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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  May 14, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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>> tonight at 5.30, a coalition of public health workers and members of community groups are demanding san francisco do more to try to prevent overdose deaths. includes the argument that the problem is only made worse if
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drug users face the risk of incarceration. kron four's. catherine heenan joining us live in the newsroom with details along with some reaction from san francisco da brooke jenkins. catherine, what you have to well, the group met in from the chief medical examiner's office today. it was their way of referencing the many overdose deaths in the city since january of 2020. there have been more than 3,000 overdose deaths san francisco. >> members of the group carried signs that said things like care, not cages in dealing with addicts. they argue against what they call car several measures and other words, jail or prison time in 2023. >> we saw a crackdown on drug users. the sheriffs were activated to arrest people who use drugs in the heart of our city. 60% of those arrests involved. people of see the ways that disrupts people's lives and actually contributes to overdose deaths.
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>> district attorney brooke jenkins sees the problem in a very different light. i think the fact that we have enabled drug use that we have condoned it and we've allowed it is what has caused this problem to everyone that i talked to who is in recovery right now, it has been successful, said that it was the criminal justice system that really propelled them to decide that treatment was what they needed for themselves. they had to be forced in a way to make that choice for what was best for them. and so that's all that we're trying to do is to make sure that we protect the most vulnerable from drug dealers, but also use this system to try to to to influence people to choose a better life for themselves. coalition members argue that crackdown measures only lead to more overdoses. >> they say san francisco needs to spend more money on prevention, treatment and community care facilities and say treatment should be available on demand. no
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waiting. >> we put so many barriers in people's way from meeting to have id from meeting to show up at a certain place at a certain time of wait, lance. but among those agreeing that tougher measures are critical. >> supervisor matt dorsey, who has overcome his own drug problems, he says with progress being made to reduce street level drug scenes advocating to turn san francisco streets into arrest free for all of public drug use is a lunatic fringe and are key, not sound public health strategy. we have an obligation. >> as a body of government to intervene and help people again choose to a life worth living. >> of course, nobody is arguing this is a huge problem. as of last year, the city's overdose death rate was more than double the national average grant. >> catherine, thank you. the
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emergence meanwhile of a new set of covid variants known as flirt is sparking concerns about a potential summer uptick in cases from april 14th to the 27th of that month. the variant made up about 28% of new cases in the u.s. that makes it the new dominant variant in the country over taking the j one variant ucsf, infectious disease expert doctor peter chin-hong says many of the symptoms are similar to other variants of covid. >> yeah, it's probably going to be very similar doesn't mean that everybody is going out of a mild you know, we're still seeing covid in the hospital, believe it or not, just not that just the lowest point in the pandemic. but common theme of everyone that i've seen last with serious diseases that they didn't get a single vaccine in the last year. >> so doctor chin-hong is encouraging everyone to get an updated vaccine, but he says especially older folks and people who have compromised immune systems.
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>> man is dead after he was shot in san jose. officers say they found him unconscious from a gunshot wound at a homeless encampment in the area of mclaughlin avenue and highway 2.80. this was last thursday. police say the suspect ran off before they arrived. the victim was taken to the hospital where he remained in critical condition until sunday when he passed away a motive and circumstances of the shooting are under investigation. meantime, in rohnert drivers facing multiple charges accused of fleeing after he crashed into a boy who was riding a scooter. police say several witnesses called 9-1-1. reporting that hit and run collision near rancho cotati high school on may. 3rd, the boy suffered a few injuries but is expected to be okay. his scooter, however, was snapped in half. the suspect has been charged with reckless driving, hit and run and child endangerment. officials are urging pedestrians and scooter riders
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to ensure cars come to a complete stop before they enter a crosswalk and of course, to wear helmets. >> the search continues tonight for an inmate who walked away from the conservation camp in solano county. police say james joe was serving a seven-year sentence for robbery and other charges. he was last seen of the campgrounds wearing a gray sweatshirt and pants people. police rather asking folks with information to contact them immediately. and san jose fire officials believe a fire at a buddhist temple here started by accident. officials say somebody was cooking outside the building when the thing caught fire. this is about 8 o'clock last night on foss and alum rock avenue just off 6 ad. there is major damage to the temple. so 4 people, presumably monks will be staying at other buddhist temples for the time being. >> let's get you a check of the forecast now taking a live look from our mount tam camera. those fingers of fog
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are making their way across the bay area. but we don't really have much bad stuff to talk about here in the bay. >> no, the forecast is been benign. it's been lovely. some fog in the morning that burns off and then he's nice days here in the bay. but across the country, things are vastly different. in lawrence is here now with a look at that. yeah, real interesting contrast. we start to watch travis for really kind of stabilize and calm down as we head in toward may in the summer months ahead. other parts of the country. this is the time of year things get extremely active. we've seen that over the last month and today, no exception. there are more storms that are breaking out. the possibility of flooding may be more tornadoes on the ground. it's a possibility this evening. in fact, you see a couple of cells, one working its way across the rockies. another twisting its way across the plains, making its way toward the eastern seaboard. numerous reports of some very strong gusty winds with the storm, sending out a lot of hail to go along with that. so a very active
