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tv   KRON 4 News at 10am  KRON  May 15, 2024 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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side. you think the westbound side. anyways, it's a massive steel of 10 o'clock o'clock. but in the hours this morning, the see was almost empty yeah, it's been a problem anymore. you can't leave it on the weather. that's actually sunday up there along to our right now. >> but we are looking at a little fog at the coast to mind that if you're heading that otherwise today is going to be the warmest day of this week's know this. disappeared. this is the skies above san jose right there which is looking nice and clear right now san jose may have cleared out. but as i mentioned, still a little bit of fog in the out towards the water. now temperatures are starting to work our way back into the low 60's. now double in hayward as well as mateo back up to 60 61 degrees. some 50's across the north bay. take a look at cal. still good. kelsey ville side of that warmth to come already in the upper 70's and those spots later on today. a lot of us inland will be rising further into the 80's with 70's along the bay shore right
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now. don't think you're that. so construction has really been the issue for both side like jane just mention construction earlier this morning. >> in the same spot eastbound. 24 it. steven streit announced on the eastbound side causing some delays. so if you are traveling this morning to 80's a better option, even 5.86 ad. know some of you text me that you took that route depending on where you need to go to. so again, let's zoom in here. you see it start run all the way down into oakland along 13. we typically don't see that here at 10 o'clock that a screen shot this from our caltrans cam. this with 24 looks like you think this is the westbound side knows the eastbound side. so again, construction slowing people down this morning. we have some issues on the bay bridge. thankfully that is clear. west grand avenue, the off-ramp that was close. it's now open. we had overturned big rig 13 minutes into the city this morning. san mateo bridge look good. 40 minutes there. maybe want to hop on 80 to see the eastbound side looks could 17 minute drive on the westbound
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side. crockett down towards them a starry. james, back to you. thanks a lot. reyna on our top story. the date is now set for the recall election of alameda county district attorney pamela price. voters will decide the matter in the november general election kron four's will tran in alameda county. now with the latest. >> people who want her recall, they want her to leave office as early as august, possibly september, but definitely not november 5th, but that's what's going to happen as far as letting the public decide whether or not price will hold on to her job. now, let me show you video from last night at the alameda county board of supervisors meeting they unanimously voted to have the recall election during the general election, november 5th, instead of august or september or and it came down to timing and money. they don't believe that they can quickly turn around and have a special election come august and having it in november will be a lot cheaper for the
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county for a million for the general election. as much as 20 million for a stand-alone, special election that people who want her recalled say that she is soft on crime. soft on suspects, but many other people, especially her supporters, believe she won fair and square. she won during the general election and she should have a chance to defend herself come general election. >> da price won her election fairly. it should be allowed to serve her entire term. this recall is ridiculous. so many businesses that are closing down because they are the da is not prosecuted. criminals says the recall election has violated the county charter. it is actually illegal and undemocratic. all we want is justice. accountability for the citizens. alameda county, there are 960,000 registered voters in alameda county wide. each side believe that. >> one special election versus
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at general election, a special election, a stand-alone election, fewer people turn out and that would actually hurt pamela price. she and her supporters, they wanted the general election because more people turn out, especially this being a presidential year that a bigger size sample would actually help or because more people would turn out so they could vote in favor of her staying in office. so this is a win for her and her supporters, at least for now. >> all right. thank you. we'll 10. 0, 3 is the time new this morning. we have new numbers now that have just come in about the number of homeless people. there are in alameda county, ala, the la county health department says it overall homelessness is down by about 3% from the last count. >> in 2022, the total number of homeless this year is at 9,415. and in a report this morning, officials said the number of unsheltered people has gone down a total of 11% for previous years.
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>> the alameda county health department says they've actually seen an uptick in the number of homeless people now using shelters and moving into temporary housing. the report also says that homelessness in the largest city in the country are in the county, which is oakland has slowed as well. officials credit that to better outreach to homeless people in the city of oakland. and when they looked deeper into who was living on the streets in alameda county. >> they found that homelessness has dropped significantly amongst veterans and young people. these are better numbers for alameda county officials, though, so say a lot more work needs to be done to improve the situation. >> ok, 10, 0, 5, the time and teachers in the south bay have rally this morning to demand better wages as their union now gets to the bargaining table with the school. they can afford to live where they work and make ends meet. michael thomas is in los gatos with the story. >> behind me are dozens of teachers here in los gatos. high rallying for better pay, telling me some of them are the lowest paid in the entire county.
