home that i felt supported. >> jenny, so inspired by the experience later became a public health nurse herself and didn't forget the program that poured into her. >> actually, the first job that i was hired for was with maternal child adolescent health, the same home visiting program that serves me in my most vulnerable time. so for me, it was such a gift and that little boy who was once a preemie in her lap. >> while she studied to become a nurse is now. 22 and just finished his first semester in nursing school. so i think definitely being in her footsteps is something that i a. >> and something and take pride in for sure. and i know
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that she, you know, loves and is something that we just kind of cherish. it's a special bond for us for sure. in san francisco. let's look at in kron 4 news. >> well, switching gears, we love fast fashion for are changing styles and mood. but at what cost? yesterday we met a woman. >> who's making fashion that sustainable adaptable and could cool take a listen. >> so we called this year's campaign beauty in every stitch. bernice pan has a thing for style. she's a phd in fashion. innovations is an cotton. worried that fast fashion is creating mountains of discarded clothes dumped in places that are out of sight. out of mind. she looked for ways to look good and do good that all 100 billion garments produced every single year. yeah, on. yeah. of which most of it gets into the landfill or incinerators within one year of being produced as
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that, the waste that comes out unsold comments. bernice created a clothing company called deploy. sure the garments are sustainable and organic, but that's just part of it. >> and then you can actually take apart. and where it has will miss the bike, a jacket. >> creating outfits that are well convertible. can take this each piece is adaptable and multipurpose. we really try to design waste out of office based in london from east pan travels, the world here in san francisco for a climate conference and the catwalk of her earth friendly fashions. >> when he says sharing her id staying stylish while being ethical. >> co-authoring this book and even speaking to the un is actually dress will impact and where your values ultimately, byrne says we're hard wired to want to look and feel great and dressing up is certainly
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one way to express yourself. well, now you can imagine unlimited possibilities. i'm comfortable piece to left that is also sustainable in san francisco. vicki liviakis kron. 4 news. >> over more stories like this from the api community. tune to kron 4 every thursday this month for stories highlighting the bay area's ai api community. all that's leading up to our special that we've got going on thursday may 23rd at 6.30. >> it's a sweet to saturday going on. a lot of people out and about. we're taking a live look at the richmond center fell bridge. yeah, some backup west. this was due to to rex. they've just since now cleared them according to google maps. and you can see the traffic to start to pick up about 5 minutes heading west. no problems there east rather excuse coming back in a bit. we'll take a look at their hot we'll take a look at their hot saturday and not to
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>> welcome back. time is 9.44. taking a live look at walnut creek. it looks nice out there. i hope it stays like that's a term heading after work this morning. dave set to stay like that. oh, yeah, you better have your shorts t-shirts ready? because it's going to be toasty and those inland valleys. here's a look at yosemite. >> where mountains still have snow on the mountains there. not for much longer with this week. day forecast coming up with more thawing and melting to fill up those river. so watch out a few are headed to maybe central valley or sacramento valley. some of the rivers there is going to cold water. 68 for monday. by tuesday. we're at 70 mostly sunny. that trend continuing. here's the traffic from the
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pacific will get pieces of these fronts to use in the winter months. we always talk about well, we missed that when we miss that one during the drought. okay. now as the season starts to change to the dry season. what we'd like to watch out as we do want to see the pop of offshore winds. we saw little that the week before. but this week looks like it will continue pretty much on shore. our winds for the weekend, little bit more pronounced tomorrow. then today that will provide a little bit extra cooling. i want to stop this in just one moment here we get to around tuesday. yeah, a weak system. well, i'm sure in again, another addition of some cooler temps for you relatively speaking, bring it down a bit next weekend looks to be dry from this vantage point. maybe not as warm as this weekend is may be some scattered clouds. a toss about. but we might see the flare up of some mountain thunder showers off to tahoe and so forth. but for snow, looks like we won't be able to scrounge up much more. so the precipitation is shifting now more to the shower and thunderstorm variety. 70 san francisco to the coast. we're keeping the lower to middle 60's. do have those winds. don't forget, we'll provide
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extra chill almost. so if you're headed from the east bay, bundle up a little bit. 75 burlingame, 77 foster city, 83 palo alto in the south bay. we're going to the upper 80's for now. 90's are. lower 80's east bay shoreline, tri valley. we get the upper 80's at that 88 for walnut creek. 89 conquer. but we'll get to around 90 or so. 73 for berkeley valais. what 74 fairfield, 89. 85 napa and santa rosa about 88. little too hot for don't worry. tomorrow we make up for it for mother's day. 85 will try down to the lower 80's. here comes a front to get the correct us with 70's thursday into friday. not too bad. it looks like weekend. we'll keep it dry on that front. maybe make more palatable numbers. this is a bit outline are here to exactly so you better dress and prepare. you heard it here. first to go until 2. >> all right. well, thanks, dave. >> taking a look at some ai stuff. california is now partnering with 5 different companies to create an ai tool that could improve public
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services. the tools will be first accessible in just a few government agencies. it will run for about 6 months or so as a test trial. if it does prove to be effective, many get access to it in the future. governor gavin newsom says he hopes that this tech update could reduce customer wait times at state agencies and even improve traffic and road safety. among other well, a jail in the east bay is training inmates for life outside the facility with its first time ever apprenticeship program. take a look for the last 3 months. inmates at santa rita jail have been turning to was grass. it was a field in the jail into a construction site. now these men have no background in construction, but they have been learning how to drill read blueprints poor concrete. the classes were taught by a member of the laborers international union of north america. take a listen. what they had to say. >> anything from first aid sit and great check into construction fundamentals.
