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tv   KRON 4 News at 11pm  KRON  May 15, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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>> news station, this is home.
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11. >> good evening, everybody. thanks for being with us tonight on kron 4 news at 11, i'm grant lotus and i'm noelle bellow. pro-palestine protest continue in berkeley tonight. this time off the cal campus university officials say this new demonstration is not connected to the 3 week encampment held at sproul plaza which ended last night. the new protest is happening at and ahead complex. a boarded-up building next. a people's park crowd force. sara stinson reports. a group of pro-palestine protesters broke into head complex. take a look. you can see on the sidewalk here. it says free palestine. this is a boarded up building. university officials say they are aware of the vandalism that is happening at this quote, unsafe, boarded up fire, damaged building. it's a block away from people's park in 2 blocks from campus.
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>> palestine protesters taking over berkeley's and ahead complex wednesday afternoon. resisting with palestinians the bravest strongest demonstrators refused to do an interview with kron 4 but didn't announce a list of 4 demands live. >> from people parked outside. all right. the painting caught happen. >> protesters set up tents, hung a palestinian flags and even spray painted the sidewalks in parts of the building. it's unclear if these are cal students are even berkeley residents. this protest does fall on the 55th anniversary of people's park which is being turned into new housing for students and low-income residents. it's been closed and blocked off since january, which has since
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sparked many protests. nicholas alexander says he was there the first day. the park closed, but he became visibly upset at the presence of these protesters. it seems like they're just here i mean, to get attention, frankly, because i don't know. i haven't seen them before. you know, why were you here on january 4th, when i was chased by swat while a cal alumni walking by says he sees no problem with people protesting on vacant land. like why shouldn't they be able to take that space? it's out of the way and it's not causing traffic or anything like that. they should be able to, you know, protest here. police have been seen around here taking pictures monitoring the situation, but no one has been removed, nor arrested says definitely a fluid situation. check kron 4 dot com. >> for the latest, i'm sara stinson reporting berkeley. back to you. >> sarah, thank you. developing out of the north bay tonight, sonoma states president is on administrative leave after he made an agreement with campus
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protesters in a letter sent out today or excuse me yesterday, president mike lee said he had listened to the protesters demands, but today he was placed on leave. and one state lawmaker has spoken out against some of the decisions he made in the letter. president lee said, quote, none of us should be on the sidelines when human beings are subject to mass killing and destruction, he then laid out a detailed plan to look at divestments from israel and ending an exchange program with the country on social media. protesters at sonoma state applauded the agreement, calling it a win, saying their demands were met. however, the school system was not pleased. and at least one state senator spoke to us today saying it was an awful plan. >> when i saw the announcement from the president of sonoma state. my jaw drops absolutely unacceptable. what sonoma state is proposing to do is to basically block plus israeli academics. it's a complete academic. we caught it any
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kind of student exchange between sonoma, state universities in route. >> now, a day later, lee has been placed on leave and he released a new statement backtracking on his decisions. he said, quote, in my attempt to find agreement with one group of students, i marginalized other members of our student population and community. i realize the harm this has caused and i take full ownership of it. he goes on to say the initial letter was sent without the approval of the university system's chancellor and board leaders. the csu chancellor has put out a statement as well, saying the heart and mission of csu is to create an inclusive and welcoming place for everyone. in southern california. this is what is happening at uc irvine tonight. there is a heavy police presence on campus after pro-palestinian demonstrators overtook a building. >> and built a barricaded encampment. you see all the items, they're the signs, the conflict. they've been cleared out of the building, but many are still on campus tonight.
