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tv   KRON 4 News at 10pm  KRON  May 15, 2024 10:00pm-10:46pm PDT

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>> now, 10 gaza protesters in berkeley setting up new encampment outside the cal campus just a day after taking down the one on campus. president of sonoma state on administrative leave. what he told student protesters, their that now has him stepping away from his job. why not take a
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chance on this neighborhood? i want remain here. san francisco's only black woman owned cannabis shop at risk of closing how the owners now asking for the community's help to keep dream alive. when fun time from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news. >> good evening. thanks for joining us for kron for news at 10. i'm ken wayne and i'm vicki liviakis pro-palestine protest continue in berkeley tonight. this time off of the cal campus area. university officials say the latest demonstration was not initiated by the same protesters would set up an encampment in sproul plaza on campus for 2 weeks before reaching a deal with university and then clearing out yesterday, the new protests began at an ahead complex sets. a boarded-up building next to people's park. kron 4 sarah stinson reports. >> a group of pro-palestine
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protesters broke into head complex. take a look. you can see on the sidewalk here. it says free palestine. this is a boarded up building. university officials say they are aware of the vandalism that is happening at this quote, unsafe, boarded up fire, damaged building. it's a block away from people's park in 2 blocks from campus. pro-palestine protesters taking over berkeley's and ahead complex wednesday afternoon. yeah. resisting with palestinians the bravest strongest demonstrators refused to do an interview with kron 4 but didn't announce a list of 4 demands live. >> from people parked outside. all all right. apollo bay and pop happen.
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>> protesters set up tents, hung a palestinian flags and even spray painted the sidewalks in parts of the building. after listing the demands, protesters said they do not want any police on the property and they started putting up tarps and banners so that no one could see the tense and people on the grass. it's unclear if these are cal students are even berkeley residents. this protest does fall on the 55th anniversary of people's park which is being turned into new housing for students and low-income residents. it's been closed and blocked off since january, which has since sparked many protests. nicholas alexander says he was there the first day. the park closed, but he became visibly upset at the presence of these protesters. seems like they're just here do. >> i to get attention, frankly. because i don't know. i haven't seen them before. you know, why were you here on january 4th, when i was chased by swat up the tree into my
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tree while a cal alumni walking by says he sees no problem with people protesting on vacant land like why shouldn't they be able to take that space? it's out of the way and it's not causing traffic or anything like that. they should be able you know, protest here. >> there's nothing wrong with student protesters would not say how long they plan to occupy this property. police have been seen around here taking pictures monitoring the situation, but no one has been removed. nor arrested says definitely a fluid situation. check kron 4 dot com. >> for the latest, i'm sara stinson reporting berkeley. back to you. >> developing news out of the north bay sonoma states. president is on administrative leave after he made an agreement with campus. protesters. well, first of all below joins us here in the studio with the wide agreement is causing some controversy. noel. >> can in a letter sent out yesterday, president mike lee said he had listened in to protesters demands, but today he was placed on leave. and one state lawmaker has spoken out against some of the
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decisions he had made. in the letter, president lee said, quote, none of us should be on the sidelines when human beings are subjects to mass killing and destruction, he then laid out a detailed plan to look at divestments from israel and ending an exchange program with the country on social media. protesters at sonoma state applauded the agreement, calling it a win, saying their demands have been met. however, the school system was not pleased. at least one state senator spoke to us today saying it was an awful plan. >> what i saw the announcement from the president of sonoma state. my jaw drops ops salute lee, unacceptable. what sonoma state is proposing to do is to basically blocks list israeli academics. it's a complete academic. we caught it any kind of student exchange between sonoma, state universities in this route. >> now, a day later, lee was placed on leave and he has
