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tv   KRON 4 News at 9am  KRON  May 14, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> right now, the kron 4 morning news and east bay man found guilty of killing a woman whose remains were discovered last summer. a massive fire breaks out at a buddhist temple in san jose. we're live at the scene with the aftermath and a warning from police as thieves. now target honda cars for their parts. we'll explain in a live report. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> good morning. and thanks for waking up with us on a tuesday. i'm sorry. and i'm james. let's get the hour. started rights with a check of weather and traffic from john and rain. they're standing by just off-camera. just with how
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does the grain compare this morning? yeah, civil are great so yesterday, but it is burning off a little bit quicker along the bay shore. so we're seeing it kind of being a little less stubborn, i guess you could say the un outside this morning from mount tam. you can see that blanket that's sitting right above us. that should cool there. that's been sweeping through the past couple of mornings. still very much so present in the north bay, especially pockets along the bay shore. winds are a little bit calmer than yesterday. still a bit breezy towards the latter half of the day as that cooler ocean breeze sweeps back in tonight. likely a little less breezy, though, as we move into tomorrow and thursday. it will be good news, especially for our g suffers. temperatures right now are in the 50's to 60's heyward. pittsburgh fairfield in the low 60's. brett, what in vacaville? some of our warmer spots. kelsey bill already near 70 degrees later on today. daytime highs do reach the 70's and low 80's just like they did yesterday. thank you for that. well, we do have a bar to lure. if you are taking bart. >> looks like they're not stopping at the macarthur
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station because of some police activity. that note just drop a few seconds ago. again, bart, not stopping at the station because of some police activity there on the bay bridge. got an accident right near the toll plaza. but the drive times haven't changed that acts and he's been there. >> for the past 8 minutes. so hopefully it's a minor traffic collision and get off the bridge pretty quickly. 21 minutes on the san mateo bridge over center field bridge back down to under 13. we got up there this morning, a 30 minute ride that's down from 40 across the golden gate bridge because 1, 1, in the north bay. it's been a little slow this morning. darya james, back to you. thanks. a lot rain. it's 901. and our top story is the fire that broke out last night at a buddhist temple and san jose. we've will trend out there live for us with more on the reaction to this and the questions because initially will lot of people wondered, was this. >> hate related? >> i just literally got off the phone with the san jose fire department and they do not believe this is a hate
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crime. of course they have to consider it every time, james, because if there's a fire at a religious structure, they have to ponder that. and certainly they looked at it. and they said to me this morning, just a few minutes ago, actually, they do not believe it's a hate crime. despite the damage to this location, 4 people were inside presumably monks inside at the time. but they all got out safely. no injuries and they are staying at other buddhist temples in san jose. in the meantime, so let me show you some pictures when the fire broke out. it happened at around 8 o'clock last night. and this is off of pfos avenue. it is a big structure. we do see the roof here as far as the wing of just completely collapsed in certain parts. but i looked around and i did see a lot of embers and a lot of water and other parts of the building, which is why those people are displaced. it took the fire department a little wild and knock down the flames and more importantly to deal with the
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hot spots, which is why the state here late last night they were able to leave. and now that the sun is up, they do expect investigators to come back out to try to find out the cause of the fire. the simply don't know at this time and they want to preserve this area. and you can clearly see if we head out live right now. you can see they put up this fence at this location just to preserve it to make sure it's exactly what it was when they left so they can go in there and try to find out the cause of the fire. but the good news is, again, i just got off the phone with them and they do not believe this was a hate crime. back to you. all right. thanks a lot. we'll. >> 903, is the time. and also new this morning, the national highway traffic safety administration has announced it is launching an investigation into waymo and its self-driving cars. the agency posted on its web site this morning that they received about twenty-two reports of wind cars either crashing or doing something that may have violated traffic laws. the documents say these
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cars in some cases hit stationary objects. in other cases. crashes happened shortly after the women driving system behaved unexpectedly many times near traffic control. devices like stop lights or stop signs. so the agency is now going to be looking into the system's performance in c how exactly it is responding to these traffic control devices waymo, which is headquartered in mountain view, says it is going to be cooperating with the agency during this probe. >> it's 904, and a big story that we're following. seas are breaking into specifically honda's for the part this is happening a lot recently and san mateo. and that's why kron four's. >> michael thomas is standing by there live with what we all need to know. michael. >> i good morning, everyone. it's something you want to be aware of here in san mateo. police say these break-ins that happened last week in a matter of 4 days. gettable to they actually broke into more than a dozen honda's not only stealing parts, but also breaking the driver window. do