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>> at 7.45, this morning, teachers of los gatos in saratoga. high school rallied for better pay before heading into the classroom and the bargaining table. patricia sutton is a teacher, the district and a member of the bargaining table telling me these teachers are struggling and deserve better. it's a great place. >> but it's very hard and i hope the parents realized a majority of us. we can't afford to live here. we have to commute to be able to work here. >> and the group says most teachers are working 2 jobs just to make ends meet when it comes to new hires, the schools are being outbid by other districts which is costing the students their education. this veteran teacher tells me all the group is trying to do is. >> i'm trying to make a living so that are younger teachers, especially can live in this area keeping our slice of the pie. lastly, the group is asking for smaller class sizes when it comes to specialty classes saying it's all about student safety and teacher workload, hoping that today will be able to come to some agreement. >> on being paid fairly for
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all the work we do. we did reach out to the district but have not heard back as of this report, we get more updates on that bargaining meeting will continue to keep you updated at the very latest los gatos. michael send it back to live in studio. all right. thank you, michael 10. 0, 6, right now in the north bay, a man was shot and killed yesterday afternoon on market avenue and delay. how when the police got there, they found him suffering from one gunshot wound. he was taken to the hospital where he died. we don't have any word on suspects at this hour. on the peninsula. a motorist was killed in a crash that happened last night on south bound to 80. this happened near woodward city when a hyundai and a pickup truck crashed into each other. this happened near the edward edgewood road off-ramp. and one of the drivers was killed. >> 10, 0, 7. the time the man is in jail now accused of having with a child younger than 14 years old. redwood city police say they've arrested 19 year-old andre gomes yesterday in east palo alto. officers say the
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incident happened in redwood city and they're now investigating to see if they were and the other victims out there. in the south bay, san jose. police now asking for your help in locating a assault suspect. 50 year-old julian martinez is accused of pulling a young girl under a freeway overpass and sexually assaulting her back on april 9th. investigators say he was riding a dark colored bicycle. you see picture there in the center, the girl managed to fight him off and took off. that's when he took off on the bike. so if you recognize and few know where he is, call police. >> 10. 0, 7, right now. and several tesla superchargers are back online in valais. how but somebody made off with all the cables and a viral video on tiktok shows all the cables missing. they were just caught right off of these charging stalls and that was the scene on sunday. this is the supercharger station behind target target on admiral
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callaghan lane. and these cables contained copper. they can be sold for about $3, a pound on average, the copper and so those cables have been since replaced. the man who shot this video. josh peck lure spent nearly 2 decades investigating this type of theft from big box stores. >> and he says it's that easy to commit this crime. >> that was a hall. those things where heavy, the nozzles are happy. you no, you really had to work hard. and then take it to a, you know, recycling center. god knows how far down the road strip it and so it's it's you know, a lot of people are upset, but it's again, it's just a symptom of how desperate someone can be and how far they're willing to work to put a couple of dollars on the table. >> becker says that a security guard at target actually has filed a police report on this. and we did reach out to the valais police. we haven't heard back, but yet, but again, we have we understand that those test, the charges
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are back up and running right now. in the safe fremont. police are investigating because several vehicles were vandalized at the tesla factory in fremont. this is in the parking lot. they were discovered yesterday morning with there tires damaged. so they're investigating. who did that, ok? well, tesla is accused of violating the federal clean air act hundreds of times by letting its fremont plant them in harmful pollutants. >> those are the claims in the lawsuit that were filed by the nonprofit group called environmental democracy project. and in it, they claim the company exposed nearby residents and workers to excess nitrogen oxides, arsenic and other chemicals, mainly through its paint shop operations was back in february. the tesla agreed to pay one and a half million dollars to settle a separate lawsuit by more than 2 dozen counties claiming mishandled hazardous waste locations all across the state. we're going take a break here. 10, 10 still ahead on the kron. 4 morning news, san jose state university orders protesters to clear out their
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encampments. >> were face. the consequences will have more on that and concerns of covid cases on the rise. once again, we'll tell you about the latest variant that's spreading. >> and today is going to be a day that brings cool fog and breezes to the coast. upper 50's to low 60's out that way. the rest of us, though, are the rest of us, though, are ever so slightly in for our
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we're here today to set the record straight about dupuytren's contracture. surgery is not your only treatment option. people may think their contracture has to be severe to be treated, but it doesn't. visit today to get started.