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afternoon, all the way up in a rally for the south. you continue to see some of that stormy weather. yeah. watching for the potential for some severe weather out there for tonight. as we've got the possibility of some tornadoes. you've got one cell here where the operator now is picking turbulence in the atmosphere, some a swirling in the atmosphere and a possible being forecast there. and we're also watching behind that. we've got a lot of activity. in fact, the storms rumbling around going to get very active in parts of the country. but tomorrow i think it's going to take a focus parts of the south and that's going to be into the texas area. and they've already had tremendous amounts of rain and storms move there. they've had problems with flooding. they're going to see another strong storm system possibly moving through as we head in towards thursday. and that could be a real problem. they're already continue to see flooding in many rivers. there and they could see a very large storm with very heavy rainfall moving through as we head toward thursday afternoon with another round of severe weather. guys, back to you. lawrence. thank you.
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>> more than 2 months after the march 5th. the primary governor gavin newsom says prop one funds will soon go into effect all to address the state's behavioral health crisis. this afternoon, newsom toured facility that will soon expand to house people experiencing behavioral health challenges and are at-risk of becoming unsheltered. newsom says plans are in place for similar facilities to go up after voters narrowly passed prop one back in march. he promises the 6th set 0.4 billion dollar bond will fund treatment facilities and more than 11,000 behavioral health beds. >> we need to do better and do more. and we need to all held to a higher level of accountability. i've never been more enthusiastic about our prospects to actually make a dent in address the issue of what happened on the streets and sidewalks in the state that i am these next 2 to 3 years will be transformation. >> critics have argued prop one will just throw more money at the problem. today's press conference comes just weeks
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after a state audit concluded the state has failed to properly track it, homelessness funding and whether it lead to positive results. the new warning from the fbi and homeland security about potential threats ahead of pride month. they say foreign terrorists groups like isis, they try to exploit the gatherings associated with. >> the lgbtq+ community urging law enforcement and the public too report any violent threats made online or in person and they say to watch out for suspicious activity like someone taking photographs of entrances and exits of a venue or asking questions about security or crowd sizes without a valid explanation. and social media threats are one of the main ways that these threats can happen. so we'll be digging into that more coming up tonight on kron. 4 news. i'm
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>> i'm outraged that's why we're going hard here. los angeles, democratic senator henry stern sharing frustration with social media companies, he says have not done their part to protect children and teenagers online. it's time these large corporations. we'll have plenty of resources to do so step up. but he says he does not have faith in many social media companies and protecting minors online. that's why he introduced 2 bipartisan bills, including sb 14. 44 also known sami's law named for the late sammy chapman. the 16 year-old teen died 3 years ago after taking a pill he bought from a drug dealer on snapchat. that pool turned out to be laced with the deadly dose of fentanyl and the names. my son, let's save some lies with this legislation. sammy's father sam came to the capitol to urge support for sami's law. it would allow parents to be involved in their kids online presence by bringing in third-party safety apps designed to monitor online
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activity. those apps will then notify parents upon finding dangerous content and potential harms online such as bullying or drug deals. what i hope for is that sammy's legacy is a legacy of saving other people. >> and that other people won't have to go through what his brother and his mother and myself have had to suffer. but major tech companies are opposed in a statement tech net network of tech industry executives said safety is the number one priority for platforms adding third-party apps could pose issues, quote, at a minimum, a 3rd party should not be able to unwind the many settings features parental controls policies. >> and protections. platforms have created to ensure a safe environment for teen users. but stern and his colleagues say they will keep fighting, not just for sami's law, but also for sb 15, 0, 4, a bill they argue will take on the issue of cyber bullying. the bill would require platforms to have a clear cyber bulling reporting button and provide
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written confirmation within 36 hours after a user has formally reported a cyber bullying incident, the platform was then make a written determination about its findings within 10 days if they fail to do so. platforms could face a $75,000 daily penalty per violation users could also file legal action if platforms failed to respond. technet said the proposed penalties for violations are unduly burdensome, but bipartisan lawmakers who spoke here disagree. it is dangerous out there. it's imperative that we do our part as legislators to ensure that we have safety. we need to do more. >> just a start. and we want to make sure that we protect our children. >> and the bills are set to go before the senate appropriations committee later this week. reporting at the state capitol, a tonn wallace kron. 4 news. >> coming up, former president trump's former fixer was back for day 2 of testimony in the hush money trial highlights from today's day in court. coming up next. and we'll take
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a look at how east bay firefighters are preparing for z few months. >> summer and fall fire season approaches. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line...
