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tv   KRON 4 News at 3pm  KRON  May 14, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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try tide fabric rinse. >> now from the area's local news station. this is kron. 4 news at 3. >> now at 3 students at the university of san francisco have been warned they need to get out of this encampment or face repercussions and the deadline for them to do that is right now at 03:00pm. thank you so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at 3. i'm justine waldman. so far that demonstration has been peaceful. the question is now, is it going to remain that way? kron four's rob nesbitt is live for us there on campus. and so, rob, how are things going out there?
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>> well, just students here usf are asked to get off of welsh field here on campus by 03:00pm, which is right now. but as you can see behind doing the opposite, they decided to rally and protest. so they're not removing their tents and they're not leaving. but they're here calling for a cease-fire in gaza. and they're saying right now that students will never be defeated, that the chant happening right now around them have come about 60 tents here on outfield in this area. been here for 15 days now. and they started the encampment after seeing other universities such as uc berkeley protest the war in gaza. the students are calling on us divest all money from israel. the university has been in talks with protesters and says that they've been working to keep it open. dialogue with protesters were asked to be off of welsh field here by 03:00pm. they're clearly not doing that. >> school usf said in a statement saying, quote, the
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03:00pm may 14th deadline in which we asked students to voluntarily vacate welsh field in exchange what you missed first internal disciplinary process led by the u.s. up office of student conduct. there are no plans to clear the encampment or involve law enforcement. as long as the encampment is peaceful and nonviolent. i talked to one of the protest's organizers about what those repercussions could be. >> bass says the suspension or explosion. so you are at risk of being suspended or expelled. and we just think that's a scare tactic. we think that we understand that we have so much power as a collective of what we did here. >> either encampment has been really unifying for all of us. >> other universities have used force law enforcement to get students off of camps. put us at has said that they will not do that as their statement did say, and the students clearly plan on being here for a while. i talk to that student about whether or not
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they would be here even after graduation because their graduation is scheduled here for saturday. she says that they're committed to being even to the summer if their demands are not reporting live at usf, i'm rob nesbitt kron 4 and robbed while you're there. do you see any campus police or >> san francisco police there, any law enforcement or any type of security that? >> is there. if things get out of hand or to possibly remove these protesters from campus. >> yeah, absolutely not. just the only people that are surrounded here in the area are people from the camp of themselves, their in kind of green vests. >> they're on the perimeter of the of the field here. but there's no >> private security. we've seen that in other places. i was in a state university a private security sheriff's office or is there? that's not the case here. us that no security, no police >> guess. but we'll stay on the scene for us and have an update he is there a usf. thank you so much. and now to
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the south bay where protesters rallied outside of the google headquarters in mountain view today. they're calling on the company to divest from israel. all this happening during the company's i o conference where google announces some new products and innovations are charles clifford has more now from mountain view. >> well, here in mountain view on monday, protesters upset about the conflict in gaza between hamas in israel demonstrated outside google's headquarters, several 100 protesters gathered on the sidewalks outside google tuesday morning. they have chosen to be here this week because google is hosting a developers conference with thousands in attendance at nearby shoreline amphitheater. protesters on tuesday did block one of the entrances to that event. but attendees were able to get in through other ways. these protesters are particularly worried about what's known as project nimbus. a cloud computing effort by the israeli government in partnership with google and amazon. they are worried that the technology could be used against civilians in gaza for things like surveillance or facial recognition. and they're
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calling on google to leave that project. >> the message that we're trying send here is when the innovations and the beautifully and not things that are valley are to harm people. that's not ok. we will not now on tuesday, we did reach out to google for comment but have so far not heard back in mountain view. charles clifford kron, 4 news. >> 50 former google employees have filed an official complaint against the company for unlawful termination. this is coming in response to the employees holding a sit-in protest at the google offices in sunnyvale and new york. they were protesting a 1.2 billion dollar deal known as project nimbus that provides artificial intelligence technology to israel. the workers filed a complaint saying google unlawfully retaliated against them. the national labor relations board has not yet set a timetable for reviewing the case. a muslim rights organizations sounding the alarm on