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>> everybody's going somewhere. apparently americans are traveling around the world really looking at their summer vacations. right now. tripadvisor looked at this and they say 95% of people they asked are planning to travel. as much as or more
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than they did last summer. despite some concern about the economic trends that could, you know, affecting their pocketbooks. a quarter of americans plan to spend $5,000 or more on their getaways and americans. a top international destination is cancun, mexico, top place to go in the u.s. is a lot and maybe you want to have to go anywhere. if you want to take a dip down a water slide the south bay because remember, raging waters is no more. but there's a new sign out there and it says caban guy. that's catchy. right? so raging waters have been there for 40 years. everybody was used to being able to slide down those and have a good time there. but then remember, they told us last summer they weren't renewing their lease. the city swooped in really quickly. san jose leaders approved a new lease on a contract for new management. we just don't know when they're opening. okay now, but at least they've got a new sign matching look forward to sure. >> temperatures today, i mean
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and length warm enough to enjoy water parks got to be pretty hot for me. want to go upper 70's low 80's, john, right? yeah, i know it needs to be a tease for the water park weather, at least for me for sure. it's not the foggy weather that you want to go and on. although san jose, you're already sitting under sunshine, not so much yet for the east bay hills, where you can see that cloud cover is still hanging out. it is a thinner marine. they are much more shallow, which does mean that it's burning off quicker than it did yesterday. this will contribute to quicker warming late morning into the afternoon making today. just slightly our warmest day of the forecast. still a little foggy towards the coastline. that high pressure ridge blocking any system that could come through to disrupt a this dry pattern that we're so even though we've got a very gradual cooling trend for the weekend ahead of us, we're still going to be looking at dry skies and really not a lot of changes. this is a stable forecast looking at future cast skies clear already along the bay shore in inland, foggy towards the coast. that
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ever-present sea breeze is going to continue into tonight, allowing more fog to stream through the golden gate on into the evening tonight and into tomorrow morning. another gray start before another sunny finish tomorrow morning's marine layer is going to be a little bit more deaths taking more time to clear out. that's tomorrow. shouldn't be quite as warm as today is about to be 60's for your highs in san francisco and out along the coastline. well, bay shore cities mostly in the 70's burlingame at 71 saying carlos at 76 south bay, temperatures in the low 80's for most of u.s. east bay times. also ranging from the low to mid 80's inland to the 70's, even 60's along the bayshore berkeley and richmond are cooler spots in the east bay and are very hot spot today. vacaville close to 90 degrees. that's not a number. we're going to see very much this week, especially with this gradual cooling trend into the weekend that takes our inland areas back down into the 70's as soon as friday right now. all right, john, thank you for that. well, east counseling for the pretty slow for a huge portion
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of the morning from orinda all the way into oakland right now. that's what we're still >> seeing delays. we have some construction going on eastbound. 24 at stevens tried was also on the westbound side. looks like clear the westbound side a lot sooner than the eastbound side. that's why you're still seeing those delays. just taking a snapshot of our caltrans cam here. you see the delays on the eastbound side here, hoping that as the morning goes on, we're going to start to see that clear up just a little bit better. 13 minute ride into the city. finally that closure on west craig avenue. that off-ramp has re opened. that also was closed for most of the morning because of an overturned big rig. 14 minutes across the mateo bridge. maybe you're taking 80 because you're trying to get around to maybe highway 4 and you don't want to take 24 so you can do that. see no major delays along the eastbound side. we've gone down from a 60 minute commute. now to about 40 minutes. 85 to menlo park area. james, back to thank you. reyna is 10, 17 and and iconic nightclub in
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the south bay is closing its doors after more than 5 decades. charlies last ghettos bar andnightclub is going to close next month. the spot has been a staple in the community with live performances theme nights. really fun atmosphere and average lead opened as mountain. charlie, back in 1972, it's had multiple owners over the years, but it's always kept going. the current owners took over in 2021. the night club is open wednesday to saturday night and the last day is june 2nd. chinese restaurant is using gourmet and palo alto is closing down after nearly 40 years in business. their last day of service is on sunday on social media. the owners thank everybody who's ever dined there and said that they hope to stay connected. >> with the community and some other way. >> clothing, drier, filled with lent, caused a house to catch fire in brisbane. this happened yesterday afternoon.