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released a new statement backtracking on his decisions. he says, quote, in my attempt to find agreement with one group of students. i marginalized other members of our student population and community. i realize the harm that this has caused and i take full ownership of it. he goes on to say the initial letter was sent without the approval of the university system's chancellor and board leaders. the csu chancellor also put out a statement saying the heart and mission of csu is to create an inclusive and welcoming place for everyone will continue to follow the developments there. the key. >> all right now, well, in southern california, demonstrations escalated after police showed up on campus. there. the school says that the protesters overtook a building and then built a barricade encampment. they have been cleared out of the building for now, but still remain on campus. demonstrators there also demanding the university divest its relationships with israel. you see i sent out an alert calling the protest
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violent and telling students to avoid that area. and we will, of course, be continuing to monitor the situation at uc irvine and on campuses in the bay area on air and online at kron 4 dot com. other news tonight. happening now, an evacuation warning is in effect in part a butte county because of this wildfire. it's burned. 25 acres so far. county fire says the fire started about 7 o'clock tonight in the town of khan count as just east of paradise, which of course, have that devastating fire. as of now, fire crews say the fire stop spreading and is 20% contained. chief meteorologist lawrence karnow tracking the weather conditions in the area right now. yeah, you can see just in the afternoon you can see on that video that wind was coming now the west. >> headed toward the east, blowing the fire toward the sierra nevada. but things have changed. you can see it right here as we head through the afternoon. we have those onshore breeze. and then all of a sudden the wind begins to switch direction. and that's a good thing. so if you have an
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active fire and then you get that wind blowing from the opposite direction, all of a sudden that's being pushed in those areas that have already burned that can help slow down that fire. cc lake oroville in butte county and you see paradise there where we recently had that terrible fire. and now we get to you for a closer look now on. we are going to see that some of those winds now are starting back the other way. and there you go. you can see con cow. you see poll there. you see those winds, though, still breezy out there this evening. and that's very rough terrain. and that location just loaded with all kinds of trees. still a little bit early in the season to see big fires. but certainly that's a scary one out there tonight. guys, back to you. thank you, lawrence. new at 10 tonight. police in oakland are looking for a shooter after a man was taken to the hospital with a gunshot wound. citizen video shows police this afternoon at international boulevard and 5th avenue just a couple blocks away from lake merritt. no word on what led up to that shooting. the family of a man who died in police custody has reached a multimillion dollar settlement with the city of antioch. >> angelo keto died back in 2020. his family says that he
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was having a mental health crisis when they called for help. as part of the settlement, the family will be awarded 7 and a half million dollars. civil rights attorney john burris says that this case has the potential of saving others like him >> given a new mindset that has developed here in this city some of the other cities around. we won't have seeking help families seeking help losing their loved ones at a time when form interaction, a intrusive less aggressive form i could could have resolved it differently. >> the mayor of antioch joined the family during the settlement announcement. he says that while it is unusual for a city official to take part, it's the start of change. san francisco's first and only black woman owned cannabis shop is at risk of closing right now. the shop's owner is >> trying to raise enough money to keep the dispensary opened. but it's apparently a daunting task. kron four's dan thorn here in the studio after visiting the dispensary in
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hunters point can shop owner east benton has just weeks to come up with the money to buy this space. the building's current owner said they're selling it when the lease is up. benton says her dispensary posh green cannabis boutique has become something good in the neighborhood and they do want to become another small business tragedy. >> hunters point is just weeks away from possibly losing its only dispensary posh cream. cannabis boutique needs around $200,000 to keep the dream alive. i want remain here so we can have black woman owned business in this community as we shop owner respect says she's endured several hardships like crime and the covid-19 pandemic to keep her in a business afloat. >> benton now faces another obstacle as landlord wants to sell the space when her lease is up on may 31st. we turn this into a community. and so why should we be shut out?
