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tv   KRON 4 News at 8am  KRON  May 14, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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>> right now on the kron 4 morning news and east bay man is found guilty of killing a woman whose remains were found last summer. a massive fire breaks out at a buddhist temple in san jose. we're live at the scene with the aftermath and a warning from police is thieves are targeting honda cars for their parts. we're live with what you need to know. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news >> good morning and thanks for joining us on a tuesday. i'm sorry, and i'm james. we've got lots to talk about today. first, though, let's talk about the weather because the wind has been kicking up. everybody's been feeling their allergies flare this you're rain has got that little might kill switch because she's and i we yeah. >> so john, is the wind die down a little yet? you know what? it is going to calm down a little bit, which is good news because yeah, the wind picks it right up. and even though it pushes the fog in the cool and it also pushes that pollen around too, you can see outside that it did
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push a lot of cloud cover in this morning and that is blanketing a lot of the day. and what has low blanket of clouds, not a lot of fog, but we are seeing some visibility issues up in the north bay. so watch your travel on winds are still going to be present todayon to moderate our temperatures but kick up that pollen, too, will come down a little bit into tomorrow and thursday. current temperatures are hanging out mostly in the 50's. so it's a cool morning. go ahead through that. little extra layer on, especially if you're taking public transit will be outside for a bit longer later today, right back to the 70's 80's just like yesterday. great. all right, john, thank you for that. little had a busy morning so far, especially in the 8 o'clock hour. >> all your bridges pretty much covered in traffic. last hour we had a disabled vehicle right near the toll plaza drive times about. 25 minutes. they got that off of the bridge. but again, things are a little slow, go 30 minutes on the senate to bridge 8.80, slow and sluggish getting on and off that bridge. our richmond center fell bridge around 18 and the golden gate
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bridge. 40 minutes goes one on one of the north bay. you've been building throughout the morning darya. james, back to you. thanks. a lot do won and. >> and our top story is a big fire that broke out last night at a buddhist temple in san jose. kron. four's will tran on the scene for us with more on the aftermath of it all will. >> here's what you need to know. investigators. they don't think this was a hate crime anytime. there's a fire at a religious structure. they have to consider that. but at this point, they don't think so. the fire is out every now and then i can smell smoke coming from the location, but not to the point where the fire department has to rush back out and deal with the hot spots. you can see the damage. it did. yes, this is just a wing of the buddhist temple, but enough to displace for people, presumably monks who were inside at the time. now, let me show you pictures of the fire broke out at around 8 o'clock last night. and this is on 97, fosse avenue just
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off of alum rock avenue, the exit office 6.80. so about a quarter mile from the freeway. the fire department got here. they realize that the fire was heavier and more intense than initially thought. so they called for backup rising to a 3 alarm fire. they were able to knock down the flames. stay here late last night to make sure the hot spots are out. 4 people. well, they have been absorbed by other buddhist temples in san jose. so they're not homeless. they are staying at other locations as far as the cause of the fire, you can see the sun is up. no urgency at this particular time. but they do want to preserve the scene, which is why you see the green fence right behind me. investigators will be back out a little bit later today to find out the cause of the fire. >> back to you. right. thank you. will also in the news this morning. breaking news, the national highway traffic safety administration now launching an investigation
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into waymo self-driving cars. the agency posted some documentation on its website this morning that says it's going it's received about 22 reports waymo cars that are either crashing or doing something that may violate traffic laws. so the document states that these cars, apparently some cases, it's stationary objects. in other cases, crashes happened shortly after the waymo driving system behaved unexpectedly. let's say near traffic control devices, a stop sign. stoplights. the agency says this probe is going to look into how the system performs, how it detects and responds to these traffic control devices. waymo, which is headquartered in mountain view released a statement saying they are working with the agency in this probe. >> it's 803. and the big story that we're following today, fees have been breaking into honda's specifically. apparently they want their part. yeah. in san they seen this a lot and that's where kron four's michael thomas is standing by with more on the story. michael. hey, good
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morning, everyone. originally it was catalytic converters and now they're going after airbags. this image of police tell me last week with in a four-day span. >> they broke into more than dozen honda's. take a look. this is some video of the vehicles that have actually been causing a lot of attention now, samet who police say last week it received a total of 17 calls, specifically about car break-ins on honda's. these thieves are stealing the steering parts that contain driver airbags. they're doing this specifically on accords, see rv's and all that are new within 2015 or newer. take a look at your screen. those details there. what they're doing is stealing these parts because they're worth up to 1000 bucks. police say they may be selling them on the line when it comes to this specific area. well, it's more towards the south. take a listen. >> as of right now, they've been south of the 92. so so a lot of our vehicle break-ins are residential neighborhoods that are close to close to freeways.