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the home is on san bruno avenue and mariposa street crews got there and they were able to put the fire out fairly quickly and they limited it to the laundry room and nobody was hurt. but it just goes to show you, they say, have to make sure that bou clean that. let out from the drier and the dryer vent. >> the u.s. citizenship and immigration services office will be opening an asylum office in oakland today. it's going to be on clay streets. they say this new location is just temporary. their office in san francisco is increasing its capacity. so they're doing some renovation work there. the agencies urging applicants to double check their interview notices because you can now expect to be either told to go to the oakland where the san francisco office make sure you go to the right one. well, a group of city workers and union leaders are rallying at oakland city hall tuesday to demand answers when it comes to these allegations that said the city's failed to collect millions of taxes from businesses in oakland. officials estimate that nearly 35 million in unpaid business taxes still outstanding. some businesses apparently failed
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to file their taxes altogether. and union leaders and workers are asking for more transparency and a better system when it comes to collecting taxes there in that city. >> 19 and the irs is warning you about tax preparers who claim that they can get this set, get you some money and save extra cash in maybe get a bigger refund, but could actually cause you trouble because if your return is false, you know, fake it. we're just you can't prove it. youve got problems in the irs is warning you don't fall for these tax scammers. some say you can use the fuel tax or sick and family leave or household employment tax credit and you don't qualify. you can't do that. if you're on you get caught. taxpayers also falsely claiming fictional household employees for credits if and when you get caught, it will cost you. a new study says abortions are increasing across the country. researchers at uc san francisco. took a look at the numbers and they say this is happening in the wake of the supreme court's decision that overturned roe v wade in 2022,
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they say. in 2023, there were 86,000 abortions per month in the u.s.. and that is 4,000 more per month than the year before the increase took place. even as 14 states have now totally banned abortion. the study says the increase is due to telehealth consultations where patients can talk to doctors and other state and women can get abortion pills. through their providers in states that are protected by shield last. >> all right. 10, 20 is the time. meantime, the sector me on younger men are apparently on the rise after roe v wade was overturned. university of utah researchers found the percentage of the second the patients under 30 rose from about 6% to now nearly 10%. and those rates are consistently higher in states that considered hostile that are considered hostile towards abortion rights here in california where state leaders have promised to protect abortion rights. second these rose from 7 to 13 patients per
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100,000 among all ages. also for your health this morning, a new set of coronavirus variants known as flirt are now sparking concerns about a potential uptick in cases this summer. officials say that for the pastor for 2 weeks in april, they saw this variant make up about 28% of new cases across the country. we spoke with ucsf infectious disease expert doctor peter chin hog. and he says a lot of the symptoms you'll recognize. >> yeah, it's probably going to be very similar doesn't mean that everybody is going out of a mild you know, we're still seeing covid in the hospital, believe it or not, just not that just the lowest point in the pandemic. but common theme of everyone that i've seen last with serious diseases that they didn't get a single vaccine in the last >> so with that, doctor chin-hong is encouraging everybody to get their updated vaccines, particularly those in the older population and those with him compromised immune systems.
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>> it's 10, 22. and coming up on the kron, 4 morning news, a bay area group is highlighting women in business and hey've just picked 10 college
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>> on this date in history, the first mcdonald's opened. can you believe it out that? yeah. plus, we also honor country start june. carter cash newsnation's markie. martin takes a look. >> today is may 15th. if you're thinking about a kind gesture to national, bring flowers to some one day in 17, 18, the world's first machine gun was patented walt disney's
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mickey mouse made his debut with the premiere of the cartoon plain crazy. and the first airline stewardess ellen church went on duty to serve snacks, handle luggage and check tickets. and a united airlines flight america's first female secretary of state madeleine albright was born in 1940. the first big donnell's fast food restaurant opened in san bernardino, california brothers maury a k a mask. and richard macdonald open to the drive-in restaurant nylon stockings first went on sale to the general public and 2003 country music singer and songwriter, june carter cash died in nashville. well, june carter cash was 73 years old when she passed. she is also noted for her work. >> with the carter family and of course, johnny cash. >> and lucky bay area college students have been chosen to get scholarships from a bay
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area organization that has been giving for years. and here they are. first of all, let me tell you about the group because for more than 6 decades, the financial women of san francisco have a helped with women pursuing careers in finance and accounting. this is a program that breaks barriers and it fosters an inclusive environment for women in all fields. so i'm telling you about it. as you look through these names of all of the people, the recipients of the money this year in the past? well, actually, if you look at total, they've they've given away 3 million dollars in scholarships in 35 years to more than 325 different women. so you can see they're going to get their money and the honor jun 6, all of these are the recipients. this is, you know, game-changing stuff. they get between 10 $15,000. so that goes a long way with the university all right, 10 27, the time. >> coming up on the kron 4 morning news. another store closing down at union square and moving to the penins