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university leaders who they say have enabled anti palestinian racism. new report from the council on the american islamic relations is breaking down incidents which they say universities have reportedly failed to protect pro-palestinian protesters going all the way back to november. the report cites incidents where the university's deployed law enforcement officers to break up the protest and allegedly suspended groups who are advocating for palestine care says it received a total of more than 900 complaints of education discrimination last year. arbitrary school policies are being wielded against students who are pro palestine or student groups who are pro palestine in a way that reinforces that palestine exception making gates. >> you making it impossible or making it difficult for students to express create free speech in support of palestine. its report care also outlines recommendations for university officials,
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including negotiating with the student protesters in good faith and ensuring complaints against. >> palestinian arab and muslim students are taken seriously. chaotic moments at an event hosted by a jewish author disrupted by pro-palestinian protesters. this is video posted by the jewish community relations council. they say protesters followed attendees shouted profanities and hit them with glass bottles that were filled with fake blood. the event took place in oakland last wednesday, which was whole class remembrance day. the j c r c says this event was focused on holocaust remembrance and not israel event. organizers have reported this incident to police and the fbi. today marks the 76th independence day in israel and officially began last night. jaycee posting these photos on social media. you can see the israeli flag displayed at san francisco city hall there behind them. the u.s. embassy
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in israel today posted a message of support for israel independence day. adding it is continuing to work to bring all the hostages home and to support israel's security. stay with us here on kron 4 on air and online for the latest information on the israel-hamas war. we have everything from the campus protest to the latest on the conflict. you can go to our website kron 4 dot com. and iconic jewelry store in san francisco is moving out of union square. sure. even company has been operating in san francisco for 172 years. that's all about to come to an end, though. kron four's theresa stasi explains the reason behind the shutdown and what happens next. >> shoppers reflecting on the announcement that reeve in company. i'm one 50 post on union square is closing up. >> the fine jewelry company announcing it's moving headquarters to palo alto in response to retooling its business plan. in a statement to kr 4 news, the managing partner lane schiffman said,
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quote, we turn the page on this exciting new chapter we're filled with gratitude for our journey in francisco. this move symbolizes our dition to evolving with the ever changing ldspe of luxury retail whi aintaining the timeless elegance and personalized service that define sure even company. >> you know, each we have big family history. my mom's i in my dad's in the company has announced a store liquidation sales starting on friday. >> union square is not that far from it. i mean, its newest its newest lie. >> that's ali mcavoy with me in the commercial real estate firm specializing in san francisco ground floor space, especially around union square mcavoy says while macy's shuttering its multi floor
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union square store was significant. >> it has led to something positive >> it's it wasn't the blow it was expected to be. and in a way it sort of it's a herald for smart and savvy tenants that we've hit. the bottom. and that really the only have up to go from here, mcavoy points to several high-end watch outlets. >> opening up soon and fashion stores like max, mara and saint john. >> and she says there is already interest that sharif spot. we're actually in advanced negotiations with the local tenant to take the entire ground floor. >> and potentially the mezzanine as well for a very special concept, although it is an end of an era for a san francisco icon. it may be the beginning of another new chapter. >> only time will tell that story in san francisco, theresa kron. 4 news. after nearly 40 years in business, a chinese food restaurant in the bay area's closing its stores, jing jing gourmet and palo
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alto announcing this coming sunday will be its last and business. >> in a post on social media, the owner, thank all of those who have come to dine with them over the past. 38 years. they also said that although this location is closing, they want to stay connected with the community. coming up here as we headed to pride month. we have a warning from the fbi. >> so people can celebrate with caution. but officials say people should be on the lookout for and we now know the name of our new wnba team. so coming up this hour, we're going to introduce you to the golden state about curry's and hear from excited fans. plus making housing more affordable for teachers or talking with bay area. lawmaker working to help educators afford a home where they teach. >> never caught. quite got a break at the coast. here's half moon bay looks like overcast and now the ball is coming back across the bay. get a check of your forecast in a bit as we come back to in a bit as we come back to the kron. 4 news at 3. networko network for business.
