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tv   KRON 4 News at 630pm  KRON  May 13, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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>> our top story this half-hour shuttered for good bogged down by poor finances and low enrollment. a private elementary and middle school in newark not only ends the academic year early but closes up prominently kron four's philippe djegal talked with the owner who says he feels terrible. the sudden closure. >> catholic community off guard. >> back in december, marshall and company, property management filed a property commercial eviction lawsuit against new horizon school in newark, which is still pending in alameda county superior court assigned to private elementary and middle school that opened in 1988. was on
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the brink of collapse, though many parents and staff members were unaware of how dire the situation was principal and owner victor dawson says he could not even afford to pay utilities leading to his swift decision to notify the community last week. all operations and instruction would permanently shut down in days. we have stop firms are big you kn-w, we were again in a in a pretty. >> that situation over the past few months. several teachers left when they were notified by dawson that they would not immediately get paid. >> and through the school's final day. last friday, dawson confirms many of the remaining 16 or 17 staff members were still unpaid. >> the complaint has been filed against the school with state labor regulators, which dawson acknowledged over the phone monday with kron 4. >> adding that he hopes to pay those owed money, working with the labor department on and
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we're we're in the process starts since as persistently lower enrollment limited staff. >> and financial instability starting with the economic downturn back in 2020. have regrettably let him and his school to file for chapter 7 bankruptcy and close up for good on a normal year. we had about 100 and you know, 5280 students per year. >> and over the lyst couple of years, we talked about 100 students. so that was just to the talk families that we were unable to get back and making matters worse. at least 8 families who were unaware of the imminent closure and paid next year's $14,000 tuition early. >> have to wait at least 90 days from making a request for reimbursement to get their money back into the game to staff that to work. you far as he could, you know, they were they were the heroes. needed their >> we worked for their for their you know, we could have closed earlier. but, you know, those those staff members out just to stay open longer
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ensure a smooth transition for students. dawson says school records will be forwarded to schools who request finals through new horizons website. >> in newark, philippe djegal, all kron. 4 news. >> the u.s. supreme court has rejected an appeal from california officials seeking immunity over covid prison deaths in may of 2020. president san bernardino county have been hit hard by covid outbreak. 9 people have died and 600 were infected. prison officials decided to transfer 122 inmates to san quentin, which had no known cases within 3 weeks of virus spread to 500 inmates and staff at san quentin. california is now facing 4 lawsuits from the families of people who died. the supreme court denied the state's appeal for unity with no comment or dissent and all lawsuits may now proceed. >> 800 people packed into the sanctuary at glide memorial church in san francisco on sunday to honor the life of reverend cecil williams. he
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died last month at the age of 94 for more than 60 years. the reverend fought for civil rights and champion the lgbtq+ community williams first came to san francisco's tenderloin neighborhood in 1963. to help run glide church and glide foundation soon after he bravely made the church inclusive to all the reverend touched the lives of people from all walks of life. whether you are living on the street or a notable leader like congresswoman barbara lee, former san francisco mayor willie brown, vice president kamala harris and political activist professor angela davis. >> those who under >> until lgbt community. >> u.s. like myself. he remains a living manifestation and assemble unconditional love, acceptance forgiveness,
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compassion. he's recovering revolution against injustice and oppression. >> williams and his late wife, janis mackey, tiny, expanded glide to become what it is today. safe haven providing food and services to thousands of people each year. >> alameda county district attorney pamela price is taking on some major car insurance companies, including progressive and us a a according to the lawsuit. the insurance company has been working with software developers to undervalue totaled cars. da price 69 page civil complaint accusing the companies of using special software to lowball settlement offers to its customers. rice says the companies are rigging the system. office is working to level the playing field. >> with the november election now less than 6 months away, the department of justice is warning today. it will track down and prosecute anyone who threatens election workers. the attorney general describing some of the threats