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>> after we stayed to a storm and then helped their businesses here. benton says she understands it's difficult for small businesses everywhere. >> but even more so for cannabis shops that are still illegal in the eyes of the federal government. benton was born and raised in san francisco and says her boutique has become something positive in the neighborhood. nobody believed in his neighborhood. i was nobody want to be on his back. when i got here. >> the crime, you know, and i took a chance on this neighborhood and now we have both drivers waiting. we have police. they way. we have people that don't even come in here. san paolo benton says it makes her uncomfortable having to ask for money to keep things going. >> but the fight is worth it. and i think we're going to make it. you know, we were nowhere to be that near them out. you know, anything helps. and, you know, it's going to stay open. >> up on screen, cannabis boutique has set up a gofundme. and as of this report, they've raised more than $8,000, which is
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unfortunately still pretty far off from the goal. but benton says that she is really thankful for the support that they have gotten in studio. dan thorn kron, 4 news. thank you, dan. still ahead, pride month just a few weeks away as bay area cities get ready celebrate. >> the fbi is warning about terrorists targeting the events. i am >> we share what they're looking for. a bill for the doors over $2000. the search for the suspects in a car who were caught on surveillance video. >> ramming into businesses in the east bay and the push to crack down on smoke shops in the south bay that leaders say. >> we're selling more than tobacco to kids.
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>> tonight, police in concord are looking for the suspects used a car to break through to businesses as kron four's. philippe djegal reports tonight. >> the suspects left empty-handed but cause significant damage. >> around 9.40, monday night surveillance video capturing suspects breaking through a gate and eventually a roll-up door at micro measurements and pacific instruments and conquered the crew. taking a look inside after ramming the entrance. >> only to take off shortly after without stealing anything less than 10 minutes later, it appears the same crew stopped by hsd engineering about a mile and a half away on solano way and did the same thing. i am >> we share what they're looking for. maybe they thought they had the wrong business because got a look inside. but didn't see men arrested. tyler hagan owns hsd a high vacuum repair
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operation. >> alex, little bit of ski and hagan, our business partners and both cohen, they're building the first sister companies hit that night down the road manufacturer, high accuracy data systems. i feel very grateful that we just picked up that forklift recently. >> and just chance, it was parked about 2 feet from the door. and you can pretty much see in the video how the car just makes couple of abrupt stops for, you know, when the driver, they obviously have no clue what was going on until the guy peak. then little bit ski and hagan are offering a $500 reward for information leading to arrests and convictions. in this case, the bill for the doors over $2000, hagan says he will likely pay out of pocket for repairs rather than submit an insurance claim. he fears his coverage could be dropped or see a dramatic increase to his premium. if you reports the break, the time and inconvenience. if you secure this, then what they go through the front door to. so what you do. i mean, you know, i mean, there's you can't you
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can't anything, right? you can just make it. >> more difficult. the license plate on the car used to ram both doors came back stolen concord police investigating both cases in concord, philippe djegal, all kron. 4 news cracking down on smoke shops in san jose city leaders. there have started to try to regulate stores that are selling. >> to kids, not only tobacco, but also we need mushrooms. another drugs. our grant lotus spoke with councilmember leading this effort and joining us from the newsroom with more on that grant. that's right. vicki councilmember, peter it. he says. >> legal weed dispensaries are just fine. but this is not ok when these tobacco shops, these vape shops are selling pot and mushrooms and whip it's or night. russ to kids and he's proposing a way to formally regulate them. all council members and the mayor just voted to approve his initiative. so everybody's on board and ortiz says the
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problem is just been getting worse the past few years. so bad. he says 8 or 9 out of 10 smoke shops. he goes into well, they're selling things illegally. particularly. >> historically underserved areas like the side. saying the unfortunate reality is that, you know, youth across our city and community members are gaining access to illegal and unsafe items being sold. you know, at these shops and it's important that our working families know that there's going to be accountability these individuals were are pushing these drugs out in the community for what they sell and and that face consequences >> couple more votes are still needed in there. need to find funding. well, for all this comes official now, assuming the support from city leaders remains what it is now, the police department and city workers would then be in charge of making sure the shops have the necessary