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the demonstrators are demanding the university divest from israel. uc irvine. sent out an alert calling the protesters violent and telling students to avoid the area they will hold classes remotely tomorrow. happening now, an evacuation warning is in effect in a part of butte county because of fire has burned. 25 acres there. the fire started around 7 o'clock this morning in the town of kang cow just east of paradise. as of now, fire crews say the fire has stopped spreading and is 20% contained. chief meteorologist lawrence karnow is tracking the weather conditions in that area. as we start to dry out here in the spring, lawrence. yeah. and of near paradise paradise. the area where saw the terrible fire a few years ago. but >> we are seeing those winds come in sting throughout the day. we had those nice westerly winds and that was blowing the fire toward the sierra nevada. now everything is switch gears late in the day. the winds not terribly
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strong, but strong enough to push that fire along the good news is they're headed the other direction now. so we're getting more of a north northeasterly wind that's pushing that fire back in on the area that it's already burned. and that's why that fire has slowed down a bit tonight. still, we'll likely see some smoke filtering back in the places like james, some of those areas likely to see some of that smoke work its way kind of down in the area, maybe into the central valley overnight tonight, you might even in places like chico as some of that smoke kind of settles into the central valley tonight by tomorrow. again, we'll watch that sunrise. the temperature can heat up in the central valley that wind will switch direction, pushing that back toward the hills. and of course, that is very rugged place with a really a lot of forest lot of fuel to burn, even though it's early in the season. guys, back to you. >> this all means there always where and with that oakland's new police chief was sworn-in mayor sheng thao shared this video on social media tonight
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say she swore in floyd mitchell this week to ensure a seamless transition >> mitchell officially started his new job saturday. the mayor says a public swearing-in ceremony will happen in the near future. and police in oakland are looking for a shooter after somebody was taken to the hospital after getting shot. citizen video here shows police this afternoon after that shooting on international boulevard and 5th avenue just a couple blocks from lake merritt. no word on what led to that shooting. >> san francisco's first and only black woman owned cannabis shop is at risk of closing that right now the shop's owner is trying to raise enough money to keep the dispensary opened, but that is a daunting task. kron four's dan thor joins us live in the studio after visiting that business in hunters point and would be alert. well, grant the shop owner, rees benton has just a couple of weeks to come up with the money. >> to buy this space, the building's current owner said they're selling it when the lease is up with benton says her dispensary posh green
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cannabis boutique has become something good in the neighborhood and they want to become another small business tragedy. hunters point is just weeks away from possibly losing its only dispensary. >> posh green cannabis boutique needs around $200,000 to keep the dream alive. i want remain here so we can have. >> black woman owned business in this community as we shop owner respect says she's endured several hardships like crime and the covid-19 pandemic to keep her in a business afloat. but now faces another obstacle as landlord wants to sell the space when her lease is up on may 31st. we turn this into a community. and so why should we be shut out? >> after we stick to a storm and then helped their businesses here. benton says she understands it's difficult for small businesses everywhere. >> but even more so for cannabis shops that are still illegal in the eyes of the
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federal government. benton was born and raised in san francisco and says her boutique has become something positive in the neighborhood. nobody believed in his neighborhood. i was nobody want to be on his back. when i got here. >> the crime, you know, and i take a chance on this neighborhood and now we have both drivers waiting. we have police. they way. we have people that don't even come in here. san paolo benton says it makes her uncomfortable having to ask for money to keep things going. >> but the fight is worth it. and i think we're going to make it. you know, we were nowhere to be that near that amount. you know, anything helps. and, you know, it's going to stay open. >> well, high screen kind of his boutique has set up a gofundme. and as of this report, they've raised more than $8,000 was unfortunately still pretty far off from their goal. but benton says that she's really thankful for the support that they have gotten in studio. dan thorn kron, 4 news. thank you, dan. >> it is the last call for a south bay business at the
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center of the los gatos night scene. after more than 50 years in business, charlie's bar and nightclub is set to close on sunday, june second, the club offers dancing performances themed events like tonight's trivia night. the business first opened as mountain. charlie's in 1972, it has changed hands multiple times over the decades, but many customers say charlie's has been a second home. >> we asked start of a stranger's. we turn the brands and we turn to family. i guess we're just going to have to. be a family somewhere else. but it's it's it's kind of sad we're so familiar with these doors these walls, we have a great collection of people to meet people. it's very interactive, very friendly here. and now we're wondering, where do we go from here? we do it? >> charlies is closing because its owners sold the business. they plan to hold a closing party on saturday, june 1st, it's called one last dance.
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>> coming up, the city of antioch. he's agreed to a multimillion dollar settlement with the family of angelo. keep though, with died during an encounter with police in 2020. >> plus, why the city of palo alto's banning public comment made through zoom at city council meetings and to concord businesses hit by a car in the same night. the owners are now working to rebuild. >> as the search for the >> as the search for the suspects continues. network iso network for business. that's why more choose comcast business.
