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tv   KRON 4 News at 11pm  KRON  May 13, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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>> now at 11, a missing person alert is in effect tonight for this 8 year-old boy. also a big day for oakland's newest
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top cop. what had to say on this first monday on the job and >> even fathom that i can do something like that and get away with it. it's yes. be the list. neighbors taking action to protect each other. how customers at the san francisco cafe. >> stop the guy who had just stolen a woman's laptop. well, 4 news at 11 starts now. news station, this at 11. good evening. thanks for being with us tonight on kron 4 news at 11, i'm grant lotus are for top story tonight is the search for an 8 year-old boy who police say >> is in danger. they say a ortiz was last seen around 6 o'clock tonight in mountain view on california street and its quell avenue. it's about a block from rainstorms park and el camino, they say a teen was last seen wearing a gray sweatshirt. blue pajama pants. police are not saying how he became missing but he is believed to be on foot. if you
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see him, you're asked to give mountain view police a call. for people in east san jose are without a home tonight as crews look into what started this fire here at a buddhist temple on fox avenue near 6.80, they say nobody was hurt. we'll keep you posted. there. convicted killer scott peterson's defense team. he's trying to get him a new trial by gathering new evidence. but the status last county da's office is opposing that motion. peterson is being represented now by the la innocence project and they want a dna test, a rope and a stolen van that was burned near the petersons home around the time his wife laci went missing the da's office is asking the judge to deny the motion, though, because of they say all the evidence that was previously used to convict peterson. he was convicted in 2004, the murder of his wife, laci, and their unborn child. peterson has maintained his innocence see is serving life in prison. over the weekend.
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customers in san francisco cafe stopped a man who is just take it off with the woman's laptop, stole it. kron four's. sara stinson spoke with one of the people to stop this guy and she joins us now live in the studio with the stories share. this is a pretty dramatic. >> police say a man ran into this cafe, grabbed a laptop and ran right outside was a man named henry flynn who tackled the alleged thief to the ground and held him there until police arrived. security cameras, thankfully couple whole thing on video. unfortunately, we did not get permission to use it. but this is video get rest. >> it literally felt like everyone inside the cafe was screaming. henry flynn was enjoying a cup of coffee outside sanaa cafe saturday evening when he says he saw a man running out with a laptop. flynn works as a security guard. so he says it fell natural to take matters into his own hands. i saw someone running out with the head.
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>> with a lot of talk in the right hand, almost like a football player would run with the football. i think the momentum of him running in opposite direction of my arm, pushing him in another direction, made him stumble over towards one of the cars. that was part. and then i had the ability jump on top of him. this video from frisco live 4, 1, 5, shows san francisco police arresting a 19 year-old man and flynn talking with officers afterwards about what happened. flynn learned from police that the man had snatched a laptop from a woman sitting inside who thinks to flynn and others got it back. mp>> did you speak to the woman who is left of? it was afterwards. i did. they're really cool. husband or boyfriend. >> yeah, actually, i my phone that tracked what i was running after the guys. so they like the minimum. can we just venmo you a little bit of money? just so you can get your phone fixed. and was not really too worried about that. this video has circulated on social media. people are now calling flynn a hero, but he humbly disagrees. most people want to do the right thing. it just takes one person to really.
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>> i get ahead of it and everyone else will follow. >> flynn is a fourth-generation san franciscan who is fundraising to run for mayor this november. >> see myself as representing the silent majority, the city, which is the working class in bread and butter the city. i think what we need right now is the same way what happened at that cafe where everyone came together. we need that citywide. we need everyone coming together who's invested in the heart and soul of the root system of the city like myself. >> the man accused of the laptop theft was booked into jail and charged with grand theft and second-degree burglary. i'm sara stinson reporting back to you. thank you, sarah. >> oakland's new police chief has officially kicked off his first work week. floyd mitchell started the day today by meeting members of the department, including new recruits mitchell last work as chief lubbock, texas. he says one of his top goals coming into the department oakland is building public trust.
