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tv   KRON 4 News at 630pm  KRON  May 15, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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month in june as our country kerman reports tonight. the alert comes due to an increase in terrorist propaganda the warning from the fbi and the department of homeland security suggests foreign terrorists like isis or their u.s. space supporters, a target lgbtq venues and events during pride month. >> the san francisco's pride parade is not until the end of june pride festivities are scheduled here and across the u.s. throughout the entire month of june. one thing that is different this year than in years past is volume and the intensity, a propaganda. >> following the october 7 attack in israel. the level of propaganda is concerning for us. the fbi says the volume and intensity of that propaganda coupled with next month's anniversary of the 2016 pulse nightclub massacre in orlando. his reason to get the word out. people a very
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good grasp what's normal behavior for their surroundings. encourage them that they see something that's very suspicious, very out of the that they report >> well, many in san francisco's castro district were caught off guard by the terror warning for pride month. moos said it wouldn't cause them to curtail their activities. >> the community is very welcoming and makes us feel safe. so i think. being a part of it is going to be a good thing. doesn't give me pause at all. it probably would make me much more motivated to be out and present. >> i think, you know, we have the luxury here be able to assemble pretty freely in this country. and i think being able to do so. so we are standing up for people who can't is worrisome, but that's not going to deter us from showing their support and being a part of the community. that means the world to test of a teaser slated to take place through much of the month of june. in san francisco. >> culminating in a festival and parade on the last weekend of the month. >> in san francisco, dan kerman kron, 4 news.
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>> the u.s. citizenship and immigration service has opened in asylum office on clay street in oakland happened today. officials say that the new location will be temporary as the office in san francisco looks to increase capacity to hold asylum interviews. the agency is urging applicants to double check their interview notices because they can now expect to get one to attend an interview at either oakland or san francisco on the peninsula, drier filled with lynn is being blamed for causing a house fire in brisbane. it happened yesterday afternoon on san bruno avenue in mariposa street. >> our crews arrived to the scene and tackle the smoke and flames coming from the laundry room. nobody was hurt. >> temperatures go. mayor london breed dropping out cf next week's mayoral debate hosted by nonprofit together s f mayor breed confirmed her participation before several changes to the schedule and format were made as ceo of together as seth releasing a statement kron 4 saying, quote, it is unfortunate for
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san francisco voters that mayor breed has pulled out of our debated, chosen to align herself with another longtime political incumbent. aaron peskin, who also has controlled the direction of our city for many years goes on to say that it is telling that the mayor, like supervisor peskin, has chosen to try and tarnish the reputation of together as seth instead of joining the other candidates in explaining why our 100,000 community members, all san francisco voters should trust them to run the city for the next 4 years. end of quote together as staff will be hosting the debate with other confirmed candidates on monday. may 20th. >> it is official. president biden and former president trump will be facing off in to debate stage showdown. one is set for june the other in september kron four's catherine heenan in our newsroom with reaction from our political analyst about this long time coming debate. catherine. and of course we are talking about 2 candidates. we already know
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plenty about but debates cam sway some voters and an a tight election. that could mean a lot. this began with a fiery social media post. the sense that he had showed up for debate now is acting like you want to debate me again will make my day joe biden taunting donald trump. trump responded with a post in which he called biden worst debate or ever saying let's get ready to rumble. >> aside from all the big talk from both sides, analysts say both candidates need the debates by denise these debates. the recent new york times poll >> shows him down significantly in the battleground states. and who needs to get traction that pulls basically the same it was 6 months ago. so he obviously needs to get traction. and for trump, he's thinking he can deliver a knockout blow because people will the watching biden money. biden will be able to perform
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so it could be very interesting and probably more important to biden, then the trump. but if you're in the biden you're pushing donald the former president. >> because the former president has been talking joe biden someone who doesn't want to debate that. he's scared that he's checking to do this. but at the same time, he's not capable of doing that. that's been kind of the elephant in the room, if you will. and so the biden team believes they want to call the former president on donald trump himself. he wants to move the campaign out of the courtroom. it's unclear what things look like at that point. and he wants to take on joe biden. the difficulty there is that you're speaking to voters who were not sure if they're going to show up because the voters that decide this election are in those proverbial swing states that the purple people are always talking about and then may not paying attention when they'd rather be thinking about their summer vacation plans. biden performed well at the state of the union. so is donald trump blowing it by
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setting expectations of the biden debate performance so low? >> tom del beccaro is not so sure i would look to the state of the union model that is essentially reading a speech and even when he add live at the state of the union, he didn't do that. well, he doesn't add live. well. >> he has twice said that inflation is at 9% when he came in. it was at 1.8. so if he does similar things while he's in an unscripted debate without cue cards, he could be in a lot of trouble. >> meantime, the debates are happening a lot earlier than usual and could set the tone for a dramatic lead up to november. >> this this is striking because we believe that this will be a heavily polarize negative race by by a set of candidates that people know a lot about aren't a lot of undecided voters. so can deter or move people if you will position one way or another. that is important. we do see that with the bait.
