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tv   KRON 4 News at 6pm  KRON  May 14, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. >> now at 6 college protests across the bay area facing deadlines to dismantle their encampments. one of those deadlines is right now at san jose state. good evening. thanks for joining us. here in crawford is at 6. i'm noelle bellow. i'm ken wayne. we have team coverage tonight. kron four's rob nesbitt is at the university of san francisco where their deadline past 3 hours ago. but first, we'll start off crime for shaq moment at san jose state university where their deadline starts right now at 6 jack. >> well, that's right, folks. that deadline now about a minute past the hour now. and still no showing from university or any anybody
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related to the school that take a look to your right here. you can dozens upon dozens students here making their voices heard rallying for the people gaza right now. now, this isn't anything that's new students have been rallying for the past several days. going back to last week. even they were hosting citizens that were going on from about 10:00am to about 08:00pm in the evening and then resting over not come back here and regrouping. but as of last night, there is a 24 7 encampment here just along the lines, mechanics that we've been seeing at stanford and at cal now here at san jose state university's response is to tell the students that they are in violation of the time place and manner policy. and now the school says that they would like to negotiate with some of the students and offering about to volunteer about 3 students here to speak with the administration or they will ask be asked leave this area, which about that deadline passed about 2 minutes ago. i did reach out to san jose state to hear more about what what if students
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are still here past the deadline. the response was that while the students are kind of in violation of policy anyway, and i looked into that policy and can anything from removal of campus to a limitation of being able to use the campus facilities. now, a lot of the students are part of the club. san jose's, state university students for gaza. their advisor is a faculty member here on base and he spoke to her earlier this afternoon. i'm kind of along the lines of why they decided to host this encampment rather than that. said going to take a listen to that. now. >> because i understand that our campus is very silent and complicit with not only genocide, but also as 9 isn't. and so i do see this campus as being a zionist campus, which means that for our muslim students palestinian students are arab students. this is not a welcoming places. it should be for them.
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>> now what note now, one note of frustration that we've seen from the students that have started camping out since yesterday evening that they complain that the administration purposely set the sprinklers off on overnight having the reorganize a lot of their encampment i did reach out to san jose state and they did tell me those sprinklers are shot off for now. at least the students do last year throughout the night. now, when i spoke with the student adviser about how long this encampment could last because classes yesterday, final start later this week with graduation starting next week, they told me that that's really up in the air right now. students are really just taking it day by day at this time. for now live in censuses campus will send it back to you. >> jack, i know it's noisy. there know if you can hear me very well. but some universities have threatened students with suspensions, even expulsions. if they didn't break down and leave those encampments. any word on anything like that at san jose state? >> quite interesting. you mention that because contrary to send it to state stanford, for example, which had been to campus several times for their a student-led encampment is
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pretty i'm clear in their message that this could be to suspension or expulsion or even possible arrest the time place and manner policy here at san jose state. it is pretty vague compared to stanford's and at some of the other universities that we've seen pretty much the only details that i've seen that students could face is removal of camp from campus kind of restriction on some of the campus facilities that students could use here. >> all right, jack molmud live for us at san jose state as they passed the deadline to end their encampment. thank you for that live report. tudents also been protesting at the university of san francisco. they were told to clear their tent encampment by 3 o'clock this afternoon or face repercussions and they didn't do that. but instead held a rally at that encampment today. kron four's rob nesbit was at the rally, joins us now live from usf with the latest. rob. >> canada? well, this is welsh feel that usf where students have set up their tent encampment behind me. i counted about 60 tents at this encampment occupied by student protesters who say they're not
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going anywhere. despite warnings from the university. >> for 15 days, students at usf have called for a cease-fire in gaza for the university to divest from israel. protesters likes to sue state. staying in tents on welsh field. we've done nothing that great student code conduct. >> and also we placed our own guidelines of what it's like to be a people's university in have this collective. the university has been in talks with protesters and says they've been working to keep an open dialogue, but protesters were given until 03:00pm tuesday to clear their tent encampment. >> a statement from usf saying, quote, the 03:00pm may 14th deadline in which we asked students to voluntarily vacate welsh field in exchange for amnesty. refers to an internal disciplinary process led by the usf office of student conduct. there are no plans to clear the encampment or involve law enforcement as long as the encampment is peaceful and nonviolent based says the suspension or
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explosion. so you are at risk of being suspended or expelled. >> and we just think that's a scare tactic. we think that we understand that we have so much power as a collective of what we did here. >> either encampment has been really unifying for all of >> instead of clearing the encampment at 03:00pm, students pushed back staying on welsh field and holding a rally with speakers including seth morrison from the bay area chapter of jewish voices for peace. old enough to have protested and seeing how that protest was. the start of came. i believe that these protests will be the start of kate for palestinian. haha. >> us that's coming us commencement ceremony is scheduled for saturday. and the students here this weekend and say they are willing to stay here even after graduation at the demands reporting at usf. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> rob, thank you for that live report.