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special permits to remain open and then they would be going in and inspecting these businesses from time to time to make sure everything's on the up and up. in the meantime, the want to prevent new smoke shops from opening up while they're still assessing how to better regulate the whole industry. we'll keep you posted. vicki and ken, back to you. all right, grant, thank you. palo alto is the latest city in the bay area to ban public comment via zoom at city council meetings. >> the goal is to prevent so-called zoom bombing or incidents of people logging on remotely often using fake names to spew offensive comments. council members say those incidents become more frequent and i've been involved in to serious abuse. >> with everything, there's also good in that. and while i the issue is that remote participation brings. i think really good. i think we have more places, a more diverse voices. i think we benefit from their perspective. it's a
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balance. >> and we saw tonight what's on the other side of that scale. >> and it is ugly and it is distracting and it takes us off course and conducting the city's business. >> under the new rules, zoom participants are still allowed to comment on agenda items but can no longer comment during the general public comment period. it's the last call for a south bay business that's been at the center of los gatos is night scene. >> after more than 50 years in business, charlie's bar nightclub is set to close up on sunday, june second. the club has been offering dancing performances and themed nights ever since it first opened its doors back in 1972, tonight was a trivia night. the business first opened as a mountain. charlie's back in 72. it has changed and several times over the decades and many of the customers, though, say that charlie says become like their second home. >> we start of a stranger's. we turn to friends and we turn
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to family. i guess we're just going to have to. be a family somewhere else. but it's it's it's kind of sad we're so familiar with these doors these walls, we have a great collection people to meet people. it's very interactive, very friendly here. and now we're wondering, where do we go from here were we do it. >> charlies is closing down because its owners sold the business. they do plan on holding a closing party and saturday, june first and it's called, course, the last dance. >> popular santa cruz brewery is coming to pier 39 in san francisco. take a look at the humble see brewing company put up this coming soon. banner over a boarded-up storefront at the pier. no word on when exactly it's set to open, but you can already check out their beer, their bay area locations in alameda and pacifica. none of the 4 zone forecast as we give you a live look tower tonight went
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outside just to check out the temperature. and it's it's a bit chilly out there, lawrence. yeah, you get that foggy it. that moisture your skin and the wind blowing just a bit and certainly could veal. >> a very cold, especially at this time of year. we've got that fog. that is surging back on shore. it's going to be a thick marine layer tonight. probably going to see some drizzle out there along the coastline. so a damp, certainly that's going to see as we head through the night tonight as we're going to see a condition, especially near the coastal areas. yeah, pretty a pretty wet early on tomorrow morning as the fog really moves on shore. so tonight they got plenty of clouds out there making their way into the bay beginning to fill in parts of the bay soon as some of the valleys to the temperatures, as you might expect. really cooling off, though. you got 55 in oakland. 57 in san francisco. 53 in santa rosa. 58 in concord and 56 degrees. now in livermore. but yeah, that fog all along the california coastline. for the most part, we did have some thunderstorms popping up over the sierra nevada. see some of those clouds working their way back toward the coastline of the bay area. yeah, we have plenty of low clouds and fog really hugging the coastline all day and now
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begin to make their way back on shore for tonight. now, high pressure trying to stick around, but there's going to be a little wave of low pressure. this starts to back off the coastline in the coming days. but helping the deep in the marine their lifted have been helping move further on shore. that means more. that fog coming your way. still tomorrow, variety of temperatures may be as high 80 degrees in san jose, but a much cooler. 58 with fog and sunshine into san francisco. all right, lawrence, coming up the program, giving free alcohol, the homeless people in san francisco getting pushed back from addiction. specialist. plus how lawmakers in washington, d.c., are hoping to use billions of dollars. >> to come up with ways to protect us from artificial intelligence. and we're going to take it inside the new terminal at south pole.