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and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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>> twice in one night, the same crew is believed to have caused a car are used a car to break into 2 businesses in
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concord. take a look here. surveillance video shows the suspects using a vehicle with a stolen license plate to ramin to the micro measurements and pacific instruments business on pi claim the company makes data systems to customers like nasa and the u.s. military. the suspects are seen slamming into a roll-up door looking inside the business, but then leaving without taking anything few minutes later, less than 2 miles away. it's believed the same suspects rammed into a chesty engineering high vacuum repair operation on salon away. similarly, the group took a look inside but chose to leave without taking anything. >> decided to trash their car my door and right away. i suspect they're looking for a marijuana grow house. luckily the only thing that saved them from completely demolishing through our building was are recently purchased forklift. it also has doubled as the new way to open and close the door. >> owners there, her of hsd
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engineering are offering a $500 reward for information leading to any arrests and convictions in the case, they say it's going to cost them more than $2000 to repair the damage. reports have been filed with concord police in both of these cases. >> the family of angelo kato has reached a multimillion dollar settlement with the city of antioch. the 30 year-old died in police custody there in 2020. his family says he was having a mental health crisis when they called for help. as part of the settlement approved by the city council last night, the family will be awarded 7 and a half million dollars. civil rights attorney john burris says this case has the potential to save other people like keto. >> given the new mindset that has developed here in this city some of the other cities around that we won't have seeking help families seeking help losing their loved ones at a time when form interaction, intrusive less aggressive form i could could have resolved it differently.
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>> the mayor of antioch was there. he says, while it is unusual for a city official to take part in a settlement announcement. he says it is the start of change. >> palo alto's latest city to ban public comment made through zoom at city council meetings. the new rule past monday in a 5 to 2 vote. city officials say the goal is to prev nt so-called zoom bombing are incidents of a public comment or logging on remotely often using a fake name to spew offensive statements. council members say the incidents have become more frequent and have evolved into serious abuse under this new rule, zoom participants are still allowed to comment on agenda items, but they cannot speak during the general public comment period. >> with everything. there's also good in that. and while i the issue is that remote participation brings. i think really good. i think we have more places, a more diverse
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voices. i think we benefit from their perspective. it's a balance. >> and we saw tonight what's on the other side of that scale. >> and it is ugly and it is distracting and it takes us off course and conducting the city's business. >> the new rule is set to go into effect the next meeting. time as we get a look at the 4 zone forecast here looking live sfo on this wednesday deal with. >> fog overnight that burns off during the day and seemingly every day. copy paste out there. you can't really see the fog, but i know it's yeah, it's out there right now. moving on shore and you can see it. >> from this vantage point, if you get toward amount, tammy, looking down on that fog that is now spreading onshore, that marine, they're going to deepen someone. but we're probably talking about some drizzle along the coastline overnight tonight and tomorrow morning, you see the clouds already surging on the shore inside the bay at this point and more on the way today.
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temperatures. so some very warm numbers inland above the average in lemore. 83 79 in concord, a beautiful, 70 uncomfortable in santa rosa. 64 degrees in san francisco and 64 in oakland. but tonight, low clouds and fog in a stretch. well onshore again. patchy coastal drizzle, maybe a little slick along the coastline early tomorrow morning. then mostly sunny weekend, lots of sunshine, but some cooler temperatures. but the fog. yeah, that's really going to be the main weather story for this week ahead as we're going to see that bill in the bay overnight tonight, maybe all the way to the central valley by tomorrow morning for your commute by the middle of the still may be a finger fog lingering inside the bay and cloudy out along the coastline. so to be cool out toward the beaches. but then the fog really start to surge back on shore may be deeper. marine layer even by tomorrow night. all that being said, the temperatures are going to be down 50's 60's in the san francisco 50's along the coastline tomorrow. cool up toward the beaches. 66 warmer in burlingame. 69 in san carlos, the south bay joint 70's and a couple low 80's as you head toward the east bay. some 80's in the tri valley, beautiful weather,
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walnut creek. 72 reach. 74 in concord, nice weather, especially inland along the coastline. yeah, it's going to a little cool. with the breeze and the fog temperatures over the next couple days, probably settling in just a little bit of the weekend with some cooler weather bottoming out toward the middle of next week and some more thunderstorms over the sierra nevada. so if you're traveling that way, watch out for that. but no rain for us. no rain for us. nice and dry except for some the drizzle along the coast. all right. thanks aren't welcome. >> well, take a look the new harvey milk terminal inside. sfo is nearly completed ca mid-june. travelers will find new shops, restaurants, art displays an airplane. gates, both alaska and delta airlines plan to move operations into the new terminal later this year. the project cost about 2 and a half billion dollars. but the airport believes it's worth the hefty price tag. that new terminal is set to open to the public with a ribbon cutting ceremony on june. 11th. >> the nfl has unveiled its official schedule and the niners found out. who is going
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to be playing where and when next. in sports, jason has all next. in sports, jason has all the detai on the big season. ow netwo network for business.