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as vile kron four's. catherine heenan joining us live from the newsroom. now with details. catherine. >> well, justice department noel today warned of mounting violent threats against election workers and promised it will be relentless and prosecuting those responsible. >> if you threaten to harm or kill an election worker, volunteer or official, the justice department will find you. >> part of the reason this is making news again, the new survey showing that more than half the election workers in the country are worried about their safety. and with the november election just months away, there is concern that angry sometimes dangerous political partisanship. well only escalate 3 years ago, the justice department created what it calls the election threats. task force among the 17 prosecutions and 13 convictions. since then, election threats. task force
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has secured the guilty plea of a man who threatened an election worker in michigan. the defendant made vile threats saying that the election worker deserved a quote. >> wrote to the knife, we secured a 3 and a half year prison sentence for a man in texas. threatened the lives of arizona election officials and their children and advocated for a mass shooting. poll workers and election workers increasing see believe had, quote, suspect results. >> the problem, not new. this is what michigan secretary of state told a senate judiciary committee in 2022. >> my son standing in a driveway. picked up a stick, turned to me and don't worry, mom, if the bad guys come again, a cat them with this. he's 6 years old. >> election officials say it's not only the threats, they're worried about things like funding and the use of artificial intelligence to spread false information. at today's news conference, fbi
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director says his office has been trying to help for years. >> each of our 56 field offices of had election crimes coordinators, special agents and intelligence analysts. stand ready to field threats if they arise and coordinate a response. >> like others, bay area registrars years. all the security help they can get at election time. that can include the fbi, as we've heard and local sheriff's offices, someone with a santa clara county registrar of voters office told me today they have not had any serious problems but feel they are ready for just about anything can well. alright, castor, thank you for that. let's go outside for our 4 zone forecast and you can see quite tower and the >> skies of clouds and fog. same thing overhead. fog being singular or plural alex side of separate areas fog, gets
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causing all in our brains bodies brain. so you go. but you know what? it's gray, but not everywhere. some of the inland spots are still sunny and warm and beautiful. >> so it really depends on where you are. it's gorgeous, actually depends what kind of whether you like. >> at right now outside in san jose. it is nothing but clear skies. >> and right along the coastline, it is gray gray gray pushing inland even as lightning strikes are firing up across the sierra nevada. in terms of the big weather player, it's this area of low pressure right here. it is traversing right towards southern california, even affecting our weather. so looking at the gray, that's partly due to that area of low pressure as its deepening. the marine layer was seeing more and more intrusion of the relay overnight tonight into tomorrow morning. as you can see as we start to go inland. boy, look how great is as we go toward tomorrow morning at 7.30, and then look how the clouds pulled right back to the coastline by about midday
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or so. so you can count lots of gray in many spots across the bay area. basically overall, we're looking at temperatures a lot like today, perhaps just a little cooler here in san francisco in the 60's coast side 50's and 60's and along the bay shore line mainly in the low to mid 60's. 64 degrees in burlingame. if you head toward redwood city, yes, they make 70 palo alto forecasting 18. looks a little warm there. quite warm in the south bay campbell. 82 degrees, san jose. 78 as you head toward pleasanton, 88. so no 87 hercules 86 degrees as you head toward the north bay sonoma. 76 yacht bill 84 that point race only 60 degrees. the 7 day forecast shows a slight warm-up midweek as ridge, it starts to break to get a little bit warmer for us. but then temperatures drop by a little bit. no big changes. 80's inland 70's along the bay and 60's. back to you. thanks, kathy.