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police department says last week it received 17 calls about car break-ins and all were hondas. the model's most targeted civics accord and cr-v knees and all were 2015 or newer. and officer jeremy threats as these thieves are after specific part, pacific lee for their air bags on driver's side or their driver steering wheel. >> and that's something that we really seen in the past. >> he goes on to say these thieves use a screwdriver to pop open the steering wheel and once they've got the goods, they may be reselling them online as these parts can resell for up to 1000 bucks. you know, over the last couple years, we've had the catalytic converter thefts were criminals would still the catalytic converters off the car and then somehow we sell >> to get money. we assume that this is same time the bank. >> the break-ins are all happening within a specific area of san mateo. and now the department says these may try to move on to other areas, which is why they want people to be aware. as of right now, they've been south of the 92. so. >> so a lot of our vehicle
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break-ins are residential neighborhoods that are close to close to freeways. >> as of now, drivers are advised to park in well-lit areas double check their car alarms and invest in security cameras if possible. lastly purchasing a security club that lies across the steering wheel. could be your best bet. as it protects a specific area. these thieves are going for. now when it comes to any suspects have not arrested anybody. but they say they do have some leads and they were are working with local law agencies nearby. so as we get more updates. >> we'll keep you updated. that's the very latest here in mateo michael thomas will send it back to to live in the studio for now. michael, thank you. >> it's 906. and it is the second day on the job for oakland's new police chief. there he is on his first day, floyd mitchell took over yesterday. and the first thing did meet members of the department, including these new recruits mitchell last worked as the chief in lubbock, texas. now that is the top cop in oakland. he has many eagles among them
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building public trust. >> i'm looking forward to working with you and with members of the community to can say someone spend the rest of this week attending different meetings to get brought up to speed on several different things going on within the local police department and within this community. >> and the chief also met with the command staff and they went over the latest crime stats. you hear one burglaries overall were down by 51% over last year in oakland, but residential burglaries. those are up by 110%. so the chief has his work cut out for him. in the east bay. a man was convicted of killing a woman and that he used to live with her remains were found in alameda last summer. the elevated da just announced yesterday that joseph roberts was convicted. he was found guilty of second-degree murder in the death of rachael buckner. she was from pleasanton and they were living together when she disappeared. her body was found dismembered along the
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shoreline of bay farm island last summer. now that he's been convicted, the next step is for him to be sentenced. >> in the north face long, the county police now looking for an inmate who walked away from a conservation camp. we've got a photo of him. they say he is james zhang. now he served a seven-year, was serving a seven-year sentence for robbery and other charges but skipped off. he was last seen on the campgrounds wearing a gray sweatshirt and pants. take a good look. police are asking if you know who he is, where he is. give them a call. 5 people including 4 children, tried to run off with the cash register in valais over the weekend. but police say that cash register actually had a tracker inside so they were able to find them pretty quickly. police say that theft happened. saturday was in a business on tennessee in amador strts will zoom in on the maps. you can see officers say one of the suspects had a cashier with a handgun before ffith that register, police wee toind all 5. they've all been arrested.
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police also found the gun that was used and all the stolen money too. >> it's 909. and we're getting towards a memorial day in the summer time. temperatures are going to be warming up and you might think about getting in the water and over the weekend there were multiple drownings that happen. there was a 5 year-old boy who drowned behind a home in bethel island in contra costa county. there was a mom. instead, his last county who jumped into the san joaquin river to save her 11 year-old daughter because the daughter fell into the water and the mom didn't make the daughter did. several organizations are using this to highlight water safety rivers are moving really fast right now. there's a lot of runoff. the snow as it's melting, is making those temperatures freezing cold. >> have a flotation on your body when you're in or near that cold water staying out of the current really aware of where you are in relation to fast-moving current.
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>> and what they say is that, first of all, if you see somebody and you think they're not going make it their drowning immediately, call 9-1-1. don't jump into the water. call 9-1-1. >> then try to reach the person with a rope or a pole or if you have a floating device, something throw that towards them. don't try to go in the water self because what i say, for example, just over the weekend, a mom went to the water to save her child. and we hear this over and over again. a lot of times there's a failed rescue attempt and somebody is not going to make it so they say don't let that be. you. dozens of parents and students in the east bay are left in the lurch to scrambling to find a new school because there's suddenly closed the elementary and middle school, new horizons had its last day of school on friday for good. the principal says that low enrollment limited staff and financial troubles have led them to file for bankruptcy. he says the school could not
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afford even to keep the power and the utilities going and they 16 staff members, at least they'll them pay. and then there's 8 families. they had no idea about the closure, right? so what they did is they paid next year's tuition early and that was $14,000 apiece. so now they have to wait 90 days, at least before they can make a request for reimbursement of that tuition. they paid. >> 9.11, is the time. we're going to take a break. but still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, a security guard stopped a thief at a coffee shop in san francisco. will walking through what happened. meanwhile, a major setback for the group that's trying to stop. nevada or las vegas specifically from using taxpayer funds to build that new stadium for the a's will new stadium for the a's will have the update in a minute.
