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tv   KRON 4 News Weekend  KRON  May 12, 2024 7:00am-10:01am PDT

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jack: thanks for joining me on today's adventure. from the columbus zoo, i'm jack hanna, hoping you'll come along next time as i go into the wild. >> now on the kron 4 morning news. uc berkeley's graduation is met with pro-palestinian protests on campus. plus, it's mother's day. we'll show you how to celebrate moms across the bay area.
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>> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> well, good morning, everyone. and thank you for joining us on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm michael thomas and sunday may 12. it's also mother's day. so happy mother's day to all the mothers out there. before we get started this morning with the news, we want to take a look at this gorgeous day out behind me will head over to the weather department and speak with dave spahr. good morning day. well, good morning, michael. good morning, everybody. happy mother's day as well. >> we have some fog going on for this morning. you would an attitude. it's covering up a lot of the bay for right now, but not one that's going to mix out. >> it is actually kind of herculean in some ways because the air above us, yes, while being dry, the kind of munches on that fog a little bit. the problem is the air is also very warm. so it's kind of boy into the kind of traps us are kind of caps off a little bit. but daytime heating will help that out. it's going to problematic, though, in san francisco and along the coast up are into it looks like that will be a bit of an issue. but as you can see from the east
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bay shoreline kind of socked in right now, they actually don't have a fog advisory this morning, but i'll go and check again. just checked about 5 minutes ago. but anyway, this is what it looks like as we get to around the noon hour shortly. thereafter words, it's the coastal areas impacted in probably good chunk of san francisco. so that means expect a lot of that overcast sky stuff. it starts to thin out. the sun comes poking out a little bit in the fall. comes rolling back in again late afternoon. and here's your coverage again. right into the east bay before midnight in the know, get into the valleys overnight. so we'll do the same thing again, much of the week ahead for the morning hours. the bigger picture shows the traffic from the pacific going up in north of us, at least for now. it looks that way. winds are not too terribly active now, but we will see a nice winds, steph. one develop later on this afternoon. most the readings are in the 50's. you'll notice some upper 50's to be found. the far east bay even down south 60 for san jose. and the contrast yesterday, pretty close take it to a couple degrees. either way below or above. ane today, this is really inland. you want to
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note we'll see. nice clearing going on. 73 for 11 by to about 82. not as warm inland, but still a nice day for mom and most of the locations. okay. we'll be checking into your forecast going on for today and into next week in a bit. michael. >> thank you, dave. well, we start this morning with breaking news. a hotel fire in san francisco is forcing people to evacuate. it's happening at the broadway hotel on polk street kron four's tiffany justice is there. good morning, tiffany. what details can you give us? >> good morning, michael. we know that this may have happened around 6 o'clock this morning. and fire crews have been working hard to make sure the fires out and everything is safe. actually spoke with some firefighters this morning. >> they are now breaking down there at the tel and of the scene. having been inside the building and making sure that fire is out. but you can see that there are several fire engines here working at this fire came in as a first alarm. a one alarm fire. >> around the 2048 polk street
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and broadway area. this is the broadway hotel we're being told by sf fire that many residents had to be evacuated as well this morning and crews have been working ever since to make sure everything all the fire has been put out and all the residents are okay. drivers are being asked to avoid this area of broadway in polk. it's been closed down and they're asking drivers to avoid this area as they continue to sweep the area. make sure everything is clear before allowing drivers around this area just to make sure things are safe. we're going to stay here on scene. as i crews are breaking down at this time, but we'll stay on top of this. back to you in studio. well, thank you, tiffany. >> moving on to another story of 5 year-old boy has been taken to the hospital after he was found submerged and an east bay cove. take a look. according to contra costa county fire, the young boy was recovered from the water yesterday afternoon. just off
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of bethel island. now he was reported missing by his family, which led crews to rush to the scene after about a 25 minute search or seller, rescue swimmer was able to find the boy he was submerged in the sacramento san joaquin river. delta boy was then taken to the hospital as of this morning. his condition is still unknown. however, officials say this should serve as a reminder to people of the potential dangers of young children near the water. >> this is the first really warm day so far this year. so parents and adults who are watching children need to keep constant visual contact with the children. and when the child is by the water, they need to be wearing a life vest and where that life vest correctly, people who are by the water should be wearing a life vest because if you fall and it only takes one gulp of water to submerge and round. >> firefighters say he was visiting his grandparents at the time of the incident. however, details about how the boy ended up in the water have yet to be released as we get more details, we'll continue to keep you updated. well,
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heading over to the east bay, thousands of students at uc berkeley graduated yesterday, but it wasn't without student protest regarding the ongoing war in gaza. this comes as student protesters have been camping out for weeks telling us they continue to negotiate with the university on the request. kron four's check moment was there and he has details. >> while thousands of students around uc berkeley are graduating this weekend, many students here at the un, kevin at sproul plaza say they want to march to so that they are disapproving of the university's negotiations with their demands. >> saturday evening on uc berkeley's campus, a similar site. but this time. the cops dirt graduation. we've been out here for a while and there goes a scissor back and forth and universities not negotiating in good favor. doctorate student giannis khosla. they organized a walkout during commencement and during a negotiating meeting with the university. they let this from the
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university had been talking about taking statements in the commencement. >> to meet our first amending the silence. but statement was very double sided. and so we were making a presence outside of today's session. berkeley told kron 4 in a statement it would not discuss the parameters of possible negotiations with protesters which have been camped here for nearly 3 weeks. >> it was very disruptive. it was very loud. you can hear through the audio. uc berkeley went on to say that it is looking to close down the encampment, quote, our priority remains on bringing the encampment to a peaceful protecting the physical safety of the campus community. >> and ensuring there is no disruption of university new messages show up at the camp meant for recent grads. students like cash flow say there are proud to be part of cows. history of student activists. so we're just living up to the standards of this university. and we expect more from that night from the administration. big topic of discussion here at this encampment is with summer on
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its way where all the students go. many of the organizers tell me that they are in talks now to see if they could potentially have as a last past this spring semester for now run uc berkeley's campus jack moment kron 4 news. >> that jewish and non-jewish students at stanford are holding interfaith rally against terror. organizers say it will be condemning the widespread support of terrorism on campus as well as demanding that stanford officials in for school policy and ensure student safety meeting is set for later today from 2 this afternoon to 4 in the afternoon at stanford's white plaza on campus. and down south ucla has reopened its dixon plaza to the public after limiting access during pro-palestinian protest. public safety personnel say it will remain in the affected areas, but the campus is returning to normal operations. the reopening campus comes after weeks of limited access from pro-palestinian protesters and pro israel. protesters
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confronting each other on the westwood campus. the protest in rallies continue as the un general assembly have voted to give palestinians the new rights and privileges. it's also urging the security council to reconsider its request to become than 100 and 94th member 9 countries, including the u.s. in israel, have voted against the measure. this comes as a highly anticipated biden administration report does not conclude that israel has violated the terms for its use of u.s. weapons report is expected to be critical of israel after the u.s. is recent pause on aid over civilian casualty concerns. and stay with kron. 4 news both on air and online for the latest information on what's happening on the israel and hamas war. you can always head to our website as well to get details at kron 4 dot com. today will be a celebration of life for glide, co-founder
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cecil williams. now, reverend williams was also a civil rights and lgbtq activists. he died last month. the age of 94 today ceremony will be held at glide sanctuary church. it's located on ellis street in san francisco. the doors open at noon and the ceremony is open to everybody who's wanting to go. more than 2000 pop plans and 100 pounds of processed marijuana. take a look at that. they were seized at a santa clara county property earlier this week and a special unit with the santa clara county sheriff's office says they've been focusing on this operation specifically for months. in total, 4 people have been arrested in connection to the property. and also they took over those 2 guns that you see during that raid. so we'll keep updates on that. well, a driver in marin county crashed their car into an auto repair shop yesterday. take a look at happened in sandra fell at jr auto body yesterday morning. police say the driver may have suffered from the medical
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injury, but it's still being investigated. they were taken to a local hospital. and as of this morning, their condition is unknown. meet a county district attorney pamela price is now taking on major car insurance companies. she's suing both progressive and us a a and a few others. now, according to the lawsuit, the insurance companies have been working with software developers to undervalue totaled cars. price filed a 69 page civil complaint that accuses the companies of using special software that's meant to lowball settlement offers to its customers. and a statement price tells us her office is seeking to level the playing field and what looks like a rigged game. well, coming up after the break, kron 4 morning news has more news for you. californians could be paying more on their pg e bill. >> we'll take a look at those charges. you may see. plus, a nonprofit bay area group seeks to bring summer camps to all kids. and there's a new park
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in san francisco. we've got details and a closer look after the break. >> all right. still going to be pretty pleasant day today. we have lots of pesky fog, though, around san francisco and the coast inland. we'll see some quick clearing and temperatures jumping in the 80's, a more stiff breeze. so little bit of a note of that as
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>> welcome back. the time is 7.14, will san francisco city leaders are now celebrating the opening of a new public park. take a listen. now, this was a ribbon cutting ceremony
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that was held this weekend on yerba buena island for the new panorama park. it's located on the island's highest point and it offers incredible views. so when you're there, you can see not only the bay, but also san francisco skyline. and at the time he saw mayor london breed was there and she says there's really nothing quite like it. >> i don't know if i could never really imagined it. would you see the pictures? what you here? people talk about it. it's one thing but to be in it, it's quite something else. it is magical. >> now the park features 69 foot sculpture there and it's called point of infinity. it's by a japanese artist hiroshi sugimoto and the new open space is all part of a bigger project to bring thousands of new homes and parks to treasure island and your bill plain islands. that taking a live look right now, you can see that golden gate bridge. all there's a lot of fog to believe that there's not going get you short, michael. i see just white deer hasan, know
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better. i don't see any towers there. you yes. good morning, michael. >> good morning, yes, fog there. we always expected, but san jose state overcast here. we'll take care of this as we approach around the noon hour. so believe us, it's going lift off a bit later around the golden gate. that's going to be a warmer problematic, will raise it. but the next question is to get rid of those overcast skies again, the problem is we have not only dry or above us, plus, but that's negative side is there's the warm air that above and it's hard to get this air to rise because it's colder and more dense and it's hard to get it to left or right. here's on storm tracker. 4 most the traffic from the major features remained or north. that's going to be more localized the week that we really have a head. there is a weak system in the middle of the week. but nothing is really going to impact us on a son optic scales going to be more less locally driven here. it looks like for the temperatures right now. mid you can see off to the east bay. 63 antioch, 51 santa rosa. 52 san francisco was 60 san jose. this fog. you can see how it does start to lift a little
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bit clears out the inland areas nicely. but boy, it's problematic at the coast. san francisco, we return again tomorrow morning. same kind of drill fog or treats, but again, really remains along the coast. it looks like through much of the day this is going to be repeated a thing will see pretty much during the week ahead with the afternoon pups of the winds that we have. so it's a bit more breezy today than yesterday. not a whole lot. mom can still enjoy dinner or lunch on the patio and so forth. that will be pretty good there, particularly well inland when the sun starts to come out little bit and around the bay as we approach known to. so fog clouds, a san francisco southerner in the overcast deal will probably deal with even into the afternoon. so we expect some thinning here. apm looks like mostly sunny and warm for those afternoon you know, for the inland areas. so this week it's stubborn fog that we just showed you there. that's going to be just about all week long, mostly sunny, inland, warm 80's going on pretty consistently. meanwhile, 70's
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of the bay that the morning fog that clears out san francisco. it lingers a little longer then for next weekend, sunny and a touch cooler. we thank. that may be some scattered clouds here, but there's a system watch. we've been talking about this a lot of times. these things find moisture at the very end and then they go crazy. right now. it is on the moisture which to deal with that. we'll show you that later in the long-range forecaster. 65 a stubborn fog. san francisco might see some breaks here happening late afternoon. open looks like good afternoon, clearing 71 mild 84 san jose becoming sunny. but the staff to work on that. 84, there's your big high temperature map. a little cooler inland 87 for any act mid-eighties well 84 santa rosa, 65 san francisco. this is the east bay shoreline. and there's a gander of the temperatures for the next couple of days. not too bad in the 80's. they're not bad. you know, yesterday you said it was going to be hot and i decided to go for a run over at the lafayette river reservoir. do you get all my god? no, it was awful. i thought i was going to pass out. >> you can bring your water with you. i did. but it was so
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hot. it was like 90 degrees before that i was in livermore and i was like which, by the way, you can do that again today because it won't be as much of a problem will be as warm. mean, that was probably my run for the okay. once a plus it's all about moms today. let's let everybody know what they could do with their mothers this afternoon or this morning. now take a look. happy mother's day to everybody. san francisco is really hoping that you'll spend time in union square today. union square. >> in bloom is hosting a mother's day concert. they've got a fashion show going on. this is video from last year's event, but this will be the same. now they have bright floral displays salsa, dancing, live music and also a bloom could toward down reveal it's made by a local designer in the first 220 moms to get there. well, you're going to get a gift for free in the event starts today 2 o'clock this afternoon. and then it ends at 5. >> and over the golden gate park. well, the golden gate park band is continuing its summer concert series. you can see there. it's all in honor
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of mother's everywhere they're hosting its a pop. >> mall pops moms concert. excuse me. it's at the bandshell in the golden gate park. it starts at 1 o'clock this afternoon and then it goes until 2.30, plus, there's also a local pop-up shop for mothers over at the ferry building. it includes a japanese american artist who is going to be live in san francisco. their art features, local landmarks and cats. and the goal is to give part of their proceeds to a local animal shelter to help out those cats in need. >> for more information on these local artists, you can head over to our website at kron 4 dot com. plus, the ferry building has lots of food and coffee for well, switching over to transportation, some bart trains. they're still out this weekend. parts as closures are happening between union city and south fremont's stations. it's due to maintenance. crews are going to be out there working on the tracks. however, you can use the buses because buses are taking over those routes. and on monday, all the trains will be back up and running. so there will be no issues for that morning
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commute. caltrain is celebrating 160 years with new electric trains is a total of 19 new trains and they're all set to be faster and reduce carbon emissions. the trains will also have power outlets charge your phone and some storage along with restrooms. caltrans says 75% of the diesel fleet will be replaced with these new trains as the rest of the fleet will be replaced at a later time. now, visitors got a chance to go inside. explore the trains and get a sneak peek as to what's to come in these cal trains. however, they say that later on this year will get more details. now to celebrate the caltrans 160 years, a local artist named eric rick. what sir? from 3 fish studios made this artwork that you're seeing. it's featuring the new electric trains isn't a look so nice and cool, especially with the san francisco city in the background. so. take a look. you can now david de pap the man convicted of attacking attacking paul pelosi will learn his fate later this week. he said to be sentenced
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this friday. federal prosecutors. asking a judge for a 40 year prison sentence to pap was convicted last year of attempted kidnapping of a federal official and assault on the attack of the attack happened back in october of 2022, it was caught on police body cam video and the path admitted during the trial that he broke into the pelosi home with intentions of holding nancy pelosi hostage. so as we get more details, this coming friday, we'll keep you updated. well, still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, a warning for the from the fda about an app used to operate insulin. pumps will have those details right after the break.