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>> now, these are tips up on your screen of what you can do protect yourself. essentially, they're telling people you need to be parking in well-lit areas. double checking your car alarm, install security cameras at home, if you can. because again, these break-ins are happening in residential areas. and lastly purchase, maybe those old-school security club, someone's that lie across your steering wheel as they are trying to get the air bags out of the steering wheel. so would make things harder back out here live. he says when it comes to any suspects in one's been arrested, however, they do have some leads and they are working with neighboring police departments that very latest here in salmon taylor, michael thomas story of james. send it back to you right? thank you, michael. >> time now is 805. and oakland's new police chief is on the job. here he is with his first full day at the helm yesterday, floyd mitchell started monday by meeting members of the department, including new recruits that you see here. mitchell last word is chief in lubbock, texas. and now that he's the top cop in oakland, his big
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goals are building public trust >> i'm looking forward to working with you and with members of the community to can say someone to spend the rest of this week attending different meetings to get brought up to speed on several different things going on within the local police department and within this community. >> the chief also met with the command staff and they went over the latest crime figures. and here's one for ya. burglaries overall are down by 51% since last year. but residential burglaries are up 110%. so he's got his work cut out for him. man has been convicted of killing a woman who used to live with her remains were found in alameda last summer. the alameda county da just told us yesterday that joseph roberts has been found guilty of second-degree murder and the death of rachael buckner. buckner was from pleasanton and her body was found dismembered along the shoreline of bay farm island
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last summer. police say the buckner roberts used to live together and at the time of her death, they were living together. no word yet on when he'll be sentenced. >> well, in the north bay solano county police now looking for an inmate who currently walk away from a conservation camp. they say that james zhang was serving a seven-year sentence for robbery and other charges and was last seen on those campgrounds wearing a gray sweatshirt and pants. take a good look at his photograph. police want you if you know anything about him, his whereabouts to give them a call. >> it's 807, and safety on the water is top of mind this morning. multiple reports of groundings have happened over the weekend including a 5 year-old boy who died accidentally in bethel island in contra costa county overdrive. nesbit talks with a first responder about how you can stay safe. more people will be spending time by the water as temperatures warm up. but this is also when rivers are moving dangerously fast because of the snow melt. an important time to be vigilant. the middle of may and
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california's rivers are moving fast and cold. it's a dangerous time to be in the water and first responders have been busy. the waters of the san joaquin river in stanislaw county claimed the life of a 30 year-old woman. >> after she jumped in the water to save her 11 year-old daughter. we've had, you know, multiple. >> fatality incidents just in the last week contra costa county, a 5 year-old boy drowned over the weekend on bethel island. larry collins with cal oes fire and rescue says each fatalities serves as a sad reminder of the importance of water safety. exactly what we've been warning against. have a flotation on your body when you're in or near that cold water. >> staying out of the current really aware of where you are in relation to fast-moving current may is recognized nationally as water safety month and the organization courtney's cause works to prevent drownings, especially among kids. >> director of operations catherine rich says anyone
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living near water needs to physical ways of stopping their kids family with a dock. >> with the river like pretty ups to their house having way that barrier that would prevent a child from being able to access whatever by of water that is safety measures at your home and on vacation. >> as families prepare for trips this summer, ridge encourages parents to keep water safety. a top of mind ensuring that there's a fence. we're just booking a place that doesn't have a body of water directly in the backyard maybe. >> choosing to do that. once your child is a little bit older and can understand those boundaries a little better. she also recommends dressing children and bright neon close when near a body of water. >> to make them easily visible of an accident does happen. says that if you're near someone who is drowning, you should immediately call 9-1-1, a safe response. while you wait for a first responder is to try to reach the person with a poll by throwing a rope or floating device. you should not get in the water yourself
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because there have been multiple reports of more than one person drowning because of a failed rescue attempt. reporting in the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. 10 is the time. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, a security guard stops a thief at a coffee shop in san francisco. >> we'll tell you what happened. plus, a historic museum in the south bay is at risk of closing. we'll tell you what needs to happen to keep those doors open. and after the break, a bay area school closing for good. unfortunately, leaving some staff with unpaid wages. >> and today, a lot of similarities to yesterday. we're starting with the gray were ending with the sunshine 60's and sf and oakland a lowly. he's in san jose. i've got your forecast.