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ teacher: ...but it's still true. there are four states of matter. there are solids, liquids, gases... teacher: trevor? teacher: not quite? plasma. teacher: lights please. teacher: now, states of matter are comprised of relationships between molecules. teacher: molecules' relationships... nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen anxiety. teacher: saved by the bell!
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ >> 9.14, is the time right now. wow. great composition. your photographer, james. yeah, it's a beautiful shot. love looks like he's going by is that a truffle? the tree? doctor yeah. all right. all i see is the great out there because we're waking up to this morning. this is sure stick around again, john. it is well, not for too much longer. we got that sunshine this afternoon and it's burning off already there in the bay that delay could have low gray is. >> definitely something that has kept us nice and cool. helping to moderate our temps. still a couple of foggy pockets in the north bay. most of the rest of us really clearing out. >> winds are really relaxed at the moment. we will see them picking back up late this afternoon, pushing another blanket of fog in for your evening hours tonight.
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temperatures are fairly comfortable at the moment. right now we're in the 50's to low to mid 60's out there. definitely not a bad day to be stepping outside, savoring some of that sunshine that we are going to be tapping into plenty of today. high pressure. ridge is really the predominate factor in this forecast. built up to the west. it builds in just a little bit tomorrow and thursday. this results in temperatures bumping up just a couple of degrees. those couple of degrees is the key word here, though, because this forecast really not changing a whole lot. very minimal warm-up ahead. upper 50's to low 60's at the coast. upper 60's to low 70's along the bay shore and even some mid 70's from saying carlos down through mountain view, san jose, you'll get up to 81 along with campbell in livermore. well, fremont union city hayward to castro valley in the mid 70's oakland up to richmond in the upper 60's and our warmest spots, antioch, in vacaville each. 84 degrees. let's get you a look ahead. so tomorrow's temperatures mid
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80's at the very, very same for thursday, mid 70's along the bay shore. that is the very subtle warm-up i've been mentioning before. another subtle cool down into the weekend with highs only in the 70's rain. all right, john, thank you for that lilah ward taken. we do have a bark alert. >> so trains are not stopping at the macarthur station. they have some police activity going on. we're not sure what that is. exactly. but as of right now, that causes your staff know they're not stopping there. so might have to get on the stop for the stop after and then take a bus or maybe even a lift to that location. a 13 minute ride for you traveling into the city member. last check in. we had accident on the bay bridge. that's clear. that's right. near the toll plaza drive times around 17 minutes went down to 13. so that was a minor traffic collision. 17 minute ride to mateo bridge. 1, one is still pretty >> 53 minutes down from 60. so 82 even to 80 might be better alternate check on the east bay solely as a data to 37. 43
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minutes while 5 88 80, if you have to choose between the 2, that's a 5.80. looks a little lighter right now, but not by a whole lot. >> darya james, we'll send it back to you. time to talk winners and losers with that financial expert rob black. rob, how are the stocks doing? >> very little. so they're we're ending or season. we still get a couple here. and there like home depot. home depot's and you know, interest rates are so high that people are doing big budget home repairs for home improvements. little ppi number was disappointed today, but not bad because some of the past numbers were reduced ppi is producer prices tomorrow, cpi, consumer prices. that's big one. how much you and i are spending and the west to get retail sales. how much are we spending in where so much again tomorrow? so ok, where's the damany? >> and i say that because roaring kitty is back and that was the movie about the game stock thing. that was all about roaring kitty. you see
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the movie? i did. it was fantastic. it was a lot of people really like. and i know it's funny cause financial people. we tend to say we don't like finance but it was pretty so you did. is at risk i saw >> as a lay person trying understand the whole game stop thing and like it the way that these people lost their money and how roaring kitty, you know it explained it to me. you already know how that works. so was that accurate by actor a company that looks like they're struggling right out and >> a lot of professionals in my industry not may will short the stock betting that it loses right get enough young people or enthusiastic people say let's let's bull charged hedge funds and see if we can't make them spin up. a little blood is, you know, yesterday gamestop was up 60% de up 74%. those numbers might be flipped but it's it's amc is doing the same c used that huge surge yesterday to a