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>> i'm looking forward to working with you and with members of the community to can say someone spend the rest of this week attending different meetings to get brought up to speed on several different things going on within the local police department and within this community. >> chief also met with command staff going over the latest crime figures today. while burglaries are down. 51 1% since last year, residential burglaries went up 110 percent. our weather time now as we get a live look to cross the embarcadero there in san francisco. you see ball. the exploratory meteorologist kathy trafton joins us now with the what we can expect tomorrow morning. right. hey, grant. >> we'll tell you what. we don't see much fog in that picture of the exploratorium. we don't see much fog in some spots across the bay area such as the bay bridge. lucky them, no traffic and no fog to speak up. that could change. so what's going to happen is we're going to see a lot of
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fog in some spots across the bay area. visibility for santa rosa nevado and san francisco and napa 0 at this hour tomorrow morning as the clouds and fog thicken across the bay area. if you're heading out on your morning commute, 0 visibility also in concord and livermore and san jose and hayward. so definitely make your plans to be very careful and give yourself a little extra time. here's the fog cast. the steve ning looks like is a big blanket of clouds and fog across the bay area. guess what? tomorrow morning that blanket of fog is thicker. lots of many places, it all pulled right back to the coast only to return again tomorrow evening. not enough wind really the to make a big difference on winds are calm and half moon bay current temperatures, as you might expect at this hour with that much cloud and fog. all quiet uniform, upper 50's upper 40's. that is to 50's grant. all right. thanks, kathy. >> well, as temperatures are warming up across the bay
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area, it's important to stay vigilant around the water over the weekend. there are multiple reports of people drowning, including a 5 year-old boy who died near bethel island in contra costa county and a mom who died and status last county after going in and trying to save her 11 year-old daughter in the san joaquin river. several organizations are using what happened this weekend to highlight water safety as rivers are moving dangerously fast with freezing cold temperatures as the snow melts. have a flotation on your body when you're in or near that cold water. >> staying out of the current really aware of where you are in relation to fast-moving current. >> callaway has also says if you're near somebody who is drowning, he should immediately call 9-1-1 and then try to reach the person with the roper poll, maybe throw a flotation device towards them. if you can. they advise not to go in the water yourself to try to rescue them
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because there have been multiple drownings involving more than one person due to failed rescue attempts. the man has been convicted of killing a woman whose remains were found in alameda over the summer. the alameda county district attorney announced this afternoon joseph roberts has been found guilty of second-degree murder in the death of rachael buckner. buckner was from pleasanton. her body was found dismembered along the shoreline of bay farm island last summer. police say buckner and roberts live together at the time of her death. no word yet on when roberts will be sentenced. community members across the bay area are remembering the lives of 2 political leaders from the east bay, peggy moore and her wife hope would were killed in a car crash over the weekend in san diego county. former oakland mayor libby schaff says moore had a true passion for helping others. moore was actually chefs. campaign manager when she ran for mayor in 2015. she had
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been that. >> state director for obama >> she agreed to be the campaign manager for one term councilmember who was challenging the incumbent. this is back in 2013, 2014, you could not walk anywhere with peggy without it taking like 2 hours, she knew every person. and if she didn't know that she would just strike up a conversation and them. >> oakland representative barbara lee says she is brokenhearted to hear the news calling peggy, a friend activist and one of the best organizers. she knew more and would created a political consulting firm in twenty-twenty called hope action change. the couple met while working on the obama campaign in 2008. just into the crowd for newsroom. an update on our top story that search for an 8 year-old boy is now over. we just learned police say a nor tease has been found. he was reported
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missing in mountain view earlier tonight. so good news there. meanwhile, in solano county, police are looking for a man who walked away from a conservation camp. they say james joe was serving a seven-year sentence for robbery and other charges. he was last seen on the campgrounds wearing a gray sweatshirt and pants. police are asking people with info to contact them immediately. take a look at car, flipped on its side in fairfield here. the chp says they arrested the driver on suspicion of hit-and-run and dui. they also found guns in the car. they say the driver tried to run away after crashing but officers were able to catch up with him. in pacifica, a man is under arrest after police say he drove away from a crash and then hit a parked car and police say a 2 year-old was in the car with him. this happened saturday. officers say they've all do. aguilar ran a red light and to stop signs before crashing into a parked car on and way police
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say they recognize this car from a previous hit and run on highway one. no major injuries were reported. aguilar is facing multiple charges, including felony child endangerment. the vietnamese heritage garden in san jose's about to get a major facelift for the first time in more than a decade. and it looks like it could use it. the garden was originally constructed in 2011 honor the thousands of refugees who fled vietnam after the fall of saigon in 1975. but now it's largely empty. has been that way. the improvement plans include newgarden with trees, trails and benches. there will also be a space to host community events. >> our shared vision is a garden that remembers the past but looks ahead to the future that pays homage to the journey that thousands of families took to find a better life here in america. and it helps create a better life by providing a space for people to come together. celebrate
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and share the rich these culture with the next >> generation. >> the first phase of the project will include adding a statue featuring an american soldier and a vietnamese soldier standing side by side work on the garden could start lar this year. d tune into kron 4 every thursday this month for stories highlighting the bay area's api community. it's all leading up to our special that airs thursday may 23rd at 06:30pm. >> up next to san francisco music festival is coming back. some people who live in the east bay. all right. as exciting. plus important. if you don't, don't support it. you lose it. a historic museum in south bay is a risk of closing. what needs to happen to keep the doors open for to keep the doors open for years to come. network is no network for business.