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>> 13 is the time right now and we're checking out the weather and admittedly, we're checking out your new suit. i my eyes. public keller on a pretty color this morning. i know like a pop of color, all pop of papaw like a puff of is coming that or the next now well, i'm not a father. yeah. we are taking that. mother nature other teachers say and we are looking outside at a lot of gray over san francisco and not just that as area of all the way down to the south bay. >> san jose right here. lots of cloud cover up above. we're going to be looking at cloud cover for likely a couple more hours. but skies will clear out pretty nicely this afternoon. and with that fog burning off along the bay shore comes a very comfortable afternoon coastal areas. you kind of hang on to it. winds are going to relax a little bit the next couple of days. and that does mean likely a little bit less fog in the
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forecast, but also a little bit of a warm-up into wednesday and thursday, high pressure ridge really not going anywhere, at least for the moment. the weekend, though, does come along with a slight cool down. everything is very slight in this forecast. no major changes. so we are in for a very subtle the ride, although there are a few changes to know today, not a lot 60's and 50's at the coast. 70's for the most part along the bay shore and then 70's to low 80's for our areas further inland. some of us along the bay shore like oakland, berkeley and richmond only reaching the 60's, even are in doubt. hang on to some upper 60's that cool ocean air that breezy been noticing. keeping you on the cooler side. as for temperatures the next 7 days, there's that little bump in temps wednesday and thursday. some mid 70's along the bay shore before a slight weekend. cooldown. >> right now. all right, john, thank you for that. well, tractor accident. this one is along northbound. want to let it hillsdale boulevard. mateo county just took a still shot from a caltrans camera. you can see the accident there you
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see the emergency crews coming to try to take that off of the highway. we've got a camera that's actually moving just behind that accident. so just showing you backups again, this is 101 just south of hillsdale where that accident is that trees actually covering it. but you can see from the still that i have here. the accident is still there is blocking a lane that things are just a little slow. if you are going to be traveling and taking maybe some of your bridges this morning. let's go ahead and head to our bay bridge right no accidents. so the 17 minute ride in the last hour, we did have a disabled vehicle that slowed us down just a little bit. now things have not fully recovered from that. there. still little slow going on or san matteo bridge along 80. and as you can see, ones that much faster. 24 minute ride across our san mateo bridge, one of the south bay. over an hour, i would take 80 to 85 to 80's. also a good option. shut to 37 in the east bay. look at that rate. the 50 minute ride. also a 85 82 oakland, also
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very busy international might be a good option. darya james, back to you. 8.16 is the time and in the east bay, a private elementary and middle school in newark, not only just suddenly end of the academic year, but they're close permanently. yeah. >> across kron four's philippe djegal actually spoke with the owner who says he feels terrible about the sudden closure that caught the whole community off guard. >> back in december, marshall and company, property management filed a property commercial eviction lawsuit against new horizon school in newark, which is still pending in alameda county superior court assigned to private elementary and middle school that opened in 1988. was on the brink of collapse, though many parents and staff members were unaware of how dire the situation was principal and owner victor dawson says he could not even afford to pay utilities leading to his swift decision to notify the community last week. all operations and instruction
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would permanently shut down in days. we have stop faucet firms are big you know, we were again in a in a pretty. >> that situation over the past few months. several teachers left when they were notified by dawson that they would not immediately get paid. and through the school's final day last friday, dawson confirms many of the remaining 16 or 17 staff members were still unpaid. >> the complaint has been filed against the school with state labor regulators, which dawson acknowledged over the phone monday with kron 4, adding that he hopes to pay those owed money, working with the labor department on >> and so we're we're in the process starts since as persistently lower enrollment limited staff. >> and financial instability starting with the economic downturn back in 2020. have regrettably let him and his school to file for chapter 7 bankruptcy and close up for good. on a normal year. we had about 100 and you know, 5280 students per year.