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>> welcome back at 7.24, the food and drug administration has issued a statement about a recall for an app used to operate insulin pumps. the mobile app is by tandem diabetes. >> and it's the version t connect. the fda says a problem with the app could drain the insulin. pump battery causing it to completely shut down. the problem has led to more than 200 injuries. as of right now, the fda says it is updating the app and it should fix the problem and those customers that have been affected by it. well, they've already been notified. for the first time since 1999 planet fitness is rising. it's basic level membership prices. so things are going up. the new rate will now be $15 a month. however, current planet fitness members will continue
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paying the original $10 price a month. this move comes after months of price testing, according to the company. and that happened across several markets in the u.s. planet. fitness says it will also be testing of the higher price memberships that they have those premium memberships. some of them involve those tanning beds and things like that. but that won't happen until later this summer. experts say the company's increased prices are likely motivated by a weaker than expected first-quarter revenue for the first fiscal year. now for many kids, summer is all about fun in the sun, hanging out with friends, eating those ice creams and going to summer camp is a huge part of that yet for so many others out there, the opportunity to get the part of the summer camps. it's not always there. but camp made for me is looking to change that the non-profit wants to give the most underfunded communities experience of the summer camps and the chance to meet this goal. now they're looking for volunteers, counselors and donors to support these efforts. we heard from the
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co-directors on what they're hoping to give these kids this summer. take a listen. >> we want them to have memories how exciting the camp was and that they can also one-day probably be in the same spot that me and scotty is and be able to provide it pushed moving forward for other kids. yeah. just paid agent of change and their communities and beyond bringing that magic of camp back to >> their homes and their communities and their lives. >> well, this year's camp is being hosted at camp are in the heart of the pesticide valley are excuse me, has kate arrow valley. it's fully paid for and it's free for all campers. if you're looking to do that, you can head to our website. we've got all those details. but for now, it is 7.26. were going head to break and we'll see you in just a and we'll see you in just a few minutes. norman, bad news...
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4 morning news. we're highlighting api firefighters who are making it their mission to break barriers in the industry. >> state regulators approve a plan that could mean major changes for your utility bill. capitol correspondent eytan wallace. give you details. plus, a lot reaction from supporters and opponents. >> well, good morning, everyone. it's 7.30, and thank you for joining us on the kron. 4 morning news and wishing all other mothers out there. happy mother's day. and michael thomas, before we get to the news, let's start this half hour with a look at the forecast with dave spahr in the weather center. good morning, dave. well, good morning, michael. good morning, everybody. and boy, lot of fog to get things started even though we don't have a fog. dense fog advisory covering up a lot of san francisco, the coast and across the bay know a lot of this going to roadway.
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>> however, is a little bit of uphill battle a bit because the air right above us is very warm and that kind of fights. the live factor, even though it is dry that help set up some of this fog. this is san jose state is getting idea that this is making its way down the santa clara valley, all those overcast skies stuff that's going to rip away later on this morning. however, in other parts of the bay such as san francisco in the coast, it's going to be slow going. here is the run through and you can get a general idea even as late as 5 o'clock it started to return. now again and back to the east bay. you can see by midnight it most of the major speech ers are far to our north, but we are looking upstream next weekend might have a pesky little low in our backyard. have to look out for a lot of 50's on the board. 63 antioch, 60. meanwhile for san jose in the breakdown today, noting the morning fog and some of that clearing that has to be worked on. yeah, we have to deal with that early on but inland, you should see some nice clearing and temperatures a bit cooler with some winds at 82 by 2 o'clock. that's the east bay shoreline. the background
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there. 82 expected for high monday and by tuesday, 84 more of the same kind of drill morning. fog rips on off. we go into mostly sunny in 80's for the high, but the weekend gets bit more tricky. well, look at the longer range forecast for you coming up in a bit. michael. >> all right. well, thanks, dave. let's switch gears and talk about bills. there could be some new changes coming to your utility bill. and that's because the california public utilities commission will they approved a plan to implement a monthly fixed charge for a lot of customers across the state are capitol correspondent eytan wallace takes a closer look and he's got the details. >> we'll hear the state energy building where the meeting took place. supporters argue the plan will benefit low income californians, but opponents say will hurt the very people. it was supposed to help the vote is 4, 0. the item passes with that vote. the california public utilities commission or cpsc approved a plan allowing major utility companies in the state, including pg and socal edison and san diego, gas and electric to impose a fixed charge on most of their
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customers, monthly utility bills. >> specifically the plan includes a new flat fee of $24.15 per month. coming up to about $290 per year. in return, the utilities will cut their electricity prices by 5 to $0.7 per kilowatt hour. supporters say the plan will help pay for grid maintenance and in the long run will make it more affordable for californians who need to use electricity for green technology like overnight electric vehicle charging backers also believe it low income californians noting for the plan. >> those already enrolled in the low income, california. alternate rates for energy program or care will face a dramatically discount a monthly fee of $6. this is a fair proposal. >> implementing a reasonable fix charge that help support the fixed costs of the grid. we commend the cpc on taking action today in support of the fixed charge. >> and because of their action today, relief is coming to californians who need it most, but not everyone opponent help
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this demonstration outside the cpu see hearing demanding commissioners reject the plan. among those opposed shark thompson, a single mother from fresno who says people just like her. >> we'll be hit hardest. i mean, that's an extra $24 that i would have to budget employee loans and our ted to make ends each week side, take a payday loan and then i'll pay it off at next weekend. >> you know it people are having to to choose one of these utilities over food and medicine. and that's just not right. this is unelected board. and this is the first time we've seen them have the ability to be able to come in and set up the state white. and so for me, that's the biggest concern. it's appointed by the governor and they're going to set the what to say. >> you know, 2 or 3 years from now, they don't continue to raise that. the it impacts every single rate payer in california. >> and the governor's spokesperson said he's confident the plan will lower costs for millions of californians as he je ne. and so cal edison customers will see the plan take effect for them in late 2025 and pg and e customers will see the plan to convict for them in early
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2026. reporting in sacramento eytan wallace kron. 4 news. >> well, over the east bay to people who claimed they were interested in buying a pickup truck are now facing several gun and drug charges. it happened over and livermore. police say they got a call from a woman that said around midnight or so she had essentially posted her car for sale on wednesday at midnight. she told police that she was concerned about a prospective buyer who wanted to view the pickup truck super late at night. so police got there around midnight to find a potential buyer parked in a car near the woman's home that late at night. officers say they spoke with the 2 people in the car and then searched the vehicle which led them to find meth, heroin and a gun. both men that were in the vehicle taken into custody and officials say they were from the oakland area. so as we get more details on that will keep you updated. over in the north bay. a newly installed flock cameras in sandra fell helped police track down a stolen vehicle. police say the van was stolen from a novato area
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and was spotted in the early morning driving into downtown. sandra felt the suspected thief was later arrested and found with a revolver in their possession. that driver has since been booked and is currently in the moraine county jail. fire fighters played a crucial role in protecting our communities. and despite you know, throughout the api community remains underrepresented among first responders kron 4 stephanie lin has the details and she introduces us to one organization hoping to change that. >> it's a busy day at san francisco's fire station the engine. trucks and rescue squad rolling out to emergencies across the keep doing it. despite these challenges, i don't quit. >> and they're sliding into acting lieutenant stanley braving literal trial by fire
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after nearly 3 decades with the department day today. >> there's a lot of unpredictability. that was the beauty of being a firefighter. you never i have been to nba >> on average san francisco fire response to more than 200 emergency medical calls like this a day becoming working. have know you have a building collapsed. >> right. because i'm on the rescue squad. we respond to have to fire since lee heads, the asian firefighters association or say employee group within san francisco fire working to support and recruit more asians and pacific islanders. knowing that i have a community within the community has been great. julie now is assistant deputy chief. she serve san francisco for more than 2 decades. when you're first starting out. >> did you feel underestimated? oh, absolutely. when i came into the department, people would second, guess me and they can. you lift this latter. can you start can you do these things and like absolutely.
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>> let's go breaking barriers through smoke and stereotypes. every day i come to work. i am that shows other people that lgbtq asian pacific islander. >> a woman to be in this job and it opens their doors. hopefully gives a message to the younger generation api members. they. >> this is something you could do nationwide just over one percent of firefighters api. 17% of san francisco firefighters api. >> asians make up more than 37% of the population. why is it so important that we have a firefighting force that reflects its community? representation matters when people see themselves in the people that are helping in their worst day. >> they feel a sense of trust. when i go on calls, you filipino. we can have a conversation with somebody that speaks only to go for firefighter robert. a lot representation also means being a role model when a little kid sees somebody that
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looks like them. >> well, i can do that. >> in august, say led a mission to maui shortly after deadly wildfires torched the things that we complain about. >> it's it's miniscule. you know, these people lost their homes, lost their livelihood, their living out their cars. it was eye-opening. the team assisting local fire crews to stamp out a grass fire near a relief center distributing relief supplies to families in need in times of disaster. when people see that there's a bigger response like. >> if the firefighters coming over really helps people understand that there's love and support for them beyond there, their local community, the department plans to make another trip back this year. you know, it takes hard to be a firefighter. you give of yourself to your colleagues to your community. what are you proudest of when it comes to being firefighter in san francisco? what we're doing? we're accomplishing, you know, i see a bunch of chiefs now that that are >> asian. and it's something
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that my son can see to for me being here. it gives my son. >> someone to look up to i love this out. it's very satisfying for, you know, you helped save a life. it's absolutely rewarding. and that's what keeps us going in san francisco. >> stephanie, late. 1, 4, news. >> will you tune into kron 4 every thursday? this month. we're highlighting stories in the bay area's api community. all you have to our special that's set to air on thursday may 23rd at 06:30pm. yesterday was the may day festival that was over in downtown hayward, celebrated hawaiian culture and traditions through music and dance in hawaii. may first or lay day. the holiday celebrates the colors and vibrant seas of the island's flowers. and you can see they had all of that on display yesterday. well, san
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francisco's drive city at chase center hosted its mother's day blankets and blockbusters event yesterday. now there was a chairs, cupcakes, tea party arts, lots of balloons, animals and a screening of the parent trap. who doesn't love that movie. good 90's. flick. you know, now it looks like everybody there had a great time and you can see people were even getting massages. and of course, it all went with that great weather. the time is 7.40, coming up on the kron. 4 morning news as rent prices continue to rise. lawmakers in washington, d.c., trying to step it up and help people out. >> and the giants get a much-needed win against the cincinnati reds. we have those details and highlights right after the break. >> and bay fog will have to deal with each looks like a pretty much overcast for good chunk of san francisco through much of the day, something in the afternoon. but inland got
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lots of sun and not that of those temps in the 80's afternoon. breeze comes with this as well. going take a look at longer range forecast. we come back along with air force on the kron. 4 morning news continues.