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: talk to me. just shut up! nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen irritability. (♪♪) >> new at 3 a bill to streamline interim housing projects is now headed to the state assembly after was unanimously passed senate earlier this week sb 13 95 introduced by menlo park. senator josh backer with clear zoning hurdles and free up state funding for temporary shelter. the bill is backed by lawmakers in san francisco and around the state including san jose mayor matt mahan who said this would help end the era of encampments by modeling solutions that work. we'll talk about our weather forecast right now. a live
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look outside from mount tam cam. this camera giving us a good idea of what's in store kind of for the whole week. it sounds like dave, we've got fog out there. clouds just want to chat with us it looks like kind of a slow motion way. the fog coming back again, doesn't it? yeah. yeah. yeah. so that's the got rhythm. he's coming in for tonight. that's right. >> and i would agree tomorrow. but boy, what a nice clean up job. it was today really parted ways very quickly before noon for san francisco, here's a shot of half moon bay. never quite cleared out. got pinned a little bit. and that really underscores we're going to see this weekend. now we do have this low that's going to coming in our backyard here. and it's going to be providing lift and everything. and although it doesn't have a lot of moisture which to work with, that's the prevent prevailing thought right now we'll still get maybe some coastal drizzle going on early in the day. and it's just really hard to kind of clear that out. now, a lot of depends on what's also aloft to. that was one of the problems yesterday as we have all that warm air right above us and its hard to get this damp air to kind of mix with that stuff upstairs, 72, 7 o'clock. it looks like inland.
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61 clear at 10, but around the bay going to be seeing that fog redeveloping here. it will get into those inland valleys, probably a few hours before sunrise. 84 right now in antioch, check it out. 81 also livermore 79 or somebody else. 79 conquered. 72 hayward, 78 fremont up in the north. lot of 70's and 60's too. san francisco, 59 and 54 half moon bay. not a surprise when you get much from a mercury movement there with all the fog and the fog clouds. here's how you can plan things for tonight. the fog creeping 63 for the bay. 75 inland at midnight, the witching hour bay area fog. we've got cool conditions inland that that point and then it spills in those inland valleys. again, maybe not as aggressive as this morning, but temperatures this tomorrow morning will be in the lower 50's that that even well inland. so we've got fog rolling back in the forecast for the bay cool and breezy hate of the plane taking off and then for this week we've got morning bay area fog, sunny and warm. you know, high temperatures getting to about 80 ish well inland. we're hanging in the 70's, the most part around the
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bay. then this weekend, again, it looks like a dry low. it's a friend of ours coming this summer season break the back of those heat spikes by july and august. but this thing may be a little bit more problematic content of trying to clear out some of that fog. but that's just the addendum. we're going to get more to that coming up in a bit. justine. >> thank you. the rising cost of living has made home ownership out of reach for many educators. but there's a new bill that was introduced by congressman eric swalwell that aims to change that it would start a new grant program for teachers to buy their first house. so joining us now is united states representative eric swalwell. congressman, thank you for joining us here on kron. 4 news just in how you doing. i'm great. how are you? thank you so much for being more so we can talk about this. you're trying to make housing more affordable for teachers. sounds like a great idea. overall. this is so they can have a down payment for their first house. i'm wondering how big of a problem this is especially in the bay area and what attracted you to want to use try to kick off this legislation. >> our to our teachers are spending too much too much
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time in their commutes and not enough time. i thinking about, you know, their own families and our kids and their classroom. and so we want them to be able to live where they teach. so this creates a grant program where teachers can receive up to $25,000. if they are able to commit to teaching 6 years so 3 years into teaching, they are eligible to use in our communities and then they have to teach at least another 3 years. so it's just addressing affordability and the crisis that, you know, we're all going through in the bear. >> so this would do for a first-time home buyer. how would they get the money from the school district? how would the money actually get to the actual teacher? >> yes, so we we think that, you know, the communities know their needs. the best of this program would allow a state and local governments, you know, to compete if they can stand up a program and that can help teacher. so school