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>> welcome back. plan ahead. that's the message from the alameda county fire department this week. the agency officially declared the start of the fire season. here we go. cross for sweet. you join the crew of the east bay that is preparing for the busy months to come. >> anything you guys has ginnis more seal one of several property owners, the alameda county fire department
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paid a visit in livermore tuesday recovered >> like my big pond way from edge of you it. that is because not that county firefighters and neighboring fire agencies touring land along the altamont pass preplanning for a disaster. now that division chief corey rutherglen says as of monday morning, the fire season in the county is officially underway. we're concerned every year it seems a slightly delayed this year. however. >> with the start of fire season, the county fire department is up staffing for the next few months on the ground dispatch were out here today to check out access point to make sure that >> the gates are still good. all the roads intact and not washed out from the winner and just pre planned to make sure that we're ready when the fires do occur here in area is vulnerable to fires due to high winds and dry overgrown fields. following months of rain. this is one of the main
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arteries for bay area coming 3 years with a lot of vehicles. we have fires cigarettes in the name of front of the window concert of fire. and if that happens, crews will be ready to put it in livermore. philippe djegal, all kron. 4 news. >> lake tahoe is expected to be full for the first time in 5 years. thanks to the wet winter. we just had the dupartment of agriculture says all that weather led to a much bigger snowpack than normal. and the mountain snowpack is still more than the average about in mid-may. they say when that snowpack melts, it should be enough to fill up the lake the last time lake tahoe is at capacity was 2019. as we come back here to the bay beautiful the high sierra there and not too bad here as this is the view. >> from our studios in san francisco, some breeze out there now. little breeze, little bit of clouds coming in. lawrence karnow got details on what we can expect tonight. yeah, got a great
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week ahead weather-wise. we're going to see the night morning. low clouds and fog. no getting around that. but we'll see plenty of sunshine in the afternoon hours except along the coastline. >> yeah. kind of fog. kind of flirt with the throughout the day. the to see more of that on the way. but tonight, the fog kind of broken in spots. but get toward the golden gate bridge. guess what? you are socked in right now with some of the towers disappearing in that thick layer of fog moving in right now likely to see some patchy drizzle along the coastline overnight tonight. but what we do have some nice warm spot. so how of the more they checked id? 82 degrees today, 80 and conquered 79 in san jose. beautiful 74 degrees in santa rosa. much cooler to san francisco. 62 degrees and 66 in oakland, low clouds and fog moving in towards sfo. right now, the winds kind of kicking up. we've seen some gusts over 20 miles an hour this afternoon mark swell on shore. a filly in the valleys of overnight tonight and tomorrow morning. then becoming mostly sunny as we head toward the middle of the day. but numbers, they're all over the map right now. you've got the cool fog. and 54 in half moon bay jump over the hill at 73 in san jose. still
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80 in livermore. 88 in brentwood, 79 for friends in pittsburgh. 78 conquered 68 right now in napa and 73 degrees in sonoma. there's that little swirl in the atmosphere. little edie circulation developing out there right now. as you get a little friction and drag on some of the topography in the north and then you get a little rotation, something like you see the stream. you see the water going down stream. you see these around rocks off you see the atmosphere see that swirling along approaching the coastline sometime those lot onshore. get pretty gray. as you see one of those things move on. but overall the pattern looks pretty stable right now. there's an area of low pressure just the east of us and that little trough is a kind of a baggie trough. you can see that coming in off the coast that could likely give rise to a few more thunderstorms south the mostly the tahoe area southward, mammoth lakes got to watch out possibly a 70 overall, though, the fog pattern that will be back early tomorrow morning. more that the afternoon. more on the way as we head toward friday to temperatures tomorrow. well, it will be a little cooler. of course, coast side. you got 50's out toward the beaches about 60