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>> welcome back. the time is 7.43. will this week a few lawmakers took a break from debating to participate in a bipartisan chest tournament involved. 8 students from st. louis, missouri chess club. they joined the group for the 10th anniversary of the bipartisan event in our dc correspondent raquel martin. was there. she's got details. >> the u.s. senate may have just met its match. i'm in 4th
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grade and 7th grade. i am in the 11th grade. these young chess players got a chance to play one on one with lawmakers and their staff at the u.s. capitol for the congressional just tournament. i amazing. i feel blessed. amir brown stumble in the chest after a teacher brought aboard into the lunch room a year ago. now he hopes to leave washington with new bragging, right? the first game. i won the second game i want, but i'm still waiting my 3rd game against congressman or senator get so far played 2 games. but they great. self-taught davonte touted a came ready. the check made any boy who tries to count her out. >> if you win against on to because were not able to ust handle the fact that >> they lost girl. missouri republican senator eric schmitt co-hosted the event. i just hope it be too badly. all of the students are part of the st. louis tests club, which according to congress, is also the u.s. chess capital as a st. louis. and it's really kind of need to to
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showcase what the scene was just club has become senators ted cruz and josh hawley dropped and so did a grandmaster hall of famer were all masses of the sport. and it's really our duty to be able to pass the knowledge on to the next generation. it's a great game kids to learn how to play they have greater confidence in their ability to solve problems. right? and so it's a great game to promote in washington. raquel martin >> the time is 7.45. taking a live look outside. it looks like we are literally in a plane looking over those clouds. dave. >> and you love to fly being a plane there. yeah, that's the really underscores the fact that the mixing process with the problem is because that layer right above us is warm and it's hard to get air from the surface to go up a bit. i want to show you real quick is somebody here? a little bit of snow is hanging on a bit. but boy, they're going to be a lot of melting going on. tahoe forecast. we get to the lower 70's by tuesday into wednesday. now up in the mountains, not so much around
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tahoe, but to the south just showing your somebody they get eclipse of a little shower or 2 may be happening on monday or tuesday, actually coming in from the east stormtracker 4. this again, to underscore this fact, what we have is we have the vertical factor of up and we're just talking about right above us. but also you have the horizontal issue. you get inland heating. that error rise is not so much happening at the coast. so this air has to come in and filled in. hence we get our breezy conditions, but that air we're getting in from the pacific is moist air that's coming in far in from the pacific. that comes over the california current boom deposits that we called infection fog. it across the bay and it's going to continue do that all day, meaning that san francisco's in the highway along with the coast and they're going to continue to be dogged by this fog for much of the day because it's hard to get some vertical help here above us. so that slow going today. we get that a lot of times in the spring. show you the bigger picture. what's happening across the country. hearing about more storms and eastern texas today. a little bit of a
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louisiana with some severe thunderstorms popping up near the gulf. back in the home front. the moisture levels at the surface remain pretty stubborn here along the coast. as you can see, the green places like half moon bay stay in the upper 90's. the you have elevated humidity at the coast. usually, but sometimes you get a break happening in the afternoon which we see very nicely inland there. well, again, that fills in that not unusual. it's the fog coming in the marine layer. i just talked about little bit drop here. you can see here at the coast of half moon bay dropping a touch tomorrow. so maybe the fog will better clearing. we get to monday into tuesday. but the basic grow as much as you expected morning fog covering the bay erodes away peels away probably before noon for most of the bay. now in the longer range forecast, weak little system on tuesday may usher in a little wind change temporarily. there's a little pop of showers in the mountains. i mentioned earlier. let's get to that weekend, though, lou rotation. oh, yes, another low right here. doesn't anything to play with here to bring us toys with it. so if we with that, we'll stay dry. but a drop in
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temperatures. so if you can deal with maybe some scattered clouds and then the 70's looks okay for the next weekend, we got to watch that carefully and see that's crouches up any moisture here. 65 san francisco to the coast with those onshore winds barely making it into the lower 60's today. 71 going on for burlingame will also be cold, too, because we'll have pretty much overcast skies through much of the day-to-day story. mom, 79, a redwood city, 79 also palo alto in the south bay. we've got some 80's cooking here. 84 san jose, which they have to do some clearing with a showing a san jose state just before 83 santa clara, east bay shoreline. it's upper 70's mid-eighties now going on for tri valley. that's bit of improvement from yesterday. 84 for concord, 68 berkeley, big, a big radiate. 74 vallejo, 84 for fairfield. 84 napa and 84 santa rosa. much the same. it looks like the next couple of days will be cooking through the 80's now. little frontal system i mentioned here will help break temps down a bit and watch out for that low
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with the coast. we're going mention a few scattered clouds on saturday for now colder temps, but that's it will hold off in the rain for >> i got to ask you to yesterday, any of the photos from the northern lights? >> no, i've seen him around. yes, i have. yes. gayle ong had posted. he's based out of oakland you can see all of it. they could see like how nice the pretty like purple and stuff was. do you think there was less fog? we would have we'll see more. >> might have but you know what? that the u.s. is dipping pretty far so yeah, i know a little bit. carly charged particles. remember that you want to have too much of those because they can walk out power and electronics fry us. maybe the next time 18. 59 was the last time facts. >> we'll talk about chp 106 new members of the california highway patrol were sworn in at a ceremony graduation in sacramento this past friday. the new officers are helping fill hundreds of vacant positions through recruiting campaign that was launched last year now and february chp reported that it had received the highest number of monthly
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applications in the last 7 years. the increase force the agency to hold a total of 3 academy classes and simultaneously for the first time in the agency's history that they ever have to do this. well, rents are rising faster than salaries across the country. and some members of congress say junk fees are partially to blame earlier this week, a senate committee debated with lawmakers and what they can do now to help eliminate these often hitting cost. adam rust with the consumer federation of america told the committee one-time fees or monthly junk fees and applications or pet rent is making it impossible for runners to compare prices. take a listen. well intentioned landlords who are being fair at a disadvantage. >> but landlords that are playing these games. >> now ross said junk fees trump runners into unaffordable leases which causes additional financial
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struggles like late and overdraft fees on their bank accounts or their credit cards. the white house has made it a top issue to try and ban junk fees across housing, banking and other industries. republicans say fees aren't the issue. it's actually the rising cost of groceries. well, now to the bay area sports, the san francisco giants will wrap up their series against the cincinnati reds this afternoon at oracle park. the giants pulled off a much-needed victory yesterday. kron four's erin wilson was there. she's got the highlights. >> well, the giants, they were hosting the reds at oracle park on saturday. the giants looking for when, of course and well, bob mail when he was looking for some help from above to help snap and giants and snap a matter of you struggles they've been having offense of late, maybe the seafaring bird could bring some love to the giants. he was definitely at the ballpark for the game. he was looking to help those don't investment. chapman actually just hoping that it wasn't just the was playing the
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giants a load. the bases with 2 outs in the shipment is that in just 2.10 with the bases loaded his career. but today will tagged fans love watch this. when it goes high and deep to center field for a grand slam. if it was his 5th homer of the year. the giants it take before that they believe may be that pelican was good look after all same score. now in the in the 4th. >> when la la cruz, he was the crowd up with a blast out to left center field. it was his 9th of the the rich they get on the boards. 41 is the giant steel leno. the dying especially the little day today as well, which is always good news. the red. they have a man on in the 5th wilkinson hits a flare to left field paleo ramos right here with the dive. you make the best king kitchen. giant. they added another run late and look and say, i've done my job here, brought you guys some love. take off the giants. they snapped two-game skid and beat the reds. 5 to was the final civic to you.
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>> thank you, aaron. well, meanwhile, the a's were taking on the mariners yesterday up in the emerald city giggle, seattle. their offense got off to a quick start from the none other than mlb's player of the week. brent rooker, he would hit a single into right to score a run in the 3rd, the a's would add 6 more runs in the 8th and 9th innings. and when by a final of 8 to one days, also play the mariners again today in their final game of the series. and that first pitch is at one 10 this afternoon. well, the golden heart fund will hold its dwight clark legacy series this thursday in san jose. the event will feature forty-niners quarterbacks from past and present drop pretty. jeff garcia, steve young and alex smith will all be in attendance. the forty-niners joe smith with the nfl's number one overall pick in 2005, he spent his first 8 seasons with the forty-niners before being traded over to the chiefs. our kate rooney has the details. >> windows 3rd i mean, i
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think, you know, it's so hard to find a quarterback to that level. and i think that have theirs. right. so i think there's certainly a bright future for not only him, but entire team. think got a long, long, bright future. i know he's been close so many times, but but he'll get there. >> so, yeah, i don't totally subscribe to it. certainly there's a reality. but every year there's so many changes in the nfl. the roster changes. >> there's always kept implications. i think that's going to be every single season. so again, i think there's a lot of a lot of great years ahead of brock in this team. >> all right. the time is 7.54. we will be right back with a few more news and we'll with a few more news and we'll see you again at 8 o'clock.
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♪ you're the one that i want ♪ nexgard® combo is the only monthly topical that protects against fleas, ticks, tapeworms, and more. use with caution in cats with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard combo,... ♪ you're the one that i want ♪ ...the monthly one-and-done you want.
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welcome back at 7.57. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news. we're talking all about mother's day and how you can spend it with your mom. plus. >> we talk about uc berkeley graduation happening yesterday as protesters were out on
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>> now on the kron 4 morning news. a uc berkeley's graduation is met with pro-palestinian protesters on campus. plus, celebrating mother's day. how you can honor your mom and all those across the bay area. >> from the area's local news
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station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news >> well, good morning, everyone. and thank you for joining us on kron 4 morning news. i'm michael thomas. it's sunday may 12th. it's also mother's day. so happy mother's day to all those mothers out there. before we get started with the news, we're going to take a look at the gorgeous day. you can see behind me. that's an is already risen over in our weather department. we've got dave spahr. good morning, davig. good morning, michael. good morning, everybody interrupt lou. i got men like to see that, michael, that was really all that fresh. >> anyway, see a lot of overcast skies we're dealing with in here around the immediate bay and at the coast is going to be slow going. a lot of overcast skies. one, some of this fog lifts off from the immediate ground level. >> the key issue is to try to take it out of our skies. that will be problematic because the air right above us is warm walnut it froze on me. all right. well, anyway, it's sunny out there as you get the general idea. let's go through your fog. castro quickly and look at the coast. those numbers and they will drop too much get back up to 12 as you can see. so we're still dealing with some residual fog
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and some residual clouds even in san francisco in the early afternoon and then we get to the evening comes rolling back again covers the east bay just around midnight or shortly thereafter. going to do this drill. it looks like for the next couple of days dealing with that aggressive fog for the most part for most of the bay. it will peel away before the noon hour. so not likely. not a lot of the education midweek. a little weak system does drop south will have a re correction of temperatures. it's actually in the weekend next weekend. that is we want to watch this low. that will be in our backyard. i know some time to bring their toys with them, too winds that we have. you see little onshore. just a touch that will pick up in intensity later on today with daytime heating. we've got a lot of mid to upper 50's already. 63 for antioch. 57 livermore. 62 meanwhile san jose and they're socked with a lot of overcast. a fog clouds now we are trailing a little bit because of some of this fog. some half-dozen degrees in some extreme spots. and the breakdown today noting some of that morning fog leftover a bit for the morning hours. we
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go, sunny to the afternoon with 80's expected. you'd expect more of that for the week ahead. we'll take a look at your forecast and a bit. michael. >> things stable. our top story this morning, a 5 year-old boy has been taken to the hospital after he was found submerged in east bay cove. according to contra costa county fire. the young boy was pulled from the water yesterday afternoon. just off of bethel island. know he was reported missing by his family, which led crews to rush to the scene after about a 25 minute search, a rescue swimmer found the boy submerged in the sacramento san joaquin river. delta. the boy was then taken to a nearby hospital. and as of this morning, his condition is still unknown. however, officials say this should serve as a warning to people for the potential dangers for young children near the water. >> this is the first really warm day so far this year. so parents and adults who are watching children need to keep constant visual contact with the children. and when the child by the water, they need
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to be wearing a life vest and where that life vest correctly, people who are by the water should be wearing a life vest because if you fall and it only takes one gulp of water to submerge and round. >> firefighters say he was visiting his grandparents at the time of the incident. however, no more details have been given. the boy go to the hospital. so as we get more information, we'll continue to keep you updated. well, thousands of students at uc berkeley graduated yesterday, but it wasn't without students protesting regarding the ongoing war in gaza. this comes as student protesters have been camping out for weeks of the campus telling us they plan to continue to negotiate with the university on their request. kron 4 struck moment was there and he has details. >> while thousands of students around uc berkeley are graduating this weekend, many students here at the un, kevin at sproul plaza say they want to march to so that they are disapproving of the university's negotiations with their demands.