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>> meantime, rfk junior, the independent candidate is arguing he can still qualify and participate in the debates. but the biden campaign has agreed only to to one on one debate. we'll see. but sounds like that could shut the door on any third-party participation. back to you. all right. thank you very much, catherine. step outside. give you a view from mount tam a pious. >> at the clouds, that's about all you can see a very common around here. lawrence is here, though, not about the clouds here to stir it up a little bit. action. yeah. and then it's going to be very active. you know this that time of year, things really just kind of calm down weather-wise in the bay area, the part of the world, not so much. in fact, today, the official beginning of hurricane season in the eastern pacific. and you can see here are all the storms that are rolling around out there. no hurricanes just yet. but occasionally some of these big into spawn some of these thunderstorms and then get that circulation well, you can always get hurricane started.
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developing fact, there's about a 40% chance we're going to see a tropical disturbance develop here in the next few days in that area. no hurricanes just yet, but a sign of things to come still out the door today. we're looking at a beautiful sight half dome. your 7 year looking nice out there right now, some partly cloudy skies. here's have right here. just majestic looking outside today. but well, yeah, active out there. if you're headed the high country, you've got to be very, very careful over the next couple days. we've got these thunderstorms that have been popping up in the afternoon hours. so you start probably mostly clear in the morning. then you can he see those huge cumulonimbus towers really developing throughout the day before. you know, you've got some thunderstorms out there. and if you're well, those people like to do the great outdoors. well, you got to be careful. no thunderstorms. they can be very, very dangerous. specially late in the day at this time of year greater lake tahoe area. looking good. you just see some snow capped mountains out there right now. skies are mostly clear. that's what it's going to stay. really some nice temperatures in the taller. in fact, mostly sunny skies thursday, friday, saturday got some nice number setting up as you head toward the weekend. as for the south that we see most of the issues, we've got an area of
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low pressure. let's get started developing back toward the coastline here with that. we're going to see some of those afternoon storms developing by the weekend. you can pretty good glance there. some of those bigger storms begin to roll in for the weekend. so if you've got weekend plans going to a little camping, be careful and the great outdoors. guys, back to you. thank. you know, it's hundreds of people took to the state capitol today urging governor newsom to reverse his proposal to cut billions of dollars from the state budget. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace has more. well, just take a look at all of the people here who came to capitol park. they say the governor's proposed budget cuts will have real-life consequences and now they're urging him. >> to change courts. >> some 200 people making their voices loud and clear in front of the state capitol alter urge governor gavin newsom to reconsider his proposal to cut billions of dollars from the state budget. was here say they are in
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newsom's plan that could more than 18 billion dollars from state programs. he says the cuts are necessary to close a projected 27.6 billion dollar deficit. but attendees are concerned. newsom's proposal includes productions to programs designed to assist low income californians struggling to make ends meet. >> i definitely feel that these cuts would be detrimental cuddle. florida says she's very concerned about a proposed 764 million dollar cut to cow works. a state funded welfare program that gives cash aid and employment services. >> to eligible california, families in need powers completely changed my life. i was a like that. had nothing to me. i couldn't say i couldn't buy my son like the basic needs that he needed. and >> now i'm able to stand on my own. i have an education and i have a future. thanks to cowards. and by taking those those programs, the way we're we're we're depleting the community and society. other proposed productions include cuts to programs for broadband access. >> water, storage and local and state public health departments. but many here say
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they will especially fight a proposed 230 million dollar cut for foster care programs. we can do better. >> right now, the state of california has 15,000 empty prison. bates. and if we close the empty prison beds, we can save a billion dollars a year that we could use child care providers that we could use for foster youth that we could use for cowards account friends that we could use for education. so hold accountable. >> we reached out to the governor's office for a response to this rally and they referred us to this statement the governor made during his budget presentation last friday indicating he would prefer not to make such cuts, but he feels he may have no other choice. these are programs that i long advanced. many of them. none of this is. >> working. enjoy but you've got to do we have to be responsible. we have to be accountable and legislators have until june 15 to review the governor's proposals and pass a fully balanced budget reporting at the state capitol. a tonn wallace. >> kron 4 news.