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districts primarily, you know, they're the ones who know the needs on the front but of course, other, you know, state and local agencies could also compete in. and when you have a decent schools attract a higher and employers who pay higher wages. and that pace for more services like public safety in your community. so it's all connected, you know, to the center of our community, which is our schools. and they have to. >> by this home in the community that they teach there be some sort of radius that would show exactly how close they would need to be to the school that they work out. >> this is a local higher program. yes, so that our teachers are teaching are living in teaching in the same our community. look, ideally, we you know, we can expand this out, you know, for firefighters and police officers because, you know, these folks are really the most critical individuals in our community, but they're commuting hours that not only affects their ability to a
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great teachers, but it's just it's it's not right because they are so important to you know, who we are and what we need to and was there an example that you used to help creating this? is there? >> it sounds like there's not one for first responders or police or law enforcement or maybe for nurses like how did you get the idea for this? >> you know, if i was a city council member in dublin and i'm aware of, you know, local communities having, you know, kind of one-off programs where they're trying to, you know, attract, you know, more folks, particularly in law enforcement, you know, to live near their communities. but i want to have standard, you know, ideally across california. but of course, a cross the country. and so it really goes back to just my days and local government, but also charlie jones, a teacher in hayward civics teacher heat did an instagram live with me last week he described, you know how long his commute is and how far out of reach it seems for him to live in the community where he teaches and
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that's causing a lot of his commute. and it's just again, the quality of life from the stress that we don't want to put on the shoulders of the people who are educating our kids. >> so this grants for up to $25,000. where does this now stand in the process of actually becoming a reality? >> well, i would like, you know, republicans to take me up on sponsoring this because, you know, their kids and their communities are just as effective. i'd love for to be a bipartisan bill. you know, if not, you know, we'll certainly look at the next congress. you know, if it is the democratic led congress to get past. but that should really be bipartisan. you know, it parents don't really give a rip about politics. they just want the best education for the teachers. and that starts with having quality teachers in our community who can live in our communities. congressman eric swalwell, thanks for joining us. what also shaken little he'll how you do because it's new. >> you know, we're going vote to reauthorize the faa bill for 5 years. and sfo do we need it there with one of the runways closed. so, you know,
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that's going to be a bipartisan that will happen in the next couple days. well, maybe you can come back and chat with us about that, >> happy to thanks, justin. thank you for joining us. we'll see you soon. >> still ahead here on kron, 4 news at 3 layoffs at indeed, which employees will be impacted. an airline junk fee is at the center of a new lawsuit has now been filed by some major carriers against some major carriers against ow network is no network for business.
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that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet.
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we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! afternoon, indeed, is laying off about 1000 employees. the company's ceo says this round of layoffs is so the company can. >> simplify the organization in order to make it easier for
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them to make decisions and more effectively grow revenue and hires a letter shared with its workforce said that the layoffs impact many groups and regions. they're not across the board. this ceo said that the impact jobs are mostly concentrated in the u.s. around this time last year, indeed, laid off about 15% of its staff due to a decrease in job openings following a post-covid boom indeed does have an office in san francisco. it's located on mission street. new data showing california has the highest unemployment rate in the whole nation. the federal reserve says more than 480,000 california residents lost their jobs in the 1st quarter of 2024, our state's unemployment rate remained unchanged at 5.3% in march. more than 1 million people are employed in arced unemployed in our state, california's tech and information sector suffered the biggest change in year-over-year decreases with over 53,000 jobs lost major u.s. carriers are suing to block the biden administration
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over a new rule. >> that would require them to disclose certain fees, american, delta and united and 3 other carriers have now joined in on this lawsuit asking the federal appeals court to overturn the rule. i'm getting junk fees. this was announced last month representative for the group claims that this disclosure would confuse customers during the ticket buying process. the u.s. transportation department requires carriers to show fees for baggage or reservation changes. when you're first quoted for the price of a flight, the agency estimates that this rule could save consumers more than 500 million dollars a year. all right. coming up here during kron, 4 news at 3, we're going to start a whole new era for basketball in the bay area. the golden state boundaries are making their big debut. we'll be right big debut. we'll be right back studies show people like to get more for less. so i'm giving you not just 1 jumbo jack burger... ...but 2, for only 5 bucks! statistically speaking that's a lot more for a lot less. at jack, every bite's a big deal. welcome to jack in the box!