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>> saturday evening on uc berkeley's campus, a similar site. but this time. the cops dirt graduation. we've been out here for a while and there goes a scissor back and forth and universities not negotiating in good favor. doctorate student giannis khosla. they organized a walkout during commencement and during a negotiating meeting with the university. they let from the university had been talking about making statements and the commencement. >> to meet our first amending the silence. but the statement was very double sided. and so we were making a presence outside of today's session. berkeley told kron 4 in a statement it would not discuss the parameters of possible negotiations with protesters which have been camped here for nearly 3 weeks. >> it was very disruptive. it was very loud. you can hear through the audio. uc berkeley went on to say that it is looking to close down the encampment, quote, our priority remains on bringing the encampment to a peaceful at protecting the physical
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safety of the campus community. >> and ensuring there is no disruption of university new messages show up at the encampment for recent grads. students like cash flow say there are proud to be part of cows. history of student activists. so we're just living up to the standards of this university. and expect more from the night from the administration, big topic of discussion here at this encampment is with summer on its way where all the students go. many of the organizers tell me that they are in talks now to see if they potentially have as a last past this spring semester for now run uc berkeley's campus jack moment kron 4 news. >> well, over on the peninsula, both jewish and non-jewish students at stanford are holding interfaith rally against terror. organizers say it will be condemning the widespread support of terrorism on campuses as well as demanding that stanford officials in for school policy and ensure student safety. the meeting is set for later today from 2 to 4 this afternoon at stanford's
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white plaza on campus. and down south at ucla has reopened its dixon plaza to the public after limiting access during pro-palestinian protest. public safety personnel say it will remain in the affected areas, but the campus is returning to normal operations. the reopening of the campus comes after weeks of limited access from pro-palestinian protesters and pro israel. protesters confronting one another on the westwood campus. the protests and rallies continue as the un general assembly has voted to give palestinians new rights and privileges. it's also urging the security council to reconsider its request to become the 100 94th member 9 countries including the u.s. and israel have voted against the measure. this comes as a highly anticipated biden administration report does not conclude that israel has violated the terms of its use of u.s. weapons. the report is expected to be critical of israel after the u.s. is
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recent paused on aid over civilian casualty concerns. and it comes to the war on gaza. stay with kron. 4 news both on air and online for the latest information on what's happening. and of course, you can always head over to our website at kron 4 dot com. well, today will be a celebration of life for the glide co-founder cecil williams and out. the reverend williams was also a civil rights activists in lgbtq activists. he died last month at the age of 94. today's ceremony is being held at glide sanctuary church. it's located on ellis street in san francisco and everybody is welcome. the doors open at noon today. if you're looking to attend. more than 2000 pot plants, you can see there and 100 pounds of processed marijuana. was all seized at a santa clara county property earlier this week, a special unit with the santa clara county sheriff's office have been focused on this specific operation for months. they say in total they did arrest for
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people and they also arrest or they also obtained 2 guns that they found there during that raid. well, a driver in marin county has crashed their car into an auto repair shop yesterday morning. take a look at happened in sandra fell at jr auto body yesterday morning. police say the driver may have been suffering from a medical injury or emergency. they were taken to a local hospital as of this morning. however, their condition is still unknown. well, ellen, me to county district attorney pamela price is now taking action on major car insurance companies. she's suing both progressive and us a a and a few others, according to the lawsuit, the insurance companies have been working with the software developer to undervalue total carts. price filed a 69 page civil complaint that accuses the companies of using special software that's meant to lowball settlement offers to its customers. in a statement,
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price tells us her office is seeking to level out the playing field and what is likely a rigged game. today is mother's day and there are a lot of different great events happening all throughout the day in san francisco and other places. so we sent kron four's tiffany justice over to golden gate park. good morning, tiffany. the sun's not out, but you look great. at least. >> well, thank you. yes, good morning. we are covering all the mothers day events today. the moms, we're celebrating you today. we're at golden gate park where the park band is scheduled to perform today continuing their summer concert. they say in honor of mother's everywhere, they're hosting pops. moms concert today and the show's going to be at the bandshell in the park and will start at 1 o'clock in the afternoon and go until 2.30. the city of san francisco is also hoping you'll spend mother's day at union square today. union square in bloom is hosting a
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mother's day concert and fashion show. this is some video from last year's event. there will be a bright floral display salsa dancing and live music as well as a blue cut or gal reveal made by a local designer. we're being told that the first 222 moms will receive a gift as well. the event starts today. at 1 o'clock, it will go until 05:00pm another. but we want to talk about is at the ferry building. there will be a local pop-up display for mother's day. you'll be able to see 2 japanese american artists who live here in francisco and their art will feature local landmarks and cats. they tell us their goal is to give part of their proceeds to local animal shelters and for more information about these local artists and more mother's day events throughout the bay area. you can go to kron 4 dot com reporting live to be justice. back to you. >> thank you, tiffany. well, coming up on the kron, 4 morning news, we've got more news coming your way. californians could be paying more on their pg and e bill.
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we'll take a closer look at what you should look for on your bill. plus, a nonprofit bay area group is seeking to bring summer camps to all kids. and lastly, there is a new park in san francisco. we've got the details and a look at the views you may see. >> we're finding a lot of aggressive fog this morning to be around the bay in san francisco, clearing inland. however, we'll get back to tae business of at least the 80's little bit for breezy today than yesterday. keeping temperatures down a bit that temperatures down a bit that sets the stage of ♪ ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪
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♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ y nos gusta picante ♪ ♪ cause this place is caliente ♪ ♪ 'tamos enchilado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state with you ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado oooh ♪ ♪ we got that drip, drip, drip ♪ ♪ come take a sip, sip, sip ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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if you feel like things don't add up right now... you're not alone. rent is up, and every family outing costs an arm and a leg. well, we want to help. so when prices go up, we find new ways to go low. and now, we've lowered the price on hundreds of your favorite products. designing something beautiful is easy. designing something beautiful with great quality for a low price? that's a different story. it's why we're here. that's a promise. not a promo. >> welcome back. it's 8.14, will san francisco city leaders are celebrating the opening of a new public park.
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lots of cheers at a ribbon cutting ceremony that was held this weekend over at your bubbling island for the new panorama park. it's located on the island's highest point in its offering incredible views. you can see the bay and the san francisco skyline. mayor london breed was there. and she says really, it's there's nothing quite like >> i don't know if i could never really imagined it. would you see the pictures? what you here? people talk about it. it's one thing but to be in it, it's quite something else. it is magical. >> well, the park features a 6 to 9 foot tall sculpture. it's called the point of infinity. it's by a japanese artist hiroshi sugimoto and the new space is open. it's all part of a bigger project to bring thousands of new homes and parks to treasure island and herbal point islands. well,
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everyone taking that live. look, there's no golden gate that is not like the video. we just don't the video before. that all that jazz. that's it. >> that's the goal i think right? i think we'll go with that. this is another side. this >> east bay shoreline promise. it is in the bay behind and all that. but, ok, we have a fog and even extended the east bay shoreline. >> it will start tearing away from here. however, in san francisco, you're not going to see cloud, the skies like you did in that tape earlier. you're going to be constant cloud cover a little bit. there might be some patches break up a little bit this afternoon, but a lot of overcast are going to fight through early on. that keeps temperatures down. we have some onshore winds also working in the magic hair. 63, antioch, everybody else pretty much in the 50's. 64 to 62 rather for san jose, 50 to 3 san francisco. not much to see a future cast for, but i want to point out a few things. first of all, we do mix out this fog for the most part, although san francisco and the coach to notice that so problematic bubbling up a little bit in the mountains, maybe a little stray shower, maybe today this afternoon.
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here comes back again tomorrow morning. we do the same drill this mixes out in the afternoon. interesting. okay. some showers flare up in this little pattern you see that was coming in from the east. that's usually what we get from the monsoon pattern. so that's basically the playbook for say, august and september to see that happen. generally speaking, you'll see the flow pattern go the other way. and with daytime heating at the flaring up of a few afternoon showers. all right. so that's a little kind of little little little sidebar issue as we get to the rest of the week, though, as you can see, again, the pattern repeats itself morning fog tears away for afternoon clearing at the surface. this is going to be much the same 2 for the week ahead. onshore winds working here. we do have a weak system or to dropping down south over the week. the second one will kind of cool things off a little bit for the latter portion of the week. so we've got fog and clouds. san francisco, southern marin, much of the day. it's even supposed notice to afternoon clearing, though, mostly sunny and warm well inland there with the 80's at work sets the
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tone for the week ahead here that stubborn fog, mostly sunny inland, warm 80's, some 70's of the bay because the east bay shoreline will open up to in the afternoon next weekend. sunny and a touch cooler. how weber? and we'll be showing you this. there's a low in our backyard. it doesn't have much to work with. so. provides little cooling. okay. maybe some scattered clouds. those are nice. little heat. spike breakers when the summer we like those guys. 65 san francisco with the stubborn fog. 71 oakland, 84 san jose. there's the big board, some upper 80's, but no 90's, 80 for up to a santa rosa and notice the green really encroaching at the coast are going to be fighting those fog clouds all day today and with some patches breaking up, lots of 80's expected the next couple of days. you'll notice get into the extended forecast in a bit. but that's that's basically the tone for much of the rest the week because much better than yesterday. yeah, i was not as warm as yesterday, not warm as yesterday but inland you'll see in the east bay shoreline. you'll see that sun come out this afternoon. yeah, those inland areas always get that good. nice, warm weather. do we have? there have been of the cooling
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effect, the climate control of the cold ocean currents. >> exactly. exactly. all right. well, thanks, dave. well, talking about transportation, some bart trains have been shut down this weekend. bart says there's going to be closures happening between union city and south fremont stations. that happened yesterday and today and it's all due to maintenance. >> as crews continue to work on the tracks. buses, however, are taking over those routes. and on monday morning, the agency says all trains will be back up and running. so no need for that morning commute. well, kelly train is celebrating 160 years with new electric trains. they've got 19 new trains and they're all said to be faster and reduce carbon emissions. the trains will also help have excuse me, have power outlets, storage and restrooms on them. caltrans says 75% of diesel fleet will be replaced. and the with these new trains and the rest of the fleet. well, they'll eventually get there with time. but visitors did get a chance to go on the trains, explore them and get a peek into what caltrans? well,
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look like later this year. in addition to that to celebrate that cal trains 160 years, a local artist. his name is eric rick with sir. he put together images from fish studios and its artwork featuring the new electric trains. and you can see just how good they look. well, david de pap a man convicted of attacking paul pelosi will learn his fate later this week. he set to be sentenced this coming friday. federal prosecutors are asking a judge for a 40 year prison sentence. not the path was convicted last year of attempted kidnapping of a federal official and assault. the attack from for him october of 2022. was caught on body cam from policeeand the pap at the time admitted during the trial that he broke into the pelosi home with the full intention of holding nancy pelosi hostage as we get more details at the end of the week. we'll keep you updated.
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in national news. rejecting migrants with terrorists laying sort serious. criminal background is set to happen faster under new proposal from the biden administration. our washington correspondent jessi tenure has the details. the department of homeland security says the change allows for a faster assessment of asylum eligibility than current standards. >> and this announcement came as a house committee held a hearing on the southern border. >> it's not a about dealing with a real problem. house republicans say they are not playing politics with the u.s. mexico border. only joe biden is responsible for that. ohio congressman jim jordan held a hearing in arizona friday on the impacts of the immigration crisis on the state, which we had some democrats but actually shon up. but democrats are tackling the issue in another way. the biden administration is proposing a new rule that aims to speed up asylum processing at the southern border. something new york congressman tom suozzi supports. we've got a problem. asylum. it's being abused. the department of homeland security says the new
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rule would apply to migrants with terrorist links or serious criminal backgrounds. people that will ultimately be denied 6 or 7 years down. the road needs to happen sooner. dhs says the change would cut down the assessment to a matter of days before rejecting them. but republicans immediately criticized the rule is too little. and chris clem, a retired chief border patrol agent told the committee the biden administration is not doing enough to enforce current laws like giving somebody a bucket to bail water out of your sinking boat. >> and the new rule takes effect after a 30 day comment period in washington. i'm jessi tenure. >> well, the time is a 21. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. a warning from the fda about an app that used to operate insulin. we'll tell you all about it after the you all about it after the break.
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♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪
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24. well, the food and drug administration has issued a statement about a recall for an app used to operate insulin pumps. >> the mobile app is by tandem diabetes in the version you're looking for its 2.7 of to connect. the fda says a problem with the app could drain the insulin. pump battery causing it to shut down completely. the problem actually lead to about 200 or so injuries right now, the fda says updating the app should fix the problem in those customers that were impacted have been notified. for the first time since 1999 planet fitness is raising its basic level membership prices. the new rate will now be $15 a month. however, current planet fitness members will continue paying the original 10 bucks a month the move comes after months of price testing across
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several markets in the u.s.. the company says they also say that it's going to test higher prices for its premium memberships later on this summer. experts say the company's increased and prices is likely motivated by a weaker than expected first-quarter revenue for this fiscal year. now for many kids, summer is all about having fun in the sun with friends eating ice cream and going to summer camp. that's a huge part of it. and yet for so many that opportunity is out of reach. but camp made for me is looking to change that the nonprofit wants to give the most underfunded communities. the experience of camping to meet the goal. they're looking for volunteers and that includes counselors, donors to support these efforts. we heard from the co-directors on what they're hoping to get these kids to summer. >> we want them to have memories how exciting the camp was and that they can also one-day probably be in the same spot that me and scotty
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is be able to provide it push, move it forward other kids. yeah. just paid agent of change and their communities and beyond in bringing that magic of camp back to >> their homes and their communities and their lives. >> now the 2024 camp is being hosted at camp lamar in the heart of pescadero valley. and it is fully paid for and free for all campers to kron. 4 morning news will return right after the break. it's 8.26. grab your coffee cups because grab your coffee cups because we still got more news.
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(restaurant noise) [announcer] introducing allison's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. allison! over here! otezla can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts or weight loss.