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>> inflation believe it or not, came down slightly across the board in april. experts say that even with the slight decrease in inflation unfortunately, can have a big effect on americans. report show that people are paying nearly 20% more now than 3 years ago. all food prices are up more than 20% compared to that same time frame and energy costs. those are up nearly 40% since january of 2021. rent is following the same trend with rent prices up nearly 20% since 2021. >> the response to covid in the banking crisis this time around is 16 trillion. and inflation just doesn't normalize after 16 trillion dollars, fiscal and monetary response inside for years. >> federal reserve chair jerome powell says that he needs to see more than one quarter's worth of inflation data to see if inflation is more persistent going forward. >> nfl unveiling its official schedule today and the niners
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found out whose son wears there 2024 season next in sports days is going to give us all the details on the us all the details on the upcoming season. ow network is o network for business.
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> well, we've got the appetizer yesterday, but it's time for the main event. it's like a holiday on the nfl schedule its schedule release day and we found out the niners have a pretty tough one. they are going to be racking up those frequent flyer miles. and we also found out that the niners, as we knew our one of the biggest brands in the nfl with big the
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maximum amount of 6 primetime games. so here we go. here is your 20 24 schedule. it starts week one september night. there taking on jets. that is a monday night game and i'm going to scroll through these a little fast. then they're at the vikings. then day are at the rams. denver back home taking on the new england patriots. then a division game. a couple in a row. cardinals seahawks then week 7 kansas city chiefs, super bowl rematch. then week 8, the dallas cowboys at levi's. everybody love that cowboys, niners rivalry. then they have the bye week. then they go down to south florida to take on the tampa bay bucs and then week 11, you got the seattle seahawks week 12, they go to lambeau. one of the most historic venues in football and right after lambeau, they go to buffalo. they might stay over there on that do that sometime. so green bay to buffalo, then they have a home
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game against chicago. another division matchup against the rams. then they go back down to florida to take on the dolphins and then their final 2 games versus the detroit lions, a rematch of the nfc championship game and at the cardinals. so they play the packers, the lions and the chiefs. those are the 3 teams they played in the postseason last year. so we're just starting to kind of digest. this schedule is going to be a fun season. nonetheless. all right. we had an elimination game in boston this afternoon. the celtics were taking on the cavs who were without donovan mitchell jarrett. allen. >> and caris levert. the cavs only played with some >> former celtic and phillies finest marcus morris senior. he took it to his former team of 6 in the second. after that. 25 points but the celtics responded with a 13 to 2 run of their own out for for
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it. >> steals the inbound pass goes jalen brown gets it out to tatum for the jam. celtics up 6 at the break. 4th quarter now. celtics slowly taking over brown with the drive. and dish outdoor out is the only player remaining in the nba playoffs. he had 22 in 15 boston up 11 to take. and here is your dad shot 25 10 for jason tatum and 9 assists celtics beat. the cavs won 13. 98. they move on to the eastern conference finals. we're the 6th time in the last 8 years. they are a stop over in eastern conference. but >> back to the niners any game. stick out to you. i i love the at green bay at buffalo is going to be tough. yeah. those are 2 sayings. yeah. get in 2 teens. you don't get to see thatgmatchup with all the time. so like them playing detroit, green bay bay and chiefs. yeah. so all 3 playoff matchups and i
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love the callous. the cowboys game, course, levi. so, yeah, you they got the maximum amount of primetime games which tells us they are drawl. we've got a new that we sometimes we don't know. we're being biased. nfl just confirmed they are drawn. absolutely. yeah. good stuff. looking forward to going to fight. speaking sports, see oakland, ballers baseball teams made an official request to purchase and repurpose bleacher seats. >> there were used by the raiders at the coliseum. the seats have been collecting dust at the stadium's parking lots. it's the raiders move to las vegas team co-founder paul friedman says they recognize the emotional and cultural significance is the seats. hold for oakland and they hope to honor the memories of the past. well, giving oakland fans a new experience opening day for the ballers is june 4th. >> christmas day, it's more than 7 months away. and netflix is already revealed that it's giving football fans what it's going to give them for the holiday. the stream revealing that it will be the