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>> from the warriors to warrior women, the golden state's wnba expansion team has unveiled its new name, the belt, greece, which represents a fearless woman kron four's tiffany justice introduces us to the golden state. dell curry's. all right. fans are excited telling me that they have been waiting for wnba team in the warriors shot now decked out with val curry's gear. >> you know, and golden state warriors. well, now we have the golden state's curry. >> the bay area getting hyped. the golden state warriors franchise and dealing the brand name for our new wnba team tuesday, the golden state val curry's the team getting support from the golden state warriors and for many in the bay, they believe it's about
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time. i think high i'm so excited. i mean, it just makes sense. doesn't it light? >> to have team in area and colors are our favorite. i'm so excited about colors love at first. i that's interesting that when i in and how deep the meaning was in the low clouds light, we asked rate that's what a great. >> need to live into the name and look striking a chord and conversation. the name originating from norse mythology valkyrie zara, host of lawyer women who are fearless in unwavering flying through the air and sea alike. the franchise says the brand is golden state's modern interpretation. >> you know, as we sat with that meme and thought through what that means to the visible representation of these incredible players coming together on the court to our community circling around each other and making sure that we were going to be the ones that show the world what's
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possible? you know that together. we are val careens. i can't think of anything more powerful. the franchise which marks the first wnba expansion team since 2008. >> will begin play in the 2025 season at chase center, the logo and colors representing the bay. the v stands for valkyrie isn't victory. it includes a rendition of the bay bridge which is depicted with 13 lines. those lines represent the team being the 13th active wnba franchise. the color valkyrie violet symbolizes power. ambition, nobility and women empowerment well, we have a little girl now and i we take her women's game 2007 or 8 us do about wnba. still i mean this this? >> this season is already shaping up to be exciting. i'm excited about 2025. we're going to have go right. it's game on for me. >> the team is holding a block party from 02:00pm to 06:00pm saturday at thrive city be outside at the plaza at chase center. they'll be live music
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and other festivities to enjoy reporting the newsroom. tiffany justice kron 4 news. >> her health right now, the emergence of a new set of coronavirus variants known as flirt is sparking some concerns about a potential uptick in cases this summer. so we're joined now here live during kron. 4 news at 3 with ucsf infectious disease specialist doctor peter chin. hong, thank you for joining us. my president just seems so what do you know about flirt so far? >> so what we know about florida's 2 things, the first that focusing on is that it's more than one of 4 cases right now. in tim set of variants a and the second thing, which is a little bit surprising is the speed at which got there said the end of march with less than 5% of cases. and now it's again, like i mentioned, more than one in 4. so like 28% of cases in a few people thinking that florida is going to the
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very end of the summer and it's likely going to for me. love the new vaccine in the fall. >> so what is it about flirt? it does. is it more contagious? are the symptoms different? then other different variances no taste, no smell. fever was the deal. >> so the deal is transmissibility is probably going to be more transmissible because it's rising up the charts. this quickly in terms severity of disease, probably going to be the same. not more severe. so the symptoms are going to be very similar. member flared is probably been around for much longer than we're detecting it because it always takes a a couple of weeks we detected because it takes a time to do sequencing. but its already been here. so cough, a sore throat, muscle fatigue, and for some people
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struggling breath off the week, but very similar symptoms. and then that big press that was us is that the vaccines work. and right now, that's not much difference of it, too. between some mutations, some footage and one which was the other variants that 2 mutations we think in the spike protein. so it's very, similar. i'm not say different like the volcker is in the golden state so this. >> flirt variants is not going to cause any more severe illness than any other strain so far. >> yeah, it's probably going to be very similar doesn't mean that everybody is going out of a mild you know, we're still seeing covid in the hospital, believe it or not, just not that just the lowest point in the pandemic. but common theme of everyone that i've seen last with serious diseases that they didn't get a single vaccine in the last year. so i think that's kind of low hanging fruit, particularly if you are older and immune compromised. and
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how is the vaccine that most people got? what was our updated vaccine booster upon booster? that was like in december. >> is that holding up against this? are people just becoming more immune? and that's why more people are getting sick. >> what will happen by the summer's that immunity will drop people in general. so for majority of people, that means they'll just cut something new. you probably would want watch like you to the weather destinations that you're going to take precautions. but for some people who didn't get a in the last year. that will immunity. what have below the threshold so they may get very sick and go to the hospital. but you can get a rescue. it really therapy like paxlovid. so it's important to get diagnosed, particularly you or your loved one older or immunocompromised. i was going to ask of paxlovid work on this. it sounds like it. well. >> just sort of a side here. we're talking about illnesses.
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we seem to see a lot of people recently who have this kind of summer cold and people are a little confused as far as like, well, it's summer. it's not winter. why do i have this cold? are you seeing that? a lot more in the hospital? it and is that flirt? and they just don't know what or is this just a symptom that's going around as have been just hanging out more and more with people. >> that's a great question and a scene right now. i think it's mainly the cool that people are it might be floored because it's still a low level of covid around. but as the summer approaches, we 5, 4, consecutive summers of covid and small bumps not to like the winter. so probability of those symptoms which will look identical to covid may end up being more likely to be covid as we approach summer, which is right now. i think it's mainly the cold as a little bit of flu, but not that much. >> so not. where are you think we're going to see like a summer surge or just like a summer little spike. a bomb? how would you describe it?