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museum in the country dedicated to fabric arts is in danger of closing down for good. >> for nearly 50 years, the san jose museum of quilt and textiles has showcased art from all over the region at around the world. but as kron 4 jack moment tells us now the museum is racing against the clock to keep its doors open. >> we're the first museum in the country to focus on tax arts and that's a very, very unique bureau of other museums along the south side of san jose's downtown. >> it may be easy to miss. i think we're really incredible resource for the community. but for san jose museum of quote and textiles, director chris johnson, his museum hits
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above its weight class. i'm here to this reason you'll see kind of the extent of what could be done with fibers. we like the future, our local artists here because we have an incredible history of fiber arts here in the bay area. different art from different artist from san jose. and the far all handmade in fiber. but after nearly 50 years in san jose sofa district, the vibrant and historic exhibit inside the museum may go away for good. unfortunately, due to the pandemic. >> and kind of the changing face of philanthropy. we just haven't been able raise the resources that we need to continue operating the way we would like to. he said the museum needs $300,000 by the summer. >> the funding that we're asking for u.s. help support the staff. we need to operate the museum. it's to help pay our mortgage. yeah. and this my first time here in julian swanson came down from san francisco. have to be able be here. little donation to them helping keep supporting local art. he says keeping arts
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alive in the bay has been a struggle. feel like it's difficult. you know what the downtowns, less traffic i can imagine, has been a big hit for them. the hope is that the museum can collect enough funds from the community. it can create an endowment and stay open for years to come in san jose moment kron 4 news. >> my weather time here is we get a live look outside the view from the crowd for studios. this is quite tower just going from blue to white on this monday night. i'm meteorologist kathy trafton is with us. as fog is blanketing the city once again. kathy and i notice the leaves on the tree were really dancing. but the big weather story tonight really is the low clouds. it's the fog. >> and the issue, of course, is visibility as well. so if you're going across the golden gate ok, low clouds and fog, not quite low enough to obscure visibility. >> but guess what? it is 0 visibility from santa rosa to nevado and even in parts of
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san francisco. that's now by tomorrow morning for your commute. 0 visibility. also in concord livermore, hayward, san jose. so be careful and make your plans carefully because that is tough to drive through by midday things. clear out great sailing. but then again, the clouds return. so here's the podcast. looks as though we've got lots clouds and fog going on right now. we do. but guess what? they really push in they thicken up. and we're going to wake up tomorrow morning to an awful lot of gray. but things will clear out unless you're right at the coastline in which case they're going to linger. that's okay. we're used to that. this is kind of a typical summertime weather pattern, isn't it? with some low clouds and fog at the coast and warm temperatures inland. now, interesting weather future. you might catch us. a counter clockwise circulation off the coast of los angeles. that's an upper low heading toward the southwest united states. and it's serving to deepen our marine layer. so that's keeping things pretty much on the gray side inland. if you're heading to san francisco tomorrow, we're
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looking for temperatures close to 60's and also right along the coastal communities 50's to low 60's as you head toward the bay shoreline of the peninsula, mid 60's. and then as we head southward, as you might expect, we're looking at numbers reaching into the 70's places such as wood side at 76 degrees and even 80 in palo alto, 70's 80's for the east bay and 70's and 80's for the north bay. if you want and hot, you know where to go, places such as pleasanton and also in sonoma. also in wet brentwood, discovery bay, all upper 80's. and also feel at 83 degrees. but if you head towards santa rosa, 73 and if you like the cool conditions, as always point rays, it's lovely. and the next 5 days we're seeing much of the same little bit warmer on wednesday and thursday as the low moves way high pressure strengthens a little bit, but not a lot kind of cookie cutter week, but we'll take it. >> it looks great. i mean, yeah, this is perfect weather