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downtown san francisco. lot of 50's as you work way along the coastline inside the bay of find some warm weather there and more sunshine to go along with the south bay. listen, enjoy weather, 70's 80's by tomorrow afternoon see if the idea really a nice pattern kind of setting itself up here. no big changes in the next few days. cooling down a little bit, though, as we head in towards sunday. thank you, lawrence. >> tensions were high in the trial of former president trump today. his ex-lawyer michael cohen return to the stand for day 2 of testimony and faced some heat from the defense team, washington, d.c., correspondent hannah brandt has the details. as the trump trial star witness spent another day testifying. team trump fought back. president trump is innocent of these charges. speaker mike johnson was among a group of lawmakers who spent time in court tuesday supporting the former president and outside of the courthouse. he railed against the case and the testimony from trump's former lawyer michael cohen. this is a man who is clearly on a mission. >> for personal revenge and who is widely known as a
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witness who has trouble with the truth. cohen told the jury former president trump was directly involved with the hush money scheme to bury damaging news stories ahead of the 2016 election on tuesday. he testified about business records that he says showed reimbursements for those hush money payments. that's central to the case because trump is charged with falsifying business records by illegally listing the payments as legal expenses pay later. little in the afternoon. trump's defense team grilled cohen during cross examination. they're trying to show that cohen can't be trusted and that is allegations about the former president are false. it the defense hammered cohen about his social media posts criticizing trump in an effort to show what they call an obsession with getting back at his ex boss. and when trump's team asked, quote, do you want to see president trump get convicted in this case? cohen
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responded. sure. the prosecution says cohen is their last witness, which could mean the trial and suit in washington. i'm hannah brandt. >> coming up next, how you could be the brand new owner of everything inside one of of everything inside one of the bay area's red lobster's.
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plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! >> this saturday, the peninsula humane society is inviting the public to come a>d learn about their kittens. our producer, she loves kittens. they're calling it a
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kitten shower. more people can come to the kitten nursery and watch those little cats get syringe fed and also learn about the organization's services. guests are encouraged to bring so-called shower gifts for the kittens. kim, are you doing this, including kitten formula and wet food. event is free and >> crafts and movies will also be provided for kids who attend the event will run from % noon to 3 at the organization's rollins road facility. to look at >> all right. get this. there's a chance you could be the owner of everything inside. what a 50 red lobster's closing nation wide. and one right here. road or park, which permanently closed today, a supply liquidator is auctioning off the locations. content online today through thursday. and the winners get everything inside the location on which they bit. >> kind of a good deal. if
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you're looking to maybe open up a restaurant of your own and you need some equipment, chairs, tables, that sort of thing. according to reports, the chain actually lost more than 11 million dollars last year for offering the ultimate endless shrimp deal on its regular menu. people were eating them out of house and home. i guess. if you a craving for those buttery biscuits. there are still 6 locations to choose from fairfield and allay san bruno, san jose milpitas in pittsburgh will still have the red lobster locations. but again, the rohnert park one, you by whatever is inside right now. apparently the betting is that about $1200. so pretty affordable, affordable again, if you're opening a restaurant, the party. you've got to take all the stuff that by thursday, apparently. so it's a pretty quick. turn around and decision that you've got to make just like turnaround from 5 to 6. and that wraps up kron
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4 news at 5. good luck if you're bidding. haha. lot more ahead on 6. ken wayne is here. you like a lobster? i was looking for one of those bit. so now i know i can get about 500, i >> there's a place to go. thank, you know, i'll see him in thank you grant. his will working on it. 6 protesters at san jose state. >> have been given until 6 o'clock right now to clear out their encampment. we're live on the campus as that deadline is here. >> and happening right now, the alameda county board of supervisors holding a special meeting to decide whether or not to hold a recall actually went to hold that recall election for district attorney pamela price. we're live at that meeting with the very latest. i'm ken wayne, the latest. i'm ken wayne, the news at 6 coming up next.
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