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>> in the south bay, hundreds of protesters gathered outside google headquarters demanding that company end its partnership with the israeli government. this is the company hosted developers conference this week. protesters say they're concerned about project nimbus sets a cloud computing effort by the israeli government in partnership with google and amazon. they say they're worried the technology could be used against civilians in gaza for actions such as surveillance or facial recognition. the message that we're trying send here is >> when the innovations and the potentially beautifully impactful, things that are valley are to harm people. but that's not ok. we will not >> we reached out to google for comment but have not heard back. >> so it's hard for on air and online for the latest information on the israel and hamas war from campus protest. >> to the conflict on the
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ground head to our website. kron 4 dot com. kron 4 dot com. >> alameda county supervisors determine just when a recall election will be held for district attorney pamela price on april 30th, the board accepted the registrar of voters to termination that enough signatures have been gathered to force a recall kron four's dan kerman live at that meeting in oakland tonight with the latest. dan. just outside the hearing room. and at this hour, the public hearing as well under way could be about another hour or so more than 60 people commenting about this. whether or not there should be a recall, though, the focus really today is when that recall will be set. >> pamela price's indicated that the recall process violated the charter and they should be having a recall at all. still, no one has filed a lawsuit about that. and as a result board of supervisors is pushing forward. and today they are taking comment about whether to hold a special election or whether they should schedule this recall
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during the general election in november. >> da price won her election fairly. it should be allowed to serve her entire term. this recall is ridiculous. so many businesses that are closing down because they are the da is not prosecuting. these criminals says the selective recall election. >> has violated the county charter. it is actually illegal and undemocratic. we're asking you to set whatever date you need to set a special election would be the best thing because that's what we asked for. all we want is justice. the compound ability for the citizens. alameda county. the reason the advocates for the recall are advocating for a special election is because they don't want to face. >> a general election when there will be a large turnout. >> now, at this point, there are several options that the board of supervisors can take. they can set a special election. you can see the dates in front of you. most of them are in august. one is in
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september. that's when they would be a special election or they could choose to hold this recall election of pamela price during the general election, which is on november. 5th, there is quite a bit of a cost difference between the 2. we're told that if they were to hold special elections, tt would cost between 15 to 20 million dollars. if they were to roll it in with the november election, which is already taking place, then that would cost about 4 million dollars. again, the board of supervisors expected to take a vote tonight and schedule that recall election of pamela price. that's the latest. we'll have more for you coming up tonight on kron. 4 news at reporting live now at the alameda county board of supervisors meeting in oakland, dan kerman kron. 4 news. all right, dan, thank you for that live report. >> let's get your check of your 4 zone forecast. taking a live look from mount tam where the fog has really started to fill in. >> you know, lawrence is not bad when you're above the but when you're under it, yeah,
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it's a whole different story. is that, you know, i see when i look at that picture, i see summer ahead. that's for sure. atmosphere kind of stabilizing now and >> now is when we start to see more low clouds and the fog. but boy, it can pretty thick underneath there and a little drizzle out there overnight tonight to specially along the coastline. so a damp in spots looking out towards sfo, not battle. the breeze is blowing the clouds are gathered and getting ready to move on shore there. 61 right now in san francisco to 58 and cool breezy in oakland, san jose. checking the 71. 75 little more. still nice. 76 degrees in concord and 69 now in santa rosa. but the pattern? yeah, beginning to shift gears here. now you can see all the cloud deck a rolling in along the coastline, not just around the bay area all the way in southern california, up toward your week as well. and the thunderstorms popping up over the sierra nevada today. but bay area, yeah, here we go again. we're getting ready to march to the low clouds and fog to push well onshore into the bay. and many of the valleys. if you're stepping outside, grab a light jacket with you in spots you'll need special on the coast.