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upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. ♪♪ [announcer] with clearer skin girls' day out is a good day out. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. >> now on the kron 4 morning news, we're highlighting a api
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firefighters who are making it their mission to break barriers within the industry. plus, state regulators approve a plan that could mean major changes for your utility bill. >> capitol correspondent eytan wallace. give you details. plus, a lot reaction from supporters and opponents. >> good morning, everyone. and welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. thank you for waking up with us on this mother's day. i michael thomas. let's take a look at the weather this half hour. dave, hopefully fog is gone. we could see the golden gate well, it's going to be slow going and michael throughout much of the day today. yeah, good morning, michael. good morning, everybody. and kind of overcast for san francisco looks like the golden gate for much of the day today. >> we will miss the east bay shoreline, by the way, and we're still working out of here. we should see some clearing happening earlier earlier in this spot. but inland already looking at mostly sunny skies as we speak. now back to that fog again of for the visibility part of the story. it does clear out a little bit. but don't forget all that fall goes up to that area gets trapped, giving overcast
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skies. but still it's with us and it's hard to mix with that drier air upstairs, which is drier, but it's warmer which we don't get the buoyancy. we need for good mixing. and guess what? it's coming back again. so we're going to be seeing this pattern just about all week long with the afternoon clearing particularly inland. we don't see any major synoptic features. however we had into next weekend, looks like we'll see something quite interesting in our backyard. already up to 67 antioch. wow. upper 50's going on and where most of the east bay, those chilly lower 50's along the coast like half moon bay. 52 53, san francisco and even up north lower 50's as well. we've got a 62, by the way, for san jose. so it looks like for those inland spots, particularly opening the skies up this late morning, 77 by noon. 3 o'clock in 83. and you can expect a lot of 80's in this longer range forecast. we'll be getting more into that and also check out your 4 zone forecast to michael. >> all right. thanks, dave. well, let's talk about ills. new changes could soon be coming to your utility bill. that's because the california public utilities commission
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just approved a plan to implement monthly fixed charge for a lot of customers across the state. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace takes a closer look at has details. >> we'll hear the state energy building where the meeting took place. supporters argue the plan will benefit low income californians, but opponents say will hurt the very people. it was supposed to help the vote is 4, 0. the item passes with that vote. the california public utilities commission or cpsc approved a plan allowing major utility companies in the state, including pg and socal edison and san diego, gas and electric to impose a fixed charge on most of their customers, monthly utility bills. >> specifically the plan includes a new flat fee of $24.15 per month. coming up to about $290 per year. in return, the utilities will cut their electricity prices by 5 to $0.7 per kilowatt hour. supporters say the plan will help pay for grid maintenance and in the long run will make it more affordable for californians who need to use
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electricity for green technology like overnight electric vehicle charging backers also believe it low income californians noting per the plan those already enrolled in the low income, california alternate rates for energy program or care. >> will face a dramatically discount a monthly fee of $6. this is a fair proposal. >> implementing a reasonable fix charge that help support the fixed costs of the grid. we commend the cpc on taking rpaction today in support of th fixed charge. >> and because of their action today, relief is coming to californians who need it most, but not everyone opponents held this demonstration outside the cpu see hearing demanding commissioners reject the plan. >> among those opposed shark thompson, a single mother from fresno who says people just like her >> will be hit hardest. i mean, that's an extra $24 that i would have to budget employee loans and our ted to make ends each week side, take a payday loan and then i'll pay it off at next weekend. >> you know it people are
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having to to choose one of these utilities over food, medicine. and that's just not right. this is unelected board. and this is the first time we've seen them have the ability to be able to come in and set up the state white. and so for me, that's the biggest concern. it's appointed by the governor and they're going to set the what to say. >> you know, 2 or 3 years from now, they don't continue to raise that. the it impacts every single rate payer in california. >> and the governor's spokesperson said he's confident the plan will lower costs for millions of californians as he je ne. and so cal edison customers will see the plan take effect for them in late 2025 and pg and e customers will see the plan to cut for them in early 2026. reporting in sacramento eytan wallace kron. 4 news. >> well, back here at home in the north bay, newly-installed flock cameras in sandra fell helped police track down a stolen car. police say that man you're looking at was stolen from the novato area and was spotted in the early morning hours driving into downtown sandra fell. the suspect the suspected thief was later arrested and found
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with a revolver in their possession. the driver has since been booked and is now in the marin county jail. >> well, yesterday was the may day festival in downtown hayward and celebrated one culture and traditions. and you can see there they had live music dances hawaii. the first a more laid holiday celebrates. the colors and vibrancy violence or just flowers and they were all over here and he >> well, fire fighters played a crucial role in protecting our communities. and despite progress throughout the years, the api community remains under represented among first responders. kron 4 stephanie lin introduces us to one organization that's hoping to make a change in that. >> it's a busy day at san francisco's fire station the engine. >> trucks and rescue squad
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rolling out to emergencies across the keep doing it. despite these challenges, i don't quit. and they're sliding into acting lieutenant stanley braving literal trial by fire after nearly 3 decades with the department day today. >> there's a lot of unpredictability. that was the beauty of being a firefighter. you never met i-72 and >> on average san francisco fire response to more than 200 emergency medical calls like this a day becoming working. have know you have a building collapsed. >> right. because i'm on the rescue squad. we respond to have to fire since that we head the asian firefighters association or say employee group within san francisco fire working to support and recruit more asians and pacific islanders. knowing that i have a community within the community has been great. julie now is assistant deputy
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chief. she served san francisco for more than 2 decades. when you're first starting out. >> did you feel underestimated? oh, absolutely. when i came into the department, people would second, guess me and they can. you lift this latter. can you start can you do these things and like absolutely. >> let's go breaking barriers through smoke and stereotypes. every day i come to work. i am that shows other people that lgbtq asian pacific islander. >> a woman to be in this job and it opens their doors. hopefully it gives a message to the younger generation api members. they. >> this is something you could do nationwide just over one percent of firefighters api. 17 1% of san francisco firefighters api. >> asians make up more than 37% of the population. why is it so important that we have a firefighting force that reflects its community? representation matters when people see themselves in the people that are helping in their worst day.
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>> they feel a sense of trust. when i go on calls, you filipino. we can have a conversation with somebody that speaks only to go for firefighter robert to representation also means being a role model when a little kid sees somebody that looks like them. >> well, i can do that. >> in august, say led a mission to maui shortly after deadly wildfires torched the things that we complain about. >> it's it's miniscule. you know, these people lost their homes, lost their livelihood, their living other cars. it was eye-opening. the team assisting local fire crews to stamp out a grass fire near a relief center distributing relief supplies to families in need in times of disaster. when people see that there's a bigger response like. >> if the firefighters coming over really helps people understand that there's love and support for them beyond there, their local community, the department plans to make another trip back this year.
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you know, it takes hard to be a firefighter. you give of yourself to your colleagues to your community. what are you proudest of when it comes to being firefighter in san francisco? what we're doing? we're accomplishing, you know, i see a bunch of chiefs now that that are >> asian. and it's something that my son can see to for me being here. it gives my son. >> someone to look up to i love this out. it's very satisfying for, you know, you helped save a life. it's absolutely rewarding. and that's what keeps us going in san francisco. >> stephanie, late. kron, 4 news. >> well, for more stories like this, tune into kron 4 every thursday this month will going to be highlighting the bay area's api leading up to our big special that's airing thursday may 23rd at 6.30. well, yesterday, san francisco's thrive city at chase center hosted its mother's day blankets in blockbusters events. you can see they had massage chairs,
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cup cakes, tea party arts. you know the balloons, animals, that everything. and they were also showing the movie parent trap a good all 90's flick. and take a look. you can see everybody just enjoying themselves as free massages. yeah. and so they do this every year. and yesterday it was all on a good weather day. well, the time is 8.39, coming up next on the kron. 4 morning news as rent prices continue to rise. lawmakers in washington, d.c., are trying to take the steps to help people out. plus the giants get a much-needed win against the cincinnati reds. we have those highlights right after the break. >> what if they thought we have to deal with? we're going to do that. a lot of the morning hours for the week ahead, a look at some of those temperatures. pretty nice, too, with the nice to onshore wind breeze to lower to middle 80's. you can expect we're take a look at that
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>> welcome back. its a 42 now take a look at this. this week lawmakers took a break from debating to participate in a bipartisan chest tournament involved 8 students from st. louis, missouri and a chess club that joined the group for the 10th anniversary of this bipartisan event. our washington correspondent, raquel martin there. and she's got a closer look. >> the u.s. senate may have just met its match. i'm in 4th grade and 7th grade. i am in the 11th grade. these young chess players got a chance to play one on one with lawmakers and their staff at the u.s. capitol for the congressional just tournament. i amazing. i feel blessed. amir brown stumble in the chest after a teacher brought aboard into the lunch room a year ago. now he hopes to leave washington with new bragging, right? the
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first game. i won the second game i want, bgt i'm still waiting my 3rd game against congressman or senator get so far played 2 games. but they great. self-taught davonte touted a came ready to check made any boy who tries to count her out. >> if you win against on to say something on that's just because were not able to handle the fact that >> they lost girl. missouri republican senator eric schmitt co-hosted the event. i just hope it be too badly. all of the students are part of the st. louis tests club, which according to congress, is also the u.s. chess capital as a st. louis. and it's really kind of need to to showcase what the scene was just club has become senators ted cruz and josh hawley dropped and so did a grandmaster hall of famer were all masses of the sport. and it's really our duty to be able to pass the knowledge on to the next generation. it's a great game kids to learn how to play they have greater confidence in their ability to solve problems. right? and so it's a great game to promote in washington. raquel martin
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>> i for sure would have lost. but let's take a look at mount tam. you can see it feels like we're flying through the sky this morning. dave. >> yeah, and you can see that's where the derby holder right there for say that's where the division is, michael, because right above that, the problem is there's dry good that it's up to fog. problem is it's warm hard to get that dense cold air up. even when the sun comes out. it's peeling away. certainly. good morning. it's peeling away a little bit in those inland spots. we're getting heating. but that just brings in more of the coastal air mass, which has a lot of moisture in it. so we're kind of stuck. but again, the west san francisco, near areas near water, although the east bay shoreline will open up a bit. here's yosemite national park. still a little bit of leftover snow. but boy, the melting is in full gear. look at that numbers into the lower 70's. by the time we get to the middle of the week again, back in the home front, we're going continue to see this program again and again, as we see inland heating opens up, that's going to drive the winds which carries and that moisture from the west and all
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that marine moisture comes across san francisco in the west and that keeps that fog kind of in place. it just turns right above us, unfortunately, because the air is so warm and kind of fights, the buoyancy, plain states could be quite busy taking down around texas. you can see already severe thunderstorms popping up as we speak. now and the western gulf of mexico. meanwhile, the moisture on the home front. this one talking about earlier, dries out nicely. this that the surface. so you see even overcast at the coast, but because of the strong winds, humidity levels remain very elevated. san francisco, half moon bay, almost at saturation. that's like you're getting some drizzle there in the middle of the day. here comes back again tomorrow morning covering everybody up, peels away, better clearing in terms of drying out the surface, a touch more looks like tomorrow. so might have some hope for some better clearing in the afternoon hours. but we definitely will have morning fog. looks like all week long. that's kind of break this down a little bit here. we have a weak system middle of the week dropping south will get little reduction with temperatures. but this is what we got to keep our eye on. this is that
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creature here. look at that. nice low here right there on our doorstep. not a lot of moisture which to play with there. so we don't how much the weight issues. but this thing is great in july, august and september, this actually brings us blue skies that because we have that heat spike. this clears everything out, shuts off the monsoon away. we go. we're not in that part of the season yet. we're still in transition and lately these things up tap into some moisture which gave us rainy weekend. so that will be continue to be monitors. we go for 4 zone forecast. 65 san francisco to the coast. we approached 60 61 pacifica daly city. 62 71 for burlingame to the south. we're looking at 78 san carlos, 79 palo alto, but lower 80's happening down here. even mid 80's for the south bay. 84 san jose cupertino. 82 upper 70's east bay shoreline. part of that is because of the morning fog clouds that have to mix out tri valley. meanwhile, you're looking at the mid 80's, 82 for walnut creek. 84 conquered 68 berkeley. this is a gradient. heat gradient there.