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pool, hundreds of millions of dollars out for themselves too. and if need to fund their business for the future, which is a good thing, you have a love for all the people that invested because when i saw the movie, they all lost their money. >> most people in a plus their so if you're going to do this, do it in a very quick burst. i'm not going to do it. >> maybe by today. and so tomorrow, maybe by today and saw this >> it's not meant to these companies are meant to thrive. they're struggling for a reason. >> but a short squeeze is what it's called is kind of fun to watch from a distance from me from as a guy who doesn't want lose money, it's too risky for it. sounds like handling you know what's south? scary stuff. >> he can you explain this thing to me about the medium median home price adjusted for inflation, cause? i don't understand. are you saying in 1965? the homes were 200 to $1000. i don't. >> think they were. they were no, no. it just it doesn't like 40,000 or in 1965 now. if you adjust them for today's
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dollar and how it's inflated over time its $202,000, 215 the median home in 1965. where is the median home today? not adjusted for inflation because it's in today's dollars. now is 420,000, which all this means, daria, is that it's twice as tough were twice as expensive to buy a home with what you 1965 icy. and. it feels like it takes a lot more to buy home. it is bottom line there. >> right. thank that makes sense? now there's one more thing. confused by the airlines say that they don't want these the transparency thing, you know, where there there's no more fees and we get to just see the real price. the ticket. >> because they say it will confuse us. if they do that. that me. >> ticket prices are ticket prices. could you get your ticket and then you have to pay for your back yeah, that you have to pay for a change.
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paper cancellation, it's confusing. you have to pay for your seat. it's not confusing. it's a little misleading mister. okay, misleading. but they're saying. >> if they rule all that and one, robbie and just give me the price of the ticket, all be confused. they say past years we won't like >> that will get. i think there's some truth to that. so alaska, american, delta, hawaiian and united are suing united states congress and we don't want to show people these fees because we don't think they can handle i think that's a lot of bs personally. i'm sending you know, my kids are going to europe the it wasn't just the ticket. and then those tickets sitting together that we had to pay for their to get their luggage paid for a started as a $400 ticket and it is a $700 and i just did it but it's frustrating because it wasn't an upfront allies say because i never have my kids sit next to me. >> but women's back. tell me about women's basketball on this day that we found out the the golden state val kilmer
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ease women norse warriors. yeah. so what about basketball? i still never be the same. >> caitlin in wnba debut tonight. she's bringing money into the sport big-time. her game sold out. the wnba wants to change their tv contract next year when it's over from 60 million, they want at least 120 million, far cry from the billions of dollars that the men yet. but still interesting, clarkson make $76,000 this year as a rookie in college because she could sell her name or image in our licensing. she was making 3.4 million. so the women's league is still kind of underperforming as far salaries go $147,745 to the average this year? but some positives are happening. all the planes are going. all the flights will be chartered. so the 6 foot 5 tall women don't have to sit in economy seats and not know the baggage fees are going you ticket sales up. 93% right. and 36 of the 40
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games. caitlin clark plays and will be on espn. there is some controversy because she is white, she's getting all this fanfare and there's a lot of attention where there have been better players who might have had color their skin in the past. but i think the wnba as an organization is happy to see the revenues coming in we shall see where it goes from here. all right. thanks a lot, rob. >> it's very if you have a question or comment. robbie can reach him on e-mail
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>> we have a new warning from the fbi and the department of homeland security about potential threats ahead of pride month. they say that foreign terrorist groups like isis might exploit the
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gatherings that are going to be happening, you know, associate with the lgbtq+ community. so the fbi is really urging the public and of course, law enforcement as well to be ready and aware report any violent threat that you see online or that is made against someone or some group they say watch out for any suspicious activity. for example, somebody who's taking photographs of entrances and exits of a venue. we're asking about security or crowd sizes without explanation. >> 9.26 the time and convicted killer scott peterson's defense team is trying to get him a new trial by gathering new evidence. but the stanislaus county district attorney's office is opposing that motion. the la innocence project is representing peterson now and they want to do testing for dna on a rope and a stolen van that was burned near the petersons home around the time that his wife, laci went missing the da's
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office is asking the judge, though, to deny that motion. they say there's already enough evidence that was previously used to convict peterson back in 2004. coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news, a tribute to vietnamese heritage in san jose. re imagined garden. >> where they just broke >> where they just broke ground.