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>> i'll call it a let's all we've let or swell, bou know, like when the beach and you see the we've just swell, but not like crashing on the rocks. that's kind of what we'll see the summer. >> well, we hope we commission a wash your hands, stay safe. doctor. peter chin, hong from ucsf, thank you so much for joining us. stay healthy. interesting by thank you. and that's the message from the alameda county fire department this week. the agency officially declared the start of fire season and crowd for super joined a crew in the east bay who is now preparing for the busy months to come. >> anything you guys has to miss more seal one of several property owners, the alameda county fire department paid a visit in livermore tuesday >> like my big pond way from edge of you that is because not that county firefighters and neighboring fire agencies
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touring land along the altamont pass preplanning for a disaster. now that division chief corey rutherglen says. >> as of monday morning, the fire season in the county is officially underway. we're concerned every year it seems a slightly believe this year. however. with the start of fire season, the county fire department is up staffing for the next few months on the ground dispatch were out here today to check out access point to make sure that >> the gates are still good. all the roads intact and not washed out from the winner and just pre planned to make sure that we're ready when the fires do occur here. the area is vulnerable to fires due to high winds and dry overgrown fields. following months of rain. this is one of the main arteries for the have bay area coming through with a lot of vehicles will be fire sparks cigarette in the name of front of the window concert fire. and if that happens, crews will be ready to put it in livermore. philippe djegal, all kron. 4 news. >> all right. let's talk about our weather forecast right now
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on there as the fog in the clouds coming in over san francisco's going to block our camera right now. so we're going go to dave spahr as we talk about what's going on in the coast. just has not been able to clear up yeah, just in. that's right. see this happen again tomorrow. >> it's just getting ready to spill across the bay and those spots inland. >> however, it will open up nicely in the afternoon for those inland spots. wow. radar, where are we hear this in the mountains? there's tahoe up here. we did talk about this earlier about those rain showers coming over the mountains just before they hit the central valley. going the opposite direction. we sometimes see coming in from the coast. this is really more of a larger scale circulation, not our local winds. so that's why it's coming in from the east. we tend to see this a lot on the monsoon. but anyway, this is producing thunder showers pea sized hail and some locally heavy winds. now, when it gets further out into the central valley and start spreading out, that's when this all kind of dissipate, those get some exhaust clouds with all of this. but showing you there is still some bite left out there to be seen. 83 going on for
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antioch, 81, for livermore. well, we have 62 oakland with a 78 now. fremont 77. meanwhile, 4 san jose. all right. the a planner comes in like this. we've got temperatures in the 50's at the coast, as you can see with all that cloud cover and fog. but 75 inland then by midnight, everybody dropping into the 50's and then by tomorrow morning we'll have inland fog which will clear and dissipate. real quick get into the bay and then work on it until you get to san fransisco's golden gate. that's the problem area. but temperatures around 06:00am will be lower. 50's again, recovering nicely inland to see some 70's while we're at and even some 80's. so again, tonight, 52 san francisco. 53 for oakland and 55 san jose. i'm a check in the extended forecast coming up in a little bit. justine. >> looking forward to it. there's a new warning from the fbi and the department of homeland security about potential threats ahead of pride month. they say foreign terrorist groups like isis might exploit increase gatherings associated with the lgbtq+ community. the fbi is
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urging law enforcement and the public to report violent threats made online or in person. they said also watch out for suspicious activity like someone taking photographs of entrances and exits of a venue or anyone asking about the security or crowd sizes without an explanation. san jose police are asking for the public's help to locate a assault suspect. police say on april 9th, a young girl walking home from school was pulled under a freeway overpass and then sexually assaulted. investigators say 50 year-old julian salvador martinez was at the attacker and he was riding a dark-coloured bicycle. the girl did manage to fight him off and he got away on a bicycle. martinez is described as being 5 foot 11 inches tall, dark hair and a thin mustache photographed here. so you can get a better look at him. and the one who has any information should contact san jose police. the san jose fire department says a fire at a buddhist temple does not appear to be suspicious. investigators
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believe that someone cooking outside of the temple started the fire, which caused significant damage to the building. the temple is located on fossan alum. rock avenue is just off of 6 ad. the fire started about 8 o'clock last night. 4 people e% have been displaced because of it and they will stay at another buddhist temple in san jose. the alameda county sheriff's office asking for the public's help to find an at risk missing woman deputies say laurie allen son walked away from her care facility in san leandro on sunday night. they say she has dementia and does not have a cell phone and might not be able to find her way back. that's according to law enforcement. she's 5 foot 8 and was last seen wearing cheetah print pajamas. anyone who knows where she is located should call 9-1-1. and in the north bay right now, authorities in south florida county are looking for an inmate who walked away from a conservation camp. they say that james zhang was serving a seven-year sentence for robbery and other charges. he was last seen on the campgrounds wearing a gray sweatshirt and pants. police
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are asking people with information to contact them immediately. coming up, vandals taking aim at the tesla facility in fremont. what we know so far. but first, we're heading to the california capital. >> we're a social media safety bill was introduced today. why it's facing a lot of it's facing a lot of opposition from tech words. sloo network for business.