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>> and over the last couple of years, we drop to about 100 students. so that was just to the talk families that we were unable to get back and making matters worse. at least 8 families who were unaware of the imminent closure and paid next year's $14,000 tuition early. >> have to wait at least 90 days for making a request for reimbursement to get their money back into the game to staff that to work. you far as he could, you know, they were they were the heroes we did their >> we worked for their for their you know, we could have closed earlier. but, you know, those those staff members out just to stay open longer ensure a smooth transition for students. dawson says school records will be forwarded to schools who request finals. >> through new horizons website in newark, philippe djegal, all kron. 4 news. >> 8.19, and for your money. new data this morning shows california has the highest unemployment rate in the
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nation. the federal reserve says more than 480,000 california residents lost their jobs in the 1st quarter of 2024, our state's unemployment rate remained unchanged at 5.3% in march. more than 1 million people are unemployed. in california. california's tech and information sector suffered the biggest change in a year to year decreased. they lost more than 53,000 jobs in that category just last month. tesla, as you know, announce major layoffs in the workforce, including about 3,000 bay area. employees losing their jobs with tesla, e-bay 1000 positions. google laid off people in its engineering and advertising departments. >> new study now showing that pork prices are surging here in california. and this all comes as a result of the implementation of prop 12, which prohibited california. another out of state farmerp from selling eggs, pork or veal that comes from animals that are in non compliant housing prop 12 passed back in
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2018 and it raised pork prices in our state by about 20% since july of last year. as a result of these price increases, california's fresh pork consumption has declined falling from what was 10% to now less than 8%, least as of last of this year. well, the company, indeed, is laying off about 1000 employees. the company ceo says this round of layoffs is so the company can simplify the organization in order to make it easier for them to make decisions and help more effectively grow revenue. a letter shared with its workforce said that these layoffs affect a number of groups in regions, but they are not across the board. fact, the ceo said the impact jobs are mostly concentrated here in the u.s. around this time last year, indeed laid off about 15% of its staff due to decreases in job openings following the post-covid boom, indeed does have an office in san francisco. it's located on mission street. we're waiting to see how many employees are
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affected their 8.21. and red lobster is shutting down at least about 48 locations nationwide. and one we know is in the bay area that is closing up. >> the company announced that is in rohnert park. the red lobster and rohnert park is now closed. and in addition to the closures, a supply liquidator is auctioning off kitchen equipment from the closed locations this week. red lobster has been facing recent financial challenges, including filing for bankruptcy last month and posting an operating loss of more than 11 million dollars. red lobster has over 700 locations around the world did not know. there were so many. >> shares of meme stocks, gamestop and amc. they're called stops mean stocks. they've gone up there over 70% up this morning. something similar happened in 2021, this recent surge happened after the trader known as roaring kitty. posted for the first
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time in 3 years. and remember, they did this a true story thing that movie the movie with roaring kitty explain the hole gamestop thing. so the x user who kick started the gamestop trading frenzy in 2021. roaring kitty post that meme on sunday night. roaring kitty is back by early monday. yesterday shares of gamestop. we're up over 110%. the rise of meme stocks 3 years ago lead to gamestop peaking at nearly $500. a share. and it was a huge thing. you got to see the to explain the inner workings. it was very complicated, but they did a good job of explaining it. really gets video now. a 23 right now in coming up on the kron 4 morning news during a game last night. >> more importantly, jen, remember why researchers at uc irvine say that dreaming could irvine say that dreaming could be good for your brain. networo network for business.
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they rated their emotional responses. how you feel about the, you know, grass, you're looking whatever, right? and then they went to bed. the next day. the researchers assessed they it had this dream the previous night recorded a change in their overall mood. and the people reported that dreaming. they had a better recall of it. and those that recall that they weren't as bothered by the negative image that they had seen the night before. the study suggests that dreams help us work through our emotional experiences. they come to conclusions about stuff like dreams, you know, because i've heard before, too. but you go, wow, that how they into that. i've but you can't make yourself dream is the thing. news has to happen. yeah, it has to happen and how it happens. it may help. interesting. okay. 27 is a time. >> new this morning. a warning now from the fbi and department of homeland security about potential threats ahead of pride month. they say foreign terrorist groups like isis might exploit
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increased gatherings associated with lgbtq+ community gatherings. now the fbi's urging law enforcement and the public to report any violent threats made online or in person and they want us to watch out for any suspicious activity like people taking photographs of entrances and exits venues. anyone asking about security, a crowd sizes without explanation. those are all red flags. a 27 is the time. we'll be right back.
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>> 30 is the time right now. and we're looking at the weather on tuesday. we are out of if there's a trip we like to pick up trends for the week. is team of the week weather-wise? john, what's the
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weather trend? yeah, it's a in morning and then sunshine in the afternoon. so yeah, the weather trend has been kind of your typical may staff gray morning, sunny, but comfortable afternoons. nothing too terribly hot and nice and steady. was a lot of outside at just a lot of cloud cover out there this morning from out. and it looks pretty good. >> lot of clouds up in the north bay. watch for some low visibility on areas like highway 101, that onshore breeze has been noticeable. it's like the bay area's ac this time of year, helping to moderate our temperatures. all of it has been carrying that cool ocean air further inland and along with that does come your morning. great temperatures in the 40's and 50's right now. a few 60's further inland where we are sitting into the sunshine later on today. daytime highs will reach the 60's at the coast. 70's for the bay and a few low 80's inland right now. all right, john, thank you for gets good news. we're tracking an accident. >> now this was a long we'll show them the moment. northbound 1, 1, at hillsdale that was in san mateo county.