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>> right now and we're looking at a pretty nice day. we are already shaping up nicely. the fog that's gun the bay slowly starting to move off inland. looks a little better, john. yeah, definitely clearing up more and more now and clearing up faster than it did yesterday at this point. >> still a little foggy behind me there at the golden gate bridge. but take a look. just a few miles down the road in downtown san francisco, where skies have cleared out. really nice and some good sunshine overhead. still a bit of that cool ocean air pushing through the bay helping to moderate our coastal and bay shore. temperatures. well, inland areas are set to be the
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warmest of this week's forecast today. brentwood already in the 70's dublin livermore at 62 oakland, berkeley sf still hanging on to those 50's as you are up north and santa rosa and petaluma later today. daytime highs will rise into the 70's to low 80's making today just lightly. the warmest day of this forecast, i'll talk our gradual cool down after today. still to come, right? all right, john, thank you for good news or seen a lot of improvement along. 24. >> we had some earlier construction there and that started the 24 all the way up to 13. you can see we're longer in the red. in fact, return orange and that construction that was at stevens that is now clear. gradually seen some improvement there, no longer major congestion. if you are going to be traveling, no need to hop on 80, you can just take that will take a little bit of time. not as bad as it was earlier. 16 minutes into the city right now. summit hill bridge around 13. megan improvement along 80 crockett
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out towards the may 17 minutes, both eastbound and westbound look good. 101 of the south bay 40 minute ride. 85 to menlo park darya. james, back to you. all right. thank you. analysts turned to a big story that we're following now. bay area universities pushing back against the students who have been protesting against the war. the 3 week-long encampment encampment for pro-palestinian. uc berkeley. now they gave him a deadline of yesterday and made agreement. yeah, they did. yes. so that encampment, which is been popping up there and everywhere else. >> slowly but surely beginning to be resolved. students have been demanding as we know that universities cut their ties. >> with the israeli government are with the military to university set deadlines of yesterday for their students to get out and for the protesters to leave. let's take a look closer now. hear what's left of the encampment at cower. the students have been for weeks outside of sproul hall and the chancellor sent a letter yesterday saying that the school and the
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demonstrators had mission and reach an agreement where the university is going to create a committee to take a look at the investments that they have pertaining to israel book, though, they say they will not be able to fully divest from those investments. they will look into ones that are specific to weapons, manufacturing and surveillance industries. yeah. i mean time student protesters at san francisco state also reached an agreement with the administration after more than 2 weeks of demonstrating their the group announced that the school's president and leadership has committed now to divest from. >> weapons manufacturers and create a workforce to develop new screenings for future investments. the student protesters have actually scheduled a press conference for this afternoon to discuss the matter further. so we'll hear more about what they're thinking and over at san jose state school leaders gave the protesters until 6 o'clock last night to clear out. >> but as kron 4 jack moment report, students say they have no plans to leave.
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>> what started as daytime sitting senator state's campus is now a 24 7 encampment. >> because i understand that our campus is very silent and complicit with not only genocide, but also as 9 isn't. >> around 70 protesters asking the university to abide by their demands. professor of justice studies saying kill is the advise it for some of the students here. the students in solidarity each other decided to launch a popular university for gaza. and another point of contention is tony smith, the 1960, at olympia who famously raised his fist and the support of human rights posted an instagram, his support for the protesters said as a state on the other hand, says they for the opposite from smith and the other olympians there, john. carlos, i do think that makes the administration a little bit nervous about this encampment, even existing so close to graduation. meantime, back on campus, the deadline to move out has passed. no police and no forcing out
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saying kill says she wants to keep advocating for her students. so that's why i risk my own skin in order to protect their right to free speech and academic freedom to speak out against genocide. now officials with san jose state tell me that many of tho students and of violating the student code of conduct what that punishment may look like remains to be seen with the administration telling me we're just so close to graduation. >> reporting in san jose, jackie moment kron 4 news now from san jose to san francisco now where students at ucsf were also given a deadline of 03:00pm yesterday. >> by school leadership to have these encampments broken down or they'll face consequences. now, just like the students at san jose state, these demonstrators instead decided to hold a rally. we know that graduation is set for saturday. the students say they're prepared to stay at their encampment beyond graduation if their demands aren't met. >> says the suspension or explosion. so you are at risk of being suspended or