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for most people. i just feel like it just a few miles. there you go a skeptic. all right. despite some bay area residents and officials calling for its removal or relocation, the portola music festival is coming back to san francisco's pier 88 this september will mark the 3rd year for the event in 2023 last year. lots of people live across the bay in alameda so they can really hear this thing. it was loud way too loud. they thought this year the festival says they'll be lowering base levels. they'll also have a community hotline for people to call festival. organizers say they'll do everything they can to keep it down. this year's lineup includes artists like rufus du sol and disclosure. next. in sports, the giants get some tough injury news and they're looking to build off there. >> walk-off win yesterday. the rival dodgers are in town. sports director jason dumas takes us out to the ball game takes us out to the ball game next. norman, bad news...
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> the giants haven't gotten off to the best start this season that has shown in the standings and also on the injury list, just a lot of things have gone wrong. but if you look at the bright side, they're on a two-game win streak in maybe a good showing in this upcoming series with the dodgers can turn things around. you know, it's going to be a great turnout when the dodgers are in town looking at line to get oracle, bottom of the seconds, giants down a run to all for luis motto, son. he gets a hold of that bad boy, no doubt about it. >> his first hit of this season.
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>> is a home run and the giants take the bottom of the 6th tied at 3 to one for elliott ramos. >> that gets through the hole. matt chapman come on in his 4 brothers. >> giant regained the lead top of the 7 same score tk hernandez. and that got out of the park in her east state just biden. slimmest slimmest margins. top of the temp now extra same score to offer will smith. and that's the warning track power. 2 runs. come on in this core. it is 64 bottom of the frame giants with a chance to tie it at the very least cairo is trying up at plate. but he grounds that one into a 5, 4, 3, double play. now despite the law starting pitcher jordan hicks said he liked the fight of his group.
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>> it's tough game. i like, what we thought overall i think we're going to could go for coming as everybody can kind of comes off. i think we're in a good spot a lot of these young guys with the brings new life. >> all right. the a's in houston taking on the astros. astros have been the class of this division, but they're on the bottom this year. top of the is down by 2 man offer jj bleday. >> it's off the wall. abraham toro scored the a's cut houston's lead in half and we've got a tight game. >> but then houston flexed on the bottom of the 7th alex bregman the watching this kid since he was at lsu. >> that's his second home run of the game and it extends that lead to till and right. that was not done next. ending strolls up 3 with the bases loaded. that warning track
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power. 2 runs. come on in to score. houston would tack on 2 more runs after that. they lose 92 game 2 of the series tomorrow. all right. let's head out to dallas mavericks thunder game for the western conference emmys. for the layin the 4 we have a tie game. shay gilgeous-alexander 5 chet holmgren hand down man down 18, a knife or chat. casey takes the lead under 2 minutes to go. mavs downpour tim hardaway junior hardaway. fake 3. nice bucket. there. but moments later, tim hardaway junior makes costly, costly mistake. that's can play with your food man. jaylin williams, santa clara, 14 96 for him. that would do it. okc. they by for the resiliency. on feels like forever since i've gotten to see warriors play. just yeah.
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it's going to be a long time only along you know, hopefully get it together will see steph in paris this summer, at least definite steve that i thank >> thanks have a good night. thank you for watching. we'll
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: fire ant attack. speak with her mom handcuffed by cops in a bed of fire


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