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>> it has been a little more than 72 hours since governor newsom unveiled his updated state budget proposal. and it's already receiving some major pushback that's coming from both republicans and democrats. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace has reaction. >> we'll keep in mind the budget is significant because it tells us exactly which programs the governor plans to fund that impact your life. everything from public safety. >> to education. but now some members of his own party say it's not about what is funded, but what is not that has them outraged. these are difficult decisions. that was governor gavin newsom friday making it clear he's 288 billion dollar proposed budget. >> comes with some painful recommendations. he's proposing cuts to more than 250 programs across state government. all in his words to help close a projected 27.6 billion dollars projected shortfall. none of this is. >> i'm kind working. enjoy but you've got to do we have to be responsible. we have to be
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accountable specifically. he's calling for more than 18 billion dollars in cuts on a variety of fronts, including a slash to some 10,000 vacant state jobs and reductions for programs related to broadband access water, storage and local and state public health departments what i want to know. >> but the alternative, you know, we can we can eliminate our expansion of health care. we can eliminate. >> wages we can limit. we do furloughs into layoffs. we can local public health departments. >> they say the proposed cuts will impact services across the board. health professionals worry cuts could ultimately hurt efforts to prepare for a future. public health emergency detrimental. again, we're moving backwards. the bottom line is that if we lose this funding, people will lose their jobs and work will not get done. in a statement, democratic senator caroline mental part of the san fernando valley blasted newsom's budget writing do not be deceived. these are not just cuts to administrative costs. these draconian cuts have real life and death
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consequences and will push our most vulnerable children, families, an aging californians into homelessness and starvation. but her fellow democrats, including assembly speaker robert reverse, an assembly budget committee chair jesse gabriel. we're more optimistic, noting wellness, a mistake and 12 billion dollars from the state's reserves. they make clear the state will still have at least half of its rainy-day fund left for future years. keeping core services and tact. that's newsom's key message on what he considers some of the positives of this budget proposal. noting it invest in services for public safety, education and housing and homelessness. people want they want to see results. the republicans argue newsom could have avoided this entire situation committed to spending less and saving more in previous years. look, it's his own fault because they made all these promises to people all these things. they said they're going to do and now they're going to have to break those promises. and lawmakers have until june 15 to review the governor's proposal and pass a fully balanced budget if they fail to do so.
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>> they will not be paid reporting at the state capitol. a tom wallace kron, 4 news. >> coming up next in sports, coming off their walk-off win yesterday. the giants are hoping to continue their momentum against the dodgers. tonight, sports director jason dumas pre-game reaction from bob melvin. coming up.
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better!
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now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? >> and now kron 4 sports. >> the giants haven't gotten off to the best start this season. it has shown in the
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standings and also on the injury list. a lot of things have gone wrong. but if you look at the bright side, they are on a two-game win streak in maybe a good showing in this upcoming series with the dodgers turn things around. it still may folks, we've got to keep the optimism or is going to be a very long summer anyway when these 2 teens get together, it always makes for some drama, no matter what the records are either. giants fans complaining about dodger fans taking over their ballpark or it's 2 teams on the diamond that hate each other. it's always fun. dave roberts and bob melvin talked about the rivalry today ahead of the game. >> there's always a little bit more when you play the dodgers. our fans feel it to, you know, it's just kind of a historic rivalry. so. and you know that now that it's only a couple times a year, it's even even more impactful. you know, we played too well against first time. look to play better this time. i like coming up to the bait. i like this rivalry. it is just
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another series for us. but i do understand that the fans love it. it's deep rooted. and i appreciate that. >> all right. the a's in houston taking on the astros after the been terrible this year. bottom of the 3rd houston up a run one offer. kyle tucker. he has a shot to left-center. nobody's going to get to that. jose altuve comes on into score astros pad that lead to top of the 5th. now, aides still down by 2 men offer jj bleday who's having himself a nice he drives this one to left also law abraham toro scores the age cut houston's lead in half the and that is where we stand now. after is up 3 to 2 in the top of the 7th, of course, we'll have full highlights tonight on sports night live. all right. let's go to the national football league. a marine catholic alum bank account just got a little bit longer today jared goff signed
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a four-year 212 million dollar extension with the detroit lions. the contract has 170 million dollars guaranteed. and it's the richest contract in team history. now, this is notable for forty-niners fans and the organization really because next offseason, san francisco, it's going to have to pay brock purdy and this deal will probably be a barometer for where negotiations begin. and brock purdy has another good season as we expect. expect him to get closer to 200 million dollars guaranteed. show me the money man. can i get a loan? the celtics there in cleveland taking on the cavs eastern conference semifinals. donovan mitchell was a late scratch tonight with a calf strain. also saw lebron was in court side 4th quarter, cavs down 9 darrius garland. he had 37 calves within 7 later on is a five-poium, ead. jayson t