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so there's a difference there that creates pressure and also e winds a bit 70 84 for fairfield, 80 for napping, 84 for santa rosa. 7 day forecast. 80's continue all week long. there's another drop thursday into friday. out of the 70's. we go may be some scattered clouds saturday, michael. hopefully that will and i was 80 in napa. perfect day for wine. hope that fog clear up pretty quickly here. but that's been good for that, sir. yeah, good some afternoon. sun tomorrow there's going to be something to sell. yeah, but yeah, that's true. it's only the morning at that fog to deal with i work in the mornings will be out. reporter hugo. >> haha. >> all right. let's talk about chp. 106 new members of the california highway patrol were sworn in at a graduation ceremony this past friday over in sacramento. the new officers are helping fill hundreds of vacant positions through a recruiting campaign that was launched last year. now a couple months ago in february, chp reported it had received the highest number of monthly applications in 7 years. the increased force the
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agency to hold 3 academy classes simultaneously. now, this is the first time agencies ever done that in history. so congrats to them. talking about rent will rents are rising faster than salaries across the country. and some members of congress say junk fees are partially to blame earlier this week, a senate committee debated what lawmakers can do to help eliminate these often hidden costs. adam rust with consumer federation of america told the committee one-time monthly or junk fees and applications or even pet rent. make it impossible for renters to actually compare prices. take a listen. well intentioned landlords who are being fair at a disadvantage. >> but landlords that are playing these games. now, russ said junk fees trap renters into unaffordable leases, which then cause additional financial struggles. things later. overdraft fees. >> on their banks and credit cards and the white house has made a top issue to try and
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ban junk fees really across the board from housing, banking and other industries. republicans, however, say these fees are not the issue. it's actually the rising cost of things like groceries. well, now to the bay area sports, san francisco giants will wrap up their series against the cincinnati reds this afternoon at oracle park. the giants pulled off a much-needed victory yesterday. kron four's erin wilson was there they were hosting the reds at oracle park on saturday. the giants looking for when, of course and well, bob mail when he was looking for some help from above to help snap and giants and snap a matter of you struggles they've been having offense of late. maybe the seafaring bird could bring some love to the giants. he was definitely at the ballpark for the game. >> he was looking to help those don't investment. chapman actually just hoping that it wasn't just the was playing the giants a load. the bases with 2 outs in the shipment is that in just 2.10 with the bases loaded his career. but today will tagged
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fans love watch this one. it goes high and deep to center field for a grand slam. it was his 5th homer of the year. the giant, it's a call for thing lead. maybe looking was good look after all same score. now in the in the 4th. >> when la la cruz, he was the crowd up with a blast out to left center field. it was his 9th of the season. the rich they get on the boards. 41 is the giant steel leno. the dying, especially the little day today as well, which is always good news. the red. they have a man on in the 5th wilkinson hits a flare to left field paleo ramos right here with the dive. he makes the best king kitchen. this giant. they added another run late and look and say, i've done my job here, brought you guys some love. take off the giants. they snapped two-game skid and beat the reds. 5 to was the final civic to all right. thank you, aaron. well, meanwhile, the a's were also taking on the mariners yesterday over the emerald city gold, seattle. >> their offense got off to a
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quick start from none other than mlb's player of the week. brent rooker is always in the headlines. he hit a single into right to score a run in the 3rd, the a's would add 6 more runs in the 8th and 9th innings. >> they would have a final when of 8 to one. the a's play the mariners again today, the final game of the series and that first pitch is set to happen at one 10 this afternoon. the golden heart fund will hold its annual dwight clark legacy series this thursday over in san jose at the event will feature forty-niners quarterbacks from both past and present property. jeff garcia, steve young and alex smith will all be in attendance. now. the forty-niners shows smith with the nfl's number one overall pick in 2005, he spent about 8 0st season with the forty-niners before being traded off over to the chiefs. now, smith recently spoke with kron four's kate rooney. take a listen. >> windows 3rd i mean, i think, you know, it's so hard
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to find a quarterback at that level. and i think that have their spray. so i think there's certainly a bright future for not only him, but the entire team. think i've got a long, long, bright future. i know he's been close so many times, but but he'll get there. >> so, yeah, i don't totally subscribe to it. certainly there's a reality. but every year there's so many changes in the nfl. the roster changes. >> there's always kept implications. i think that's going to be every single season. so again, i think there's a lot of a lot of great years ahead of brock in this team. >> all right. well, the time is 8.52. coming up after the break, we'll have more news. grab. a coffee cups will be right back. welcome back.
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8.55. will to time of the year. we're talking all about county fairs and of course, it comes with all of the special events like the music festivals and everything else. some of the most anticipated. >> things that people are waiting for. take a look. weve got these videos up on your screen now. the alameda county fair begins on june 14th over in pleasanton, kicking off its concert series will be valais ozone. the 40 he'll be there on june. 20th also performing this summer. we'll be fray and also the ambassadors and hunter hayes. i'm actually shocked to see that. and then over at the marin county fair in sandra it's going to be the 4th of july weekend. and in vogel kick off things there for the concert series on july 3rd, grammy winner and the eldest son of bob and rita marley ziggy marley. he'll actually be there performing on july 6, los lonely boys will also be there the day
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after. and it looks like a lot of summer fun this year when it comes to those concerts. now, the mateo county fairs also happening next month. american idol winner em tang, who will be there performing on june. 1st. now war will be there playing the next day and then r and b group, all for one will be performing on june 7th that love affair. you know, i went last year. they made me make a bunch of ice creams. but still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, we've got things coming up and we'll show you some ways you can celebrate your mother in the city of san francisco over at union square. >> plus, with uc berkeley graduation happening yesterday, protesters were out on campus to show support for those in gaza and the controversy, it seems. also search and rescue teams scramble to find a missing child after they believe he fell into the river will have those details right after the those details right after the break.
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♪ from the mountains to the coast... ♪ ♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ todos a la mesa ♪ ♪ que buena la mezcla ♪ ♪ it don't get no better ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ lovin' this land everyday ♪ ♪ norte a sur lo puedes ver ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado...yeah ♪
8:59 am
♪ you're the one that i want ♪ nexgard® combo is the only monthly topical that protects against fleas, ticks, tapeworms, and more. use with caution in cats with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard combo,... ♪ you're the one that i want ♪
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...the monthly one-and-done you want. >> now on the kron 4 morning news. uc berkeley's graduation is met with pro-palestinian protesters on campus. >> plus, celebrating mother's day. will tiffany justices live with details on how you can support your mom and other moms across the bay area. >> from the theory is local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> well, good morning, everyone. and thank you for joining us on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm michael thomas. it is sunday may 12th. it's also mother's day. so happy mother's day to
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everyone. and before we get started with the news, you know, we always take a look at that gorgeous weather. can see a little bit of light behind me. dave, what about that sun? >> not to seen too much in san francisco, though. a good morning, michael. good morning, everybody. it's pretty much inland and some parts of the east bay shoreline will break out a little bit as we get to late morning hours. good morning, everybody. and sorry for mom. it looks like kind of the micro cloud climates are checking into day. even at this 9 o'clock hour. you can see the east bay shoreline is still socked in with ground fog. even at this point. but the next issue will be one that rises. it goes and creates a layer right above us. kind of that overcast imagery ago into fog cast. it says the visibility should be improving does clear out for most of the bay. our returns back again tomorrow morning. we'll do this drill just about all week long. the morning hours seeing that morning fog as far as any major systems impacting us. pretty quiet for the week ahead. couple week waves. but then we get to next saturday will be quite interesting with a low in our backyard. we want t make sure and see what that does. winds will be onshore will see a
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little pop this afternoon. that's also going to be driving the continuation of the fog because we get fresh marine layer moisture, even though that rises, it's replaced by a new dose coming in from the coast with the onshore winds. we have mosp readings around the bay in the 50's to middle to approaching some upper 50's to inland. already racing head with some 60's. 63 san jose. we got 67 for antioch, 62 for concord. it is already pretty clear well inland, because of the set up little cooler this morning by some half-dozen degrees or more in some spots. and we break it down like this. some leftover cloud cover and then inland, at least mostly sunny and 80's in a bit. we'll checking out the forecast for the week ahead. mark. i'm mike. >> thanks table. our top story this morning, a 5 year-old boy has been taken to the hospital after he was found submerged in an east bay cove. according to contra costa county fire. the young boy was pulled from the water yesterday afternoon. just off of bethel island. he was reported missing by his family at the time, which lead
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to crews rushing to the scene after about a 25 minute search. well, the rescue swimmer was able to find the boy who is submerged in the sacramento san joaquin river. delta. the boy was then taken to a hospital. and as of this morning, his condition is still unknown. officials say this should serve as a reminder to everybody of the potential dangers of young children and the water. >> this is the first really warn day so far this year. so parents and adults who are watching children need to keep constant visual contact with the children. and when the child is by the water, they need to be wearing a life vest
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uc berkeley graduated yesterday, but it wasn't without students protesting regarding the ongoing war in gaza. this comes as student protesters have been camping out for weeks at the university telling us they continue to negotiate with the university on their request to kron four's check moment has the details. >> while thousands of students around uc berkeley are graduating this weekend, many students here at the un, kevin at sproul plaza say they want to march to so that they are disapproving of the university's negotiations with their demands. >> saturday evening on uc berkeley's campus, a similar site. but this time. the cops dirt graduation. we've been out here for a while and there goes a scissor back and forth and universities not negotiating in good favor. doctorate student giannis khosla. they organized a walkout during commencement and during a negotiating meeting with the university. they let from the university had been talking about taking statements in the commencement. >> to meet our first amending
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the silence. but statement was very double sided. and so we were making a presence outside of today's session. berkeley told kron 4 in a statement it would not discuss the parameters of possible negotiations with protesters which have been camped here for nearly 3 weeks. >> it was very disruptive. it was very loud. you can hear through the audio. uc berkeley went on to say that it is looking to close down the encampment, quote, our priority remains on bringing the encampment to a peaceful act, protecting the physical safety of the campus community. >> and ensuring there is no disruption of university new messages show up at the camp meant for recent grads. students like cash flow say there are proud to be part of cows. history of student activists. so we're just living up to the standards of this university. and expect more from that night from the administration. big topic of discussion here at this encampment is with summer on its way where all the students
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go. many of the organizers tell me that they are in talks now to see if they could potentially have as a last past this spring semester for now run uc berkeley's campus jack moment kron 4 news. >> well, over on the peninsula, jewish and non-jewish students at stanford are holding an interfaith rally against terror. organizers say it will be condemning the widespread support of terrorism on campus and will also be demanding that stanford officials in for school policy and ensure student safety. the meeting is set for later today from 2 in the afternoon to 4 at stanford's white plaza on campus. and down south ucla has reopened its dixon plaza to the public. this was after limiting access during pro-palestinian protest, public safety personnel say it will remain in the affected areas, but the campus is returning to normal operations. the reopening comes after weeks of limited access from pro-palestinian protesters and pro israel. protesters confronting one another on the westwood campus. the protests and
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rallies continue as the un general assembly has voted to give palestinians new rights and privileges. it's also urging the security council to reconsider its request to become the 100 94th member and 9 countries, including the u.s. and israel have voted against the measure. this comes as a highly anticipated biden administration report does not conclude that israel has violated the terms of its use of u.s. weapons. the report is expected to be critical of israel after the u.s. is recent pause on aid over civilian casualty concerns. now stay with kron. 4 news both on air and online for the latest information on what's happening on the israeli hamas war. and, of course, you can always head to our website at kron 4 dot com. we've got that qr code up on your screen. well, a driver in marin county crashed their car into an auto repair shop yesterday. it happened in sandra fell at jr auto body yesterday morning. police say
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the driver may have suffered from the medical emergency at that point, the way are taken to a local hospital. and as of this morning, their condition is currently unknown. let me to county district attorney pamela price is now taking on a major car insurance companies. she's suing both progressive and along with a few others. according to the lawsuit, the insurance companies have been working with a software developer to undervalue totaled cars. now da price filed 69 page civil complaint that accuses the companies of using special software that's meant to lowball settlement offers for its customers. in a statement, price tells us her office is seeking to level out the playing field and what looks like a rigged game. well, today is mother's day and there are some great events happening all throughout the day and of course, in san francisco. so we sent kron four's tiffany justice out this morning. good morning, tiffany, what can you tell us?
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>> good morning. yes, today is for all the mothers out there. and like you just mentioned there, events all around the bay area happening today, including right here at golden gate park where the park band is continuing their summer concert with their concert today. they say in honor of mother's everywhere, they're hosting its pops. moms concert today. the show is going to be at the bandshell in the park and that will start at 1 o'clock in the afternoon and going till 2.30, the city of san francisco is also hoping that you'll spend mother's day at union square toray. union square in in bloom is hosting a mother's day concert in fashion show. this is some video from last year's event. there will be bright floral displays salsa, dancing and live music as well as a bloom cut gal reveal made by local designers. we're being told the first 222 moms will receive a gift as well. the event today starts at 2 and
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will go until 05:00pm. now another that we want to talk about today is at the ferry building. there will be local pop-up displays for mother's day. you'll be able to see 2 japanese american artist who live here in san francisco and their art will feature local landmarks cats. their goal is to give part of their proceeds to local animal shelters for more information about these local artists and more information about mother's day events around the area. you can go to kron 4 dot com. back to all right, tiffany, thanks. it all. sounds fun. maybe we'll head out there ourselves and start salsa, dancing. >> well, sticking with parks, the oldest park ranger in the u.s. history has got an honorary doctor. it betty reid soskin retired from the u.s. park service at 101 years old. she was honored yesterday at cal state east bay. >> the mission of serving as the oldest active u.s. national park ranger at this
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>> lots of cheers because she worked as a park guide at rosie the river terror national historic park in richmond. and she also spent decades advocating for civil rights and racial justice now saw skins honorary doctorate comes from the college of letters, arts and social sciences. >> well, time 9.10, coming up on the kron. 4 morning news. californians could be paying more on their pg e bill coming up. we'll tell you why. plus a nonprofit bay area group is seeking to bring summer camps to all kids. and there's a new park in san francisco coming up. we've got details on the views you can see from >> that is not the way it will look like today. a quite a bit of a clouds kind of hang around a little bit of clearing happening in the afternoon and inland. no problem. we'll see those 80's sort. but the afternoon breeze coming with it. get a check of your forecast called for your forecast called for morning news continues. choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel
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for any traveler you want to be... like quality inn, for the dad that gets every dollar and minute outta this family road trip! the day is upon us! book at hellllllooooooooo!
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>> welcome back. it's 9.13 we'll san francisco city leaders are celebrating the opening of a new public park. take a listen to just how excited they were. lots of ye's at the ribbon cutting ceremony which was held this weekend on there. but island for the new panorama park, it's located on the island's highest point and it offers incredible views. you can see the bay. you can see san francisco sideline and much more mayor london breed. was there. take a listen to what she had to say. >> i don't know if i could never really imagined it.