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my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga, like: hazy or blurred vision, so it's hard to see fine details, colors that appear dull or washed out, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you think you have ga, don't wait. treatments are available. ask a retina specialist about fda-approved treatments for ga and go to
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>> 9.29. right now and we're getting used to this kind of drill. you know, gray morning, sunny afternoons again and again. it's terrible other. could do i can do it. a little less of allergy reactions and the air just year. that's the unfortunate thing that wind just comes through and >> stirs up that pollen, which
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is not been a plus for a lot of us. but that moderating effect on temperatures that that sea breeze comes along with it. i'd say that's been pretty nice. your view outside at the bay bridge looks okay. a nice little breeze pushing through this morning. keeping things relatively mild. santa rosa still looking at a lot of cloud cover up ahead as well as the coast. a lot of the rest of us, though, really clearing out brightening up now winds will pick up again into the afternoon. scooting through that ocean breeze and allowing temperatures to stay on the cool side. current temps right now we're in the 50's to 60's. you can definitely see where that sunshine is. brentwood at 68 degrees right now. vacaville at 66, where is santa rosa? oakland, alameda, all hanging out in the 50's later on today. 60's 70's and 80's is where most of us will land right >> i don't think that a part is now back to normal. they are stopping a macarthur station right now. but remember, they had some earlier police activity going on. so they were able to resolve it pretty quickly
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lasted for about 30 minutes, 30 minute ride into the city. no accidents are hazards. traffic hazards that we had on the bay bridge. at the start of the hour. those feared 17 minutes on the san mateo bridge will still gradually dropping the 9 minute ride along the richmond. sandra fell bridge golden gate bridge about 21 minute ride that reaches back to you. thanks. a lot rain. it's 9.31. and a san francisco cafe was the scene of a theft and attend. well, almost customers stepped in and they stop what was going a laptop was about to go out the door cropper. sara stinson spoke with the people who are involved in preventing it. >> police say a man ran into this cafe, grabbed a laptop and ran right outside was a man named henry flynn who tackled the alleged thief to the ground and held him there until police arrived. security cameras. thankfully, couple whole thing on video. unfortunately, we did not get permission to use it. it
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literally felt like everyone inside the cafe was screaming. henry flynn was enjoying a cup of coffee outside sanaa cafe saturday evening when he says he saw a man running out with a laptop. flynn works as a security guard. so he says it fell natural to take matters into his own hands. i saw someone running out with a hood. >> with a lot of talk in the right hand, almost like a football player would run with the football. i think the momentum of him running in opposite direction of my arm, pushing him in another direction, made him stumble over towards one of the cars. that was part. and then i had the ability to jump on top of him. this video from frisco live 4, 1, 5, shows san francisco police arresting a 19 year-old man and flynn talking with officers afterwards about what happened. flynn learned from police that the man had snatched a laptop from a woman sitting inside who thinks to flynn and others got it back. >> did you speak to the woman who is left of? it was afterwards. i did. they're really cool. husband or boyfriend. yeah, actually, i my phone that what i was runling after the guys. so
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they like the minimum. can we venmo you a little bit of money? just so you can get your phone fixed and i would because not really too worried about that. this video has circulated on social media. people are now calling flynn a hero, but he humbly disagrees. most people want to do the right thing. it just takes one person to really. >> i get ahead of it and everyone else will follow. flynn is a fourth-generation san franciscan who is fundraising to run for mayor this november. see myself as representing the silent majority, the city, which is the working class in bread and butter the city. i think what we need right now is the same way what happened at cafe where everyone came together. >> we need that citywide. we need everyone coming together who's invested in the heart and soul of the root system of the city like myself, the man accused of the laptop theft was booked into jail and charged with grand theft and second-degree burglary. >> i'm sara stinson reporting back to you. >> well, 9.34 here happening right now. protesters are rallying outside the mountain
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view event this morning. they're calling on the company to divest from israel. that rally is happening during the company's i o conference where that google is announcing its productions and innovations for developers. the protesters say they want google to end its work with the israeli government and the military. that rally again is happening at the shoreline amphitheater as we speak. >> its 9.34 and also happening now in the north bay, home care. workers in sonoma county are rallying at the board of supervisors meeting. they want higher pay. the union representing the workers says they're paid less than the living wage in the county and that those low wages are contributing to a shortage of caregivers. they are rallying at the board of supervisors. meeting in santa rosa will tell you what comes of that. plus, we're following what's going on in temperatures. go with nurses for the department of public health. they are voting today whether to authorize a strike over staffing levels and other disagreements they have with their contract. the union that represents the nurses says