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expelled. and we just think that's a scare tactic. we think that we understand that we have so much power as a collective of what we did here. >> either encampment has been really unifying for all of us. >> well, the university has been in talks with the protesters. they say they've been keeping an open dialogue. and sn a statement, the university says they have no plans right now to clear out the encampment or to call in law enforcement as long as the demonstrators remain peaceful and nonviolent. the family of the man who died after being in police custody in antioch has settled with the city for 7 and a half million dollars. the antioch city council voted to approve the settlement in closed session. the civil lawsuit against the city of antioch was filed on behalf of the family of 30 year-old angelo quinto quito was a filipino american veteran who died bikes fix after police knelt on his neck. according to the lawsuit, came to was forcibly restrained during what his family says was a mental health emergency back
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in december of 2020. it's 10 36, iconic jewelry store in san francisco is a leaving. yeah, sure. even company has been operating in the city for 172 years. >> kron four's terisa stasko explains the reason behind the shutdown. >> the clothes sign taped to the door says it all. >> although temporarily shut down tuesday for shoppers, sure. even company at one 50 post rating. you square will soon be no more. the fine jewelry company announcing it's moving headquarters to palo alto in response to retooling its business plan. in a statement to kron 4 news, the managing partner lane schiffman said, quote, as we turn the page on this exciting new chapter we're filled with gratitude for our journey in san francisco. this move symbolizes our dedication to evolving with the ever changing landscape of luxury retail while maintaining the timeless elegance and personalized service that define sure even company.
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>> so shoppers hearing the news reflected on fallen memories tied to the store. might, you know, wedding engagement my mom's, i my dad's in 18, 52 shreve opened its doors in san francisco, the high-end luxury jewelry and watch retailer moved several times into landing that its current spot. the retailer has announced a store liquidation sale starting friday. >> union square is not that far from it. >> that's ali mcavoy even the commercial real estate firm specializing in san francisco ground floor space, especially around union square mcavoy says while macy's shuttering multi four-year square store was significant. it has led to something positive >> it wasn't the blow it was expected to be. and in a way it sort of it's a herald for
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smart and savvy tenants that we've hit. the bottom and that really the only have up to go from here, mcavoy points to several high-end watch outlets. >> opening up soon and fashion stores like max, mara and saint john. and she says there is already interest that sharif spot. we're actually in advanced negotiations with the local tenant to take the entire ground floor and potentially the mezzanine as well for a very special concept, although it is an end of an era for a san francisco icon. it may be the beginning of another new chapter. only time will tell that story in san francisco, theresa kron. 4 news. >> 10 39 is the time and new this morning. the oakland ballers have made an official request to repurpose bleacher seats that were formerly used by the raiders out at the coliseum. so the seats news there in the stadium's parking lot right now. they've been there since the raiders relocated to vegas the ball or sent a letter to the oakland-alameda coliseum joint powers authority commissioner
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the jpa for short to detailing how they plan to purchase and use the seats for their upcoming season at rim on the park. the ballers say their proposal aims to preserve a vital piece of oakland's sporting legacy team co-founder paul friedman said, quote, we recognize the emotional and cultural significance. these bleacher seats hold for the open community bike or parade them into our new ballpark. we aim to honor the memories of the past while giving oakland fans a new experience with a team committed to never leaving the town, end quote, opening day. by the way, for the ballers is june 4th. >> for the first time that we know of a swimmer has made it all the way from san francisco to the fair lyla that's more than 29 miles. and the water, by the way, is 45 degrees. >> the swimmer who me app plans gubser. >> and to complete this, she swam for more than 17 hours. >> and you can see in this foggy a dark video. there she
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is over that hours. all my gosh. what it looks like. she has like a headlamp up to mark her. and as you can see her little blue on my gosh. and kayakers like helping and allow assist team to keep an eye on are. that's good. she says that the swim was a test of endurance, not speed. >> open water. swimming is not about how that your it's about what you can were and what you can withstand. and i have a very strong aptitude for the cold and i've always that's when that direction. i used the current to launch me out toward the island and then halfway through the women to begin was the beginning of the of the actual hard part of this a vote james the hard part. let me as you look at this map, the hard part was halfway through the 17 hours, the 39 miles, that the the the 1st half was so easy. you know, really the current was helping. are you kidding my gosh. oh, my god. she's a
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pediatric intensive care nurse by trade. so just, you know, her spare time. hard part for me. just getting into a wetsuit, right then got the cold water and then not getting it by a shark. alright 10 41 the time. we're going to take a break. still ahead on kron 4 morning news fire kron 4 morning news fire season is here
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now
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and cache in at cache creek casino resort. >> 10. 44 now's the time to get thinking about safety and emergency plans. because as wildfire season, the alameda county fire department is getting ready, trying to get the word out. now the agency officially declaring the start of fire season in kron four's philippe gaulle join the crew out of the east bay again, as they're getting ready.