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thankfully that just cleared. so now drives the times are going down. things are moving along pretty nicely. they bridge right now. 18 minutes heading into the city this morning. no accidents on the bay bridge, mateo bridge around. 24 minutes, a 80 to 101. the richmond center fell bridge just short of 15 and the golden gate bridge. 37 of the tolls. 35 minutes. all right. james, back to you. thank you. reyna state. 31 and over the weekend, customers of a san francisco cafe stopped a man who was taking off with the woman's laptop. a cropper sarah stinson has more on the story and talk to the people involved. >> police say a man ran into this cafe, grabbed a laptop and ran right outside was a man named henry flynn who tackled the alleged thief to the ground and held him there until police arrived. security cameras thankfully cut the whole thing on video. unfortunately, we did not get permission to use it. it literally felt like everyone inside the cafe was screaming. henry flynn was enjoying a cup
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of coffee outside sanaa cafe saturday evening when he says he saw a man running out with a laptop. flynn works as a security guard. so he says it fell natural to take matters into his own hands. i saw someone running out with a hood. >> with a lot of talk in the right hand, almost like a football player would run with the football. i think the momentum of him running in the opposite direction of my arm, pushing him in another direction, made him stumble over towards one of the cars. that was part. and then i had the ability jump on top of this video from frisco live 4, 1, 5, shows san francisco police arresting a 19 year-old man and flynn talking with officers afterwards about what happened. flynn learned from police that the man had snatched a laptop from a woman sitting inside who thinks to flynn and others got it back. >> did you speak to the woman who is left of it was afterwards. i did. they're really cool. husband or boyfriend. yeah, actually, i my phone that what i was running after the guys. so they like the minimum. can we venmo you a little bit of
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money? just so you can get your phone fixed and i would because not really too worried about that. this video has circulated on social media. people are now calling flynn a hero, but he humbly disagrees. most people want to do the right thing. it just takes one person to really. >> i get ahead of it and everyone else will follow. flynn is a fourth-generation san franciscan who is fundraising to run for mayor this november. see myself as representing the silent majority, the city, which is the working class in bread and butter the city. i think what we need right now is the same way what happened at that cafe where everyone came together. >> we need that citywide. we need everyone coming together who's invested in the heart and soul of the root system of the city like myself, the man accused of the laptop theft was booked into jail and charged with grand theft and second-degree burglary. >> i'm sara stinson reporting back to you. >> and now also arrested in coma for allegedly stealing this motor home. this is the cers noticed this motor home was parked at a shopping center on coleman boulevard. they ran
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the plates and found that it had been reported stolen by concord police officers later found the driver of that motor home had 3 warrants out for him. he was arrested and booked into the san mateo county jail. the motor home was towed and eventually returned to its rightful owner. also happening today, protesters are going to be rally outside of google in mountain view this morning to call on the company to divest from israel. that rally set to happen during the company's i o conference where that plan to announce products and innovations. the protesters say they want google to end its work for the israeli government and military. that rally set to start at 9 o'clock. again, the i o conference is going to be out at the shoreline amphitheater. >> it's 8.34 and happening in the north bay, home care workers in sonoma county are rallying at the board of supervisors meeting today. they want better pay. the union says the workers are being paid less than a win in a living wage in the county and they say the low wages are contributing to a shortage of
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caregivers. the rally just started at 8.30, this morning in the board of supervisors meeting in santa rosa. we'll keep an eye on what happens there. meantime, in san francisco, we're watching what's going on with the nurses and the department of public health. the nurses are set to vote today on whether or not to authorize a strike over staffing. the union representing the nurses says they want the department to implement safe staffing practices, agreed a competitive wages and contract enforcement. they say the department has rejected all of their proposals and has refused to negotiate a fair contract. and in response, the members will vote on authorizing a strike. we did reach out to the health department, but we haven't heard back. >> in the south bay group, a silicon valley nonprofits plans to rally outside of san jose city hall and asked the city for more money to be put towards affordable housing. so the cup, the group is called the real coalition and they're asking city officials to do more to preserve money that would fund permanent housing solutions. this is all in