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that they want better pay and they want safe staffing practices and contract enforcement. they say the department has rejected their proposals and is refusing to negotiate a fair contract. so there's that strike authorization vote today. we did reach out to the health department. we have her back. >> in the north bay, a group of silicon valley nonprofits plan to rally outside of san jose city hall to ask the city for more money when it comes to affordable housing. so the real coalition is asking city officials now to do more to preserve money that would fund permanent housing solutions in response to a proposal that they say mayor matt mahan is pushing. the proposal would divert money away from the measure which were originally set aside money for affordable housing. but city officials are now considering using that money to clear homeless encampments along waterways and to place those residents in temporary shelters. the rally is set for 12, 30 this afternoon. >> it's 9.36 it's a major setback in the effort to stop public money from going
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towards the stadium in las vegas. yeah. the proposed ballot measure which was written up by the nevada teachers union apparently will not be appearing on the ballot in the next election after all 4, dan kerman has more. the lawmakers apppoved spending 380 million dollars in public money to help fund a stadium in las vegas last june. >> the nevada teachers union took steps to reverse that decision by putting the issue to a public vote. this november. now that won't happen. the nevada supreme court upheld a lower court ruling that the proposed ballot measure was not written correctly and petition signatures cannot be gathered until it's read and to comply with state law fighting billionaires is never easy. this is just minor setback. alexandra marks with the teachers union schools over stadium says the ruling means the measure won't appear on this november's ballot because now there are only 44 days left to rewrite the petition and then collect the 102,000 signatures with no state elections in 2025. that means the next chance for a public
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vote is november of 2026. but schools over stadiums remains undeterred. this still remains incredibly unpopular locally. it still underwater 20%. >> you know, preventing the teachers from going out there ensure every student has a high-quality public education is probably not going help with their polling either. but, you know, we we remain committed to try and help fix the misguided priorities of the state. so not much has really changed. in a statement, the attorney who represents the coalition opposing the ballot measure, which includes the a's, was pleased with the ruling saying all nevadans have a right to participate in direct democracy, but they need to observe the laws that require properly informing the voters of a proposal. this measure failed to do that. all they did was delay if they were hoping for a quick decision and calling it a day and saying that they want that's not what they got today as part of a 2 pronged attack, schools over stadiums has sued the state of nevada saying the passage of that funding
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measure violates nevada state constitution. that case is yet to come to trial. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> well, for the first time in more than a decade, the vietnamese heritage garden san jose's about to get a major facelift. this what it looks like now churn needs one right? the garden was originally constructed in 2011 to honor the thousands of refugees who fled vietnam over the or after the fall of saigon. and 75. but it's largely sat empty this whole time. well, this improvement plan would include installing a new garden with trees. the have trails and benches. they'll also be a space to host community events to san jose mayor matt mahan was there for the groundbreaking ceremony. and here's little bit of what he had to say. >> our shared vision is a garden tha remembers the past but looks ahead to the future that pays homage to the journey that thousands of families took to find a better life here in america. and it helps create a better life providing a space for people to come together. celebrate
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and share the rich. did these culture with the next generation? >> well, the first phase of the project will include adding a statue featuring an american soldier and a vietnamese soldier standing side by side. you see that there work on the garden could start. they say later this year. well, tune into every thursday. don't forget here on kron 4 this month as we highlight different stories from the bay area's api community all leading up to that special that we have planned for you thursday evening. that's may 23rd at 06:30pm, right here on kron 4. >> all right. in front of a bridal shower and a baby shower without a key shower. yeah. the peninsula humane society is having one. and what you do is you go there and you learn about kittens say it's called a kitten shower where people can score the kitten nursery and see the kitty cats there. you can watch. you can't get fed with a syringe in its mouth. also, you learn about the organization's services and maybe pet the cats. watch them sleep and guests also encouraged to bring right. you
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know, you bring a present to a showers. so you've got to bring shower gift for the kittens. and in this case they would welcome kitten formula and wet food. the event is free. and also if you have kids for the kids are going crafts and movies and this runs on saturday from noon to 3 at the organization's rollins road facility. it's 9.40 and the san francisco bay ferry has broken a ridership record. lot more. people are riding every day. in fact, after the pandemic their morning commute ridership is way up. they had more than 2300 riders a day last week and there was a big jump in particular on the oakland route. well, thursday is bike to everywhere, day wherever you want to go in san francisco, a in honor of maybe national bike month. the san francisco bicycle coalition is going to have citywide rides and a rally at city hall. >> so the day's going to start at 07:30am in the morning. they'll have rides in golden gate park along the embarcadero. a few other spots