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would you see the pictures? what you here? people talk about it. it's one thing but to be in it, it's quite something else. it is magical. >> now you get the views and a 6 to 9 foot tall sculpture. that is called the point of infinity by japanese artist hiroshi sugimoto. and the new space is opening up all a part of a bigger project to its to bring thousands of new homes and parks to treasure island. and you're but way islands. >> and it looks gorgeous. but if we can get a live look at the golden gate bridge right now, i are bay bridge. i don't think it's going to look like that right now, dave. yeah, that treasure islands not quite looking like that today. that's not the deal there. yeah. good morning, michael. good morning, everybody. it was great for photographers, though, to feas their eyes. and although that imagery there. >> good morning, everybody. san jose state. we're checking in there. logical department providing us with blue skies in the background. a little bit of haze leftover. but hey, this fog peeled away. so in santa clara valley already clearing up nicely. 67 for antioch at this hour. 62 conquered 58 for a livermore.
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most readings in the 50's all over the bay and those chilly lower 50's towards the coast. also to mention 63 san jose to futurecast for doesn't have much to show us accept the pulsating fog coming and going today. it tries to peel away as best as it can. but even by the late afternoon, we might have that lingering a little bit for that. overcast skies with maybe some breaks or patches in there even in the afternoon, little flair of a few little showers up in the mountains. no major deal there. then we do the whole thing tomorrow. here's the fog spilling into the sacramento valley. and then during the afternoon hours, a little bit better clearing tomorrow in an interesting collection of some rain developing up there in the mountains. this coming in from the east now, not the west, which is the pathway we look for during the monsoon season so early in the season. for all of that, though, but we'll see that path. we being utilized later on out to tuesday. same deal will do it by the afternoon with this is that onshore wind providing fresh marine layer moisture that only just rise a little bit for more overcast skies, which is what's going to be so
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problematic that the coast, although we have clearing happening in london and not so warm or hot like it was from yesterday. sfo in the background there, some minor delays due to construction, fog and clouds and all that san francisco southern moran, much of the day afternoon, clearing inland east bay shoreline as well. warm with plenty of 80's 70's for the east bay shoreline. then for much of the week, we've got that stubborn fog at the coast. it will clear out for san francisco in a good portion of the bay, though, turning into somewhat mostly sunny for the afternoon. warm with 80 70's covered the bay. it's next week. and it gets interesting for right now. we're keeping it dry little drop in temperatures. no major deal. but we have this low churning in our backyard and sometimes it gets more involved and brings us some rain here with for now looks dry. so for today that stubborn fog, san francisco opening up the skies a little bit in the afternoon. 71 oakland, 84 san jose. look at those readings, though. well, inland open schering in a bit round livermore valley. we have the middle 80's. so forget the nineties today, but at least we have those upper 80's lower 80's. meanwhile, up
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north, you're talking about map earlier, michael. so we'll probably 80's going on up there. some of our producers went after this weekend for a nice little sapin. have a good yeah, you know, i or yesterday. and they spent the night there. they got a hotel. you've got to do that. to bring the water with you always. >> and this next. all right. well, let's talk about how om one area to another talking all about bart trains. well, they've been shut down this weekend. bart says closures are happening between union city and south fremont stations. it's all due to maintenance. >> there's going to be crews working on those tracks. however, buses are picking up those routes. so if you need to use the bus, you can do that on monday. all the trains will be backing up and running like normal. well, counterings is celebrating 160 years with new electric trains have got a total of 19 new trains and they're all said to be faster and reduce carbon emissions. a trans also have power outlets to charge your phones, storage
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compartments and restrooms. caltrans says 75% of the diesel fleet will be replaced with these new trains. as for the rest of the fleet. well, they've got to wait a little bit before those placed that visitors got a chance to see the trains in person and a sneak peek of what it's all going to look like later this year. and then in addition to sell about great caltrans 100 60th year, well, a local artist. his name is eric. rick. what sir? he put together these 3 fish studios artwork made featuring the new electric trains. and you can see the city there in the background. so gorgeous fuse. well, david de pap the man convicted of attacking paul pelosi will learn his fate later this week. he said to be sentenced this coming friday. federal prosecutors are asking a judge for a 40 year prison sentence. now the path was convicted last year of attempted kidnapping of a federal official, an assault on the attack from october of 2022, those caught all on police body cam video and a pap emitted during the trial that he broke into the pelosi
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home with the full intention of holding nancy pelosi hostage. so as we get more details coming friday, we'll keep you updated. well, apple unveiled its new products and its let loose event earlier this week, which rich demuro takes a closer look at what we can expect this year. >> the ipad is getting some upgrades with new display technology. plus a processor that's faster but uses less energy. and an all-new apple pencil is finally getting find. my built in which means hopefully you'll lose it good morning. welcome to apple park. in a pre-recorded event in there now signature slick transitional style. >> apple unveiled new ipads, updated editing software and a new apple pencil. this is the strongest ipad lineup we've ever have. first up the ipad air, which is now powered by
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the m 2 chip and is 50% faster than before for the first time ever. ipad air comes in 2 sizes. it still comes in the familiar 11 inch model, but also a new larger 13 inch model. the cameras been moved for easier video chat in landscape mode. 2 colors include blue and purple prices. start at $599 and $799. >> next up to ipad pros also in 11 13 inch models, the new ipad pro. he's even thinner than the ipad nano, which makes it the finnish apple product ever. they have a brand new m 4 chip inside, which is 50% faster but uses less energy >> plus, led screen technology. they start at $999 and $1299 with a storage of 256 gigabytes. as for the new apple pencil, it's going pro. the new version lets you squeeze to bring up tools. plus there's new haptic
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feedback. it sells for $129 and has find my built-in. she can locate it more easily. finally, apple dropped the price of the 10th generation ipad launched in 2022, it's now $349. this beans, third-party retailers will likely sell it for even less. >> you can preorder these apple products. now they're available next week. that's rich on tech. i'm rich demuro. >> thanks, rich. well, it's 9.21. everyone. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. a warning from the fda but an app that used to operate insulin pumps will tell you the details right after the the details right after the break.
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if you feel like things don't add up right now... you're not alone. rent is up, and every family outing costs an arm and a leg. well, we want to help. so when prices go up, we find new ways to go low. and now, we've lowered the price on hundreds of your favorite products. designing something beautiful is easy. designing something beautiful with great quality for a low price? that's a different story. it's why we're here. that's a promise. not a promo.
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for the food and drug administration has issued a statement about a recall for an app that used to operate insulin pumps. >> the mobile app is by tandem diabetes in the version that's being affected in you're looking for is 2.7 of t connect. the fda says a problem with the app could drain the insulin. battery completely. the problem is actually lead to more than 200 injuries. as of now, the fda says updating the app should fix the problem. those customers that were impacted have been notified. well, for the first time since 1999 planet fitness is raising its basic level membership prices. the new rate will now be $15 a month. however, the current planet fitness members who are already paying $10 a month while will stay the same. the move comes after months of price testing across several
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markets in the u.s. planet. fitness says it will also test higher prices for its premium memberships later this summer. experts say the company's increased in prices is coming from a likely motivated weaker than expected first-quarter revenue in the first fiscal year. well, for many kids, summer is all about fun. eating those ice creams and hanging out in the sun with friends and going to summer camp is a huge part of that yet for so many others, that opportunity is often out of reach. but camp made for me is looking to change that the non-profit wants to give the most underfunded communities. the experience of camp life and to meet the goal. they're looking for volunteers. that includes councilors donors to support these efforts and much more. we heard from the co-founders on what they're looking for to give these kids a summer. they won't forget. >> we want them to have memories. how exciting the camp was and that they can also one-day probably be in the same spot that me and
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scotty is and be able provide it pushed moving forward for other kids. yeah. just paid agent of change and their communities and beyond bringing that magic of can't back to >> their homes and their communities and their lives. >> well, the 2024 camp is being hosted at camp are in the heart of pascali vero era valley. it is fully paid for and is free for all of the campers kron. 4 morning news will return right after the break. it's 9.26. we'll see break. it's 9.26. we'll see you at around 9.30. ( ♪♪ )
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ teens have drama. one more minute! braces add more drama. ahh! how does anyone do this?! invisalign is better oral hygiene, and no drama. crème on the left, i program you to think for yourself my boy. you're sure that's a good idea? what's the worst that can happen? i'm going to twist on it. hello, father. yeah, absolutely not.
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he's perfect! kron. 4 morning news. we're
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highlighting api firefighters who are making it their mission to break barriers across the industry. >> state regulators approve a plan that could mean major changes for your utility bill. capitol correspondent eytan wallace. give you details. plus, a lot reaction from supporters and opponents. >> good morning, everyone. welcome back to the kron. morning news. it's 9.30. thank you for waking up with us and happy mother's day to all of those mothers out there. of course, you know, we're gonna start this half hour with a look at the forecast. dave spahr in the weather center. good morning, well, good morning, michael. good morning, everybody. and not real. perfect for moms everywhere. we're still finding a lot >> the fog clouds going on. that's going to the story for the coast. san francisco, a lot today, but will probably appeal this away from a good chunk of the bay still working on the east bay shoreline. however, still the ground fog. and we have to get this mix out the atmosphere to get the sun out a little bit but inland. we're already seeing plenty of sunshine working on those temperatures as we speak back to the fog cast here. and you can see it just hangs on at the coast a little bit through the day today.
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tomorrow, some better quicker clearing expected. but you can see it's spilling in overnight. back in again at the surface. the ground fog on the east bay shoreline and even up in some of those northern valleys to know synoptic feature really look out for for the week until we get to about saturday with that low churning off of our coast. right now, we're at 72, antioch. look at that. sunny skies out that way was looking at the cameras for walnut creek are also sunny out there to 62 for conquered. 58 for a little more east bay shoreline. upper 50's with 53 chilly degrees. san francisco. well, risk when the come with this, too. for everybody 80 for 1 o'clock by 4. 82. so not as hot as yesterday, but this is the trend you can expect for much of the week ahead. little cooler into next weekend. so far we hope it's going remain dry. it looks that way from this vantage point. we'll check in that long-range forecast in your 4 zone to michael. >> all right. thanks, dave. well, new changes will soon be coming to your utility bill. that's because the california public utilities commission
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that they just approved a plan to implement a monthly fixed charge for a lot of customers statewide or capitol correspondent eytan wallace takes a closer look and he's got details. >> we'll hear the state energy building where the meeting took place. supporters argue the plan will benefit low income californians, but opponents say will hurt the very people. it was supposed to help the vote is 4, 0. the item passes with that vote. the california public utilities commission or cpsc approved a plan allowing major utility companies in the state, including pg and socal edison and san diego, gas and electric to impose a fixed charge on most of their customers, monthly utility bills. >> specifically the plan includes a new flat fee of $24.15 per month. coming up to about $290 per year. in return, the utilities will cut their electricity prices by 5 to $0.7 per kilowatt hour. supporters say the plan will help pay for grid maintenance and in the long run will make it more affordable for californians who need to use
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electricity for green technology like overnight electric vehicle charging backers also believe it low income californians noting per the plan those already enrolled in the low income, california alternate rates for energy program or care. >> will face a dramatically discount a monthly fee of $6. this is a fair proposal. >> implementing a reasonable fix charge that help support the fixed costs of the grid. we commend the cpc on taking action today in support of the fixed charge. >> and because of their action today, relief is coming to californians who need it most, but not everyone opponent help this demonstration outside the cpu see hearing demanding commissioners reject the plan. >> among those opposed shark thompson, a single mother from fresno who says people just like her. >> we'll be hit hardest. i mean, that's an extra $24 that i would have to budget employee loans and our ted to make ends each week side, take a payday loan and then i'll pay it off at next weekend. >> you know it people are
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having to to choose of these utilities over food, medicine. and that's just not right. this is unelected board. and this is the first time we've seen them have the ability to be able to come in and set up the state white. and so for me, that's the biggest concern. it's appointed by the governor and they're going to set the what to say. >> you know, 2 or 3 years from now, they don't continue to raise that. the it impacts every single rate payer in california. >> and the governor's spokesperson said he's confident the plan will lower costs for millions of californians as he je ne. and so cal edison customers will see the plan take effect for them in late 2025 and pg and e customers will see the plan to cut for them in early 2026. reporting in sacramento wallace kron. 4 news. >> time. well over the east bay to people who claimed they were interested in buying a used pick-up truck are now facing several gun and drug charges. it happened over in livermore. police say they got a call from a woman who said she posted a truck for sale and after midnight on wednesday, she called police
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because she was concerned about a prospdctive buyer who wanted to view her pickup truck that late at night. police say they arrived there on the scene to find the potential buyer parted year. the woman's home again, that late at night an officer spoke with the 2 people that were in that car and then searched the vehicle, which led them to find meth, heroin and a gun. both men were from oakland and are now currently in custody. as we get more details on that will keep you updated. well, over in the north, a newly installed flock cameras in sandra fell helped police track down a stolen car. police say the van that was stolen was from the novato area and was spotted in the early mornings driving into downtown center found the suspected thief was later arrested and found with a revolver in their possession. the driver has since been booked and is now in marin county jail. well, yesterday
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was the may day festival over in downtown hayward. it's celebrated hawaiian culture and traditions through music and dance. and hawaii may first is may or late day and the holiday celebrates the gorgeous colors and vibrant seas of the island's flowers. and you can see. >> they did all of that there yesterday. what a sight to see. >> well, fire fighters played a crucial role in protecting our communities. and despite the progress throughout the years, the api community remains under represented among some of the first responders kron 4 stephanie lin introduces us to one organization that's working to change that. >> it's a busy day at san francisco's fire station the engine. trucks and rescue squad rolling out to emergencies across the keep doing it. despite these challenges, i don't quit. >> and they're sliding into acting lieutenant stanley
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braving literal trial by fire after nearly 3 decades with the department day today. >> there's a lot of unpredictability. that was the beauty of being a firefighter. you never find 7, 2, and >> on average san francisco fire response to more than 200 emergency medical calls like this a day becoming working. have know you have a building collapsed. >> right. because i'm on the rescue squad. we respond to have to fire since that we head the asian firefighters association or say employee group within san francisco fire working to support and recruit more asians and pacific islanders. knowing that i have a community within the community has been great. julie now is assistant deputy chief. she serve san francisco for more than 2 decades. when you're first starting out. >> did you feel underestimated? oh, absolutely. when i came into the department, people would second, guess me and they can. you lift this latter. can you start can you do these things and like absolutely.