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response to a proposal that mayor matt mahan is pushing. that proposal would divert money away from measure e which was originally used to set aside money for affordable housing city. officials, though, are considering using that money instead to clear homeless encampments along waterways and place. the residents in temporary shelters. the rally today set for 12, 30 this afternoon. >> 36 right now and the first museum dedicated to fabric arts in the whole country is now in danger of closing for good right here in the bay area for nearly 50 years. the san jose museum of quilt and textiles is showcased art from all over the region and all over the world to. but as kron four's jag moment tells us the museum be trying to beat the clock now might have to close down. >> we're the first museum in the country to focus on tax how arts and that's a very, very unique bureau of other museums along the south side of san jose's downtown. >> it may be easy to but i think we're really incredible resource for the community. but for san jose museum of,
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quote, an textiles director, chris johnson, his museum, it's above its weight class. come here to this wheezing, you'll see kind of the extent of what could be done with fibers. we like the future, our local artist here because we have. >> an incredible history of fiber arts here in the bay area. different are from different artist from san jose. and the far all handmade in fiber. but after nearly 50 years in san jose sofa district, the vibrant and historic exhibit inside the museum may go away for good. unfortunately, due to the pandemic. >> and kind of the changing face of philanthropy. we just haven't been able raise the resources that we need to continue operating the way we would like to. he said the museum needs $300,000 by the summer. >> the funding that we're asking for u.s. help support the staff. we need to operate the museum. it's to help pay our mortgage. yeah, and this my first time here in julian swanson came down from san francisco. happy to be able to be here. can a little donation to them helping keep
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supporting local art. he says keeping arts alive in the bay has been a struggle. feel like it's difficult. you know what the downtowns, less traffic i can imagine, has been a big hit for them. the hope is that the museum can collect enough funds from the community. it can create an endowment and stay open for years to come. in san jose moment kron 4 news. >> a 38 is a time. and for the first time in more than a decade, the vietnamese heritage garden in san jose is about to get a major facelift. it was originally constructed in 2011 to honor the thousands of refugees who fled vietnam after the fall of saigon in 1975. you can see in these pictures, it's kind of been. dormant during that whole time. well, the improvement plan includes a new garden with trees. they'll put in some trails and benches. there's also going to be a space to host community events here you see the groundbreaking ceremony. san jose mayor matt mahan was there. he says he's pretty excited for the next steps.
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>> our shared vision is a garden that remembers the past but looks ahead to the future that pays homage to the journey that thousands of families took to find a better life here in america. and that helps create a better life providing a space for people to come together. celebrate and share the rich. did these culture with the next generation. >> now the first phase of the project will include adding a statue featuring an american soldier and a vietnamese soldier standing side by side. you see it there, work on the garden could start later this year. and don't forget to tune in every thursday this month as we highlight stories about the bay area's api community all leading up to that special that we have planned for you on thursday may 23rd at 06:30pm, again right here on kron 4. >> 40 right now. and you've been to a baby shower. but have you ever been to a kiddie shower on the peninsula at the humane society. there they are throwing okay the shower. so
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what is that? well, you're invited to come and learn about kittens and bring gifts. by the way. i'll get to that a second. you can come to the kitten nursery. you can watch cats get fed and the little masses with a syringe. how cute is that? they'll tell you all about services and >> you can just learn about everything about cats. if you ever want to know. and now back to the gifts. so it's okay. shower. you bring a kid, a gift for for the cats. and that includes like kitten formula. wet food would be welcome as something to donate. >> the event is free and they also have crafts and movies. if you've got kids with you to keep them busy, that will be fun. it's running from noon to 3 on saturday at the rollins road facility 40 right now and the san francisco bay ferry says they've got a lot of riders. they broke a ridership record. in fact, the service says after the pandemic their morning commute ridership has gone up. they had more than 2300 riders a day last week
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and there was a huge jump, particularly on the oakland route. >> we're going to take a break a 41 still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. the giants looking to build off their walk-off win as they hosted their rival dodgers last night. we'll tell you how it worked out for him. meanwhile, a major setback for the group that's trying to stop the use of tax money to fund the of tax money to fund the stadium in las vegas.