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as well. but they'll all and at this rally on the steps of city hall around 9 o'clock or so that told you, i discovered like for you, its pedal assist electric. that that's been made from all right. we're going to take a break at 9.41. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. a new bill targeting extreme speeding. >> across california, the push for bigger punishments for those who the way over the limit. the department of justice vowing to protect election workers as they voice their concerns about their safety ahead of the november election. >> and today is going to be another comfortable one once this is a great clears out for any remaining spots. we've got sunshine. 60 70's said even low 80's in san jose. got more on your forecast ahead. and we've got a busy morning. a few accidents here and there in a barn alert. >> thankfully, the bottle or just cleared out. now you can stop of the macarthur bart
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're famous for a reason alone. time. no. but what we do in our alone time. >> 9.44, right now. and lake tahoe. >> is expected to be awful filled up to the awful own all. for the first time in 5 years, it's going to be full because of the wet winter. >> all of the you know, whether that we had created a lot of snow pack more than normal and the mountain snowpack is still more than average for mid may. right now. and so when that snowpack melts, they're looking at it going. yup, filler up. i was going to be enough fuel for so long. we've been talking about like drought years drought years, right? lake tahoe has been lowered. you know, not full and trying to keep a blue. it's great to see that.
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you know, it's not going to that full line once again, but it's still way too cold for me. want to go in. >> it always i think it even not just now, but like even in the height of the john, what what like of going off the cuff here? what does it go from? what to what like? 30 degrees said, it's it's always cool because it's so deep. >> you dip your toes in and it's like, he's a group. really i don't do well with but yeah, this is like right now very full lake tahoe. and you can see it because run all the way up to the rim right there. and we are still seeing some snow in the mountains around. so still some out to be occurring. in fact, our snowpack for average is still looking very healthy about 119% of average for the northern sierra southern sierra and central sierra still holding as well. obviously, we haven't seen new snow laiely, but at this time of year, that's very typical to stop seeing snowfall. we will be looking at a day to day in the bay area just like that tahoe view. that does clear out pretty nicely. most
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of us already have. the coast, though, does remain fairly fogged in even a little bit. misty drizzly out there along the coast. we'll continue to see an onshore breeze into the afternoon. this will push fog back in during our evening hours tonight. tomorrow winds should relax a little bit. this will allow temperatures the chance to rise a little further as this high pressure. ridge really stays in place and keeps us dry and at least for a couple days keeps temperatures on the incline. today's daytime highs very similar to yesterday's. we're going to be in the upper 50's to low 60's for coastal spots and then 60's to 70's for the rest of the bay area. today, at least along the bayshore only a few low 80's in spots like campbell, san jose and los gatos. you'll get to 81 livelmore. also 81. well nearby pleasanton dublin. you hold on to those 70's as will concord and walnut creek opened up to richmond. you'll be in the upper 60's today with sonoma and napa at 78. same for you in santa rosa. let's get your lookahead so tomorrow and thursday, a
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little bit warmer on average in particular, the bayshore warming into the mid 70's tomorrow and thursday after that, the cooldown just to buy a few degrees the weekend ahead, really only peaking in the upper 70's for even our inland areas right now. all right, john, thank you for that. you make it a lot of progress? >> if you are traveling alone, 24 right now drive times around 12 minutes. walnut creek down to 5.81. not seen any major congestion along our highways. there. they bridge 14 minutes traveling into the city right now. we have a few traffic hazards. the start of the hour now that things are clearing on the bridge you see we're no longer building like we were just passed the overpass. what one of the south bay down from 60 to 45 minutes. no need to hop onto a your 82, but you still do have a little congested. you've got to get through. selanne shut down the 2. 37 34 minute ride 5 88 82 oakland you're deciding on which to take. it will certainly help on 5 80's. that looks like it's a much lighter. you're still a little busy along 80 traffic starts
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to just as soon as you reach in berkeley. a 24 minute ride crockett down towards the maze. darya. james, back to you. >> in the east bay, a man is sentenced to house arrest for shutting down the computer network that runs the discovery bay water treatment facility. rambler gallo, purposely apparently installed or an installed a computer program that protects the entire water treatment system and he admitted to doing that remotely from his personal computer after resigning from the company that worked with discovery bay, a judge sentenced him to 6 months of house arrest. and he also has to forfeit his computer and pay about $44,000 in restitution. >> well, happening right now, caltrans closed highway 9 between lower glen arbor road in upper glen arbor down in santa cruz county. that closure is going to run through thursday. it starts at 9 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon. every day crews are going to be performing some tree work. caltrans says that residents in that area will be