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temperatures there hovering in the 50's low 60's cooling now with more fog on the way. and yes, some of that drizzle. thank you. swat members of the coalition are demanding from san francisco city leaders. >> to prevent overdose deaths and what district attorney brooke jenkins is saying about that advice. plus, tesla says it's laying off more bay area employees. how many more job cuts are expected? cuts are expected? >> in the coming weeks? ow netwo network for business.
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>> several cars were vandalized at the tesla factory in fremont. the discovery was made early yesterday morning. police say they found several parked cars with damage to the tires
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apparently slashed. no word tonight on the suspect. it's unclear if the vandalized cars were owned by the company or owned by employees. meantime, tesla is laying off even more employees in the bay area. the company announced last month it was laying off more than 2000 bay area. employees. it now says more than 600 additional jobs will be cut in both fremont and palo alto. this new round of layoffs will take effect next month. >> meantime, the employment website indeed is laying off about 1000 employees. the company's ceo says it's an effort to make it easier to make decisions and help grow revenues and hires. the layoffs will affect many groups and regions, but they will not happen across the board around this time last year, indeed, laid off about 15% of its staff due to a decrease in job openings after the post-covid boom, indeed does have an office in san francisco. new data show california has the highest unemployment rate in the
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nation. the federal reserve says almost half a million california residents lost their jobs. >> in the 1st quarter of this year, california's unemployment rate remained unchanged at 5.3% in march. more than a million people do not have a job in california. the state stack and information sector suffered the biggest change in year-over-year decreases with more than half of all the jobs lost. >> a coalition of public health workers and members of community groups are demanding san francisco do more to prevent overdose deaths. that includes the argument that the problem is only made worse if drug users face the risk of jail kron four's catherine. he did in our newsroom with the details along with reaction from san francisco's district attorney catherine. yeah, group can do well not in front of the chief medical examiner's office today. >> their way of referencing the many overdose deaths in the city since january of 2020, there have been more than 3,000 overdose deaths in san francisco. members of the
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group carried signs that said things like care, not cages in dealing with addicts. they argue against what they call. >> car several measures and other words, jail or prison time in 2023. >> we saw a crackdown on drug users. the sheriffs were activated to arrest people who use drugs in the heart of our city. 60% of those arrests involved. people of >> see the ways that disrupts people's lives and actually contributes to overdose deaths. >> district attorney brooke jenkins sees the problem in a very different light. i think the fact that we have enabled drug use that we have condoned it and we've allowed it is what has caused this problem to everyone that i talked to who is in recovery right now, it has been successful, said that it was the criminal justice system that really propelled to decide that treatment was what they needed
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for themselves. they had to be forced in a way to make that choice for what was best for them. and so that's all that we're trying to do is to make sure that we protect the most vulnerable from drug dealers, but also use this system to try to to to influence people to choose a better life for themselves. coalition members argue that crackdown measures only lead to more overdoses. >> they say san francisco needs to spend more money on prevention, treatment and community care facilities and say treatment should be available on demand. no waiting. >> we put so many barriers in people's way from meeting to have id from meeting to show up at a certain place at a certain time of wait, lance. but among those agreeing that tougher measures are critical. >> supervisor matt dorsey, who has overcome his own drug problems, he says with progress being made to reduce street level drug scenes
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advocating to turn san francisco stneets into arrest free for all of public drug use is a lunatic fringe and are key, not sound public health strategy. we have an obligation. >> as a body of government to intervene and help people again choose to a life worth living. >> of course, nobody is arguing this is a huge problem as of last year, the city's overdose death rate was more than double the national average. no, alan can. >> catherine, thank you. we want to get your check of the 4 zone forecast now where karl has really gobbled up the golden gate bridge since last hour. lawrence, you talk about a summer pattern. there it is there. that summer in san francisco really is, you know, some of the coldest days right in our summertime. >> you get that fog out there. you get a little breeze. get some of that moisture on your skin. boy could be really cold outside. now we're starting to see more of those patterns kind of selling up a win from winter weather. all of a sudden now we saw the warm spell now.