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>> we're all really travel. oh, my gosh. really is. when weight, it's coming up on to a swimming. and i think it's like next. the 26 the 26th. >> you are like that, correct? yes. okay. it's the 24th through the 27. you go. so morial, they travel, as you can see here on the screen setting records this year. apparently both here in california and across the country. >> aaa says 5 point 5, 6 million, the very specific more than 5 million californians are going to be traveling this holiday, which is 82% of them say they're going to drive. that pattern extends across the country, according to their data, record number of americans choosing to travel by car. they say gas prices are roughly the same as they were last year, but maybe a little bit cheaper due to fluctuating oil prices are so >> cheaper. not here, not so much here. maybe if you're going to go to boise, which is gorgeous. this time of year, texas, they get really cheap. yeah, but i want go anywhere. i mean, if you do, it looks like sfo is fine. but john, the weather here is great. yeah, no, it's been so nice. i loved yesterday afternoon. we've noticed those winds for sure that we've been talking
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about that same. when does help to cool us off a little bit. you can see all that cloud cover above half moon bay right here. side of that ocean. cool there that continues to sweep into the bay this morning. seeing a spotty your cloud cover across the bay. now that burn off is already happening. and that means we're going to see a lot of sunshine this afternoon inland areas. you're already underneath that. a little stubborn fog at the coastline later today. winds do continue into tomorrow morning. i know that's st-rring up a lot of pollens for. so for those of us that are allergies suffers. that doesn't feel too great. we are going to see winds relaxing a little bit into tomorrow. and thursday, though, and that will play a part in temperatures climbing just a little further low to our south begins to exit the region. highs not going anywhere, though. that will result in our temperatures being the warmest of this forecast tomorrow and thursday. so if you like some warm weather, particularly get outside those days. so actually cooling down a little bit this weekend us that sea breeze kicks right back up temps in the 50's and 60's at the coast. 60's and 70's along the bay shore and then 70's
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80's for our inland areas. back up to 81 in livermore in san jose will hayward san leandro comfortably low 70's oakland, berkeley of to richmond in the 60's. vacaville in antioch are very warmest spots each at eighty-four degrees today. let's get you a look ahead. so i already noted that if you like the warmth wednesday and thursday are the days to get out there the weekend. look at that. 70's at the very warmest for inland areas like livermore, antioch, this is going to feel like some nice relief from those warmer temperatures right now. all right, john, thank you for that. well, if you are traveling in the south bay. >> been seeing traffic building throughout the morning. this is northbound on a dollar aac. if you are hitting the roads in the south bay, you'll notice 101. 82 87. all pretty congested at this hour. and that's the accident down there. a lot of people traveling and driving the south is not the only places congested also in the east bay. if you are traveling into the city this morning, notice the bay bridge about a 20 minute ride into the city this
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morning. we had a few traffic hazards on the bridge, but no accidents along. 24 recover from a fire westbound. 24, as you're traveling stevens boulevard there, that fire vehicle fires now gone. but you still have that residual delays. river like 12 minutes now at 22 to make it from walnut creek down to 5.80, how a 4 seed. a lot of progress here. although we're 30 minutes now we're up to about 15 minutes at the peak of the morning commute. double down the fremont still in the orange about 30 minutes there. let's check on 80 now. we're back to 2 hercules. a 35 minute, right? remember, guys take some pablo avenue. it's a good alternate for maneuvering around those delays. james, back to you. thanks. a lot rain and a 47 and a major setback. now in the effort to have las vegas be the home of the stadium. yeah. so the proposed ballot measure. >> that was written by nevada teachers that would appear on the next election. turns out it's not going to be on the b 4
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dan kerman has more on what where things stand when the battle lawmakers approved spending 380 million dollars in public money to help fund a stadium in las vegas last june. >> the nevada teachers union took steps to reverse that decision by putting the issue to a public vote. this november. now that won't happen. the nevada supreme court upheld a lower court ruling that the proposed ballot measure was not written correctly and petition signatures cannot be gathered until it's read and to comply with state law fighting billionaires is never easy. this is just minor setback. alexandra marks with the teachers union schools over stadium says the ruling means the measure won't appear on this november's ballot because now there are only 44 days left to rewrite the petition and then collect the 102,000 signatures with no state elections in 2025. that means the next chance for a public vote is november of 2026. but schools over stadiums remains undeterred. this still remains
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incredibly unpopular locally. it's still under water. 20%. >> you know, preventing the teachers from going out there ensure every student has a high-quality public education is probably not going help with their polling either. but, you know, we we remain committed to try and help fix the misguided priorities of the state. so not much has really changed. in a statement, the attorney who represents the coalition opposing the ballot measure, which includes the a's, was pleased with the ruling saying all nevadans have a right to participate in direct democracy, but they need to observe the laws that require properly informing the voters of a proposal. this measure failed to do that. all they did was delay if they were hoping for a quick decision and calling it a day and saying that they want that's not what they got today as part of a 2 pronged attack, schools over stadiums has sued the state of nevada saying the passage of that funding measure violates nevada state constitution. that case is yet to come to trial. dan kerman kson, 4 news. 50 the time new