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allowed through the closure if needed, but everybody else is going to find a different way around. well, a new state bill looks to increase the penalty for drivers caught speeding in sacramento. lawmakers and advocates of this bill held a protest. it was a die and you see them airline on the ground. they say they wanted to raise awareness about the thousands of people killed because of speeding, the new bill that they want passed would add 2 points to the driving records of anybody who's caught going. 26 miles an hour over the speed limit. right now, the punishment, which is just one point that can usually be raced from a driver's record if they just go to traffic school. driving is not a game. >> and it's not a chance to go for a 10. your vin diesel. that you're in fast and furious it's a deadly weapon. speed kills. should be doing so much more. but at least we can do. it's send out a warning to people if they're going to be driving recklessly fast. well, the teamsters
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trade union >> is opposing this bill. they argue it would disproportionately impact commercial truck drivers. >> it's 09:50am, the november elections less than 6 months away and the department of justice is going to be keeping a close eye on any threats against election workers. kron four's catherine heenan has more. >> if you threaten to harm or kill an election worker, volunteer or official, the justice department will find you. >> part of the reason this is making news again, the new survey showing that more than half the election workers in the country are worried about their safety. and with the november election just months away, there is concern that angry sometimes dangerous political partisanship will only escalate 3 years ago. the justice department created what it calls the election threats. task force among the 17 prosecutions and 13 convictions. since then,
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election threats. task force has secured the guilty plea of a man who threatened an election worker in michigan. the defendant made vile threats saying that the election worker deserved a, quote, throat to the knife. >> we secured a 3 and a half year prison sentence for a man in texas with threaten the lives of arizona election officials and their children and advocated for a mass shooting. poll workers and election workers increasing see believe had, quote, suspect results. >> the problem, not new. this is what michigan secretary of state told a senate judiciary committee in 2022. >> my son standing in a driveway. picked up a stick, turned to me and don't worry, mom, if the bad guys come get them with this. he's 6 years old. >> election officials say it's not only the threats, they're worried about things like funding and the use of artificial intelligence to spread false information. the fbi director says his office
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has been trying to help for years. >> each of our 56 field offices had election crimes coordinators, special agents and intelligence analysts. stand ready to field threats if they arise and coordinated response. catherine heenan. >> kron. 4 news. >> 9.52. and coming up on the kron 4 morning news meeting. cheap. why we're seeing poor prices go up across california. >> home. no chains will be >> home. no chains will be right back.
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: sydney, what's up? sydney: nothing. girl: are you ok? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: talk to me. just shut up! nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen irritability. (♪♪)
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>> it's national online romance day. this celebrates
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falling in love and expressing love online. obviously data is way james them back in the day. >> in 1965 operation match. >> was the world's first dating service? and in 1965 what they did was they gave you a questionnaire. have you ever heard of, you know, a questionnaire like where you fill out a paper? yeah, that so that's 1965. will. 1995 match dot com was created and that was the game changer by 2007 online dating was the second most popular online paid service. interesting. all happens now. >> light. what national online romance okay. time now is 9.56. and e d c week is here. one of the world's biggest music festivals place every year is in las vegas. obviously afrojack a deep low z and cascade were all set to
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headline the party along with 250 other musicians. the electric dance electric daisy carnival starts on my or is it as help ravers yeah. because last year was super hot. >> and in vegas, not that i went but >> so it's earlier now will be that hot. but this reminds me just don't go to vegas this as do. you see this. want to be part of a to old 9.56. right now. coming up next on the kron, morning news yrc specifically targeting honda's. >> we'll take a peek at what they find so valuable about your car and a san jose buddhist temple caught fire. we're going to have the latest in a live report. plus, an east bay man is found guilty of killing a woman used to
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>> right now on the kron. 4 right now on the kron, 4 morning news and east bay man found guilty of killing a woman whose remains were found last summer. we'll have more on that story. massive fire breaks out at a buddhist temple in san jose. and a warning from police is thieves now target on the cars for their parts? we're live with what you need to know. >> from the local news station. you're watching you on morning team. >> now one of the stories, james, with the honda's, i'm way off. it was just to get ice. tillman electric car now looks like they're being investigated. i won't. yeah, it's going and we've got the national highway traffic safety administration launching an investigation into waymo couple incidents of happen.


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