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>> let's go breaking barriers through smoke and stereotypes. every day i come to work. i am that shows other people that lgbtq asian pacific islander. >> a woman to be in this job and it opens their doors. hopefully it gives a message to the younger generation api numbers. they. >> this is something you could do nationwide just over one percent of firefighters api. 17 1% of san francisco firefighters api asians make up more than 37% of the population. why is it so important that we have a firefighting force that reflects its community? representation matters when people see themselves? >> in the people that are helping in their worst day. they feel a sense of trust. when i go on calls, you filipino. we can have a conversation with somebody that speaks only to go for firefighter, robert to representation also means being a role model when a
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little kid sees somebody that looks like them. >> well, i can do that. in august. say led a mission to maui shortly after deadly wildfires torched the things that we complain about. >> it's it's miniscule. you know, these people lost their homes, lost their livelihood, their living out their cars. it was eye-opening. the team assisting local fire crews to stamp out a grass fire near a relief center distributing relief supplies to families in need in times of disaster. when people see that there's a bigger response like. >> if the firefighters coming over really helps people understand that there's love and support for them to be on there, their local community. the department plans to make another trip back this year. you know, it takes hard to be a firefighter. you give of yourself to your colleagues to your community. what are you proudest of when it comes to being firefighter in san francisco? we're doing we're accomplishing, you know, i see a bunch of chiefs now that that are
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>> asian. and it's something that my son can see to for me being here. it gives my son. >> of someone to look up to i love this out. it's very satisfying. when you know you helped save a life. it's absolutely rewarding. and that's what keeps us going in san francisco. >> stephanie, late. kron, 4 news. >> well, for more stories like this, tune into kron 4 every thursday this month for stories that are going to be highlighting the ay area's api community all leading up to our special that's airing on thursday may 23rd at 6.30, in the evening. well, san francisco's thrive city at chase center hosted its mother's day blankets in blockbusters events yesterday and there was tons going on. they had massage chairs, cup cakes, tea party arts and crafts. the loons even at animals and a screening of the parent trap there for everyone to watch. so you can see there people enjoying their nice massage. and again, this happens every year. so we were
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grateful we were able to get their wish. they had brought back some cupcakes. the time is 9.40. we're going to take a break. but coming up on the kron 4 morning news as rent prices continue to rise. lawmakers in washington, d.c., are trying to take the steps to help people out. >> plus, the giants get a much-needed win against the cincinnati reds will have the highlights right after the break. >> one of the head of the million left over from the balloons to next couple of days. we've got plenty of 80's going on. well inland. it will open up nicely like today. however, little problematic when you get to the bay and particularly the coast. that's today. better clearing later in the week. we'll catch 4 zone forecast and the extent of the kron. 4 morning news continues.
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>> welcome back. 9.43. is a time will this week a few lawmakers took a break from all the drama and debating to participate in the bipartisan chest tournament involved 8 students from st. louis, missouri is chest club. they joined the group for the 10th anniversary of the bipartisan event in our dc correspondent raquel martin was there. she got a closer look. >> the u.s. senate may have just met its match. i'm in 4th grade and 7th grade. i am in the 11th grade. these young chess players got a chance to play one on one with lawmakers and their staff at the u.s. capitol for the congressional just tournament. i amazing. i feel blessed. amir brown stumble in the chest after a teacher brought aboard into the lunch room a year ago. now he hopes to leave washington with new bragging, right? the first game. i won the second game i want, but i'm still
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waiting my 3rd game against congressman or senator get so far played 2 games. but they great. self-taught davonte touted a came ready. the check made any boy who tries to count her out. >> if you win against on to say something on that's just because were not able to handle the fact that >> they lost girl. missouri republican senator eric schmitt co-hosted the event. i just hope it be too badly. all of the students are part of the st. louis tests club, which according to congress, is also the u.s. chess capital as a st. louis. and it's really kind of need to to showcase what the scene was just club has become senators ted cruz and josh hawley dropped and so did a grandmaster hall of famer were all masses of the sport. and it's really our duty to be able to pass the knowledge on to the next generation. it's a great game kids to learn how to play they have greater confidence in their ability to solve problems. right? and so it's a great game to promote in washington. raquel martin >> all right. well, taking a
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live look outside at coit tower. i wanted to show you all golden gate bridge, but our producer jt insisted we use this shot. dave, do you think it's we can see how cloudy and muggy it is out there. >> yeah, i guess that's what getting at true. i mean, that's the overcast skies are referencing that, though. that will be the thing. you know, you're driving out about your in the peninsula. let's say in the sun's out everything redwood city driving up there and you start to get closer to sf and it starts to become pasty white skies and it gets stuck across the golden gate. moran kind of the same thing. then you get further north. it will start to clear out a little bit. it's that strip that gets trapped because that onshore flow coming right across the golden gate bridge to continues to deliver fresh marine layer moisture. that's got to be dealt with and it's hard to get it moving up above us because the air is warm, too. here's a live look at what looks like at yosemite national park. you see some of the snow melting as we go forward. lower 70's. it looks like the next couple of weeks. looks like a really want to jump into summer, doesn't it? short sleeve shirt weather
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there. not much to show here. all the features we've been talking about are very much local and there's the big stormy action in texas the western gulf of mexico. that tends to happen when these storms tend to go over the rockies and capture some of that moisture. now the moisture at the surface now is pretty potent all day today at the coast. we were just talking about. and that's because of that continual flow coming in from from the coast and above us, it's not getting much met. mixing help so you can't get rid of it and all you get is cloud cover. so that's going to be a problem at the coast. san francisco, a little bit golden gate bridge, but you get inland more. the east bay shoreline. you get some afternoon clearing, ok, it's going to spill into the bay. that's pretty typical in the morning hours erodes away. looks a little drier tomorrow afternoon. you'll probably get a little better clearing in the afternoon at the coast. san francisco. it looks like 2, so it will improve. but we have the same game plan just about all week long with that continual onshore flow. so the week ahead, major feature synoptic and so forth. that's
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like our global things, not real active. here we get weak. little system is dropping south. just a touch. then we get to the weekend. it gets interesting. we have this rotation right in our backyard. these things are lovely. they bring us blue skies in july and august takes away that monsoon moisture this time of year. different story because been finding moisture lately. and if they does, it could change the weekend pictures. so we have that some scattered clouds and there. but also timing another issue, too. but that's a little thing to watch all week long. 65 san francisco to the coast. we'll keep an upper 50's lower 60's. 71 for burning game. by the way, you've got winds and cloud cover or main all day today. 74 foster city, 79 palo alto, south bay, middle 80's at work milpitas 82 east bay shoreline, upper 70's tri valley. you're looking at the middle 80's. we have a temperature gradient going on here. there's a contrast. and that also tends to drive some local winds to about 82 walnut creek. 68 berkley, 84 concord, 70 vallejo onshore winds. clearly, 84 fairfield 80 for napa. 84 for santa rosa 80's.
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pretty much rule all week long. we'll start to backtrack a little of the 70's. we've got that pesky low. that's going to be hanging around a little bit we do like in the summer, though. it's it's a nice help. it's 9.48. we've only got 12 more minutes of the show and it's a and it's still cloudy out. sino notice even brought his all the production team or at night was mother looks like >> all right. thanks, dave. >> well, taking a look over at chp 106 new members of the california highway patrol were sworn in at a graduation ceremony this past friday over in sacramento. >> the new officers are helping fill hundreds of vacant positions all through a recruiting campaign that was launched last year. now, this year in february, chp reported that it had received its highest number of monthly applications in the last 7 years. now the increase force, the agency to hold 3 academy classes all simultaneously for the first time really in the agency's history. so congrats to them. talking about rent
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prices. rents are rising faster than salaries across the country. and some members of congress say junk fees are partially to blame earlier this week, a senate committee debated what lawmakers can do to help eliminate these often hidden cost. adam rust with consumer federation of america told the committee one-time junk fees or these monthly fees and even applications are pet rent are making it impossible for runners to compare prices. puts the man well intentioned landlords who are being fair at a disadvantage. >> but landlords that are playing these games. >> now rest said junk fees trap renters in unaffordable leases which essentially cause additional financial struggles. people are, you know, getting overdraft fees on their bank accounts or credit cards. and the white house has made it a top issue to try and ban junk fees across housing, banking and other industries. however, republicans on the other side of the aisle say these fees
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aren't the issue. the main issues are the rising cost of things like groceries. well, now to the bay area sports, the san francisco giants will wrap up their series against the cincinnati reds this afternoon at oracle park. the giants pulled off a much-needed victory yesterday. kron four's erin wilson was there. she's got the highlights. >> well, the giants, they were hosting the reds at oracle park on saturday. the giants looking for when, of course and well, bob mail when he was looking for some help from above to help snap and giants and snap a matter of you struggles they've been having offense of late. maybe the seafaring bird could bring some look to the giants. he was definitely at the ballpark for the game. he was looking to help those don't investment. chapman actually just hoping that it wasn't just the was playing the giants a load. the bases with 2 outs in the shipment is that in just 2.10 with the bases loaded his career. but today will tagged fans love watch this. when it goes high and deep to center field for a
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grand slam. it was his 5th homer of the year. the giants it take before that they believe may be that pelican was good look after all same score. now in the in the 4th. >> when la la cruz, he was the crowd up with a blast out to left center field. it was his 9th of the the rich they get on the boards. 41 is the giant steel leno. the dying especially the little day today as well, which is always good news. the red. they have a man on in the 5th wilkinson hits a flare to left field paleo ramos right here with the dive. you make the best king kitchen. giant. they added another run late and look and say, i've done my job here, brought you guys some love. take off the giants. they snapped two-game skid and beat the reds. 5 to was the final civic to at >> well, that bird made its way all the way up to seattle because meanwhile, the a's were taking on the mariners yesterday in the emerald city. now their offense got off to a quick start from none other than mlb's player of the week. brent rooker, it's always been
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talked about he had a single into the score run. and 3rd the a's would add 6 more runs in the 8th and 9th ending. and when by a final score of 8 to one, they play again with the mariners today and their final game of the series. the first pitch is set for one 10 this afternoon. >> the time is 9.52. we'll be >> the time is 9.52. we'll be right back. after the break. owo network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business.
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9:55 am
welcome back. it's 9.55. well, it's that time of the year again, the county fair is back. that means lots of junk
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food music, fun rides. and there's multiple happening the next few weeks. >> take a look. the alameda county fair begins on june. 15th over in pleasanton kicking off its concert series will be the laos very own e 40. he's performing on june 20th and then also performing this summer will be the frey and then the ambassadors and hunter hayes. talk about a mix up there. now, the marin county fair in sandra fell. that's actually starting on the 4th of july weekend and in vogel kick off things there for the first series of the concert. and on july 3rd, grammy winner and the eldest son of bob and rita marley ziggy marley will be there jamming out on july 6 and then los lonely boys will be performing the day so looks like it's going to be a lot of fun this summer when you're heading out to the fares in the san mateo county, fair begins next month. american idol winner. jan tang, who will be performing on june first war will be playing the next day and rmb group all for
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one will be performing on june 7th. now i'm hoping that they send me all of these fares because lab me here wars coming ow. why can't we be friends? okay. it's a good thing. he said that it wasn't enough to lead to a don't know exactly. okay. that was i know that you know what? when i was a kid, i thought i can be repaired. i can't. i think we talked about last year because because kids don't yesterday last year you said this. yeah, i was in my life where i remember but i know. yeah. up summer bees to its sales and cross summer. be easy summer, breezy u.s.. >> blinded by the light woke up in deuce in a run of the night. anyway for today. here's what we've got going on there. michael. we have stubborn fog. it's recalcitrant. >> it's difficult. you like those were we're difficult yet. fractious 65 san francisco might get some breaks happening in the skies a little bit. 71 open. eighty-four san jose. all right. i got to move on here
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because i'm running out of time. there is your seven-day forecast. temps start to draw dropped there by next weekend hoping that lotus symphony moisture. michael, we're having too much fun. time out all the music everybody that's tomorrow reporting and >> we'll see you later this >> we'll see you later this week.
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♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪ > anncr: the following is a paid program from joel osteen ministries.


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