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>> anything you guys to miss marciel one of several property owners, the alameda county fire department paid a visit in livermore tuesday yeah. >> like my big pond way from edge of you it. that is because not that county firefighters and neighboring fire agencies touring land along the altamont pass preplanning for a disaster. now that division chief cory rutherglen says as of monday morning, the fire season in the county is officially underway. we're concerned every year it seems a slightly delayed this year. however. >> with the start of fire season, the county fire department is up staffing for the next few months on the ground dispatch were out here today to check out access point to make sure that >> the gates are still good. all the roads intact and not washed out from the winner and just pre planned to make sure that we're ready when the fires do occur here. the area
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is vulnerable to fires due to high winds and dry overgrown fields. following months of rain. this is one of the main arteries for bay area coming through his with a lot of vehicles. we have fires, cigarettes in the name of front of the window concert fire. and if that happens, crews will be ready to put it in livermore. philippe djegal, all kron. 4 news. >> all right. yet season get things ready. do long work or whatever you need to do. james, do it in the morning as opposed to the heat of the that's why you can't do it. it with a smirk. well >> use that excuse for jogging to michael now with todd. thank but yeah, we are looking at a warm day today for the south bay. you can get up to 82 in san jose and you've got plenty of sunshine overhead already. we will be looking at daytime highs today at our warmest for inland areas and bayshore cities that we will see in this week's forecast. and part of that is because today's marine layer was really shallow. it has already for a lot of areas. high
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pressure ridge built up to the west is blocking anything coming in disrupting this dry pattern that we have. so despite the gradual cool down over the next few days, this is a very steady forecast as sea breeze is not necessarily going completely go away. it's just a bit relaxed today. we'll kick back in tomorrow with the chance of some even denser marine there tomorrow morning. that means gray is going to stick around a bit longer for your thursday morning as compared to how it did this morning. 60's for your highs and sf as well as at the coastline. and then looking at a lot of 70's along the bay shore today, burlingame at 71 saying carlos at 76 south bay, temperatures in the low 80's, mostly and then 70's 80's for most of the east bay, especially warm for those inland spots. this expect while berkeley and richmond are cooler spots of the east bay in the 60's vacaville impressively warm at 89 degrees. that's close enough to 90 after today. we'll back off that number and look at temperatures falling into the 70's for most of our
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inland areas starting on friday right now. >> now, thank you for that silver lining. 24 now looks great. the westbound and eastbound side of that. if you are going to be taken that commute right now, we had some earlier construction at stevens strive that slow things down. these are pretty backed up from around all the way into oakland. now, look at that. nothing but green, other bridges and highways. a 17 minute ride on the bay bridge. so not terribly busy. but you're just a little traffic. 14 minutes along the richmond, sandra fell bridge mateo bridge around 13 and the golden gate bridge. 37 of the tolls 20 minute drive. all right. james, back to thank nuts. 47 in the south san jose city council unanimously approves a regulation that would clamp down on smoke and vape shops in the city and require a conditional use permit to operate them and also other things aimed at cutting down youth involved in this. and this because there's
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been a lot of cannabis and magic mushrooms. sales, they say inside the stores and then there's a lot of concern about young people's exposure to these products, other drugs as well. there's a concern because of the growing number of the smoke and vape shops that are in the city of san jose. well, the giants have been bitten by the injury bug. jim hooley, dc here suffered a structural parenting damage to his left shoulder and he's looking for a second opinion tomorrow, but he could be out the whole season. blake snell. >> will pitch in sacramento on friday and will continue to ramp up towards his return. michael conforto still dealing with a hamstring injury to not doing any activity. and patrick bailey dealing with cold symptoms after the concussion. and then there's jorge soler. he took to batting practice yesterday to see how his shoulders feeling. but he had to stop early because he was struck in the head. by his own batted ball, walked off the field with a trainer. melvin. talk the
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clubhouse right now with this onslaught of injuries. >> it is what it is or what he goes through. these stretches were just getting it kind of. wild on a sunday in april and early but the guys come out the same. >> it's a mood every day and with an expectation to win. so i haven't seen anybody dragon. we do the best we can. sometimes you get a little to the best you can with it. >> despite the injuries, the giants were hoping for some redemption against the dodgers last night. but as sports director jason dumas shows a seat didn't go that way. >> the giants and dodgers played a tight game on monday night. it went into extras. the giants fought hard, but they're getting to the point of the season to where they can no longer afford moral victories. they have to get winds before they find themselves in a hole. they can not dig themselves out of. well, they didn't start digging on tuesday night. giants dodgers game 2. >> brock purdy in the house.