11:22 pm
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> all right. we've got the appetizer yesterday, but it's time for the main event. it's like a holiday on the m nfl calendar. its schedule release day and we found out the niners. have a pretty tough one and they are going to be racking up the frequent flyer miles. we also confirmed what we already knew that 9, 1, of the biggest draws in the nfl.
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they have the maximum amount 6 primetime game. so without further ado, let's check out the wonder rifle through it week one versus jets, then we too. they. played the vikings in minnesota. then they go to la to play the rams them back home against the patriots cardinals. then another nfc west matchup. they go to seattle, then 2 home games, kansas city and dallas them their bye week. then they have the tampa bay bucs down in florida. moving on. we have the seahawks home. then. at green bay at buffalo. that's a brutal stretch. then they got the chicago bears here. the rams here, then they go down to south beach to take on the dolphins and then they end the last 2 games. one against the lions at home and then at the cardinals, man, oh, man, can't wait. i'm already getting excited for the nfl baseball time though, the giants looking to avoid the sweep against the dodgers. logan
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webb on the bump. san francisco bottom of the 3rd no score man offer mike yastremski n he drives this one to right. it will land on top of the are caged section. giants strike first excuse me on 2 run bomb next inning. same score t oscar hernandez sends this one deep to center luis matos says no. john no problem he's making catches in center field. we know young who leave with an amazing defensive center fielder. time for he loved to see on the bump. when giants are struggling, he was locked here. you get hernandez. the chase went out of his own web, threw 6 shutout innings, struck out 5 bottom of the 8th guys up to one offer. my toast showed his defensive range. now he's showing it at late. that play outweighed giants had their lead to 3 carbonite
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camillo duval in to close it out. giants. pickle, though, but hey, he gets freddie freeman to ground out the tyro estrada. that's your ballgame, folks. guys get their first win of the season against the dodgers. 4 to one. all right. aj houston for game 3 of their series with the astro's. after a hot streak, they've lost 4 of their last 5 road trip. first no score man. all for kyle tucker. >> he smacks one down the right-field line. zack gelof thursday. second trying to get tucker but it gets away and jose altuve comes on in to score. they added another run on a sac fly. ash was up 2. still had a shot in the 9th down 3 to nothing. they had 2 on and out for shea langley years. these grounds into the double play. that's your ballgame. lose 3 to nothing. they look to avoid the sweep
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tomorrow for game sleek. look quickly. niners schedule comes out today. anything jump out at you either of you guys. >> the biggest thing for me you've got the chiefs come of the town. yeah. this taylor swift some first-game know not in the middle of the middlebury. ryan rogers is but then you've got the cowboys, you know, coming right after that, that could get a little squirrelly but at least it's at home. yeah. like that. it's at levi's the niners. a tough man. aaron rodgers, you mentioned the thing i like every team they played in postseason last year. they play again the packers. >> the lions and the chiefs. so they'll have a a chance to play all those teams. again, of course, the lines in the packers probably looking for redemption all the niners are looking for redemption against the chiefs. so it's always fun. the nfl know it's just. >> it dominates. they just know how capture our attention take our money. just take all of it. i can't wait. yeah,
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jason, like what a good travel and no, no holiday games. now thanksgiving christmas. 49 for the thankfully for working.
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: actress angie harmon in tears after a minster cart delivery guy her dog. speak of the student have to happen. >> announcer: and who is the delivery guy who showed up at her front door? >> your dog tried to bite me.


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