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jaylen brown. he buries the 3 and that pretty much the dagger. jb had 27 in 8. cows celtics win. it. 1, 0, 9, 1, 0, they're up 3 games to one to have a chance to close this series out in boston on wednesday. all right. that's your look at sports. back to you guys. all right. thank you, jason. today, one of the star witnesses for the prosecution took the stand in the criminal trial against former president donald trump. trump's former lawyer michael cohen. >> testified about key details in the hush money case. kron 4 washington correspondent hannah brandt has the details. >> it's a potentially pivotal week in the trial of former president donald trump has his ex employee turned enemy takes the witness stand is it a the former president is charged with illegally falsifying business records to cover up hush money payments that his former lawyer michael cohen made to an adult film star and on monday, cohen took the
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witness stand testifying about several instances where pay people off to kill news stories to protect the 2016 trump campaign and co indirectly implicated trump at one point telling the jury, quote, what i was doing was at the direction of and benefit of mister trump. the defense team calls cohen a liar and close trump allies are vocally echoing the attacks. >> any reasonable, sensible person believe anything that michael cohen says? i don't think that they should not actually think that his testimony is going to hurt with any reasonable juror. senator jd vance says he came to court to support trump. and senator tommy tuberville was also there to express his confidence in the former president and his path to re-election. he's got more support than ever because what they're putting through in that class in courtroom. but both the lawmakers in the former president himself have expressed frustration that he stuck in the court rather than out on the campaign trail in washington. i'm hannah brandt. >> let's get check of your forecast now taking a live look at the bay bridge. the
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embarcadero were all those clouds are really starting to set kron. 4 meteorologist kathy trafton standing by. we've got this huge. it's like a summer pattern. get to 30 degree difference from the inland areas to the coast. kathy? >> yeah, it's actually a beautiful pattern. lots and lots of grey right along the coast. as you said. but some inland spots are just terrific to see the top of that south tower. so the grays overtaking even parts of the golden gate and you can see the gray pushing along the coastline and even some lightning strikes are happening up in the sierra nevada. so for us, it's going to be a persistence forecast and this area of low pressure towards southern california is one of the big players in our weather right now. this upper low will start to move away and we'll start to strengthen the high out in the pacific for a couple of days. so we'll see a slight warming trend come wednesday and thursday. but for tomorrow, we're looking at numbers in the 60's 60's
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throughout san francisco's 50's and 60's while along the coastline just start to head toward the bay shoreline. a little warmer, but not much. 64 in millbrae. 75 for woodside. and then as you head toward the south bay will start to see things warm up a little bit. i'm forecasting 80 degrees from los gatos and 88 for dublin. so she head toward the east bay and parts of the north bay. it's downright toasty. brentwood, 88 degrees. you want look at that. 84 degrees and 74 in santa rosa point raise only 60 degrees. so we'll see a persistent fog and cloud layer right along the coast and it will go inland overnight and burned right back to the coastline. there's that slight warming trend for your wednesday and thursday. nary a drop or may not in the seven-day forecast should be a beautiful week, though. thanks, kathy. >> there is a new tool for californians to track community improvements and infrastructure investments. this interactive map launched by caltrans highlights more than 300 clean california projects across the state. the
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projects are funded by clean california billion dollars. multi-year effort launched back in 2021 by governor newsom. it prioritizes removing trash from highways and city streets. beautifying areas through landscaping and increasing public art with cultural connections with the new mapping tool, californians can check the project's progress by county city, zip code or address. you can access the map on the caltrans website. >> coming up, oakland's newest draft has a new name. we'll tell you what it is when we come back.
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>> well, hopefully you remember this guy, a 13 month-old male giraffe recently joined the oakland zoo introduced you to him last week, but he needed a name. so the zoo asked you to vote for one of 3 swahili names and see which means powerful new rule, which means light and meaning scar. they asked you to vote on social media and tonight we have a winner. his name is nuru. not sure if he's excited about says new name again, these only 13 months old. so i think they're keeping him separate for a little while. but eventually if you head on over to the oakland zoo, you'll be able to see him. what a cutie. all right. take a look at this. it's a time lapse of the aurora borealis across bay area. skies over the weekend. this phenomenon is because of an unusually strong solar storm which is
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producing. >> northern lights and cities. it, of course, don't normally get to see them. this level of storm hasn't been seen since 2003. the pictures are way better than what it looked like. absolutely stunning. like. absolutely stunning. we'll see a 10. network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile.
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: fire ant attack. speak with her mom handcuffed by cops in a bed of fire


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