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>> francisco mayor london breed is dropping out of next week's mayoral debate is the debate is being hosted by the nonprofit together as f organizers say mayor breed had originally agreed to participate in and made several changes to the schedule in the format of the debate. further requests from her campaign candidate and supervisor. aaron peskin. he's also not participating. the debate is set to happen next monday with other confirmed candidates, a bipartisan group of senators are working on new laws to monitor artificial intelligence. they've been meeting with industry experts about what kind of laws are needed. lawmakers are recommending spending at least a 32 billion dollars on research over the next few years. they say that one of the most pressing threat i could be election interference. >> they're providing new avenues to misinform and
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threaten voters to deepfakes spreading altered video or cloned audio impersonating trusted voices. >> while lawmakers list of potential threats, they also say aye. >> could help unlock cures to deadly diseases and make government more efficient. isis propaganda has made reference to lgbtq community and the lgbtqa bats. >> next, the warning from the fbi about terrorist targeting events during pride month. what oakland's new baseball team the followers want from the oakland coliseum for their the oakland coliseum for their (peaceful music) - time to get up, sweetie! (kissing) - [child voiceover] most people might not think much about all the little things you do every day, but for me, just being able to do those little things
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is the best part of my day. - ready, mom! - [child voiceover] it hasn't been easy, but sometimes the hardest things in life have the best rewards. (inspirational music) and it's all because of my amazing friends at the shriners hospitals for children and people like you who support them every month. when you call the number on your screen and just give $19 a month, you'll be helping other kids like me do the amazing things that make up the best part of our day. - because shriners hospital is more than just a hospital. it's... - where my back gets better! - where my legs get stronger. - where i get to be a kid. - where it's the best part of my day! - with your gift of just $19 a month, only 63 cents a day, we'll send you this adorable love to the rescue blanket as a thank you.
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- [child voiceover] please go online to right now on your phone or computer to send your love to the rescue today. - will you send your love to the rescue today? - thank you. - thank you. - thank you for giving. - because at shriners hospitals for children, going to the hospital is like going to see family! it really is the best part of my day. please call or go online right now to give. if operators are busy, please wait patiently, or go to right away. your gift will help kids just like me have the best part of our day.
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30, the fbi is warning about threats targeting the lgbtq community during pride month as our kron four's. dan kerman reports tonight. the threats are coming from terrorists. >> san francisco's pride parade is a little over a month away. but pride events begin the first of june. not only here in the bay area, but in various cities across the u.s. now, this year's pride events come with a warning from the fbi and homeland security. the foreign terrorists or their u.s. base supporters, a target lgbtq venues and events. isis propaganda has made reference to lgbtq community and bats. >> we want to make sure that all of community, but especially in this case, the lgbtq community is aware of that. and exercising appropriate situational
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awareness when they attend events. the fbi says the volume and intensity of that propaganda has increased following the october 7th hamas attack in israel. that coupled with next month's anniversary of the 2016 pulse nightclub massacre in orlando is reason to get the word out. people a very good grasp what's normal behavior for their surroundings encourage them. but they see something that's very suspicious, very out of the that they report that many in san francisco's castro district were caught off guard by the terror warning for pride month but said it won't deter them from taking part. i think that being a part of the community being in something like this, it makes you feel more. >> well, coming in more safe. i know that that the community does things to prevent things like this. so i don't think it will change. we want to do and be a part of it. we should let your hair or any kind of. >> you know, kind of weak deter us because we're standing for ourselves. but
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for all those who can stand up for themselves is worrisome. but that's not going to deter us from showing their support and being a part of the community. that means the world to pride festivities are slated to take place throughout the month of june in san francisco. >> culminating in a festival as well as the parade the last weekend of the month. >> in san francisco, dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> alameda county district attorney pamela price is officially campaigning to keep her job. she and her supporters gathered in oakland this morning after the county board of supervisors voted last night to schedule her recall election for november. price says she and her team are ready to take on her opponents. >> that our supporters will continue to engage our community. we will continue to speak to our family, our friends, our neighbors. we will tell the truth and we will counteract the lies and the misinformation campaign that has been amplified by certain folks in the media and
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certain people. there's been a whole lot of misinformation. >> county officials say combining the recall with the general election will cost about 4 million dollars. price says she supports the decision as a special election would cost 15 to 20 million dollars. price did not rule out the possibility of a lawsuit. she says her attorneys are evaluating all options. >> teachers across the bay area are rallying for better conditions. teachers fairfield sassoon unified. they plan to rally tomorrow at the school district's office to bring attention to their contract negotiations. they say it will happen right after class organizers say they want to attract and retain highly qualified educators with the salary that keeps up with today's cost of living. but so far there's been no progress with the school district and they want contract negotiations to resume teachers with the contra costa county schools, education association. they're going to also host a rally at the county's office of education. this is video you're looking at from a rally they held just a few years ago. it's expected