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holding social media companies accountable. that's what bipartisan lawmakers say they hope to achieve with new bills they say will protect children online. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace spoke with the bill's author.
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>> and tells us how tech companies are responding. >> well, the state senator who authored this legislation says social media companies have not done enough to protect kids. and now he says it's time for action. i'm >> i'm outraged that's why we're going hard here. los angeles democratic senator henry stern sharing frustration with social media companies, he says have not done their part to protect children and teenagers online. time these large corporations. have plenty of resources to do so step up. but he says he does not have faith in many social media companies and protecting minors online. that's why he introduced 2 bipartisan bills, including sb 14. 44 also known sami's law named for the late sammy chapman. the 16 year-old teen died 3 years ago after taking a pill he bought from a drug dealer on snapchat. that pool turned out to be laced with the deadly dose of fentanyl and the names. my son, let's
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save some lies with this legislation. sammy's father sam came to the capitol to urge support for sami's law. it would allow parents to be involved in their kids online presence by bringing in third-party safety apps designed to monitor online activity. those apps will then notify parents upon finding dangerous content and potential harms online such as bullying or drug deal. what i hope for is that sammy's legacy is a legacy of saving other people. >> and that other people won't have to go through what his brother and his mother and myself had to but major tech companies are opposed in a statement tech net, a network of tech industry executives said safety is the number one priority for platforms adding third-party apps could pose issues quote, at a minimum, a 3rd party should not be able to unwind the many settings features parental controls policies. >> and protections. platforms have created to ensure a safe environment for teen users. but stern and his colleagues say they will keep fighting, not just for sami's law, but
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also for sb 15, 0, 4, a bill they argue will take on the issue of cyber bullying. the bill would require platforms to have a clear cyber bulling reporting button and provide written confirmation within 36 hours after a user has formally reported a cyber bullying incident, the platform was then make a written determination about its findings within 10 days if they fail to do so. platforms could face a $75,000 daily penalty per violation users could also file legal action if platforms failed to respond. technet said the proposed penalties for violations are unduly burdensome, but bipartisan lawmakers who spoke here disagree. it is dangerous out there. it's imperative that we do our part as legislators to ensure that we have safety. we need to do more. >> just a start. and we want make sure that we protect our children. >> and the bills are set to go before the senate appropriations committee later this week. reporting at the state capitol, a tonn wallace kron. 4 news.
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>> happening right now, we're taking a live look at the alameda county board of supervisors, special meeting where they're discussing when to set a date for the recall. a district attorney pamela price, a special election can be set in about 3 to 4 months or they can decide to have it during the november. 5th general election. now, if that recall is successful and price is voted out of office will be up to the board of supervisors to appoint someone then to take over that appointed da will serve until the next general election in november of 2026. whenever wins, that election will then serve until january of 2029. but we're watching now the alameda county board of supervisors discuss when they set the state when they make a decision. we'll bring it to you. another report will come up during kron. 4 news at 5. and now we'll talk about the weather and winds that are looking out there on top of pier 15. we have dave spahr with here week they're on treasure island about that. see, it's pretty out there to is it is it sweet and treasure
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island that that the flag flap and all that. and then meanwhile, the golden gate yeah, the fog. so it's a it varies depending on the part of the bay or in. >> unfortunately, taking a look at this here, get a little nervous about the weekend, meaning it may be a while to get that fog to clear. but if got a low right, the backyard that provides all that lift and the marine layer hard to get rid of bouncing radar. real quick. where is in the mountains? don't worry. it's not here. up to tahoe. just south of that on a mammoth lakes. and there you can see in some cells pretty intense with lightning going on, pea size, hail, heavy downpours and winds have been clocked at about 40 miles per hour. this all came in from the east and it goes over the this when it comes to west es too. and that helps produce some of those showers and some of those thunder showers that will dissipate when news daytime heating in drifts over the central valley. 83 antioch, we've got 81 for livermore. most readings in the 70's out east. 62, though, the cool spot. oakland, 58, san francisco. no surprise with the camera shot. we just showed you tomorrow. 66 72 open. 82 san jose. here's the