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home to watch the nfl's 2024 christmas day games and they're going to be streamed live. there will be 2 games this year. the schedule is expected to be released little later on. netflix also booked the game for christmas day in 2025. 2026. thinking ahead. this is really cool. the football team, the famous team from de la salle high school in concord will be playing a game in london this year. >> it will take place on october. 8th against nfl academy. the nfl academy is the league's player development program for athletes in the united kingdom. nike is paying for the trip last year south football team made it to the state championship for the second consecutive year. their season begins on august. 30th to find out what it's going to broadcast by let you know, right time now for the person forecast with a live picture of the golden gate we know is going to broadcast the weather for warrants. yeah. how about that, guys? you fog rolling on
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in these bay enjoying the sunshine right now along the coastline. the other clouds. >> really hovering along the coastline all day long. keep those temperatures running a little bit below the average. but numbers now cooling off 55 degrees in half moon bay. jump over the hill in san jose are in the 70's. so have some nice 70's inland that you see the work of the seabreeze already carrying some of those cooler temperatures. now in the berkeley and oakland, those temperatures now really starting to drop off. but fog will see more of that in the coming days. of course, the long summer months ahead, plenty of it. tomorrow morning. wake up to a pretty good blanket of fog early on and maybe some drizzle along the coastline by the middle of the day. you see that thing or fog still lingering even inside the bay, maybe toward berkeley. and then it looks like by the afternoon that starts to race back on shore. it's going help to cool temperatures down along the coastline. if you're headed that direction, san francisco, you might need a light jacket with your sweat. you're 50's and some low 60's. there up toward the beaches, cloudy all day long as the temperatures will be hovering in the 50's get inside the bay. it will be a little bit warmer, especially working way down the peninsula. what a beautiful day in san carlos.
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if you're headed there about 69 degrees their summer. well, not too far away from the south bay 70's and some 80's there tomorrow afternoon, the east bay, you're looking good in the tri valley. some low 80's by tomorrow afternoon about 72 degrees in august. 61 in cooler in berkeley. 74 degrees in hercules about 64 in napa back toward the coastline, keeping on the cool side. but that patchy fog next couple days. watch those temperatures slowly come down a few degrees. i think more cooling as we head in toward next week. but staying dry except for some of that patchy drizzle. thank you, north. coming up, a proposal to rename the visitor center inside joshua tree national park. >> some lawmakers want to move forward with this change.
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>> and celebrating black restaurant week, residents are invited to explore african american and caribbean cuisine at black owned food trucks, bakeries and restaurants all across the bay area. you can purchase tickets online and find a full list of all the participating businesses. black restaurant week kicks off this friday and it goes right on through may. 26 california's 2 u.s. senators have introduced a proposal that would rename the visitor center at joshua tree national park. >> to honor the late senator dianne feinstein, the legislation authored by senator alex padilla and senator the butler is set to be heard in the senate today, actually, if approved the cottonwood visitor center near interstate 10 would bear feinstein's name. feinstein, author, the california desert protection act which officially designated joshua
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tree as a national park. back in 1994. >> bart is celebrating the loyal journey of a long time train operator workers they know her as melinda after 33 years of working for the transit agency, linda yee should will be retiring from bart sometime next year for a api heritage month. bart is sharing wimauma. linda means so much to the crew and the writers. bart says that mamma linda operated trains during every single giants championship parade. and she's always generous with her cooking. she is known for feeding colleagues in the daly city break room just about every day. want to make friends getting food? >> for the first time since shutting down in 2019 musicians will be back on the stage at san francisco's biscuits and blues. the blues bar will host a grand reopening on june first. but the doors will be back open tonight. if you want to stop by, you can stop by for some food and drinks before the
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reopening celebrations, musician and san jose native chris kane will be kicking off the line up in june. the future lineup will be announced on the bar's website and social media and a lot of fun. good food, good food great music. so what what a great combination to beat that. that wraps up kron for news at 6 that we sure hope to see it tonight at 10. have a good night. everybody.
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