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to happen as their bargaining team sits down with the county to push for increasing salaries and proper intake procedures for students. the group says it may strike in the fall if a deal is not reached. and today dozens of teachers rallied outside los gatos in saratoga. high school's demanding better pay. >> it's a great place, but it's very hard and i hope the parents realized a majority of us we can't afford to live here. we have to commute to be able to work here, trying to make a living. so that are younger teachers, especially can live in this area keeping our slice of the pie. >> gatos saratoga union high school district sending us a statement in response to this rally. they say that the district is in the middle of contract negotiations with both the teachers association and they're classified staff of bargaining and they're looking to reach an agreement that is mutually beneficial
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and fiscally responsible to the community. >> opens new baseball team. the ballers want the bleacher seats. the raiders used at the coliseum. the seats have been collecting dust of the stadium's parking lot since raiders move to las vegas dollars of aid, an official request to buy those seats for the new baseball field. it raimondi park opening day for the ballers is june 4th. 4 zone forecast as we give you a live look right now outside the bay bridge toll plaza. still a lot of traffic out there now, lawrence, i don't know it's kind of early to think about the weekend. why not? yeah, why not? let's start talking about that. looks like the week. it's going to be nice weather wise. >> we're going to see a little bit of a cool down as we head through the weekend weather a really nice around the bay area kind of settled into the summer pattern right now. it's looking very much like summer out there, of course. and that means we have low clouds and fog in the night. the mornings in the afternoon that start to peel back the coastline. then starts to move back on shore again. so we are seeing that surging back on shore. look at this from our mount tam cam
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clouds filling in the bay now and pushing against the east bay hills going to fill in overnight tonight and through tomorrow morning. so yeah, the temperatures today not bad at all. still running above the average. a place like live morning manage to 80 degrees today. 79 degrees in concord, 70 in santa rosa. 64 right. the average in san francisco. 64 in oakland and 77 degrees in san jose. well, we'll see plenty of clouds, even some drizzle out there for tonight. tomorrow, starting out some clouds early on, especially the morning commute. watch out. maybe a little damp near the roadways along the coastline and then becoming mostly sunny across the bay area. the exception right out toward the beaches along the coast after that fog is going to be a lingering, the better part of the day weekend, mostly sunny, just a little bit cooler. of course, that cool coastal fog kind of sticking around right the weekend, too. a big dome of high pressure out there. you can see when trying to push most of that fog away. but you've got the little suddenly search of fog that's moved in along the coastline. the same time you see the sierra nevada, we watch the thunderstorms kind of pop up up there and some of those clouds blown off in the top of
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those thunderstorms. roll back right toward the coastline. but if you plan to go the high country, be extra careful the next couple days. we'll see these afternoon. thunderstorms popping up and that will be common theme. i think as we head right through the weekend, follow clouds out there right now, starting to march back on shore, high pressure that's holding on for now. but we're going to see a little trough kind of carve itself out as we head in toward the next couple of days. that likely help to bring some cooler air into the bay area. tonight, you're going to see is the clouds surging? well onshore, even all the way in the central valley. the models picking up on that as well as we head through the middle of the day. your lunch time, even a little thing or fog, maybe lingering inside the bay tomorrow and all the way to the berkeley area. keeping those temperatures down a bit. and guess what? that all surges back on shore starts to fill in as we head toward tomorrow afternoon. so here we go again. want to move further on shore by tomorrow night. temperatures tomorrow 50's 60's in the san francisco about 58. if the civic and cool 59 half moon bay inside the day, those temperatures warming up a bit, especially as you move your way down the peninsula. 70's and 80's in the south bay tomorrow afternoon. look at the low 80's in the7places in the tri
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valley, about 72 degrees in moraga. 73 in orinda. really nice couple whether inland tomorrow, 70's in most spots, even a couple low 80's along the coastline. a little bit cooler in your tent we'll see those temperatures changing. probably cooling off as we head in toward this next week. kind of bottoming out about the middle of next week and then slowly warming up the really no major warming trend after. that's right. about average 70's couldn't get any better. i mean, really that's comfortable and never really possible for we start to get to those 90's and triple digits. that's little bit yeah, we have time will get their back you. fewer people are living on the streets of alameda county. >> as his good news, according to the county health department, they counted 9500 unsheltered people this year. that's an 11% drop from the county's the last count back in 2022, the department says that they are seeing more people using shelters and moving into temporary housing. a controversial program in san francisco that gives free alcohol to homeless people. suffering from alcoholism is.