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>> now during the training, the 20 men were certified in the job that they learned, which means when they do get out while they can go over to local union offices and find work there and construction, wage these days. well, now to bay area baseball, the san francisco giants continue to struggle as they take on the cincinnati reds at oracle park and our kron 4 aaron wilson. she's got the highlights. >> well, friday night we had a little bit of everything happening in the bay, but we've got to talk some baseball because the giants are back at home for the first time in a while hosting the ransom night friday night, actually with a familiar face out there on the diamond. this casey he was brought back from sacramento with the triple a's team replacing nick kamen, who actually went on the aisle on friday and maybe he could, you know, help spark the giants austin help logon live on friday. will the reds? they jumped out to a one. nothing lead thai restaurant. responded with shot out to
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left in all the way over the 6 homer of the season for that guy. the scores are tied at one apiece. 3rd now and man over tyler 5th year with the flare into right. it falls harmlessly between 3 red defenders and are almost comes in the floor the giant. they lead 2 to one. but in logan way out, he has been struggling as of late and well. he gave the lead right back to the rate. the game is tied announce a man off with tj friedl. you see what he does with price of the laser in the gap in left center field and well. >> that put the reds up 3 to 2 in the reds actually added a run late in. they beat the faltering giants. what is going on out there with the giants? 42 was the final. it's all we have all tested back to you at the desk. >> well, talking about the a's small. they were in seattle taking on the mariners and things really didn't go that well for oakland. >> now seattle scored 5 runs in the 4th inning in the mariners of one by a final of 8 to one. the 2 teams play again tonight. so hopefully they can revamp. well, in
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spite of all the outside noise that have swirled around the a's this season, both on and off the field, there have been one consistent for the team and that is the stellar play of brent rooker. the reigning american league player of the week has been lighting up scoreboards all across the league this season in kron four's. kate rooney has the details. >> for the most spans know brent rooker like this. but he does have a past. good dose car break, arrest that. back in 2017, the collegiate player of the year from evangelical christian school in memphis, tennessee, was the twins first-round pick and was a 2 million dollar bonus baby. he made his debut with the twins in 2020, but it didn't stick. he got traded to the padres and then to the royals before being picked up by the a's in 2022.
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>> that's great for the a's. rooker has been a solid offensive contributor and brings with him a veteran presence on a young team learning on the fly in the big leagues after my first full season last year. kind of knowing what to expect coming into this year. had a better deal with the ups and downs knowing what it means to. >> show up and compete every day try to get better and improve throughout the season is is huge or experience points how the site of one of the i was optimistic both individually the team level things go well for so the reigning american league player of the week knows that to succeed in the bigs. you need to tinker constantly with your game. that's something he learned back in the little leagues and the knowledge that he shares with his teammates every day. >> johnson and justin is being made a pitch to pitch it back to the bad penny of what that you're trying to do to put em. you know what individual that is out. there are also unique in and how they're trying to get you out that you're constantly trying to make adjustments and and and trying to change those small things. so not not reinvent yourself as a player, but to just give
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the best chance to have about. >> the success so far this season has surprised even a lot of baseball people, but not the aids. this good place is directly from players like rucker who don't let the outside noise that followed the franchise. this offseason affect their on-field work. and as long as he's playing in oakland, booker will continue to dictate that thought process to the young players on the team. yeah, it is special. it's it know what we've got going on in that clubhouse mean a lot of makes. >> getting here, we're going to work together every day. i'm like i said, we like being around each other like spend time with each other. we like going out and winning together. i'm walking on the outside something. a focus internally has been good for us. i think you know, a part of the reason why that success so far. >> well, that was kate rooney reporting for us. the time is 9.53. we're going to take a break and then we'll be right break and then we'll be right back. you didn't live this strong,
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is 9.55. now mother's day is tomorrow. and san francisco is hoping that you'll spend it over at union square union square in bloom is hosting another mother's day concert and fashion show. this is video you see from last year's event. there's going to be bright. floral displays salsa, dancing, live music as well as couture gown reveals and that's done by a local designer of the first 220 moms that get there. they're getting a free gift in the event is tomorrow from 02:00pm to 05:00pm. so hopefully you're able to get that. i don't know how to salsa dance, but >> i don't either. today is going to be a bit on the warm side yet when nba in the shade their little bit there. so for your salsa dancing activities
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here, they want to wait to the evening. we have a breeze helping us out a little bit that will keep temperatures control along the coast. so we're talking lower 60's out that way. meanwhile, well, inland, look at that were popping at 91 today for antioch, upper 80's. well, east and north and south. but again, it's the more mild numbers we see in the peninsula and particularly to the coast and the east bay shoreline, too. all right. your 7 day forecast here has kind of some variety here. we do see couple little drops and dips happening. complements of fronts. good news is we do get winds with the fronts onshore. thank you. we don't see any offshore pops there for mom. tomorrow we shave off the big ft stuff down to about 85 for a high and look at that in the wake of the next system by the middle of the week. 79 thursday, friday was my parka. 76 on friday. but on the chilly side, no, that will feel great for spring-like weather. so we're looking good at that. look at that to towers. checking in the golden i haven't won a park and forever. yeah. well, i don't think anybody many people are unaware one of the spring. but, you know, i just shorts and short sleeves. there you go. that's what we
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