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>> we're seeing that fog kind of settling in now. we'll see more of that on the way to the opcoming days back. a pretty good dose of it as we look toward this week ahead along the coastline, the at that cool weather will you do get people flocking to the beach? you get just a couple stragglers right now with their coats on along the coastline with cool temperatures along the coastline as well. we've had a lot of that fog not only here but all around the state. the onshore breeze kicking up and thunderstorms popping up over this year. that of got to watch out for. and a lot of folks want a little really south lake tahoe area into the mammoth lakes in the u.s. 70 valley washout. we could see these thunderstorms return again by tomorrow afternoon. bay area, though, we've just got a little swirl off the coastline is what we call in any larry circulation. that's kind of making its way back on shore and that the low cloud cover is going to ramp up overnight tonight and push well onshore. in fact, here's your fog cast as we head through the night tonight. low cloud deck is going to stream all the way, not only just in the bay, i think some of the interior valleys by tomorrow morning. and so we're waking up with plenty of great early on and then you watch it. move back toward the middle of the day. boy, that looks like a
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summer pattern settling up. we're just by noon. we're talking about clouds out of the coastline and sunny in the bay. really nice afternoon for the rest, the bay area, but much, much cooler. that's why we have the big contrast in temperatures of fact during summertime, there are times we get the 40 or 50 degree difference meteorologist that another partly comes a day. they said what is going on out there? >> because it is amazing. i hopefully people really took hold of the nice hot weather we have for those like 2 weeks. action, you know, are prepared now. yeah. it is drive down highway 1, one from like the russian river. yes, air conditioner on because it's 100 degrees. right? come out the other side of the wall robin williams tunnel. >> and you have to turn the heater on the go across might how that contrasts in such a short amount time. and that's why it's so tricky to forecast. but i love you doing a good job. thank you very thanks, lawrence. >> coming up, a san francisco jewelry shop is closing down and moving away after nearly 2 and moving away after nearly 2 centuries in the city. networko network for business.
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>> a fine jewelry company is closing up at san francisco shop after more than 170 years in business street and company announced it's moving its headquarters to palo alto as a re evaluate their business plan. the shop opened its doors in san francisco back in 18. 52 and has moved several times until landing at its current spot on 1, one, 50 post, the store will hold a liquidation sale starting on friday, american eagle outfitters is also leaving san
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francisco according to filings on the state's employment development site last september, the company sued former mall owner westfield for breach of the lease agreement and overall unsafe work conditions for employees. westfield had, of course, announced by that point it was leaving the downtown mall behind since then several other well-known stores, including nordstrom, lego and hollister have also decided to leave the sf center. american eagle will close up shop on june. 12th and on the peninsula. chinese restaurant jing jing gourmet in palo alto is shutting down after nearly 40 years in business. the company says its last day will be this sunday in a social media post, the owners thanked everyone who had dined with them over the years and they say they hope to stay connected with the community. >> still ahead tonight on kron, 4 news at 06:00am a tale. police say they're seeing an uptick in a break-in and it's involving a specific type of car. federal officials
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are warning of threats during pride next month. what they're advising you to do to stay safe. and as we head into the summer season, health officials are keeping a close eye on a new covid variant. an expert breaks down the first variance. how it's different from the others.
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>> holding social companies accountable. that's what bipartisan lawmakers say they hope to achieve with new bills that they say protect children online. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace spoke with the bill's author and has the story. >> i'm
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>> i'm outraged that's why we're going hard here. los angeles democratic senator henry stern sharing frustration with social media companies, he says have not done their part to protect children and teenagers online. it's time these large corporations. we'll have plenty of resources to do so step up. but he says he does not have faith in many social media companies and protecting minors online. that's why he introduced 2 bipartisan bills, including sb 14. 44 also known sami's law named for the late sammy chapman. the 16 year-old teen died 3 years ago after taking a pill he bought from a drug dealer on snapchat. that pill turned out to be laced with the deadly dose of fentanyl and the names. my son, let's save some lies with this legislation. sammy's father sam came to the capitol to urge support for sami's law. it would allow parents to be involved in their kids online presence by bringing in third-party safety apps designed to monitor online activity. those


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