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all right. he's a quarterback. so, you know, he's throwing a dart. there's probably some heat behind that pitch, but it was a little high rock. always good fun. top of the 4th. no score shohei ohtani. this is why said show me the money. this offseason. that is bomb. one, nothing. all righty later indiana dodgers up 3 gavin he send this one to right center. no one is going to get it. lux in the 3rd with a triple capping off a four-run for top of the 9th dodgers up 7 oscar hernandez. so jean duley, who is their typical center fielder, he has a little more range than matos. i think he might have been able to get to couple more runs come in to score. dodgers. go on defeat. the giants tended to san francisco will will look to avoid the sweep on wednesday.
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all right. that's a look at sports. >> wait, wait, there's more. what about the nfl schedule? it's officially coming out today. we do have some leaks already out. the niners opening their season on september 9th prime time monday night football matchups at home at levi's against aaron rodgers and the new york jets. then one everybody is looking forward to is in week 7. we we're going we're get our super bowl rematch. the niners will host patrick mahomes and the chiefs. >> and the chiefs. yeah, you know, be here. take be a problem the full schedule is set to come out tonight at 5 o'clock. this is what i'm following in. where >> some of the biggest names, the wnba are suiting up for a new scams campaign. >> the stanford zone, cameron brink. candace parker, kelsey plum skylar diggins-smith. you can see them all in the fits
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everybody promotion for scams. a scam signed a deal to become the official underwear of the nba and the wnba last year. pretty cool, right? i mean, up scams are really taking off. i don't want to but i do because kim kardashians thing and i was us banks where but now i checked out scams and unlike older, pretty comfortable actually. are 72. we'll be actually. are 72. we'll be right back.
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(♪♪) get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more. this homestyle chicken salad wrap from subway this is how you do it. savory chicken, crisp veggies all wrapped up— these wraps are amazing. people can hear my thoughts? that's a problem. stay fresh out there with all—new wraps from subway. >> almost done here on the kron. 4 morning news. before we go, let's see what's up with jessica wills. what's coming up in live by the bay today. chess. hey, good
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morning, darya. coming up today on live in the bay, the electic immersive art space serving the community have a loss. church is providing space for artistic creativity and live performances. then the importance of curating a sustainable wardrobe tips and tricks to finding the best thrifted vintage fashions and the exhibition kicking off at the sonoma valley museum of art. we go behind the brush strokes of the arthur monroe exhibition, a tow to carry. and as always want to hear what you have to say about our question the day today. go ahead and scan that qr code today. we want to know who would you like to give flowers to let us know in your answer could be read on the show at 01:00pm right here on kron 4 daario a familiar with the phrase the kids are using. the state was giving flowers the phrase sorry was the getting someone their flowers means like paying them complements. you don't give them some flowers. but you know what? i can do that because it's too late to send the flowers to my daughter today because it's her birthday today. so i will give her flowers. >> right now if you she's
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amazing your show. we're on it. everything i could want to be and way more. so happy birthday to her birthday thank >> all right. >> one final story for you in this great news for kevin hart fans. he's adding an additional show when it comes to the bay area this fall for his acting my age tour. he's going to be performing as we know, friday, october 25th. but now he's adding a show on saturday. what is age? he's acting as acting as it says, old trees. he's going to be the paramount theater in oakland. tickets for the first night are on sale now. presale for that second night is going to happen today at yeah, that will be fun. what's forecast? right. however old you are today. however, old you are. it's wonderful to get out there. even if it isn't. your birthday can per tent. treat yourself. >> outside and a little cooler after today, too. favorite thing is the birthday of thing where you would go to disneyland and everyone happy
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free i would always where i no matter what even >> you can just go get
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narrator: today on dr. phil, in-laws out of control. i don't see that this baby gets any discipline. the baby is wild. the baby is 16 months. [laughter] narrator: mothers-in-law-- my mom is trying to control my marriage. narrator: --and sons-in-law-- terry is trying to make me out to be a monster. narrator: --face off. i haven't seen a good side of you. you believe he's physically abusive to the children? my grandson comes and tells me bad things that happened.


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