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this morning. check it out. the golden state women's basketball team now has an official name. we've been waiting. >> and now they're going to be known as the valkyrie long. glad you're pronouncing it right, because i have to admit a lot of valkyrie. so i know worriers. so i thought it would be with that theme. but dell curry's is not warriors. was in north the south breeze are. >> fearless, unwavering women that's where this name comes from now. i love it. says they got him home. modern interpretation of the name. now to also include being bold fierce. and so they're going to be a whole lot of that. >> going on. and the logo is going to be purple. a purple v which stands for about reason victory. i love and you can see there's elements in there that resembled a bay bridge. you got that. how are you that the cables coming down? 13 line specifically numbered off there for the being. the 13th active wnba franchise. and we actually don't know a bridge
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that is it could yeah. i mean, it's bridges, but it's just and it's kind of like asked by the way, right city. they're going to host of out block party saturday from 6 from 2 until 6, 0, get out. there 8.51. is a time right now. now let's talk continuing sports. >> baseball's the giants kicking off their series against the dreaded dodgers oracle park. yeah. the giants were hoping to extend their winning streak. fell short, though. we have kron 4 sports director jason dumas school. the highlights. >> the giants haven't gotten off to the best start this season and it's shown in the standings the injury report. a lot of things have gone wrong for this team. but if you look at the bright side, they are on a two-game win streak in may be a good showing in this upcoming series with the dodgers can turn things around and you know, it's always a good turnout when the dodgers are in town, look at line getting into oracle. all right. bottom of the second, luis matos. >> he turns on this one. get
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this. it was his first hit of the season and it's a three-run bomb giant. take the lead. bottom of the 6, we have a tie game to offer elliott ramos that one want to get through. i mean, he comes on into score and the giants regained the lead. top of the 7th same score, kiki hernandez. he hits a shot. >> that got out of the park in a hurry. that ties the game and it will go into extras. top of the tent. same score to offer will smith. he and a fresh prince. but he agreed baseball. that's warning track. 2 more runs score. it is 6 to 4 just like that. bottom of the frame giants with a chance to at least tie it. trying to he's up at the plate. but he gives jam. that's a 5, 4, 3 double play giants. it was a heartbreaker 6, the floor game 2 of this
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series. >> tonight, 6.45, at oracle. all right. that's a look at sports. >> it's 53 right now. and coming up on the kron, 4 morning news just ahead of the november elections. some election workers say their fear for their safety. we're going to see how the department of justice is responding. and done. can we just call my dad now? ohh. ahh! gorilla glue. of course. gorilla glue is incredibly strong and versatile, even outdoors.
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for the toughest jobs on planet earth unlike those other messy whole body deodorants, native whole body deo dries on contact, doesn't leave white residue on clothes, and fights odor for 72 hours. for your pits, privates, chest, thighs, and feet! how do they do it? get native.
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>> and we're back at 8.56. and a bmrbecue spot on the peninsula made it into the top 100 spots in the country. according to yelp, they rank multiple eateries based on certain criteria and capello's barbecue in redwood city took the 33rd spot about that since
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2012 that food truck has brought the southern barbecue flavors to hungry people across the bay. we had chance to hear from john capello he's the owner of a barbecue pit master. he says the experiment with flavors from central texas, which is where his family is from. they're open every day except on mondays. but every day at 11 o'clock in the morning he making you hungry and not looking at that ladder. you look at that could meet sweats off of hubbard. all right. coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news, a san jose buddhist temple burned and we're going to have the latest in a live report. >> on what's going on now with that fire. plus. are targeting one car specifically more than others hondas. we'll tell you why. >> and an east bay man is found guilty of killing a woman used to live with. we're going to have the latest on going to have the latest on that. ow network is no network for business.
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9:00 am
>> right now, the kron 4 morning news and east bay man found guilty of killing a woman whose remains were discovered last summer. a massive fire breaks out at a buddhist temple in san jose. we're live at the scene with the aftermath and a warning from police as thieves. now target honda cars for their parts. we'll explain in a live report. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> good morning. and thanks for waking up with us on a tuesday. i'm sorry. and i'm james. let's get the hour. started rights with a check of weather and traffic from john and rain. they're standing by just off-camera. just with how


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