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big view of everything we have. 85 for antioch, 82 for concord, 83 for livermore. so will be deep in the 80's tomorrow. looks like well inland. but the clearing situation along the east bay shoreline. that's what's going to be a problem in around the bay. 66 san francisco in 81, meanwhile, for santa rosa. so what's going on as we head of the weekend? well, basically, we had a kind of a northwest, a high there, which will be replaced now by a low in our backyard. and that provides a lyft necessary. so we might get some drizzle start the day a little bit and you'll get clearing over a good chunk of the bay. but san francisco golden gate up to southern marin that maybe a little bit more problematic or the beaches because of that. and it looks pretty clear as we head into early next week. so we're trying to enter into the dry season but may get thrown a curve ball this weekend, even though doesn't much moisture to work with 80's until we get to friday. then we go into the 70's and a major drop in temperatures. but a little bit as we get into monday and some variable clouds with that justine. >> thank you, dave. new now at 3 o'clock fremont. police are investigating after several
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vehicles were vandalized at the tesla fremont factory. this is the discovery made early yesterday morning at the factory located on fremont boulevard. reports indicate numerous vehicles were vandalized. officers learned that several parked vehicles had damage tires. anyone with information should contact fremont police, the national highway traffic safety administration has launched an investigation into the waymo self-driving cars. the agency getting. 22 reports of waymo cars either crashing or doing something that may have violated traffic laws. the n h t s a says the probe will look at the system's performance in detecting and responding to traffic control devices. we will plans to work with the agency during the probe and amazon self-driving robotaxi unit also under investigation after 2 of its vehicles, braked suddenly causing a crash. both crashes happened last month. one was in san francisco. the other in spring valley, nevada. there were no
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major injuries. both involved a toyota highlander suv with autonomous driving technology. the nhtsa confirmed that each of the amazon vehicles was operating in that autonomous mode at the time. sachs says it is now committed to working with the agency during the investigation. the biggest butterfly festival on the west coast is going to be in the bay area this year. >> how we can all join in on >> how we can all join in on the fun.
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♪ (ominous music) ♪
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yes, ahh!! mom: what is going on with you? get out! andy! get out of my room! get out! mom: andy. fight! fight! i didn't say anything. yes you did. ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ butterfly festival on the west coast is coming allay the
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inaugural bay area butterfly and pollinator festival is on sunday. >> it will be open between 10 in the morning and 5 at night at the mare island promenade on nimitz avenue. there will be a food court, a beer garden main stage with live music. also a children's stage. there's area that's filled with activities. it costs $5 to attend. and those under 12 get in for free and there probably be some butterflies. lake tahoe is expected to be full for the first time in 5 years. thanks to our wet winter. the department of agriculture says all of that wet weather led to a much bigger snowpack than normal. and the mountains pack is still more than average for mid may. they say when that snowpack melted should be enough to fill up the lake. the last time the lake was full was stirring 2019 and dave's look at the radar there right now. is it are they getting more rain and not a punt. how? yeah, that's pretty much south of that. look at how active it is. you know, we d3 see this in the summer
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months, sometimes. >> usually, however, this coming from east while these eastern direction, the summer months. but this little early to see this kind of thing going on, that monsoon doesn't get here until well. the season doesn't start till june, but here it is. some thunder showers firing upon the latter portion of the day. these are lightning strikes, some peas size hail is thrown in here, too. in some local winds at about 40 miles per hour or so. some extra dose of rain going on with the melting of the snow in the rivers that are starting to fill up with all that to watch out. if your recreating on some of those rivers because that water is going to be ice cold, it's just freshly melted. 85, antioch, tomorrow about 82 concord. 83 livermore got mostly 70's on the east bay shoreline. tricky for san francisco tomorrow because the clearing situations, what we're going to depend on 66 59 per half moon bay up to the north hodgepodge of upper 70's lower 80's here. you have been in the seven-day forecast kind of persistence next couple days, head to the weekend. saturday is the day we're watching were to call it sunny. that's really inland. however, san francisco coast wide, we do have this low here. so we're going to
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probably have a lot of fog at the coast just about all day sunday, getting a little better. and then some scattered clouds on monday. justine. >> dave, thank you. and thank you so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news this afternoon. i'm justine waldman. see tomorrow. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling.
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