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>> getting some new push back. the city-run initiative called managed alcohol program or map. it's been around for 4 years. porter say the goal isn't to eliminate alcohol use, but rather to keep people at a quote, safe level of intoxication. aiming to increase their safety and overall quality of life. but critics say this is only making the problem worse. where's the medical supervision? >> for when someone does hit that tipping point. if we were treating politics as attics, then we would find a substitute to that is don addictive. that would help their brain and a comparable way. >> we reached out to san francisco's department of public health for comment. we have not heard back. in just a few short weeks. work will be done on the new harvey milk terminal. >> at francisco international airport are charles clifford gives us a look. >> inside the new harvey milk
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terminal at sfo. on wednesday, crews were putting the finishing touches on what has been a project almost 10 years in the making. once the final phase of the work is completed here, travelers will find new shops, restaurants, art displays new ticket counters and 2 new airplane gates for a total of 27 gates, both alaska and delta airlines plan to move their operations into this terminal later this year. there will also be a brand-new second-floor security checkpoint. that's above the ground floor, security checkpoint. the idea is that travelers walking over the bridge from the parking garage, an airtrain. can go directly through security without needing to go downstairs. the completion of tie work will also fully link the harvey milk terminal to the rest of the airport, allowing people to walk between terminals both before and after they go through security. the entire harvey milk terminal project cost about 2.5 billion dollars. but the airport believes in the long run it will be worth the hefty price to. >> if we really invest heavily in the features, the
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amenities, the experience inside the terminal. we get that back in the form of people are spending more money in the terminal there, shopping and dining more. they're spending more time enjoying their stay in the terminals. >> the new harvey milk terminal is set to open to the public with a ribbon cutting ceremony on june. at sfo, charles clifford kron. 4 news. >> and that wraps up kron news at 10. but stay tuned for kron for news at 11. 0st, though, it's sports night live. all right. i didn't watch the game. jason, between the dodgers, the giants. i'm kind of afraid to so you have no idea? no, i do think you're going happen. logan webb was on the mound in. all right. always the whenever logan's on him. and he kind of recalibrate its everything he pitch the of a game. we'll have those highlights coming up. but first. >> the san francisco forty-niners schedule had been released. we'll give you a hint that team you see right on the video there come in back to the bay again this year. and then i kind of
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spoiled it for you all. we'll get to see how the giants were able to salvage one against the dodgers. all that and more coming up when sports night live.
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10:45 pm
my >> look at change. >> luca, he never ceases to amaze me. thanks for rocking with me here on sports night live. i'm jason dumas. we have both giants and a's tonight and we'll get some nba playoffs in. but as you know, the nfl is king and that is where we start. we've got the appetizer yesterday, but it's time for the main event. it's like a holiday on the nfl schedule. it is scheduled release day and we found out the niners have a pretty tough one in. they're going to be racking up the frequent flyer miles.


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